Building the creative commons community in nigeria

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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This presentation describes the actions needed to build the Creative Commons Nigeria community

Transcript of Building the creative commons community in nigeria

Building the Creative Commons Community in Nigeria

Kayode Yussuf | Technical Lead | Creative Commons Nigeria

’Start by doing what is necessary,then what is possible

and suddenly, you’re doing the impossible.’

Saint Francis of Assisi

Creative Commons NigeriaThe story so far

Who are these Creatives?The CC Nigerian Community

• Academics; • Digital techies (software developers, web designers, app developers); • Authors and publishers; • Scholars; • University Librarians and Librarians from research Institutions; • Musical artists; • Fashion designers; • Actors & Actresses; • Movie and music producers; • Artists; • Policy makers esp NCC, Trademarks Registry, NOTAB, the Judiciary; • Students; • IP lawyers and practitioners, etc.

Why Volunteer with CC Nigeria?

Our Projects• Young African Research Arena (YARA)

Our Projects Cont’d

Our Projects Cont’d

Our Projects Cont’d

• Open Source University

• Translation Projects

• Networking• Informal and cheap source of training• Fulfillment• Addition to your achievements• Relevance and respect in the community• Flexible working hours• Ample supervision

Benefits to Community

What is expected of the community?





Financial support

Skills needed to build the community?

• Strategic Planning;• Legal experts;• Fund raising;• Community building;• Web development;• Graphics design;• Networking;• Social media and PR experts.

How do we plan to engage the community?

• Mailing lists

• Support for personal projects

• Collaboration on community projects

• Conference communities (2015 Global Summit)

Other CC Communities Globally

If each one can reach one, then each one can teach one

what a beautiful nation Nigeria can be…..

Chaz B, OAP and Producer of Sharing Life Issues with Chaz B

Thank you for listening, we hope you join us

Kayode YussufTechnical Lead,

Creative Commons, Nigeria Affiliate Chapter,
