Building Community

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Building Community

  • 1. Hosting Meetups, Camps, Conferences, andOnline Projects Building the Community that Builds Drupal

2. The Presenters

  • Amye Scavarda,

3. Stella Power, 4. Susan MacPhee 5. Benjamin Melancon, 6. You! 7. About this Drupal Community

  • We like to gather in large groups.

8. 9. DrupalCon Barcelona, 2007 10. DrupalCamp Victoria British Columbia, Canada 2008 SeptemberDrupalcon Boston 2008 11. 12. Gather in groups ...and take pictures of ourselves. 13. 14. Drupal Design Camp Boston, 2009 key point-place of the Design4Drupal movement 15. 16. 17. 18. Oh, yes

  • And we work on code.

19. Drupalcon Boston Code Sprint, MIT, 2008 March 20. But, none of this happens completely by accident.What makes our gatherings successful? 21. 22. Meetups

  • The basics of hosting small meetups also form the essentials of hosting larger events.

23. A Place. 24. How to find a Place

  • Room at a Drupal-using institution.

25. A Drupal shop or major Drupal user's office. 26. A university's classroom or lecture hall. 27. A set of rooms donated by the likes of Sun. 28. A restaurant or caf with wifi found on 29. Time

  • Finding time for yourself to organize anything.Can't help with that.

30. Finding a good time for everyone else to attend:

  • After 6:30 p.m. weekdays.

31. Weekends. 32. Whole week for a conference. 33. Has anyone surveyed potential attendees, or have any other experience or thoughts? 34. Telling People about the Place and Time

  • Also known as: getting people there.

35. Communication Channels


36. Regional Drupal groups. 37., there is a global group and some kind souls pay for accounts locally.Get yourself added with the ability to list events. 38. E-mail lists. 39. Private e-mail. 40. Running into people in the street. 41. On beyond meetups!

  • Actually, on beyond small meetups.

42. Meetups and camps come in all sizes. 43. Large meetups (over 50) can be the size of small camps, and large camps (200) can be the size of smaller conference-size events. 44. Organizing a Drupal N'Go Event 45. Teamwork 46. Beg, borrow or steal 47.

  • Promote,promote , promote

48. Goodplanningis crucial 49.

  • Cho osesimple , achievablesites to implement

50. Avoid scope creep! 51.

  • InvolveNGO membersin the event

52. 53. 54. Blog post: Zikomo Ireland: Rural Science Association: 55. ConferencesConferences Conferences are what happen when your gathering gets too big for any space you can conceivably beg, borrow or steal.If we consider that camps are an order of magnitude more work than meetups (on different timelines), conferences are the next stage above this. (You already know this, you're at one.) 56. You run into various new problems:Space rental. You will no longer be able to get 'in-kind sponsorships' for a space that can hold 500 people.- Contracts with the space that lock you into vendor contracts.- Regulations requiring paying certain staff people: janitors, medical staff (events over 1000)Insurance requirements for said space.Wireless access (always an issue. You'll now have more people telling you it's not working.) Planning of afterparties, and attempting to figure out what percentage of your audience is likely to attend. (All of those amazing photos are an extra in community building.)Even more effective signage. Printed programs that go through a design and revision process. Printing the programs. Getting them to the event.Projectors. Lots of them. And screens! 57. All of these things take money on a large scale.(Use your imagination for the visual.) 58. Yeah, it's kindof like that. 59. The same principles for effective code sprinting apply: Break the components down into bite-size chunks for small teams.Designate mentors-leads-captains for various teams.Check in regularly with your teams. Plan in the beginning (like for calendar dates).Then, coordinate more than you plan.Keeping it real. 60. Virtual Communities and the assorted #drupal IRC channels.Drupal's Open Learning Initiative Drupal Kata Learning how to make good projects. Drupal Dojo Arising again, with a new fall/winter lineup * New Dojo Website * New Kata website, building off Open Atrium * Open Media Project - Integrating and extending the Open Media platform.Programs and Events * Drupal Master Class - Building a website from start to finish * Community Building - An ongoing roundtable discussion about community building 61. 62.

    • dedicated developers
  • 63. invite great speakers (stalk and talk!)

64. University venue (cheap and built for crowd learning 65. promote at local events 66. bring duct tape!= 67. we won't make you use your imagination for money 68. We hope you all had as much of a good time here as we did putting it on.We leave you with, how to know you are have put on a successful Drupal event. If it ends with something like this... 69. Thanks @Wajiii!