Building an Agile Business Dan Montgomery

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Building an Agile Business Dan Montgomery

Building an Agile Business 2 Day Interactive Course

With Dan Montgomery


• We’re missing our strategic targets • We can’t get people and teams to collaborate effectively • We can’t seem to finish projects – our priorities are always shifting STRATEGIC AGILITY In order to cope with increasing complexity and rapid rates of change, agile organizations build: • Widespread awareness of changes in the business environment • Clear focus on outcomes • An ability to talk about strategic issues, make decisions, and follow through • The capacity to redirect people and funding into new priorities as needed The Agile Strategies Toolkit™ is the first practical, step-by-step process for building agility in you, your team, and your organization, based on the experience of the most agile companies. It builds on the best tools and insights from neuroscience research, as well as diverse management disciplines including lean manufacturing, agile software development, and balanced scorecard. It is a unique approach that keeps the focus on customer value and provides the means for everyone in an organization to live, learn, and adapt strategy on a practical, daily basis.

Building an Agile Business | 2 © Agile Strategies LLC 2015

PARTICIPANTS This course is designed for CEOs, CXOs, planning officers, project managers in any industry or sector. Case studies are drawn from banking, healthcare, hospitality and the military. COURSE OVERVIEW This highly engaging, fast moving two-day workshop features presentations, discussion, exercises and real-life examples. Participants will assess their own organization’s level of strategic agility, and gain insights into every stage of building and sustaining an agile strategy management system and culture. Participants in the public course go through a case-study simulation in teams. On site, private courses can be customized to address your organization’s unique challenges. Course participants will receive a certificate of completion.

All course participants receive two follow-up coaching sessions. AGENDA


1. The trouble with strategic planning 2. Strategic agility and its benefits 3. The Agile Strategies ToolkitTM – best practices from fast moving industries 4. Evaluate your organization’s strategic agility 5. Principles of agile thinking

Focus: Charting your Course

1. Understanding your customers 2. Assess opportunities, threats, strengths and challenges 3. Think like a startup – the one page strategy document 4. Customer value propositions 5. Create lean metrics 6. Strategy maps – tell your story 7. The Agile Balanced Scorecard

Engagement: Building Your Team

1. High-engagement project planning 2. Agile collaboration and work management 3. Making and managing commitments and building trust 4. Information transparency 5. Conversations for innovation 6. Learning from experience and moving forward

Action: Making the Journey

1. Strategic initiatives, epics and user stories 2. Prioritizing and funding a project portfolio 3. Focus on the right measures and targets 4. Agile portfolio management 5. Planning cadence 6. Using metrics for reporting and decision making

Apply the Learning: Taking it Back Home

Participant Action Planning and Coaching Follow-up

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WHAT YOU’LL LEARN • Agile strategy practices to keep you aligned and focused amidst rapid change • How to evaluate your organization’s strategic agility • Guidelines for writing powerful and actionable customer value propositions • 3 ways to reveal mental habits that limit strategic thinking and adaptation to change • How to create one-page documents to communicate your strategy and priorities • Collaborative leadership styles that build alignment and commitment • Project planning that engages employees and stakeholders early and often • Why inner agility is essential • Building an agile balanced scorecard to troubleshoot and track progress • Do’s and don’ts for creating lean, meaningful performance measures • Using epics and stories to keep the focus on the customer • Prioritizing, funding and re-prioritizing strategic initiatives • Keeping the plan fresh with strategic cadence

ABOUT DAN MONTGOMERY Dan has worked in the areas of strategic planning, leadership development and balanced scorecard for the past 20 years, following a 15-year career in IT project management. His industry experience includes healthcare, technology, human services, higher education, natural products, utilities, government, financial services, social entrepreneurship, economic development, and construction. He is the founder of Agile Strategies, a source for executives and strategy professionals to learn strategic planning and management practices that help organizations facing high levels of complexity, uncertainty and change. Agile Strategies provides training in practical, systematic tools for agile strategic planning, organizational alignment, outcome measurement, dynamic prioritization of projects, and increased employee engagement. Dan has led public and custom training courses in a number of locations in the U.S. and internationally and helped dozens of clients develop strategic plans and performance measurement systems. Prior to founding Agile Strategies, Dan was Vice President for Professional Services for the Balanced Scorecard Institute, leading BSI’s consulting practice. He is co-author of The Institute Way: Simplify Strategic Planning and Management with the Balanced Scorecard, published in 2013. His previous professional consulting experience includes work with Accenture and Ernst & Young. Agile Strategies is a services partner of Rally Software Development ( the leading provider of agile portfolio and project management software and coaching.

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TESTIMONIALS “Dan did an outstanding job providing an end-to-end understanding of strategic planning based on best practices and pulling from his own experience. Dan made it possible for me to understand important concepts and be prepared to apply them in my business environment. Dan is a strategic planning visionary and though-leader. His ideas are thought provoking and prescient to the challenging times companies face today.” Business Performance Architect, Microsoft “Dan was the consummate instructor, clear, focused, patient. He navigated a large group of diverse executives with the grace and ease of a tenured professor, while taking the time to chat with students like a classmate. Dan is a gem.” Owner, Marketing Agency, Toronto

“Dan took our company on a journey of strategic planning change. He effortlessly engaged everyone and made the whole process easy to understand. Dan is an excellent facilitator with a wealth of knowledge and experience across industries.” HR Executive, Resort Industry, St. Lucia SIGN UP TODAY! The Agile Strategies course is offered publicly four times per year in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. The course is also available on site, using your organization as the case study to get you and your team started! CONTACT INFORMATION Email: Web: Phone: 1-720-641-3048 Skype: danmontgomery LinkedIn: Mail: 2525 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite E4-545 Boulder, Colorado 80302 USA