BUILDING A LEGACY TheG iftT hat Keeps on...

Post on 19-May-2018

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Transcript of BUILDING A LEGACY TheG iftT hat Keeps on...

Obituaries 1160

WALTER CUELL June 13, 1931 - Nov 27, 2015

It is with great sadness that weannounce the passing of ourb e l o v e d h u s b a n d , f a t h e r ,grandfather & brother. Walterpassed away after a brief illnessat the Peace River Hospital. He issurvived by his wife of 63yrsSuzanne, his 3 sons Jeffery,Michae l (Orysya) and Tom(Lucille) and his 6 grandchildrenLaura, Jimmy, Simon, Emily,Samantha & Magdelina. He isalso survived by 3 brothers: Bob,Ritchie & Ted and 2 sisters:Dorothy Fox & Barbara Stewartand is predeceased by h isparents Ceci l & Vio let andbrothers Barry & Wi l l iam. Walter was an accomplishedath le te and won numerouschampionships & awards inHockey, Golf & Curling. He wasinducted into the LethbridgeSports Hall Of Fame in 1986.He was a lso a success fu lbusinessman for the past 43yrswho gave generously back hiscommunity volunteering his timeon numerous boards including thePeace River Golf & Curling Clubs,Kinsmen Club, Rotary Club andChamber Of Commerce all ofwhich he was a past president. Healso sat on the board of directorsfor the AB Golf Assoc, IIBAA andthe AB Driver Control Board. He travelled extensively and wasan active, involved father whocoached all 3 son's hockey andloved to take them golfing andcurling among other activities. Hewill be missed by many, he was atrue engaging friend. His keensense of humour and quick wit areonly surpassed by his enormousgenerosity as a loving husbandand father. If desired, a donation can bemade to the Peace River &D is t r i c t Hea l th Founda t ionwww.prdh f . ca

Obituaries 1160

TAMAGI FUMIKO “FUMI” TAMAGI, ofLethbridge, passed away at theCoalda le Heal th Centre onTuesday, December 15th, 2015 atthe age of 93 years. She is the loving mother of Fay(Sandy) Oakes of Coaldale and acherished grandmother to Jason(Doreen) Oakes (and childrenKailey & Lila) of Lethbridge andKimi (James) Livingston of BlackFalls, Alberta. She was predeceased by her sonToshi, brothers Tash, Naoto,Masao, Nup, Harpo and Kiyo,sisters Dori, Momoyo and Yaekoand parents Toyoki and Haru. Born in Vancouver, B.C. onJanuary 13th, 1922 Fumi had herearly education in Mission City,B.C., graduating from MissionHigh School in 1939. She went tothe University of Alberta to train asa teacher in 1951. Fumi taught fortwo years in Picture Butte andaccepted a position in Lethbridgein 1954. She cont inued toupgrade her education by takingsummer courses in Calgary andEdmonton when she could. Sheearned her B Ed. Degree in 1966.She spent over thirty years as ateacher and thoroughly enjoyedher profession. S h e l o v e d h e r c h i l d r e n ,g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d g r e a t -grandchildren as they were a verybig part of her life. She enjoyedgardening and spending time atthe Seniors Centre. Travelling withher fami ly he ld many fondmemories. She wil l be sadlymissed. A Private Family GravesideService will be held at MountainView Cemetery. In l ieu of f lowers, memorialdonations may be made to theCanadian Diabetes Society, #204,2323 – 32 Avenue N.E., Calgary,AB, T2E 6Z3

To send a condolence, please

Obituaries 1160

PALOTAI It is with great sadness and muchlove that we say goodbye to ourmother, grandmother and greatgrandmother. IRENE PALOTAI passed awayp e a c e f u l l y o n W e d n e s d a yDecember 16, 2015 at theage of 84. She will be fondlyremembered by her daughtersIrene (Peter) Andor, MaggieAdamuv and special friend HarryMunroe, her five grandchildrenZsa Zsa (Bob), Julie, Elizabeth(Ron), Frank (Susan), Marika( S h a n e ) , h e r 1 3 g r e a t -grandchi ldren; James, Cory,Dreana, Lemonia, Joseph, Emily,Holly, Matthew, Virginia, Thomas,Brayden, Kobi and Nova-Lee. Mom came to Canada in 1957from Hungary to make a better lifefor us. She took great pride in herwork ethic, her garden and themeals prepared for her family. We will be forever grateful foryour bravery, your strength andyour determination. We love youmom, rest in peace. Relatives and friends are invitedt o p a y t h e i r r e s p e c t s a tCORNERSTONE FUNERALHOME, 2800 Mayor MagrathDrive South, Lethbridge, AB, onSaturday, December 19, 2015 at2:00 P.M.

To send a condolence, please

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2015 F Lethbridge Herald page - D2

Obituaries 1160

ANNO SLOMP1928 - 2015

At the age of 87years, AnnoSlomp went to be w i th h isheavenly Father on December 16. Born in Drenthe, the Netherlands,he immigrated to Canada in 1954.He was pre deceased by Ena, hisloving wife of 57 years. Togetherthey raised 6 children: Klaas (Deb)of Lethbridge and their childrenJessica (Brian Cool), Laura (DanBooy), and Brad (Nicole); Mike(Judy) of Edmonton and theirchildren Stefan (Kimberly), Caitlin,and Genieva; Flo, of Edmonton;Allan (Betty) of Nobleford and theirchildren Shelly (Jon Pfeffel), Matt(Alexandria), Scott (Chelsey VanVaerenbergh), and Alyssa (TravisTams); Grace (Mike Pool) ofVienna, Virginia and their children

Jordan and Joel; Mel (Anita) of Edmonton and their children Kyria,Cameron, and Julia. He was also blessed with seven great grandchildren:Oren, Ryleigh, Beckett, Avianna, Ariella, Josiah, and Isaiah. Dad has twosurviving sisters and three brothers. In addition, he loved and was loved byan extensive extended family and numerous friends. He was a compassionate man, a gentle soul; active in his church,farming and school communities, and in areas of special interest such asprison ministry. Friends and family may pay their respects between 6:30pm and 8:00pm,on Monday, December 21, 2015, at MARTIN BROTHERS RIVERVIEWCHAPEL, 610-4th Street S. Lethbridge. A service celebrating his life will be held at 2:00pm on Tuesday,December 22, 2015 at the NOBLEFORD CHRISTIAN REFORMEDCHURCH, 522 Highway Avenue, Nobleford. As family, we thank many, including the staff at the Good Samaritan –West Highlands facility who cared for both mom and dad over the past fewyears. Also, we appreciate the medical attention provided to dad in thepast two months by the staff and physicians of Unit 4b at the ChinookRegional Hospital. Lastly, we thank Martin Brothers Funeral Chapels fortheir services.

Visit to send a private condolence.

Obituaries 1160

Obituaries 1160


Mrs. Hazel Mary Simanton ofForemost, beloved wife of the lateMr. Edward Ceci l Simanton,passed away at the Bow IslandH e a l t h C e n t r e o n F r i d a y ,December 18, 2015 at the age of100 years. Funeral arrangements will beannounced when completed.

Visit www.mbfunerals.comto send a private condolence.

Obituaries 1160

MANY SHOTS - KASHEEP KAVEN RITA REANNE MANYSHOTS - KASHEEP, was ayoung, beautiful, woman that stillhad a fulfilling life ahead of her butGod decided to call her home onSaturday December 12, 2015 atthe age of 18 years. A Funeral Mass will be held at ST.M A R Y ' S I M M A C U L A T ECONCEPTION PARISH - BloodReserve, Alberta, on Saturday,December 19, 2015 at 11:00 A.M.with Father Pawell Andrasz O.M.I.

To send a condolence, please

MERV RAUWS1957 - 2015

George Mervyn Rauws belovedhusband of Shelly Rauws, passeda w a y i n T a b e r o n F r i d a yDecember 18, 2015 at the age of58 years.

Card of Thanks 1145

Irene Matisz Wells

The families of the late Irene

Matisz Wells wish to extend

our sincere thanks for the

many kindnesses, cards, and

condolences that we have

received. We also extend our

gratitude and appreciation to

the doctors , nurses and

v o l u n t e e r s a t C h i n o o k

Regional Hospital for the

excellent care and compassion

they provided our mother in

her final days.

Thank you to the staff and

residents of Martha’s House

who befriended our mother,

Irene, and especially, Father

Alphonse Nar i se t ty , fo r

sp i r i tua l d i rec t ion .

Thank you to All Saints

Parish (Assumption Church),

especially, Sharon Hagel, who

l e d p r a y e r s , a n d

a c c o m m o d a t e d a l l o u r

requests. Thank you, Father

Lukas Drapal, Cheryl Hudak,

the Resurrection Choir, and

H o n o r G u a r d , C a t h o l i c

Women’s League, for making

the Funeral Mass a beautiful

celebration as we lay to rest

our beautiful mother.

A special thank you to the

C . W . L . v o l u n t e e r s w h o

prepared a lovely luncheon

and space for our families and

f r i e n d s t o g a t h e r a n d

r e m i n i s c e .

Finally, a sincere thank you to

Cornerstone for helping us

navigate final plans, and for

the respect shown to our

family at this time.

Card of Thanks 1145

The fami ly o f the la te

William (Bill) King would

like to say thank you to family

and friends for all the support

we rece ived dur ing th i s

difficult time. The visits, calls,

cards, emails, flowers and food

were greatly appreciated.

Thanks to Reverend Glenda

Wert for her kind words and

comfort in our time of need,

and to the doctors and nurses

involved in Bill’s care over the


Special thanks to Joyce Ober

and Rob Meheden for the

eulogy and to Chris Murray

for his tribute, they beautifully

portrayed the man Bill was.

Thank you to the staff and

m a n a g e m e n t o f M a r t i n

Brothers, especially Sandy

Regier and Lisa Shimozawa.

Your professionalism, care and

c o m p a s s i o n w e r e t r u l y

a p p r e c i a t e d .


Billy and Carolyn

Brenda and Brian

Andrea and Brad, Darin

Card of Thanks 1145


We feel immense gratitude for

your outpouring of love &

support. Sharon's celebration

was enriched by your prayers,

attendance, words, flowers &

love. Thank you for the

donations, Mass intentions,

calls, messages, cards, hugs,

f o o d , g i f t s a n d s t o r i e s

shared.Your generous help &

overall kindness has gotten us

through this week, we could

not have done it without you.

Big thanks to the CWL, choirs

& Cornerstone Funeral Home.

Sincere appreciation to family,

friends, staff & doctors who

supported Sharon. She would

be earnestly telling each of

you, "Thank you so much &

God bless you!"

Les & Sheree Obbagy

Obituaries 1160

In Memoriams 1150


December 19, 2014

It's been a "year" since you left us.Remembering you is easy,

It brings "smiles" to our faces,with fond memories

With love,

your family!

Monday to Saturday 10-5 (Store hours)Monday to Saturday 10 - 4 (Donation hours)

1004 1st ave Lethbridge403-327-3199

BUILDING A LEGACYThe Gift That Keeps on Giving

Legacy Giving is a great way to benefit your charity of choice over time, or toplan for a gift down the road that will benefit your cause for years to come.

Interfaith Food Bank offers a few options:

Community Foundation Administered Endowment FundInterfaith Food Bank established an endowment fund through our localCommunity Foundation, through which donations are invested, and the

food bank receives the interest only, ensuring funds are available for yearsto come. Contact the Community Foundation office at 403-328-5297 or


1103 - 3 Ave. North Lethbridge AB T1H 0H7 • Phone: 403-320-8779Fax: 403-328-0521 •

Toonie Market


2 0 0 W A T T J V CRX5050 receiver w/surround sound andd v d c o m p a t i b l e .$40. (403)329-3417

AFFORDABLE RE-FURBISHED NOTE-BOOK for sale. $65.Comes with an au-thentic version ofWindows 8.1 /10.Specs: 1.83 GHz,1.5 GB Ram, 80 GBHard Drive. 15.4" wi-descreen display.(403)317-7799.

B E N C H D R I L LPRESS. 1/2" chuck -4 speeds, used verylittle. $100.00 Phone403-327-6407

CANNON EOS650CAMERA w/ 50mmauto focus lens,case and flash. LikeBrand new. IdealC h r i s t m a s g i f t .$100.00 Phone 403-327-6407

H O L I D A YS H O P P I N G ?DELL desktop $75.F r e e P r o g r a m s .Dual cores. $100.403-928-2700

DRYER FOR SALEi n g o o d s h a p e .Works good. Asking$50 OBO 403-331-7337

ELVIS PRESLEYC O L L E C T O R SElvis 77 Commem-o r a t i v e m u s i c a lliquor decanter. 14"high, porcelain Elvisfigure (orig. box)+documentation pa-pers. Exc. condition$99. 403-328-2424

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M E N ' S S I Z E 1 0American Eagle run-ners high top black.New. Paid $75 Ask-ing $30.00 403-331-7337

REEBOK UNDER-SHIRT FOR hockeyand lacrosse. $25403-331-7337

'TIS THE SEASON!Toshiba laptop dualcore 15". Comesw i t h l o a d s o fprograms. 2.0 MHz2 GB ram. $100403-928-2700

Items Under $100


BRAND NEW WIGSfor sale $95 403-942-1898

Articles for Sale


P F A L T Z G R A F FBEAUTIFUL 12 pc.p lace se t t ing o fstoneware many ex-tras. Pedestal cof-fee mugs, tea cups,saucers, bread, but-t e r and desse r tp l a t e s , s e r v i n gbowls, platter, cof-f e e c a r a f e s ,cream/sugar. Creamco lou r w i th so f tpink/blue f lowers$200.00 for all, usedtwice, some piecesnot at all. Perfect forholiday season orgift. 403-405-0030or 894-2636

Lost 0155

LOST ONSAT DEC 5Steel puffed


on theNorthsidehas great


Big reward iffound &returned

Please call403-894-6865

Found 0160

FOUND!! LADIESBRACELET. Foundin parking lot of St.Theresa's Villa, onDec 3rd. Please call403-757-0005, to in-quire.

Pets & Supplies


P U R E B R E DYORKIE PUPPIESfor sale. 2 female,immunization shotsup to date. Call tomake an appt forviewing. 403-315-5197

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