Buffalo Women

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Buffalo Women

  • 8/12/2019 Buffalo Women


    Have a Little Talk with Myself, Buffalo Woman and MeOdi rsn

    Idin k sunIdin woIdin fo!u lerun inu"intin

    # d$If% f&n 'r&nm(l)B)*% nla ree kole k%n iri*iti kiri*iti si %%rin eleye+*o n wn n koseO-*e-*o n*. r&*o/!0 eley0 il0 yi kole 1ami mn adire o1i1i k la1a amufo


    Idin is not slee1in-Idin does not restIdin does not have 1atien3eMade divination for 'r&nm(l)Who was *uildin- a house in the midst of wit3hesThey advi3e him to make sa3rifi3e

    He 1erformed itThat is why the wit3hes of this house 3an not kill me anymoreO1i1i$s *irds do not have win-s *ut fly

    One of the thin-s I have found on the way to the elevation in Ifa throu-h my Ori has *een asheddin- of older forms of thou-ht forms and outmoded ways of thinkin-4 It was one of the mostim1ortant thin-s that I found in learnin- a*out the history of Mali as well as su*se5uent history$sof the 1eo1le of 6oru*a de3ent4 It was the sad *ut story of stren-th and enduran3e of thedau-hter of Buffalo Woman, 7o-olon 8onde and her son 7undiata4 The story -oes on to say that7o-olon 8onde was one of im1osin- 1ower and was -iven to the /are 9eita, the ruler of Mali4 #sa meta1hysi3ian the 9in- /are 9eita was a -ifted medi3ine 1erson, a handsome, 1owerful manand very 3harismati34 However, 7o-olon 8onde, as a very youn- 3hild was 3hosen to take on thevery 1owerful elemental for3es and s1irits that are liken to the Iyami Osoron-a, in one 1erson as

    well as other s1irits that tau-ht her in her slee1, durin- the day and invaded her life 3hoosin- herto *e their 1riest4 7o-olon 8onde was 1hysi3ally marred *y the 1owers of the divinities that ruledthe land in order for her to master them -ivin- her the ri-hts to work their 1ower for the healin- ofthe 1eo1le4 The 1hysi3al disa*ilities turned a 1hysi3ally *eautiful -irl 3hild to a woman *efore hertime hun3hed and s3arred with 1ower4 6et, she 3arried this for3e of the :ods of this land anduniverse with di-nity, -ra3e, and fortitude4 It was 1ro1hesied /ar0 Ma-hann 9onat0 ;also 3alledMa-han 9on ankaran Toumani 9e?ta4 However, when two Traor0hunters from the >o kin-dom 1resented him an u-ly, hun3h*a3ked woman named 7o-olon@ heremem*ered the 1ro1he3y and married her4 7he soon -ave *irth to a son47undiata and his mother, who now had -iven *irth to two dau-hters and ado1ted a se3ond son

    from 9onat0As third wife /amand!0, suffered the s3orn of the new kin- and his mother4 #fter aninsult a-ainst 7o-olon, 7undiata re5uested an iron rod from the *la3ksmith /ounfari, whi3h heused to 1ull himself u1ri-ht and walk4 /onetheless, the hatred of 7assouma Beret0 and >ankaranToumani 9eita soon drove 7undiata, his mother, and his two sisters into eile in the Menakin-dom4 Meanwhile, 7oumaoro 9ant0, 3ruel sor3erer kin- of 7osso, atta3ked the Mandinkakin-dom, 3ausin- >ankaran Toumani 9eita to take fli-ht in fear4 The o11ressed Mandinka 1eo1lethen sent for the eiled 7undiata4

  • 8/12/2019 Buffalo Women


    or-aniin- the nu3leus of the em1ire, 1resentin- the :*ara of no*les and nota*les at his3oronation with an oral 3onstitution known as the 9ouroukan

  • 8/12/2019 Buffalo Women


    3hild destined for a -lorious destiny if only she have 1atien3e4 Mine and my relationshi1s withfamily@ yours may *e e3onomi3s and anyone else@ may *e a myriad of 1ossi*ilities of 1ro*lemsdesi-ned !ust for our individual 1aths of life4 Iya 7o-olon 8onde *ore the 1hysi3al, mental ands1iritual s3ars of all the women of her linea-e and more4 It is my 1rayer that those who love usunderstand the le-a3y of 1ower we must hold and undertake4 :enerations of women who overthe 3enturies eventually understood that the le-a3y of Buffalo woman is our le-a3y today4 6ousee 7o-olon left 7undiata after the *attle with the 7or3erer 9in- 7osso usin- her wanin- 1ower toshow her son the true 1ower and for3e that was his inheritan3e from his father, as well as hismother4 7he, then -athered herself, lift her *ody in the air like the o1i1i *ird with no win-s *ut3ould fly and sha1ed shifted leavin- all wonderin- where she had -one4 7he disa11eared leavin-everyone *ut 7undiata wonderin- where she had -one4Ire