BUCK CREEK B C UCK REEK EWSLETTER CTOBER UMC …I own a dental laboratory. We make crowns & bridges,...

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Transcript of BUCK CREEK B C UCK REEK EWSLETTER CTOBER UMC …I own a dental laboratory. We make crowns & bridges,...





In the few years I have been at Buck Creek UMC there is probably one thing that I constantly see that overshadows everything else. You are all serious givers. When I use the word, “serious”, I don’t mean that you aren’t cheerful givers, but in the sense that you take giving seriously and constantly live it out in your lives. My family and I have been the recipients of this giving numerous times and it always reminds me of how important this is for all Christians. Although there is a pastor appreciation month, there is no church appreciation month that I am aware of. But I think that it is certainly appropriate and definitely worthwhile to tell all of you at BCUMC how much you are appreciated. So, for all of the prayers, the hugs, the words of encouragement, the grace offered when I fail, the smiles, the gifts, and everything else that seems to come so naturally from all of you, I want you to know that you are appreciated!!! It may be that praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value to its scarcity, as Samuel Johnson said, but most of us would prefer to err on the side of giving too much praise than too little. One who would agree was the wife of an old Vermonter named Eb. Old Eb was, like many of his breed, rather stingy with words. He said very little, and then rather grudgingly. One evening he was sitting on the front steps with his wife. The long day's work, the good supper, and the peaceful sights and sounds of dusk must have softened him up. He took his pipe out of his mouth and said, "When I think of what you've meant to me all these years, Judith, sometimes it's almost more than I can stand not to tell you." My prayer is that I, like all of you at BCUMC, would remember the importance of giving to others, especially in the area of encouragement. Let us be free with praise of others but careful with our criticism. May God continue to help us grow to be more like Jesus Christ in the months to come.

Pastor Dwight



BUCK CREEK UMC NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2009 THE STAFF Tim Schnepp, editor. e-mail: timothys81@yahoo.com Nancy Schnepp, primary reporter Additional reporters this month: M. Fleming, R. Rohrer, R. Shepard, M. Pless Carol Shepard, church secretary, duplicator. People providing pictures this month: N. Schnepp, P. Eckhart, M. Clark, T. Schnepp

Thanks be to God forever.

BCUMC on the web: http://www.gbgm-umc.org/bcumcin/

SANCTUARY FLOWERS Oct. 04: For a Great Harvest and for Jimmie's birthday month (Donna Payne) Oct. 11: Mary Strong for daughters Sandy & Cindy's birthdays Oct. 18: Jim Davidson Sr.'s 75th birthday (10/22) Oct. 25: Ralph for Mindy Jester's birthday (10/29)

THANK YOUS + I wish to thank all who sent me birthday greetings, the many phone calls, flowers and greetings from Oregon (Go Boilers). Many kind notes in cards meant much. To Carmen and family for a surprise family party. A milestone of life that God has blessed me with. Praise God. God Bless All.

- Maralyn Turner

+ We couldn’t thank everyone enough for the flowers, support & prayers this year. Who would have thought 2009 would be so crazy for the Flemings! We feel very blessed to attend & be a part of a church that truly cares for its congregation. The flowers are beautiful & a true girlie addition to the nursery. What a welcome! God bless---

- Dan, Melissa, Anna, Adam & Abby


Oct. 4: Ron Tull Oct. 11: Sam Stratton

Oct. 18: Jim Davidson Sr. Oct. 25: Jim Davidson Jr.


WISHES OVERHEARD We wish to thank 3 kind and thoughtful ladies from Colburn UMC who made a special trip over to BC with a truckload and a trunk load of nice items for Kentucky Mt. Mission.

WANT ON OUR MAILING LIST? If you’d like to receive our newsletter in the mail, or receive notification by e-mail when a new issue is posted online, please contact us at:

BCUMC Newsletter PO Box 157 Buck Creek, IN 47924

or for e-mail notification: nancyschnepp51@gmail.com

CHANCEL PLAYERS TO PRESENT... "BLACKPOOL AND PARRISH" The Chancel Players of Lafayette will present “Blackpool and Parrish” by David Belke in the Fellowship Hall of St. Lawrence Catholic Church, 1916 Meharry St., Lafayette, on October 16, 17, 23, 24 at 7:30 p.m. (The play is produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.) Ralph Rohrer, lay leader at Buck Creek UMC, has a role in the play. Bonnie Shoaf, former pastor at BCUMC and current pastor at Burlington UMC, is production assistant. For five millennia Harry Blackpool has been the agent for all Evil on Earth, while Rachel Parrish has represented Good. These implacable foes meet in a private club every twenty-five years. With the end of the world scheduled for tomorrow at teatime, they must pass their duties to their oblivious heirs: a mild mannered physical education teacher and an aggressively Bohemian artist. Caught in the middle of their cosmic gamesmanship is an anxious club manager. As the sole representative of humanity, he may be the key to Armageddon's outcome in this fast-paced comedy of apocalyptic proportions. The goal of the Chancel Players of Lafayette, a member of the Tippecanoe Arts Federation, is to produce entertaining yet thought-provoking plays with a moral, ethical, and spiritual focus. Chancel Players has presented dramas at Brown Street UMC, Stidham UMC, Congress Street UMC, Grace UMC, and Christ UMC, as well as Immanuel Church of Christ, First Baptist Church of Lafayette, and St. John’s Episcopal Church.

- Ralph Rohrer


NEW BABY!! WELCOME ABBIGAIL FLEMING! Dan & Melissa Fleming are the proud parents of a new baby girl! After 7.5 hours of labor, Abbigail Morgan Fleming was born on Saturday, August 22, 2009, at 4:35pm. Abby was born at Clarian Arnett Hospital in Lafayette, Indiana, weighing in at 7 lbs. 6.5 ounces, and 20 3/4 inches long. She is welcomed by her two siblings, Anna Lynn & Adam Christopher. Big sis Anna's first comment upon seeing her was "she's adorable!" Melissa shares "that Adam's face said it all when he said "my baby" and then we told him he had two sisters. The look was precious!" Abby's maternal grandparents are Paul & Bev (Claussen) Dunlap, paternal grandparents are Michael & Nancy (Skinner) Fleming. Other relatives are Uncle Doug (Daddy's twin), Aunt Susan (Daddy's sister), Uncle Brian (Susan's husband) and Cousin Mason (Susan and Brian's).

Congratulations from your Buck Creek Church family!



1. Where were you born? Danville, Illlinois 2. What are you best at? Fixing things around the house. 3. Have you ever locked your keys in your car? Yes, I accidentally hit the lock button when I got out of the car, with the keys still in the ignition. Luckily my wife was at home with the spare set of keys. 4. What is your job? I own a dental laboratory. We make crowns & bridges, & veneers. 5. Complete the phrase: “Thank you God for…” The Great Banquet.

DIANNA MASON 1. Where did you go to school? Jefferson High School. 2. Where and when were you married? November 15, 1964, Congress St. Methodist Church 3. Tell us about your family. Lynn & I have 3 wonderful children: “Adam”, “Michelle” & “Shawn”. Adam has 2 children Sydney & Devin. Michelle has 3 – Nick, Ryane & Jackson. Shawn has 4 – Jada, Truman, & the Twins Rece & Finn. 4. Do you put your left shoe or your right shoe on first? I have no clue, but it is a sock & a sock & a shoe & a shoe, not a sock & a shoe & a sock & a shoe. 5. What inspired you to begin attending Buck Creek UMC? My friendship with Anita Davidson.



This month we meet one of the newer couples in our church

family, Lynn & Dianna Mason!



Pastor Joe & Joelle will celebrate their 8th anniversary this month on October 13th. They send this update:

+ 1. CURRENTLY SERVING: Brookston UMC + 2. HIGHLIGHTS IN YOUR LIFE SINCE LEAVING BCUMC: Since leaving BCUMC, we have added a daughter to our family. Her name is Hannah Noelle. She will be two in September. She is such a joy. Both of the boys are in school this year. Anthony is in first grade and Samuel is in Kindergarten. Also, we recently added a puppy. She is a Golden Retriever and her name is Sonic. Our boys named her after Sonic the Hedgehog from video game world. She's cute & is living up to her high speed name. + 3. A FOND MEMORY OF BCUMC: We enjoyed the annual retreats at Pine Creek Camp. It was a special time to relax and enjoy the company of special friends in the peacefulness of God’ss creation. Also, we often talk about what a loving congregation you are and how welcomed we felt our first Sunday with you. We will never forget that. + 4. A POSTCARD NOTE TO THE FOLKS AT BCUMC: Dear Buck Creek Friends, It is hard to believe that it has been four years since we were with you. The time has gone so fast. We have enjoyed staying updated about you and your families in the weekly Sunday summaries that Nancy sends out. You will always be a special part of our ministry experience. Anthony occasionally mentions that he remembers singing Jesus Loves Me each Sunday when walking up for the children's message. We will continue to keep you in our prayers and hope that we will remain in yours. Blessings to all.

- Pastor Joe, Joelle, Anthony, Samuel and Hannah


WINDOWS REPAIRED! This spring it was decided that our church's beautiful stained glass windows should have all their “dents & dings” repaired. Magically, tiny damaged sections of the windows were whisked away over the summer (holes covered with cardboard & black electrical tape). In July the cardboard fill-ins disappeared, and voila! All the windows were as good as new. Now for 101 year old windows, they look great! Thanks to Nancy Balser for all her efforts in getting this done, and to Kaleidoscope Studios (1214 North St., Lafayette, IN 47904) for their expert craftsmanship!



USHERS > Ron Austin / Austin Church / Hunter Metro-Lucies / Ken Mueller GREETERS > Bill Pless / Nancy Schnepp ACOLYTE > Robert Mueller LITURGIST > Ralph Rohrer CHILDREN’S MESSAGE > Pat Miller (4th, 11th, 18th) BELL RINGER > Haleigh Taylor COMMUNION STEWARD > Pam Church SCRIPTURE READERS > Sam Stratton (4th), Diane White (11th) Pam Church (18th), Mindy Jester (25th) NURSERY HELP >

Jim Davidson / Anita Davidson (4th), Jamie Davidson / Ryan Davidson (11th), Lydia Mueller / Ali Davidson (18th), Kay Miller / Lydia Mueller (25th)

If you will not be able to serve as assigned, please contact Ken Mueller.


MISSIONS MEMOS FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION A GREAT SUCCESS! The August collection for the Food Pantry was a great success! Chair Diane White reports that 20 bags of groceries, a case of canned corn, and a case of canned peas, were collected by the BCUMC congregation. On August 30th, Diane had a lot of help loading all that food into the trunk of her little red car [see picture]. When she delivered the groceries to the Food Pantry, she tells us they were amazed that such a small church collected so much food! Another awesome job Buck Creek.

Diane White

Bev the Doorman


+ GREEN JARS: Great job once again, through September 6th, we have collected $693.74 in the green jars.

+ YES KITS: Thank you Lord, our giving congre-gation filled 60 Y.E.S. and 81 of the New Elementary Kits. We have packed 20 boxes full to send to the warehouse in Lapel. God Bless everyone who helped

pack them up and I know He has already blessed everyone who donated. This is a true example of loving others the way God has loved us. –Bob Shepard


QUOTES JUNE 14, 2009 + "I'm reminded of God's love through you..." -Pastor Dwight (upon receiving his birthday cards...) + "I've never been serenaded on my birthday by Muppets before!" -Pastor Dwight (commenting on the puppet show by the youth this morning) + "God wants us to celebrate life and remember His son---the reason to celebrate." -Pam Church (children's message) + "Father God, You are so good to us in so many ways. We miss, a lot of the time, how much You have done for us..." -Pastor Dwight (prayer)

QUOTES JUNE 21, 2009 (Father's Day) + "Who is the Father that we don't see with our eyes, but feel with our hearts? God is everybody's father and we're all God's children." -Pam Church (children's sermon on Father's Day) + "Anything we've done that has displeased You, we repent and ask You to forgive us..." -Pastor Dwight (prayer) + "How does God see any person? With love." -Pastor Dwight (message) + No matter what we've done, God wants to gather us in. My question to you is this: if that is how God views us, how does that affect how we view each other?" -Pastor Dwight (message) + "How many of you have a picture in your mind of the Father waiting for you? All of us want that." -Pastor Dwight (message)

QUOTES JUNE 28, 2009 (VBS Sunday) + Heard over and over again today: "Thanks for sending your kids to VBS." + "Hit it!" -Jackie Arnold (while waiting for VBS music to begin) + "We couldn't do it without all our volunteers." -Tim Schnepp (VBS co-director) + "Hope you will come back in 2010!" -Tim Schnepp (to VBS kids)

QUOTES JULY 5, 2009 + "Let us be open to what He has to speak to us this morning..." -Pastor Dwight (prayer) + "Touch our hearts that we might be more like You..." -Pastor Dwight (prayer) + "We thank You that death is not final. Our hope through you is for eternal life..." -Pastor Dwight (prayer) + Why did Jesus come? So we may have life, not just have physical life, but eternal life. We don't think about it as much as we should." -Pastor Dwight (sermon) + "The Kingdom of God is right here, right now, and we're a part of it!" -Pastor Dwight (sermon) + "If we have the Son, we have LIFE." -Pastor Dwight (sermon)


QUOTES JULY 12, 2009 + "Sign up for all of them---I'm sure you'd be very welcome!" -Coley Sharp (liturgist, on opportunities to serve: flowers, communion steward, and firefighter cookies) + "The words of that last song ("Beautiful") remind us that through You we can be made into the image of Your Son Jesus..." -Pastor Dwight + "God has gifted us all in different and unique ways!" -Pastor Dwight + "Dear Lord, thank You for seeds that grow. Help us plant Your seeds deep in our hearts so Your love will grow within us... Amen." -Ruth Davidson (Children's Sermon)

RECIPE CORNER "…blessed is the man who will eat at the

feast in the Kingdom of God." –Luke 14:15

Pioneer Mac & Cheese

• 4 cups cooked macaroni (~2 c. uncooked) • 2 cups chopped sharp cheese • 3 scant cups milk • 2 eggs • Salt & Pepper to taste

+ Cook the macaroni al dente (still a little chewy). + Put the macaroni and cheese in a baking dish. + Wisk eggs and combine with milk then add to the macaroni and cheese, add salt and pepper and stir. + Bake for 40-50 minutes at 450 + Note: Sometimes I like to use shells instead of macaroni. I add an extra handful of pasta to the pot to make sure there is enough to go around. I always add extra cheese, around ¾ to 1 full 16 oz. block (I like Colby the best). It is really good with some red pepper flakes sprinkled on top if you like hot food. + This recipe was one my Grandma would always fix when I would come to visit. She still fixes it for us and it is still a big hit with all the grandkids.

- Molly Clark




OBITS As a church family, and members of the Buck Creek community, we strive to stay connected to one another. As the bible says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn. –Romans 12:15.

LOUANN (WORTMAN) MILLER, 51 Louann (Wortman) Miller, age 51, of Lafayette, Indiana, died at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Lafayette, on Wednesday, August 19, 2009. Born on Tuesday, September 3, 195 7 in Lafayette, she was the daughter of Lula Belle (Gates) Wortman of Lafayette and the late Richard Wortman. She was a 1975 graduate of William Henry Harrison High School and graduated from Lafayette Beauty Academy. She was a beautician and had worked at Speedway in the Lafayette area. She enjoyed spending time with her two grandchildren. Surviving with her mother are two daughters, Haley M. Miller and Kelsie Miller both of Lafayette; her companion, Mr. Jimmie Sims, Sr., a brother, Michael Wortman (wife, Deb); a sister, Susan Wortman of Lafayette; and two grandchildren, Lashae Johnson and Nevaeh Hankins both of Lafayette. Visitation was Sunday, August 23rd and service 1 p.m. Monday, August 24th at the Hippensteel Funeral Home. It should be noted that Louann spent some of her growing up years in Buck Creek, and attended Buck Creek UMC at that time. Louann's name will be included on the in memory-of list with the socks donated this year to the Lebanon Children's Home from Buck Creek UMC (sponsored by Buck Creek Ladies Missionary Society.) Our sincerest and deepest sympathies to Louann's family and friends. MARY L. (MILLION) McDONALD, 64 Mary L. Million-McDonald, 64, of Monticello, Indiana, died at 7:52 a.m., Sunday, August 9, 2009, at St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. She was the sister-in-law of BCUMCer Dorothy (Million) Halbrook. Mary was born in Logansport on August 29, 1944, to Eugene and Myrtie (Harris) Million. She married Charles McDonald at Logansport on Friday, January 4, 1963. He survives. She had lived in the Monticello area most all of her life. She was a member of the Faith Pentecostal Church in Monticello, where she taught Sunday School, was the secretary and treasurer for many years. She was also a member of the Young at Heart Group of the Lighthouse of Hope, Logansport. She had worked at the old RCA plant, K-Mart department store and A.O. Smith. Other survivors include daughters, Diana McDonald, and Corina (Keo) Phimmasen, both of Monticello; sons, Phillip (Kathy) McDonald, Kokomo, and Michael (Kennita) McDonald, Monticello; five grandchildren (Brittney, Nicolas,


Samantah, Hunter, and Kena); brother, Terry Million, Monticello. A granddaughter, Lindsey McDonald; sister, Shirley Million; and brothers, Mack Million and Melvin Million are deceased. Graveside services were held on August 12th at IOOF Riverview Cemetery, rural Monticello with Pastor J.D. Wampler of the Faith Pentecostal Church, Monticello officiating. Miller-Roscka Funeral Home, Monticello was in charge of arrangements. www.miller-rosckafh.com. Memorials may be given to the Faith Pentecostal Church, 322 W. Jefferson St., Monticello, IN 47960-2227. Our deepest sympathies to Mary's family and friends. Her name will be on the in-memory-of list for this year's socks donations to the children at Lebanon Children's Home from Buck Creek UMC. A donation will be made to the Gideons from BCUMC in her name. JOHN A. CONNELLY, 65 John A. Connelly, 65, of Valparaiso, Indiana, died Saturday, August 29, 2009, at his home. He was born on Saturday, February 5, 1944, in Lafayette, and was the son of Bertha Lillian Kolkana Connelly of Lafayette and the late J. Franklin Connelly. He graduated from East Tipp High School in 1962. He was on the starting five basketball team for East Tipp, and the year he was a senior East Tipp won the County Tourney. John attended Indiana State University and received a B.S. degree in physical education. On Friday, January 3, 1969, in Lafayette, he married Kathie Frazier, who survives. Mr. Connelly was a teacher and coach at Delphi Community High School for five years, then one year at Frontier High School, before serving 29 years as a commodity broker with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. He was a member of Brown Street United Methodist Church in Lafayette and was serving on the board of directors of Valparaiso Country Club. John had attended Buck Creek UMC when he was growing up, and attended Sunday School there. Surviving with his wife and mother are two sons, Gabe Connelly (wife: Michelle) of Naperville, Ill., and Brock Connelly (wife: Desiree) of Chicago; a sister, Mary Ruth Anneren (husband: Ted) of Sarasota, Fla.; and a brother, Donald Connelly (wife: Janet) of rural Buck Creek. Also surviving are 2 granddaughters: Addison and Bianca Connelly. .John will be fondly remembered by those close to him for his love of hunting, fishing and golfing. In high school, John was not only a great basketball player, but a great guy as well. A schoolmate adds, that you just never heard anyone say anything but nice things about him. Visitation was Tuesday, September 1st, and funeral service was Wednesday at Moeller Funeral Home, 104 Roosevelt Road, Valparaiso. Interment at Battle


Ground, Indiana Cemetery. Memorials may be made to American Diabetes Association or Porter County Community Foundation, PO Box 302, Valparaiso, IN 46384. MoellerFuneralHome.com Our sincerest and deepest sympathies to John's family and friends. Our hearts go out to John's brother Don, a former BCUMCer. John's name will be on the in-memory-of list with this year's socks donation to the Lebanon Children's Home (sponsored by Buck Creek Ladies Missionary Society). John will be remembered as a very caring and loving man. BENJAMIN L. DeLONG, 85 Benjamin L. DeLong, 85, of Lafayette, Indiana, died at 7:20 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009, at St. Mary Health Care. He formerly lived outside of Buck Creek, where he and wife Theresa raised their 6 cihldren.

Born on Thursday, January 18, 1924, in Montmorenci, he was the son of the late Peter and Clara Deerr DeLong. He graduated from Buck Creek High School. On Saturday, August 26, 1950, he married Theresa Held, and she survives. Mr. DeLong operated Thorn Hill Dairy (near Buck Creek) with his family. He also worked at TRW/Ross Gear from 1959 until his retirement in 1986. He was a lifelong member of St. Lawrence Catholic Church. He

enjoyed woodworking and spending time with his family. Surviving with his wife are two sons, Peter DeLong (wife: Karen) of Delphi and Kenny DeLong (wife: Susan) of Lafayette; four daughters, Rose DeLong-Bolyard (husband: Victor) of West Lafayette, Dianne Temple (husband: Rennie) of Tucson, Ariz., Marj DeLong of Dallas, Texas, and Pat Van Horn of Dayton, Ind.; and a sister, Ruth Osborne (husband: William) of Houston, Texas. Also surviving are grandchildren, Kirsten Gist, Jessica Van Horn, Matt Temple, Abby Vandewalle, Dave DeLong and Jessie Bolyard; and a great-grandchild, Jackson Gist. He was preceded in death by 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Visitation was 5-7 p.m. Sunday September 13, at Soller-Baker Lafayette Chapel. Funeral Mass was 10 a.m. Monday at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Fr. Ambrose Ziegler officiating. Interment at St. Boniface Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to charity of choice. Online condolences send to www.soller-baker.com Our sincerest and deepest sympathies to Ben’s family and friends. His name will be on the in-memory-of list for this year’s socks donation from Buck Creek UMC to the kids at the Lebanon Children’s Home. He will be remembered as a loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and friend.


A "COOL" TIME AT THE BUCK CREEK FISH FRY 2009 In spite of the overcast sky, the only thing falling weatherwise at the 2009 Buck Creek Fish Fry was the temperature! By the time the prizes

were drawn, it was a chilly 62 degrees outside. A green balloon that escaped from the serving tables flew up into the air and showed us the wind was blowing from the North. Folks were digging for jackets in their cars, and bundling up their little ones from the very cool breeze. The cooler, sunless weather may have been one thing that brought the crowds this year. The attendance had to be the largest since the Fish Fry was moved to East Tipp in 1999. The attendance that

year was 3370. Four thousand paper plates were bought for the 2009 fish fry. All those plates were gone by the end of the evening! They also ran out of fish and fries and had to make a run for more! Two of the people attending the Fish Fry this year, traveled all the way from California to be there: Dale & Laurie Lohrman! Dale (son of Russel & Arlene) grew up in Buck Creek. Months ago Dale double checked the date of the Fish Fry so they could include it on their cross country trip! [see pic] People were waiting 45 minutes in line to eat, but that big crowd is a very good thing for our Buck Creek Volunteer Fire Department! While people were waiting in line they enjoyed the music of the very talented band Charlie's Pocket. (website: www.charliespocket.com) Their pow-erful 2 hour performance included hit songs from various artists including Heart (Heartbreaker), The Police (Roxanne), Lynyrd Skynrd (Sweet Home Alabama), The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and many more.


And the cake auction! The bakers (of all ages) outdid themselves this year. You name any kind of pie or cake and it was probably there! Barb’s fresh peach pie with homemade crust. Doesn't that tickle your taste buds? Pumpkin rolls, cinnamon rolls, carrot cake w/black walnuts, German chocolate pie & cake, blueberry muffins, angel food cake, peanut butter pie, Coley’s red velvet cupcakes, Kathy Cunningham's fancy dec-orated cakes, brownies, apple cake with caramel sauce, homemade cherry pie, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, even some peanut butter fudge thrown in. One of the hot items this year seemed to be plates of cookies. Most cookies went for higher prices including Ruth Waugh's chocolate chip cookies for $160! There are always the "fun" items like a sunshine cake, Wasp's Nest Cake, "Gary's fish cake" (it had gummy fish all over it), a cake shaped and

frosted like an ice cream cone, a large, fancy tea ring, and of course a goldfish cake! Around 120 items were auctioned off. Buck Creek Pizza auctioned off two BC Pizza t-shirts (in pizza boxes) that included a pizza meal. One non-food item was two handsome wooden Adirondack chairs made by Jim Yeoman. Others included 3 dinners for Parkside Deli, a gym, and a Pearl Harbor memorial flask. $4614 was made on the cake auction for the fire department! (Alan Goetz & Sons Auction) The BCUMC ice cream booth cleared $1200! After giving a portion to the BC Volunteer Fire Department, BCUMC will have ~$889. IC Chair Ralph Rohrer said,

"It was a good time, good work, and good results!" Some new flavors were offered this year, including "Superman"! (Guess what color it was!) It got pretty busy at the Ice Cream booth. There were some interesting flavor combination requests: half strawberry & half butter pecan for one. Hmmm. Other requests for half and half sounded good: vanilla &


chocolate; mint chocolate chip & chocolate; and the firefighters seemed to go for orange sherbet and vanilla half and half combination. The BCUMC IC Booth crew accom-modated those who asked for 1/2 bowl for their kids. Chairs Ralph & Mindy wish to thank everyone who helped at the booth (or wished they could): Pam Church, Bill Burley, Frank Rohrer, John Warren, Jane Arnold, Bob Waugh, Audrey Chappell, Ruth Waugh, Bev Poore, Kenny Shaff, Andy Coblentz, Mariann Arnold, Lorena Poore, Caroline Coblentz, Freda Rohrer, Jim Davidson Jr., Kyle Schnepp, Molly Clark, Austin Church, Anita Davidson, Carol Shepard. And, special thanks to Donna Payne who gave her all when it came time to clean out the freezer [see pic]. Thanks to anyone else we missed!

Lohrmans (L) & Davidsons


Kid's Raffle winners were Jared Kennedy, Greg & Michael Ferguson, and Kelly Gregory. Raffle winners: John Deere X300 tractor from Holt Equipment (or $2000): Rodney Maxwell. Landscape installed by Lawn & Shrub ($1500): Judy Hancock. A Fire's Place (gas log or outdoor fire pit) ($600): Lester Snyder Coyote Crossing package: Jay Sliger Sr. Lafayette Masonry ($250 cash): Dick Weigand Gas Grill from Vectren ($500 value): B.T. Fisher Spa package: Dave Ward Buck Creek Pizza: pizza a month ($200): Max Scowden J&K Supply ($250 cash): Ryan Gastenoff (Profits from the Fish Fry go to benefit the Washington Township Volunteer Fire Department. It is always held the fourth Saturday in August. Mark your calendars for August 28, 2010!)


POSTMARK POWER A postmark is defined as a cancellation mark stamped on mail by a postal official, indicating the post office and date of mailing. Postmarks are typically used as a means of marking up or otherwise defacing stamps so you can't peel them off and use them again. I have, albeit passively, collected postmarks for over a decade. I can think of three reasons why I would do this:

1. After a trip to the mailbox, it requires very little effort to cut out the upper right corner of a letter that has a postmark and store it away. It takes even less effort to leave the entire envelope intact and simply place it in a file folder. Boom. Instant collection. 2. I adore geography. I have been obsessed with maps, atlases, and globes since I could first read. When I look at a postmark, my mind starts conjuring up imagery of the destination. I don't know how to describe it, other than to say I feel instantly connected to a place I may or may not have ever been. 3. I'm a huge nerd. Geek. Nerd.

In our futuristic world of 2009, junk mail, letters from nonprofit organizations, and mail from businesses and universities typically features a little square with the words "postage PAID" where the stamp would've gone back in ye olden days. Another common sight is the red impression made by meter mail. Anyone else remember the Pitney Bowes ad blitz featuring John Ratzenberger? His catch phrase being, "Hey! I look good in red!" as his face slowly dissolved, transforming into a wavy red postmark. You can still send ordinary things like a letter to a friend, your bills (gasp!), or postcards using stamps, but these items are taken to a processing facility where the regional city's name is sprayed onto the stamp area using fancy technology. Non-stamped mailing methods are all common-sense strategies used to improve efficiency and add a touch of professionalism to our snail mail, but it's very rare anymore for me to add a postmark to my modest little collection. I guess there was the time not too long ago when I wrote to the Amundsen-Scott research station, a U.S. research facility at the South Pole which used to tout a special postmark that featured the Antarctic continent. Like someone used to say (was it you, Mom?), "you have to send mail to get mail." I really hadn't thought about postmarks in a while when I was working on the church newsletter this past July. After the newsletters were mailed out, we had one copy come back to us with the little yellow "return to sender" label. It said something like the intended recipient had moved, or perhaps the forwarding time to the his new address had expired, or maybe it was because his new mailbox was ten feet high and no one could reach it. I think it was the second one. I looked at this returned newsletter, which appeared to be a bit worse for the wear than when we first mailed it. It was frayed on one side. When we mail the newsletters, we know that this might happen since we don't put the


issues in an envelope, but rather tape shut the sides... it saves us a few nickels per issue by keeping us under the one-ounce letter rate. The taping is usually effective, but on occasion a whole cover can become torn. The newsletters are processed on heavy-duty machinery, including conveyers at the big post office facility in Lafayette. I got an inkling to look up better (or cheaper) ways of mailing our newsletters on the internet. I did research on our church's eligibility for nonprofit and bulk mailings. One search result read: "Did you know that you can cancel your own mail?" Uh, no, I didn't know that! So I clicked the link, which turned out to be homepage for something called the Mailer's Postmark Permit club. On the site, in thorough detail, it explained how to obtain a permit to cancel your own mail from your local post office, as well as how to order your own postmarking device. I immediately thought about how unique it would be to mail out all our entire batch of monthly newsletters with a bold Buck Creek postmark right there on the back page. And the permit could be obtained for free, the only cost being the price of the rubber handstamp I'd have to purchase. And now, in brief format, the "reasons" and "perks" that go along with owning your own postmark permit: + #1: Numerous junk mailers use "presorted" or "bulk rate" stamps not available for use by the general public without an expensive permit. These stamps don't get (or need) a postmark, so people usually (and easily) identify them as junk! Straight into the trash can! When junk mailers get a postmark permit, they unnecessarily cancel these stamps, making their mailings look less junk-ish. + #2: If you postmark your own mail, the stamps don't have to go through cancellation equipment. Say... that's one less conveyor for the newsletters to go through. Yes! Now we're getting somewhere. + #3: You can use up small-denomination stamps on a package without creating a ton of work for your postman. Okay, I know this is a stretch, but what about mailing a sweater to your aunt and lining the entire box with sheets of one-cent stamps? Viola! Instant wrapping paper! Just use your postmarking device about a million times to cancel all the stamps. + #4: Uh, well, I liked postmarks to begin with. What was not to love about the prospect of having my own postmarking device? All issues of the September 2009 newsletter that were mailed got canceled with my new Mailer's Postmark Permit. So will these October 2009 issues. Some of you may have wondered why we significantly changed the back of the newsletter. Here's your reason. A line from the big box was right where the postmark needed to be. I think the postmark has become a great way to highlight the identity of our Buck Creek community, as well as our church.


This publication strives to report not only on church happenings, but also on significant events in and around the Buck Creek area. I indeed did order my own postmark handstamp, and now it's now part of that BC history. Interested in obtaining your own postmark permit? You'll need USPS form 3615, which can also be printed here:

http://www.usps.com/forms/_pdf/ps3615.pdf Take it to the post office of your choosing, and start the application process. The permit will be good for your chosen post office and that post office only. Any mail you postmark will have to be hand delivered to a clerk at that post office. So many rules! So many regulations! So many newsletters to postmark and mail! Wait... what just happened to my passive hobby?

- Tim Schnepp

NOT FOR A MILLION DOLLARS... Upon reading the following poem that Marie Pless submitted for the newsletter, I looked up and saw the huge maple tree in our yard. Then the blue sky. The green grass. I felt the cool breeze on my face. Pondering all this, I thought, not even for a million dollars would anyone be able to purchase all these things that God has made. Enjoy the poem.

I Am A Millionaire

I am a millionaire, My Father owns the World The mountains, the sea, These beauties He unfurled.

He created the four seasons To show how things change From winter's stormy blasts To warm sunshine and rain.

My Father also created His love for you and me, The miracle of life That He gives to each family.

Now you know why I can say "I am a millionaire..." Since my Father owns all this And I am my Father's heir.

In 8 years (2001-2008) of collecting socks for the kids at Lebanon Children’s Home, the total pairs of socks donated equals 3542 pairs! Ladies Missionary Society has a two-year goal for 2009-2010, to reach pair number 5,000. If we subtract 3542 pairs from 5,000 pairs, that equals 1458 pairs yet needed to reach that 5,000 pair goal! Divide that by two years, that’s 729 pairs needed this year. As of 9/20, 229 pairs have been collected! There are baskets for sock collecting at the church. Monetary donations are also accepted, and LMS will use it to purchase socks for the kids. Sock delivery is scheduled for December 12, 2009.

Thank you in advance for your socks donations!!

- Dorothy Kauffman 24