BUCHU - atlanticlibrary.org · gent reeted3 In 80?" . + ~ ] I (I I d I I P +] :d-- + ’ tin+ ~I~...

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Transcript of BUCHU - atlanticlibrary.org · gent reeted3 In 80?" . + ~ ] I (I I d I I P +] :d-- + ’ tin+ ~I~...

gent reeted3In 80


" . + ~ ] I (I I d I I P +] :d-- + ’ ti n+ ~I~ ... . ~ + i : " ..... I " +


otmc P C]a

............. _ ~mmran<m.~

__ IILL~, N. ~: -JIJImtiI 11i3’ l, 10~/Ik -aii hnews,

.~ ~PR~;MIUM H01’IS: : +=.... eA~a-ASsCP~r,u~--= .... ; + --1411Jms

--: ..... ~OaIIIS~-LOSSBY

and Lt htning;

¯ m,, mhnt on.hal-- n,~ te o~. -~.. sortment of goods in their line,~fOIIIIIIcl hl akin DiiU~ wh~I the 0Ok Y" ¯ .~ mall who kept ¯ vietnatlng Italion what had

lt~tt LI th~ &le. san¯e4 this wide.spread rI~. Ilw replied tl~¯t

IPirIi Blll41np lid q’41teuta = ueua~y+ eaBed for =in +s ~ tb, bee, l~. wemwoat~+i0me+Lgk+&~L"~m2+H]l~--|l+i~-ff~e vm~~ i0w~t ~-tt~ ....

ire premptly, p-ld.

Fuu,,azl L. Mvl~¯n, Beemtury.~KILIII~I RIIlYlI, Tmmm~,

¯ J, A|fr~d Bedlau, Wllll~towa; C.E.P.. Mr3-Hsr.

; The&Polxt; He¯. D; B. btaelt

Alien T. ?~d=; Tuctar-

Iladdo¯be|g, 11. M.E. Ig. IOWLIKSe I, D,n



~lll ..

I feinmtra 0e JLc tl~I1B NATIQ~AL LIFE INSURANC]~ COM-

~IOlU eOnteIpinUng i,,InH¯ I tnlIr liree tn ltI

Mutual or Reoiprocal~PLJL~I, wk|ek I~hlee ~m* I~e p41retl mll~tl[revi4o for ofs holly lu eIe of deetb, wtthourl4nprLviqtaem of tka neemearle ¢411f~ ..t dounlny who tellavOr to ply the h~ poilum"

tf old lt~w oomp0ufiIS, who charge for &uentI.I~t Dstf.+ Loeeus Wmou Nsyml Ones¯,

¯ . . , .=i+ < ....... ~:;; ....... ......

~--" + ~O~, ........ tbeh’ l~o)portlonl. --As thi ~+tq~tti-ol’-nIlhl e ]lqu,,~ Ind ~ el "the imMIo i+Zlmml~ :

SI.&TFr~, WA~III~IIIOI~OH .~MUTOIty; . drnwn mround us, our sllht-looing end8 fop t~ ~_~e:.of Ja~iP~ IIpolll~Ik~l olh- ’ "day, ~ ere, 81I th¯t lJ bnppfly-elumled,--If fit bu allo

...... I . -- ~ . . IId I [ : .. : ] I I I " ~:= d : I :I I ~ -- I --I : ~u~b, I]ST~I: :" " ~ the +I]N+ +’ ~O : ’h’~ " "tO" I I ’]’" ] I"~ ~ ~" ~I ’’ *~ ]} *

nvenled wit1 not eoea be drseod from ,mr mind, m~m7 yenn 8go s la~lp -umbi~ tedl~trbQ, a " ::"=:- -::" "-’: -’I:Om~haweoomzm0edth+u<~.totth, Atdl~d-mmw~vmm¯m~mn~wl~kswmm m~Jofltyofthnmembt~ede~g~homre¯ ." ..... 2+

,,but th%e)bah f~P~hindzm._Oaly thu.tlit¯e¯ ud~weI~4!lu wefe~adertht inl~ 0fTUqa~stllthtt~i "

I . : I I I [ ~ ~S ~ +T+ ~ O R. ~[ ::"" I q : ~’[’’[" "]’II’I’~’ ~[q’+[

b0iderofthl~lffeaem+uu~,la, ohain’ h+fdnlIad nhmqFd. +,m~ialI++e+:.,.e.n.l.tlut_.fthela~..

. . ’i01~ The.who!¯ ooltatry for kII~dzlds-ofkhUoo rooklylUd+thllllI’e’bnt+l fewmiIge WM+ -s~iilgh:Iba~¯ ! Lm"

- ............ 2Iookl ilko 11, livel p!uln. 2 . . who~ oalqlg+ the IIol~ WU laloIl01tldlel

~u co.try now lot t~+mo, pm b ievnI., _~_:_,~_l~l_4_qrm. _- .............................. +:..: ¯.A.~ D ....

.41 inle~rill of¯ fewmllmI wu, oomeJlolndl,

nmd berdlalFItli~i--ol-’-e¯itl~I ’ JfiIl~f-med*~,il+-i~e~-~+ia~ zu a~oe~.+..to u¢on~ ms mmmm~. .......

"=Ft-l~ehee for the eittl-o :bat lithe on *he phlna, t+r,~od w~ItlU~Ittdovm" with wUd Perh¯p~, you .¯m inellued to Imk =eImd’ot~ ¯ ’Iu the Pleat; yCIey.4~lioa lllp ~ ore¯tile IreS’ ou whleh lt~ge hurds of eMtl~ from- the : my ao6oua-t to preltat to you thu reoot~!

¯ : ..... - ==- - ~ule and Ind plstlrq~ had are taken from sk<mk rteohu ¯re wont toIron+. At SSer~atu¯we reseh-the-then<ms to EaetlcD~ke~.~, ilere.w~ 8¯w l~r~

.................. Tl~e.............. ~;l~; of eot~,+ind~id all the eera tl+nl .tbiwhloh we PUr, lmorethta elght IIe"tlmen; the’re fil a Weldm4~l pit°IV °f’+II~’+terinh from whl~l~ to oouetr~/~ thi~ t’leQ~i I-- " :’ ......

11 n!-of the r0*d in Nebr~uz.-~VuinI ,r~n-of th+u+ud |Seal¯bOre thainveI of- me e41+- "+T~41r : A-t ’the oomiiztaeemmt ~f the Ieulol mt~.Vot~!WM pulmn !hrougk Which the road r~ns, ~i the low for Hen. Yeroando Wood~ th~lt.enamlI mmdJl-..... Sul r be. -=, th.’,=...,ti+.. ,h.

keep eonstautly l,,, worn gone, end the I~lds looked M if eel ¯nd mope level pert of+ the me¯nta~i~ . ++

_ tu 0mr. finn, lesI people who, remlberlalthn pulse lit¯g-

~’t~Jture. S~2


¯hereafter to.

+s~ll’our goods a~ "

imd"t0 enable us to do BO,we must sell for re~dy psy,

of boP, thut had shivered the Is¯yes tote sbr~lv: ~md£drewjis .nelzly th~ whole d~l~ee from

and loft the emiks tnum tud dead. Wo I~k~l ¯ Cmuhi. to Sea F~neisee, ¯ dlst~neu of ¯l~mt

e~eot them;’" w* uked, "Qbl"..l N leldi+l~"w* oouid not take Om of Io much wild beatat o~e. [ s¯ld, "Welk tbng b ¯ vet7 soodsteW, but R |, too thin, blr~ altogether tOo.thinto ImCunt Io It~thl"g.’ ....

Yp~u nbeerving a littlomore carefully weInw the cause ot t~e Iroubl!. GI’a~hoppere, iu

’ inuumsreble numbers, would sttrf up,from the

nidei of the told bed ¯I t~e Lrai~.~jL~

la unnumbered thou,uudn IIy, ln~ tad hepplng,ted devonMng every ~’eel b]¯de or shlr~b thatobanced to lie eero~ the|r took.

¯nd thepl¯t¯l or tlb~ hnde went -of

sheered from hlobaek. Nottmber|udsorfofeete of tr~e~ bit far ¯vI~r towc’de the dhthr

bat a ~o of.lp’mw, or coralldkil of vMt silent

be ,eel. A few mulet on- from Omiba wee~plsd bet ¯ ]itlle d!nl¯neeh%m Ibe road ¯ fewdeer or antelope feeding. B*ml, btag, welt

anee of the same...... liberal ~p_~q.

...... age that

we have h~l in the wst.M. D. & J.W.




she directiou of.t+hi |mt-foote~l talmnls, I¯d

" eS; .w ,o =,n, of ,be., re,.O E

of Ike ronre thit they coaled to be aur~eity.

¯ _CH 0 I " ’Ne’rtbeN°rtbPInttn~’m°°tthetme~gere

Jn Ihe for~nrd ear of our train sow ~rnrel bur-

Cranb yL A d.y o..eerr andspaee+. !hi, polnln large kord of tbrleg~lnteof Ih+rphJne Grossed the l~llreed, pun"& bya b~ud of mounted Indian ~muler~, wllkBews,spea~ 8rod ~lflee~ ¯ sight the4, we Ihoul~ barno.Joyed vm+y much. We eg’j~d a I~ etarl ’ap alonkg elde el" the train/Tlre frlghtnuel re)iCy made %"ale as good time ee l~m troll; premntlt+thn dim~arge of pocket artillery toJd the al0~.~of.the Iml:le that wee being fNght, lhough thklAght, I~ka She handle of n Jugew I all on eemside. /end the rabb|t bad the imest of Jt. Timtral¯ ehehened ep~md, end immy of our neck,sour epurMmenjumpad off, nod took nftor tb~rebbh, wbq wI~ etfli fueling mli>ngsido af-th~tral=¯ Ir3ing te get held of Ihe, locomotive nudrea0h h!e ~’~C on Ihn oppo~Ite ,,Idle of the trtmk,but the t,eiu woe too long and wsi go/or t~efast for thls, hooen :bn reel. Otmguouere wereeither vet7 Imur marklmeo, ur lhu skin af therabbit wanqulta ae th|ok oe th~entsldo wrep-.per of a rhLaoeeroe~ or he would havebeen per-

dogs wuul4 r¯¯. iu every dlrentlon fi,r theirh.les. They are a litlls ltlger Ibm¯ a rut, andresemble ¯ rat sowowhat. Th*y I~v* a heed

I IIko a dog,,tud ¯ sqelrrel.llko loll The eoloof Ihelr hod~a l~ bla~k~ nleu r~t eolor~ luler.m|ng]ud wlth while apo~e, I! they were soleh~+t el, he~ w+ald Sit creel be++l&o Ibolr helenand h~trk at ~ as the troth plead. It |e sn~Ihat a retlhml.akn ¯rid o¯ owl e’l almo.t in.v~triabl,v.b,. +Ulldhi thalr bolee. Prairie dogl~uwls, and eetl~eenakm keeplug been Iogelber tWe IbOUlht uf Bernum’s lhp#y I’amlly.

¯ ~¥a mr= sew usnendlng the eMIorn creet of IhKooky Muunleln% and r. ,h. t,sl lime

T.e,e Inude are wmo¯g theBemc lu the State.

keying all legalities for

FIo0dlng mud Dralninl,lrl lilly and Cheaply cleared and

till, the iraudeel, uneet ws ev*r sew. The r~.may+ o, le impet~tla¯e of belal aImte6 ky Is-geette~ If Ibe luullgkl epeu Iho reekl le beanproper laIuoee~ tha¯ eke IPalQt.thIId C~,llmlltlfal--f~nttstle shapne, end the mOSl ehoieo co.dur~i lie firlt emile. This Cuulne0 e*.,ttlu|orl, blended w|th the most dello~le liete ogIn Ilidlre whol thn Ilmb@rl wf e~blr pndr~

IIibt e¯d shadow ere ntu en leer7 h~ld. Uere L will bli~iiy f~llaw. It eoulli¯l ¯ leflpietiberI*e u eouellke mlM of reek* touering *eel~l ! of ebls, Im~l, aonoIplilkod, and hrdepeld.

of feet aboye the ohJeOll ero’;od II, There .nell m*mblrl, nod, il a whole, will oomptre fe.

em en ouormeue I,Ile rNemblJul IIreel Cntho-vorably with nuy ef II, pr~deeeelurl.dill, filt|ihed led beaullaed by the ht4d ,.f Ihe

If it be trwe. ILl former COalresemee hiveIroel artIiI, IO !he nges ]++all ale. Yuedmr oreOllured me, thee durleI !hu’ll l~I lid tlmel

It*al b~uldele snd hanging got’ks, wouderful lowhe~ the nlllI~tpere Iwdulg~dtu u cr|~,|ellll~

Fer portleulare sond f,r eireule!.~. W. Pltl;l~ll¥,

SllmlO¯~Ul. N, J+ Iavnutar dl ~mtnfr.10.tf


two thhustad mile&1 W [I w reremi s.m/! eno~)+lpme¯tz of 8i-

I by bel@lalt of the t+wnr~eople led Of pellli’=go, ~ *h, ~,i.g m.i,. toe, met ,~m ,h,tlitfl, lhc~’ obt¯la from hutinf~, tbtry ms=ale toget *nou~b to keep s?ul ,,nd l~ody together. TbeKlutohmen (lndhnweme¯) Carry their pap;pnoses.tbebi~)ias’hnx. Th*yo~¯g Aria IsIMh~l In th¯ be¯, aid the bog i0 luh~l to thumother I. btekr Ifler the .,ty]e ofgHudem ht the ~aut,

~vmT+Ji~eordtat teure sometimes, teJ pl~y theirimothere quite a progt, for they ore exhih.;ted topu.engers o¯ welter¯ bound tra[n~For ¯ dime

More tool. A. A1’wooR.

is appropriate for this, ~ eve~ State.let

is/tom a spe~h delivered¯ mdfi~ado~ meetieg iu Albany, ~. ¥:,bY lion. ~’mau Tremaiue :--

tncs~gn urA~zS szu~roL

this ¯ketio¯ is the ohole0 of ¯ Untied SInt~8salter for the eaJuingelx yeers. It wu meyermore imp~rlJmt tbst flea York ehouid he rep.le=ented ta the IZnltod Stst~ IBe¯¯te by +1 Re-Imblioan. (~zestlone relating to the cur~ncy,the publfo de~, to repudhtlon, to e!vB rights,ta in[tnd ~ovemeuts~ to tb~ltteipl~tta41o¯from the W~tt to the I+aboard wf i¯ter.Statncommerce, in aB of whL.h New Y*rk Im~mmlthe deepest intlrml, ere n’ow pendtIg, lnd our~inte should be reprehend in the ~enato by ¯man who in lmlmed by Ihe spirit ot progreie~an~[n eympethy with the enuso e4 ho¯esty~eeonon~, and ~bI’m.’Let tho’Republlcnna

look we41 to the eloeti,m of members el" the A~-eembly, i~t them m to it that ¯~ vote+ arethrowo.m~ny upou third eaudldut+~, who may ;be runnimg only In Ill* interest of tbi opposi.lion. .

Sound md banefld~d ]eghlaflon Jd~ bay bemnre reneen¯bl¥ expelled from ¯ Rqmbii~ethan from ¯ Demooralio LegSeJeture. The leltB+peblleau I~eg4sletupe delel~Ol thn em~ldaue~and upproval of the l~oi, le. Aithnug~ n~s¯tfrom the ~te during its one¯leo, [ aarefully’wntohed its prooeediugs, end I Ihlak lho ge¯e-rai verdict of the people was that k woo en

ihonest, oap~b]~ and e~o[eut Leghdature. Itinotion has proroked for ~ess than the usualimouut of orklelam, while charges of eorenp-tlon ,nd e¯t,wvagonee ~tre not bees rondoazalnst it+

CU&ItACTUn OV cononuss.II De na lIKht pralle to ely of this Coogreuhas been IlpUlttedJy InJd with nature truth}

Ihnt no ’*big Jobs’.’ were eneeelll~l. If eny me¯.I.~e were p~,j~ted app~’opri¯t~ng public mon-eyn, cr greoti~g pubUo lands for Impr’~per ora.mbtlul objects, they were either killed in ©om-mllleel or m~re~eee|y eleughtered on the Jeere

of C~nfiroe.+Iu elael~g tkh review I will adb a few wol~ll

In vindication e~" the eh&tnmtert Ibm honor, tha|otegrlty+ n~l the ability oi CoagrNs ne awhole. Them Is au nefurtun&~ tendency JamotleJ’n time un abe part of eonmtte~al, Jrre.,Iqpoastble Imribblere, eorrHpend,.nte and report.eve fur nmlap~pera, to MJall the oFarseter efCo¯lreM ae a h~dy, or of lndlvldunl members.ThLs pramllee Is gv~atZy to bo deph~r~L M7OWn ItnpreleJaal were oollrely chanKeu by per.SnOOt iulerooaree asd h)" ae~el oheervnlton. Id~elere Io yea, sod I em wllllug to Illnd or Iofill by thl deelarnlloo, thlt lu my ~plllol IOIlll,lIMIva body tver IOnfeaed II Amel~ Walle~ liable to ©bergen of oorruptlow or 41hlhoI.

mm *~¢f+~¯~r Wo°4...d.+m’i,l: lhe-nraJmd ti~ ....nalmmmaom~ of the Dnmoermie Pan7 that theyhad¯ul+md upc~4~ a¯w d¯plltu~ do’h)| thw~zeehy em~q~ ¯xpmmt smlsm~-~t ham mt;+~" ~ - .............. .

i"ltOId of IhlRut Jt wan It yery nntund’0vent.--

~Fifty.two members of the Hmz~n-wexe+d~lrf

Ea-Oonfmhmte Army ot~o~rs, or Ipmlllwhose source dexter Ute wI~" mUl nob tbstthtywere o biI~_d tO t _alto the_m~d!a~d ~ttb pmrerlb~ed for rebels before they could "_ooCupy their. "

Je¯l~ns members of g6¯grou+s, It-wbul4 ~ I: Z I " I

work of Inpererollttlo~k to ¯Ik]h+~ir~I~weze Demoet¯ts. l~ifty-tw+ ~ntsl=o~tltltut~s

led surely tb; meJ+ority Genial:not be eXl~tdto choose a ~ur Democrat fo~ Bl~ber~ 0~ "a~Other Demoer¯t wholej_e~flal-smd&rdoet

upon them,el¢~l.tl, ~eb ’"~otlon during tt,n w¯r, And th~ m~n eoI~ti.

t~n present Demoe,stl~ p¯d3 In Co,Mue..O. +hw._IIo~_ nt~ .~a lhmmH~:Dmmm~

T) be =,are. U~ro wan my wtt~ fl4m~l Ookr,’v+* : ...... -may t+ re,k. f... tad tu e~ap tSe ~ ~aeIpIq ertillery.of the Demoorelio ~ :~ . ¯ .wtI my able fns¯d Beck, ahl~ye ~dy to do

wen very many b ¯ and seOOmptished Demo-cratic reprel~mlnttvul~ gentlemen who wo~ldi~nm an~ poiltteal p¯rty. Rut the eel]on ofthe membevl ae ~ whole il~med m0,e [lkn the "skirmlebb,& of+gmrrflht mldkre than themovement~ of reralar troops. They lsekedtlmancient dlsdpllan wbfeh n¯ee_dbt!ug~llhid.~ . ’ ,, .l~rty. They mined to~ wltho¯t o policy or¯ platfom,,o,~beslun or ¢onsistenoy~ tad t# be.drifting ¯lonEw~hou~ map, ebart, o+r eempuee~r wuitil~g/tlko Wiiklne Mle~wber, fo~ "Kme.thing to turn uP." 1[ intn¯d !.o dhr~peet tonny ofmy’bateemed Demoer.,t[o eolleelpm~, ISor

would I be irrol~erent when I ~lpy’ that theyseemed to "a t ver$ InOh on I sho~d ezl~tmen would aol who wore d~neln¢,s borapll~ Iothe tulle of ~v.ry man for bimadf~ u{I thedevil take the hindumoet.

Doomer’¯tie pl~e~J~nl Ire Iq¯el’ly leo re ¯adtaeertalu, ¯I eapmso4 la their 8man Oomv,a.IIOIl. ThUl ia Malnt lhly ruolv¯ lit fav~l ofIre trads, in Penu~ylvu-ht Ibey are for ¯ pre-t loire tariff. In Indlmm they are in favor OPplying the nntional debt in gletel)~s. IllI~sw Ywrk they ¯re for houelt3+aud ,¯ I~ldeerre¯eT. On one lubJe~l oily did they pitin nudlv|dtd fro¯to . On ~ OlvU RIghte bUiand tay other m~mts ai*etLn I th¯ ",qqm tkq,

unit. The Bepuhlleaae el ta ooxly Itl~tJof the eefsJon penn,,do with trent un,-,tmlty~~ ¯

u~asUre tor univereal in~l~13~ hopInI’ thattheir gems,nelly might be mmlproo~l~i b~+lik’+’

generosity toward the bl¯oks; but not oil vol~liven hy Iheex*relmleor the Demoerat~ Ill

favor of the Affloaa. Ilow inyinelble m thIIraaekut preJudlees| flow trle It il thee "lha

rudinl ImIJslou 1, slJl~¯g re¯ i+ de¯lb."

Trees tot &velum,,For avenue phutiulh them Iwo u~tr

rel¯,lVee, the ottoamber tree (m~lmo~a~c..l~a~) imd the tulip (h~Tde~lro~,.,,’pi[=raj, ~mbiue ~ltaYexeellmzl quali-lie~. Th*.y ure rapid gmwero, Imnutifali.’+ foliule stud flower, o4 pellet1 loom;htrdyo excepting iu the exlrgm(t Imrth.nol parlleufur Ihout nil eriil~tlou, IlId

tumm0, ued dh-

0OWe I~ I~IUIJII~prefer, ~oerv+d m4~ uutJt

two yetrd old, they umau~ehlotly hf~ ¢O phll oub

proteetioe; or it int ’=dod lot the0toot, th-7 i~ Im mJitinted le uurm~row~ to~ three e~ four 7sank ~zatil thtyu~ loll enoulh to be tmyoud the reteh Ofu~imd~ A, lea~ lia~ o4 ullher Of tliile

~leemu melu|lio0ut eilht’ when J~m ~.d. ter ehulo, eemt~md withty, wl;I I~t.Jel’y tim molt IMti4Low~

Ooe .ol tk. l~mt,~ mfmkm In m,r~tpllUl,nl Ii thg Mle~o4i of IU improl~.rkind--for Interne, ¯ flm du- tree, gushM we Imwe named, for u Im,~ew Ilmt,Im.d I Iull dow-fmWiel II~l+m for ¯

,wane ave,us, l~oh LI cqunl[y out of!plnot, II~ ~ever looks npproIp,iute, aomntter bow huudlomo the b~ivkhtului"mlm*"’ m~r be.--~o }’~,k 2%~m+e~



carried in

its vitsi/ty, and ~aaily intothe:depls of-theocean. .......

tof it for..ex~mma~ion~ma, nile

oftentimes, in a calm. seen

out ",~tom, betei~ tt/.to sport a3S

f the


llOUfiglleul~O.OI1 6~;to ~10w pkrt of the "breast" was a man’s arm or_

’kS said to be’h~m-draw~ut for several dare, being le~tfor ,the’ miners, to obttm a foothold fnbldemt to )ed:of ;the -i~re ~li~-.~

toward our tdnner-euns which the fireman wa~ sur-good S.ppofito, We ate sparingly~ how- engthecr hurt--was over. Then,

i i passage~ eveG’for the ~eason that th~ penod of when all .Ahrce of, you.for ohe t~3 crawl our immurement seemed " " " , started in seeroh of in the Arctic

evening of Etst41r~ay,. when I at .~~ . started ’a~ndn at our once ordered are-seal~h lti. far as we :

There w JlJl0 _n~taking the fuel. of its ~lld le mitlsfselion ’were able, for the.watei was n~ot over all: What one Man :~. lteen and Dolts..being a ’roll ;’ the top reek had de. .that ad made about ten the gangways. We s~ppoeed that you ~, ,~ ~. , .~

eeenaed ~d the bottom iaised tilt.bu& ~3grel ¯ ¯ . must have taken ~fugeln the farther , Judge~ ~Iton, .t~’xa. ]~a~-th~eein~hcs of eo~lwereleft, and that £w~ ~g and waiting m~ end of the mine, and as far as ~o0eenteneiian,~l~lat ter~l~tv’ane~

geiieridto appe~: was could easily he turn with the pick, ~hear, ii eonfm~ed the water would and-were .his facul-nineoto see t~at’ none Of crumbled iii the lower of te ~<:o| a


- two enormous

: ’~en: negleet- wh~ eon~rns t]~emdown with altmq~to plaited iuiltas of l~early’if they f~il td’llote theepproaeh’

grain and ~pe-liese ; from this ~f a hardcr~tntei thin wehave had foron-each side s wi.’de flounce-extends .. Not:~evere byreasbn~of moreent~e~yT~dT~he~ i The 0~= " storms ’or ~eoner blastsd~h~,: .wl~o~ i~ 6f In the lack of


¯ S~der’,s water. The]n seasons when

"On Oneif ,he

) in a smile.- ~ He did, , ’A’nal, with a man like

wasfibt h/d l~biL But’Brown’sinduced him to toll Sanders

then, to bo: du~e :tO sow no~ grain onground whe~ t i re depo~ited,~and

trustlto them off when they the4allen

, starve them. If ,room ’tel~’!fieldee~ OUt forwill start for the zext,travel, and eat,~ till

_ of ,sis in some ~ :effeot ,the undelltiading "Jell. ,:,.nn . had .outside of the "~mple ropn~.’inl bow of ~ & reoent Th0y entered. "Wh~t will.you have,

¯ ell is of tuI e, of the Eastern States re- Banders, my boy ?" blithely chirIUpednrrangadatthebaekoftheh~a machine firms have but half Brown. , ’ ’ ’~’.ills held in ~ 17 a spzly usual fores of men occupied, an~’ : . A l~efle good Bourbon. ’... , . :open .n~es, which rails in i no contrails lu~ <in,han&or..ex- ,.Wha~ssyours, Mr.]~rowa?"poHte- ~iblossom down amen8 the filmy folds of d i the immediai ~ future,I Wh’_fle ]y_ asked the-waiter. , ~ he.’ea~ ~ ’the ~ .~W~ 8 ~eil.; B6uqim-t ~ti~,,~ ,ki( i’ are yet Serex e the wor~shop ,l Oh, me--yes---well; rl~ take a gill

Mrs.Shermansdrem~ mede in Paris doors a: ~hannted bycare:worn faees ofwater."~ ....b;f~Wot~i ~as et4mmelyelegant.: ’, ~J.’e eeekfng ~valnly for work. ’ We are told ,Gulping down his water with ~t look a ....

r dress wire of pearl-e~lgred .gros grain; that mueb:auffering extste.. If it be io of iuflnite disgust, Bt~wn throw down ’iwith lear"round traln. ’The irene now before the leaves hive fallen, how hls "toner. v ...... ¯width had’four flounces six inches wide, are work/or people to,go ¯ ~ first ’when’late corn, and for ~ second

,wliola :

bound,with the dame’, each on(with a winter? During-the " Tails of Comets. bi~okwlieat, turnips,, vines, and eom6 t .

lflas shiired heading. One flounce; prevailed ,after the of Astronomers are not agreed iu ex- few other things may be wheeld~ they th0 ; "half a yard deep, extended, all ~.und mauywer,)disoharg, ;butr~ b]ainln~ the c~rlousvhenomen~ of g0~eral~ tho farmer is s( ooacKafia’I et/aR~le’up/Only tolmve~the dress~ bolmdl an~ wlm snirrea yearn having been- llonabl c6inets tails. Some of them thlnk the he dqed not feel like tryin the same thing happenm~ehL.+ lluk this ,;headings of the same material as the ous. thei~ amsil savings afro tails consist of m~tterrenelled from the sprlng seas6n, wh’en men l{re ambitious ¯ - : - feet; .a:!l~-.dross~]ike th~ae o:~ the frout width, port nntil spring,when be~. . nualeus of the comet by eieotrio ,or to p.!an~ is]~aseedl/mdeverythinggoeh ~’ "wa ay"~Omio~ia,,litt~_B~d[~e.a,,Qoverdrees wer~¢ombin04, werehoped for. But mespnng ease ma~mtic.ioroea In,the,sun-, Others. nymeDoaro ..... : ~dn~t~ we ~sels,~we’|un~p tn’~t~td’¢/t~’eb,hetmn~ qUite ~aew~the later de; and went; the;summer has pisses.| think there is no repulsion, but the .~~. :~ wostarta~sin, q?he~ot~lmltMo~r,~.~’noendiogin ,lqng i~ptnt~ to the fl0unoo, already the hillsides at.e bla~ing with, nebplous mist becomes luminous where . ~owi /yat~nln, ff. , . and th~ :nusl, billldmfle ~ ~ along, :and elab0¢ately t~imni~d’wit rows of the ~as~f; ambUSh, and. thermks oi [twas p~ovibhs~y visi~ ~pi; Yeo- J~uox< H0~:per-writes from Paris ,~ grandly,, ,wheit,dow~goea ~l~)’satge <shirred silk, the back’ellghtly bouffant, toe unempmye(t.are lutto.r than .ever.. mans, inthek’opu(a.,3"~|enc~.Monthl,q,thePhiladelShtaPress: "The greatest whe/do~’ag’ain,,tnd’w~i]/’a~brthi~Y ’

or fortyyards ~fore ~b o~]~tdl~. ~WrS~ "but Without trimming, and finished Their.little.zuna m expanses ana, tnmr pug~eta a new theory, that the train ~uHoaitv in ~he’~srdin d’Adolimation is get her up agein;: but’ shS-i~ts~], mton,~with a broad hem. Ths corsage of the services are not in demand~ How are, doesn’t belong to the oo~aat at al}, but the sin~,ular’ fowl-fattening maehiue,basque was heart-shaped with full they tolive? , , eensists0feta~.dust,whiohis diffused whiohhasbeeninopemtionforaahort hu~t s~ndeowed bythe,,tri8 hatalut:pla.tingoferopo-llaseineide, whiohwas ThoMatillat the,viseandloom, may through all spaec, and is mado-lumin- time, but whioh is a great auoeeat fall~ ,aKai~,fl~ce~,qr: .fo~. ,t~,!]3e~..~ !Obverse] by a ruff of exquisite points ]earn a lesson from cue woes o[ omere, bUS by the polarising power~ of the Imauine the ton of a round tea-tah]e WO r~aok.’the station- a~ott~, n meted’Aleneou. ’ The sleeves, over the out- and if prudent before, curtail still more comet - Thin would explain very satia~ a~4~.~ ~ i.tk =.~li,,.. ~th o ~.~l. :ahead; "Herb We flni~’tl~t’~]~e Vooisk]e seam from shoulder to wrist, were . ........ faotori.Y,.., e~x, . h,’~m .of the tion between each section and a ~oard: bru~ lias not itot i/single ,i~ odTher ’~tim,.mn~ with fist pufllngs 0f the same in their expendstures, for they have n

1 te tremo t s essmate’dsi U the dress, with three bowswneetas’a" ~Lr’en°nmayinatnot unseats sua aantnemlnJmaisoOZ bemuse tsil.wniculi t s 9beg n0~ .Cos cure m m.e in fre~t with a hel/.moon,ahaped aper. loll side tree the ~l~i~t d,,Ja~ ~t¢ to,..... -_. s 8hess a tarofe~enmetonmmagn,- tureinit. In eaeh of these sections an the~ot~,hert~.j~pnf~n.the nl~oul-~,on each, and were oloso ftting except them hota on ~o,m~y cent wnlon ss rude .... ,: ’ ..i, .... ~u^~... ~h;^t.o.. ;. ~ .a.~a" "der, r~,’k~d’ hil~ne~ ~ g~l’~e~’ of ’at the hand, where they flared.jus.t their own, cut off ~l superfl.iMe~, and Prof, Tvndallmakea aet~rtlingstate- ~’~nJ|~t~.~, !~’~"l.’~ ~’rt~.~’~’~;~h skin ha~ comae ot~/m w~ll; "~B~,’ anY~

If the were faithful to their" trusts be- en o "lie e fen -~ ........... e, --- ........edou~htbith~iafull I~t.-ithd,’rnffiii¯bf ’ ., , 7 ...........t- m tt re ve th., rs of sty who inflttef]itray, whioh tcoeives.all,th~ wtY,’#Franlbsa~h~°sh~’a~°Rtyamule; ’’~

erape-liss0,’dncl bne el ,orate d Aleuoon,

Kore’ increase their enorts~.so ma~.ney,

dread a possible couid0n. ~tte says, sl d/it and is emptied deriv, Through ’and, eu/e etaotgh, ~t Y~M; ilt~a~Jtrd, ~. ~.oorr~Ipol~ding wilh.~ ~e at ~e t~lrg~t, may be indispenasnie. ’xna steele oi all the matter in a eomot’s trine, one th~ ~entre of this ~truot"Ute goes s sat beb ti)d.her oveT. ~h~v~ e <am, a~i,eee A@ ble~d~t .~be ef ~i ate d’Alen~ou machinery in this city at the present hundred million miles long, eould be ~ound em~ and thereis aurim o~f aneh o! moniita|h, leo]Hug u If e]ie ~ nc~ee ’covered the head. ]h yes of pearl time are laxeer .than riley..~sh°uld, be, swept together, it would not make a -tea-tab~--’tope ~.. tha ~oof o~ the’ bnilA., skated down the’l~atonn.~ ~ ........ ’ "8ra~ Nojewelry. with llttlo or no uemana, xlauwaysareloadfora.l--ledrayhome. . m ~ -, 5 .; " ..... r’" " ’ ..... f ~ ’ ’d ) ~ ’ ’~ ’ ]

...... decreasing their pay rolls, pureh~eing Thoac w~o%elieye thit tO’ tails are tnr~;one~ed ~s’~tVtsll~ ~n~rivl:ll?; -"--F~. ~ ,,¯ The n Kausu. little o~ nothing exoopt absolute neoes-shot out from the body of tho eomet, ~.. ~.,.. ~,,,w~ ~/th ’ s.mowhat A. D¢ipera~k~!,Wldlw, . -,

)h is from the sarles, and on every ~ide ye he~. of are beginning to doubt’tf the matterin e’~m’plLo"~’~- l~ehL--ne’ll’U~-with-a kindThere up- curtailment and cessation or proauoclonthem is ever te"~vered b" the comet ........ e" ’t’ " * t bf’thb Montgomery ~

.- .?--.--~ ...... , ~v of ::~1~ "~’r~. ~’-’~--~--- the end ots lonl )her t tbe, wtitins fees DSII~ :nay toe cottou spin era z J~l t ttve, o o r tl urder ¯ ’ ’ the ~g-.... C- pe ave m , lie sntrc~ees t down theMass, have de0ided to run on nsit m ..........:~ ¯ . ..... , . .. ~. "Awenty-rourpereons macon ~o oo tnroaioz aauoi, isW a (time, an(l, tnls Wilt lnevttanly cause¯ . , triad in Ravenna, Italy, for tile ecru- with his andmuon ttuttreaL.... mlsiiT611-’eY thirteea murdeiz in that food

in really ,his asking for "

It is to be hoped that all these pres- ~ politely,city between 18~ and 1871, one of tho oreatore’a crow, a above showingand ent evils wail work their own cure in the victims being Signor Cappa, the public exactly what amount of force he is to ~e, sir. I its not aoqnt/nted with

season approaching, that natural we~ proceouter, whose ueas|~nation caused use mid how much food passes. This Lies of the hotel,*’ and’ cenUnuadmad tear wtil demand new sup.plies, and

more are on that the spring ot 187G writ see the so much excitement some years sines, probes ia gone through with each fowl her difficult ~ music. ~ls ’lady wasThaprisonem belou tail all are fed. ted it ia rePettad fo~ Me. Rtddi,widow el th~ehief of the~ ~,,

are a hardy whole counlrybettof 2or the enforced society., of which, howovero times~ day (or du0ke m/d three f~r o~We~tern, tIe¢ :,class of peep ) a valuableeconomy now plainly demandad.~2Vtwposed but a small section. ©hiokons. Two week~ Suffice to ’fattenacquisition to our population. The st" For~ 5~un. ’ In, the habit of aeudiu8 a duck, but three are ne0easary for ’a

raferred to salts for five ...... , .............. anonymous teeters and of ph~tt~i~g chicken. Apart from the ,necessary dee4 or the J~aaMow nr t Cn~n,--Nilie w~ four the names o! their /ntend~d victims, eon/inemout of th~ hixda the process ’l’~as anthotitieL, :Msm, ,~ald

years old. He had been my favorite Borne of those were assasatuated, while dcett no~ seem to he a|sil~a t"’_ L.~ "- l)i~yfellow all summer. I~ttt one davy attempt~were made ou the lives of u the amount of fodd for,

.At the Junction oi the Delaware lie sat by my side for a len~ time, un- etherdh Hu~ld010m at ~ength felt outlae thetr th~oste is nol exoee~with the Never~ink at Pelt Jervis, in a; tmually thoughtful. At lest he turned, society, and oft the arrest of so~e o| it. dusks which I saw fed did act seem to walter adds. "B ;~ll/d’.t~,be htldt- -lauiei 8rove, is a tilt aeons whi, h il nnd laid : ’~A--, dO yoi love nml" members the murders ceased. Full su~tr in the lea~i. *tad bx flint whl~ti ly edueatt~; l~veo ~t Iti~e m~as ,lillOdl4.111th.b0midat~’.lln i~ ti ttm it1 ?’ Why~ll~o.’: Mt.d 1i ’.’))~.q~p9.~[ 10v~ !nformstlon wa~ given by ltDts, an they saw the man appIo~lt ~n~t t~l~rom Dslla~lgitiirlqulmtl.lt vtsi tl~,:man oan put his fovt o. tl a~o~ilk it you. wnat~a~lcyouunukldid~ot?

TM oflloer of the society, who was iu the thcml)ocame olamo~h]lfoi~fhl~a~dla]~Telty, gone~blly traveling" ss heavily_thossme time, New York, New Jersey, He answered : " W,dl, I didn’t know ; secrets of the ba~)d, but touk no p~.rt attention, and plucked at his elothes as]armed ae the members of the gang ofand l’en~s31vsnia, l.uevt’r heard you say tauoh about it." in their able, he l)asaed, with sager bealm. / which her htmband wu chief."


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.... ,, co- Mr.’thl~’- shit to the-’- .................... Jndle Moeve, hive been. ilq at needs- fe:t the Ii.~.E. EOWLE8, M.D., ’ Ea."l~l ¯ PIo~ n

..... .=Ip*:~eet~r~,~d iuEu

¯ .1 ....- ; ....6 P. As

P+ ......... - ++~--;

For State S~a~r, " ,

" F0r Assembly,:=::: i:+:..[

.... , SAMU’E~

: . " - ’ - .For Coroners,RODR. EDWARD NORTH, Hammonten.ELIAS SMITH, Weymouth.~-

.~t~tion..¯ The ~emo~r¯i liltiisek hidm~re th~au

.... its uauld amount of atbi~o stud Billinasgato" hi speakiiig ofoui ~ndldite~, When a

minm~t stoop .~ l~lw tbet he mustspeak of-men in the most indecent andoontamptlble manner, heeun~e lhey-erefortunate enough in resolve a nomination

. ~ ~ in~6~ing-tiekefi~-is evl~-

the editor is hard up tot atrgument, We"- . ~-O not prepOso to stap-’dUt’O ol--o-~’-iiiy~’t’.d+

- reply t~, atOy.lueh IO~ thanpeurileetuff,atnd were it not for one thing which mightmislead" some--people, we-would take u~notice of his remarks in lot weeks

-:: - :i-~e .P~ _Of .... obbins, _wh~n I/e

ateeompanied ;by soveril (~lmdeu peliti-_i~__us,’.’:"who genenlly do the iatlking,only mlliug on the o/xt goudemauhe is to sument to some el thelr remarkso’..herwise-heii-!ett te ~o moping byliim

]1104~’ when wanted." A gro~ser, me~n-er, atuemptto trnduee and mideid wasnever made. A~nd never man nytMngmore art v.lriaeee with the. truth, unlesswe tlke his atltemen: In the same hsueof the Demecra~of Mr. ltllsoy’e enter¯tlinmoot art:the time of hi. ~isit here,two weeks ago, i n whieh he uy~, "hisRepubliellili|ends permitted him to en-Joy himmll stinting ¯round 0n the etition

¯ platform. They were, however ohlirlnedl~Pond oxpi~saiob iehen U premi,ieniDement.it whmke4 Mr. llallmy eli homefor auppei atnd eutonatiued, him untilf+iend~ free lllwend arrived with at elf-

¯ . rhige to bring him down to the latterphiee." A more deliberate and hare rasedliilltatameut wu nevermlde by the New

’+]Pork B,,, whieh we don’t believe sintell the truth if it tries. On the Inivldof Mr. Hathm~ atnd his ldond~, u we suit,ud, two weeks ago, we proeurld at sou-voyeur, ud took them out to look at ourtown. On’ear return to the d~pet, le~nording to arnmgemeat, Mr. ltath~y andiir~ li’olter went to our houm to tel, andremIdned there until lime for the meet-ing art the statioo’r~to whleh weall pro-eeeded~ After the meeting Mr. Richtook Mr. Hidiey ud Mr. Dobbins home,

Mr. Foster and Mr. Buttes remainedat our house over night. SO much totthn Itatemeut of the JTemocmt. which iellbeut Ii I u he sorest the truth ofImytbinlG+ pe~t~tL A mira who wllldelibemtlly hlle~ eo little a matter,nhould not tie trusted in more importantlielterl. ’Wliatt he nIpsots-~l i~n bY m]lelitterieg himlell I)erbepa he me ex-llllin. Smmlyco thinking, sonmble men,lto am_tier whfit their militia,, ~ilL have~my I~l~r sotlmata el his mum f~r put-Iming such at eeurle. But in far si ourtinker is e~nelmleu, we hope lie will keep~hil

The New folk W~dd remarks that"polhieal portion are as good ns the pen-lie oompel them lobe." But it takes aIPmt while for the people to eempel ~olneillriiee to be .m~L Tbem le the Demo-latin peity, far lie’than, whle.b ipew to]be mi wie~ed, thtt the Imople mmpelisdk leith out et pemli fourloen #lua age,aid ~ atll the dimlpUne it ]ma bid. amdit Jlie bo0U pretty ~vero, that pearlyI--,’t ~ ~ ~ouih lm to get I,iIInJat, an:! the ~ i. that it neverIdl be,--Jf*~ Ci~ .7~!.

for the purpose el diseeialusflng~e andmmiotom re~ ~nlt the Judle, mid

poiloa|nif the mimh of the vOters, audd

" ¯ . 5. .efettinlLh|m in ~ho e~mmg:eleelion.Ibeae repem ire ~. IbTi hive no

him, atut they ire thus proehimi’ugml.lieious elendem to greatly personal feeling.It is time mleh midieioue :lbuse Ot men, ,on+. ~_+bn ,m :.o~.+~+~ S_o~.:: ~mo;should, mmm. And-. uothi~[..mmuses- true:gin’s i~mpatthy for¯ man morethan to ~ee -him- eaueele~ely eared+ feel]ytrldnoed, is is Judge Moore.: Thinkingmen,.midmen.wbe hive the’ publie goodit heirti led who ereVermd in Imb!i~ If-hlir& mid the ’dutieeof lmbliomen;koow

most misereblo polideatl clap trip,, to de-eeivetheunwary. Theeewho know Jndl~

eat, dialers empbi~ that he--- ~ wh,t. h,, is d~led

We sh0uldn.i~i;:lnd did n0t intend_tolain any notion of thi, unmatuly and d~repu~ble miuner of eampatlgning in-at

silence might be oonsirued is tie-

only Dronounee them false, but we believethe so,her of these foulemieattion~ knowsthem to be, false. -A-man who~eill de-libentely ehargoIn-0t-5 e-rw-ith- ale de:ineanor, to shield LIS oiiu lmilty conduct[will not heskattot0 do atnytbiug to injureany one against whom, he, or his cooled-eralea, real beve personal enmity.These stories, deliberate mietatemeuis---may be atttfibute’d to the game souree,_a_.di~ fi’Q-~ali~orlenvvy;iInliahoul~be looked np0n, is coming from one whose

lille, ler deeent respeetable people to be-lieve, And it~hebevee those towhomthey are sent, to say "gettheebehind me8attn." And the man or paper,

all right minded, mid right thinking pen-ple. .~ " ’ . , ,

At at recent Republican ritifellionin:New irk, ’Ge-0~ Kilpat rick+was

he wast essayed, sod what he thinks ofthe situition.--The nleeting were onilieir feet in an instant, ao~i the Opera-house fairly shook with the enthusiasmeL the crowd. Gee. Kilpatliok deliv(m:la very handsome speech. He said¯thathe had been aeeeived by the false premi-t~ of the Demoerdio Party to restorepeace to .the eouutry. When they badthe ehinee, by the election Of Mr. Gree-ley, to evinee their desire for pease, theyhid rep0diated him/and every sheer theyga¼efor him was supplementedwith u antevote "D--himl" He mid in the pros-.eat distur1~nees [u-the South he;m.i therevival of the o!d spirit whieh he helpedto suppre~, and ~n~equently there wasnothirg for him to do ave to stand upfor thn Union again. He illumtrated hisddeetion by telling thn story of the beywho, having piqued a hone beyond ee-duratoee, was finally kickud to the dis-flgurement of his fealulee, I’nd went tognow o.~ hie father whether tho markswould ever leatvo Ilk fees, he was told Ibathe would ~ver be so haudmme as before,buthe would know at send deal better.The General applied the moral In himself.He referred generally to national issues,and at the cloie of his speech, u he hidbeen frequently throughout, was lustilyapplauded.

’*And is it joking ye are?" blr. Dome.oral, when ylm sell us the *’qoncentra-lion" of ratdiolliem, and at the nextbreath announce us am "it prominentDelttoerlt," forRwee no of.or lh~.’.u~~lf that "whisked Mr. Halley off hometo supper stud entertained bin," not tillElwood friends llrived, but till lime forthemeelieg rolled atthe station. ¯ Nowwe are sure we have not the dbesee, norare we aware that we have luiinifestedany of the eymplollis of D.,mooraey. Itwe thoullht we had the least symptomabout u~, another do~o of Jack I’Jmith’eElixir, like his last address, would foreverremove that little But it our dlag-noik Ii entreat, and the Democrat aeemllto be in doubl, we trove no symptoms.ned we think.God, meet devoully, thatwe haven’t got the diwue.

The White I.miletm remark that thisJa at pretly kind el i free country ; theleiiat’t |o our In~ shoot the flat uigprbatt the tyrant at Wbhingten gels atpandmmadim at fui att~mlt it.

inr tbet~f_ot o~ ~ou+o..! his ~bnoeof Mr, H ahOy, in his !~ pel~ he-the- lu~e~e -of othm-todo

Fedm~- inter~wm ~i..the P~imou~etio~ end’.is B "Sp~+’.i mprmmi~-

atnd his mlndnmaen the’ehiliie~, which~ingi~lilimn~eonmmtl# pmotiee." Thisb atbuee of the worst~.memie~t kind, Adwii~ knew :M-r,-11.1~,-kimw+]~m~to.-beuything but whir he hi atbove repremu;ted, ¯man of independent mind, i miinof. thoushb_andi~Uosted ._mostatnd good men ire+ bythe actual, pnieti,eal- exp0rlenees of ~fei by beingfm~o~stint eou~et~ithth!t~_ _ple~ them!Imd therefore~knowing nod atppreei-~ngthek n~--:W hen llbid. ~dus~[ -re-no ether attgu.men+l :they_ re~rt to enohamf uwll hive quo~ed from the ~

-ati~dl~iII~-ohI~ea that wiltli~e ~tr.H~l.,verse from reusable

Demoent~ Who know how ueillt ladoutngeous tbe~e oherge~ ire. 8o we do

pare. It only shows to what desperate-~raita the- m puihed, We would nothave noticed them only to prove that ourassertion was not fir from right.

--Th~-InTer-Ocmm, 61 I~n~C~iio ~e~-t; m I telthe number of negress murdered in theSouth sines eloee of the

huudIed. We believe thatit overye saenould be kuoml if’would dou-ble lhe number liven. Thousands havebeen killed ated no rep0r~ made ot the

tbe+l.a~ity+of o!ir .J.s_we_ thl~ npRg:.0I :the_.

been brouzht to aunties? They eo un-whipped, free to plot atgtlnst stud destroythe lives of citizens who have at right todetaind national proteetion. The &rkau-eas Rel~lica., of Little Reek, his had

pey $1,000 for evidence, iu at single in-ltgpee, where a 8!Pthmi white man hieever been punished as-the hilt’talents re:killing at negro. The offer remains un-taken, The evidellee eatu not be furnish*ed. The laws whieh hle[ ¯ negre forstealing re|iise to punian u white man formurder.

The time has some when them ism~-sins mu~t 8top their bloody work. Tilet~ttcr class of Southern white~ mlmterus~ out the~e’murderetsor the OenerulGovernment will. if the lloutheru~tates would e~elpe.militlry__~le they

’must ehoW by a prompt and impartialexecution of the In- that Ihcy are n>tonly willing, but able to proteot Ameri-e-’n eitiaens. A blink ehisou ’hu thnsame right to live and enloy the freedomwhieh the 0onstitution eonferl upon himass whi,o eitiseu, .nd this must be an,der~tood by Iha euuhrol~(e who are wal-ing relenlleu war upon them. We be-lieve the Bouth has awl, ilo element with-in i: strong enough to rig tt Ihese wreng~.The time ha8 some to ~ltow ilself by ex-tendi,g proteetio, to abe vista ms of bru-tality, at,d hy meting out ewilt retribu-then to those who ,)utrsge sad murdermen on neecunt of their I~lilleml ,cnti-montL UnleM Ih,’y take the matter inhand aud eotreel Iho growins evil, darkerdays than suy yet k,,)wn are in store lorthe South.

The Newarl A,lvert~nee~uy~: ColUnmllt

.i~ made on thn lllet_lluILJ.udxe ]Icdle,who I,as bathetic oall~l the atlohtion O!the Grsnd Jury iternly and deei~ively to;ha necessity ul eniorelng the Itq,or laws,but u, then o_tm@~l.t,f" ,.lie l~ut -md,,c ,l!

Ihe Ilud,m: Court ho was dumb on tilesol.joe’. Puffer m~nted hi~ Inoulh; hewss ruiinitlg fbr Governu,’. ur, d could ,atafforci to .l’,le the ~uppoTt. 0I that lurer net:

The Werki.gmeo el l~cw ~t,;k Imvodone a g,Jod thi,g, pcrhslm II, hsvi,glluminatod him~ they nlcel Ch,rlcs A.Dana mayor; but il they do u.t electhim they miiyezpeet uoviirto be Ibriliren.

but they are few. tud f~betweenits innuenoo forsend hi morntim ev~.-Tomiilii ~ i iiliti.be t~ pride Of Ammimm ellhmlk to.it.low its defeat thm~lh hmetivity -.orjealous+ would L, n-erimt-n ~tins~ thole qsllieutimeut of :the ~ E 1311aht Itht :Ire,:nard:of Dem0emey, iU! prumil isseeit-does, it~ disregard tar law, etde~, one-men honeet~,.ite :muHeialu~ hltred::ofeverything thlt pertlino to loyll_ty;: midthen uky<l~di~ ;-it saie to mn even remote r~k_of_idlowing thi~enomy~0.f:


0omh~ for Bedle.

Demeeretie preeplmt: : .....The Dem~iiey of our ~unt ]Rule

Rite betoro beam’ ehilled with the

truth. I~o~me. for tldalduS idU ~owl

mt enomlm, ot-Judlle Moore,..

_.=._P~..~ .¢h+..xie+..~u~i-: _ .:dM~ Jmt starind i~:~lw Yorlt CiV, Ioolm -well, !rod In it~ m~-nde~6B+ is-di~- -

mml fipirlt thic ~mmoei The

:d~. .... ., " ..... . .:

. + .... 8hon~t-Iisle.~ , -. ¯. virtu, of n~wHt-of-flerl -fsolo~P.ome- all--

of the ofpublic imidui, oil ....li.m~,~, e.t.i,ir nil, say,,

AT TWO-O’OLOOl[-le-thi-iltlmm~a -0f+i~l~ .....,Imad-~

sad sltaated Ill thlof Athmtlofollows :

I at a Itako by the 81de ef I]rel~Rivet niter vl~t.i, ealI-

grelt, . b to a gum. markld 4 bllua¯ bets w~thout ’, In atialy without stem by the (mien blak ud up-¯ geaterll, a e~mpaoy without olpilhi, :e Iama eelne 8. 8~ d*gllll

twenty ebalas tad sl~ l~ks to a plall,atnd we ire marching u at demondised by tlm ~l~,s of tho male swamp, laltrk~-i’~mob under m mbinattion of ringmutara D u~l .*rid tw*~ve nomad, tot a norm,p; theiie~with whomBedle’eeleet~0nhioontinuunee tajoythemllofmiidswl ~thlmwmdeourslliu plane, mid to whom the nomination thereof nntit it iotettleti ;an~ other math or tb_e eleetion of_a: : thence, (3) alqiig mild : .thllieau w0~d be-as&.e~ no-tiee

:one budr*d aa~mol$ or leI~

eueeell 01 the t m,for--the ohunoea~:~Alxl -with-i And to be seld by-

1 the party in S.V. AD~Ua,them take tho Dated Aug, |,, 1874. ’Sberlf.

tboua~d. ~.

ILl! of atu election, he him~el! oughl tolee tSm !nd resign from at position benever ehould have eeught either dime:or indireetly. Let him lldgn, lldthe party_ elll_inother-mnnominate General Me~lellan. and with.

might yot sweep inover the Democratic 8tarts 0f

Jersey. it would require greitlff~rt; but the ])emoemtieparty is at greatparty aud would equal to the greattoae~ ofthe emcrgeney, end evlry Demooratie firefrom Sussex to Cape May would be ligh-ted up in at blaze, and every Demoelllioheart would burn with ferveut heat, andv:’ctory now 10St would be regatiued, tuuaisaured tree Ihe on~et..

The same paper lots out one of the sen-rata of the Domoeratie fllato Oonventtonin tho folhwieg : .~:I

The Conveution that nominate I Bedleput forlh a loug pletlorm, but nnt oueword ,gainli .tho Sthiry-Grth. Therewas a reaolutiou written d-nouuoing the

John Bonnell, antt it is saidbard w,rt to Mtut.it out.

that u it may, Bouny w~t told "’Itwould never, never, lm~r do I’ tor theywteted I~ttoektou as nun ot the big Idndin the ¢~mvaign. a~d they muet let up onthu ~tlary.lrlbberl, us l~luekton had t k-eu hie, and e~uldn’i afford to JerseyDiddle bs~lk wtth it. O,e~r Lindlay,.ofblorri~ weI sontult alter VIlatuitotliat iu0mlm, nt tslk-r iiuul aaylng I

about i ; but Vallatia WMt CnUdeafly wuutcd lUgive Johti P. I "’Ooup.’ .A01d SO Ihvy etlUulellcd+ Ihe mdnrpgrabilid relu~ed to n.y iilyl|ilUll shout It~ut to denounce hi. measure pubhely la !to endorse il, aud it remai.a it ubiible|aet that liiO COllVCutlon that lioimflitedRodin refused to eoedemai thv Sidsry’-Grab.

The ||epub.cu. party w~ never moretltcrougl ly unnted in this 81ate, lhuu IIis ta-dny.

Ttu!ru is nuthing signigeant in the factthat.. |loltmlaJz ,It ~i~lL~j_ug_*~hat is agreat Dcm~ral0e ilrellllhold,

DelhoOralle ~llc~e~+,li~ Mt the lqorlll pro-

phes7 ueainlly II~ Iho ~t~lltll,

Th0 lulloW!li+( rt:lnp-q WU clip from IheRo~hcol, r J)e~lln+:tUC

U,~i+. li,t c, ,, £’.-llO0|IIIUtt!l+i iU the~iXlii Dl~lilo, ,g ,lla~PatlliU’suitn.

’L’i,e ~*,u’ ilcfll I OiuICtJ ~1111 whn vole~Ih,i ~Jwniill~lulitl liclct in ulln. tioni,olyulenlluu~d lu "ll ~lili/tlit llll411c.i, i~ The

other nulorcd itS411 in brllfl) ulludcd In bytile ~lrellt~r as ’+aliOt|llJr lilt[ ’t

PA.cx FIn A.’V3ell~Ul~,B*tweln Reilread Deimt mid the Bilek..

iN FULL VII~V-0F. T Ha 0ClaN. - ’A¢iIIlIe ~lty, N, J. ¯ " " "


WEST STREET HOTEL,Nlll. 41, 411, Ill & 44 Wait flU,.

NOW "~trol’k.A Temptrlnee Houate,

ON Tliil mUilOp£&li" pLAN.P,00blS ~0 a¯d 75 nentl.plr[dai~._ 01mrge~

VRRY MODERAT1~. The b~t m~t~ aedveReliblel iu the malhet. But Btdlla thi.0ity. B. T, BABBgTT.

St.lev 14rl P~pfl*ter.

OHARLE8 WHITNEY.~urveyor and 0ivil Engineer,

ELWO~D. N. J.A y eommunlcalhm from llammontno for

ISrvloes In Ihe protelllOU whl receive immodl-ato ¯llcotGm If loft ~ I tilo sto¯ t,f F. P. Vandl/,vemir. 3"vlS.ly



In Chancery,hie

L’0 ~1M [-Slt)N I~R OF DEED.q.

[oerll;n nrnn nln llWat.LHla.)

Hi~mlrtont-’-~n, N.J. ’Bpselal nlLenli,*ll will b* glyeola ~eatsy-,

Inoill/l. wrill K C-Ullaell, ~kn.lie will ¯Ire ant s. silent fur the 8ALB A~

Ri~WTI~It 0Y LANI)’4 lind tbo payatsllto~’TAXR8 Prompt attnatlan pald to OOLLHO-TIoNet I-tf

INAII.g8Atllll KT, ---rRICD’QX-~’~i’~gPMglD WOLIIIFVIg.

Albrec-l~t & Co,’liU COi~S8Oh8 TO

ALlaltar, ltlKK Eq.

|i,,uora IIru +:’.+y, ’l’ii,, ~%~v+ ~.’,,0k iJ.r. M.:,.fael r.r f t i,*. ,~Ir.*ll,, l’t~llTbo olher ~sw York pal,or, hay, little nl, l ..pcakn with +xtr,,v,gutlt ulfo+u+u uf I (’] rftrl(1 trl, lid ~"~q]lllA’O

°’ ’"° ’<+"+’;°+ """ ,oo-, +o,,-"o,--, ." pig N0 PORT! ItIhst ia ptelty need nvidenee I,,at ~,.u el Kn,ly, . . . ] IIIIIbem alU worrlod n~lut eoniiithiIJd. l~’raukllu, i’a., has n lead.wlrrallled to I lllery [a,llUmeUl elrrllllr,I, I’,i,.,e lou.

Plrlou ltrownlow ia divided betweeni~I 76,0~t} y~arl uid, Thil i¯ n periudI Th.n.ldie nr* i,**,li.lly hlvli~d I. v.di nil+dsalh nnll ~ongtes5 thoulh Iml..l(Icrlbiy i War~r,,um, ,,t

in~neh duv,lt~d tO Dem~nliO ilt,raturo, IprepoueiNd in laver of the latter, and it iau’l mueb el at aturJ aryhiw. ] No.~elOty Arch ittreot. Phlladl~

& ~cnMiDT.

IIAlftllibAl,,-OieO|ii::ii; lit4; + .

¯ ~61,,~ .~. ~..~ .

te ~re llmt~ ~r~,iNt b~la,,a.I~l+qd~ tlmU. 8+ PaPalIIIiploy illa i~l~11oll’llior or Alliloli ind "ForeIIu~a~ddultan, D. ~I.. " ...........

= -+_: _- M~,Imlmmm


. :.. - .

........................... r- +.~ ,

........ [ ........... --j-


tan lml~v0 I edm, M,;; ! ~" ....

OLD and Ptm ;P. s. T LT0WS:

ann peter, whleh It h thought win w.~h ion a GOOD l~l~lM AXe KOAl~Sln - " I~o, Ill9 li. light St. "17oldl.-*Mr. EII~ ]l~uon, Jr., w~tba I~ker~’awuded ]~o! mac, sa the owner h~ I*o ~rth~ em for hi -

.. (nz~ow vmi ~:).. : :_ . . ApIIy.to-J+.E,.:WATKIr~.... Phl]ad.eljDl~i~.. ".:..

-- - .... sm,.~ass0ss+.-- . ......In of tim nehlo - --__." - .

ilmitit’ti--dili 5iiiil lTia]i-iil liqnllite to tllaI, ~llllJooinJ~or ~ebartori. for

ly yuli" ....

’Inmrl u’ pamlraph i, a n*w psrelmpb, ufolloils:.~ ~+o tmvite,_.~i,i .. :~.+ ~+ui.i,.tt. ~

previonllytltamre,’nt the niiat llelion altsr the ’adoption,thmreef, lad from lie9 .to..tlme t]tcmftcr, Ihall ..t

-Imdk ....thonot, ouch ......... "

nvld+mm ¯bldl-~irpreiirvld." ":";~" ’- - +7"- - ¯ - - + -- : ---~S~ IIp I ~ph ]i/ a nOW Ipirail’iifli j ill .

foliowl~- ....... ~ ............lG-id-lliio llliMi+- nil he - " ’qT. ili++l+llllilire-iballa6f+iiiiif-prlvali, .....

-’~tlllt. - _.-.~ . _ _ -A a:ea~J°llwi~Ib°li"-qulte~buli"°m’i’d°ne "r

~l"N"J* l-eea!-°!lll-e~i-!lal--IPY~:If:il~/iluwing ....¯ by-,..~g or....-e-e~o th.-’.on.t~, ~ .~m-.n.~op Am.,~ oo~e bfV.W, is.:-. -- .o.m.ret.d,¯ t carton, ev*r tus blaoktmi~ ihop of A Ait~......... J~We ilihi_ lmd’ltl*iMt*P°limt+°Ithmbrbigl"rbaektmur kin. " . . + , - - ’. "~ lorkhii -

Im,th.r lelmlr.ttiimtheK~..Mi. A tw0od~whleh lmd+fll~’;Me;i~Oliil~’m.it+#llliillilti~l-ii’ "- il(’i4~Tlit il~d+,iii]EiOE+i [" J" le. lilt i’lli It.; Pldhulul ~ml, toim iiet; Jill. aUey, "

I he filed !,1I thil!ltlng.- HI leoldiat it week+ whllo 0uiqlid"!a wll..the~ bailiUIg hi- hole. + Jk lI fslihld.dtll- ~or Jl[ea~ W0mm ud ~ul]dren,.. MIy be eenraltld ~ ionally or byditter on all ; the iQtel~laL eJfalre If to’Ill nn~l i

il~-~~lube~el~ll h~ been bet; pod ftomhllgmli~liidfeffuponhllntmlk, rmIdeudrepaired, iloltof stoeknsed DI.811ABF’8-dA~’II ~i’tare’mleee,q" l’praetioo, eenntlol; appointing Ioeel otieeoor eommls-/itbaa.wal ui~tl~but priwl: ltaya.rnltd log avers bad looking meUhiil appliitu.--- I ,work, Ind geedl wlnlatad. EohblrsImmam&lro/~leeenllamdardwerkioamedleino.sionl to regulate mlmleipal atfairn. -

r retailed. - ....... Wll ~lJ.ll.nea-ii~i mitilely, voll!al~e lind pro "’Seleeflng~ drawtng, summoning I,r-lmpan- --’ow;" +lUl.10 to 18.00, ~ bushld. ¯ -~ -&lwlye-ettontlll-tn, Billaeu, ~ pares oy utmml£5Phe aolinggreud Or peflt’Jurora.+ - ,: - - -..iws~m,-m.~.--0+:m~m~-n0~+. _,,oma,~+, ioo,..++~:or-d, o.lng,~hepe..--zebMfi~ilii+-Tp~i~a~lor..iimi ~r~’k£yof ++_4.~- C-’-~:+’~ . -tho-t,,rm for.whioh.leld o£eera wor* *hbtea or-. ~+lg!0-w~.at~_ .’W~_ !it iltl;llll ni!!m itll+ lair Plrln~i, nn mblring 14, Imtl tn 1iiTlbel~l, inl+liff . D[BEAgEm of WOMIl~>led ¢III~DEEm a

SpSC XX~ . " ..... i .... -t.--: ~ ...... + +

it w["]+"ID m~i’ am" ..........tolendthe nowlldver.II O" +" ~.-mi... +...~.+ ++ D- AT P. 8. T|LTOW8 - ..- .l,+,++.u,,d +0,+,; ~-<..,,,,.O+p,v. ,., -.,oe,illun .r" i. ~ iral teed---!lo ]l dy sh© lid be without. ,nu:vlaiim amF.exelulivo priylleg+..immnn,ty, - -" "- ~ ’"llillllat of 8tniwbil~llle & CloUdier, on hlii. Rtultl’lLWataenud ~;.~.GllkUL--Thenlw -- P.~I. Menlur~tikenlmdGo~e-~e~dfrom Im. - ....... ": - ¯ -I?~iSAIy - "or fraoobilo wh¯tever. ..althr. J. G. Conner, j!,atlullato~ l~kS¯llpratl~ ~10 oily When nothing to fit or mitt hi on hand. : _ . . - . ~- +-~GrmittlI:teleyooqiomtloe,-ellmelllioa-or -" - --PaO.- lIxt~sordlasry4ndieemeat~ oiled; --, n sm~, bau~-.~.t,w, ~Sy.t~.~ ; _ Constitutional Amendments,imllvidulthedgbtlolaydownrailroedtraoks.- /~" Slmith’, Llndhil eonimuilkiiiou ehimwhleh0tm,,,,nd.ll~mmwll.etmm,n 8peotalde| Imd .EylMt]lI~- "P.0’miotf0re+aogea 0f.nnii, elvU .. "

-- ’ " erhniual eiles.¯te le-lesll we shill be o~llgld-to Icy It. 0vet till them. No patdnt.~-Thelmanll Ixhihitioi, eltho ¯ .--State ot New ,l!+e~ep,+"Providl,gforths-.",+,-,~"c’a,i~l,ppor~ - " - .....qltXlWmk. "Wenre’-Vitry-ghidlo lhlk+rlvilliAIrleuliirllSml-ltY, llildlliliied*+ ......I~dD~EONDEI; .. : .......... i+xe0+~i~+n~,i,~ ’: 1 ofrreopublio,eltool,. .... . . -_ ¯bntitmi~ht:be e~densdone.hadf.: n.day ud Zh..r;d.y,w.t .PII£C~IID£L OlqrICl&], - Tm,,P,~, z~. j., ¯I~"The flm~o,cof +ho eeasodWedt~o ufivorablii weather, lhe attenda;~oe wu

No. + B. EIGHI? 8TBE~T, PHILA. " :~y 21M, 18N.Jlelday iolnleI. Ii wai lllht~ hat ~niadny u+etdhllly iarll, qltPl eminot ~lVl i~_loe t°morning Jaek gays nl a regular nipper. ][co ate Ill ~ nitli~ltioiiI of thll meIt in- n lairs nliiorliient, of it.i] ktndii 6f To rile Ho~l.’Inr~ 0. 2~d.~j, ~eevela~ of~tuie :

..... Imd Eye-GJailes, at the molt rot hereby-d-i~leted to eaum toin tweatlug exhlhitiou. Thk suemismuJt be high. eonable prioes.plcol. Tomato phmts ud of the newspapers of thll "< ~ tbo liwe of the last

,oneluserUmleaeh~uatu:eobteinod, lubJe..t, uevortha]oee~ " " -II" A good shines, hi offered a good who by their hmiriy co-optation and eIetootwl~ a few hlmdred dellnrl, hi the put- hibore prolellil~ no ~reat a dllplay or elmld~

hiirmi llnd wagon, led ~I the nlmll~ ~x- dlou-l-~t o! the put summer,tall. The owur being obllled to attend to Youn, Pul, mimlllr.eth,r businme, inquire at thhl ot~ee, or of ]],X. Bowl., at Bt¯tloo. ~ B.eeent .]P.leotionlk

A. 8PECI&LTY,,.tnrm~im,y.; ~:i; , t

an/other Optician In the 0ity.A flue aslortmcnt of OperI-Gllasoo

alwcra on hand. 46.51

sa!i!+ nowiptpera, the p~p~led Amendmaots to~e Constitutio¯ ~f New Jerlny, pused by.tl.ol¯lt Loglllatdre, end filed in’7o~r o~eo by Iho8oerethry of the Beilate.

Yourl. e~,JOllL PARKER,

t ~ . II - - i . _ I

Ioeerl u paragraph 12, a i~ew Paragreph+ u "tallows : "

"li, PrnnorCy Ihall he IIiolled lot laimiuiidorglnerel lawl, aod by uni~ormra.~sl an .....cording to its tm+ value."--_ ----¯ The Demoemts are weleome to all *heir ex- ~]~¶¶411~The Wat Jerley Pre~in speaking dtatlomi over the Ilootione on Taelday. Corn-,lithe dividmid mile i~*emiiiy by Ilio-0 nmdmi lill lllllti~&

, .A,..+ ....o..co~ ,0.. ,...,. ,o, <h....t,t wo.,d ~,..., :-FIRST-QUA~LITYl~dlm~--tSill-iffd-~.~at semis hi their way. In _ .J.. i!i* 0. ~ R. It. ~Io, paGl a dlvldend of 7 plr Ohlo:lh. Itopublielu8 have IoaC two, andlpo.l- Dlreet from ~e Dalrlel. At~int on prefo trod and 3t on common sto~kbly thlte memberl of Oongl~lS. " Thi fight.that"iTavlng no oouneefloa wRh Imy thrulh lines wu ccneentreted egatnst’ Garfield and iorlol


PROP083D &M~gNDMX]rl’S s,~,~ wu,~, a now paragraph, An

....... fnre he entereipoa~MLdutlm~k~sad-m,b~of New ~erley. --~b. the following oath or IIIrmatioa : ’I dl,ARTICL~ I. solemnly nromile niid Iwmir (or "t~rm) that I

" " them. Thore b .... -ewe route, thll eompaey bu be~o mmarksbl, eAnlo for ea,lratulation In the "+*~0tlen of the ~5 FUR8 !FUR8!auteeseful, and tan rolling 8took is ateldll7 beiiig hitter gentleman, whose charge relarding the

5nermued. whieh retl~et the Iced lalmapmeut :Sanborn fiiveatl|ation" commanded the respent Wnolalsl&n Ann lllrllL.K*iioradlynzoorded to It- Daring .he preIat of the boat cLaJsen tbron~out the ooantry.wUI abe bo padd. ........ IuUOno ~ho

we~ oppmed to anything Jo"thnt’sbape, ud401oredl 0wit~ret Rmld,~eornlr of Nlolh streel lheywnro able to.eommltll~ the vote-of.-thoig-wll found oa Thirediiy noon, hi the ~eld aorwat muses,- whieh in toe many eases out.far from the hmmbde~l. Hehii~ honw|tl numbe#lthitofthoiutelllf~ntuddlscrimlut.another eolored boy, gatherlnI ants, end the tfug ei~isenj.bo~ h* w~ with esyl they wore runnl~f~ and "Iowa ralll up o grand Republican majority,tiia Mott " " ’he serial rtrAngo]y, but ho went home and lefthim. We have not ~ able to ebtamI the flute,but we hear it 18 supposed h* wal ebok.d within teorn~ Dr.North w¯nanmmoiiod, but no re-

_will fatl h f~llyi-l~4~l-~,tly-l,n.fm.m-alvr41~l. .......... Ill Ihe~hlti.oofthooIelef , totlk¥ beark -825

of my ability Imd nndelltandtig; that I wliISOrt ill paregreph 19, a new paragiaphi ¯searefolly prorervo FII ree0rds, i’,almre~ wrttlofe." "follows : " -.

"19. No eouoty, elty,’borough, town, town- ~ *utmItl~ to mo for IItfo katplug ! ¯Ihtp, or vflla~go shall heJe~aRer Kivo guy money r cane, And make mieh dJspoiitkl

]port has been loot gl. Slates Senator.

ll" G. W. Pre~wy’s new Pc,r, over N.braska I, llrpub|icaii, and we are there.wbloh there has been much dkeote , ir one of fore sure of ¯wortby sueceslor of Pines Tip

the most l{llClO~l Io the liil% aud dell lu solar ton. 1 :Bonn enutend that it iI a Bartletl, othcls thal Arkaa,al elects the Deem tJekoltt Is a St. lllchael. Tbat I~ls not II Bartlett,js evident from the fact of ils being a late vs. Iu Wont Virginia the Ropnblieaiis el*st tworioty, It being Just now in ltl prima0 nnd has members out af thret, nnd probably the tntlrinot the externel appearance, only in ehepe. It tinker, while the Eepubllesiidelellnte II lleuredIs a golden yellow, dotte~’lhlckly with minutefrom Dakota.

Io Now.r. the Demoorals hare*etc., a P S T~0N’s~l!eek *p.t,. Caning so Into. and bclngl~ verymajority of lbe Board of Aldermen, while tbo

I IIntn[oue, and el Is-go llze. wUl uo,;eubledlyRe’publicans hay* a maJorlty ,n the Bollrd ofmake It a gre~t favorite. It Ii in late II couhlEducation Ld Board of i’recholdnrs.zot boos:,lhitedataurl:alr,. Mr. Pre,leyhu’Tlm forlgoiugl, s,ummarjofthepolitlo,iCASH

S ORE,¯ noes one tiundreJ gnlftl from the Ir,~ upon

situation lneceorda~o¯ with latelt adviec;, andwbG0h Ibir poar gro+ws.Wi lqei no Oalit I’or dilcolrllpnntl , The ob.

I~" II will be ,men by re leres0~ to Ihe virus ie,snu, h~wever, masi nol bo forloltln][~k~]~O~TTONt ~. J.tlml.iabli Ihil Irilnl en Ihl Cimdini.AiImiilo We mull ellll olr rauki, Ind rella no Iffnrl

~¯llroad arn now iuallog noderwlulsrarrlnllll, nntll vielory II leenrod blyond poredvenlure,lntnh. +]’he mololng IllJn up Icnve, AIlanllc --I’ubl;,, Op(ttlo., -- --{hty II 0.20 A. M., and ilammoatoo at I.II5 am. - ............. _ ........... "~rtl~l muriihig Irllo dnwn .*c1¥¢i Philldelllbll ~ r r I a g.t II. LARGE STOOK NOW I~ OFai 8.00 A.,%I.0 rearllllig llamiiioulon iI ll.411. -- ..........

- *l’hl.~J~lulthl.Aeo,lmmodatl,m haves l’adlndel- 8NliW--PItA’f~--At Lh’oula, N.Y., 0~17,,, ,e.,,,, It,,. ~. w. P,.i,,..,l.,c~ b~,n, New Olothing,pbla at 3.1S P. M., und Ihll aud the FrelehtWillhlm tl. lttllhem. Elnersou E, 5uow, M, D,

Irnllil will ,lop al ,%ligil.lll I*lilJOll betwoal o[ IViholl I N. i.. nnd ~lll LlUrl A, Pralt. liElwm,d arid DaCorl~ t,i lul el and tekl eli pil- H~il

Flme ~q i - I ........

Flue Meal ql~IrhlallsFile lII~. k~l,

All of whieh is offered below eo,t’ of I nportation, at the oldeolabllshod ~ reliahre otoro oL O 1U IIM G E ill.B Elg

In Iadilna’ thl auectrl I~ml In bo about825 MCH 8T., PHIl. 825even. the Dom~reto havlug, probably, e|ontedENGLIIH W£LKIIqG J qCKIETI!the 8tote tlekot,-whllo tbn Repu’~Henns ¢lahn elide In oNler.thn lmgll!ntur% and conlnquently :he UolledPr0£ H. J’. Iouoet~ ~ D.


~OTRICITY "loleotil~lly applied.Gillilil, Htm ~roen ~.. Phlla.

2t70 BOOK8 "AT- /

i~ money or credit, to or

for,. orany a~ooeiation or eorporatton."¯ Inieril al pire~raph i0, a new piiragrapk, anfollows :- "i0. N-o donation of ineder-appropitltiennf

money shell be made by the Item or aoy mu-ulelpal corporation to or ibr’tho uIe of an~,lo-elegy, auoeiatlon or c0rporltleu wbeteyor.’

present paragraph 19to numbor 21.ARTIOLE IL

may bo required by law."


Fazlgreph 8--4fret the weld "legislature."where It oeeara grit io mild paragraph, Insertthe words "or the senate alone.’" - " 1

,h ?--Add to ilia ptrsg~ph/he fo~

to tb

to one er mar* of snob llmmrti/mi8 of ths.bill.

e snob append to the bltlt lit thetime of Ildning it, n Itademout of the .Jhl 1.nxon~ or svvrnloL which be objects, nnd the npproprLatlea.ls ab-~’eeHou I. jeered to Ihadl not take ofrnet. _ If th. 19gishi-.lore be i~ leelion he II]ildi trumm~t ~ theSIriko out the word "white" hetremi the

weld "eylry" ,,nd the word "male" in ~o fi~t bones’in which the bill odgilatod a copy, ofline. . reich Italomsnt, and the Itoml objected tt a]Snll

Add le the parslrnph the foll6wJegl 1 oo elparemly rlmonlidored. If, ea ri~IIII~lioOSlOn,ono Ot more of Imah Jtame bn npnle~Vo41"Aud provid~l farther0 that In tim’* of war m~Jority of the memborn elected, ts uohno elector in the aetual military llreleo of the

linle, or of the Uutttd Staten, in the army ornavy tboreof, ahnli be dsprtvad of his vet* byIonian of big abnenoe ~em iueh nlnetlon dlt-lrlet ; and the Iosillato~ shell hays power toprovide the mlmanr in whieb, and tl~V time sodplane at which, such abltnt eleetorn my vott~aid for the return nnd einv,re of tbe|r roilsIn tbe oloolloa dhlirloil in which lbly relpeo.tlvoly restdo."

~eet ~en [LStrike not ill of the soeond seetlon afl*r the

word "brilmr~."ARTICLE IV.LHIIL£VI~I,

,%ellen L

the sam, sbMI be a part of the hiw, nsi--the ohjlmtlons of tho *orere,r.

irovlslonl af thli eenU0n’hi rollllon tnIhldl lll,o]y

Itbbold hla hppm-vkl from lay it*m or Items IIonthlned ill bII!

ap~roprlaling money."Jt*arsyreph B--Add Io the parugrepll thl felo

Iowlug : ¯ " - ,. . ."Nov Ikall he bo oloeted by the Iogillnture In

any cease under the governmset of thin stelllor of the Unllld iltittl, during thai twin forwhich he ehadL hoyo been eliiolod goyl]rns~*t .


IPIPolnvlSl IPeWMN .Sll Vail011 eP elll.lil~

T P~tlmPlg-----~tr!ka our tb. W0rdl "lllmid &ml/~ Loemiey ox uetobor,’ niid liisort la lieu tb*reof IlIJT|Jk nJ’lPilIe.the words ’ Ilrst Ta~dny nhor the Irlt Mendey

5---Aftw’tb. w*rds t~t~Jer~l~iohi Navsmh4~." Pare~raph~e~I/M it. irali/’ tosort the words *’tho al~lotlnl lel~iirlll

lid qlilllr ,.Mtel gtllral."Pnragreph Y4trlklohl thl fallowli I werdl . Pirilriph 141rlkl iat tbo lordl ’qhi hi."A eolpellation IPov Ihilr etlYlMi, Io lie M lalint ilollrai0 qliiillrmlltiP liseerld and.~*

Iorllluld hy law lid plld oat ol the lrlml~ Alle ilrlkl IInl I.til word lloilill."of’theilaill whlnh IOmllon*alliis Iball nol

~’ecl/oa 1~.Ilfled the InlI or thrlo eel are per day for theperiod of forty dlyl from the eemmoueomont siylI, orrieInS,

esng’ors, when .#Knell.d i’ho .l~ nil Irala leaveeAIInntle Cl’y ii .’t.10 I% .%1, Ilid llllmoninn iI

4.Sl. Th. llimnio,lln At’ot, enmodilhm will

rqn Ill ailiil. Thlo Mn#’s l..udlnlirul~, li,*w

gll lllrh,,r al ill,20 A, 11, ind e,01 p. hi.,I’avhii ~4y+l Llndillg ill S,40 A, i~l. Ind ,I.4VP, M.

’t~ Imllh’l L¯ndlnl Iloma,Whidy,--Uellghllnl liilOlllU __Lonl ireelng.

/+oud.y wn~ ,l peuctfut ¢lly,--!*~xn~lleiit nllhi!for iliUlid ,hii bni,--~blh, luiousnoJghiillrlioud.

~Ollr i,i,oldo ii,tl fulld of llllilliirl--lluleher,

lul ,ilion lie~lr al hlnd.--Oyllel, tl nllll~ got~l.--O.~itur oullur~, proStoblv.--Oysilr ]+tiiill Wu;Ih

6ii elllii per bllllhnl.--IYallruien loovhll[ dsily,--++~lllliy I’t otir ll.llll nfis h,ildhli~ whb ¢luliir

ind i~.llil, rl lur I1.~ .tll~rlliliird,_lluuhwhlllerod will be llgbt.--10.1a’, blu~ ~nd i,l.ll crlbllare behin rll,hlul,liod._Tellrhil lillllls I llnlnel*

arl I lsnlY,-+’plmllh i 1+~ idliis’~ ohlui Ill llbi

tinl lltb,--~ilpel wellell url bu,y.--Mnluils ,

oludy p.t!l., .re all Ihe lO.--Ilnibe~lng hlrllilnd mlhhiI ,lihi Ii let>liuiulull.-. ~l~hillll buyi

JnbllliiL--Ma.y aci~nipll,be,I pcrform, rl ,,i,Ch* aq~,+rdt,al. -Tba keahh ul" o*lr pile. I. elc

4tmdlnll# I°ud,--DOli°l forslt Ihl doelll,il Jill.pie of Mr, WlliOn’i l~.**lihl ~ Ibl Iilh,--Itoflil

,If oar 0#lllllnin lii el I+iI llltll~ al I~t rt~m,lit ell0hlli s ldanll._Ailprullalod ~ Ihl wllhly

ntltM ef Iho "l#nalh Jllr.ey R,ll.lt,’,u."--Mr.

DUIII, E~MTLLER--In OcL lltb, !S74, bjll+v. hi, Det’ny, el the homa or tbo brlde’il’,,ro.l,, Mr, William I,. Duble, of Camden, nodMi,i Mary L. Mi Jer, of llammontnn.

BEBEH~ll0WAItD--OnOot Ilth, t$1’4, hytbe ~amn, Mr. CI.ylon L. |leben, and Mlsl IlehlnE. ll.wnr,l, nil el’ WIllllow0 ~,J.


PIIATT..O. lhem.rnhlgof lhe 141blll,;.nl tilo hllule OI llir. ~Vm, t’rorl I lilt. ~slnnol’lnll, .god ;2.

[Mr, Plnll W~If~.; 7 ,;f enr -ealli+.t ltallhlrl,1~O ennln,lrud WUl |l~ with .llamm~mlun, liitt

-nni~l,,ie,~{,i,l b.v. t~,i.oe,I hi li i* leavo tt. lieWill nnliiewbilt ceCUlilrlo, llni a Inln lit ,hldy

nnil Ibnughl, Ill iTul Ihe layenlup lit tho nail

irrowl aliil lulirnl iltlilr Inlusbln Ihloll~, ol Ihlblii~llt ul which be Wil robbml0 Iod f;nm wllJih

olherl hal’ll brc,*me rlub. !1. IIv*d nloiolt n

licrmil’e lile, blvlo s blouloi dlllaited allb Ihl

Wrung Ind ollragi of Iki world. ~’ll ba Wil

full *if hu*nnn hhldflell end ©hlrllv, nml liuvllrh~ll it llnrd word for hll w,lril tnlul)., lie e.r.

tllnly Ill onl Ihul I.vld hlnlinlty, whllirllwii’e bll fin,l,. Ills body will llk*a il

N~Wl,orl+ II. 1., 1~# hli i~n~ whn liml II llllirlei I.Ii hi hll Illi h,lorl, Ibl,I Iohl lllerrrd.

Ill inl nf lill "llil,lmsikl,i of lllmmon.

t,la, and hll ralollllr flnlwlll bl mlltod le

maly phut~.l

" Oatm," Boot~

of tho Nmll*a, ead ,bill not axltld tko ann of . Plill.rlp h I---Strike ent tim w.rd "1¯4"oao dellle lid Ifly ooltl pit dey fir Um re.

I ~nem it iOnlll lrli) ia *ks paregillb, ugnliIndor af llle llellei. When eliiVlildiuslrt l[Ulr thl wetA -ipnoilal/tha r.ll~-,._*xtra nillni hy Iho govsreor tb*y Ihall Word=° "and udgtl of "lko inl~’-.r’~-neh 0el al Ihall ho nxad for ths ** llrl r eottt~

Shoes. ds3~.eftbewdl-,arviN.Inn1~llll’ ~on _. , .

’" Dry,,, .. __°{man. ::J~s Ol~tO~, a,d l.. i l, II, ........ ward. °’and m-pursUer"

......... ................ .... = "- ,,HAI~MONTON ,. p,Z.,,.ph ,__ .d ,o ,h. ~" gr.ph,h, fot .~.~;.~:-P._,+~.,,.,.,,I,.., g: " 5 )u fthepm~mtparS4mlmOorne Bans .,o...,,.,,,.,.,,..o,...+.,,.,.,.,,, o.,.,,., -- ----,.~m~m Ireael Io 114 Illio *lily, but tho lel reviro410 or

- Chaa~e t ko numbtr If prereal parsgrepll gllq Mflt~ nlilmlll !~ thO leelion er NettoiiI amoiidnd i h-II ¯ i le llmeera, d I

-- l, tl ’I. - astor. Ne ast Ih.II Ui pelmld whleh skel : nalnully,’ usanlll , o cod ’qhet’~t~’~ l~. PIC - NTnSl ,+d..,~,ta.y ,;,,t,, law, nr p~t ~lo~r+ lJeelrd unlit I.bey skl~l mr~ ~me,~ =’G

" . --vl~ii la.li. Li°.m.lalorllmmd apiriof Illlaoi.~ unlInpr." IIIeeriilllllllnmlli,~Wells JniiIl IIIaot tillt al ¯ Ioe lelllSWtl w01d IIthimble, ealsllnglaw, erpart * I sl "..ud~ke.l’.el.~h!~i~Ir iberenades,Dances. ,th. ,...-i -- ~ ~ a.-~- m ,muewmg WeWlt, ~l~sl~ dksll

&lilAl&I I£Tl --?.so, t liI *ImhlIo’ aldthe~.,le~eeW.’ .._ ..._~_. ,, HI er puqaeel peele i&aal Iea II sno elreiriiih Ihl rlniml~. ~ uIIm II

m. r.r.i,, p,.~.hi,...,,~ ’.The ~-,-t,-re ~ P~;~’~¥~mok,..m~._~ .i~ ~ ,i ~Ii~,__ -- |~ll INI Iin~re et ¯ thOimL *.A .~i i_~Z. .. ~mlii~ Ii - - -~. L lili ’ , stem .r h~ --- ---.- -- =em, r Ci th,r lle*lrI pnhll* llkielii laslbel .I lilillll¯ .---;,., .,. ,.... ,L ,,., th...,..., th.,~..’~ ~,’,;.~,..=r. ,. "..+"

bowdll of the earth for maze+..


ore ill Bold to othe~

feet. These were ths

belowrook mmle~

qmuhead from whJoh +,

: eapll w# woreSo. I -went

" lanlm~ &’ bord eroundneok,the

led off at¯ .haft-the work of

ago ab¯ndoned. How farI eould notlighted theWithin the .!


resame my ...... .+,’+ +:

" out to the left

it was

we went onwhere


measure of

on reoel]pt of


lueky if not on /aoo. too--now¯ upward over masses ofrook and musesof silver ore that were no softer to fallon than meaner stones."

The Bilver vein varies from’-~ flnl~er’ebreadth to about a foot in width. I~omeof the ore i. rloher in silverI huve mentioned, yieldinelshtyper eenL of silverrare. From this pointlevel--it seemed forstill narrowerto the point lor

¯ ]adders, instead of go ~g an anglo,aa before, were mc CT ’, but nonethe easier for Here wasdrippin 8 water MI around,lltepB of the ladderB were muddy andslippery wJtJ~,t~e feet of hundredB of~’miners, W~-leeealled and do~moended, l~O)~ore .~L~0 roe~p Or xidl-inn+, but tlte niUddy etop~, must .iresgrasped firmly by the hand--with bothhands, too-~Jor, if the foot sli

6EO’ W. GAGE & JOHN A. RICE,,~, .... ~ro

Iforaee Ma’ n


until, ut¯ hrle plum,that weI ~ glad tohBd not attemn"IoBBtim purpo~ I had been aurae |~.fiifive houra below gtoumd, ~n,! ~,ow




llelillililli. Ithemmiibm.CbiH~ i~evee madPItea.

!,,¯Lidl,s. old or young, will ~nd these hits,is so.

i.id to : diseases to their



HEAR WHAT I5 SAIl"Wouderful e#ect, hay9 relulred "from ynhr

Dr P.rry’. llitteri.’_’ rein-hardily hillers ii."

’"Stud- me sue eMe Perry’s "Bitilrloglda.lag like them here." " -i on,loin ndid&vtt oFmyeuse, i hid to do

"Surely th~ ,~ the most delightful wtnerosin in the world,"

"Dr. WUson says that yo¯ are a publlo b.us-fli~tar."¯ "Hurrah I No more rheumatism."

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~

¯ lllil. ~i¯¯~..iainl l,lieli for idvl. as io

t~lg lame af County u viii it Town .wbel~they reside. It’will Jays us n woui.rful amountuf Sial, lid ¯nuoyaneo if this wl i be observed.


. made up IrefBlly from the but mil~lil~ and qulidtii luld wolk .........-:’~mlulhlp:lulttnteed. : ..... :’ ’: ’. : " . i: :7-: ~.i :



- Lime, Ammonia and PaR 0. Me Engleh.ar¢ & Son.


Ii aim o,Ll ,,howl unllait ion. . Oit!llllXCi.

~uper-Ph~lo ofi Imu eoutoim~l in is olhigh gred~laling ~ tm,nrtld by tie mllu. and n positive remedy forfl~tur.r direst from England, whore tbe nverefpcrop of Wlt lO l0 haihehl to lbo ION. GOUT. GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIABE. ,


103 doUTfl ill KEET ~AV~T[t~01~K~ Noa-~ltoutlen or Iu~o~llueu,e of Urine. Irrl.


’ #or dale by , ’ , .- Intl.¯, Inhmmitien or Uireration of the . .

----.t 8plrmalel~e~-Ltleorihm, er White,, Irreg- " ’ublr or Pulnfui Miami, Be.rl¯g Down, Chic.rell., Htlrtiity .oodPHYII[0rAII AND 8URGEON,

HAInloxrolG ii..i, i~

~ltlill~ oe Cont.’ll Av~., In SkihOUSe foilllr~ NImpied by Dr. Bowlel. ID "

~er ~ mml~s

" l*llllmillmm~lil I


T. Ii Will ?llmlgo’h tditor *f tlar S~er)4 (~.

0Oltrlballr. Tie# wrili & re.sill.

i’a~ llllll.

£11L llgDAY. ]ieRselel0he Agmil

I¯hlldptlel. II 04ilNikll felt. 8nmpll limb .rid sir

¯’ttHTi Wlli~ll,



,Ill Complainte fncideal to Fcnmlee.

KEMNEY’8 EXT. BUGHUFor gton, In th, Blsdd,r. C~lculus Grovel or

Brtckdust Dspallt and Mucue or MlllyDiipk,lrgtl, Jnd Dlseetes of Ih,

Prostrate Gl,ud.

iCearne¥’s Ext. BuehuCuIes dlsslsellrlslag from Impradeue.s, L’sb.i. of DhslpatJou, oto., Jn .ll th.ll illgls, al

little or no.bsni~ Jn dldt, us Is,P.rtilahlr atiuatlu paid ta’Mtsonlo Mill! su4 Uo eaQO.ur.. It eaut.s a h i-

wld’mblom..l.~.li kind. qu.ut d.sire, end glres ~lrlngth to QrJnntu,th.mhy removing Obslru~tions. prev,.tJu S nnd~’~-iliabllmhod In 1~10. euriug 81rlolures of Ullthse, ollayl¯a Poln nod

Fan v~ ~g /aSamntJonl and expelling oil polsouooi matter._j,._,e U,.d b,,...u.i. ,,. d..,,o, o, o se,, efiifoi Iftor .uneemnuuter Iobur p.lus, bod.wet

J.lk W. JON ESh tlnliu ,kildre.,.te.Prof. Sloililly. l ll0nl ~ttlo of Kllrniy’l81 ]orgh Illlllg lireel~ Eztra.t Buoka J. Worth muse than all oib,I

We.lee lld PIn.v GoItS of Ba.hn. oomllinel.",p,,o.. d,.,. KEARNEY$ BUCHUsod (teulilmnn’a Ihlrm.nt. ll ~,XT. ’kuowm Cratm ud /define .thtwll dyedmost brilliant aid plelo uelors. Crepe sadIwinolSkuw||elsenNd to took like new. Aline

i Glut!smell’s nppar~, or mlrllln, el.unseal erl~l dled. Kid Uloras stoomll er dyed to leekPln u.w. (].ll sod look at 6ur murk befor.going dsewhore.

Ur~aek 41aet e~. lib i~Jel St., ¯

WAMt]~I~I rl W. -illll,eeoergati.~-Jkil L IvlJ~l lln io~ womli

Builllml Ihll will P.¥,uYmld lu yo.r

IS strhllly hnl.rlble.’lili~i leith .illli del.

sure. all llllt~l¯e of tie Illll-.oud I r >pt~ll Swelliigs *aisitn|on ial I 0~l~rell I@ lillil whsl

the age. , ,¯AIk for Keom.y’lb Tska no othsr.

i~rllm Gel .liallltttlp-imdtle-o~Mix Be,lies flr’Wivo Dolllrtio

DoPey, 104 Dlia~ll tit|set, Nuw Youz.A Pky.l,isn la ait.ndsuoe to ooewer oorres-

loend.ool aid give Idvi~l gratis. ~eud etompr P.mpbl.ts frel.

For i by DlUlllltlil ]Sqorywhore

,.. to, ,..o,, ,, .,.. Avoid Quacks & Imp0sters.WlU hi’sill it limipt or ell# i.llii

Addlus J. LATHAM A CO.,ltl Wu,hlnltna.,~, Jr,.re.. M.si. NO I]lirge foi ~ aud 011111]IMlol~,


FULL Ini~l~ Pda~

OASW.~" ~" ~ ~’~se"~ >~ .~.~.’~.~.,~ -~i .~,,,-’~" ~i to

nil l’slal,

n~llne-ihml l~kllo,, lmt Ull tll’Llll lllIow,in Prim,"Tim Prtcellirk~l la Plda Yli~m ~l Iv.rylmmlml~ and n~ ~

Dr. J. B. Dye% ivudlml of 4dli~ll, Mid,llol Cellsir, Phliali.llilili. ~ Ot ili~llll

¯ Pdated O ulllllll, hal m. ipatltl of oar firm. uc~mplaylll mch plmm~, ,~. -’

..,.h~ .o,,,.--be ......ii ,i. iltliillll, Ootoblil lid, 107’11m,as or tko lluaeel or Ultalir Orau., (w~leh be has mido lit .spli~ll lisdy) ill, if ll,i| tolllll Tnl~. allantlllluml . , .or.f.mllll ill I~ll i~llm wllileuse elllll-|~lns.eorl.l...~m.|il!di~ Atriellof|

.l~ llltli U~ lii4ol.ellle o2f Bllidliill ~l. Willl~ ’

no lit:i snlllill li II hi411it~ with ~ I iN ll~l llill ~ ,

& BROWN; Theie nt ¯ dlllll nit felvlld lotilr dismrtb IJ~Ji~?toml lid eloili¯ 8 ,limp le prepey JI,d f.r ,h. ~"~’J. ~" Dr0~,"’" ..P’i"D,,I’ ..~ ni 8. [. Cir. 91Xih & Malts, 8tree~

nnd Iluellnl p 104 he II., I. Y. | " .....

ton-; ¯ tlimiil CityCl.ment, Hnddontlsld, H. |

H. E. BOWLIlll, M- ll.sll-lv ~IAM~,)NTON/N. J- "-

......... ~ S D : i i 1

The Best !c--

Furnitu~ S-to~.We

................ prol~ehereafter to

sell our g.oods atthelowest Cash Prices,

~lo-ug ~fie of these s:reims, that d0¯btlelshadeomo to their deith ~ th~ way, "-~hi" alks~

........... mllei0 Is"el llerren us the l~It D,i~’tgatlon would perb.ps redeem much of It, oud

add tens of thousands of acres tolthepastlirage

aud tillabl, lands of th. county. In ~e vi-.c/nity_o£ 0g&~_in_th I ~Id~. J~lkliola.lry,the

gro~d ~ covei0d Widi- .7 wht~e-~bl~nee whieh

we supposed W,s a~udl, but upon.,xam~utlon

It seemed qulto lnite. "=Wo ooueseutsd~ome-ef

it, aud used ti at hnieb time, illlteild of thesa|timd to enable us m do so; h,~ in o"r inuch b.ket, At~un~ S*ii L’ake

we-- must ~i for ~ady pay. for m,ny mile, either why; I~¯ ~em" ~0 b" I

- great basin onee pdrhup, flH.d vlth silt wiSer,

ance of the same "liberal pa~on-

age that-we have had in .the.-

~. D. & J. W. DePu.v.THE NATIONAL LI~ INSURANCR COM- Jno. 3. 187~, 51,tfPANY OY CIIIOA~O. IrVi~riho attention ofqhose con~mplutieg’|usurlog tnoir lives to i~

,Mutu~tl or Reciprocal IOO0 Acres_" ’( ~r#e| llloil

~l~AS..w~leh ei~Jeli.~#i ~i~_e ~(i C H 0 I 0 E

anbe r L.Ksprlrlugtnem of~t~ e u~olssrto" efllfe, as do..h-o..,..v.,to p,, ,h. high ..m,.o. Cr r y ands¯ of old t~at oomplu~S, vho ohlrgo for ASlUii.mn Dntvd Los.al Wulcn ~nvls.it Occun, andehon odd n Aoav$ loadS,,9 /or el.cue.gaol e.e.pen,ee. 0e this pla~ you only poy for the ,,eal~L,~lmel ael.all$ cxperieuced, aad ol tSe,~ ocm!r,I~ilTl o i~ a(~ flxed .o.ifer ¢.rjJenae.o Call on th.

.ag.ot for ~ir~u.*sr fully eaphdning thls aystem,

~le ~raeUeai igesuitt !

St.co Its orla~lsatlon ia ]870, the NATIONAl*’has pal.1 in d.oth io,ees $b?,7~0, nt. a~el.lot.bedeoetlbd of $711,90 lu premiums, uia hmeCemp.nl.I would hero paid :or th. sauie~re.mlum.$31,|14, showlel again by iusurlng lutho ~A?IO~tAL of ov,r ~.q6.~UO.

Th~ Capilal aatl Seehritise of this (~mpauyare sq~eleni to .emply,,wlth tl. InsuranceL.iwq ~fauyStateiat"’ U~ion,DgNJ. L~usA]tn. Pres. .~, O. Tsun, See’y

~. E, HOW LEN.Aglot lee Atlasllo Co~.U#, ,Velo Jet.e#.

Situat. near


TOWN 0F HAMMONTON,¯tnd udJoiu|ng the land of th.

He~mmonton 4Jramberry nnd

Improvement Aesooiatton.

Thea. lauds are smoog thotlolig |u the ~tstgo.

harlni ill fs.illtlel fur

Flooding and ~Drailhing,aro ualily and ,hesply cleared end



L~nlll ehown frco of .spense and all informsteen glvou by

G. F. Mli, l.Elll.

BELLEVUE AVE., I[AMMONTON, N. J.ogu lly fire up,i, all doaerlptiooe ui i~llurlihlcprepurty~buihUil¢~, fur.ituro aud mcreh.u- )lit" RLehsrds’ "Crsuhorry an41tl Cultu.’~"dine--at role( as I.w as eoullaleut wLth m&fety. S*ot free urHclpt of

PIONEER STUMP PULL~,RHaviu| r~.tv.d the rlfht to msuu fecture sud

r,ll this Fauorlle Moctloe lu" the ceoutl.s ofCimdln, liorllnlt on, Q.llal AUintlo lud 0ip.Megl, I harlby .llru uollco thai I lm prel&lld"

SnAil ord.l, it foliuwlni rils I

NO. I M&~liLli, ¯ IOIJ.OO.NO I " - lla.oQ.

TA..e MuoA/eo, ave Woer~otid le bo iV, BILYli~* Ike m~rleti ,

Yer portilulors seod for slrenlel.~. W. FliSeltllY,

]leu~mooton, 1(. J. Inventor A Mlanfr.10-tf


No. 781 Broad S~,,lillit~ARIL 1¢. $.

This Company Insur.e .gsLosL lees or dum-

01:FICEB8 :94! J&]iEll lil. |’A’Fl~llM(INs

rle,ldeut.JUI,|U1 II. llltO’l£o


L. L. PLATT,Auenl for IL~,nmonton mid V;chln~

OE0. W. PRt~SEYAOlll(T FOR Tliil


’ ’ ¯ OF Till{

0ounty of L~noisierl Pa.Thllioat ind Ohoapoei Ltfo Inlur.

anoe in tho World,

~varTbo ly see make ". roviiion l~" .aug of dseth.llTll LCTLY MUTUAL, CIIA K]’K R


¢~- ur It. I W. I!. ’fLIOMA.q~.1-19tl liamlaeatoo, ~. $-

CUMBERLANDFifo Insuraneo Co.

=’.lil;~"F.TO.ll N ’

sawouu plueo wile~ "lb.y welregatheling-thil

tory to sending it to mark,L "B~ghsm ~ouug,the Mormon ehl,f, will need mo~ salt than hiseountry uffo~, to p~a.rv, hla lyst.m ofeccl.-

siuiieal forntcl~on. ~lt.aUL~ot klep,,IL. We~.ught of Lot!. wif, l bpt

.,utod upon’,i horse. The 6utllne~ of,-jhle;

diittnotly mlrk.d, ’,"

We thought ibis ~-.God’s Ari GIBI, n liol-to,’cont~in~g~’~e rtrat ~peehneneof:~nti_rn

s.uipture wh~b, for vial merit ean¯ot be .xeel"

uurLvaUe~b~de theprndheUon0 of. yesleidaT:Wreuiihi by thu:hmidl~mK.ofmea...* " - -.~

More a~o~.-~;~,~;~- -~ - = -A~lweo~. ~

¯ " . " + Ge~ffnK, at the ~i~tth; ; " " -

~o ~eeat flbe~lous:’dcmoit s~A~0n~ af th,South have urOus,dpubli0 utteutloii, i~’inVes-~tlgatio¯ has bro¯ght the re-el eoudition of th.oee

I mind- that tbu oolored oitire¯8- are ¢ t theagsressors. Crlm.s ef the. most-agiravatinguatare h~vo been ¢0mmitt.d u~;mst peacenbiy

dlsponed~ltlzeus, aud tava~ably by Demooretleoutlaws, iustig~-t~ by unserupu|ou~ pollticsi

leaders. Th. eolor.d people nre eh~rg.d by the

Democratie press ns beHg thc iuettga~rr uud

tion hus almost invariably proved -th,ir ~fie-c,nce.-_iIadividu~l crimiost a~ are no do~b~

natioua-fur vi01atloos of law ia~ order are un-known among.them.- They are nl~r~liy timidand peaceably disposed, and wtll submit to im.position~her thsn resent it by acts of vio-

l.uee. Durlng the:war,- wh.n-ueurly the entise

population W.se Iwey from home, tbellegroes

were left upou ibe plantotlen, with the_white

to their trust, und tnre]y

’their owners. " "~e ~-immlm,_al~rtheir emancil~ltiou, they eoutinued to manif~t

tb. samo p.aeeful di.position, oouplrd with a

wlilinguess to labor upon the plant~Uons or

oft.r the" Government of tb-e Us,--

ted States hu the right.of Ih[-s.nshlp, tho members of: ehe White Leego.I

buvo comhin.d und.rseiemn cathtodeprire

them of ~at righ~ aud by threats, murder, audotkel me~ns’0r kitlmMnttila~ pievel/t tliem fl~n

attemptiug to voto at-the mnnielpal, Sto~, ~ud

monument of God’s dhpleasure’bud ~k,n new ’ But the hue state of ofairs hu’beou madelife at Salt Lske, had brought forth so,h_l known, and th, pUbWd’v61c0 demands !bnt thepl.ntlf~ hurre~t of wiveS. At a ~or-man town .o|orcd cit~¢as’iv~ryWh.#e shall be protectedat whleb our ~atn ~opp.dt we remirked1 to n in th..zer~e of their right|.. Moasurps havefellow puseugsr: ’*This is a Mor-o men town nlre~y blou adonte~ bJ the Adm~tstretion tobut having more wom.w t~sn m.n,-the-humo is supp:el, oeL, ~f)nwlessnes8 iud ov, ry’at~mpta mlsnom,r; it should be n mor!e.wemeli to deprive .itlseus of’free seeess to the ballot.town." " - " box. Opp~,ueuts to poll-tlealettaallty at the

We have eomo to th. western erest of th. ballot box may just as weil make uote of thi.Roomy Moun~’in., Ilero we find th~ l~ki fo.t at on.e, and govern tb.ms.lves oeeoxding.much more pleatllul thoo we fouud them on the ]y, for th.rc will ho ¯o ~seount. henceforth al .oastern .lopo, and far more grand nml bnpoe lowed upon the aolored .iLiscn’. vo~ nor-acyl¯g, though w.,,:o uot see tb. variety In ,h~. lutorf.renee with his constitutional right, toian.t color tbst we sow upou the other side. ~ erat.d. The Admin~tr&tlo¯ Is in .arnest.--that caeo e.ae.d by th. rslstlve pcsltloo of tbe

su~, ~et w. s.. th. reeks iu all thel- nativeWat~.’.O,eil Bi’pliblle.

grandeur and ~wful uiajesly. Sta(.lyt~w’criif .The "Poetry of PrtniePdom,’’

eoormous height, im.geS snd carved work e~ Thl. is the title of auew, hauutlfn| and toste-dlv.r, kinds aud gro’orqu, shspes, statna.y ’ful v0iume, now-{n pf.piritiOii bi 0.ca~ H.chisse~d by the haud uf the Great ~rtitt, q¯lte, llurp.1, uf Cin.innatl, wbose, lplsudLd :work,as uniqu. Imd beautiful ss that wrought by the entitled Typugraphl~_h~a eItoll*d.le manrhsnde of Italisn seulpnora. Tomples formed of eompllm’.utary notices from the prof, s~on. Ite.,rv.d stou.i~ ballt without the eound of pick Is iutsnd.d to gather together, In ¯ oompa.tor hummer, liko that of old.n time, and aup- form. th. poeticnl .ffaslon., odglnal and -rs.purted by masilve columus o|" more thau Cor-

luthlan splondor, abound. Pulpit ltoek.n.~mod from-its pulpit Elks appenrsn0., ie

thlug of beauty, upou whleii thousseds of eur.

tout eses huvo g,aed with wonder, The Devil’sSiide Ls ollko uaiqu, snd wuudeifui. Ii

eht. of 8reylah ston., flat und smooth oe~,lther

itde, with edg.e tit etralght uad Imouth as 5f

they bad hecn Jointed, sud us llrstty ee Ihe0u.tt gr.nlto. ’lholo i~on¢l are about LeU or

twelvs Lnchu in thioknus, about, ton or fifl.eafeot Iocg, audahout six feel wLd., These’s’,ouss

arotet upo I edge Just .s etrslllht up uud dowa

as If they h.~l h.on setby a plumb Ilue. :Thesllu~e fit ololcly togotber. Tll.~ sru two rows

of tio~o stonaS about eight er ten feet" epsri,whleh forml tke .Ide. Beth sides sre adkc, and

of uulform halllht end qp:lasreuce. IJie bob

turn li uf ih. sere. msterlul, .ud luere laid el .veto7 abd ale.ely aatho bill leld

pave.lent oo IIr:aduay or ~h.stnut strelt.--

I!l ! !r,!p&l!_l! ab_o_ut ! n or twldre f.ol wldmoro or ]eli, snd p.rh.ps ~6m 6re to Ulm.uholidre~ fuel, aura cr lill. It belles it Ihu

lop of Ihti mount.l., God "uul’ltrlltht Io thsIoal without break or Inlerlupllco. ~t Ibt boi-

tom. wilhil a fsw Istt af lhs ttlmk, thaiLli ¯huge .tuu..et_up.h 7 tha hand of Raiurs~ whleh

luk.i a fnlr ill~ Io Ihe Iow.r p.rt of thll is.meuse trculh. Throulh thai. tlMl,Mil du~lll

ol ro.k shot iklrtid the Iri.k, the I~&ll run

ilew~ lud ¢luillellll lirinl us a I~ed vJow if

lb. DeriV. ~lldt lad oth.r woadore. Wi ssleivll.i IIIdas Ioi.whil akin Is thl IlSSl our,

bol thu Divil’. 8lieu w.i Ihl Ireadlil ef tb.m ’

ell. We also sow a eluil.r of itatuar#~ oat m-pro.suSie| u Qosktr ~ll~, with n pbdl Quaver

bei.o.t ued drib drels, (the ea~lr t4 tls .tin, Iol, 6kM¢iesl Aamdotss, Kim¯ikldllu Irsomwel drub.) Ous ef the group repiNntod u ef Ihi Prels, bud Io short I all miller of ¯ re~quean, wilh a .rewl upoa her llel~ sud Vim, ohurl~lir, ibat will llnd.e sigh n voliellwreath o..lrellu I her brow tmumdl~llly hilum ru©y and ottreoflvu to sanders of .very uhll~ih. erovl. Thll qoseuly SlUrs .too~ h.llde ¯ lti ly~Olrsphlcli .lioltiol will bs ilml[l~ tooirvld ~ tllrslld thl tilt if tle It bwm-

}riuted, of the dlnciples of Gutt.nhurg end

Puult. eed tho:e couneetcd wllh the trade.--

Alretdy th. po.ms of nlany celebret,d writershaye been s.nt to" th. forthcoming book~ sndeven tho pe.t.print.r, uf Europe sro dtllroua

ef haviug Iheir flowers of sentilauat entwln.d.

Jn su hrllllaut it bouquet. Leydon, tha~venera-hie eeot ef l.orulng, seuds no ]es, than eight

orlgloat oootrlhutloa,, some In hlgh.soondlng

Amslordam Duteb, others In pure uod poil~h.dEngll.h, These foro~ln Offerings, from mtny

landr, villi enable Ills reader to ecmpell tho

relat~e Ioentai pawerr cf our profelulonsibrethron of tho Old mid Now World, Ma¯y of

tbo mu~t luflusutlsl writers in the otuutr$ hay.evlused a de.p luterusl Iotho sue.,is of this

uavsL uudortuk~g, Th. pnblllh,r~ Mr. ][ur.

pol, hires.If ¯ peet of no mean powors, 18 ,~illy

ilubued with a love for hli subject, aud his np

l, llelatlv, tsete .od hie. dlsorlmiiiall.u willmost lik.ly rooder the buok ao unusually attrae.life rig. Iio hue underiikln_ths lexk_aa ¯

I,labor of luv.." aod promlsas thnt tho volumof~ faultless lypogrelihYl bseutlful tlulod pi-

per, .uporb .ngravloie. n¯d gurgoool biuding,will not only reeeet eridlt upao the crull, butprowl-li’d.ltght to bltok;t/ndeit-fere’:er. "As

~le bin alreidy resolved dLpiomla lllll.thl V|*

~uni and ether Expositions, there is no doubtof hi. ibmty to make the W~’zk aot 0bly as-or-uem.ot el, hot It.ll Id~ltioi Ion nnI libru~.

The prigs ef lhia rore |lui if art his MIt lhtheel Alld~ but w.~ll ill Is~l klowi ia die lls.

Tha seas plbl~lher prepllll bl~ehlg a Iklm-i~aulO¯ voJieil, hi prosel sitl~Id "Iuelt~l

Ohmplol of ltdntttdom." ~nll will eolprlmysmn,d KseolleeUoes ef Pit~tu~ and ltiut*

f~- to "all,-sue~ss ourefforts ........... ~ - .... . ¯ -

"It is not~~-m the plltry’e~ee whlehI hold that identification ~th andenthuslasa h~

,and .msgnanimou8 ~eatmeut

rebellion by lrom thesod of hart& w:.th

tiers 6ceuri~ o

acrime, and noqienefits

to "_cm _ti~ol

H ,

This phin, ~utspokensentmmii0f ~1o~-aity is sha~ed by many others who bat-tled for the "0.-8. A.," bu’t wh0.hlveseen and n~lnowledse~the~_e~, andar~ pained at ebe eour~ pursued by theWhite Leagues,an.d their indouters.

Two United litatea aen~ors, ,,.¯ There is sn imperta.~t eo~.~tderstl0Q in

eenaeetion with the eleetieu ’~ ~untyScna:ors, of which we-have seen no pu~.lio mentiou. We reler to the fset’,~etthe Senators to bo oleoled thl~ Fall willaot only have a vote, in the seleotion0f a .Sonator ~ sueeeed Mr. St~ktou, hutalso a ve;o in the ro-oleetioa’0f Mr. Fro-linghuyaen. Thie ehould not be’i Oyez-looked by the Ro~uhlietus in tho~ ~un-ties where 8enalore are to ho ehoeeu, a~every exeriiun "should be put forth.~t’baehive eu~es~ Th~reare likely mi~in the next tix yeats nume~tu ~iU~’sti0nli ¯affecting the welfare of tba S~a~d ~’e

natioo, and the 8enato~ from New Jer-ley aiiould roprosont Lhe party m whomthe pcople au’d the oountry onn look f~rupatriotl0 end mln~ de.nee of the ~ght.Whea we eonslder the rnpLd ifieruse JBmanulaeturcs and oomme~, the uD~ "eedented rise in ~al estato ~ui~ by thei~flux ef pol,ulation from 4he twooitioa it either eed of the State, the ~-vsntnees to be derived fi’om hlviog ~ ,the Uoited 8tares 8enete~ men olp~b"~or proteofinl i t- inteme~, ein ellm~, hi.overestimate~ lit tho perlun of Mi,,,Frelinghuyleu we have oae, au~ If Iho’iie~-ubii0ao party is Iruei~l~llinJia~,nry next it will hive the pitvllep o#blim-ioK a eollellue worthy to hold I plioe lie-eide him. It is doub~ im~ortl~ ~ers~fore thtt,wo ~t’ur’u ~0~u~l~ t~’t~O "

8eulte f,rom every mu.ty semi) lepn~Nnlod, anli ~ our belt e~deaiam~ tddto the eumbey.-- We~l Jm~ Pren.

Mr. Rose, of Phllldelphi~ h~hei et

the ibdueted ehild, lal Just obt~led tve~di~ iu i suilfor I~lel ll~u~ the R~o "J~ ~|le, ono of ~a mwl~pen (hht~ml~ ~. ~u’ eon~lal’l~l the~dlmptll ~. The erie b Io ~ u~

Jill, Mo~l hu ~ ~o Jr,rill fecllll~ ia a elvil mid ollmhlll nik Is,lils

k el L~ v~ Italml

r --