Bruce Lee There is No Separation Between Hard and Soft Kung Fu II

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Transcript of Bruce Lee There is No Separation Between Hard and Soft Kung Fu II

Bruce Lee there is no separation between hard and soft kung fu

Jeet kune do (way of the intercepting fist) is a martial art created by Bruce Lee during the 1960s. Neither a system nor a method, Bruce Lee didn’t consider his art a style but an aggregate of principles for developing the martial mind and body.Although jeet kune do’s foundation lies in wing chun theory, Bruce Lee liberally borrowed from other kung fu styles: taekwondo, wrestling, fencing and Western boxing.Building on the precept of self-knowledge through self-discovery, the JKD practitioner is prompted to absorb what ideas are useful and discard those that are not. The physical goal is perpetual development of physical speed, timing, footwork, coordination and power.

Since Bruce Lee’s death in 1973, two variations of jeet kune do have evolved: original JKD, which is promoted as the art Bruce Lee practiced; and JKD concepts, which applies Bruce Lee’s concepts to martial arts techniques drawn from various Indonesian, Philippine and Thai styles.

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Bruce Lee and Chinese Kung FuDue to his poor health during his childhood, Lee was sent to a master at the age of 7 to practise Tai Chi, which was good for fitness. By age 13, he also learned Wing Chun from Ye Wen, a brilliant Wing Chun master. Later he learned Praying Mantis, Hung Kuen, Shaolin Boxing, Tam Tuei, Springing Leg, Jie Boxing and White Crane Boxing. He also explored Qigong and Yinggong, all of which laid solid foundation for his eventual creation of Jeet Kune Do. Besides Chinese boxing skills, he studied western fists skills and learned the boxing methods, steps and motions of some masters. Bruce was good at playing Long Staff, Short Staff, Nunchakus and many other weapons. He even organized a Chinese martial

arts team in his university to practice and perform in extracurricular time.

He took a break during his sophomore year at the university to establish the Jun-fan Martial Arts Club. The club became well-known eversince news spread about him saving a girl in Chinatown, Florida, by defeating four gangsters with bare hands. Very soon, braches of his club were established in Seattle, Auckland, Los Angeles, amongst others. He became well-known in America. An increasing number of learners or boxing stars, including Karate star Chuck Norris and King of Boxing Muhammad Ali, came to him. It was through this way that he spread Chinese Kung Fu by teaching and exchanging experiences.

 Jeet Kune DoCreated by Bruce Lee based on Wing Chun, it is a free boxing art that combines various martial arts essentials. It is actually a method of defending the opponent’s attack. Its superiority is to defend and attack in a close distance and short duration. Besides, if it is flexibly used, the shortcomings or weaknesses of other boxing skills can be easily detected and compromised.

 NunchakusNunchakus is actually two pieces of round wood linked by a short iron chain or a leather belt. Lee was good at using it as a weapon. The weapon can attack violently by brandishing the wood. Once the iron chain or the leather belt wraps one’s neck, it’s difficult to get rid of it. His prowess in its use can be seen in the Green Hornet and the Way of the Dragon.

 Inch Boxing (Cun Quan)Inch Boxing gets the name because the distance between the attacker and the enemy is very close. It features a particular attack style which explodes in great strength to attack the close enemy in split seconds.

 Bruce Lee and Kung Fu MoviesHis film career started when he was only three months old, with a role in the Golden Gate Girl. In 1948, he guest starred in the Riches. More roles came in the following year. His breakthrough came about in 1950 in a film called Little Cheung. He portrayed an orphan who turned evil at first, but eventually became righteous. In 1953 and 1955, he had roles in seven films, including Blame It on Father and A Myriad Homes. In 1957, he has a part in Thunderstorm, his first and only literary role. As he learned cha-cha, he applied dances to the films of Funny Face and Too Late for Divorce, both of which are highly spoken of by a lot of audience.In 1971, he accepted the invitation of the Hong Kong Golden Harvest Studio to sign up for two films, the Big Boss and Fist of Fury. The former broke the movie box office records of Hong Kong at that time and the latter broke the box office of Asian movies. His skills in Three Kicks of Lee (Lisanjiao), Tumbling Boxing and Nunchakus in the films won high praise as well. Later, he wrote, directed and performed in the Way of the Dragon and Game of Death. In addition, he cooperated with American Hollywood Warner Bros Pictures to shoot Enter the Dragon. As his film career is becoming more and more successful, he died suddenly at age 32 whilst shooting of the Game of Death in 1973.

Bruce Lee had played an influential role in the spread of Chinese Kung Fu as well as the development of the Kungfu movies. As a result, Jackie Chan, Jet Lee, Donnie Yen, Sammo Hung and other famous stars all had him as their mentor. Under his influence, western people have a better knowledge of Chinese people and Chinese Kung Fu and many of them take interests to learn the skills.Chinese Kung Fu (Martial Arts or as popularly referred to as Gongfu or Wushu) is a series of fighting styles which has developed over a long historical period in China. Nowadays, it is regarded as a traditional sport gaining more and more popularity and even stands as a representative for Chinese culture. Styles including Shaolin, Tai Chi and Qigong have many followers worldwide. Some westerners think that all Chinese people are Kung Fu masters. That’s not true, but this traditional heritage has its unique existence in modern times and left much influence on the locals’ lifestyle.

Although being fighting styles, Kung Fu advocates virtue and peace, not aggression or violence. This has been the common value upheld by martial artists from generation to generation. With a number of movement sets, boxing styles, weapon skills and some fighting stunts, Kung Fu keeps its original function of self-defense. Now its value in body-building and fitness is also highly appreciated.

 HistoryIn order to survive in an extremely hostile environment, our primitive Chinese ancestors developed primary means of defense and attack that included leaping, tumbling and kicking. Although they knew how to fight with rudimentary weapons made from stones and wood, fighting with bare hands and fists became essential skills. The Martial Arts we recognize today as Kung Fu had their origins in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties (17 century - 256BC). During the following Qin (221 - 207BC) and Han (202BC - 220AD) Dynasties, wrestling, swordplay and spear skills became well developed and were popular among civilians and troops. Following the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), various schools, boxing styles, movement sets and weapon skills flourished.

 ClassificationOver the centuries of development in China, Kung Fu has become a large system containing various schools or sects. It is recorded that there are over 300 distinct types of boxing existing around the country. The styles in northern

and southern China are quite different. Therefore it is hard to be simply classified

Some of the schools are classified by geographical locations, for example, the Southern Fist (Nanquan) prevailing in south China, and Shaolin School based at Shaolin Temple in Henan Province. Some are named after the creator and master, like the Chen Style Tai Chi and Yang Style Tai Chi. Some are identified by different training methods, such as the Internal Boxing Arts (Neijiaquan) that concentrate on the manipulation of the inner breath and circulation of the body, and the External Boxing Arts (Waijiaquan) concentrating on improving the muscles and the limbs.

The most outstanding and influential schools are listed as follows:1. Shaolin Martial Arts: Originated in the Shaolin Temple in Henan, this is considered the premier style in China and is widely spread all over the world. Both of its physical exercise and mental training are based upon Buddhist philosophy. The Shaolin Boxing, Southern Fist (Nanquan), Northern Legs (Beitui) and Wing Chun are the representatives of this school.

2. Wudang Martial Arts: This sect has almost the same fame as the Shaolin. Based at the Mt. Wudang in Hubei Province, it is developed under the guidance of Taoist theories. T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Form / Intention Boxing (Xingyiquan), Eight-Diagram Palm (Baguazhang) are essentials of Wudang.

3. Emei Martial Arts: Taking Mt. Emei in Sichuan Province as its camp, this sect is moderate and blends the merits of Shaolin and Wudang. Many sub-branches derive under this sect, including Qingcheng, Tiefo, Qingniu, Dianyi, Huanglin, etc.4. Tai Chi: This is a comparatively slow and elegant style originated from the combination of Taoism, dialectic ideology, traditional medicine and physical exercise. It features attack by accumulating the strength, conquering the rigidity with the flexility, and beating action by inaction.

5. Form / Intention Boxing (Xingyiquan): It is a representative of Internal Boxing Arts characterized by its straightforward fist and quick attack which are well suitable for fighting against the enemy. Its boxing routines include Five Elements Boxing, Twelve Animals Boxing and so on.

6. Eight-Diagram Palm (Baguazhang): Created by the master Dong Haichuan, the

Tai Chi Quan Performance

Eight-Diagram Palm features continuous changes in palm styles and steady steps in circle. Many sub-sects derive from this school.

7. Southern Fist (Nanquan): This traditional school prevailed over 400 years in south China. Centered in Guangdong and Fujian Provinces, it features short and tight movements, various skills, steady steps and vigorous attacks. The grand master Wong Fei-hung is good at the Southern Fist.

8. Qigong: It is not only a school of martial arts but also a physical and mental exercise method, which is beneficial to health and body-building. There are mainly two types - Dynamic Qigong practiced by specific body movements, and Static Qigong practiced by adjusting the breath and mind.

 Learn Kung FuIn the recent years, learning Chinese martial arts has been more and more popular among people of different ages and nationalities. Therefore, many Kungfu training centers or clubs have been established. A strong will and persistence is the precondition for learning. One should follow a master or join a training school to learn systematically. The basic skills of legs, waist, shoulders and stance training need to be practiced daily. Employing the solid foundation of the basic skills, one can choose from the various sects to learn specific routines of boxing, kicking and weapon skills, to improve the combat ability.

 Kung Fu Masters Bruce Lee: (Nov. 27, 1940 - Jul. 20, 1973) As the founder of Jeet Kune Do, he is

a great master who was a brilliant Kungfu movie star in 1970s and made the Chinese Kung Fu well-known throughout the world. Yip Man: (Oct.1, 1893 - Dec.2 1972) He was a great martial artist contributing a

lot in the development of Wing Chun. He had many students who later became masters in their own right, including Bruce Lee. Huo Yuanjia: (Jan. 18, 1868 - Aug.9, 1910) As a co-founder of the Chin Woo

Martial Arts School, Huo was considered a patriotic and heroic master for defeating many foreign fighters at his time. Wong Fei-hung: (Jul.9, 1847 - 25 Mar.25, 1924) He was a master in Hung Gar

Boxing, a style of Southern Fist School. Zhang Sanfeng: (1247 - 1458) He is a legendary martial arts master and

ancestor of Wudang School.

Learn Tai Chi Quan

* There are many other masters, including Chen Wangting - the founder of Chen Style Tai Chi, Yang Luchan - the founder of Yang Style Tai Chi, Dong Haichuan - the creator of Eight-Diagram Palm, Liang Ting - the initiator of International Wing Tsun Association, etc.

1. Shaolin Kung Fu 少林功夫

Shaolin Kung Fu is well known both at home and abroad. It originated from the Shaolin Temple on Mount Songshan, Dengfeng County, Henan Province. It integates the wisdom of Zen Buddhism into Chinese Kungfu and formed various kinds of sub-styles. The monks Its basic skills mainly include tumbling, jumping, rolling and others. In recent years westerners are becoming more and more interested in learning it.2. Tai Chi Quan 太极拳

Tai Chi only has a history of several hundred years, yet it has been practiced widely by the public in many parts of China.Tai Chi absorbs the advantages of different marital arts, integrates Yin-yang theory traditional Chinese medicine and other ideas, creating a set of marital art. Practicers  move their bodies slowly and gently to develop one’s internal power.3. Wing Chun Quan 咏春拳

Wing Chun is one of the strongest, most direct Kung fu styles. Wing Chun originated in the early 1700s at the Shaolin Temple and was then was widely spread by Bruce Lee’s Wing Chun teacher, Yip Man. The main principle of Wing Chun is “simplicity.” The less complex the techniques are, the more effective they will become.4. Baguazhang 八卦掌

Baguazhang is a soft and internal style martial art. The creation of Baguazhang, as a formalized martial art, is credited to Dong Haichuan during the early 19th century. Baguazhang attaches importance to the interplay between mind and

outside movements and is often characterized by slow and flowing movements.5. Xing Yi Quan 形意拳

Xingyiquan is one of the oldest Internal Martial Arts styles, the other two are Tai Chi and Baguangzhang. Xingyiquan pays more attention on internal power, with loose movements but clear intention. It features aggressive movements, eplosive power and unpredictable fighting skills.

6. Choy Lai Fut 蔡李佛

Choy Li Fut is a kind of Chinese martial art founded by Chen Heng from

Guangdong province in the 1830s. The system compromises the merits of different martial arts techniques, forming his own Kung Fu style. Choy Li Fut stresses on relaxed, internal power instead of muscular force.7. Bajiquan 八极拳

Bajiquan originated Hui Minority Kung Fu of the Cangzhou county, HeiBei

province. Contrary to Tai Chi, Bajiquan features explosive, short-range power techniques, and is closely related with the military system. Many bodyguards who protect politicians practise Bajiquan.8. Praying Mantis 北螳螂拳

Praying Mantis was created by Wang Lang during the late Ming and early Qing periods. It mimics the actions of a mantis with two hands like hooks. It emphasizes hand play and footwork as well as speed and agility.9. Nan Quan 南拳

Nan Quan, also known as the Nanfang Quan, is the combination of Southern Shaolin boxing and other southern boxing techniques such as Hung Gar, Mok Gar, and Choy Li Fut. Nan Quan stresses on simple actions, changing and short-range hand plays and steady footwork.10. Chang Quan 长拳

Chang Quan is a family of external martial arts styles which combines many Chinese martial art styles. It emphasizes fully extended kicks and striking techniques. Chang Quan was formed in recent years and is often displayed in various Martial Art Contests.