Brothers of Destiny.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 Brothers of Destiny.pdf


    Brothers of Destiny

    Story: Brothers of DestinyStorylink:

    Category: Merlin

    Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family

    Author: Ulura


    Last updated: 10/04/2012

    Words: 78303

    Rating: T

    Status: Complete

    Content: Chapter 1 to 64 of 64 chapters


    Summary: Sequel to Fathers Guilt. Merlin and Arthur continue to protect Camelot from the various threats that face it,how will Merlin keep his magic and how will Arthur keep his love for Gwen from Uther? AU

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    *Chapter 1*: Chapter 1: Prologue

    Uther walked through the halls of the castle as fast as could, without looking non-regal. King Bayard was arriving any

    hour now and his sons were nowhere to be seen. Ever since the disaster of his first visit both kings had know the next

    would be somewhat tense and so the castle was in an uproar making sure everything was perfect. The kitchens were so

    full of steam you could hardly tell where you were going. He had been searching for the princes for over an hour now

    and was beginning to get exasperated. His frustration grew as he walked into the hall where many people were hard at

    work readying the room for the feast tonight. Unfortunately neither Merlin nor Arthur was one of them.

    "For the love of Camelot has anybody seen my sons?" The king sighed, running his hands through his hair. Those two

    would be the death of him.


    "Come on you slow poke!" Yelled Arthur as he ducked yet another branch as he ran through the trees, careful not to let

    the crossbows slung over his shoulder catch on anything.

    "It's your fault our horses ran off!" Merlin laughed chasing after his brother, "If you had tied them properly we wouldn't

    be running like this"

    "Well if you hadn't been sitting in your room re-reading the last letter Elena sent you we could of left on time!" Arthur

    eered making Merlin blush.

    Arthur just laughed, both of them really didn't mind this mad rush back to the castle. They hadn't meant to stay out

    hunting this long, they hadn't caught anything big anyway, only rabbits. Which a grumpy Merlin was forced to carry

    over his shoulders since Arthur took the crossbows. In the long year that had passed since the dragons attack thing had

    been peaceful in Camelot, for once. In a little under a year Merlin was going to come of age and Arthur looked forward

    to getting him completely drunk at the celebration.

    The people gave the two affectionate smiles as they ran through the lower town, laughing as they went. Arthur even

    managed to steal a glance at Gwen who tossed him an apple from her basket. Merlin shot his brother a teasing glance

    resulting in Arthur's face turning as red as the fruit.

    "Your father is going to have to build another set of stocks so you can both go there at the same time!" Gaius growled

    as the princes arrived at the front door to the castle leaning on their knees whilst catching their breath.

    "Oh come on Gaius, we're not that late" Arthur replied

    "Yeah, we have time to change!" Merlin continued as they quickly handed their hunt and weapons to some servants.

    "Oh really?" Gaius questioned with his trade mark eyebrow, "Well a messenger arrived about 5 minutes ago announcing

    that Bayard is to arrive in 10"

    "So that gives us five minutes to bathe and change then be at the stairs waiting for him?" Arthur gaped, Gaius nodded.

    Merlin turned to Arthur grinning.

    "I'll bet we can make that" He dared.

    "Last one to the stairs has to explain to father why we were late!" Arthur laughed as he set off up the stairs.

    "Hey you got a head start!" Merlin yelled, running off after him.

    "I can't decided if I prefer Arthur as the arrogant bully he was or the huge child Merlin turned him into" Gwen sighed

    with a smile having just come in the door. Gaius sighed with her.

    "What are we going to do with them?"

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    *Chapter 2*: Chapter 2: Tears of Uther Pendragon I

    The battle field was strewn with bodies, all wearing Camelot's bright red cloak. Merlin was thankful for the colour, it hid

    the blood well. The entire area was completely silent, the battle long over, who ever had done this had left none alive,

    Merlin suddenly wished he were back in the tense room with Bayard. The visit some weeks ago had been a most

    uncomfortable affair. Now he felt guilt for thinking such things while these men were killed.

    "Check for survivors!" Arthur ordered, Merlin listened as several ravens's call echoed over the plains. They would find

    no survivors.

    "Their attackers headed north!" Arthur called as he examined the ground, "Come on!"

    "Do you think it's safe to go after them?" Merlin asked.

    "You are such a girl" Arthur sighed, Merlin groaned. He had been sitting on that horse all day, frankly he was sick of it.

    Again he felt a pang of guilt for complaining as the guards who were with them had to walk the entire way. That didn't

    stop him and Arthur arguing the entire way there, banter was in full swing today.

    "Flags!" Arthur hissed, Merlin looked down the ridge to see he was right. A small and seemingly empty camp was

    resting just below them. Both princes dismounted and made their way down, swords drawn.

    Arthur used his hand signals to order the warriors to search the camp, even in the years he had lived as a prince Merlin

    ad never mastered them. He simply stayed one step behind his brother. The entire camp was silent until the whiz of an

    arrow filled the air followed by a yelp of pain from another knight who promptly fell to the ground. The fog had

    concealed the camps true owners who swiftly made their way back, swords raised.

    It didn't take long for the entire area to be filled with the sounds of clashing swords and warriors cries. As always

    Arthur was ever masterful with his sword, Merlin worked his way through defending. Occasionally sending out a burst

    of expertly aimed magic to help both he and his brother when needed. Soon Camelot was leading the fight and the

    remaining attackers retreated into the fog, leaving the survivors to look though the camp once more.

    Merlin shot his head up when he heard a twig snap, Arthur was already advancing on the area from which the sound

    hand appeared. Why would one of the attackers come back? Then a stumbling figure appeared. Her face was smudged

    with dirt and grime, dress ripped, hair a mess of black tendrils and sticks.



    Uther could scarcely believe the news when Merlin had delivered it. The by had been so pale and shock that when he

    returned to report to Uther alone the king had feared that Arthur had been lost in battle. The news that they had found

    Morgana and that Arthur was currently helping her to her old chambers had made his heart sore. Now he and his sons

    stood in the hall, waiting for Gaius to return.

    "How is she?" The king gushed when Gaius appeared

    "She'll be fine" Gaius smiled

    "There is nothing wrong with her?"

    "Nothing physical" Gaius corrected

    "May I see her?" The king continued, he was desperate.

    "Best wait till morning" Gaius suggested, the king missed the small glance the physician sent to his youngest son.


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    Arthur found Merlin alone in his room sitting at his desk, staring straight ahead with dead eyes. They brightened at the

    sight of Arthur.

    "Did she say anything? When you helped her to her rooms?" He asked, half hopefully half dejected.

    "No" Arthur answered knowing full well what Merlin was near panic about.

    "She's going to" Merlin moaned covering his face, "And when she does..."

    "She doesn't know you have magic, you are safe" Arthur implored.

    "She knows I tried to poison her!" Merlin countered tears appeared in the corner of his eyes, Arthur could practically

    feel the guilt radiating off the young man. Merlin had mostly managed to put the incident behind him now, however he

    knew that his brother still suffered from nightmares about the incident occasionally.

    "You had no choice" Arthur replied laying a hand on Merlin shoulder comfortingly.

    "Uther doesn't know that all she'll say is that I tried to kill her..." Merlin moaned, "What do you think father will do to


    "Lets just what and see what tomorrow brings" Arthur suggested, He didn't want to admit he had no idea.


    Merlin stood in the doorway as Arthur sat with Morgana on her bed, he was too afraid to enter any further.

    "I was kept in a cell for almost a year" She sobbed, "I thought I'd go mad"

    "How'd you escape?" Arthur asked softly

    "They moved me about a week ago" Morgana answered, "I don't know why, It may of been the patrol from Camelot"

    "The patrol found you?"

    "I thought I was going to be free" She smiled sadly, "Then I saw them killed, every one of them cut down. That night

    the bandits were distracted by their spoils, I took my chance. When I saw you I couldn't believe it"

    The two hugged, Morgana's green eyes fell on Merlin, he felt his heart clench. Arthur stood and left the room after

    Morgana made some comment about needing her rest. Somehow Merlin knew he was supposed to stay. The air in the

    room fizzed with mixed emotions.

    "I know what you did" She whispered, "You tried to poison me"

    "I...I didn't want to" merlin muttered sadly

    "It's alright Merlin, I understand" She half sobbed, Merlin felt a strange lightness fill his head, "You were protecting

    Camelot, I'd of done the same"

    "Really?" He breathed

    "I was so naive Merlin" She implored, "I don't think I understood what I was doing. But believe me, I have seen the evils

    in this world. I know what Uther fights against. You don't know how much I regret everything, I just...hope you can

    forgive me"

    "I am so sorry for everything that you've been through" Merlin insisted, he felt like a weight had been taken off his

    shoulders, "It's good to have you back!"


    Uther barely heard the sound of the doors to the throne room opening as Sir Leon explained the troubles at the border.

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    He was too engrossed in his work, he glanced up expecting to see another knight or maybe a servant. What his eyes

    landed on was a pale cream dress, worn by his ward. One he had not seen in a year.

    "Enough" He ordered, not taking his eyes of Morgana, "Leave us!"

    He rushed down the stairs of his thrown and threw his arms around Morgana, tears leaked over both their eyes and for

    once the king did not care. Morgana smiled, wipping his eyes with her handkerchief.

    "You should sit" He offered

    "No, that's all I've done for the past year, sit" She answered through her tears, "And pray that you had not given up on


    "Never!" He exclaimed hugging her once more.

    "You've done so much for me" She smiled, "Loved me like I was your own daughter, yet I've hurt you. I don't know

    why you put up with me. I promise, I am going to show you the lobe and respect you deserve"

    She kissed his cheek and he her hand before she turned, leaving him to his council. The king had not felt so much joy in

    his entire life. He could never of seen the evil smirk that was etched onto Morgana's lips and she waked from the room.

    Dun dun duuuuuun! I only have limited access to the internet over the next few days so my updates will be

    slow. From the 13th-19th there will be no updates I'm sorry I will be away without a computer. However I will

    try and write as much as I can in the mean time.

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    *Chapter 3*: Chapter 3: Tears of Uther Pendragon II

    Prince Merlin's servant William was in a state of mild panic. Ever since he started working for the prince nightmares had

    occurred, sometimes terrible sometimes minor. There had been very few over the last few months. Most often he

    simply let the prince be and he recovered fine but tonight he didn't know what to make of it. Merlin tossed and turned,

    tangling himself in his blankets, breath coming in shaky inconsistent gasps. He had even murmured some form of

    gibberish. At first the servant had suspected fever but the prince did not feel warm but no matter what the man did he

    could not wake the man.

    Feeling there was no alternative the servant hurried down to Arthur's chambers, he hadn't done so for years but he felt

    as if he had no choice. The prince was unusually still awake, reading at his desk, the servant was thankful for that.

    "Sire, I need help, it's your brother" He begged

    "What's he done this time?" Arthur sighed, putting down the book.

    "He is tossing and turning in bed, I thought he was having a bad nightmare but I can't wake him" The servant explained,

    head bowed, "No matter how hard I try"

    Arthur was on his feet and out the door in a matter of seconds. William ran off in pursuit.


    Merlin was in a fog, one he couldn't escape. He saw himself standing with Morgana, the conversation they had had that

    very day echoing through his brain. Only this time he stood forward and hugged her. He watched as from out of

    nowhere, Morgana drew an ornate dagger, ready to plunge it into his back.

    Then the pale moon appeared and the scene changed, Morgana was walking through the castle, same dagger in hand.

    Flames swirled through his head, adding to the thick f og. He heard an inhuman roar and Morgana's scream and then

    once again the scene changed.

    dark forest with two shady figures talking, the rattle of chains. Hissing of armored beasts and even more flames, pain

    and roars. The flames then stopped in time, fading into pale crystals, they were everywhere. Growing, encasing him in

    them, he couldn't get away and the crystals burned like the fire they had spawned from. In the crystals dances a

    thousand images at once, accompanied by a thousand different sounds, all bombarding him at once. Warrior skeletons,a flying dragon, fire, a dagger, Morgana laughing, screams, Arthur yelling, Uther's shocked face.

    I warned you!

    The witch must die!

    It's the only way!

    You must fight Emrys!



    "Merlin wake up!"


    Though Arthur knew Merlin occasionally suffered from nightmares over the last year they had been no where near like

    this. Merlin thrashed and moaned, only one hand was free of the sheets tight bind and it clawed at this air making it hard

    to get close enough to check him.

    "Merlin snap out of it!" Arthur ordered, worry slipping through his words, Merlin tossed his head eyes opening ever so

    slightly, revealing blazing golden irises rolling up in his head.

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    "William, please let me handle this, go home!" Arthur yelled hurriedly, covering the magical whisperings of his brother.

    He hated how he did that in his sleep! Thankfully the servant did as he was told.

    "Merlin, wake up!" Arthur yelled shaking his shoulder, Merlin's eyes opened fully, still blazing bright gold with magic as

    he sat up with a strangled yell Arthur usually associated with tortured men. The elder prince jumped when every vase in

    the room smashed from the inside out and all the candle blazed into life. Merlin's eyes faded back to frightened blue as

    he sat, gulping in air as if he had been drowning.

    "What the heck was that?" Arthur yelled, making Merlin flinch.

    "I-I don't know" Merlin stammered, "I didn't think I had seer powers I, I mean if that what that was I can't...the images

    are fading..."


    "Morgana is making a remarkable recovery My Lord" Gaius reported as Uther readied himself for the day.

    "Was always like that as a child, she inherited much from her father" Uther replied thoughtfully

    "Gorlois was a great man" Gaius smiled. Uther felt his spirit darken a little out of jealousy.

    "Indeed" He agreed, "I trust she will be able to attend the feast tonight?"

    "I don't see any reason why not" Gaius shrugged

    "Thankyou Gaius, that is all"


    The feast was fantastic, the celebrations would go well on into the night, Uther could tell. It was all the brighter for

    Morgana being there. He stood, trying to quiet the room.

    "Standing here, seeing so many happy faces, seems almost like a dream" Uther began, blinking back tears, "I can tell you

    I have not felt like this in a long time"

    "What, drunk?" Both Merlin and Arthur countered, Uther playfully batted them away.

    "Drunk with happiness!" He laughed, "I would of search the entire world, the seas, the skies, the stars, just for that

    smile. To have Morgana stolen from me was like a blade to my heart. There are no words, you mean more to me than

    you will ever know! To the Lady Morgana!"

    He embraced her as he toast went on, he had not felt so moved while giving a speech since Merlin own return over

    three years ago. He stumbled backwards slightly, perhaps he had drunk a little too much.

    "I need some air" He excused himself and went out into the cool courtyard. He was enjoying this night so much he

    wished it would never end. A dripping sound filled the air he wandered through the empty area, eventually leaning on the

    well, chuckling at the fact that he was so drunk he couldn't figure out the dripping was from the wet ropes. He turned

    to leave when a piercing scream filled his ears.

    He looked down to see a pale hand grasping his wrist, he yelled in fright trying to pry it off. He looked down at the dirty,

    pale face of Ygraine, his wife! She was in the well!

    "Please..." She whispered, "Please!"

    He screamed in fright pulling the ghastly hand off him. The ghost of his wife was burned into his mind, he closed his

    eyes, curling up on the ground where he fell trying to get the image of the ghoul out of his head. For some reason he

    couldn't stop the screams from bursting through his throat. He was vaguely aware that people were talking to him and

    that Gaius was giving him something to drink, he downed the potion without hesitation.

    He faded in and out of consciousness over the next few minutes, his sons had his arms over their shoulders, carrying

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    him to his room and placing him on the bed. He could hear Morgana's worried words, muffled by whatever potion

    Gaius had given him and then there was nothing.

    Just like in 'Fathers Guilt' I am trying to stick to Merlin, Arthur, Uther and occasionally Gaius point of view

    through this story unless its absolutely necessary as I want it told from their point of view. I assume if you are

    reading this you have seen the show so everything that happens with Morgana and Morgause still happens, I

    just wanted to focus the story more on the brother and their father so I can focus on their emotional reactions.

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    *Chapter 4*: Chapter 4: Tears of Uther Pendragon III

    "What happened?" Merlin asked following Gaius out of the chamber, Arthur a few steps behind.

    "I've no idea" Said Gaius not looking at either of the princes.

    "Gaius, he was lying on the ground crying!" Arthur exclaimed.

    "Exhaustion" Gaius supplied, both brothers gave him a glare, that didn't fool either of them for a second.

    "What aren't you telling us?" Asked Merlin. Gaius bit his lip.

    "When I got to the king he was mumbling and, he mentioned your mothers name" Gaius answered nodding at Arthur,

    "He claimed he saw her, in the well"

    "Nobody can hear about this!" Arthur hissed

    "We will say he was ill but is now recovering" Replied Gaius ever calm. Arthur stormed off back to his fathers room,

    Merlin stood in the corridor, looking up at the moon. Arthur would always be closer to Uther than he was.


    "We've had reports of mercenaries streaming into Cenred's kingdom" Arthur reported. He had to admit, now that his

    father was back on his throne, in front of the court he seemed himself again. Perhaps it had been the wine last night

    which had caused the outburst.

    "Do we know why?" His father asked

    "There is a rumor that Cenred is building an army" Arthur answered, "I think we should..."

    Arthur trailed off when he realised his father wasn't listening to him anymore and instead had eyes for the back of the

    room. Bright eyes were wide with fear. The prince glanced behind him but saw only the council, who were all turning

    around as well and finding nothing. Uther stood shakily, eyes still on the empty doorway much to Arthur's inner panic.

    "Leave me alone" Uther whispered pointing to the archway where nothing stood, "Get out of here"

    Arthur glanced around at the uneasy faces in the room, why did this have to happen in court? Why not somewhere

    more private? He attempted to calm his father by taking his hand but it resulted in more shouting.

    "Get out!" The king ordered, "GET OUT! I'll have you hanged!"

    Merlin had evidently had enough of this and quickly grabbed his father by the shoulder along with Arthur and dragged

    him to the back of the room, this was not an easy task as Uther struggled with it every step of the way.

    "There had to be an explanation" Merlin wondered aloud as Arthur placed his father back in his bed.

    "During the great purge, Uther drowned many he suspected of sorcery" Gaius sighed, "some, God help them, were

    children, killed for the magic they were born with"

    Arthur watched as Merlin visibly paled.

    "Perhaps his conscience has got the best of him" Gaius finished, "We can no longer hide this, whatever it is"

    The sound of warning bells filled the air prompting Merlin to go in search of the cause, leaving Arthur with their father.


    As his father was bed bound Arthur was now in change of Camelot, something he felt he was most defiantly not ready

    for, Merlin appeared in the council chambers Gaius in tow to report the apparent death of a sentry who had been found

    at the bottom on the bridge that joined the castle and the city.

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    "It appears he died some time in the night" Gaius reported

    "Who could of done this?" Asked Arthur

    "This is the sigil of the blood guard" Gaius explained handing him the dagger which had killed the man.

    "They were warrior priests who protected the High Priestesses of the Old Religion" Merlin explained, "They must of

    escapes the purge, or at least some of them"

    "There's a traitor is Camelot" Arthur surmised, Merlin nodded slowly.

    "The man can tell us soon enough" Gaius replied much to Arthur's shock, he had assumed the man was dead.

    "He lived?" Morgana gasped before adding, "Wonderful!"


    Merlin sat with Arthur in their fathers chamber, neither of them really wanted to leave. Gaius joined them handing Merlin

    the medicine which Uther had to drink later when he awoke. The king twitched and sighed in his sleep which hardly

    seemed restful, Merlin couldn't help but worry.

    "I have bad news" Gaius sighed, "The sentry has died"

    "I thought you said he was recovering" Merlin replied, he found he had little energy.

    "Somebody killed him, the traitor I presume" Gaius answered sadly, "Poisoned, at least now we know there is a traitor

    inside Camelot's walls, the question is who?"

    "Merlin had a dream" Arthur piped up, "He thinks it was a prophetic one, maybe this is what you were predicting, you

    should of seen him Gaius he was in such a state!"

    "I told you Arthur its all such a blur" Merlin groaned, "I'm not a seer, I can't remember what I see, I didn't even know I


    Merlin got up, suddenly wanting to be alone, he heard Gaius speaking to Arthur as he walked away. Something about

    the vision from the Crystal of Neahtid frightening him, what a stupid idea! He growled, leaning against the window silllooking over the courtyard. It was a habit he had developed over the last year when he was frustrated, he blamed the

    dragonlord powers as the growling was similar to when he had spoken in the dragon tongue. He wondered where the

    dragon was now, he hadn't seen him since he banished him from the city, he wasn't sure he wanted to.

    Thats when he saw the dark shape of Morgana walking across the courtyard, what would she be doing out on her own

    so late? A sudden flash made Merlin's hand fly to his forehead. Morgana, ready to plunge and ornate knife into his back,

    no wait it was Uther's...

    That had been part of his dream he was sure of it, also fire, dark creatures and crystals...

    Those didn't matter right now what mattered was that he knew he needed to follow Morgana. He quickly ran down the

    staircases and began following her through the lower town and eventually into the forest. Morgana stood in a clearing as

    a small group entered on horse back, one of them was Morgause.

    "Sorry you had to wait" Morgause greeted, "There was much to discus"

    "Your visit was successful?" Morgana questioned

    "Cenred's army rides to Camelot on my command" Morgause answered proudly

    "There is nothing you can do" Morgana smiled happily

    "It is you who inspires me" The witch replied, Merlin felt sick.

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    "How goes the battle for Uther's mind?"

    "When Cenred marches on Camelot, he will find a kingdom without a king" Morgana boasted, "There is however, a

    slight problem, Merlin suspects me"

    Merlin froze behind the log which concealed him.

    "Has he told Arthur?" Asked Morgause

    "Not yet but he will" Morgana sneered, "we must stop him"

    "At once" Morgause agreed

    "It wont be difficult" Morgana smiled, "Seeing as he's already here!"

    Merlin cursed himself for not being quieter, there was no point in lying however, he stood. Morgana laughed.

    "Did you really think I was that stupid?"


    "How are you sire?" Gaius questioned as he walked into the elder princes room, Arthur had tried to make himself busy

    with paper work though little distracted him, he had been unable to find Merlin. His brother was most likely off sulkingsomewhere.

    "I'm not the one who's sick" He replied curtly

    "It can't be easy seeing your father this way" Gaius supplied

    "No" Arthur admitted, "Its hard seeing him so fragile and helple-"

    rthur help!

    Merlin rarely used his telepathy unless it was critical, now his voice exploded into Arthur's head without warning making

    his hand fly to his ears to make sure he wasn't going mad as well.

    They're after me I-

    As sudden as the contact had come it was cut off drastically short, something had prevented Merlin from relaying his

    message, that made Arthur feel concern.

    "Merlin's in trouble"

    For season 3 im thinking the episodes

    Tears of Uther Pendragon (2)

    Gwaine (I'll introduce Lancelot there too since I skipped his episode)

    The Crystal Cave

    The changling

    The Castle Fryien (Maybe, Im not sure)

    Queen of Hearts

    Coming of Arthur 1 & 2

    Any objections/suggestions?

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    *Chapter 5*: Chapter 5: Tears of Uther Pendragon IV

    Merlin awoke to see the morning light filtering through the green leaves of the trees above him. He did not have much

    time to dwell on the beauty of the scene however as he was yanked off his back on onto his knees, his arms reached

    out instinctually to support him but he found them tied to his side by silver chains.

    "Well well, if it isn't the littlest prince" Morgause greeted with a sly grin, "Just out for a stroll I suppose"

    Merlin grimaced but remained tight lipped.

    "Time and again you've risked everything to keep your brother safe" Morgause mused aloud slowly walking around the

    warlock, "There is something more between you two, some secret nobody else knows"

    Merlin let his eyes fall to the ground. He remembered last night while trying to run he had called out to Arthur using his

    magic in a moment of panic. Why hadn't he found him yet? In a way he was glad, Arthur wasn't at risk at least, his

    musings were interrupted by a sudden tightening on his bonds making him gasp as the air was squeezed out of him.

    "You chose to poison one of my own" Morgause growled, "You may regret that"

    She took her leave, bringing her two soldiers with her as she stormed off, leaving Merlin the empty clearing. He actually

    did not mind too much, now he was able to free himself or so he thought.

    "Tospringe!" He chanted only to have the chains tighten further much to his discomfort. He tried several other spells

    however none were effective, they only made his bonds tighten. He was about to contact Arthur once more to ask him

    to help when some falling rocks off a ridge to his left caught his attention. He then became aware of several movements

    surrounding him. Glances of armored backs and long curling scorpion tails caught his eyes. Serkets.

    "Merlin?" Came a far off call, Arthur!

    No! Merlin screamed in his mindNo Arthur don't look f or me, it's not safe here! The serkets have found me, don't worry,

    I'll be alright, just get back to the castle.

    The last thing he wanted was Arthur fighting these beasts. He wished that Arthur could reply with telepathy so he could

    at least know if he was being a prat or actually doing what Merlin told him for once. He gulped as the serkets closed in

    slowly. They were playing with their food.

    "Awendap eft wansaeliga neatu!" He chanted, however the monsters only took a few steps back, he tried again,

    "Forltan me a...!"

    His spell was stopped halfway through a sharp, blinding pain filled his back, one of the serkets had gotten him. Gasping

    from the pain his brain began calculating the best spell in which to help him, however he was coming up empty, he had

    only one chance. Lifting his head to the sky he used the words he had not uttered in over a year.

    " , !"

    The effort exhausted him completely as the magic drained his energy along with the powerful poison, he fell to his side

    gasping for breath. He had no choice but to wait, he regretted ordering Arthur away now...

    His was vaguely aware of a great shadow falling over the glade and fire falling over it but he was barely conscious

    enough to recognize it. The last thing he remembered was being lifted into the air before blackness filled his vision.

    Strangely the next thing he became aware of was that he was lying on hard stones, he blinked to clear his vision to

    reveal the calm face of the great dragon. He had come!

    "I didn't think you'd answer my call" He whispered

    "Merlin" The dragon replied affectionately, "I could not resist a dragonlord, even if I wanted to"

    "I'm grateful thankyou" the prince sighed trying to stand but found his head protested with gusto, " head..."

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    "Lie still" The dragon soothed "The serket's poison is powerful, I have given you an enchantment that will help you heal.

    But it will take time"


    Sometimes Arthur hated his brother. Not only had he sent him into a small panic because he was no doubt in trouble,

    then he tells him not to come because he's surrounded by serkets! If anything that just made the elder prince worry

    more, sure Merlin was an all powerful warlock but...serkets!

    He had found the area where Merlin must of been, the entire clearing was smoldering from old flames, the bodies of half

    a dozen serkets lay on the ground.

    "Gods Merlin where are you?"


    Merlin's eyes burst open, he felt healthy again, however he was horrified to see it was the middle of the night. Jumping

    to his feet and quickly finding his balance he stood to face his friend.

    "You shouldn't of let me sleep!" He exclaimed

    "I had no choice young warlock, the venom was too strong" The dragon replied "Even for your great powers"

    "I don't have time" Merlin argued, "I need to get back to Arthur, warn him and Uther about Morgana"

    "You thought Morgana was the same as you" The dragon surmised much to Merlin annoyance, he nodded, "Trust is a

    double edged sword Merlin, in some ways you are the same however, now, now there is no turning back for her"

    "I need to get back to Camelot, Arthur" Merlin repeated

    "You are not yet fully recovered and its more than three days walk!" The dragon exclaimed

    "I have no intention of walking" Replied Merlin with a grin.


    The flight back to Camelot had been exhilarating, he wished he could fly with the dragon every day. The wind in his hair

    had been amazing. He was sorrowful when the trip had to end in the field a few miles from the city.

    "Be careful young one, the great battle for Camelot has begun" The dragon warned before taking to the skies once more.

    Merlin ran back to Camelot as fast as he could force his legs to go. Not at all surprised to see Arthur pacing up and

    down the bridge at the castles main gate waiting fro him, despite the late hour.

    "Merlin!" He exclaimed "Where have you been! You have any idea how worried Gwen, Morgana and I were?"

    Merlin felt a pang of pain go through his heart at the mention of Morgana's name, he had no choice.

    "Arthur she's working with Morgause" He said sadly, "They captured and tied me up in the forest and left me for the


    "No..." Arthur breathed, "She wouldn't..."

    "She has Arthur, I don't know how yet but I'll bet she is responsible for fathers illness" Merlin explained, "Come on, is

    we go to his room I'll bet we find a poultice or something there!"

    The princes wasted no time, Arthur was unusually quiet though due to the situation he didn't blame him. They were

    shocked to find Uther's room in complete darkness and disarray, his bed empty. Merlin rushed to check it over while

    Arthur, who had found their father curled up in the corner tried to get closer to him.


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    Uther didn't reply, his eyes were fixed on the empty space on the other side of the room, frightened and sobbing Arthur

    could not calm him. Merlin searched the bed, there had no be something here! He ducked under the mattress and saw a

    horrible disfigured root, dripping ith mud, he cursed himself for not sensing the magic earlier. snatching it up in his

    hands he bolted over to the barely lit fire and threw the horrid object into the flames.

    A horrible scream filled the air as the root burnt making Merlin block his ears in an attempt to keep out the wretched

    sound. Arthur paid no heed, only breathing a sigh of relief when his father stopped whimpering and sighed, falling

    unconscious in his eldest's arms. Carefully the princes placed their sleeping father back in his bed, sending a servant for


    "We have to tell him what Morgana has done" Merlin decided.

    "He loves her, he dotes upon her every word" Arthur argued, "We will tell him, but not before we give Morgana a piece

    of our minds!"

    Hey guys! Don't worry more original stuff is coming but I have to get the basics over and done with. I have two

    possible ways this could go as I still want Morgana evil. Sorry Morgana lovers!

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    *Chapter 6*: Chapter 6: Tears of Uther Pendragon V

    The brothers hurried along the corridor towards Morgana's chambers, Arthur out in front until Merlin grabbed his arm,

    holding a finger to his lips in order to stop his brother asking questions.

    "Stay here" he whispered before heading down the corridor alone, as expected he left somebody grab him by the elbow

    and drag him into one of the many alcoves, Morgana.

    "I don't know how you escaped" She hissed, "But I swear if you mention anything of what you saw I will make yourlife a very short and painful one! Imagine how Uther would react if he discovered his own son had tried to kill his

    beloved ward?"

    "I had no choice!" Merlin hissed right back, "Why are you doing this? Your going to destroy your own family!"

    "And I'd do it again" She announced proudly, sicking her chin out. A small, sad smile etched its way onto Merlin's face,

    making the sneer on Morgana's disappear.

    "Do you need anymore proof, Arthur?" he called sadly. Listening as Arthur made his way down to his brother, glaring at

    Morgana, his lips forming a thin line across his face.

    "Why?" Arthur whispered, "We are your family"

    "No" Morgana sneered, "Morgause, my sister is the only family I have"

    Whatever reply Arthur had been about to say was interrupted by the warning bells, before either brother could ask why

    they were distracted by Sir Leon appearing in the archway to the hall, face flushed from running.

    "Sires!" He called, "An army is marching on Camelot!"

    In shock both princes leapt to the nearest window to see that the knight was indeed right. A huge army of more than

    twenty thousand were only minutes away from the city! Merlin gaped at the sheer amount of men, there had been

    rumors that Cenred was amazing an army but, this, this was a terrifying prospect for the city.

    "Prepare for battle!" Arthur ordered, "Prepare for siege!"

    When Merlin turned his attention back to Morgana she was already half way down the corridor, happy smile on her

    face. The brothers chased after her but she was soon lost in the crowds of people, servants, ladies, lords, knights and

    guards filled the halls of the castle all trying to take cover and prepare for the battle ahead. Merlin watched as Arthur

    hugged Gwen, whispering something in her ear, no doubt telling her to stay safe.

    "I'll find Morgana!" He yelled, "You defend the citadel!"

    He didn't wait for an answer he ran off, glad his sword was at his side and his throwing knife. Morgana would have her

    own part in this plan, the question was what? Hurriedly he made his way to his own rooms as donned his armor, in the

    few short minutes needed to do so he could already see flames licking the windows. Cenred's army was advancing fast.

    Ignoring his search for Morgana, Merlin ran out into the courtyard, hoping to see Arthur, instead he found his father.

    "You need to go back!" He yelled, his father pushed past him without a word. Well that explains more of Arthur

    personality. He dove to the side as a fireball crashed to the ground next to him, obliterating the well and sending a knight

    to the ground. Ignoring the knights cries from his burns Merlin quickly lopped an arm around him and carried him to the

    infirmary, he didn't have time to be gentle. By the time he returned he was horrified to see Arthur carrying an injured

    Uther to a wall to rest.

    "You must get back to the battle, they are loose in the lower town!" Uther panted

    "It's already lost father" Arthur replied bandaging his side hurriedly

    "And the citadel?"

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    "Safe for now" Merlin reported, "Trust us we know what we are doing!"

    "I'll take him to the infirmary" Arthur announced, however Merlin's eyes were locked on the Lady Morgana, making her

    way to the crypts. Arthur saw as well, giving him a nod as Merlin took off after her. He made his way down the several

    halls before a massive wave of magical energy hit him, almost throwing him back. Whatever that was, it couldn't be

    Morgana's own power, she had a weapon, one he needed destroyed.


    Arthur leaned against the cracking walls of the castle trying to catch his breath. He wished Merlin had stayed with him

    for support this battle was hard. He heard several screams at once, this in itself was not unusual in a siege but this yells

    came from knights. Turning his jaw dropped to see skeleton's wielding swords come at him. Great, now they had to

    fight the battle on two fronts, just what Camelot needed. This had Morgana written all over it. He was surprised how his

    feelings towards her could become so bitter so fast.

    He soon discovered the creatures were not fazed by loss of limb, in fact the limbs themselves came to life, grabbing

    their own weapons. How do you kill something that's already dead? He wished he had bought excalibur with him, but he

    had left it in his room. How could he of been so stupid? He only hoped Merlin was faring better than he.


    Skeletons! The dead were fighting him it was unbelievable! He had almost made his way down to the crypts where

    Morgana had been running when an entire army of skeletons started up the stairs after him, if he had any doubt that's

    where Morgana was hiding it swiftly disappeared. It had taken a good five minutes of running to get to the top of the

    stairs in order to hide from the horde, he had no chance of beating his way through them.

    Finally the hoard past through giving Merlin access to the hall which he ran down, taking the steps two or three at a

    time before skidding to a half in the cobweb filled crypts. As suspected there was an ominous glowing stick in the

    middle of the room, tiny branches reaching out of it, cradling the light it held, next to it was Morgana, smirking.

    "You should leave now while you still can" She taunted.

    "Morgana please I beg you" Merlin pleaded as more cracks forming in the walls sending dust swirling between the two,

    "Women and children are dying the city will fall!"

    "Good!" She cried, Merlin looked at her with a look of shock. Morgana would never want innocents to die, she cant of

    changed that much.

    "No, you don't mean that" He replied shakily.

    "I have magic Merlin" She spat, "Uther hates me and every one like me, why should I feel and differently about him?"

    "You of all people could change Uther's mind" Merlin agued, "But using magic like this will only harden his heart!"

    "You don't have magic Merlin" She laughed, "How could you hope to understand"

    Oh the irony in those words.

    "I do understand" He yelled back, he could tell her, maybe he could save her...

    "You don't know what it's like, to be an outsider, to be ashamed of how you were born to have to hide who you are!"

    Morgana cried

    "Please, we can find another way" Merlin pleaded holding out his hand to her for the last time.

    "There is no other way" She whispered, then with a cry swung her sword at him, knocking his own which had been

    held limply in his other hand out of the way.

    "What are you going to do?" He taunted, "Kill me?"

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    "You don't think I can?"

    "If you're going to do it, make it quick"

    For a second she hesitated, before striking down on him, this hesitation gave him enough to time grab his own sword to

    defend himself. Each time he tried to get closer to the staff she blocked him, swordplay was never is forte, he had no

    choice, stumbling behind a grave he stared up at the ceiling above Morgana.

    "Feoll bu brand!" he whispered under his breath, sending stones from the ceiling crashing down on Morgana. He had notime for guilt now. Jumping to his feet he ran up the staff.

    "Snde!" He yelled, slicing his sword through the wood, a bright light and sparks spewed forth as it broke. Merlin

    wanted nothing more than to sleep, or at least rest for a while but he knew he couldn't, the skeletons were gone but

    there was still an army at his front door. He ran back up the stairs, glancing back at the still unconscious Morgana.

    He sighed and turned his back on her, in more ways than one.

    Sorry this is so late but my computer decided to be spazzy Mc Spaz and crash on me TWICE meaning this is

    actually the third time I had to write this!

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    *Chapter 7*: Chapter 7: Tears of Uther Pendragon VI

    Merlin ran back up the stairs, cries of victory filled the air as the skeletons dropped, no longer having to fight on two

    fronts Camelot was swiftly taking the lead in battle. It didn't take Merlin long to find Arthur and his father to start

    driving back Cenred's army. After hours of battle, the army was finally retreating much to Camelot's joy. Uther clamped

    a hand on Arthur and Merlin's shoulders appreciatively, grinning. Merlin's grin faded however when he saw Morgana,

    changing into a glare which both Uther and Arthur noticed. While Arthur's face mirrors Merlins, Uther's held only


    "You left me to the mercy of those skeletons!" Morgana cried pointing at Merlin, fake tears building up in her eyes.

    Uther looked at Merlin in horror.

    "You did what?" He growled, Merlin wasn't fazed.

    "Those creatures wouldn't of harmed you, thats how a spell works everybody knows that" Merlin replied darkly much

    to Arthur and Uther's shock. It was rare for Merlin to display such a cold personality.

    "They'd never hurt the witch that summoned them" He added, Uther looked like he'd hit the warlock he was so livid, "I

    destroyed your staff, I stopped you from killing your own family, betraying your own city!"

    "Merlin!" Uther hissed

    "It's true father, she tried to kill Merlin last night" Arthur added, "He only just managed to escape". Merlin hadn't told

    Arthur that he used the dragon to escape, he wondered how he'd feel about it...

    "Why must you ruin everything!" Morgana screamed, true colours bursting through.

    "You bought this on yourself" Merlin argued stepping forward, sword at the ready. He wished desperately that half of

    Camelot's knight and its king were not watching. At least then he could resort to magic if he needed to. Morgana gave a

    frustrated yell, spreading her palm over to where a discarded dagger lay, levitating it into the air and sending it hurling

    through the air, straight at Merlin's head.


    Uther felt his heart breaking at Morgana's obvious betrayal, she had only just come back to him, why would she betrayhim? When he saw her magic he knew, somebody had corrupted her with magic's evil influence. Something he had

    always feared for Merlin, but not her.

    He didn't have long to think of this however as Morgana magically sent a discarded dagger straight for Merlin's head.

    Uther looked on powerless to stop it the knife hit Merlin's face near the left side. Morgana laughed as Merlin fell to his

    knees and then onto the ground like a puppet whose string had been cut. She then disappeared in a whirlwind of black,

    golden eyes fixed on the prince laying on the stone floor of the citadel.

    He and Arthur made a mad dash to Merlin surprised to see him roll over and sit up with little effort. Arthur dropped to

    his knees helping Merlin to his feet. Uther was relieved to see the dagger had missed its target slightly, it had slashed

    Merlin's cheek and the side of his head, but the wound was superficial and not very deep.

    "I knew she wouldn't leave till she caused some damage" merlin half smiled half winced, "From where she was standingshe would only see blood on my face, so I figured if I fell down fast enough she might think she had done some serious

    damage. Looks like it worked"

    "Go, get it bandaged" Uther replied shakily, waving his sons off before retiring to his own chambers.

    He sat on the edge of his bed, his face in his hands. His heart almost shattered at the thought of Morgana. He had loved

    her, like his own, little did she know she was in fact his own. His daughter had defected and left him. For magic. He felt

    his hatred of the craft grow, even more than he thought possible.

    "Father?" Came the quiet call, he looked up to see Merlin half in the doorway, the boy had a habit of never knocking.

    Uther felt a strange mixture of warmth and trepidation fill him at the sight of his adopted son, he had more temptation to

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    turn to magic than Morgana. He waved him in, noticing the bandage that ran around the side of his face to cover the

    wound. It was superficial, however it was deep enough to leave a scar. Hopefully one that would fade with time. He

    stood to face him, the quickly embraced the boy.

    "Don't ever turn to magic Merlin" He whispered, he could feel the boy tense at the word. He released him from the hold,

    the boy seemed shocked.

    "I'm glad your alright" Uther breathed regaining some of his composure, "Is there a reason for your visit?"

    "Well Arthur is still getting bandaged up so I figured I would come make sure you were alright" Merlin replied looking at

    the floor.

    "I am fine" the king lied smoothly, "Go see to your brother and get some rest"

    Merlin nodded heading for the door.

    "Oh, Merlin?" Uther quickly added, "Morgana, really tried to have you killed?"

    "She and Morgause tied me in magical chains and left me for the serkets" merlin admitted after a long moment, "The

    magic weakened enough for me to break the chains and fight them off"

    Merlin left without another word.

    Uther should of known it was Morgause who had corrupted his ward. Giving a yell of rage he punched the wall of his

    room. He would eliminate magic in his kingdom. He would not loose another loved ones to its clutches, he would make

    sure of that.

    Sorry this is so short! I'll make up for it I swear. Im off to camp in a day so you most likely wont hear

    anything from me for a week sorry.

    You are probably wondering what will break Uther's spirit at the end of S3 if is not Morgana's betrayal.

    hehehe ;) Dont you worry, its all planned out

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    *Chapter 8*: Chapter 8: Cracks

    Arthur walked down the halls at the rear of the castle as casually as he could manage. Ever since Morgana's betrayal his

    father had been especially tough on him and his brother, they had guards at practically every turn. Their rooms were

    even guarded every hour of the day. It was worse for Merlin of course because of the whole 'born with magic' problem

    Uther had become paranoid of Merlin going the same way as Morgana and had guards actually follow him. This had

    made studying his spells or practice impossible and Arthur knew how jumpy Merlin got when he magic had to be bottled

    up. The youngest prince had been reduced to sneaking around his own home just to get a little peace and quiet.

    Arthur, knowing Merlin better than his guards ever could, found all his hiding places fairly quickly, he did his best to

    sneak him food so he wouldn't have to risk being seen but it was risky. Quickly checking that nobody was following

    him he ducked into a guest room nobody was using, well not sleeping in anyway. Merlin was seated on the floor against

    the bed, magic book in hand mumbling words under his breath By the stillness of the room what ever spell he was

    trying was failing.

    "Your guards have gone mental" Arthur noted chucking Merlin a bun, 'If father finds out they lost you he'll send out

    knights and search parties"

    "What do you want me to do?" Merlin asked through a mouthful of bread, "I can't stand being watched every second of

    the day, it's like having stalkers"

    "He has gotten very...extreme since, well..."

    "Morgana" Merlin finished cooly, Arthur hated how cold and unfeeling his voice became when talking about her, he



    "Father these guards and restrictions are driving us mad!" Arthur complained for the third time, "It's bad enough for me

    but Merlin can barely go anywhere or do anything anymore"

    "If Morgana was taken by magic imagine how much easier it would be for Merlin to be tempted in the same way" Uther

    replied, not looking up from his paper work.

    "If you keep this up you are only going to create a rift" Arthur sighed, "Merlin has already resorted to sneaking aroundthe castle just so he can have some time alone"

    Uther looked up at Arthur to respond but his reply was cut off by a yell of rage from outside his door.

    "I'm only going across the courtyard you don't need to escort me! I don't care what the king says, just leave, me,


    By the echo Merlin down the other end of the hallway, Arthur gave his father a look.

    "This is the same prince who gives his extra food to servant" Arthur pointed out, "You know the calm, wise, quiet one"

    "Perhaps having him watched 24 hours a day was a bit harsh" Uther sighed

    At that moment Merlin entered the room, slamming the door behind him before either of his 'protectors' could follow

    him inside.

    "Father if they don't stop following me I swear I'm writing to Godwyn and asking him to hide me!" The young prince

    panted, obviously he had ran down the corridor in a desperate attempt to escape the guards.

    "I am only trying to keep you safe, both of you" Uther rebutted, anger rising up in his voice, "You were close to

    Morgana, who is to say that what Morgause couldn't get to you two?"

    Merlin stared at Uther with cold eyes, Arthur could practically hear the cogs in his head whirling round, Merlin was

    thinking hard about something.

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    "Because we wont" He said finally

    "You can't know that!" Uther snapped, "How could you?"

    "Because I hate magic!" Merlin yelled, looking at the floor, fists curled up. Arthur had to give him credit, he almost

    believed him himself. It worried him that Merlin was such a good liar, he just hoped he was never on the receiving end

    of his tales.

    "It took Morgana, I hate it" Merlin continued, still not looking at either Arthur or Uther, his voice shook. Arthur knew hisfather would think it was out of sadness for Morgana but the prince knew better. Merlin didn't hate magic he hated

    pretending. Merlin stepped out of the room after that, he may be a good liar but even he had limits.

    "Tell he guards they can leave him be" Uther sighed, Arthur felt a sort of revulsion at the proud look on the kings face

    due to what Merlin had said.

    Arthur didn't bother saying goodbye to his father before leaving the room, quickly ordering the men to let Merlin be on

    the kings orders. As expected he found merlin curled up against the headboard of his bed, like he always was when he

    was upset. He could see his eyes shining with unshed tears.

    "That was hard" Arthur surmised quietly, Merlin nodded, "I'm sorry it has to be this way"

    "He was happy about what I said, wasn't he" Merlin answered bitterly, Arthur didn't answer. He realized all too late it

    was as good as agreeing.

    "It will be even worse now that Morgana has betrayed us" Merlin continued to sulk, "I tried to stop her"

    "I know" Arthur replied, trying to think of something reassuring, "I've got an idea"


    "Tomorrow lets leave for a while, go hunting for a few days, get away from father" Arthur suggested, he knew it

    wasn't great but it was better than nothing. To his surprise that made Merlin laugh. Not bitterly, really laugh.

    "Alright, anything to get out of the castle" He smiled, "Finally I can go somewhere without people following me!"

    Arthur sighed, he couldn't believe that worked. Ever since the incident with Sigan he was becoming more and moreaware of how much pressure Merlin carried, not only with his destiny as Emrys, but having to hide who he was. He

    remembered Merlin telling him all about Emrys after the dragon had explained it to him years ago, before the beasts

    betrayal. He wondered where it was now...

    I'm back from camp! So the updates will be coming in!

    Many of you are wondering what is going to break Uther since it wasn't Morgana, don't worry I can't wait to

    write it!

    I did this short chapter to show that even though his spirit didn't break, Uther is beginning to crack slightly.

    Also I was really tired and couldn't think of anything else XD

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    *Chapter 9*: Chapter 9: Lancelot and Gwaine I

    Getting out of the castle was a great idea and it did wonders for Merlin's mood, even if it was for hunting. However

    after a full day of running and riding the youngest prince found himself completely exhausted which is why he found the

    sight of a tavern such an inviting sight.

    "You know what you need after a good days hunting Merlin?" Arthur asked

    "Sleep" Came the tired princes reply

    "No, a nice cold hard tankard of mead" Arthur grinned, riding down to the tavern.

    "Mead..." Merlin moaned, he much preferred cider to mead but he was too tired to complain. As they rode up to the

    hitching post Arthur stopped him.

    "Lets have some fun here" He grinned, "We wont mention who we are, its a great way to see how the people are feeling,

    a way you're very fond of"

    "How did you know I do that?" Merlin gaped at him, Arthur just gave him a grin, he was so infuriating sometimes. The

    smell of alcohol was strong inside the small wooden structure as was the loud talking. People didn't pay the simple

    travelers a glance as they sat down at the end of a long bench.

    "Afternoon!" Greeted a frizzy haired barmaid as she scrubbed the table down, "What'll it be?"

    "Uh..." Arthur faltered, forcing a smile across Merlin's face as he watched his brother try and remember peasant drinks

    and their names.

    "Hmmm, your a fellow" The barmaid smiled

    "Wouldn't be the first to think so" Arthur smiled in reply

    "Oh, no sorry" The woman laughed, "I was talking about your friend here"

    Merlin looked up in surprise, grinning at Arthur's embarrassed face. It was very rare thr word handsome was used on

    him, he usually got cute much to Arthur's enjoyment.

    "Thankyou" He smiled

    "Two tankards of mead please" Arthur cut in dejectedly, the barmaid nodded and headed off to collect the order.

    Shooting Merlin a look that could only be considered jealous.

    Merlin had been about to tease his arrogance when the door opened and the entire bar went silent. A gruff, dirty man

    entered and walked up to the bar, the silence was filled with tension.

    "Afternoon Mary!" The man sneered at the barmaid who had served the princes earlier, "Bussiness looks good"

    "We have our better days" The woman sighed

    "Then you wont begrudge me my share then?" The man smiled, slamming a knife on the table. The woman tossed a fewcoins onto the table calmly.

    "And the rest?"

    "That's all we got"

    "I won't ask again!" The man snarled grabbing the front of her frock

    "Take your hands, off her" Arthur ordered calmly, the mans reply was a failed hit to the face which Arthur quickly

    deflected and sent the man sprawling. Merlin sipped his mead calmly.

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    "I'm gonna make you pay for that" The man threatened making Merlin laugh.

    "I'd like to see you try!" He giggled, which resulted in the man whistling, and several well muscled and armed men

    entering the tavern.

    "You had to open your big mouth, didn't you brother" Arthur groaned

    "You two have gotten yourselves into a bit of a pickle" A man noted walking up to the leader, taking a swig from his


    "I agree" Said the second man from behind

    "You should get out of here while you have the chance" Arthur warned

    "Your probably right" the first man sighed, finishing his mead and handing the cup to the bandits leader with a grin, then

    punching him in the face. Well that's all it took soon the whole bar was wrestling and turning tables. Merlin did his best

    to dodge most attacks, he was awfiul at hand to hand combat, Arthur tackled the leader, resulting in a dazing pinch to

    the face.

    "Arthur!" Merlin called, trying to get through the crowd to help him, unfortunatly he was blocked by yet another thug.

    "Merlin!" Arthur called from where he was pinned to the table, "Behind you!"

    Quickly ducking before asking questions he felt something pass dangeruously close to his head, it turned out to be a

    chair which smashed against the wall.

    "tslide bencel!" Merlin whispered under his breath, sending a bench flying across the room effectively knocking out

    two of the bandits. Quickly he slid under the bar, running into the second man from before.

    "Great minds think alike" The man chuckled, handing him a jar of pickled eggs and indicating to the bandits standing

    above them, Merlin got the idea, bringing the jar down on the bandits head.

    "Merlin" He panted catching his breath.

    "Lancelot" Lancelot grinned before ducking as a chair flew past. While his new ally ducked Merlin quickly sent several

    plates flying with his mind, barely missing Lancelot's friend who had just knocked a man to the ground and was nowcasually drinking out of a discarded bottle.

    "What'd they call you then?" Lancelot's friend panted

    "Merlin" Merlin replied feeling a little nervous at how calm, this man was in a bar fight, unlike his friend.

    "Gwaine" He introduced shaking the princes hand before turning and smashing a tankard of mead over a mans head,

    "Such a waste"

    Merlin quickly leapt over the bar, Lancelot in tow and did his best to fidn Arthur in the scuffle, horrified to see the leader

    now pulling out a knife, ready to stab him. The young prince had been about to jump out to protect his brother when it

    seems Gwaine had the same idea, knife sinking itself in his leg.

    Arthur and Merlin stood there in shock as Gwaine tried to stand, before falling and hitting his head on one of the

    benches. Lancelot ran to his friends side checking the wound.

    "How is he?" Arthur asked hurriedly

    "Not good" Lancelot frowned, "He's loosing a lot of blood"

    "We'll take him with us to see Gaius" Merlin offered helping Lancelot carry the injured man out, "He's a physician friend

    of ours"

    Lancelot nodded in thanks, carfully they loaded Gwaine onto Arthur's horse before mounting it himself. The trio stood

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    infront of the villagers and watched them throw fruit at the leader of the group, who was now safetly stored in the


    "If this man ever bothers you again, word is to be sent to Camelot" Arthur ordered, "Soilders will be here within a day"

    "How can you make a promise like that?" Asked Mary as Arthur rode away with Lancelot and Gwaine in tow, leaving

    Merlin to explain.

    "Because we're the kings sons, Prince Arthur and Prince Merlin" He smiled, before riding off after Arthur and Lancelot'shorses. He could just hear the bar maid exclaiming with joy.

    "The princes! Merlin and Arthur in my tavern!"

    HEY HEY!

    People have been asking me how I know how old Merlin is so here is what I think.

    In season 4 the opening changes to "Young Man" from "Young boy". Since we known people come of age in

    Camelot at 21 this makes Merlin 18 when he first arrives in Camelot and he comes of age between seasons 3

    and 4.

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    *Chapter 10*: Chapter 10: Lancelot and Gwaine II

    Carefully Merlin and Lancelot placed Gwaine down on what used to be Merlin's own bed all those years ago. The man

    didn't even flinch. Gaius quickly made his way to his shelves, gathering up water, bandages and honey.

    "Will he be alright?" Arthur asked, Lancelot gave him a funny look

    "If anything he's strong" Gaius noted

    "He is" Arthur agreed turning to leave, "He saved my life, he is to be given anything he needs"

    Lancelot's eyes followed the eldest prince as he left before they fell on his friend again with a small laugh.

    "Just wait until he wakes up" lancelot sighed, "When he finds out he saved a nobel he'll feel completely stupid"

    "Does Gwaine have something against nobility?" Merlin asked

    "Hates them" Lancelot replied, "Don't worry, I've got nothing against it, if anything I'd like to be it"

    "Strange that your friends than, the nobel hater and the nobel wannabe" Merlin remarked

    "Yeah, well I want to be a knight really" Lancelot admitted, "But commoners don't become knights"

    "Maybe they could" Merlin mused, "After all, a peasant became a prince"

    "So those rumors are true then, you were raised as a peasant" Lancelot remarked surprised.

    "Yeah, its a pretty private matter, my father tries his best to keep it quiet" Merlin sighed.

    "You really refer to Uther as 'father'?"

    "Well, yes" Merlin said slowly and not quite as surely as he wanted, "That is what he is to me"


    Gwaine groaned as he awoke, Lancelot grinned as did Merlin, it was already well into the morning.

    "Where am I?" Asked the very confused man

    "In the physician's chambers, in Camelot" Merlin answered, "My brother and I wanted to make sure you were alright"

    "Brothers..." Gwaine muttered, obviously remembering the bar fight, "Not much of a resemblance there"

    "Gwaine!" Lancelot hushed, "The princes were very good to you, Arthur even said you were to be given anything you


    "I saved a prince" Gwaine groaned looking annoyed, Merlin suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

    "Arthur's a bit of a prat but he's a good man" Merlin argued, "He was always fair back when I was his servant, tough

    but fair"

    "I thought you were his brother" Gwaine argued raising an eyebrow.

    "It's a long story" Merlin waved his hand, "no matter, my father wants to thank you personally"

    Gwaine choked on the water Lancelot had given him before shaking his head with a look of revulsion.

    "No thanks, I've met a few kings" He laughed, "Once you've met one you've met them all"

    "You might get a reward" Lancelot pointed out

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    "Not interested" Gwaine reminded him, Lancelot rolled his eyes.

    "He might not be grateful but I am" Lancelot nodded, "Thankyou for helping us"

    They were a strange pair of friends Merlin had to admit. From what he had seen and the discussions he had with

    Lancelot through the night it seemed they were very different people. Gwaine was forever dragging Lancelot from

    tavern to tavern, getting into bar fights and making snarky and rude comments to anyone and every one regardless of

    who they were. Lancelot on the other hand was respectful, kind and wise, Merlin had no doubt that he talked Gwaine

    out of many dangerous situations with his level head.


    "Knights from all over Albion are flooding in our gates for that stupid malay" Merlin noted,leaning out Arthur window

    down at the square filled with knights.

    "The malay is not stupid" Arthur retorted, "Its a display or courage, endurance and bravery"

    "Where we run around hitting each other with blunt weapons?" Merlin retorted holding up the dulled sword

    "You mean me, you got knocked out in the third round last year" Arthur snorted

    "Yes but which one of us had to spend the next three weeks looking like they were covered in plum juice?" Merlin

    retorted with a grin, quickly ducking when Arthur's goblet flew at his head.

    "Look Sir's Oswald and Ethan have arrived" Arthur smiled, he had very much enjoyed his duel with the former last year,

    "Lets go meet them"

    Quickly the two princes steps out into the courtyard, Arthur happily greeted the two.

    "Didn't think you'd be brave enough to show up this year" Arthur jibed

    "I wouldn't miss a chance to knock you down" Oswald commented

    "You haven't managed it yet"

    "That was then, this is now"

    "Alright..." Arthur trailed off, Oswald had hardened over the past year, "This is my brother Merlin, you didn't get

    formally introduced last year"

    The knights roughly shook the young warlocks hand before turning their attention back to Arthur. Obviously there were

    still people who thought him unworthy of his title.

    "Merlin will show you to your rooms" Arthur offered, Merlin narrowed his eyes at him.


    After an exhausting hour helping the two knights with their luggage Merlin's arms were aching. It was almost like he

    was a servant again, why the knights had ordered that he was to have no help he had no idea. Sure he was a prince and

    could over rule them but they already had enough spite for him, he didn't need to fuel the fire.

    He had been hoping to get a little rest when Gwen came and found him, saying it was important. He could never of


    "You drank all of this?" He exclaimed looking at the bill Gwaine had worked up.

    "With some help from my new friend!" He slurred, half hanging off Lancelot, the latter gave him an apologetic look.

    Merlin sighed and quickly paid for the huge list of alcohol and pickled eggs before helping Lancelot with his severally

    drunk friend.

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    "He did it to spite you, sorry" Lancelot sighed, "Nobles..."

    Gwaine shot Merlin a look of intense amusement which quickly turned to surprise when Merlin burst out laughing as

    soon as Gwaine was back in Gaius chambers.

    "You're not annoyed?" Gwaine gaped

    "Of course I am, that doesnt mean that was hilarious!" Merlin said finally, "I mean, money is money, its not that

    important and its not every day you see somebody so drunk they can't even stand!"

    "Your father will be inpressed" Lancelot smirked

    "Alright" He sighed, "What is it with you and nobles?"

    "Nothing, my father was a knight!" Merlin hadn't seen that one coming, "In Carleon's army, he died in battle, when my

    mother went tot he king for help, he did nothing, been poor ever since"

    "You never knew your father?" Merlin questioned.

    "Just stories I've been told" Gwaine admitted

    "Yeah, know how that feels..." Merlin muttered, thinking of his leather strap tucked safely in his draw back in his


    "So its true then, your adopted into the royal family!" Gwaine grinned, obviously liking Merlin more for it.

    "Gwaine!" Lancelot hushed

    "It's alright" Merlin smiled weakly, "My mother died when I was born and my father was a dragonlord so, he was killed

    by Camelot knights. Uther found me and decided that since I was only a baby I didn't deserve to die"

    "So that man you call father killed you actual father?" Gwaine snorted

    "Not personally" Merlin defended

    "Merlin!" The yelled echoed through the castle, Uther was angry.

    "I think he just heard how much money I spent at the Tavern..."

    Sorry for the slow update!

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    *Chapter 11*: Chapter 11: Lancelot and Gwaine III

    "Fourteen quarts of mead" Uther growled, "Three flagons of wine, five quarts of cider-"

    "I can explain" Merlin tried meekly, Uther ignored him

    "Four dozen pickled eggs!"

    "That was Gwaine" Merlin explained, "He went to the tavern and...couldn't pay for I did"

    "I will not have you squandering our money on such frivolous things!" Uther roared, Merlin swore he heard the castle


    "I'll earn it back" Merlin tried, "I'll work or something"

    "You most certainly will" Growled Uther, why did Merlin get the feeling he was going to regret saying that?


    "Bloody king" Gwaine growled

    "Shut up and work this is your own doing" Lancelot grumbled, scrubbing some particularly stubborn dirt of a boot.

    "I think it's fair" Merlin sighed, picking up another boot, Gwaine stared at him.

    "The entire army!" He exclaimed, "It'll take us hours to scrub all these boots!"

    "If you'd admit your father was a knight you wouldn't have to" Merlin noted, Lancelot scoffed. The prince found

    himself growing in respect for the more responsible man, he had offered to help them even though the king had not

    ordered him to be punished as well.

    "I'm not making that mistake" Gwaine grumbled dusting off yet another boot.

    "I can't believe Uther has his own son polishing boots" Lancelot piped up giving Merlin a smile.

    "Tough but fair" The prince repeated, Gwaine snorted

    "If there is one thing I ever learnt from my fathers life, it's that titles mean nothing" He said proudly "It's whats on the

    inside that counts. And you Merlin, you've got the spirit to match your title, I don't know about Arthur. Not yet"


    Arthur couldn't help but laugh when he found out why Merlin was skipping practice today. Not because he was sick,

    but because he was polishing boots. He was still chuckling to himself while he practiced on the training dummy down in

    the fields.

    "You look like you could use some practice" Came a voice, Arthur turned to see Oswald standing behind him.

    "You think so?" He challenged

    "I know so"

    Arthur spread his arms our, openly inviting the knights challenge, he was the best swordsman in the kingdom, he was

    not afraid. Oswald nodded over his servant Turner and accepted the sword the man offered him. Arthur couldn't help

    but notice the arrogance the knight had picked up over the last year.

    A second later swords clashed, not only had the knight gained arrogance he had lost some of his famed skills, Arthur

    quickly took the lead without even breaking a sweat. Instead of the graceful style of a knight Oswald was now fighting

    with the ferocity of a bandit, heavy on the offense and very little defense.

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    "You're rusty" Arthur jibed, "Not as quick as you used to be"

    "Still quick enough to hit you!" The man threatened, ducking out of the block and heading toward Arthur's stomach,

    which the prince dodged with ease. Arthur turned to strike when he noticed something even stranger than Oswald's

    sudden attitude change.

    "Aren't you left handed?" The prince asked, indicating to the sword in the knights right hand.

    "I...just wanted to give you a chance" The knight quipped quickly switching hands and coming at his once more, "Whydon't we make this more interesting"

    "What do you have in mind?"

    "Fifty gold coin, first hit" Oswald challenged, Arthur just smiled.

    "Make it a hundred he dared, before swiftly dodging yet another poor attack and tapping the man casually on the chest

    with his lance, "You can keep your money"


    Merlin couldn't wait for this day to be over, not only had his father ordered he help Gwaine with the boots but he was

    now in charge of making sure all the knights visiting from the torments had an official visit. Usually He, Uther and

    Arthur all split up and took a few but this time Merlin had the job all to himself. Arthur had laughed when he heard thenews, unlike his brother the elder prince was having a fantastic day, despite the fact that Oswald had become so

    different over the past year. It was taking him hours to get through each knight, pretending he wasn't bored by all the

    stories he had to sit through. Sighing with a mixture of relief and apprehension he entered the last chambers for the day.

    Oswald and Ethan's.

    He wasn't sure if he was angry or thankful that the knights were not in their rooms. Obviously they were still on the

    training field, he'd have to come back later. As he turned to go he couldn't help but notice two swords laying on the

    table, why wouldn't they take their swords to training with them? That question was answered when he picked one up

    to examine it, completely blunt. He chuckled laying it down on the table, surprised to find that his finger was easily

    sliced open by the 'dull' edge.

    "What are you doing in here?" Oswald growled, picking the perfect time to return to the room.

    "I was simply looking for you" Merlin sighed, "Royal visit and all"

    He quickly judged from the look on the knights face that he wanted that as much as Merlin did and the prince quickly

    made himself scarce. Heading down to Gaius's for a bandage which the physician quickly applied.

    "The sword looked blunt" Merlin finished explaining the story "But when I touched it..."

    "You were lucky" Gwaine piped up from where he was sitting still looking hung over, "I've seen those blades in action,

    they're forged using magic"

    "Why would they want them?" Gaius wondered allowed, Merlin remembered the story of Oswald on the training field

    that morning with Arthur.

    "I think that he means to kill Arthur in the malay" Merlin muttered, "Arthur told me OSwald and Ethan have been acting

    very differently, maybe they turned on him"

    "What makes you say Arthur?" Lancelot asked

    "If they wanted to kill anybody else they would of on the way to Camelot, the malay is the perfect way to kill the prince"

    Merlin theorized, "Getting to Arthur any other time is hard, killing him in the malay, they can pretend it was an accident"

    "Even you can't convict a knight without any proof at all" Gaius pointed out, "Your father would believe you but the

    court would never stand for it"

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    "Then we need to get those blades" Merlin decided

    "I'm going to help!" Gwaine announced grinning ear to ear

    "Of course" Lancelot sighed

    "If I get to piss off a nobel it's worth it!"

    Sorry I'm being so slow lately!

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    *Chapter 12*: Chapter 12: Lancelot and Gwaine IV

    "We can steal the blades form their room, it will be simple enough to present them to the king as proof" Lancelot

    suggested, Merlin nodded in agreement.

    "I'll get them" Gwaine offered but was quickly shot down by the prince.

    "What reason would you have to be in their chambers?" He questioned, "I'll go, I'm a prince I don't need an excuse"

    "If you are not back here in 10 minutes I'm coming after you" Gwaine assured him. Merlin beamed. For somebody who

    claimed to hate royalty, Gwaine had the loyalty and spirit of a great knight.


    Quietly the prince slunk into the knights chambers under cover of darkness, the knights snoring softly, oblivious to his

    presence. The swords were no longer on the table, great now he would have to search for them. He started with the

    chest not far from Oswald's bed, it would seem the most obvious place. The lid opened, creaking lightly, Merlin smiled

    when the familiar glint of the 'blunt' sword met his eyes, reaching out to grab it, almost dropping the lance when Oswald

    moaned in his sleep, turning over to face Merlin.

    The strange glowing stone around his neck caught the princes eye. It gave off a hint of magic, how odd. Part of his

    brain chastised him for putting down the sword but his curiosity got the best of him, he looked into the crystal to see areflection of the sleeping knight. No wait, it wasn't the knight, it was the thug from the tavern! His eyes open. Eyes

    open...uh oh.

    The thug grabbed his wrist, he still outwardly looked like Oswald but now Merlin knew better. Quickly he pulled back

    and somehow backed himself into a wall. Stupid! He ducked as a knife flew through the air at his head.

    "Stop that!" He ordered, his voice held very little authority though and another knife sliced though the wall next to his


    "Don't you know it's against the law to attack a prince" Gwaine asked walking int the room casually. When Lancelot

    didn't follow him Merlin stomach did a flip, no telling what Gwaine would do and as much as he disliked the men, he

    didn't want them killed in cold blood.

    "Get out of here!" Ethan ordered

    "No" Gwaine smiled defiantly,

    "How dare you speak to a knight like that!" Ethan yelled drawing his sword and lunging at Gwaine, who had also drawn

    his sword, Merlin's hand went to his belt, he didn't bring his, only his throwing knife. Quickly Gwaine disarmed Ethan

    but had his back turned to Oswald.

    "Careful!" Merlin yelled stepping between them not really thinking the action through. He was vaguely aware of

    Gwaine's eyes widening as something, most likely the hilt of 'Oswald's' sword coming down on the back of his head

    heavily. After wars his vision was filled with stars and finally nothing.


    Uther stormed up the hallway with Arthur and Sir Leon in tow, the sounds of swords clashing together could clearly be

    heard from Oswald and Ethan's chamber. The guards had alerted him some minutes ago and since the fight could still be

    heard, the brawl must be a heated one.

    Whatever he had expected to find in the knights chamber it had not been this. Ethan was getting to his feet as a man, the

    same man he had punished earlier that day, Gabe or something was pointing a sword at Sir Oswald's chest. However it

    was not this that worried him. His vision soon fell upon Merlin who was laying on the floor unconscious with a

    worrying amount of blood seeping through the hair on he back on his head. Arthur was at his side in seconds, carefully

    turning him onto his back and pressing his palm lightly against the wound.

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    "What happened here!" Uther roared eyeing everybody in the room.

    Oswald reacted by slapping the commoner around the face, resulting in his fall to the ground.

    "He attacked us sire" OSwald answered, "The prince came to our aid but this, thug, bought the hilt of his sword down

    on him"

    "It's true sire" Ethan spoke up, "I can vouch for his every word"

    "You not only attacked two nobles, but my son!" Uther growled

    "I stepped in to help Merlin!" The commoner yelled, "These men are not who they claim to be!"

    "Be silent!" The king ordered, "How dare you speak to nobility that way! I will have you hanged"

    "No father!" Arthur spoke up from his position near Merlin's paling form, "Gwaine saved us both the other day, I don't

    believe he would hurt Merlin on purpose, not after helping us the way he did"

    "These men are arrogant thugs!" Gwaine yelled, having to be restrained by Sir Leon

    "I have heard enough" The king announced, "I banish you, thank my son for that, I'd have you killed were it not for his


    "Guards, get Gaius!" Arthur ordered as the blood began to seep through his fingers. The king could of been wrong but

    he was sure he saw Arthur mouth the wordsI'm Sorry, to Gwaine as he was dragged past, no doubt to be dropped off

    at the castle gates.


    Arthur heard the doors to the physicians chamber open, his heart leapt when he saw Gwen enter however it quickly

    clenched with guilt when Gwaine followed her.

    "Gwaine I-"

    "It's alright" He waved Arthur off as he gathered his things, "You offered to speak up for me, that's more than I ever

    expected of a noble"

    Lancelot stood up and walked over to Gwaine and began packing his things much to the latters surprise.

    "What? You think I'm going to let you be banished alone?" Lancelot grinned, "Come on, before we get ourselves


    Gwen made her way over to Arthur, their fingers laced themselves together without the pair even noticing until, Gwaine

    gave a snicker and Arthur felt lot of blood go to his face.

    "How is he?" She asked quietly, glancing down at Merlin's form on the bed, a large bandage now wrapped around his


    "Gaius says he's lucky, any harder and his skull could of fractured" Arthur sighed, "He will be out for at least a day"

    "It wasn't me" Gwaine insisted, "It was Oswald!"

    "I believe you" Arthur sighed, "I can't convince my father though, I'll just have to hit Ethan and Oswald extra hard


    "You can't they are cheating!" Lancelot pipped up much to Arthur's surprise, "They have fake magical swords that look

    blunt but are actually sharp, we were trying to get them for evidence"

    "Well, I will just try and order a search of their chambers" Arthur growled, wanting nothing more than to make those

    men suffer.

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    I know this update is super slow but the fact is im super busy with getting back to boarding school and all, plus

    I am way into Sherlock at the moment and its hard to write Merlin so I decided rather than give you guys

    crappy chapters I would wait until I felt the passion again. It just took a while.

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    *Chapter 13*: Chapter 14:Lancelot and Gwaine V

    Arthur, along with several guards stormed into the chamber of the two knights who jumped up as the door slammed

    against the cold stone door.

    "I have reason to believe you are using enchanted blades in the malay tomorrow" Arthur growled, "Show them to me!"

    To his utter surprise the two men didn't seem at all fazed by the search, every weapon they turned up was indeed truly

    blunt, not a single magical item to be found, could Merlin, Lancelot and Gwaine of been wrong? He shouldn't of waitedso long to do this search, Gwaine and Lancelot had already been kicked out of the city and were heading for the borders

    as was the kings order.

    Feeling stupid for not thinking this through the prince hid his face from the smug smiles of Oswald and Ethan. They

    knew he knew about their weapons, Arthur also knew they had some how hidden them until the time was right and he

    had no proof, nothing to stop them competing and nothing to prove he should pull out. He just couldn't give up! He

    would be laughed out of Camelot if he backed out of the competition. Somewhere in the back on his brain a small voice

    that sounded like Merlin told him to damn his pride. He couldn't listen to it.

    He wishes Merlin would wake up already, their father's sanity had been some what questionable since Morgana's

    betrayal and this wasn't helping, the king was one big ball of rage.


    Arthur began to dress as Turner laid out his chain mail and armor for the malay. Merlin had slept through the night with

    Uther watching over him for most of it. Gaius assured him there was nothing to worry about and that Merlin would

    most likely be awake by the end of the competition. Secretly Arthur was glad, at least now Merlin wouldn't have to take

    part in a game he hated.

    "Ah Arthur" Uther greeted, entering the room with a long roll of cloth, "I trust you are ready for the challenge?"

    "Yes father" Arthur replied as confidently as possible

    "I came to bring you this" Uther smiled unwrapping the material to reveal a dull and scratched sword, "I won my malay

    with this blade, the edge is dull it's perfectly safe"

    "Thankyou" Arthur swallowed feeling the weight on his shoulders growing.

    "With Merlin out of the competition, all of Camelot is eager for your victory today" Uther