Bromley MyLife 2015-16 - It's life in numbers

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Bromley MyLife 2015-16 - It's life in numbers

—The five years of our life—

How we have grown—part 1

How we have grown—part 2

How we have grown—part 3

How many people are looking at us?

How many of our pages are they looking at?

How are people finding us?

What device are people using

to find us?

Since May 2011, we have had—

“The enhancements to your website are much improved. It's more logical and easy to navigate.”

—Our top 5 pages viewed* in 2015-16—

* excluding the homepage


Sexual health clinics


Health services advice


Bromley Adoption


Children with disabilities & learning needs


Minor injuries unit

“I wanted to thank you for putting the page together as I found it useful.”

—The top five countries that people

were in when they visited us* in 2015-16

—* excluding the UK


5. 4.

5. 4. 3.

5. 4. 3. 2.

5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

“Excellent section on Dementia and the presentation of information is clear and welcoming.”

Created by Michael Watts, Product Owner: Bromley MyLife, May 2016

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