Britta Acksel, Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Britta Acksel, Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

Future Councils as Collaborative Governance InstrumentsStepping-Stone towards re-designing Cities as Commons?Britta Acksel



· Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie GmbH (Koordination)· Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen · Technische Universität Dortmund, Fachgebiet Städtebau, Stadtgestaltung und Bauleitplanung· Spiekermann & Wegener (S&W) Stadt- und Regionalforschung· Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Lehrstuhl Umweltverträgliche Infrastrukturplanung, Stadtbauwesen

206/11/2015 Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

Welcome to the Ruhr Area

Source: Regional Verband Ruhr 2015.

306/11/2015 Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

1. What is a Future Council? – The Idea

2. Future Council 1.0 – a Political Experiment

3. How can Future Councils contribute to re-design Cities as Commons?

Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

406/11/2015 Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

A room in the present to talk about the future...

Who: actors from diverse backgrounds already engaged in sustainability

What: collaboratively discuss and define sustainable futures and how to get there

What is a Future Council?The Idea

Photography by René Arnold & Johanna Ickert

506/11/2015 Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

Question: How to design a sustainable Ruhr Area?

-18 People (politicians, administration, civil society)

-1,5 Days

-Professional Moderation

-Researchers as observers

Future Council 1.0 - A Political Experiment

Photography by René Arnold & Johanna Ickert

606/11/2015 Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

Major transformations are not to be achieved one-sided whereas the success of collective efforts is context-dependent (Beck 2013, Newig et al. 2011)

-FC as instruments to initiate and support collaborative processes - Co-defining what cities as commons mean in specific contexts- Co-definition as one possible starting point towards transformations

-FC as practice ground for commoning-practicing aspects that are central for commoning

-FC as incubator for alliances, networks and projects

How can Future Councils contribute to re-design cities as commons?

706/11/2015 Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

Thank You!

Photography by René Arnold & Johanna Ickert

806/11/2015 Future Councils as Collaborative Governance Instruments

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