Briefing & Documentation...16/FpcSgMay/Briefing International Transport Workers’ Federation FPC...

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Transcript of Briefing & Documentation...16/FpcSgMay/Briefing International Transport Workers’ Federation FPC...


International Transport Workers’ Federation

FPC Steering Group

London, 11-12 May 2016

Start Time: 14:00hhrs

Briefing & Documentation

Agenda Item 1: Adoption of the provisional agenda

1.1 The provisional agenda is attached (Annex 1).

1.2 The Steering Group is invited to adopt the provisional agenda.

Agenda Item 2: Report of the last meeting and matters arising

2.1 The report of the last meeting, which took place in London on 19-20 November 2015, is attached

(Annex 2). The report of the expanded FPC Steering Group, which took place in London on 18

November 2015, is also attached (Annex 3).

2.2 The Steering Group is invited to adopt the reports of the last meetings.

Matters Arising

Faroe Islands International Register

2.3 Attached is the Motion that was adopted by the Fair Practices Committee (FPC) declaring Faroe

Islands International Register (FAS) as FOC in 2011 (Annex 4).

2.4 The ITF Secretariat, through an invitation from Peter Hinchliffe of ICS, met with the Chairman of

Faroese Merchant Shipowners’ Association, Jens Rasmussen and the adviser to the Association,

Esther Dahl on 2 February 2016 to discuss the Faroe Islands International Ship Register (FAS) and

the ITF declaring the register FOC.

2.5 Since the declaration there has been one meeting of the monitoring group as agreed by the FPC

Steering Group, which found at the time that any recourse of remedy to the matter was beyond

any possibility as the legislation was still being reviewed. However, the Faroese Merchant

Shipowners’ Association informed us that there have been changes to the legislation. Therefore,

the ITF Secretariat invited the monitoring group to meet and discuss the change, which took place

in Copenhagen on 29 March 2016.

2.6 A verbal update will be provided at the meeting. A list of vessels, provided by the Faroese

Maritime Authority (FMA) and the ITF are attached (Annex 5). A representative from Faroese

Maritime Unions (FMU) has been invited to attend the meeting to state their case.

2.7 The Steering Group is invited to consider whether FAS should remain declared a FOC.

Madeira Flag

2.8 An emergency motion had been received by the Secretariat at the last meeting, however it was not

possible to accept the motion for discussion and declare Madeira an FOC as there first needed to

be consultation with all affiliates concerned. Therefore, the Secretariat convened a meeting

between VERDI, FESMAR and the Secretariat, which took place in Berlin on 8 March 2016.

2.9 Ver.di and FESMAR acknowledged each other’s arguments, however it was clear that there was no

consensus since Ver.di maintains that MAR be declared FOC and FESMAR maintains it be

considered National Flag and agreement with Ver.di on a ship-by-ship basis.

2.10 Please find attached the latest statistics for the Madeira flag (Annex 6). A further update will be

provided at the meeting.

2.11 The Steering Group in invited to note the information provided and consider any proposals



2.12 At the last meeting of the Steering Group, the following way forward was agreed:

Mandated the ITF Secretariat to call together a meeting in London of the relevant Korean

affiliates concerned as soon as possible, with the aim of restoring the unity amongst them;

Mandated the ITF Secretariat to get in direct contact with the Korean Shipowners

Association (KSA) and urge them to renew the Korean FOC agreements that have not yet

been renewed. If possible, they should be signed with the FKSU, but if that is not possible

then the ITF Secretariat, as an interim measure, shall sign them directly through the KSA;

Mandated the ITF Secretariat to review all existing FKSU CBA’s to ensure conformity with

ITF Policies and to ensure that all seafarers engaged on Korean beneficially owned vessels

enjoy the same protection as those engaged on vessels covered by ITF approved CBA’s

elsewhere; and

In the context of the above points, the ITF Secretariat shall be observant to the

implementation of the ITF Seafarers’ Charter Policy.

2.13 The Secretariat convened a meeting of the relevant Korean affiliates, which took place in London

on 25-27 January 2016. The meeting resulted in the Secretariat producing a Memorandum of

Understanding (Annex 7). However, KMSU refused to sign the MOU.

2.14 The Secretariat has been provided, via the FKSU, a list of vessels that are due for renewal (National

CBA) and these are now recorded in the ITF database. A meeting has been proposed for the week

of 16 May 2016 in Korea to negotiate the National CBA, with all parties concerned.

2.15 A further update will be provided at the meeting.

2.16 The Steering Group is invited to note the information provided and consider any proposals


Agenda Item 3: International Bargaining Forum

IBF Working Group on Post-Traumatic Stress 3.1 The IBF Forum agreed at the last round of negotiations to establish a working group which should

explore, together with representatives of P&I Clubs, the possibility of coverage of post traumatic

stress effects within the applicable insurance policies. The format, as well as the schedule of this

working group remains to be identified between the IBF Joint Secretariats.

3.2 At the last meeting of the FPC Steering Group, it was reported that the P&I Clubs, at a meeting on

16 November 2015, had confirmed that post-traumatic stress, only in relation to piracy and being

held hostage, was classed as sickness and that injury and sickness during captivity was covered.

3.3 The ITF Secretariat has prepared the below draft text to be added to article 17.5 of the CBA:

17.5 In case a Seafarer may become captive or otherwise prevented from sailing as a result of an act of piracy or hijacking, irrespective whether such act takes place within or outside IBF designated areas referred to in this Article, the Seafarer’s employment status and entitlements under this Agreement shall continue until the Seafarer’s release and thereafter until the Seafarer is safely repatriated to his/her home or place of engagement or until all Company’s contractual liabilities end. These continued entitlements shall, in particular, include the payment of full wages and other contractual benefits. The Company shall also make every effort to provide captured Seafarers, with extra protection, food, welfare, medical and other assistance as necessary. Where following the repatriation a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may be determined which is attributive to the captivity, it should be viewed as a sickness, with the entitlements as outlined in Article 22 and 23 of this Agreement.

3.4 The Steering Group is invited to consider the proposed text and provide respective guidance to

the Secretariat

IBF Permanent Legislation Committee 3.5 The establishment of this committee was agreed in principle at the last round of negotiations in

order to respond and react to new challenges of the ILO MLC and IMO STCW, where such challenges

may not necessarily merit the calling of a formal IBF meeting. The committee should operate on an

ad-hoc basis, therefore its tasks and composition will be determined in each specific necessity.

3.6 A change within the ILO MLC to include the requirement of a financial security system to cover

cases of abandonment (MLC A2.5.2) and contractual claims (MLC A4.2.2) will enter into force on 18

January 2017. As this date is during the current term of IBF agreements, the ITF Secretariat has

requested to convene a meeting of the IBF Permanent Legislation Committee to amend the text

within the IBF agreements.

3.7 The ITF Secretariat has prepared the below draft text to be added to article 27 of the CBA:

27.1 The Company shall conclude appropriate insurance to cover themselves fully against

the possible contingencies arising from the Articles of this Agreement. Further, the

Company shall ensure that a financial security system be provided on board to

protect the crew against abandonment and to guarantee resolution of personal

claims. The form of such system shall be agreed with the Union and it shall enable

seafarers or their representatives to directly access the financial security provider.

The details of the applicable financial security system shall be posted in a conspicuous

place on board where it is available to the seafarers.

3.8 The Steering Group is invited to consider the proposed text and provide respective guidance to

the Secretariat

Schedule of IBF 2017 Negotiations - update

3.9 Following the approval at the last meeting of the FPC Steering Group in November 2015 of the

general framework of IBF negotiations in 2017, further agreement has been reached with the JNG

secretariat to schedule two full team IBF meetings to be held during the following weeks:

1st round (London, 3 days) – week commencing 23 January 2017;

2nd round (Tokyo, 4 days) – week commencing 3 July 2017.

3.10 The intermediate meetings of ad-hoc working groups comprising of joint secretariats and, where

necessary, the IBF Officers will be scheduled later.

3.11 Following the conclusion of the central settlement in 2017, the period from July to December 2017

should be reserved for national / local negotiations.

Mandate and Composition of the ITF 2017 Negotiating Team

3.12 In considering the composition of the ITF team the Secretariat was guided by the following

principles identified by the Fair Practices Committee in July 2003:

The composition of the ITF’s negotiating team should be determined by the Secretariat to

ensure comprehensive representation, to include the Sections Chairs’, beneficial ownership and

labor supply countries; Seafarers’ – Officers and Ratings and Dockers’. The ratio should

generally be 2:1 Seafarers’ to Dockers and each representative should be from the Steering

Group or a counterpart to the members of the JNG;

The ITF Negotiating team within the IBF should have a wide mandate, and should be able to

utilise such flexibility as considered appropriate.

The FPC Steering Group would be authorised to determine the acceptability of any agreement

negotiated by the negotiating team. The FPC Steering Group would have complete authority in

this regard, but FPC members could attend the FPC Steering Group meeting which made this

decision at their own expense.

3.13 The Secretariat has produced a draft composition of the ITF’s negotiating team, based on the above

principles (Annex 8).

Proposals for the inclusion in the ITF Claim

3.14 At the FPC Steering Group meeting in November 2015 the Secretariat was requested to gather

contributions for the inclusion in the ITF 2017 Claim. Specifically, seeking affiliates’ views in respect

of the next wages increase and contractual clauses, which were identified as a priority.

3.15 ITF E-Circular No: 278/S.90/D.78/SS.36 was sent to all Seafarers and Dockers affiliates on 15

December 2015 inviting respective input before the end of February 2016 (Annex 9). A reminder

Circular No: 029/D/S/2016 was sent on 11 February 2016.

3.16 The feedback received has been processed and supplemented where necessary by the Secretariat’s

comments, as well as background information and references in order to facilitate the

consideration by the Steering Group. The proposals have been collated into a document (Annex

10). Additionally, there will be a presentation by the Secretariat at the time of the meeting.

3.17 The Steering Group is invited to:

note the dates and venues of the full IBF meetings in 2017;

agree the composition of the ITF 2017 Negotiating Team;

consider the proposals for the inclusion in the ITF Claim and provide respective guidance to

the Secretariat.

Agenda Item 4: Maritime Roundtable 2016

4.1 Maritime Roundtable (MRT) 2016 is taking place on 20-24 September 2016, in Montreal, Canada. It

will be a 3 ½ day trilingual (English, French & Spanish) interactive education event focussing on

organising and campaigning. Participants will also learn about ITF FOC campaign and dockers’

campaigns, building union strength and alliances. Participant numbers will be capped at 150 to

allow for rotating workshops and practical training exercises. When allocating places the ITF will

take into account the suitability of each candidate, the benefit the candidate will get, the

contribution they will make to the event and beyond, the balance of participants from seafarers’

and dockers’ unions from all ITF regions and the representation of women and young people.

Registration deadline was set to 30 April 2016 to allow time for allocation of places and visa

arrangements. Participants will be requested to bring a smart phone or tablet to be able to use the

event management app to get the most out of MRT 2016, for the aim is to use as little printed

materials as possible. Participants with little or no exposure to ITF FOC campaign will be asked to go

through an online preparation course.

4.2 Every union has the opportunity to apply for financial assistance, but they are encouraged to meet

some of the costs, in particular where they have been offered more than one place. NB! Please be

advised that attendance at this event will be affected if affiliation fees are outstanding by 31 May


4.3 The sessions will be co-facilitated by teams of ITF staff, selected maritime affiliate leadership and

ITF inspectors/coordinators, based on their skills (expertise, language) and experience.

4.4 The MRT coordinating team within the ITF Secretariat comprises of: Evelin Tomson, Katie

Higginbottom, Steve Trowsdale, Nigel Venes, Fabrizio Barcellona, Sadie Saunders, Sue Rogers and is

working together with hosting union SIU Canada.

4.5 A further update will be provided at the meeting, including details on applications to date.

4.6 The Steering Group is invited to note the information provided and consider any proposals


Agenda Item 5: ITF Agreements

Approval of new agreements

5.1 A list of agreements, recommended by the Agreements Vetting Group (AVG) will be circulated at

the meeting for approval, with respective recommendations of the AVG regarding their approval.

Members of the AVG will be invited to comment as necessary.

5.2 The Steering Group is invited to:

a) consider the information and recommendations provided by the Agreements Vetting

Group; and

b) approve the agreements recommended by the Agreements Vetting Group.

ITF Agreement Improvements

5.3 The Secretariat has been looking into possible improvement in the agreement processes. A

presentation will be provided at the meeting.

5.4 The Steering Group is invited to note the information and consider any proposals presented.

Agenda Item 6: FOC Campaign Update

Campaign Statistics

6.1 The Secretariat presented a new graphical format for providing the campaign statistics at the last

meeting of the Fair Practices Committee, which was well received and it was agreed it should

continue to be produced in this format, with some additions. The latest campaign statistics will be

made available at the meeting, to ensure the data provided is as up to date as possible.

Cabotage Task Force

6.2 The next meeting of the Cabotage Task Force will take place in London on 13 May 2016 (after this

meeting). A verbal update on recent activities will be provided at the meeting.

Cruise Ship Task Force

6.3 The next meeting of the Cruise Ship Task Force is scheduled to take place on 19-21 July 2016 in

Tromso, Norway. A verbal update on recent activities will be provided at the meeting.

Offshore Task Force Group

6.4 The next meeting of the Offshore Task Force Group is scheduled to take place on 26-27 April 2016

in Stavanger, Norway. A verbal update will be provided at the meeting.

Projects & Campaigns

West Africa Project

6.5 Work is underway to support capacity building of CNDD and to strengthen their position within the

West Africa APM Terminals programme, which is now incorporated into the work programme of

the Dockers section.

6.4 Now that Joachim Mel Djedje Li is part of the inspectorate there is some follow up to ensure

consistency with implementation of the inspectorate review – this is within the Inspectorate

Coordination (IC) support team, one of whom will be visiting Abidjan imminently. The management

of the contacts network now falls under Djedje-Li, supported by Marie-Louise and is in transition,

but going in the right direction.

6.5 The company targeted campaign element will be resurrected once the IC work with Djedje is

bedded down. This should also complement the APMT work in the Dockers section

East Africa Potential Project

6.6 An update will be provided at the meeting.

Turkish International Registry

6.7 The Turkish International Registry was declared FOC but not implemented during the Buenos Aires

FPC in 2011. Since July 2014 a more active campaign has been undertaken to encourage the signing

of agreements on Turkish flag vessels. Since that time membership of the section of the union

dealing with private shipping companies has grown significantly.

6.8 In general the campaign and the active organising approach taken by the union (Turkish seafarers

have to register on line individually and CBAs are not legally valid until at least 50% of crew have

registered membership) has had a positive impact. Following a week spent by TDS’s representative

with our inspector in Trieste speaking to crew on ro-ro vessels at the end of last year, the current

focus is on negotiating a CBA with UN Ro-Ro, a company with 12 vessels trading mainly between

Turkey and Trieste and Turkey and Toulon.


6.9 An update will be provided at the meeting.


6.10 An update will be provided at the meeting.

Agenda Item 7: Dockers’ Section Committee

7.1 The Dockers’ Section Committee is scheduled to take place in London, 10-11 May 2016. A verbal

update will be provided at the meeting.

7.2 The Steering Group is invited to note the information provided and consider any proposals


Agenda Item 8: Seafarers’ Section Committee

8.1 The Seafarers’ Section Committee is scheduled to take place in London, 10-11 May 2016. A verbal

update will be provided at the meeting.

8.2 The Steering Group is invited to note the information provided and consider any proposals


Agenda Item 9: Any other business


9.1 Following the Maersk Network meeting that took place in Perth, on the 11th May, 2015, it was

decided to establish an activist network amongst our affiliates that deal with Maersk, and to invite

affiliates to nominate representatives to be part of this new Network. The aim is to gather people

who can contribute, not only in meetings, but also provide assistance on the ground with

campaigning and highlighting issues of concern to Maersk members.

9.2 Affiliates with direct involvement with the company were also asked to advise us of any issues of

principle and which might be raised with the company at a global level providing the necessary

ground work has been undertaken.

9.3 A meeting of affiliate representatives was held in Copenhagen on 11th April 2016, the day before

the AP Moller Maersk Annual General Meeting, (AGM). The following day the Maritime Coordinator

spoke at the company AGM and expressed a willingness for the ITF globally and nationally to have a

constructive relationship with Maersk.

9.4 The affiliates meeting received updates regards Maersk shipping, APM Terminals and Svitzer and

discussed other issues of concern to affiliates, in addition to how the ITF should seek to achieve its

objectives within the company.

9.5 Shortly before the meeting of affiliates Maersk Line responded positively to the ITF request for full

agreement coverage for Maersk container ships, not just the Maersk ships directly owned by the

company. From April 2016 Maersk have pledged to ensure that any ship they charter will have an

ITF or similar agreement in place. Just prior to the meeting Maersk Line, Safmarine and MCC

Transport had together approximately 100 ships not covered by any agreement so this move

represents a significant step forward.

9.6 The Steering Group is invited to note the information provided and consider any proposals


Annex 1 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

International Transport Workers’ Federation

FPC Steering Group

London, 11-12 May 2016 Start Time: 14:00hhrs

Provisional Agenda

1. Adoption of the provisional agenda

2. Report of the last meeting and matters arising

3. International Bargaining Forum

4. Maritime Roundtable 2016

5. ITF Agreements

6. FOC Campaign Update a. Campaign Statistics b. Cabotage Task Force c. Cruise Ship Task Force d. Offshore Task Force Group e. Projects & Campaigns

7. Dockers’ Section Committee

8. Seafarers’ Section Committee

9. Any other business a. Maersk



International Transport Workers’ Federation  

FPC Steering Group  

London, 19‐20 November 2015  

Summary Report   Attendance:  A list of participants is attached (Annex 1)  Joint Chairs:  Paddy Crumlin (MUA, Australia), Dave Heindel (SIU, USA)  Apologies:  Severino Almeida (CONTTMAF, Brazil), Masaya Tamada (ZENKOKU‐KOWAN, Japan); Said El‐

Hairech (UMT, Morocco); Donald Marcus (IOMMP, USA); Ray Familathe (ILWU, USA)   Agenda Item 1:   Adoption of the provisional agenda 


1.1 The Chair advised that the following items would be discussed under agenda item 9, any other 


Dockers Section Committee  

Seafarers Section Committee 

Norlines, Norway 

Emergency Motion submitted by Ver.di regarding Madeira Flag 


1.2 The Steering Group adopted the agenda with these additions (Annex 2). 



Agenda Item 2:   Report of the last meeting and matters arising 


2.1  The Steering Group adopted the report as presented. 


Matters Arising 


Danish FOC/SUR/LSUMF/MTWTU Bilateral Agreements 

2.2  The Steering Group noted that an agreement was reached during the week of maritime meetings in 

Perth, May 2015 and the matter was now closed. 



2.3  The Maritime Coordinator provided an update on the issue, advising that further information had been received by the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT).  There were two Seatruck vessels on charter to Serco NorthLink, MS Helliar and MS Hildasay, under the terms of the Northern Isles Ferry Services contract 2012‐2018. Both vessels were registered in the Isle of Man and crewed with Estonian ratings, employed by Seatruck being paid £3.66 per hour in 2014.  


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

2.4  RMT advised that they were aware that Nautilus International had agreements with Seatruck covering their officers and were mindful that certain actions could cause difficulties or jeopardise their relationship. 

 2.5  The Steering Group agreed that the Secretariat should convene a meeting of UK affiliates to discuss 

the matter and possibly consider a declaration of FOC on a ship by ship basis, if no other solution could be found. 

 FPC Steering Group Sub‐Groups 

2.6  The Steering Group noted that these items we covered in the Expanded FPC Steering Group 

meeting, which took place on 18 November 2015. 



Agenda Item 3:   International Bargaining Forum 


Officers wages / Ratings minimum cash 

3.1  Makarov gave a presentation (Annex 3) on the Officers wages / Ratings minimum cash working 

group that took place on 16 November 2015 and presented the draft recommendation from the 

working group, as follows: 


Seek to avoid major changes to the presently applicable IBF Methodology; 

Upon the central settlement in 2017, include in the text of the IBF Operational Agreement 

the following paragraph: 

“The 2017 IBF local/national negotiations shall be carried out pursuant to the 2011 

IBF Methodology (as outlined in the IBF MOA), however in distributing IBF central 

outcome the flexibility applied by the local partners shall result in relevant and real 

increases for the ratings and the partners shall confer on the parameters.” 

Amend Art. 10.1 of the next IBF CBA to include additional text (in red bold): 

“The wages of each seafarer shall be calculated in accordance with this Agreement 

as per the attached wage scale (Appendix 2) and the only deductions from such 

wages shall be proper statutory and other deductions as recorded in this Agreement 

and/or other deductions as authorised by the seafarer.  The wage scale in 

Appendix 2 shall be deemed as a minimum requirement.  Where a higher 

entitlement than in the wage scale may be agreed individually between the 

Company and the Seafarer, such higher entitlement shall be guaranteed and may 

not be decreased for the duration of the tour of duty.” 


3.2  Dickinson asked whether the discussions with the JNG were to continue or if this was the proposal.  

He stated that both Officers and Ratings needed to understand the value of the IBF to them and 

one way to do this would be to deliver a benchmark minimum salary.  He added that we currently 

lacked the hard evidence to state our case and the proposal did not meet what we were trying to 



3.3  Tselentis stated that the word “individually” in the proposed additional text in Art 10.1 undermined 

unions and was an attack on trade union rights and questioned what was the role of the union.  The 

Chair commented that “agreed individually” was the reality. 


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

3.4  The Chair advised that the circular sent from the Secretariat after the last round of negotiations 

was a one‐off and it was not sustainable to continue working in this way. 


3.5  The Chair highlighted that “seek to avoid major changes to the presently applicable IBF 

Methodology” was the core point, that the JNG did not want to agree to a centralised approach, 

which meant we needed to look at what leverage we had at local negotiations.  However, it would 

be agreed centrally what was deemed “relevant and real”.  He added that by dealing with the 

officers’ issue, it had resulted in ratings not receiving a proper increase.  In order to be able to 

shorten the gap between what officers’ earn and what was in the agreements we needed to gather 

the data ourselves as they would not provide us with the information.   


3.6  The Maritime Coordinator stated that the aim was to try and agree text before the next round of 

negotiations to avoid this discussion continuing into the negotiations, which would leave the 

central negotiations to focus on determining what was “relevant and real”. 


3.7  The Steering Group agreed that: 

a group of officers unions should be established to collect data on the wages being paid to 

their members to ensure we have the data to substantiate our claims; and 

Secretariat to relook at the proposed wording. 


Post‐traumatic stress 

3.8  Makarov confirmed that post‐traumatic stress only in relation to piracy and being held hostage had 

been confirmed by P&I clubs as sickness and that injury and sickness during captivity was covered. 


New ITF Claim 

3.9  The Steering Group agreed the following steps for the new ITF claim: 

Affiliates to submit their proposals in January ‐ February 2016; 

Recommended areas for improvement were contractual clauses (CBA) and wages; 

Secretariat to process and collate proposals received; 

Secretariat to prepare an initial ITF Claim for consideration by the Steering Group at its 

meeting in May 2016; and 

Secretariat to finalise the ITF Claim for adoption by the Steering Group at its meeting in 

November 2016. 


Schedule of the next IBF negotiations 

3.10  The Steering Group agreed the proposed schedule, as follows: 



December 2016 


exchange of Claims, by correspondence between the ITF and 

the JNG; 

circulation within each Team 

January 2017 London 

(IBF Forum, 3 days) 

full meeting of both Teams to formally present, clarify and 

discuss each claim; 

separate meetings of each Team to formulate positions;  

full meeting of both Teams to exchange initial comments and 

to allocate work to the secretariats  

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

January – June 2017  

(ad hoc Working 


at least five joint secretariats meetings, attended where 

necessary by IBF Officers 

May 2017 

(concerns ITF Team 


interim reports to the ITF FPC and FPC Steering Group 

June 2017, Tokyo 

(IBF Forum, 5 days) 



separate meetings of each Team; 

IBF Officers meetings; 

full meeting of both Teams to conclude settlement; 

ITF only: expanded FPC Steering Group meeting to approve 



ITF Negotiating Team 

3.11  The Steering Group agreed to continue to adhere to the criteria for composing the ITF Negotiating 

Teams and the mandate of the ITF bodies dealing with IBF negotiations and settlements, as 

identified by the July 2003 Fair Practices Committee.  



Agenda Item 4:   Maritime Roundtable 2016 


4.1  Tomson gave a presentation (Annex 4) on the draft proposal for the upcoming Maritime 

Roundtable event scheduled to take place in Montreal, Canada during the week of 19 September 

2016 and introduced document Annex 3 to 15/FpcSgNov/Briefing. 


4.2  The Chair encouraged members to send people to the event to broaden out the campaigning 

elements, to be able to generate their own campaigns at a union level.  He added that the concerns 

raised at the last event over languages had been addressed in the document, which detailed 3 

options and the cost implications. 


4.3  During the discussion, the following points were made: 

Noted that the workshop durations would be longer; 

Needed to include advice to union leadership to tutor nominees prior to the event, to 

ensure they were prepared for the discussions; 

No age limit, but affiliates needed to look beyond senior leadership as the event was aimed 

at educating new activists on the FOC/POC campaigns; 

Opportunity for networking, union activists talking to one another and forming their own 


Use as an opportunity to strengthen existing maritime campaigns when deciding on 

participants; and 

Concern over the numbers being limited to 150 people, however recognised not logistically 

possible to be bigger on this occasion. 


4.4  The Steering Group considered the 3 language options detailed in the documentation, as follows: 


Option A: Plenary in English, French & Spanish / 

Workshops with informal language support 

Whispering / informal language support was 

not an effective way of communicating 

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Option B: Plenary in English, French & Spanish / 

2 x workshops in English, 1 x workshop in 

French, 1 x workshop in Spanish 


Participants would be grouped by their 

language and stay together for the whole 

event, which could inhibit the overall aim of the 

event to be more inclusive, dynamic and 


Option C: Plenary and all workshops in English, 

French & Spanish 

Ideal option, but concern over the increased 



4.5  The Maritime Coordinator reiterated that this body needed to make the decision and the ITF 

Secretariat would make the budget fit, if necessary.  The Steering Group agreed to Language 

Option C, plenary and all workshops to be conducted in English, French and Spanish. 



Agenda Item 5:   ITF Uniform TCC Agreement 


IBF and ILO Factors 

5.1  Abrahamsson introduced the item, highlighting paragraphs 5.1 to 5.3 of the briefing paper.  He 

added that following the 2003 negotiations the distribution of funds was 63% to officers / 37% to 

ratings with a +/‐ 2% variable, however following the 2011 negotiations this changed to 

approximately 75% to officers / 25% to ratings.  He stated that by negotiating in percentage it 

would always favour the higher wages. 


ITF TCC Benchmark Review Sub‐Group Meeting 

5.2  Canias gave a presentation on the discussions at the recent ITF TCC Benchmark Review sub‐group 

meeting, which took place in Limassol, 12 September 2015 (Annex 5).   Tselentis, as Chair of the 

Sub‐Group, highlighted the meetings conclusions as detailed in paragraphs 5.5 to 5.7 of the briefing 

paper and thanked the sub‐group for all their hard work. 


Proposals from the Secretariat 

5.3  Canias provided the following proposal for consideration: 

2% increase on current level for 2016 with 2 caveats; for those already meeting the current 

benchmark this would be a voluntary increase and for those falling behind the benchmark it 

would be a mandatory increase. 


5.4  The Maritime Coordinator added that the Secretariat had looked at various solutions and as the 

difference between the various TCC agreements was so large it was not possible to set one limit, 

therefore affiliates were encouraged to go and try and achieve 2% on their current level.  The 

Secretariat would then review the results and the progress made at narrowing the gap between 

agreement levels. 


5.5  The Chair highlighted the number of agreements in 2007 compared to 2014, as detailed below, 

identifying that there had been an increase of IBF agreements with a lot of new vessels being 

covered, however the TCC numbers had not really changed.   

  2007  2014 

TCC  4447  4380 

IBF  4607  7827 


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

5.6  The Steering Group agreed the following: 

2% increase on current level for 2016 with 2 caveats; for those already meeting the current 

benchmark this would be a voluntary increase and for those falling behind the benchmark 

it would be a mandatory increase; 

As it was a % increase on the current levels no wage scales would be produced by the 

Secretariat; and 

Secretariat would provide assistance to affiliates that were unable to achieve the 2% 




Agenda Item 6:   Approval of new agreements 


6.1  Abrahamsson introduced an additional document (Annex 6) and on behalf of the Agreements 

Vetting Group, recommended all agreements for approval.  The Steering Group approved all 

agreements as presented. 



Agenda Item 7:   ITF Membership 


7.1  Higginbottom introduced the item and recalled the discussion at the last meeting.  She confirmed 

that discussions on this issue were also taking place at other GUFs, however the ITF was a ahead in 

this area.  The Chair highlighted the question posed at the last meeting “How should seafarers 

covered under ITF agreements be included in declared membership” and the point raised last time 

that “seafarers on FOC vessels pay 3 lots of union dues and this needed to be taken into 

consideration in the discussions”. 


7.2  Seebold advised that he had been delegated to represent Verdi on the Membership Vetting Group 

(MVG), which was looking at the ITF membership declaration, concessions and all other matters in 

relation to ITF membership.  He stated that the reality was that affiliates declared less than their 

real members and the MVG was trying to work on new methodology, taking into consideration 

some affiliates could not afford to declare / pay for their total membership.  He added it was very 

difficult to find a workable solution, there were many differences in maritime alone and it was 

necessary to avoid the double and triple payments. 


7.3  The General Secretary commented that the real membership of ITF was 11million members, 

however only 4.7million were declared.  He stated there had been quite a bit of work over the past 

2 years, including the establishment of the MVG to ensure there was a fair and transparent process 

and it was not the decision of the General Secretary.  He added that the declared seafarers 

membership had not seen an increase in line with the increase of agreements.  In real terms the ITF 

needed to be able to say to the outside world that it represented 11million works. 


7.4  The Chair commented that there needed to be fairness and transparency and the ability for the ITF 

to discuss and decide what was fair in relation to concessions.  Some large unions, for example EVG 

and Verdi, were declaring 100% of their membership at the 100% fee.   


7.5  The Steering Group noted the information provided. 


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Agenda Item 8:   FOC Campaign Update 


Cabotage Task Force 

8.1  The Maritime Coordinator gave a presentation on the recent Cabotage Task Force that took place 

in Washington on 28 October 2015 (Annex 7).  The Chair added that there had been a good 

discussion on Cabotage at the Expanded FPC Steering Group meeting on 18 November 2015 and 

there would also be attempts to include a clause in future IBF and TCC agreements. 


8.2  During a discussion on Cabotage, the following points were raised: 

The US Jones Act provided billions of dollars into the economy in the US and this needed to 

be incorporated into our communications to facilitate in the arguments with those who 

were trying to remove national ships and national jobs; 

Cabotage covered more areas than just the flag, it was important how national wages was 

enforced and ensure there was a level playing field; 

Argentina had good cabotage laws currently, however if the government changed so could 

the laws and it was necessary to work with the ship building industry to try and obtain 

formal laws that would remain; 

In Norway preparations were in place, following discussion at the task force meeting, to 

discuss with local politicians the relevance of cabotage to them and identify the 

consequences if seafaring jobs disappeared from their communities; 

Currently in India first refusal was given to Indian flagged vessels to operate in national 

waters / national trade, however if none were available then it was offered out to other 

flags, however the government was trying to remove this requirement; 

In Brazil the strategies had changed and now when a Brazilian built vessel was scrapped, 

they were not being replaced.  In 2014, out of 300 vessels only 34 were Brazilian flag 

trading in national waters; and 

The ITF Athens policy had been effective in Europe and should be considered by the task 

force as a tool globally. 


8.3  The Steering Group agreed to the campaign objectives and endorsed the task force composition 

and terms of reference, as presented (Annex 7). 


Cruise Ship Task Force 

8.4  The Cruise Ship Task Force Chair gave a presentation (Annex 8) on the recent work of the Task 

Force and informed that Remo di Fiore had stood down as Vice Chair.  The Steering Group 

endorsed the proposed second vice chair position and thanked Remo for his work on the task 



Offshore Task Force Group 

8.5  The Offshore Task Force Group Chair advised that he had met, along with Nautilus International, 

the company GulfMark on 12 November 2015 to discuss vessel MV Highland Rover and they had 

agreed to accept to review and reconsider their position and for the vessel to be covered on an ITF 

special agreement.  He also advised there had been concentrated efforts to break the continental 

shelf policy, which resulted in a meeting in Oslo on 5 November with IndustriAll, with a further 

meeting planned for January 2016. 


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

8.6  An additional document (Annex 9) was circulated to the meeting, which provided an overview of 

the work of the task force and the agreements currently in place.  He advised that the Offshore 

Standard Agreement would be amended subject to the Norwegian amended agreement, however 

the scheduled meeting did not take place.  Hansen added that the NMU had requested to conclude 

the amendments before the next OTFG meeting in May 2016 to avoid being left behind. 


8.7  The Steering Group noted the information provided and agreed that the OTFG Chair and NSU 

should work together on best way forward and suitable text in relation to the Norwegian Model 

agreement and the Offshore Standard agreement. 



8.8  Tomson provided an update on the Independent Federation of Myanmar Seafarers (IFOMS) 

seminar on Mexico City Policy, which took place in Yangon in August 2015 and was supported by 

the ITF.  She stated that they were very keen to learn and acknowledged they had a responsibility 

and to support ITF policies and Myanmar seafarers. 


8.9  The Steering Group noted that both Verdi and NSU were looking to enter into bilateral 

arrangements with IFOMS in early 2016 and it was vital that the ITF family supported this new 



FOC‐POC Inspectorate 

8.10  The Inspectorate Coordinator gave a presentation on the recent Worldwide Inspectors Seminar, 

which took place in Panama City, 12‐16 October 2015 (Annex 10).  The Chair added that it had 

been a fantastic seminar, there had been a lot of positive feedback and the inspectors had taken 

ownership of the event.  The Maritime Coordinator thanked the Regional Secretary and his staff 

for their support in this event, which resulted in a visit with the Panamanian Vice Minister of 

Presidency and Labour. 


8.11  The Steering Group noted the update provided. 


Projects & Campaigns 

8.12  Higginbottom gave a presentation on the Black Sea Project (Annex 11) and highlighted the 

proposed way forward: 

End current ITF project, but support affiliate led activities; 

Continue with campaign weeks as part of the Inspectorate Weeks of Action programme; 

Maintain “Black Sea Campaign” as a slogan; and 

Consider future of Black Sea TCC agreement 


8.13  The Steering Group noted it was not always easy to close a project and endorsed the way forward. 


Agenda Item 9:   Any other business 


Dockers Section Committee 

9.1  The Dockers Section Secretary gave a presentation (Annex 12) on the Dockers’ Section Committee 

meeting that took place in London, 17‐18 November 2015.  The Steering Group noted the 

presentation provided. 


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


9.2  The Maritime Coordinator informed the Steering Group of a situation in Norway and as the matter 

was very recent it had not been possible to prepare anything in writing.  Norlines were not 

respecting the Dockers clause within the CBA with dockworkers not being permitted in to the port 

of Fredrikstad to do their work and 14 dockworkers had recently been sacked.  The Maritime 

Coordinator added that affiliates in Norway; Philippines and Russia had been working together on 

the matter. 


9.3  The Steering Group mandated the Secretariat to prepare suitable wording and assist the affiliates 

concerned to resolve the matter with Norlines. 


Seafarers Section Committee 

9.4  The Seafarers Section Assistant Secretary gave a presentation (Annex 13) on the Seafarers’ Section 

Committee meeting that took place in London, 17‐18 November 2015.  The Steering Group noted 

the presentation provided. 


Emergency Motion: Madeira Flag 

9.5  The Chair informed the Steering Group that an emergency motion had been submitted by Ver.di, 

requesting that Madeira International Register be declared a FOC. The Chair  asked if there had 

been full consultation between the affiliates prior to the submission.  


9.6  Seebold provided background information on the reason for the motion being submitted, advising 

that Madeira was an International Ship Register, the only register for Portugal and was based in 

Germany. He stated that the agreements were  at ILO level and 16 vessels had recently reflagged to 

this international shipping register.  Over the past year attempts had been made by Ver.di, with the 

assistance of the Secretariat, to enter into discussions with the flag State union FESMAR, however 

these attempts had failed. 


9.7  The Chair stated it was not possible to accept the motion for discussion and declare the flag an FOC 

as there had to be consultation with all affiliates concerned before this could happen.  However, in 

the event there were vessels that were beneficially owned in Germany, then these could be 

declared FOC on a ship‐by‐ship basis. 


Paris & Beirut Terrorist Attacks 

9.8  The Steering Group stood for a minutes silence in recognition of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris 

and Beirut. 


El Faro Crew 

9.9  The Steering Group also remembered the 33 crew members of vessel “El Faro” that were lost at sea 

in Hurricane Joaquin.  Heindel thanked everyone on behalf of his union and the crew’s families for 

their letters, support and contributions. 


Mary Liew 

9.10  The Steering Group congratulated Mary Liew on her recent election as President of the National 

Trade Union Congress (NTUC), Singapore. 


9.11  There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting. 

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Page 1 of 2

Annex 1 to 15/FpcSg1/Report

List of Participants

Section Officers

Dockers’ Section Chair Paddy Crumlin, MUA, Australia

Dockers’ Section 1st Vice Chair Ray Familathe, ILWU, USA

Dockers’ Section 2nd Vice Chair Torben Seebold, VERDI, Germany

Dockers’ Section Women’s Representative Monique Verbeeck, BTB, Belgium

Seafarers’ Section Chair David Heindel, SIU, USA

Seafarers’ Section 1st Vice Chair Tomas Abrahamsson, SEKO, Sweden

Seafarers’ Section 2nd Vice Chair Conrad Oca, AMOSUP, Philippines

Seafarers’ Section Women Transport Workers’ Representative Lena Dyring, NSU, Norway

Africa/Arab World

Dockers’ Section Regional Chair Judith Abuka, DUK, Kenya

Seafarers’ Representative Lucian Razafindraibe, SYGMMA, Madagascar

Dockers’ Representative Said El Hairech, UMT, Morocco

Dockers’ Adviser Simon Sang, DUK, Kenya


Seafarers’ Section Regional Chair Yasumi Morita, JSU, Japan

Dockers’ Section Regional Chair Yong Soo Chi, KFPTWU, Korea

Seafarers’ Representative Abdulgani Serang, NUSI, India

Seafarers’ Representative Tung Tong Chung, MNOG, Hong Kong

Seafarers’ Representative Thomas Tay, SMOU, Singapore

Dockers’ Representative P M Mohammed Haneef, CPSA, India

Dockers’ Representative Masaya Tamada, ZENKOKU-KOWAN, Japan

Dockers’ Representative Joe Fleetwood, MUNZ, New Zealand

Seafarers’ Adviser Kam Yuen Ting, MNOG, Hong Kong

Seafarers’ Adviser Hiroyuki Watanabe, JSU, Japan

Seafarers’ Adviser Yoshihiro Toyomitsu, JSU, Japan

Seafarers’ Adviser Satomi Otsuki, JSU, Japan

Dockers’ Adviser Kinichiro Itoya, ZENKOKU-KOWAN, Japan

Dockers’ Adviser Young Hon (Leo), Hwang, KFPTWU, Korea

Seafarers’ Adviser Jose Raul Lamug, AMOSUP, Philippines

Seafarers’ Adviser Emmanuel Partido, AMOSUP, Philippines

Seafarers’ Adviser Mary Liew, SMOU, Singapore


Seafarers’ Section Regional Chair Agis Tselentis, PNO, Greece

Dockers’ Section Regional Chair Terje Samuelsen, NTF, Norway

Seafarers’ Representative Simo Zitting, FSU, Finland

Seafarers’ Representative Remo di Fiore, FIT-CISL, Italy

Seafarers’ Representative Yuri Sukhorukov, SUR, Russia

Seafarers’ Representative Mark Dickinson, NIUK, United Kingdom

Dockers’ Representative Marc Loridan, BTB, Belgium

Dockers’ Representative Pantelis Stavrou, FTPAW, Cyprus

Dockers’ Representative Aleksejs Holodnuks, UTAF, Latvia

Dockers’ Representative Niek Stam, FNVB, Netherlands

Seafarers’ Observer Oleg Grigoryuk, MTWTU, Ukraine

Seafarers’ Adviser Vadim Ivanov, SUR, Russia

Latin America/Caribbean

Seafarers’ Representative Marcos Castro, CCUOMM, Argentina

North America

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Page 2 of 2

Seafarers’ Representative Donald Marcus, IOMMP, USA

Dockers’ Representative Mark Gordienko, ILWU, Canada

Substitute for James Given (Seafarers’ Section Regional Chair) Patrice Caron, SIU-CAN, Canada

Seafarers’ Adviser Ake Selander, IOMMP, USA

Agreed Ex-Officio Observers

Fisheries Section Chair Johnny Hansen, NSU, Norway

Inland Navigation Section Chair Nick Bramley, NICH, Swizerland

Cruise Ship Task Force Chair Johan Oyen, NSU, Norway

Offshore Task Force Group Chair Norrie McVicar, RMT, Great Britain

ITF Secretariat:

Stephen Cotton, General Secetary

Jacqueline Smith, Maritime Coordinator

Jon Whitlow, Seafarers Section Secretary

Sharon James, Dockers Section Secretary

John Canias, Head of Maritime Operations

Konstantin Makarov, IBF Policy Adviser

Branko Krznaric, Agreements Development Manager

Steve Trowsdale, Inspectorate Coordinator

Katie Higginbottom, Projects & Campaigns Leader

Sadie Saunders, Head of Maritime Administration

Bilal Malkawi, Arab World Regional Secretary

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



Annex 2 to 15/FpcSgNov/Report  

International Transport Workers’ Federation  

FPC Steering Group  

London, 19‐20 November 2015 Start Time: 0930hrs 


Provisional Agenda   

1. Adoption of the provisional agenda 

2. Report of the last meeting and matters arising 

3. International Bargaining Forum 

4. Maritime Roundtable 2016 

5. ITF Uniform TCC Agreement 

6. Approval of new agreements 

7. ITF Membership 

8. FOC Campaign Update a. Cabotage Task Force b. Cruise Ship Task Force c. Offshore Task Force Group d. Myanmar e. FOC‐POC Inspectorate f. Projects & Campaigns 


9. Any other business  

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


ITF Fair Practices Committee Steering Group meeting

London, 19-20 November 2015

Agenda Item 3: IBF

Officers Wages / Ratings Minimum CashWorking Group

paragraphs: 3.1 - 3.2

2014 decision to establish WG

Part of the IBF settlement in June 2014

Issues to address as per IBF 2014 Operational Agreement:

fair distribution at local/national level of centrally agreed IBF increases to secure a cash increase for every position on the wage scale in each individual IBF CBA;

adequacy of Officers wages as they figure in wage scales of JNG member companies.

Annex 3 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



IBF Working GroupHong Kong, 5th March 2015

Joint SecretariatsLondon, 28th August 2015

ITF Reference GroupLondon, 15th November 2015

IBF Working GroupLondon, 16th November 2015

Issues exchange.

Secretariats to discuss specific mechanisms.

Could WG’s objectives be reached without major changes to Methodology?

Consider textual amendments / clarifications.

Draft proposals.

Recommendations to IBF Forum

WG Draft RecommendationSeek to avoid major changes to the presently applicable IBF Methodology.

Upon the central settlement in 2017, include in the text of the IBF Operational Agreement the following paragraph:

The 2017 IBF local/national negotiations shall be carried out pursuant to the 2011 IBF Methodology (as outlined in the IBF MOA), however in distributing IBF central outcome the flexibility applied by the local partners shall result in relevant and real increases for the ratings and the partners shall confer on the parameters.

Amend Art. 10.1 of the next IBF CBA to include additional text (in red):

The wages of each seafarer shall be calculated in accordance with this Agreement and as per the attached wage scale (APPENDIX 2) and the only deductions from such wages shall be proper statutory and other deductions as recorded in this Agreement and/or other deductions as authorised by the seafarer. The wage scale in Appendix 2 shall be deemed as a minimum requirement. Where a higher entitlement than in the wage scale may be agreed individually between the Company and the Seafarer, such higher entitlement shall be guaranteed and may not be decreased for the duration of the tour of duty.

Annex 3 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Post-Traumatic stress

paragraph: 3.3

• Post-Traumatic Stress confirmed as sickness

• Injury and sickness during captivity covered

New ITF Claim

paragraphs: 3.4-3.7

ITF Claim for 2018 IBF Agreement. Steps to go:

• get mandate now;• affiliates to contribute in January - February 2016;• secretariat to process and collate;• interim report to May 2016 FPC SG;• adopt Claim at November 2016 FPC SG

Recommended areas for improvement:

• contractual clauses • wages

Annex 3 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Next IBF negotiations:

Mutually agreed schedule proposal

• Central negotiations: January – June 2017

• Local / national negotiations: July – December 2017

paragraphs: 3.8-3.13

IBF central negotiationsDecember 2016 exchange of Claims, by correspondence between the ITF

andthe JNG;

circulation within each Team;

January 2017, London, IBF Forum, 3 days

full meeting of both Teams to formally present, clarify anddiscuss each claim;

separate meetings of each Team to formulate positions; full meeting of both Teams to exchange initial comments and

to allocate work to the secretariats

Jan – June 2017 ad hoc WGs

at least five joint secretariats meetings, attended wherenecessary by IBF Officers

May 2017 (ITF Team only)

interim reports to the ITF FPC and FPC Steering Group

June 2017, Tokyo, IBF Forum, 5 days

separate meetings of each Team; IBF Officers meetings; full meeting of both Teams to conclude settlement; ITF only: expanded FPC Steering Group meeting to approve


enhanced process 2003 FPC criteria to be composedby May 2016

ITF Negotiating Team

Annex 3 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


International Transport Workers FederationFPC Steering Group meeting

London, 19-20 November 2015

Agenda Item 3: IBF

Please refer:

operative paragraph 3.14

Annex 3 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Planning MRT 2016FPC Steering GroupLondon, November 2015

FPC SG - November 2015

MRT – Education and Cooperation

Strengthen affiliates

Strengthen affiliates

Attack substandard


Attack substandard


Promote decent work

Promote decent work

Promote trade union values

Promote trade union values

FPC SG - November 2015

Annex 4 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Casablanca, Morocco27-29 September 2012

FPC SG - November 2015

Montreal, CanadaSeptember 2016

FPC SG - November 2015

Annex 4 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


FPC SG to consider:

Themes: Campaigning and organising, protect domestic jobs FOC/POC campaign MLC 2006 Promoting union values

Format - interactive workshops Participants

Cap 150; Dockers & Seafarers’ activists, English skills Language(s) Costs & financial assistance Facilitators Preparation/homework for participants

FPC SG - November 2015

Example: ITF online course

FPC SG - November 2015

Annex 4 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



FPC SG - November 2015

Annex 4 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



12 September 2015Limassol, Cyprus


Officers under “minimum” plus extra guarantees, ratings under “normative” agreement

Increase level of funding element >10%

Move AB benchmark to higher rank Convert to “model ship”, apply IBF

outcome Index upon ILO JMC figures Leave “as is”

Annex 5 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Target = 806Range = less 10% 1625

1806 1625

Some hit the target

Some is within the range

Some is within the range butIncluding funding

Some miss not in range














Annex 5 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015TCC 4447 4958 5141 5281 5349 5034 4844 4380 3475IBF 4607 4898 5561 5646 5791 6104 6991 7827 6497












ACV, 10 AJSU, 4 Amosup, 23 BTB, 40 BSTU, 7


DAD-DER, 162

ELA-Serbitzuak, 2

ESIU, 403F, 6 FESMAR, 32

UGT, 4




MUA, 6

HSCC, 124

NCSU, 361

NSZZ, 25RMT, 4


NINL, 86

NICH, 12NMU, 81PNO, 666



SUC, 24

SUR, 56


SSU, 24

SUS, 12SEKO, 34



ITF, 423

VER.DI, 578

Annex 5 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


AB Benchmark Trends











ABBenchmark 1107 1204 1250 1400 1550 1675 1709 1752 1806 $



Mean Median Mode Highest LowestMaster 5834 5434 5460 10404 49632O, 3E 2861 2873 2883 3677 24433O, 4E 2628 2671 2784 3100 2158Bosun 1745 1776 1895 1920 1390AB 1545 1552 1709 1709 1293OS 1123 1096 1321 1304 946








Annex 5 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


TCC (considerations)

Consider bilateral relationship with labour supply unions; where practical. Some TCC wage scale from labour supply are comparable or higher.

Consider to apply flexibility, for example; guarantee a min. increase of 1% to all ranks from the percentage increase total, then distribution of the rest is up to the local union.

Annex 5 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 6 to 15/FpcSgNov/Report 15/FpcSgNov/Additional 1 


International Transport Workers’ Federation  

FPC Steering Group London, 19‐20 November 2015 


Agreements Vetting Group Recommended Agreements for approval 



No.  Country  Affiliate  CBA  Notations 

1  BANGLADESH  BMNOA  BMNOA MODEL IBF  109 GOT for ratings (not needed) – possible merge with ratings union next round of negotiations 

2  ITALY  FIT‐CISL  FIT‐CISL/ENTERPRISE SHPG AGCY    GOT (70hrs), txt CBA has 85.  Secretariat to follow up 

3  HONG KONG  HSCC  MODEL  Wagescale for Chinese Seafarers only 




7  UK  NIUK  NIUK/AZALEA  For UK top Officers only 

8  SWEDEN  SEKO  SEKO/WISBY SHIPMANAGEMENT  Subject to increase leave to 8 days, secretariat to follow up 



11  LATVIA  UTAF  UTAF/NORBULK  Approval subject to Compensation rates updated to 2015‐2017 rates.  Secretariat to follow up. 



No.  Country  Affiliate  CBA  Note 


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Cabotage Task Force

Inaugural meeting in Washington DC28 October 2015

FPC SG, London 19 - 20 November 2015


SSC meeting - November 2014: agreed to convene the Cabotage Working Group

WG recommendation: Establish a task force to:

Discuss, develop and support national cabotage campaigns

Endorsed by the FPC in Perth May 2015

FPC SG, London 19 - 20 November 2015

Annex 7 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Meeting in Washington DC

Status reports from Canada, Norway, Brazil, Argentine, Nigeria and USA

Status report on trade agreements: TTIP TISA CETA TPP

Communication strategy Agree objectives

FPC SG, London 19 - 20 November 2015

Campaign objectives

National jobs for national seafarers in national trade. Cabotage is legal protect of national jobs, national

revenue and national security.

HOW?1. Education and information 2. Support for national campaigns3. Legal/research 4. Visibility

FPC SG, London 19 - 20 November 2015

Annex 7 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Target groups

Politicians Trade negotiators Domestic shipowners Domestic maritime industries:

shipbuilding, suppliers Government officials:

port authorities, health officials, environmental officials

Seafarers Cargo owners Other NGOsFPC SG, London 19 - 20 November


Next steps

1. Gather relevant national legislation

2. Create educational material

3. Create a communication strategy

4. Continue to monitor and influence trade discussions

1. ITF and Seafarers Rights International

2. ITF and Task force members

3. ITF and Task Force members’ communication staff

FPC SG, London 19 - 20 November 2015

Annex 7 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Task Force Composition Chair: James Given – Canada Vice Chair: Johnny Hansen – Norway Ex officio:

Dave Heindel – USA Paddy Crumlin – Australia

Members: Adeola Olusola – Nigeria Agis Tselentis – Greece Conrado Oca – Philippines Severino Almeida – Brazil India Russia Ukraine

FPC SG, London 19 - 20 November 2015

Terms of Reference

Responsibilities: Develop economic arguments that support cabotage Collect and update cabotage laws and analysis of the

laws Support affiliates in developing cabotage strategy Monitor and advise on trade agreements that will

impact cabotage Collaborate with the ITFG and CTSF in promoting

cabotage in their industries Assist with communication strategies for various

target groups

FPC SG, London 19 - 20 November 2015

Annex 7 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


ITF CSTFThe Cruise Industry by Johan N. Oyen

FPC SG, London - November 2015


At the end of 2014 the number of large cruise vessels stood at 300 with 153 of those vessels marketed mostly in North America, 113 in Europe and 34 in Asia Pacific.

The total number of cruise vessels is around 491, if we include large ocean-going, expedition, coastal and some river vessels that may operate costal voyages.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



There are seven large cruise ships being built for delivery in 2015, ten in 2016, eight in 2017, nine in 2018, eight in 2019, six in 2020, four in 2021 and four in 2022.

It is expected that the numbers for 2020 and later will increase.

The exact number of costal and river vessels being built are not known.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Facts Most cruise vessels are registered in FOC countries or owned by

nationals other than those whose flag they fly when registered in a non-FOC registry.

The largest flags are:1. Bahamas with 112 vessels as of 1 January 2015, followed by

Malta with 47 (this number includes some river vessels), Panama with 38,

2. Italy with 25,3. Bermuda with 25, 4. USA with 22 (including coastal and river vessels), 5. Holland with 20 (this number includes some river vessels), 6. Norway with 11, 7. Russia with 8, 8. United Kingdom with 7, 9. Japan with 4 and a number of countries with one or two vessels


The above number includes some costal and river vessels that make short costal voyages.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



The Cruise Industry has the capacity to carry 22 million passengers in 2015.

The industry's estimated sales revenues for 2015 are 39.6 billion USD.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Number of Seafarers

211,054 (1 January 2015 number) Seafarers are employed on board at any one time, with another 30% - 40% on vacation, undergoing shore-based training, and on sick or maternity leave, etc.

Therefore, the industry employs between 275,000 and 296,000 Seafarers on an annualized basis.

The largest deployment of Seafarers is found on board Bahamian-registered vessels, where there are approximately 67,605 of them; followed by 34,950 on board Panamanian; 17,892 on board Italian, 22,788 on board Maltese; 21,666 on board Bermudian; 9,896 on board Dutch; 3,186 on board United Kingdom; and 1,324 on board US registered vessels.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Number per Company

1. Royal Caribbean International –29,934

2. Carnival Cruise Line with 25,1593. Princess Cruises – 16,3184. MSC Cruises – 15,2385. Norwegian Cruise Line – 14,7716. Costa Crociere – 12,7847. Holland America Line – 10,4778. Celebrity Cruises – 10,3339. P&O Cruises – 6,21410. TUI Cruises – 5,80611. Aida Cruises – 5,55812. Disney Cruise Lines – 4,74613. Star Cruises – 4,04414. Cunard Line – 3,22515. Oceania Cruises – 2,679

16. Thomson – 2,32417. Pullmantur – 2,12318. P&O Cruises Australia – 1,85619. Phoenix Reisen – 1,71920. Silver Seas Cruises – 1,48321. Fred Olsen Cruise Lines – 1,47422. Seabourn Cruise Line – 1,45323. Regent Seven Seas – 1,20724. Crystal Cruises – 1,20025. Celestyal Cruises – 92526. Hapag-Lloyd – 87927. Bahamas Paradise – 67028. Saga Shipping – 65829. Crosieres de France – 62030. Ponant Cruises – 57831. Peace Boat – 500

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Number of Seafarers

Carnival Corp & PLC group employed a total of 83,038 Seafarers at any one time, and

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd group 43,812, excluding those working in the 50% owned TUI Cruises brand, as of January 1, 2015.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


The largest cruise companiesCarnival Corp & PLC, consisting of:

1. Carnival Cruise Lines with 24 ships in operation and two new buildings on order for delivery in 2016 and 2018.

2. Princess Cruises with 18 ships in operation and one new building ordered for delivery in 2017.

3. Costa Crociere with 15 ships in operation and two new buildings on order for delivery in 2019 and 2020.

4. Holland America Line with 13 ships and two new buildings on order for 2016 and 2018 delivery.

5. AIDA Cruises with 11 ships in operation and four new buildings on order for delivery in 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2020.

6. P&O Cruises UK with 8 ships and one new building on order for 2015 delivery.

7. Cunard Line with 3 ships.8. P&O Cruises Australia with 5 ships.9. Seabourn Cruise Line with three ships in operation and two new

buildings on order for 2016 and 2018 delivery.10. Fathom, a new cruise line that will take delivery of one small P&O

Cruises ship in 2016.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

The largest cruise companies

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, consisting of:

1. Royal Caribbean International with 23 ships in operation, increased by 4 new buildings on order for delivery in 2016 (two ships), 2018 and 2019.

2. Celebrity Cruises with 10 ships in operation and two new buildings on order for 2018 and 2020 delivery .

3. Pullmantur with 3 ships to be increased by one ship being transferred from RCI in 2014.

4. CDF Crociere de France with 2 ships.5. Azamara Club Cruises with 2 ships.

50% of TUI Cruises with 3 ships and five new buildings on order for delivery in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.35% of SkySea with one ship.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


The largest cruise companiesNCL Holdings, consisting of:

1. NCL Corporation with 14 ships in operation and four new buildings on order for delivery in 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

2. Oceania Cruises with 5 ships in operation.3. Regent Seven Seas Cruises with 3 ships and one new

building ordered for 2016 delivery.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

The largest cruise companiesMSC Cruises with 12 ships in operation and five new buildings onorder for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022 delivery.

TUI AG, consisting of:

1. Hapag-Lloyd with 5 ships.2. Thomson Cruises with 5 ships, the Company will take delivery of

the Splendor of the Seas from Royal Caribbean in 2016 and MeinSchiff 1 and 2 from TUI Cruises in 2017 - 2019.50% of TUI Cruises with 4 ships and four new buildings on order for delivery in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


The largest cruise companiesGenting Hong Kong Ltd., consisting of:

1. Star Cruises with 5 ships and two new buildings on order for 2016 and 2017delivery.

2. Crystal Cruises with 3 ships in operation and three on order for delivery in 2019, 2020 and 2020.

3. Crystal Yacht Cruises with one yacht being delivered in December 2015.

4. Crystal River Cruises with two ultra deluxe river boats being built for 2017 delivery.

13% of NCL Corporation (as off September 2015) with 14 ships in operation and four new buildings on order for delivery in 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

The Malaysian Genting family of companies have also bought into Lloyd Werft in Germany with an ownership of 50% in the land and 70% in the new building business.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

The largest cruise companies

The four largest cruise corporations are expected to have a total of 180 ships in 2015, for a global market share of 84.8%, increasing to 2016 ships by 2022.

The four largest cruise companies worldwide, i.e. Carnival Corp & plc, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, NCL Holdings and MSC Cruises.

The global market share are divided as follows:

I. Carnival Corp & plc – 44.8%II. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. – 24.7%III. NCL Holdings – 8.9%IV. MSC Cruises – 6.4%

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



In 2015 Carnival Corp’s US brands controls - 43.4% of the North American market, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd -30%, andNCL Holdings - 18.2%, for a total of 91.6%.

The numbers for the European market were:Carnival Corp & plc European brands – 42.7%,MSC Cruises – 22%, andRoyal Caribbean Cruises Ltd – 14.8%, for a total of 79.5%.

FPC SG, London - November 2015


Most large FOC registered cruise vessels are covered by Agreements, except for the vessels operated by Carnival Cruise Lines.

Most of the national flag, large, ocean-going cruise vessels are owned by Carnival Corp & plc. However, they have re-flagged a number of earlier UK- flagged vessels to Bermuda. The situation surrounding union coverage and benefits packages is less clear on these than on the other FOC vessels.

Almost all national flag cruise vessels operate with multinational crews and with wage levels well below those in the country in which they are registered.

The exception is NCL America and some smaller companies that operate their vessels with Seafarers residing in the flag state and with wage structures reflecting the flag states’ normal wage levels.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



The largest North American brands deploy their vessels in the following manner in 2015:

Caribbean:Carnival Cruise Lines – 81.6%Royal Caribbean International – 61.6%Norwegian Cruise Line – 53.3%Princess Cruises – 22.4%Holland America Line – 28.5%Celebrity Cruises – 38.9%

FPC SG, London - November 2015


The largest North American brands deploy their vessels in the following manner in 2015:

Europe:Royal Caribbean International – 11%Norwegian Cruise Line – 16%Princess Cruises – 11.9%Holland America Line – 19.1%Celebrity Cruises – 23.4%

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Asia Pacific / Australia

The largest North American brands deploy their vessels in the following manner in 2015:

Asia Pacific / Australia:Carnival Cruise Lines – 3.1%Royal Caribbean International – 17.9%Princess Cruises – 23.1%Holland America Line – 3.5%Celebrity Cruises – 9.9%

FPC SG, London - November 2015


The largest European brands deploy their vessels in the following manner in 2015:

Caribbean:Costa Crociere – 7.6%MSC Cruises – 9%AIDA Cruises – 8.9%Pullmantur – 30.2%P&O Cruises – 13.6%

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


European The largest European brands deploy their vessels in the

following manner in 2015:

Europe:Costa Crociere – 57.5%MSC Cruises – 62.7%AIDA Cruises – 60.2%Pullmantur – 31.8%P&O Cruises – 69.6%Thomson Cruises – 68.9%

FPC SG, London - November 2015

South America

The largest European brands deploy their vessels in the following manner in 2015:

South America:Costa Crociere – 5.9%MSC Cruises – 15.3%Pullmantur – 36%

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Indian Ocean / Red Sea The largest European brands deploy their vessels in the

following manner in 2015:

Indian Ocean / Red Sea:Costa Crociere – 3.7%AIDA Cruises – 8.2%

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Market Capacity The 2015 market share in respect of capacity and sailing region is as follows:

Caribbean/Bahamas – 39.9%Mediterranean – 17.9%Asia Pacific – 10.4%Northern/Western Europe – 9.5%Alaska – 4.2%US West Coast (Mexico) – 4.1%Australia – 3%South America – 2.6%Canary Islands – 2.3%Trans-Atlantic – 1.4%Bermuda – 1.2%Canada/New England – 1.1%Hawaii – 1%Indian Ocean/Red Sea – 1%Panama Canal – 0.5%Africa – 0.4%Domestic Waterways – 0.3%World Cruises – 0.1%Antarctica – 0.1%

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Passengers The 2015 number of passengers carried is estimated to be

close to 22 million.

North America was expected to supply 13 millionEurope, 6.4 millionAsia/Pacific, 2.6 million

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Revenues for 2014

Carnival Corp & PLC – USD 15.88 billion

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd – USD 8.07 billion

NCL Holdings – USD 3.13 billion

MSC – USD 1.65 billion

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Net income for 2014

Carnival Corp. & PLC reported net income of USD 1.2 billion, or USD 1.59 per share, for the budget year ended Nov. 30, compared with USD 1.1 billion, or USD 1.39 a share, in 2013.

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. had a net income of approximately USD 764.15 million.

NCL Holdings reported a net loss of USD 25.609 million.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Interest organisationThe ship owners, at the beginning of 2015, were represented by several lobbying groups.

The most important one for us is Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA).

Established in 1975, CLIA is the world’s largest cruise industry trade association, providing a unified voice and leading authority of the global cruise community. CLIA supports policies and practices that foster a safe, secure, healthy and sustainable cruise ship environment and is dedicated to promote the cruise travel experience.

CLIA is the world’s largest cruise association and is dedicated to the promotion and growth of the cruise industry. CLIA is composed of 60+ cruise lines and is an organization that operates pursuant to an agreement filed with the Federal Maritime Commission under the Shipping Act of 1984 and serves as a non-governmental, consultative organization to the International Maritime Organization.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Interest organisationCLIA represents the interests of three critically important member groups:

60+ Member Cruise Lines – From ocean to specialty cruise ships, CLIA member lines represent more than 90 percent of global cruise capacity.

275 Executive Partners – As key suppliers and partners to the cruise lines, executive partners play a major role in the successful operation of cruising, including ports & destinations, ship development, suppliers and business services.

13,500 global travel agency members – CLIA travel agency members include the largest agencies, hosts, franchises and consortia and represent more than 50,000 individual travel agents.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Interest organisationCLIA has selected Mercy Ships as their Charity of Choice. Through this partnership, CLIA work with Mercy Ships to further endorse their initiatives to deliver healthcare to developing nations and make CLIA global members aware of the international not for profits mission and efforts.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


A Remarkable Hospital ShipVolunteers from over 30 nations have served onboard the Africa Mercy, which was acquired in 1999 and built specifically for the Mercy Ships mission. It is the largest non-governmental hospital ship in the world, effectively more than doubling the annual medical capacity of her predecessors.

FPC SG, London - November 2015

Annex 8 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 9 to 15/FpcSgNov/Report 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2 

Page 1 of 9  

International Transport Workers’ Federation  

FPC Steering Group  

London, 19‐20 November 2015 Start Time: 0930hrs 


Offshore Task Force Group – Briefing Paper 


1. The ITF Offshore Task Force Group (OTFG) was established in 1997 and replaced the previously named “ITF Offshore Standing and Steering Committees”.  In general, the ITF offshore oil and gas campaign is in common with that of the FOC Campaign which is, inter‐alia, to eradicate the FOC system by political agreement and, in the meantime, by seeking ITF approved agreements for FOCs working in the offshore industry in order to secure ITF acceptable working and living conditions for those workers on FOCs in the oil and gas sector.  (Definition of offshore vessels / MOUs in Annex 1)  

2. Through achieving these twin objectives the ITF OTFG will seek to organise the unorganised in the offshore oil and gas sector, to prevent social dumping and to protect continental shelf terms and conditions of employment in accordance with the “ITF Offshore Continental Shelf/ Flag State Jurisdiction, Policy” (Attached in Annex 2).  

3. The ITF Offshore Continental Shelf/ Flag State, Jurisdiction, Policy (CSFJP) has been in place since its review in Freemantle Australia in 1993.  The basis of the policy is regional and is flag blind, and has three key elements: • Prevention of social dumping or unfair competition on the continental shelf  

• Employment of national, local, labour  

• Encourage collective bargaining and freedom of association ILO Conventions No’s 87, 98 and 

through the current Maritime Labour Convention 2006. 


4. The first ITF offshore agreement with an industry counter‐part was established in 1997 through the Norwegian Ship Owners Association (NSA) and the Norwegian Maritime Unions (NMU); this agreement is now called the “Model Agreement for Offshore Service Vessels” and was previously known as the Farstad Agreement.  The current model agreement is negotiated on a biannual basis.  The outcome of these negotiations will impact from time to time on the ITF Offshore Standard CBA (OSTD CBA).  The ITF OTFG and FPC Steering Group are responsible for implementation of any changes required to maintain the benchmarks. (See Annex 3 for a list of ITF Affiliates and Companies currently signed up to the Norwegian Model Agreement).   

5. In 2013 the OTFG assisted the ITF Singapore affiliates and Swire Offshore to develop a second industry counter‐part agreement for Singapore national and FOC flag vessels.  Industry counter‐parts “International Maritime Employers Council” (IMEC) were influential in their support for the process and outcomes of this global fleet agreement. 

 6. Also in 2013 the OTFG, with the support of CFDT, French affiliates entered into a Global 

Framework Agreement (GFA) with France‐based offshore company Bourbon Offshore, which has a fleet of over 500 offshore vessels working in 50 countries around the world and over 12,000 

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 9 to 15/FpcSgNov/Report 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2 

Page 2 of 9  

employees of 92 nationalities.  The ITF negotiating group meets with Bourbon Offshore senior management in Marseille head office at least once a year to update each other on international developments with local agreements and employment issues.          

7.  ITF affiliates from France, Latin America, Switzerland, Nigeria and Ukraine represent the OTFG at the Bourbon Group meetings. 

 8. The ITF OTFG is currently in discussions with IMEC Secretariat to look at the industry requirements 

for its members and the mutual interest of IMEC and ITF global going forward.  

9. The OTFG is currently in consultation with Philippines affiliate AMOSUP with regard to the approval of an AMOSUP offshore CBA which can be attached to the OSTD CBA and Special Agreement. This agreement will meet the requirements of Mexico City Policy in connection with labour supply unions and offshore policy. 


General Industry support  


10. A number of major oil and gas company “clients” support the ITF in establishing fair wages and conditions of employment for global offshore sector and some have a clause in their tender document requiring ITF minimum standards to be adopted.  

11. The OTFG is also engaged in the process of promotion of skill development, offshore survival, rescue training and improved health and safety at work.  The current Chair of OTFG is an advisor to and previous director of OPITO International. 


Signing and operation of Offshore Special Agreements  

12. In keeping with ITF Mexico City Policy and the Offshore Continental Shelf/ Flag State Jurisdiction, Policy (OCSFJP) Signatory unions of an ITF Special Agreement (SA) can transfer negotiation rights for a vessel and/or amend the Special Agreement to include local ITF affiliates’ Collective Bargaining Agreements and where they comply with ITF approval on minimum wages and conditions.  

13. For example, if a FOC vessel  beneficially owned in Norway or UK is signed up to Norwegian Model Offshore Service Vessel Agreement or  the ITF Offshore Standard CBA between the NSA and NMU and/or British affiliates whilst working in the North Sea,  such a vessel may be transferred to work on the Brazilian Continental Shelf (CS).   In this case the ITF / OTFG and its main signatory affiliates may accept a transfer and/or an amendment of the ITF Special Agreement, to allow the ship owner to be released from their obligations in North Sea to encourage the employment of Brazilian crew in line with national regulations and employment conditions.  The arrangement would be subject to agreement with the Brazilian ITF affiliated unions, so that the Brazilian National CBA can be applied whilst the vessel was working on its CS.  The same position would apply in if a vessel transferred to Trinidad & Tobago and or Australia.   

 14. In Australia there are requirements for the employment of “Australian crew” and contracted 

under national conditions of employment or Enterprise Bargaining Agreements.  15. The ITF Offshore Standard CBA has two wage scales: (A) North Sea and (B) World‐wide (subject to 

ITF affiliates approval) within the affiliates designated Continental Shelf.  


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 9 to 15/FpcSgNov/Report 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2 

Page 3 of 9  

16. In general terms, the OTFG has agreed to take into consideration an application for an agreement based on the local/regional economic climate and manning requirements where the vessel is trading and may consider the adoption of an amendment to the original Special Agreement subject to approval from the original signatory unions and the ITF affiliate/s within the Country CS where the vessel is to work.  

17. The 2015 Offshore Standard Agreement has undergone the MLC 2006 test process and complies with the ITF / Offshore Task Force Group Policy established in Rio de Janeiro, 3‐5 June 2013. (See Annex 4 for a list of ITF Affiliates and companies covered by the ITF Offshore Standard CBA). 

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 1 to 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2    

Page 4 of 9  

ITF Definition of an Offshore Unit 


For the purpose of defining a “Mobile Offshore Unit” (MOU) or vessel covered by this agreement and in 

line with ITF Offshore Continental Shelf Flag State Jurisdiction Policy (Appendix C) and the application of 

the Offshore Collective Bargaining Agreement (OCBA) ‘maritime offshore mobile unit or vessel’ means; 

A mobile offshore unit or vessel, which may be involved in any single activity or combination of activities 

such as: 

• Production 

• Drilling 

• Accommodation Barge /Floatel 

• Construction Barge 

• Maintenance (including stimulation and maintenance of wells) 

• Lift operations 

• Pipe‐laying  Emergency preparedness/contingency including firefighting vessels and units: used for single well production systems, and diving. Mobile offshore unit or vessel also means when operating in the offshore oil and gas industry as: 

• Supply Vessels 

• Stand‐by Vessels 

• Anchor Handling Vessels 

• Seismic Survey Vessels 


• Diving Multi Support Vessels 

• Windfarm, Wind Turbine Installation, Construction, Maintenance and Support vessels  

Windfarm vessels involved in any single activity or combination of activities in the offshore oil and gas 

sector shall be considered as protected by the Offshore Continental Flag/State Jurisdiction Policy and 

current ITF Offshore Standard CBA shall apply. 

In the event of any dispute arising over the definition of Windfarm vessels the ITF OTFG will assist 

parties to reach agreement.  

Where there is a National or Continental Shelf Agreement in place for “Offshore Project Crew” the 

negotiation rights of ITF affiliates holding such agreement must be respected and the current ITF 

Offshore Standard Agreement may only be amended to cover such personnel with their approval and 

endorsement of ITF Maritime Section.  

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 2 to 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2     

Page 5 of 9  

ITF Offshore Continental Shelf/Flag State Jurisdiction Policy 


1.  “Maritime mobile offshore units” when operating within a foreign Continental Shelf State shall 

be covered by the legislation, regulations and collective bargaining agreements of the National 

Flag State. 

2.  The collective bargaining conditions of the National Flag State shall at least be substantially 

equivalent to those existing in the Continental Shelf State and the case of Flag of Convenience 

units, ITF policy is applied.  All “units” shall also adhere to ILO Conventions and 

Recommendations applicable to seafarers and ships as well as to all applicable IMO 

Conventions, Codes and Resolutions.  

3.  If the continental shelf state has issued rules and regulations with regard to employment and 

social and economic conditions or there is a trade union policy requiring the use of local labour 

no ITF affiliate shall man the “unit” until negotiations have taken place between the ITF affiliates 

in the National Flag State and the Continental Shelf State.   

4.  During the negotiations mentioned above the general rule to be observed should require that 

the “maritime crew” be nationals or residents of the National Flag State or the Continental Shelf 

State and be members of an ITF seafarer affiliate.  In those instances where the “unit” is 

operating under a Flag of Convenience the negotiating rights lie with the unions in the country 

of benef icial ownership.  

5.  The National Flag State and the Beneficial Ownership State affiliates respectively shall have the 

right to be present during all negotiations between the Continental Shelf State affiliates and the 

owner/operator/charter of a “unit” on the subject of the manning of the “unit”.  

6.  It is important in this context that affiliates concerned keep each other and the ITF informed of 

all aspects and stages of negotiations. National Flag State/Continental Shelf State affiliates shall 

provide the ITF with copies of all relevant legislation, regulations and policy documents.  

7.  At any stage of the inter‐union negotiations the ITF affiliates may call on the ITF to act initially as 

conciliator and ultimately, as provided for in the ITF constitution, as arbitrator.  

8.  Every effort shall be made by National Flag State/Continental Shelf State affiliates to secure an 

agreement with the owners, operator, and charterer to return the unit to National Flag State 

affiliates under an ITF acceptable agreement.   

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 3 to 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2   

Page 6 of 9  

ITF Affiliates and Norwegian Companies currently signed up to Norwegian Model Agreement for 

Offshore Service Vessels 2015 

Signatory Affiliate    Signatory Company 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  BW Offshore Norway AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  OSM Offshore AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  OSM Crew Management Ltd 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  WesternGeco Fleet Management 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Wilhelmsen Shipmanagement Holding HK Ltd 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  COG Offshore AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Misje Rederi AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Volstad Management AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Fred Olsen Crewing and Consulting Services Ltd 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  V Ships Norway AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Bourbon Offshore Greenmar SA 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Troms Offshore Management AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Myklebusthaug Management AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Rolv Berg Drive A/S 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Ostensjo Rederi AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Eide Marine Services AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Seatrans Ship Management AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Eidesvik AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Island Offshore Management AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Solstad Shipping AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Vestland Management AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  WesternGeco Fleet Management 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  North Sea Shipping AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Olympic Shipping AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Wilhelmsen Ship Management Sdn Bhd 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Wilhelmsen Ship Management Singapore PTE 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Prosafe Rigs Pte Ltd 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Prosafe Offshore Pte Ltd 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Rem Maritime AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Simon Mokster Shipping AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Sanco Holding AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Hoyland Offshore AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  DOF OSM Marine Services AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Misje Rederi AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Siem Offshore AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Farstad Offshore AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Havila Offshore AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Rolv Berg Drive A/S 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Rem Maritime AS 

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Rederij Toering AS  

Norwegian Maritime Unions  Fugro Offshore Group 


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

 Annex 4 to 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2     

Page 7 of 9  

ITF Affiliates and Companies covered by ITF OFFSHORE STANDARD CBA 2015 


UK Affiliates  Bibby Ship Management Ltd 

UK Affiliates  Northern Marine Manning Ltd  

UK Affiliates  Gulf Offshore Ltd 

UK Affiliates  Sealion Shipping Ltd 

UK Affiliates  Technip UK Ltd 

UK Affiliates  Subsea 7 International Contracting Ltd 

UK Affiliates  EDT Ship Management 

UK Affiliates  Go SeaEnergy Ltd 

UK Affiliates  Atlantic Offshore Rescue Ltd 

UK Affiliates  Deep Sea Supply Management Ltd 

UK Affiliates  Ravenscroft Ship Management Ltd  

UK Affiliates  Gardline Offshore Ltd   

Swiss Affiliates  ABC Maritime Ltd 

Germany  Marlow Navigation Ltd ‐ Verdi 

India    Udya Shipping Services Ltd 

India    Great Eastern Offshore Ltd 

India    Greatships Ltd  

Netherlands  Heerema Construction BV 

Italy    Global Petro projects Services AG / Saipem 

Dubai    Topaz Energy & Marine Ltd  

France     Bourbon Offshore Group  

Nigeria    Bourbon Surf 

Switzerland   Bourbon Greenmar SA 

Singapore   Swire Offshore Pte  

Singapore   Posh Offshore Pte 

Singapore   Miclyn Offshore 

Singapore   Svitzer Offshore 

Singapore   Prosafe Pte 

Thailand  Mermaid Subsea Services Ltd 

Cyprus    Seabird Exploration FZ  

Australia  AOS Ltd 



Affiliates and Company – National Flag ‐ Second Register Offshore Agreements  


Australia   Farstad offshore Ltd 

Australia  Swire Offshore Pte 

Australia   Global Petro projects Services AG / Saipem 

Australia   AOS Ltd  

Brazil   Alfanave Transportes Marítimos Ltda.,  (Edison Chouest Offshore) 

Brazil   Bram Offshore Transportes Marítimos Ltda.,   (Edison Chouest Offshore) 

Brazil   Cybra Brasil Navegação Ltda.  (Edison Chouest Offshore) 

Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

 Annex 4 to 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2     

Page 8 of 9  

Brazil   Aracaju Serviços Auxiliares Ltda.  (Siem Offshore Inc.) 

Brazil   SIEM Offshore do Brasil S/A  (Siem Offshore Inc.) 

Brazil   Asso Marítima Navegação Ltda. 

(Augusta Offshore S.p.A. (CA.FI.MA. S.A.p.A) 

Brazil   Baru Offshore Navegação Ltda.  (Intertug S.A. ) 

Brazil   Bourbon Offshore Marítima S/A  (BOURBON S.A.) 

Brazil   Delba Operadora de Apoio Marítimo Ltda.  (BOURBON S.A.) 

Brazil   Deep Sea Supply Navegação Marítima Ltda.  (Deep Sea Supply Plc) 

Brazil   DeepOcean Brasil Serviços Ltda.  (DeepOcean Group) 

Brazil   Farstad Shipping S/A  (Farstad Shipping ASA) 

Brazil   Finarge Apoio Marítimo Ltda.  (Rimorchiatori Riuniti) 

Brazil   Fugro Brasil ‐ Serviços Submarinos e Levantamentos Ltda. 

(Fugro N.V.) 

Brazil   Gulfmark Serviços Marítimos do Brasil Ltda.  (GulfMark Offshore, Inc.) 

Brazil   Hornbeck Offshore Navegação Ltda.  (Hornbeck Offshore Services LLC) 

Brazil   Magallanes Navegação Brasileira S/A  (Ultratug (Grupo Ultramar)) 

Brazil   Wilson Sons Offshore S/A  (Ultratug (Grupo Ultramar)) 

Brazil   Norskan Offshore Ltda.  (DOF ASA) 

Brazil   Olympic Marítima Ltda.  (Olympic Shipping AS) 

Brazil   OSM do Brasil Gerenciamento de Operações Marítimas Ltda. 

(OSM Maritime Group) 

Brazil   Seacor Offshore do Brasil Ltda.  (SEACOR Marine LLC) 

Brazil   Sealion do Brasil Navegação Ltda.  (Sealion Shipping Ltd) 

Brazil   Solstad Offshore Ltda.  (Solstad Offshore ASA) 

Brazil   Starnav Serviços Marítimos Ltda.  (Grupo Detroit Chile S.A.) 

Brazil   Subsea 7 do Brasil Serviços Ltda.  (Subsea 7 S.A) 

Brazil   Subsea 7 Gestão do Brasil Ltda.  (Subsea 7 S.A) 

Brazil   Technip Brasil ‐ Engenharia, Instalações e Apoio Marítimo S/A 

(Technip Group) 

Brazil   Transmar S/A Serviços Marítimos  (Svitzer ‐Maersk Group) 

Brazil   UP Offshore Apoio Marítimo Ltda.  (Ultrapetrol Bahamas Ltd) 

Belgium  Boskalis Offshore   

Canada   Maersk Offshore Ltd 

Denmark   Maersk Offshore Ltd 

Denmark  Swire’s Offshore Pte 

UK    Swire’s Offshore Pte 

UK     Vroon Offshore Services Ltd  

UK    MPI Offshore Ltd  

UK    Gulf Offshore NS ltd 

UK    North Star Ltd  

UK     Gardline Offshore Ltd 

UK    Farstad Offshore IOM Ltd 

NZ    Swire Offshore PTE 

Russia    Swire Offshore PTE 

Singapore  Swire Offshore PTE  


Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

 Annex 4 to 15/FpcSgNov/Additional2     

Page 9 of 9  

Crew Managers  with ITF Offshore Agreements and or linked to IMEC Offshore Section. 


Fugro Marine Personnel  Pte Ltd.       Singapore 

BW Fleet Management  Pte  Ltd.       Singapore 

C F Sharp Shipping Group         Singapore 

Swire Pacific Ship Management        Singapore 

Thome Ship Management         Singapore 

Wallem Shipmanagement         Hong Kong 

Marlow Navigation Co Ltd        Cyprus 

OSM Crew Management Ltd.         Cyprus 

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement  Ltd      Cyprus 

ABC Maritime AG           Switzerland 

Anglo‐Eastern Crew Management       (Asia) Limited   / IOM 

Torm AS            Denmark   

V Group Manpower Services, c/o V Ships UK Ltd   UK 




Annex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


ITF Worldwide Inspectors Seminar

FPCSGLondon, 19-20 November 2015

When, Where & Why

12th – 16th October 2015

Panama City, Panama

ITF Priority Project and FOC Register

Over 180 coordinators, inspectors, contacts, affiliate representatives, secretariat and industry experts




Annex 10 to 15/FpcsgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



Occurs every 3-4 years

Historically Secretariat driven

Ownership and responsibility given to the inspectorate

Working Group created

Programme devised by inspectorate


IBF Reporting Uncovered

MLC – The Good, the Bad and the Tactical


Campaign Plan

Campaign Launch

Ship Shape Promoting Union Values

Putting a Face on the FOC/POC 


Leading from the Front – Working Alongside


Maximising Inspectorate Effectiveness Together

Annex 10 to 15/FpcsgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Elective Sessions

Investigations & Vessel Arrest PI & LoL

Lashing Reclaimed Communications –Tools, Words & Film

Seafarers’ Wellbeing

Outcomes and Recommendations

Creation of Campaign Management team

Monitoring the Inspectorate

Greater IBF education

PI & LoL

Still collecting and collating feedback

Annex 10 to 15/FpcsgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


CommentsThis WWIS Seminar was performed with up-dated technology such as IT systems, SNS, Email & web application. It has really improved compare with a previous seminar.

I liked that for the conduct of the seminar were involved some such experienced inspectors like Dean Summers, John Wood, Peter Lahay and others

Continue with this way of having WWIS

I wanted to know the detail of each session prior to the seminar

Annex 10 to 15/FpcsgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Annex 10 to 15/FpcsgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Black Sea Project

Review and way forward


March 2012 FPCSG endorsed ToR of Black Sea Working Group

April 2013 FPCSG endorsed BS TCC based on TCC min for non-doms on national flag & 44 hr week

August 2014 Dark Side of the Black Sea previewed at ITF congress fringe

Annex 11 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Original goals

To improve labour standards in the region

To increase union membership from almost NIL to 30%

To increase coverage of CBA from almost NIL to 30%


Target top end of the market (Turkish owners) or

Target non-Turkish ownersand

Pursue a communications campaign against substandard shipping

Annex 11 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Activities& outputs

1 SUR BS TCC (+ 16 National CBAs)1 MTWTU BS TCC

3 x campaign weeks (May 2013, May 2014, July 2015)

Publications: Black Sea of Shame report (June 2012) Black Sea Bulletin (May 2013) Black Sea of Shame Update (May 2014)Documentary film: Dark Side of the Black Sea


Annex 11 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




Annex 11 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



Raised awareness of seafarers re. rights (MLC) & unions

Improved coordination between affiliates

Lack of leverage

Lack of agreed strategy between affiliates

Not in line with ITF agreed criteria for pursing campaigns

Way forward

End current ITF project, but support affiliate led activities

Continue with campaign weeks as part of inspectorate WoA programme

Maintain ‘Black Sea Campaign’ as a slogan

Consider future of BS TCC

Annex 11 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Dockers’ Section Committee

17-18 November2015

Work Programme

Aligned with the Sofia Goals

Projects and campaigns developed using the strategic planning framework

Annex 12 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


5 Key Areas

Priority Campaigns: Rotterdam World Gateway and London Gateway North Range Cooperation

Focusing the GNT Campaigns: DP World campaign strategy in place and

signed off ICTSI Campaign

APMT regional framework strategy

5 key areas (Continued)

New Strategic Ports: Target selection criteria agreed

Lashing Campaign: European pilot

Occupational Health and Safety: Review of the ILO COP on Safety

and Health in 2016 & GNT study

Annex 12 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Disputes & Solidarity Responses

Hutchison Port Holdings

11 disputes since May

4 victories

Seafarers’ union cooperation

Cross cutting issues

Women dock workers: Campaign against violence

Young dock workers: Integrated into organising and

campaign strategies

Annex 12 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


International Dockworkers Council

Building better relationships between the ITF and DC

ITF and ETF officials mandated to meet with IDC to discuss issues for cooperation in the following areas:

Campaigning and solidarity support for international dockworkers Automation, lashing and respect for dockworkers Further development of joint-working on European North Range Joint actions to raise awareness Resolving any problems between the two organisations in the spirit

of international labour solidarity.

Mutual respect, contructive approach youth and women highlighted as key principles

Annex 12 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Seafarers’ Section Committee

London 17 November 2015

Subjects for discussion, information and Action

Calentura China ITF/ICS meeting debrief ILO Developments Imo Developments Maritime Women Young Workers Economic Issues Piracy HIV AIDS Alcoa dispute

Annex 13 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Agreed action plan following debate on the following subjects

Calentura ITF/ICS ILO IMO Maritime Women Young Workers Alcoa

Annex 13 to 15/FpcSgNov/ReportAnnex 2 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



International Transport Workers’ Federation

Expanded FPC Steering Group

London, 18 November 2015

Summary Report

Attendance: A list of participants is attached (Annex 1)

Joint Chairs: Paddy Crumlin (MUA, Australia) and Dave Heindel (SIU, USA)

Apologies: Severino Almeida (CONTTMAF, Brazil); Masaya Tamada (ZENKOKU-KOWAN, Japan); Said El-

Hairech (UMT, Morocco); Donald Marcus (IOMMP, USA)

Agenda Item 1: Adoption of the provisional agenda

1.1 The Chair advised that there would be a report on the recent Mission to Korea under agenda item

4. With this addition the Steering Group adopted the agenda (Annex 2).

Agenda Item 2: Congress Motion 15: The role of labour supplying unions in the negotiation

process for vessels in the worldwide trade

2.1 Dickinson provided a detailed introduction of the remitted motion and discussions to date.

2.2 The Chair broke down the draft proposal from the sub-group, as set out in paragraph 2.8 of the

briefing paper, into sections as follows:

Composition of small group had not been decided, but would need to include both labour

supply and beneficial ownership unions, some with and some without bilateral


Issues to be referred to the small group on a “voluntary basis” did not mean a right to veto;


To develop guidelines for consideration by the FPC in 2017 allowed sufficient time for the

guidelines not to be rushed.

2.3 Tselentis thanked Dickinson for his hard, his efforts to try and find a compromise text at Congress

and subsequently as Chair of the Sub-Group. He stated that the issue was highly political, as

pointed out by the Chair, and that the motion was not necessary, roles were discrete roles within

the Mexico City Policy (MCP) and the footnote illustrated the difficulties involved. He confirmed his

support for the proposal.

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


2.4 Dickinson identified that the footnote stated “it is acknowledged that this presents difficulties in

some circumstances, in which case the matter will be referred to the FPC steering group to help find

a solution”. He commented that by forming a small group to pay particular attention to difficult

matters and bring back solutions to the FPC steering group, this would be consistent with the

Mexico City Policy.

2.5 Seebold expressed his support for the proposal and stated that ver.di had looked at how they

would deliver to non-domiciled seafarers working on German flagged vessels and the best way was

to enter into bilateral arrangements with the labour supply unions, which was working well.

Morita also expressed his support for the proposal and added that approximately 90% of seafarers

on the Japanese merchant fleet were non-domiciled and they had entered into bilateral

arrangements with AMOSUP.

2.6 Dickinson clarified that the Secretariat would determine how best to carry out the mapping

exercise and gather the examples and understanding of processes undertaken by affiliates. The

Chair confirmed that it would be a comparative analysis and not a forensic mapping exercise of

gathering all bilateral arrangements in place.

2.7 Sukhorukov commented that it was unfair for one union to collect the money, but another union

to provide all the services and the matter had continued to be discussed many times over the

years, with no solution. He added that bilateral arrangements were the way forward but there was

no guarantee against beneficial ownership unions from not entering into arrangements, therefore

suggested the idea of inserting text into the CBA in relation to the rights of labour supply unions.

The Steering Group noted these comments, but that the proposal from the sub-group for

consideration was the one detailed in paragraph 2.8 of the briefing paper.

2.8 Oca stated that the movers of the motion felt that labour supply unions had a specific role to play

and believed that the draft proposal was a reflective way to move forward and fully supported it as

a way to be able to progress bilateral arrangements with mutual respect and cooperation.

2.9 The Steering Group adopted the proposal, as follows:

The movers of the motion (AMOSUP/KPI) withdrew the remitted congress motion; and

FPCSG Sub-Group on Bilateral Arrangements to be created to:

o Deal with bilateral arrangements, as per paragraph 24 of Mexico City Policy

(Negotiating rights and responsibilities for FOC vessels) including footnotes;

o Clear terms of reference and composition to be developed and agreed, by the FPC

Steering Group, for the sub-group including reference to existing policy on national

flags and existing guidelines;

o Recognise these issues would have to be referred, on a voluntary basis, to the sub-


o Oversee the mapping of existing bilateral arrangements (affiliates to provide

examples including the ver.di/JSU pilot); and

o Develop guidelines for consideration by the Fair Practices Committee at its next full

meeting in 2017.

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Agenda Item 3: Congress Motion 16: On the need to review ITF policy for flags of convenience


3.1 The Maritime Coordinator introduced the item and summarised the discussions that had taken

place to date. The Chair highlighted the draft proposal, as detailed in paragraph 3.7 of the briefing

paper and confirmed that the motion called for “a special committee of ITF maritime sector that

includes both seafarers’ trade unions from beneficial countries and supplying countries with due

representation from all regions for the scope to study and propose improvements to current ITF’s

policy for flags of convenience” which had been fulfilled by the establishment of the sub-group,

which would be reconvened if it was felt there was no progress on any of the issues.

3.2 Muller, on behalf of Severino, expressed thanks for the good efforts and hard work of the sub-

group and Secretariat and fully supported the proposal.

3.3 The Steering Group adopted the proposal, as follows:

Implementation of the Mexico City Policy to include the development of a cabotage

component (MCP guidelines on cabotage, cabotage campaign and cabotage task force);

Recognise the work of the Affiliate Relations Sub-Group in relation to bilateral

arrangements and seafarers’ charter, as set out in Mexico City Policy;

Identify countries where cabotage trade, including offshore trade, exists and wages for

national seafarers paid (lower or higher than international trade wages);

Inclusion of a new clause in future CBA’s identifying the importance of national flag vessels

and national seafarers rights (similar to that of the dockworkers’ clause);

Any future ITF funded projects would need to meet the “7 campaign criteria”;

Ongoing identification of national flag issues; and

If it was felt there was no progress on any of the above issues, the sub-group could be


Agenda Item 4: Any other business

Korea 4.1 Abrahamsson provided a report on the ITF mission to Korea, which had been decided by the ITF

Executive Board in October 2015, against the background of the internal conflict within the ITF affiliate Federation of Korea Seafarers’ Union (FKSU) and the formation of two new federations, Federation of Korean Maritime Seafarers’ Unions (KMSU) and Federation of Korean Fishery Seafarers’ Unions (FKFSU). The ITF Executive Board agreed that the mission should report its findings to this meeting, including proposals on how best to restore the unity within the Korean seafarers’ trade union movement. The mission was not mandated to discuss affiliation questions, as this remained the mandate of the ITF Executive Board.

4.2 The mission took place in Korea from 31 October to 3 November 2015 and the delegates of the

mission were:

Tomas Abrahamsson, Seafarers’ 1st Vice-Chair

Hanafi Rustandi, Asia/Pacific Regional Chair

Tracey Mayhew, Fisheries Section Women’s Representative

John Canias, ITF Secretariat, Head of Maritime Operations

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


4.3 Meetings were held with the following organisations:

31 October Seoul Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) President Kim, Dong-Man

1 November Busan Federation of Korean Seafarers’ Union (FKSU) President Yeom, Kyeong Doo (FPCSG member)

1 November Busan Federation of Korean Maritime Seafarers’ Union (KMSU) President Ha, Sung-Min

2 November Seoul Korean Shipowners Association (KSA) Secretary General Kim, Young Moo

2 November Seoul Korean Federation of Port & Transport Workers’ Unions (KFPTWU) President Chi, Yong Soo (ITF Dockers’ Section Asia/Pacific Regional Chair)

2 November Seoul Federation of Korean Fishery Seafarers’ Union (FKFSU) President Park, Hee Sung

4.4 Abrahamsson added that prior to the mission a most serious consequence of the division in Korea

was that in October 2015 some 216 Korean beneficially owned vessels, that were previously covered by an ITF approved agreement, had not had their agreement renewed, however since the mission most of these agreements had been renewed with only approximately 25 agreements unsigned.

4.5 Yeom thanked the mission for their efforts and it was hoped it would be possible to gain unity and

supported the recommendations from the mission. 4.6 The Chair reconfirmed the vetting process of ITF CBA’s, that they needed to be vetted by the ITF,

but that the FKSU would be fully included in the process, which would be transparent and properly recorded.

4.7 The Steering Group agreed the following way forward:

Mandated the ITF Secretariat to call together a meeting in London of the relevant Korean affiliates concerned as soon as possible, with the aim of restoring the unity amongst them;

Mandated the ITF Secretariat to get in direct contact with the Korean Shipowners Association (KSA) and urge them to renew the Korean FOC agreements that have not yet been renewed. If possible, they should be signed with the FKSU, but if that is not possible then the ITF Secretariat, as an interim measure, shall sign them directly through the KSA;

Mandated the ITF Secretariat to review all existing FKSU CBA’s to ensure conformity with ITF Policies and to ensure that all seafarers engaged on Korean beneficially owned vessels enjoy the same protection as those engaged on vessels covered by ITF approved CBA’s elsewhere; and

In the context of the above points, the ITF Secretariat shall be observant to the implementation of the ITF Seafarers’ Charter Policy.

4.8 There being no other business, the Chair closed the meeting.

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 1 to 15/ExpFpcSgNov/Report

List of Participants Name Organisation Country Position

Marcos Ricardo Castro Centro de Capitanes de Ultramar y Oficiales de la Marina Mercante

Argentina FPCSG member (S)

Paddy Crumlin Maritime Union of Australia Australia Joint Chair

Marc Loridan Belgische TransportBond Belgium FPCSG member (D)

Monique Verbeeck Belgische TransportBond Belgium Women Transport Workers Representative (D)

Mayo Uruguaio Machado Fernandes

Sindicato dos Conferentes de Carga e Descarga nos Portos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Brazil FPCSG member (D)

Carlos Augusto Muller Sindicato Nacional dos Oficiais da Marinha Mercante

Brazil Substitute to Severino Almeida

Mark Gordienko International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU Canada)

Canada FPCSG member (D)

James Given Seafarers' International Union of Canada (SIU)

Canada Adviser

Catina Sicoli Seafarers' International Union of Canada (SIU-CAN)

Canada Adviser

Patrice Caron Seafarers' International Union of Canada (SIU-CAN)

Canada Adviser

Neven Melvan Sindikat Pomoraca Hrvatske (Seafarers' Union of Croatia)

Croatia FPC member

Dorotea Zec Sindikat Pomoraca Hrvatske (Seafarers' Union of Croatia)

Croatia Young Transport Workers Representative (S)

Predrag Brazzoduro Sindikat Pomoraca Hrvatske (Seafarers' Union of Croatia)

Croatia Adviser

Pantelis Stavrou Federation of Transport, Petroleum and Agricultural Workers

Cyprus FPCSG member (D)

A. Ole Philipsen Centralorganisationen Søfart Denmark FPC member

Jan Villadsen Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) Denmark FPC member

Simo Zitting Suomen Merimies-Unioni r.y.(Finlands Sjömannsunion)

Finland FPCSG member (S)

Klaus Schroeter Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di)

Germany FPC member

Torben Seebold Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di)

Germany 2nd Vice Chair (D)

Daniel Owusu-Koranteng Maritime and Dockworkers' Union (Ghana) Ghana FPC member

Norrie McVicar National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT)

Great Britain OTFG Chair

Mark Dickinson Nautilus International (UK) Great Britain FPCSG member (S)

Robert Morton Unite the Union Great Britain Adviser

Steven Biggs Unite The Union Great Britain FPC member

Agis Tselentis Pan-Hellenic Seamen's Federation (PNO) Greece FPCSG member (S)

Kam Yuen Ting Merchant Navy Officers' Guild - Hong Kong Hong Kong Adviser

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Tung Tong Chung Merchant Navy Officers' Guild - Hong Kong Hong Kong, China FPCSG member (S)

Abdulgani Y Serang National Union of Seafarers of India India FPCSG member (S)

P M Mohammed Haneef The Cochin Port Staff Association India FPCSG member (D)

Achmad Hasan Malik Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI) Indonesia Adviser

Mathius Tambing Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI) Indonesia FPC member

Giacomo Santoro Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Trasporti FILT-CGIL

Italy FPC member

Remo Di Fiore Federazione Italiana Trasporti - CISL Italy FPCSG member (S)

Joachim Mel Djedje-Li Syndicat des Marins Ivoiriens au Commerce (SYMICOM)

Ivory Coast FPCSG member (S)

Hiroyuki Watanabe All-Japan Seamen's Union Japan Adviser

Yasumi Morita All-Japan Seamen's Union Japan FPCSG member (S)

Judith Abuka Dockworkers' Union Kenya Kenya FPCSG member (D)

Kyeong Doo Yeom Federation of Korean Seafarers' Unions (FKSU)

Korea FPC member

Yong Soo Chi Korean Federation of Port & Transport Workers' Unions

Korea FPCSG member (D)

Young Hoon (Leo) Hwang

Korean Federation of Port & Transport Workers' Unions

Korea Adviser

Aleksejs Holodnuks Udens Transporta Arodbiedribu Federacija (Water Transport Unions' Federation of Latvia)

Latvia FPCSG member (D)

Remigijus Kalnius Lithuanian Seamen's Union Lithuania FPC member

Lucien Harinony Razafindraibe

Syndicat Général Maritime de Madagascar Madagascar FPCSG member (S)

Niek Stam FNV Bondgenoten Netherlands FPCSG member (D)

Joe Fleetwood Maritime Union of New Zealand New Zealand FPCSG member (D)

Johan Oyen Norsk Sjømannsforbund (Norwegian Seafarers Union)

Norway CSTF Chair

Johnny Hansen Norsk Sjømannsforbund (Norwegian Seafarers Union)

Norway Fisheries Section Chair

Hans Sande Norsk Sjøoffisersforbund Norway FPC member

Terje Reinholt Fenn Samuelsen

Norsk Transportarbeiderforbund Norway FPCSG member (D)

Anthony Dailey Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores/as Portuarios y Similares de Panama

Panama Young Transport Workers Representative (D)

Alexander Ragonjan Associated Marine Officers' and Seamen's Union of the Philippines

Philippines Adviser

Conrado F Oca Associated Marine Officers' and Seamen's Union of the Philippines

Philippines 2nd Vice Chair (S)

Jose Raul Lamug Associated Marine Officers' and Seamen's Union of the Philippines

Philippines Adviser

Jacek Cegielski National Maritime Section NSZZ 'Solidarnosc'

Poland FPCSG member (D)

Vasilij Kozarenko Dockers Union of Russia Russia FPC member

Viktoriia Kuzmina Dockers' Union of Russia Russia Adviser

Nikolay Eremenko Seafarers' Union of Russia Russia Adviser

Vadim Ivanov Seafarers' Union of Russia Russia Adviser

Yuri Sukhorukov Seafarers' Union of Russia Russia FPCSG member (S)

Mary Liew Singapore Maritime Officers' Union (SMOU) Singapore Adviser

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Thomas Tay Singapore Maritime Officers' Union (SMOU) Singapore FPCSG member (S)

Arasu Duaraisamy Singapore Port Workers' Union Singapore FPC member

José Manuel Pérez-Vega Federación de Servicios para la Movilidad y el Consumo (SMC UGT)

Spain FPC member

Palitha Atukorale National Union of Seafarers Sri Lanka Sri Lanka FPC member

Kenny Reinhold SEKO Facket för Service Och Kommunikation Sweden FPC member

Tomas Abrahamsson SEKO Facket för Service Och Kommunikation Sweden 1st Vice Chair (S)

Nick Bramley Nautilus International (Switzerland) Switzerland Inland Navigation Section Chair

Chen Te-Tsun National Chinese Seamen's Union (NCSU) Taiwan, China Adviser

Lu Wang-Chun National Chinese Seamen's Union (NCSU) Taiwan, China FPC member

Michael Annisette Seamen & Waterfront Workers' Trade Union

Trinidad & Tobago FPCSG member (S)

Ural Cagirici Deniz Çalisanlari Dayanisma Dernegi (DAD-DER) Marine Employees’ Solidarity Association (MESA)

Turkey FPC member

Hasan Pekdemir Türkiye Denizciler Sendikasi (Seafarers' Union of Turkey)

Turkey FPC member

Oleg Grygoriuk Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine

Ukraine observer

J. Michael Murphy American Maritime Officers (AMO) United States of America

FPC member

Ray Familathe International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)

United States of America

1st Vice Chair (D)

John D Baker International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) AFL-CIO

United States of America

FPCSG member (D)

Åke Selander International Organisation of Masters, Mates & Pilots

United States of America


Lena Dyring Norwegian Seafarers' Union United States of America

Women Transport Workers Representative (S)

Dave Heindel Seafarers' International Union of North America (SIUNA)

United States of America

Joint Chair


Gae Hye Paik Korean

Joo Kyung Byun Korean

Maureen Ivens Spanish

Monica Justo-Mirelmann Spanish

ITF Secretariat

Jacqueline Smith Maritime Coordinator

Sharon James Dockers Section Secretary

Nigel Venes Dockers Section Assistant Secretary

Jon Whitlow Seafarers Section Secretary

Fabrizio Barcellona Seafarers Section Assistant Secretary

Steve Trowsdale Inspectorate Coordinator

John Canias Head of Maritime Operations

Konstantin Makarov ITF IBF Policy Advisor

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Branko Krznaric Agreements Development Manager

Katie Higginbottom Maritime Campaigns & Projects Leader

Evelin Tomson Strategy Implementation Team

Sadie Saunders Head of Maritime Administration

Antonio Fritz Latin America & Caribbean Regional Secretary

Philippe Alfonso ETF Maritime Transport Section Secretary

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Annex 2 to 15/ExpFpcSgNov/Report

International Transport Workers’ Federation

Expanded FPC Steering Group

London, 18 November 2015 Start Time: 1400hrs

Provisional Agenda

1. Adoption of the provisional agenda

2. Congress Motion 15 The role of labour supplying unions in the negotiation process for vessels in the worldwide trade

3. Congress Motion 16

On the need to review ITF policy for flags of convenience vessels

4. Any other business

Annex 3 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 4 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing Annex 7 to 11/Fpc1/Report

International Transport Workers’ Federation

Fair Practices Committee

Buenos Aires, 16-17 June 2011


Faroe Islands International Ship Register (FAS) The Norwegian Seafarers’ Union: NOTES with concern that FAS goal is to attract shipowners from other countries e.g. Norway to reflag their vessels from national registers i.e. the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR) to FAS resulting in Norwegian Seafarers being replaced by foreign Seafarers on international wage and working conditions whilst continuing to operate in regular trade in Norwegian waters. FURTHER NOTES that the beneficial ownership remains in the country of origin despite the establishment of a company in the Faroe Islands and that Norwegian cargo freighter companies like Nor Lines AS, Storesletten Rederi AS and Misje Rederi AS list the vessels registered in FAS on their websites as Norwegian owned and controlled. IS MINDFUL that FAS enables shipowners to minimise their operational costs by low fees and tax, recruitment of non-domiciled Seafarers on low wages and allow the non-payment of welfare and social security contributions for these Seafarers. Thereby creating unfair competition by selecting crew on the basis of cost and allowing shipowners e.g. Norwegians to avoid the Norwegian Seafarers’ Union. IS ALSO mindful of the fact that the FAS Act limits negotiation rights of the unions in the Faroe Islands to Seafarers domiciled in the Faroe Islands. This is a similar regulation as for the Danish International Register (DIS). IS CONCERNED that FAS will result in a significant decrease of national Seafarers currently employed on national flagged vessels. IS AWARE of the Faroese Maritime Unions (FMU) objections to declaring FAS Flag of Convenience, but believe that FAS will be detrimental to all parties and that there is a need to work together to ensure equal opportunity and decent wage and working conditions for all Seafarers regardless of nationality. URGES the relevant Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Faroese Unions to reach an understanding prior to the meeting of the FPC Steering Group in London in November 2011. ENDORSES that the FPC declare the FAS a flag of convenience, effective 1 December 2011 in the event negotiations fail. Submitted by the Norwegian Seafarers’ Union

Tal Innkomin IMO nr. Navn Kallimerki Eigari GT Smíðiár Slag strikað

04/06/1992 LOGOS HOPE OZ 2000 Sp/f Logos Hope, Bøgøta 16, 100 Tórshavn 12519 1973 passenger 05/07/2011

1 09/09/1992 6602496 SANDFRAKT OZ 2012 P/f Sandgrevstur, 530 Fuglafjørður 443 1966 general cargo

2 12/06/1996 7338767 KRONOS OZ 2015 Sp/f Atlantic Contractors, 600 Saltangará 407 1964Other Special Activities

3 16/12/1997 7807316 TÓRSVÍK OZ 2029 P/f Thor, 420 Hósvík 370 1979 Offshore Supply19/08/1999 BULK SKY OZ 2031 Sp/f Navigare 539 1977 23/09/2009

04/05/2000 VITIN OZ 2032 P/f Sandgrevstur, 530 Fuglafjørður 712 1973 general cargo 09/04/2013

28/11/2000 SIRIUS OZ 2033 P/f Skipafelagið Føroyar, Tórshavn 823 1972 21/09/2009

4 17/01/2001 8980660 THOR GOLIATH OZ 2034 P/f Thor, 420 Hósvík 100 1965 tug

04/07/2002 ORION OZ 2038 Sp/f Faroe-Group Ltd. Brattabrekka 17, 100 Tórshavn 232 1974 offshore

04/07/2002 TRÓNDUR OZ 2039 Sp/f Faroe-Group Ltd. Brattabrekka 17, 100 Tórshavn 483 1959 offshore

5 07/04/2003 9227390 NORRÖNA OZ 2040 P/f Smyril Line, 100 Tórshavn 35966 2003 passenger/Ro‐Ro

6 28/04/2004 6824575 TINGANES OZ 2045 Sp/f Sekstant, Sigmundargøta 20,100 Tórshavn 458 1967Other Special Activities

14/06/2004 8007183 HELENE OZ 2046 Sp/f Timberline Helene, Bryggjubakki 22, 100 Tórshavn 5938 1980 general cargo 12.12.2014

8 20/01/2005 9306005 ARNARFELL OZ 2048 Bareboat Leigari P/f Samskip, Yviri við Strond 23, 100 Tórshavn 8830 2004 container

21/01/2005 NORLAND OZ 2050 Sp/f Dora Shipping, Tórshavn 2655 1976 20/09/2010

9 25/02/2005 9306017 HELGAFELL OZ 2049 Bareboat Leigari P/f Samskip, Yviri við Strond 23, 100 Tórshavn 8830 2005 container

18/03/2005 THOR SUPPLIER OZ 2051 P/f Thor, 420 Hósvík 1409 1975 offshore 18/04/2012

10 08/07/2005 8718377 HEIDI OZ 2053 Sp/f Timberline Henriette, Bryggjubakki 22, 100 Tórshavn 4126 1979 general cargo

11 08/07/2005 7110995 HENRIETTE OZ 2054 Sp/f Minor Rederi, Bryggjubakki 22, 100 Tórshavn 2900 1971 general cargo

12 10/08/2005 8621406 LAURA OZ 2055 Sp/f Sea Survey, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 344 1959 offshore 15.04.2015

13 10/12/2005 7716490 HAVFRAKT OZ 2056 Sp/f Frakt og Sandsølan, Heiðavegur 15, 610 Saltangará 1094 1979 general cargo

14 24/04/2006 8700589 THOR BEAMER OZ 2058 P/f Thor, 420 Hósvík 494 1987 tug

15 22/09/2006 8002731 ATLANTIC OZ 2060 Sp/f E.P.Shipping, Bryggjubakki 22, Box 106, 110 Tórshavn 2201 1980 general cargo

16 06/10/2006 9358618 THOR ASSISTER OZ 2061 P/f Thor, 420 Hósvík 675 2005 Offshore Supply

17 05/02/2007 5370620 MAX OZ 2062 Sp/f 10.09.2012, Klaksvíksvegur 37, 700 Klaksvík 337 1961Other Special Activities

18 16/03/2007 8417259 SKANSANES OZ 2063 Sp/f Sekstant, Sp/f 5135, Sigmundargøta 20, Tórshavn 1209 1985 general cargo

19 14/05/2007 8119601 PROSPER OZ 2068 Sp/f Team Beredskab, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 1636 1983 Offshore Supply

20 21/05/2007 8119596 SENTINEL RANGER OZ 2069 Sp/f Team Beredskab, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 1502 1982 offshore 03.06.2015

21 29/03/2007 9458559 THOR ALPHA OZ 2070 P/f Thor, 420 Hósvík 1051 2008 tug

18/07/2007 7827249 HAV TIND OZ 2071 Sp/f Frakt og Sandsølan, Heiðavegur 15, 610 Saltangará 909 1980 general cargo 20/09/2013

22 08/02/2008 9487823 THOR OMEGA OZ 2065 P/f Thor, 420 Hósvík 1061 2008 tug

23 14/05/2008 8912493 BAL BULK OZ 2073 P/f Bal-Bulk, á Hjalla 20, 188 Hoyvík 1524 1990 general cargo

24 22/07/2008 5125855 FOX OZ 2074 Sp/f TLC, Stoffalág 114, 100 Tórshavn 333 1960Other Special Activities

02/06/2009 8914829 FURE STAR OZ 2078 Nolsø Shipping Star P/R, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 9382 1994 product tanker 23.10.2013

25 15/06/2009 8917924 FURE SUN OZ 2079 Nolsø Shipping Sun P/R, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 9382 1995 product tanker 28.05.2015

26 16/06/2009 9333644 NORDKINN OZ 2080 Skipafelagið Nor Lines Sp/f, Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 2990 2006 Reefer

27 24/06/2009 9451422 ELDBORG OZ 2077 P/f 6. september 2006, Skansavegur 7, Postboks 320, 110 Tórshavn 2814 2009 Offshore Supply

28 30/06/2009 5327590 EL NINÕ (fyrr SAGA og AXEL) OZ 2081 Sp/f All Oceans Logistics, Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 2469 1989 reefer skift eigara

29 10/09/2009 9274666 FUREVIK OZ 2082 Sp/f Nolsø Shipping, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 26634 2005 Chemical Tanker

30 23/11/2009 7915541 HVÍTANES OZ 2084 Sp/f Smyril Line Agency, Yviri við Strond 1, 100 Tórshavn 4636 1979 reefer

02/12/2009 9327334 ALICE OZ 2087 Bareboat Sp/f Gotland Shipping, Niels Finsensgøta 23, 100 Tórsh. 4859 2004 product tanker 08/07/2011

31 40158 9153214 FURENÄS OZ 2085 Sp/f Nolsø Shipping, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 8930 1998 Chemical Tanker

32 18/12/2009 8719097 HAV NES OZ 2088 Sp/f Frakt og Sandsølan, Fjørðuvegur 12, Box 150, 620 Runavík 2026 1991 general cargo

33 23/12/2009 5335450 KAROLINE OZ 2086 Sp/f Northern Survey, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 588 1950 general cargo

21/01/2010 7808463 NORDKYN OZ 2090 Skipafelagið Nor Lines Sp/f, Niels Finsensgøta 16, 2. hædd, 100 Tórshavn. 2503 1978 reefer 01/08/2013

34 09/02/2010 9489493 STRIL MARINER OZ 2083 Bareboat Sp/f Mariner, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 3117 2009 Offshore Supply

35 18/03/2010 7608708 POLARFRONT OZ 2092 Sp/f Misje Faroe Islands, Bryggjubakki 22, 100 Tórshavn 927 1976Other Special Activities

List of vessels ‐ provided by Faroese Maritime Authority (FMA)

Yvirlit yvir skrásett skip í FAS 19.01.2016

Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

36 31/03/2010 9164495 NORTHERN OCEAN OZ 2091 P/R Northern Ocean, Marknagilsvegur 28,  100 Tórshavn 8594 1998 Chemical Tanker

37 17/06/2010 7233060 TRADER BULK OZ 2094 Sp/f Trader Bulk, Bryggjubakki 22, 100 Tórshavn 2677 1972 general cargo

38 26/07/2010 7724203 SUNNMØRE OZ 2095 Sp/f Skipafelagið Nor Lines , Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 2706 1985 general cargo 10.04.2015

39 18/08/2010 8400050 NORDJARL OZ 2096 Sp/f Skipafelagið Nor Lines , Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 3968 1985 reefer 27.07.2015

40 24/08/2010 7724203 KARMSUND OZ 2093 Sp/f Karmsund, Eystara Bryggja, Postboks 47, 110 Tórshavn 2728 1979 general cargo

41 30/08/2010 9013074 SIRI OZ 2098 J. & K. Petersen Contractors, á Hjalla 13, 188 Hoyvík 261 1989Other Special Activities

13/09/2010 8601680 NORDVÆR OZ 2097 Skipafelagið Nor Lines Sp/f, Niels Finsensgøta 16, 2. hædd, 100 Tórshavn. 2731 1986 reefer 14/05/2014

43 21/09/2010 9271884 FURE NORD OZ 2099 Bareboat Sp/f Nolsø Shipping, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 11548 2004 Chemical Tanker

44 08/10/2010 9301873 FURE WEST OZ 2100 Bareboat Sp/f Nolsø Shipping, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 11548 2006 Oil Tanker

45 29/10/2010 7922166 EYSTNES OZ 2101 Sp/f Smyril Line Agency, Yviri við Strond 1, 100 Tórshavn 4610 1981 Ro‐Ro Cargo

46 17/12/2010 9341160 SUNNANHAV OZ 2103 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 5325 2006 general cargo

47 17/01/2011 9341172 KALKVIK OZ 2104 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 5325 2007 general cargo

48 28/01/2011 8719085 HAUKUR OZ 2119 Sp/f Havnarnes, Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 2030 1990 general cargo

49 25/03/2011 9020285 NAVEN OZ 2107 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 2497 1991 general cargo

50 12/04/2011 8412857 VESTLAND OZ 2120 Bareboat Sp/f Vermland, Traðarvegur 6, 435 Streymnes 735 1561 general cargo

51 05/05/2011 8914128 MORNES OZ 2106 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 5385 1991 general cargo

52 26/05/2011 9548342 SVITZER TYR OZ 2118 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 641 2010 tug

53 31/05/2011 9342451 SVITZER ODEN OZ 2116 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 670 2005 tug

08/06/2011 9548354 SVITZER TRYM OZ 2117 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 641 2010 tug 12/03/2013

54 17/06/2011 8124474 HAV SAND OZ 2121 Sp/f Frakt og Sandsølan, Fjørðuvegur 12, Box 150, 620 Runavík 1360 1981 general cargo

15/08/2011 9236315 OLJAREN OZ 2122 Sp/f Gotship, Grønalíð 12, 100 Tórshavn 626 2001 tanker 06/03/2014

56 21/09/2011 8914130 NORDANHAV OZ 2125 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 5953 1992 general cargo

57 21/09/2011 9535292 SAEBORG OZ 2076 P/f 6. september 2006, Skansavegur 7, Postboks 320, 110 Tórshavn 3229 2011 Offshore Supply

58 11/11/2011 9175262 FREJA OZ 2114 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 467 1998 tug

16/11/2011 8301797 FRANKLIN OZ 2102 Bareboat Sp/f MMT FO, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 1178 1985 special purpose 30/10/2014

60 17/11/2011 7363970 DYNAN OZ 2113 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 357 1974 tug

61 12/01/2012 9195822 VINGAREN OZ 2131 Sp/f Ackaren, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 2876 2000 general cargo

62 23/03/2012 9591923 SJOBORG OZ 2075 P/f 6. september 2006, Skansavegur 7, Postboks 320, 110 Tórshavn 3942 2012 Offshore Supply

63 23/03/2012 7388669 BONDEN OZ 2111 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 357 1974 tug

64 28/03/2012 9340738 MOKOSICA OZ 2133 Sp/f Wergeland Shipping, Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 1683 2006 general cargo 15.09.2015

65 27/04/2012 9602447 SVITZER GAIA  OZ 2134 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 433 2012 tug

66 15/05/2012 8814536 NOSSAN OZ 2127 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 2248 1990 general cargo

67 16/06/2012 9155236 BOB OZ 2110 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 467 1997 tug

68 05/06/2012 9263564 EKEN OZ 2129 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 2556 2003 general cargo

69 05/06/2012 8902589 TIDAN OZ 2126 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 2250 1990 general cargo

70 18/06/2012 8129395 ÖSTANHAV    OZ2128 Bareboat Sp/f Thun, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 3800 1983 general cargo

71 29/06/2012 9644445 TORSBORG OZ2130 P/f 6. september 2006, Skansavegur 7, Postboks 320, 110 Tórshavn 3309 2012 Offshore Supply

72 04/07/2012 9495375 SVITZER HYMER OZ2135 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 575 2010 tug

73 30/08/2012 9108752 BOSS OZ2112 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 496 1995 tug

74 10/10/2012 9200158 VINGA SAFIR OZ2136 Sp/f Sol Tankers, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100  Tórshavn 1685 2000 Oil Tanker

23/10/2012 7704837 NORDVIK OZ2138 Sp/f Nordvik, Eystara Bryggja, Postboks 47, 110 Tórshavn 2854 1977 general cargo 05/01/2015

76 06/11/2012 7704849 NORDVÅG OZ2137 Sp/f Nordvåg, Eystara Bryggja, Postboks 47, 110 Tórshavn 2854 1979 general cargo

77 21/12/2012 8516990 SC NORDIC OZ2140 Sp/f SC Nordic, Eystara Bryggja, Postboks 47, 110 Torshavn 4876 1823 general cargo

78 11/01/2013 7700609 SCAN FJELL OZ2141 Sp/f Scan Carrier , Eystara Bryggja, Postboks 47, 110 Tórshavn 2195 1978 general cargo 12.06.2015

79 41345 9126625 HAV STREYM OZ2144 Sp/f Frakt og Sandsølan, Fjøruvegur 12, Box 150, 620  Runavík 2345 1996 general cargo

80 20/03/2013 9602459 SVITZER GEO OZ2142 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 433 2012 tug

81 41442 9667760 KONGSBORG OZ2145 P/f 6. Septembur 2006, Skansavegur 7, Postboks 320, 110  Tórshavn 4035 2013 Offshore Supply

82 01/07/2013 8817382 HAV SUND OZ 2146 Bareboat Sp/f Frakt og Sandsølan, Fjøruvegur 12, Box 150, 620  Runavík 1999 1991 general cargo 29.04.2015

83 22/08/2013 8719114 SUNNA OZ2147 Sp/f Havnarnes, Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 2026 1993 general cargo

84 08/10/2013 9114359 SKULD OZ 2143 P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, C/O P/f Thor, Bryggjan 5, 420 Hósvík 485 1996 tug

85 15/10/2013 9006289 VITIN OZ 2150 P/F Sandgrevstur, Ennivegur 29, 530  Fuglafjørður 2449 1992 general cargo

86 17/01/2013 9201786 STRIL NEPTUN OZ 2151 Sp/f Mariner, Marknagilsvegur 28,Postboks 1252, 110 Tórshavn 2423 1999 offshore supply

Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

87 ??‐??‐2014 8911841 MALTA CEMENT OZ2153 Bareboat Sp/f Nolsø Shipping, Marknagilsvegur 28, Postoks 1252, 110 Tórshavn 2429 1991 general cargo

88 14/05/2014 9407897 STRIL MERKUR OZ2152 Sp/f Mariner, Marknagilsvegur 28, Postboks 1252, 110 Tórshavn 6272 20?? Offshore Supply

89 03/02/2015 9642564 KVITBJØRN OZ2148 Sp/f Skipafelagið Nor Lines , Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 9132 2015 general cargo

90 29/04/2015 9268423 FURE FERDER OZ2154 P/r Ferder Nolsø Shipping, Marknagilsvegur 28, Postboks 1252, 110 Tórshavn 11,377 2003 Chemical Tanker

91 11/05/2015 9129122 HAV ATLANTIC OZ2158 Bareboat Sp/f Frakt og Sandsølan, Fjøruvegur 12, 620 Runavík 2820 1996 General Cargo

92 15/05/2015 8415500 BILLEFJORD OZ2156 Sp/f Skipafelagið Billefjord, Mykinesgøta 5, 110 Tórshavn 394 1986 Passenger Ship

93 20/05/2015 9263382 FURE FLADEN OZ2155 P/r Fladen Nolsø Shipping, Marknagilsvegur 28, Postboks 1252, 110 Tórshavn 11,377 2003 Chemical Tanker

94 28.05.2015 7381635 CECILIA OZ2157 Sp/f Northern Survey, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 1310 1974 Offshore Supply

95 42184 9642576 KVITNOS OZ2149 Sp/f Skipafelagið Nor Lines , Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 9132 2015 general cargo

96 07/07/2015 9359650 SILVER RIVER OZ2160 Bareboat Sp/f Silver Liner Faroe, Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 3538 1062 Reefer

97 42199 9359648 SILVER LAKE OZ2159 Bareboat Sp/f Silver Liner Faroe, Mykinesgøta 5, Postboks 205, 110 Tórshavn 3538 1062 Reefer

98 07/10/2015 8819275 SCOMBRUS Sp/f Scombrus, Mykinesgøta 5, 100 Tórshavn 5084 1990 Reefer

99 42394 9155963 LISTER OZ2163 Bareboat Sp/f Unicorn, Føroyar, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 2863 1997 general cargo

100 25/01/2016 9136216 LISTERVIK OZ2165 Bareboat Sp/f Unicorn, Føroyar, Marknagilsvegur 28, 100 Tórshavn 2863 1996 general cargo

Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

IMO Vessel GT Ship Type Flag L? Beneficial Owner N of R N of C Signatory Signatory Owner Start Date End Date Type

8516811 BRESTIR 993 Trawler Faeroe Islands N Aksel Hansen Faroe 




8412857 VESTLAND 1,561 General Cargo Ship Faeroe Islands N Eidsvaag AS  Norway Norway

9216767 BRIMIL 1,503Fishery Patrol 

VesselFaeroe Islands N

Fiskimalaradid (Ministry of 

Fisjeries & Maritime 






9268423 FURE FERDER 11,377Chemical/Products 

TankerFaeroe Islands Y Furetank Rederi AB  Sweden Sweden

Seafarers' Union of 

RussiaSp/F Nolso Shipping  31/05/2015 30/05/2016 TCC

9263382 FURE FLADEN 11,377Chemical/Products 

TankerFaeroe Islands Y Furetank Rederi AB  Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/F Nolso Shipping  31/05/2015 30/05/2016 TCC

9271884 FURE NORD 11,548Chemical/Products 

TankerFaeroe Islands Y Furetank Rederi AB  Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/F Nolso Shipping  01/03/2014 29/02/2016 TCC

9301873 FURE WEST 11,701Chemical/Products 

TankerFaeroe Islands Y Furetank Rederi AB  Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/F Nolso Shipping  01/03/2014 29/02/2016 TCC

9153214 FURENAS 8,930Chemical/Products 

TankerFaeroe Islands Y Furetank Rederi AB  Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/F Nolso Shipping  01/03/2014 29/02/2016 TCC

9274666 FUREVIK 26,634Chemical/Products 

TankerFaeroe Islands Y Furetank Rederi AB  Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/F Nolso Shipping  01/03/2014 29/02/2016 TCC




TankerFaeroe Islands Y Furetank Rederi AB  Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/F Nolso Shipping  01/03/2014 29/02/2016 TCC

7043829 RAN 1,100Factory Stern 

TrawlerFaeroe Islands N Hans Andrias Joensen 





7742085 SUDRINGUR 671 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N J C Marner Lisberg Faroe 





R171 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N Johannus M Olsen 





7637979 MASCOT 280 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N Johannus M Olsen Faroe 




7616937 SIGMUND 266 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N Johannus M Olsen Faroe 




9642564 KVITBJORN 9,132 Ro‐Ro Cargo Ship Faeroe Islands Y Nor Lines AS  Norway NorwayNorwegian Maritime 

UnionsNor Lines Rederi AS  04/02/2015 03/02/2016 NTC

9642576 KVITNOS 9,132 Ro‐Ro Cargo Ship Faeroe Islands Y Nor Lines AS  Norway NorwayNorwegian Maritime 

UnionsNor Lines Rederi AS  31/05/2015 30/05/2016 TCC

9722821 HANS A BAKKA 3,564Live Fish Carrier 

(Well Boat)Faeroe Islands N P/F Bakkafrost 





List of Vessels according to ITF Database


01/02/2016 09:42  Page 1 of 6

Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9121766 STIGABRUGV 245Live Fish Carrier 

(Well Boat)Faeroe Islands N P/F Bakkafrost 





9139555 VESTHAV 479 Fish Carrier Faeroe Islands N P/F Bakkafrost Faroe 





GROTINUM3,031 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Christian i Grotinum 





9404247 NORDBORG 5,192 Trawler Faeroe Islands N P/F Christian i Grotinum Faroe 




8521696 ARVANES 1,035Fishery Support 

VesselFaeroe Islands N P/F Faroe Farming 





9258820 BAKUR 462 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N P/F Faroe Origin Faroe 




9193549 LERKUR 615 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Faroe Origin Faroe 




9258818 STELKUR 462 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N P/F Faroe Origin Faroe 




8517437 ARCTIC VIKING 1,720 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N P/F Lidin Faroe 




5167968 JAKUP B. 412 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Star Shipping Faroe 




8414116 PHOENIX 699 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N P/F Thor Faroe 




7302378 SERMILIK II 776 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N P/F Thor Faroe 




5428817 THOR 292 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Thor Faroe 




6504682 THOR 293 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Thor Faroe 




9458559 THOR ALPHA 1,051Offshore 

Tug/Supply ShipFaeroe Islands N P/F Thor 





9358618 THOR ASSISTER 675Offshore 

Tug/Supply ShipFaeroe Islands N P/F Thor 





8700589 THOR BEAMER 494Standby Safety 

VesselFaeroe Islands N P/F Thor 





9487823 THOR OMEGA 1,061Offshore 

Tug/Supply ShipFaeroe Islands N P/F Thor 





7807316 TORSVIK 370Standby Safety 

VesselFaeroe Islands N P/F Thor 





7014359 VESTURLAND 295 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Thor Faroe 




9279238 FINNUR FRIDI 2,779 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Vardin Faroe 




8615265 HOGIKLETTUR 1,647 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N P/F Vardin Faroe 





01/02/2016 09:42  Page 2 of 6

Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

7530004 SAKSABERG 670 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N P/F Vardin Faroe 




7007069 AGOT 417 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N Poul Eydfinn Poulsen Faroe 




9184641 FAGRABERG 2,832 Trawler Faeroe Islands N Samherji hf  Iceland Iceland

8119601 PROSPER 1,636Anchor Handling 

Tug SupplyFaeroe Islands N

Simon Mokster Shipping 

AS Norway Norway

9227390 NORRONA 35,966Passenger/Ro‐Ro 

Ship (Vehicles)Faeroe Islands N Smyril Line P/F 





9099212 BARID 135 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N Sp/f Barid Vagar Faroe 




8996437 BUGVIN 115 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N Sp/f Bugvin Faroe 






Fishery Research 

VesselFaeroe Islands N Strandfaraskip Landsins 





7602168 SAM 217 Passenger Ship Faeroe Islands N Strandfaraskip Landsins Faroe 




9275218 SMYRIL 12,670Passenger/Ro‐Ro 

Ship (Vehicles)Faeroe Islands N Strandfaraskip Landsins 





9226102 TEISTIN 1,260Passenger/Ro‐Ro 

Ship (Vehicles)Faeroe Islands N Strandfaraskip Landsins 





7947154 TERNAN 927Passenger/Ro‐Ro 

Ship (Vehicles)Faeroe Islands N Strandfaraskip Landsins 





7617747 TJALDRID 453 Tug Faeroe Islands N Strandfaraskip Landsins Faroe 




9202675 FRIDBORG 1,041 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N Tummas Justinussen Faroe 




8996906 HANSA MARIA 113 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N Tummas Justinussen Faroe 




8822375 HAVBORG 1,530 Stern Trawler Faeroe Islands N Tummas Justinussen Faroe 




9278246 JENS LEON 113 Fishing Vessel Faeroe Islands N Tummas Justinussen Faroe 




8510817 ANITA 1,013 Trawler Faeroe Islands N Viberg Sorensen Faroe 




9195822 VINGAREN 2,876 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Berndtssons Rederi AB  Sweden SwedenSeko service och 

kommunikationsfacketBerndtssons Rederi AB  31/03/2015 30/03/2016 TCC


01/02/2016 09:42  Page 3 of 6

Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9263564 EKEN 2,556 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

9341172 KALKVIK 5,325

General Cargo 

Ship, Self‐


Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

8911841 MALTA CEMENT 2,429 Cement Carrier Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  01/12/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

8914128 MORNES 5,385

General Cargo 

Ship, Self‐


Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

9020285 NAVEN 2,497 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 31/12/2017 TCC

8914130 NORDANHAV 5,953

General Cargo 

Ship, Self‐


Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

8814536 NOSSAN 2,248 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

8129395 OSTANHAV 3,800

General Cargo 

Ship, Self‐


Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

9341160 SUNNANHAV 5,325

General Cargo 

Ship, Self‐


Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

8902589 TIDAN 2,250 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) YErik Thun AB (Thunship 

Management Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketSp/f Thun  30/09/2015 29/09/2017 TCC

8516990 SC NORDIC 4,876Palletised Cargo 

ShipFaeroes (Fas) Y Janus Andersen & Co A/S  Denmark Denmark

Fagligt Fælles Forbund 

(3F)Norresundby Rederi A/S  25/06/2015 31/12/2017 TCC

7110995 HENRIETTE 2,900 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) NMinor Shipping & Trading 

AS Norway Norway

7608708 POLARFRONT 927Research Survey 

VesselFaeroes (Fas) N Misje Rederi AS  Norway Norway

8719085 HAUKUR 2,030 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Nes hf Skipafelag  Iceland IcelandSjómannafélag Island 

(Iceland Seaman's Union)Nes hf Skipafelag  30/04/2015 31/12/2016 TCC

8719114 SUNNA 2,026 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Nes hf Skipafelag  Iceland IcelandSjómannafélag Island 

(Iceland Seaman's Union)Nes hf Skipafelag  30/09/2015 31/12/2016 TCC

9333644 NORDKINN 2,990Refrigerated Cargo 

Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Nor Lines AS  Norway Norway

Norwegian Maritime 

UnionsNor Lines Rederi AS  01/11/2015 31/10/2016 TCC


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Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

7233060 TRADER BULK 2,677 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Norock & Co AS  Norway NorwayNorwegian Maritime 


Norock Ship 

Management AS 31/08/2015 30/08/2016 NTC

9306005 ARNARFELL 8,830Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Faeroes (Fas) Y Samskip hf  Iceland Iceland

Sjómannafélag Island 

(Iceland Seaman's Union)P/f Samskip 30/04/2015 29/04/2016 NAT

9306017 HELGAFELL 8,830Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Faeroes (Fas) Y Samskip hf  Iceland Iceland

Sjómannafélag Island 

(Iceland Seaman's Union)P/f Samskip 30/04/2015 29/04/2016 NAT

9359648 SILVER LAKE 3,538Refrigerated Cargo 

Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Silver Liner AS  Norway Norway

Norwegian Maritime 

UnionsFjord Shipping AS  06/07/2015 05/07/2016 TCC

9359650 SILVER RIVER 3,538Refrigerated Cargo 

Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Silver Liner AS  Norway Norway

Norwegian Maritime 

UnionsFjord Shipping AS  06/07/2015 05/07/2016 NTC

9489493 STRIL MARINER 3,117Platform Supply 

ShipFaeroes (Fas) N

Simon Mokster Shipping 

AS Norway Norway

9407897 STRIL MERKUR 6,272Offshore 

Tug/Supply ShipFaeroes (Fas) N

Simon Mokster Shipping 

AS Norway Norway

9201786 STRIL NEPTUN 2,423Offshore 

Tug/Supply ShipFaeroes (Fas) N

Simon Mokster Shipping 

AS Norway Norway

7922166 EYSTNES 4,610 Ro‐Ro Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) N Smyril Line P/F Faroe 




7915541 HVITANES 4,636 Ro‐Ro Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) N Smyril Line P/F Faroe 




8800133 EL NINO 2,469Refrigerated Cargo 

Ship Faeroes (Fas) Y Sp/f All Oceans Logistics 




IslandsACV ‐ Transcom Sp/f Saga Shipping  31/03/2014 30/03/2016 TCC

7818377 HEIDI 4,108 General Cargo Ship Faeroes (Fas) N Storesletten Rederi AS  Norway Norway

9155236 BOB 467 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

7388669 BONDEN 357 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

9108752 BOSS 496 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

7363970 DYNAN 357 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

9175262 FREJA 467 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

9114359 SKULD 485 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

9602447 SVITZER GAIA 433 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

9602459 SVITZER GEO 433 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

9495375 SVITZER HYMER 575 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark


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Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9342451 SVITZER ODEN 670 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

9548342 SVITZER TYR 641 Tug Faeroes (Fas) N Svitzer A/S  Denmark Denmark

Total Vessels: 98


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Annex 5 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



1 ACCAMA DELTA 0 Charter Yacht 1998 21-jun-12 Accama Yachting - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal, Lda. 151 Coastal Waters 4 2 0 4

2 298 ADIANTE 9360477 General Cargo Ship 2009 20-jul-15 Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "Südersand" 2956 Worldwide 8 4 0 8

3 276 AFRICAN RIVER 9425174 General Cargo Ship 2011 24-abr-15 Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MS "Simon Braren" GmbH & Co. KG 20973 Worldwide 21 7 0 6

4 166 AFRICAN WIND 9423633 Container Ship 2010 12-dez-13 Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MS "Hermann Wulff" GmbH & Co. KG 20973 Worldwide 21 7 0 6

5 163 AKACIA 9315020 Container Ship 2004 30-nov-13 Swan Container Line GmbH & Co. KG 11662 Worldwide 16 5 0 6

6 165 ALANA 9297589 Container Ship 2004 03-dez-13 MS "Alana" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 11662 Worldwide 16 5 0 4

7 285 ALESIA 9433339 General Cargo Ship 2008 29-mai-15 E. Strahlmann GmbH & Co. Reederei KG MS "ALESIA" 4723 Worldwide 7 7 0 0

8 224 ALEXANDRIT 9519298 Bulk Carrier 2010 11-ago-14 Conti 173. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. Bulker KG MS "CONTI ALEXANDRIT" 32987 Worldwide 21 7 0 5

9 352 ALICE OLDENDORFF 9183776 Bulk Carrier 2000 18-jun-12 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG 28747 Worldwide 31 7 0 8

10 325 ALIDA 9326940 Container Ship 2005 06-nov-15 MS "ALIDA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 9962 Worldwide 15 5 0 6

11 310 ALIDRA 9202481 Container Ship 2000 23-set-15 MS "CHARLOTTE" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 17167 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

12 314 ALLEGORIA 9295945 Container Ship 2006 20-out-15 MS "ALLEGORIA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 66280 Worldwide 22 6 0 8

13 248 ALWINE OLDENDORFF 9692698 Bulk Carrier 2014 09-dez-14 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 34349 Worldwide 21 8 0 5

14 14 AMALIE ESSBERGER 9314777 Chemical Tanker 2005 11-jan-13 Amalie Essberger Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG 5955 Europe/North Africa 16 7 0 6

15 311 AMALTHEA 9397913 Container Ship 2009 04-out-15 MS "SOPHIA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 42609 Worldwide 19 7 0 8

16 AMANDA 9305362 Chemical Tanker 2005 10-mai-05 Amanda Shipping Limited 4811 Worldwide 11 6 0 11

17 297 AMANDA D 9217565 Container Ship 2000 16-jul-15 MS "AMANDA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. 16803 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

18 AMARANT 9260407 Chemical Tanker 2002 13-jun-03 Amber Shipping Limited 4814 Baltic Sea / Europe / Mediterranean 11 6 0 11

19 264 AMAZONIT 9519315 Bulk Carrier 2011 02-mar-15 CONTI 175. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. Bulker KG MS "CONTI AMAZONIT" 32987 Worldwide 21 8 0 7

20 152 AMUESA 9320805 General Cargo Ship 2007 30-mar-07 NAVINORTE S.A. 2945 Europe, Mediterranean Sea and North Africa7 4 0 4

21 185 ANALENA 9326990 Container Ship 2006 14-mar-14 ASPERA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 9990 Worldwide 15 5 0 4

22 ANASTASIA M 9609940 Charter Yacht 2010 12-mai-15 ANASTASIA - Gestão de Serviços Marítimos, Lda. 308 Temporary Unrestricted Navigation 4 2 0 4

23 1A ANGON 9320635 General Cargo Ship 2006 24-nov-06 NAVINORTE S.A. 2945 Europa, Mediterraneo, Norte Africa 8 4 0 4

24 307 ANNABELLA S 9354363 Container Ship 2006 08-set-15 Reederei Jens-Peter Schlüter GmbH & Co. KG 9981 Worldwide 15 5 0 7

25 218 ANNAMARIE 9287687 Container Ship 2003 11-ago-14 MS "AnnaMarie" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 7519 Worldwide 12 5 0 3

OFF APACHE II 9568433 Charter Yacht 2007 04-ago-09 Apache Maritim Ship, Lda. 376 Costeira

26 AQUARIUS BRASIL 9147306 RO-RO passenger ship 1999 01-mar-12 Equinox Offshore ARV3 B.V. 22359 Worldwide 90 18 0 14

27 328 ARAGONIT 9551686 Bulk carrier 2012 20-nov-15 CONTI 183. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG Nr. 1 32987 Worldwide 21 7 0 5

28 ARROW 9128427 General Cargo Ship 1996 02-out-96 Ison Maritime International, S.A. 7617 Worldwide 16 6 0 16

29 312 ATLANTIC WINTER 9467146 General Cargo Ship 2011 11-out-15 KG Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS Atlantic Winter mbH & Co. 15549 Worldwide 12 6 0 9

30 361 ATLAS 9362815 General Cargo Ship 2006 24-fev-16 ERB MPP GmbH & Co. KG 4990 Worldwide 11 4 0 6

31 256 AUGUST OLDENDORFF 9692686 Bulk Carrier 2015 06-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 34349 Worldwide 21 8 0 4

32 2 AUTOPREMIER 9131943 RO-RO cargo ship 1997 17-fev-05 UECC (IOM) LTD 11591 European Ports 13 6 10 3

33 3 AUTOPRESTIGE 9190157 RO-RO cargo ship 1999 22-fev-05 United European Car Carriers, Unipessoal, Lda. 11596 European Ports 15 6 12 3

34 7 AUTOPRIDE 9131955 RO-RO cargo ship 1997 15-fev-05 UECC (IOM) LTD 11591 European Ports 13 5 9 3

35 4 AUTOPROGRESS 9131967 RO-RO cargo ship 1998 01-mar-05 UECC (IOM) LTD 11591 European Ports 14 6 11 3

36 1 AUTOSKY 9206774 RO-RO cargo ship 2000 01-fev-05 UECC (IOM) LTD 21010 European Ports 16 7 13 3

37 6 AUTOSTAR 9206786 RO-RO cargo ship 2000 15-fev-05 UECC (IOM) Ltd. 21010 European Ports 15 7 13 2

38 5 AUTOSUN 9227053 RO-RO cargo ship 2000 01-abr-05 United European Car Carriers, Unipessoal, Lda. 21094 European Ports 16 7 10 6

39 222 AVENTURIN 9551698 Bulk Carrier 2012 12-ago-14 CONTI 184. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG Nr. 1 32987 Worldwide 24 8 0 7

40 376 ASTORIA (EX-AZORES) 5383304 Passenger Ship 1948 19-dez-08 Islands Cruises - Transp. Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. 16144 Worldwide 202 13 15 45

41 240 AZURIT 9551703 Bulk Carrier 2012 30-out-14 Conti 185. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG Nr. 1 32987 Worldwide 21 7 0 5

42 305 BALTIC WINTER 9467134 General Cargo Ship 2011 07-set-15 KG Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS "BALTIC WINTER" mbH & Co. 15549 Worldwide 12 6 0 6

43 317 BARBARA 9437050 Container Ship 2010 20-out-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG 52726 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

44 193 BARBARA P 9144720 Container Ship 1997 15-abr-14 Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "BARBARA P" 9991 Worldwide 13 5 0 10

45 BARON TRENCK 9636993 Charter Yacht 2011 12-ago-11 PARNAS INVEST - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. 478 Worldwide 9 4 0 7

46 219 BARRIER 9151917 Container Ship 1998 18-ago-14 Rickmers Reederei GmbH & Cie. KG 11925 Worldwide 20 7 0 3

47 BEATRIZ B 9348637 Container Ship 2006 27-abr-10 Confidence Trade SL 14016 Spanish Coastal Trade 18 7 0 12



Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




48 BELOMORSKIY 8305781 Dredger 1985 11-ago-99 Northern Shipping Company 2628 Europa/Mediterraneo/Africa 20 9 0 20

49 353


OLDENDORFF 8900529 Bulk Carrier 1991 12-nov-12 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG 43332 Worlwide 30 7 0 7

50 155 BEZA 9184421 General Cargo Ship 2000 03-out-00 Navinorte, S A 2469 Europa/Mediterraneo/NWAfrica 7 4 0 4

51 270 BF CALOOSA 9347645 General Cargo Ship 2007 17-mar-15 MS "BF Caloosa" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 8407 Worldwide 13 5 0 6

52 177 BF PHILIPP 9123324 Container Ship 1996 20-fev-14 MarFeeder Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 4986 Worldwide 10 4 0 4

53 259 BF TIMARU 9346421 General Cargo Ship 2006 19-jan-15 MS "BF Timaru" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 8407 Worldwide 13 5 0 8

54 182 BG ROTTERDAM 9395575 Container Ship 2009 07-mar-14 MS "Ines Bolten" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 8273 Worldwide 14 5 0 8

55 BONUM 8744121 Charter Yacht 2008 14-mai-14 Globalboat International, Unipessoal, Lda. 445 Worldwide 4 2 0 4

56 BRAVEHEART 9263461 Tug 2003 15-abr-03 Barry Towage & Off-Shore - Serviço de Transporte Marítimo S.A. 866 Worldwide 9 4 0 6

57 156 BULNES 9184433 General Cargo Ship 2001 02-mai-01 Navinorte, S.A 2469 Europa/Mediterraneo/NWAfrica/Canarias 7 4 0 3

58 269 BUXCLIFF 9221815 Container Ship 2001 13-mar-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "BUXCLIFF" Kommanditgesellschaft72760 Worldwide 21 7 0 2

59 268 BUXCOAST 9221827 Container Ship 2001 21-fev-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "BUXCOAST" Kommanditgesellschaft72760 Worldwide 22 8 0 2

60 284 CAP CORTES 9670834 Container Ship 2013 22-mai-15 MS "Osaka Strait" GmbH & Co. KG 42690 Worldwide 20 8 0 6

61 295 CAP SAN LORENZO 9622227 Container Ship 2013 15-jun-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Cap San Lorenzo GmbH & Co. KG 118938 Worldwide 27 7 0 13

62 283 CAP SAN MARCO 9622215 Container Ship 2013 18-mai-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Cap San Marco GmbH & Co. KG 118938 Worldwide 25 7 0 10

63 290 CAP SAN NICOLAS 9622203 Container Ship 2013 28-mai-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Cap San Nicolas GmbH & Co. KG 118938 Worldwide 24 7 0 12

64 CAPRI 5037644 Passenger Ship 1962 08-abr-03 ALILAURO GRU.SON SPA 956 Mediterranean Sea 29 7 0 4

65 258 CARLOTA BOLTEN 9718442 Bulk Carrier 2015 15-jan-15 MS "CARLOTA BOLTEN" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 24198 Worldwide 19 7 0 3

66 275 CAROLINA BOLTEN 9718454 Bulk Carrier 2015 14-abr-15 MS "CAROLINA BOLTEN" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 24198 Worldwide 20 7 0 3

67 354 CAROLINE OLDENDORFF 8900517 Bulk Carrier 1990 17-abr-13 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG 43332 Worldwide 29 7 0 4

68 CASTELO DE ÓBIDOS 9356945 Tug 2004 07-mar-06 Tinita - Transportes e Reboques Marítimos S.A. 1083 Costeira (Monoboia de Leixões) 7 2 6 1

69 CESKA 9261566 Gas Carrier 2003 05-abr-06 Chelsea Bridge Limited 2708 Worldwide 13 7 0 13

70 CGM LEOPARD 8705943 Gas Carrier 1990 02-nov-04 Olympus Navigation Limited 2997 European and Mediterranean Sea Ports 16 6 0 16

71 CGM TIGER 8705955 Gas Carrier 1991 25-out-04 CRYO GAS MED SRL 2997 European and Mediteranean Sea 15 7 0 15

OFF CHAVES 9368417 General Cargo Ship 2009 18-mai-09 Naveiro Transportes Maritimos (Madeira), Lda. 2956 Worldwide

72 262 CHICAGO 9248162 Container Ship 2003 04-fev-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "CHICAGO" KG 65918 Worldwide 23 8 0 3

73 324 CHOAPA TRADER 9407885 Container Ship 2009 20-nov-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG 52726 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

74 278 CHOPIN 9005376 General Cargo Ship 1992 24-abr-15 ROLAND Second Maritime GmbH & Co. KG 4071 Worldwide 18 11 0 0

75 18 CHRISTIAN ESSBERGER 9212498 Chemical Tanker 2000 08-mai-15 STR Südsee Tank - Reederei GmbH & Co. KG 3557 Worldwide 14 6 0 4

76 CHRISTINA 9157143 General Cargo Ship 1997 11-jan-16 MS "Christina" Interscan UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG 4320 Worldwide 10 5 0 10

77 171 CMA CGM WAGNER 9280665 Container Ship 2004 15-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA FRANCIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 65247 Worldwide 21 7 0 8

78 271 CONTI BASEL 9248136 Container Ship 2003 19-mar-15 CONTI 6. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI BASEL" 65918 Worldwide 13 5 0 2

79 346 CONTI GOTHENBURG 9235103 Container Ship 2002 12-jan-16 CONTI 10. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI GÖTEBORG" 65131 Worldwide 13 5 0 2

80 348 CONTI HELSINKI 9235098 Container Ship 2002 14-jan-16 CONTI 3. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI HELSINKI" 65131 Worldwide 13 5 0 2

81 363 CONTI LYON 9222285 Container Ship 2001 03-mar-16 CONTI 26. " CONTI LYON" 73172 Worldwide 36 9 0 6

82 261 CONTI MADRID 9248150 Container Ship 2003 21-jan-15 CONTI 7. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI MADRID" 65918 Worldwide 22 7 0 0

83 236 CONTI SELENIT 9473315 Bulk Carrier 2010 22-set-14 Conti 154. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. Bulker KG MS "CONTI SELENIT" 41074 Worldwide 21 7 0 3

84 347 CONTI TAIPEI 9231755 Container Ship 2002 13-jan-16 CONTI 2. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS “CONTI TAIPEH” 65131 Worldwide 13 5 0 2

85 8A CORNIÓN 9360491 General Cargo Ship 2008 28-nov-08 Navinorte, S.A. 2956 União Europeia, Mar Maditerraneo e Costa Norte Noroeste Africa7 3 3 0

86 357 CORSICA LINEA DUI 9197533 Ro-Ro Cargo Ship 1999 29-jan-16 MS "Caroline Russ" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 10488 Worldwide 15 7 0 15

87 250 COSCO GERMANY 9305477 Container Ship 2006 07-jan-15 MS "E.R. TIANSHAN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 91649 Worldwide 23 9 0 8

88 251 COSCO NAPOLI 9305489 Container Ship 2006 28-jan-15 MS "E.R. TIANPING" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 91649 Worldwide 23 10 0 9

89 COSTA MAGNA 1000851 Charter Yacht 1983 25-mar-03 Mediterranean Shipping Limited 304 A1 - MEDITERRANEO 7 3 0 4

90 150 COVADONGA 9300489 Chemical Tanker 2005 25-mai-09 Cecilia Maritime S.A. 4816 Worldwide 15 7 0 1

91 158 CUERA 9360489 General Cargo Ship 2008 15-out-08 NAVINORTE, S.A. 2956 Europa / Mediterraneo / North/Norwest Coast of Africa8 5 0 4

92 210 DEVON STRAIT 9406843 Container Ship 2008 14-jul-14 Devon Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG 9957 WORLDWIDE 18 7 0 5

93 147 DOMINICA 9232204 General Cargo Ship 2001 26-fev-10 Ership Internacional S.A. 10132 Worldwide 19 7 0 1

94 7A DON JUAN 9394222 Bulk Carrier 2007 23-out-14 ERSHIP S.A.U. 14116 Worldwide 21 8 0 11


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




95 DOURO CRUISER 9329344 Passenger Ship 2005 07-set-11 Douro Cruiser Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 1587 Restricted area for "Class C" 28 2 24 2

96 282 DRAGONERA 9191943 General Cargo Ship 2007 13-mai-15 ROLAND Shipping & Trading GmbH & Co. KG 4244 Worldwide 11 5 0 9

97 247 E.R. CAEN 9301433 Container Ship 2004 20-nov-14 MS "BIZET" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 26836 Worldwide 19 7 0 7

98 266 E.R. CALAIS 9301445 Container Ship 2005 16-fev-15 MS "WAGNER" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 26836 Worldwide 18 7 0 6

99 265 E.R. TIANAN 9305465 Container Ship 2005 11-fev-15 MS "E.R. TIANAN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 91649 Worldwide 22 7 0 9

100 13 EDUARD ESSBERGER 9114751 Chemical Tanker 1996 10-mai-10 "Eduard Essberger" Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG 3726 Baltic Sea / Europe / Mediterranean Sea 15 6 0 5

101 ELBTANK GERMANY 9188764 Oil Tanker 1999 06-ago-12 MT "Elbtank Germany" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG 22848 Worldwide 22 9 0 10

102 206 ELISABETH RUSS 9186429 RO-RO cargo ship 1999 22-mai-14 MS "ELISABETH RUSS" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 10471 Worldwide 15 7 0 15

103 ELIXIRE 0 Charter Yacht 1995 26-jun-03 El Fire Yachting, Unipessoal, Lda. 147 Mediterraneo Costa 20MN 0 0 0 0

104 23 ELLEN ESSBERGER 9272747 Chemical Tanker 2004 30-nov-12 Ellen Essberger Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG 5955 Europa / Norte de Africa 18 7 0 7

105 21 ELSA ESSBERGER 9481001 Chemical Tanker 2013 31-mai-13 Kommanditgesellschaft Fünfzehnte OCEANIA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. 4824 Europe / Baltic Sea / Mediterranean Sea 15 6 1 5

106 228 EMILIA 9197521 Container Ship 1999 19-ago-14 MS "Emilia" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 5310 Worldwide 11 5 0 6

107 EMS PULL 7017909 Tug 1970 05-jun-13 Ems Offshore Service 140 North Europe 4 3 0 4

108 241 EMS TRADER 9213105 Container Ship 2000 16-out-14 Hermann Buss GmbH & Co. KG MS "Ems Trader" 25535 Worldwide 17 7 0 10

109 351 EVITA 9381433 General Cargo Ship 2009 29-fev-16 EVITA SHIPPING LTD 5599 Worldwide 12 5 0 6

110 279 FLORA DELMAS 9239862 Container Ship 2002 27-abr-15 Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rhederei GmbH 16916 Worldwide 18 7 0 6

111 343 FRIEDRICH OLDENDORFF 9358838 Bulk Carrier 2006 18-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 40485 Worldwide 22 8 0 4

112 375 FUNCHAL 5124162 Passenger Ship 1985 07-set-01 Pearl Cruises - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira) 9563 Worldwide 202 13 87 32

113 344 GEBE OLDENDORFF 9727596 Bulk Carrier 2016 15-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 44218 Worldwide 22 8 0 4

114 12 GEORG ESSBERGER 9191175 Chemical Tanker 2002 03-mar-04 MTR - Mittelmeer Tank-Reederei GmbH & Co. K.G. 3790 Baltic Sea / Europe / Mediteranean Sea 23 7 0 6

115 289 GEORG OLDENDORFF 9702596 Bulk Carrier 2015 28-mai-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 44218 Worldwide 23 8 0 3

116 237 GERDT OLDENDORFF 9681950 Bulk Carrier 2014 30-set-14 Buchanan Maritime Corporation 44218 Worldwide 22 8 0 4

117 358 GERTRUDE OLDENDORFF 9727601 Bulk Carrier 2016 26-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 44218 Wordwide 22 7 0 1

118 301 GISELA OLDENDORFF 9702601 Bulk Carrier 2015 31-jul-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 44218 Wordwide 23 8 0 5

OFF GRAND CELEBRATION 8314134 Passenger Ship 1985 05-mai-08 Grand Cruise Shipping Unipessoal, Lda. 47263 Worldwide

119 GRENADINES III 0 Charter Yacht 2010 13-jun-11 Grenadines - Transportes Marítimos, Lda. 273 Coastal Waters - Temporary Unrestricted Navigation6 2 0 4

120 255 GRETKE OLDENDORFF 9681962 Bulk Carrier 2015 05-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 44218 Worldwide 22 8 0 6

121 273 HAMMONIA BAVARIA 9376012 Container Ship 2009 07-abr-15 SINOCEANIC VIII LIMITED 26435 Worldwide 22 8 0 11

122 170 HAMMONIA CALABRIA 9477309 Container Ship 2010 10-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA CALABRIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 40541 Worldwide 18 7 0 7

123 194 HAMMONIA GALICIA 9400186 Container Ship 2010 13-abr-14 MS "HAMMONIA GALICIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 42609 Worldwide 19 8 0 7

124 174 HAMMONIA GRENADA 9477311 Container Ship 2010 23-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA GRENADA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 40541 Worldwide 10 4 0 4

125 239 HAMMONIA VENETIA 9400203 Container Ship 2010 16-out-14 MS "HAMMONIA VENETIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 42609 Worldwide 19 6 0 12

126 293 HANSA AUSTRALIA 9459436 Container Ship 2014 22-jun-15 Schiffahrts-Gesellschaft "AUSTRALIA" mbH & Co. KG 38388 Worldwide 20 7 0 7

127 292 HANSA DUBURG 9535096 Container Ship 2012 08-jun-15 Schiffahrts-Gesellschaft "HANSA DUBURG" mbH & Co. KG 18296 Worldwide 19 7 0 1

128 HAPPY HOUR 0 Charter Yacht 2006 22-set-06 HAPPY HOUR, Unipessoal , Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira) 169 Mediterraneo 4 2 0 4

129 HARBOUR FASHION 9473080 Chemical Tanker 2010 06-jan-11 Fünfte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG 11880 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

130 HARBOUR FEATURE 9473092 Chemical Tanker 2010 24-jan-11 Sechste Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG 11880 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

131 HARBOUR FIRST 9473119 Chemical Tanker 2010 24-jun-11 Achte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG 11971 Worldwide 20 8 0 12

132 HARBOUR FOUNTAIN 9473107 Chemical Tanker 2011 14-mar-11 Siebte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG 11880 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

133 HARBOUR PIONEER 9572757 Chemical Tanker 2010 05-nov-10 Vierte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG 13239 Worldwide 23 8 0 14

134 HARBOUR PROGRESS 9572745 Chemical Tanker 2010 26-nov-10 Dritte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG 13239 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

135 355 HARMEN OLDENDORFF 9120334 Bulk Carrier 2005 12-fev-13 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG 42033 Worldwide 35 8 0 9

136 235 HAYDN 9308429 Container Ship 2006 24-set-14 MS "HAYDN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 27786 Worldwide 24 11 0 12

137 359 HELGA OLDENDORFF 9713040 Bulk Carrier 2016 28-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 107666 Worldwide 5 5 0 4

138 HELIAD II 0 Charter Yacht 2013 28-jun-13 Heliad - Transp. Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira) 284 Coastal Waters - Temporary Unrestricted Navigation0 0 0 0

139 342 HILLE OLDENDORFF 9731573 Bulk Carrier 2016 18-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 107684 Worldwide 5 5 0 4

140 IDA C 8618932 Tug 1988 19-jun-00 Tagus River, Companhia Portuguesa de Transp. Marítimos, Unipessoal S.A 351 Portos de Veneza 7 5 0 7

141 INDEPENDENCE 9485588 Tug 2007 02-jun-08 Sedna Towage & Offshore, Lda. 499 Worldwide 8 4 0 3


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




142 345 INDRA OLDENDORFF 9722338 Bulk Carrier 2015 11-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 36294 Worldwide 21 9 0 5

143 364 INDUSTRIAL CHARGER 9213959 General Cargo Ship 2000 29-fev-16 PACIFIC - GULF MARINE 7252 Worldwide 13 5 0 6

144 178 IRIS BOLTEN 9369007 Container Ship 2008 25-fev-14 MS "IRIS BOLTEN" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 8273 Worldwide 16 6 0 7

145 294 IRIS OLDENDORFF 9725744 Bulk Carrier 2015 09-jun-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 36426 Worldwide 20 9 0 3

146 377 IVAN 9112040 RO-RO cargo ship 1996 20-mar-96 Adamastor - Sociedade de Navegação, Lda. 8191 Worldwide 17 7 0 17

147 212 JACOB RICKMERS 9300166 Container Ship 2006 09-jun-14 JACOB RICKMERS Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Cie. KG 21971 Worldwide 20 7 0 4

148 181 JADRANA 9619385 Container Ship 2014 10-mar-14 MS "JADRANA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 48338 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

149 313 JAN 9477335 Container Ship 2009 10-out-15 MS "JAN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 16137 Worldwide 17 7 0 7

150 188 JOGELA 9619402 Container Ship 2014 24-mar-14 MS "JOGELA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 48338 Worldwide 20 7 0 7

151 9 JOHANN ESSBERGER 9480980 Chemical Tanker 2011 17-mar-11 Kommanditgesellschaft Zwölfte OCEANIA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 4824 Europe / Baltic Sea / Mediterranean Sea 16 6 0 6

152 280 JOHANNA SCHEPERS 9436305 Container Ship 2011 03-mai-15 Johanna Schepers Shipping Company Limited 7852 Worldwide 12 5 0 12

153 221 JONA 9337028 Container Ship 2007 14-ago-14 MS JONA Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 23633 Worldwide 20 8 0 5

154 274 JORK VALIANT 9216107 Container Ship 2000 14-abr-15 MV "Jork Valiant" Bernd Becker GmbH & Co. KG 14241 Worldwide 17 7 0 5

155 JOSEPHINE PRIMA 9306380 General Cargo Ship 2005 11-dez-15 SUD SHIPPING S.R.L. 5581 Woldwide 11 5 0 6

156 209 JPO AQUARIUS 9220316 Container Ship 2000 31-mai-14 Aquarius Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 25361 Worldwide 31 11 0 8

157 213 JPO ARIES 9220328 Container Ship 2001 11-jun-14 Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MS "JPO ARIES" mbH & Co. KG 25361 Worldwide 25 11 0 6

158 175 JPO TAURUS 9400174 Container Ship 2010 14-jan-14 MS "JPO TAURUS" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 42609 Worldwide 24 10 0 9

159 162 JPO VIRGO 9430765 Container Ship 2009 27-nov-13 MS "JPO VIRGO" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 41225 Worldwide 20 8 0 4

160 176 JPO VOLANS 9430777 Container Ship 2010 05-fev-14 MS "JPO VOLANS" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 41225 Worldwide 23 10 0 6

161 331 JUDITH BORCHARD 9216365 Container Ship 2001 25-nov-15 MS "KYBO" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 14278 Worldwide 15 6 0 1

162 339 JULIUS OLDENDORFF 9301146 Bulk Carrier 2005 11-dez-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 31144 Worldwide 18 7 0 5

163 211 KENO 9330537 Container Ship 2007 04-jun-14 MS KENO Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 28616 Worldwide 18 7 0 5

164 267 KORNETT 9354428 Container Ship 2007 18-fev-15 MS "Kornett" GmbH & Co. KG 9962 Worldwide 12 5 0 6

165 146 LA RABIDA 8520836 Bulk Carrier 1988 09-fev-09 Ership International S.A. 8254 Worldwide 13 5 0 1

166 LA SURPRISE 9198719 RO-RO Cargo Ship 2000 17-abr-13 Ugland Castor Car Carrier I. AS 15224 North Europe and Mediterranean Sea 16 7 0 16

167 154 LAGAN 9441219 Oil Tanker 2008 30-abr-08 J&L Shipping S.L. 4474 Worldwide 15 7 0 15

168 34 LAGOA 9150470 Container Ship 1997 08-ago-07 Totta Crédito Especializado, Instituição Financeira de Crédito, S.A. 3981 Worldwide 12 6 9 0

169 322 LAILA 9377559 Container Ship 2008 30-out-15 ERB 2.700TEU GmbH & Co. KG 28048 Worldwide 18 7 0 5

170 216 LAS PALMAS 9216834 Container Ship 2002 20-mai-15 Perses Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG 7360 Worldwide 17 8 0 11

171 LEONARDO 0 Charter Yacht 2007 14-jun-07 Franctema - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal, Lda. 163 Coastal Area 3 2 0 3

172 254 LEOPOLD OLDENDORFF 9691943 Bulk Carrier 2015 05-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 107413 Worldwide 21 5 0 6

173 LIBERTAS-H 9388388 General Cargo Ship 2007 04-jun-13 UMS Schifffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 7532 Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea 11 5 0 4

174 22 LIESEL ESSBERGER 9272761 Chemical Tanker 2004 31-ago-12 Liesel Essberger Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG 5955 Europe / North Africa 17 7 0 4

175 238 LINDA OLDENDORFF 9691929 Bulk Carrier 2014 30-set-14 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 107413 Worldwide 23 8 0 5

176 260 LISBON 9248148 Container Ship 2003 16-jan-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "LISBON" KG 65918 Worldwide 22 7 0 2

177 378 LOBO MARINHO 9267390 RO-RO passenger ship 2002 09-mai-03 Porto Santo Line - Transportes Marítimos, Lda. 8072 Funchal / Porto Santo / Funchal 40 4 40 0

178 263 LUDOLF OLDENDORFF 9691955 Bulk Carrier 2015 04-fev-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 107413 Worldwide 21 5 0 6

179 288 LUISE OLDENDORFF 9714240 Bulk Carrier 2015 26-mai-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 107413 Worldwide 23 9 0 3

180 LUKE 9356919 Gas Carrier 2006 30-nov-07 Tower Bridge Limited 3430 Worldwide 13 6 0 13

181 336 LYDIA 9377573 Container Ship 2009 07-dez-15 ERB 2.700TEU GmbH & Co. KG 28048 Worldwide 18 7 0 3

182 230 MACAO STRAIT 9362724 Container Ship 2008 26-ago-14 MS "Macao Strait" GmbH & Co. KG 21018 Worldwide 19 8 0 7

183 MADDY 9261578 Gas Carrier 2004 05-abr-06 Westminster Bridge Limited 2708 Worldwide 13 7 0 13

184 370 MADEIRENSE 3 9126467 General Cargo Ship 1996 04-fev-16 BOX LINES - TRANSPORTES INTERNACIONAIS S.A.R.L 5712 Nacional sea trade 12 6 12 0

185 200 MAERSK KOTKA 9085534 Container Ship 1996 22-abr-14 MS "HAMMONIA FIONIA" SCHIFFAHRTS GMBH & CO. KG 84488 WORLDWIDE 28 8 0 7

186 15 MAERSK LAUNCESTON 9294408 Container Ship 2004 06-fev-15 KG Vierte OCEANIA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. 50736 Worldwide 8 7 0 4

OFF MAGELLAN 8217881 Passenger Ship 1985 10-nov-09 Grand Cruise Shipping Unipessoal, Lda. 46052 Worldwide

187 332 MAIN TRADER 9377561 Container Ship 2008 08-dez-15 ERB 2.700TEU GmbH & Co. KG 28048 Worldwide 18 7 0 5

188 308 MALLECO 9395525 Container Ship 2009 07-set-15 MS "MINERVA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 75752 Worldwide 20 5 0 7


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




189 MALMNES 8918631 General Cargo Ship 1993 21-jun-12 Erik Thun AB 5883 Worldwide 11 5 0 11

190 5A MANIZALES 9567257 General Cargo Ship 2011 01-jun-11 Maraesco, Lda. 4951 Caribbean - Golf of Mexico - Central, America - North and South America12 5 0 0

191 246 MARBACAN 9415155 Bulk Carrier 2010 17-nov-14 MarBacan Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 20491 Worldwide 20 6 0 8

192 252 MARBIOKO 9415167 Bulk Carrier 2010 12-dez-14 MarBioko Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 20491 Worldwide 20 6 0 9

193 291 MARIA P 9164550 General Cargo Ship 2000 03-jun-15 Reederei MS "Pioneer Bay" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 4450 Worldwide 13 5 0 8

194 335 MATAQUITO 9400095 Container Ship 2010 03-dez-15 MS "ALBERTA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 75752 Wordwide 20 5 0 6

195 MATSKO 8984056 Charter Yacht 2000 18-jun-04 Seatrade Yacht - Transportes Marítimos Lda. 132 Voyages not far than 12 hours from a sheltered port or anchorage1 0 0 1

196 MATTHEW 9356921 Gas Carrier 2007 30-nov-07 London Bridge Limited 3430 Worldwide 14 7 0 14

197 179 MCC KYOTO 9357547 Container Ship 2008 21-fev-14 Quarterdeck Shipping III GmbH & Co. KG 18123 Worldwide 18 7 0 6

198 173 MCC SEOUL 9357535 Container Ship 2008 18-dez-13 Quarterdeck Shipping II GmbH & Co. KG 18123 Worldwide 18 7 0 7

199 333 MEDAEGEAN 9437244 Container Ship 2008 15-dez-15 ERB 990TEU GmbH & Co. KG 9946 Worldwide 12 5 0 1

200 215 MEDONTARIO 9437115 Container Ship 2008 05-ago-15 "AS Floriana" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 15334 Worldwide 18 6 0 9

201 MELANYA 0 Charter Yacht 2007 19-mai-08 Baku Yachting Services, Unipessoal, Lda. 222 Costeira A1 6 2 0 4

202 326 MINNA 9246712 Container Ship 2005 09-nov-15 Peter Döhle Schiffsbeteiligungs-KG (GmbH & Co.) 35881 Worldwide 23 8 0 9

203 203 MOL GARLAND 9535151 Container Ship 2011 02-mai-14 MS "HERTA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 59307 Worldwide 25 7 0 12

204 187 MOL GATEWAY 9535137 Container Ship 2011 28-mar-14 MS "HELLA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 59307 Worldwide 24 7 0 9

205 184 MOL GENESIS 9535199 Container Ship 2012 15-mar-14 MS "HENRIKA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 59307 Worldwide 20 6 0 6

OFF MONTE ANAGA 9551399 Oil Tanker 2010 09-jun-10 Ondimar Transportes Marítimos, Lda. 2651 Ports of Spain

206 191 MONTE AZUL 9348053 Container Ship 2008 12-abr-14 Containerschiffsreederei MS Monte Azul GmbH & Co. KG 69132 Worldwide 25 7 0 10

207 192 MONTE CERVANTES 9283186 Container Ship 2004 18-abr-14 REEDEREI MONTE CONTAINERSCHIFFE GMBH & CO. KG 69132 WORLDWIDE 23 7 0 11

208 318 MONTE TAMARO 9357949 Container Ship 2007 20-out-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Monte Tamaro GmbH & Co. KG 69132 Worldwide 23 7 0 11

209 153 MONTE TOLEDO 9271573 Oil Tanker 2004 13-mai-04 NAVIERA ALTUBE, SL, UNIPERSONAL 78896 Worldwide 14 7 0 1

210 3A MONTESPERANZA 9585871 Oil Tanker 2012 31-jan-12 Naviera Esperanza SL 81187 Worldwide 14 7 0 4

211 151 MONTESTENA 9585883 Oil Tanker 2012 29-mar-12 Naviera Rio Stena S.L. 81187 Worldwide 14 7 0 4

212 172 MSC BILBAO 9301495 Container Ship 2006 20-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA BREMEN" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 89941 Worldwide 29 10 0 13

213 226 MSC CAROUGE 9320441 Container Ship 2007 25-ago-14 Beteiligungs-Kommanditgesellschaft MS "Buxwind" 62702 Worldwide 20 6 0 2

214 323 MSC FABIOLA 9447847 Container Ship 2010 13-nov-15 MS "FABIOLA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 140259 Worldwide 23 7 0 9

215 373 MSC FAUSTINA 9447885 Container Ship 2011 28-dez-15 MS "FAUSTINA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 140259 Worldwide 23 7 0 9

216 320 MSC FILOMENA 9447861 Container Ship 2010 29-out-15 MS "FILOMENA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 140259 Worldwide 23 7 0 9

217 229 MSC GENEVA 9320427 Container Ship 2007 25-ago-14 Beteiligungs-Kommanditgesellschaft MS "Buxwave" Verwaltungs 62702 Worldwide 25 7 0 8

218 164 MSC ISABELLE 9147215 Container Ship 1998 11-jun-15 C.N.I. Compania Naviera Isabelle S.A. 9528 Worldwide 24 11 0 24

219 306 MSC JENNY 9000742 Container Ship 1995 31-ago-15 Wellington Marine Investments Corporation 28397 Worldwide 26 9 0 1

220 196 MSC KARLSKRONA 9085558 Container Ship 1996 19-abr-14 MS "HAMMONIA DANIA" SCHIFFAHRTS GMBH & CO. KG 81488 WORLDWIDE 24 8 1 12

221 201 MSC KLEVEN 9085546 Container Ship 1996 23-abr-14 MS "HAMMONIA HAFNIA"SCHIFFAHRTS GMBH & CO. KG 81488 WORLDWIDE 30 11 0 13

222 168 MSC PARIS 9301483 Container Ship 2006 16-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA HAMBURG" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 89941 Worldwide 29 9 0 11

223 169 MSC VALENCIA 9301471 Container Ship 2006 10-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA JORK" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 89941 Worldwide 28 8 0 12

OFF 4A MURUETA 9567269 General Cargo Ship 2012 22-fev-12 Maraesco, Lda. 4951 Worldwide

224 149 NARCEA 9344320 Chemical Tanker 2006 06-mar-09 Asturias Maritime S.A. 2995 Worldwide 14 6 0 8

225 245 NORTHERN JUPITER 9466984 Container Ship 2010 27-nov-14 Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS "NORTHERN JUPITER" mbH & Co. KG 94407 Worldwide 10 5 0 4

226 249 NORTHERN PROMOTION 9467043 Container Ship 2010 17-dez-14 Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS "NORTHERN PROMOTION" mbH & Co. KG 47855 Worldwide 21 7 0 8

227 189 NORTHERN VALENCE 9304693 Container Ship 2005 26-abr-14 ZWEITEKG "NRS" NORDDEUTSCHE REEDEREI H. SCHULDT GMBH & CO. 24437 WORLDWIDE 20 7 0 7

228 204 NORTHERN VIGOUR 9304708 Container Ship 2005 14-mai-14 Dritte KG "NRS" Norddeutsche Reederei H. Schuldt GmbH & Co. 27437 Worldwide 20 7 0 6

229 205 NORTHERN VIVACITY 9304966 Container Ship 2005 16-mai-14 Vierte KG "NRS" Norddeutsche Reederei H. Schuldt GmbH & Co. 27437 Worldwide 20 7 0 7

230 190 NORTHERN VOLITION 9304978 Container Ship 2005 18-abr-14 FUENFTE KG "NRS" NORDDEUTSCHE REEDEREI H. SCHULDT GMBH & CO. 27437 WORLDWIDE 20 7 0 7

231 OCEAN MAJESTY 6602898 Passenger Ship 1966 10-abr-03 Majestic Marine Company 10417 Worldwide 25 8 1 18

232 OPDR CADIZ 9216858 Container Ship 2003 29-mai-15 Perses Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG 7360 Worldwide 22 7 0 14

233 334 PAAVA 9437220 Container Ship 2008 26-nov-15 ERB 990TEU GmbH & Co. KG 9946 Worldwide 12 5 0 4

234 341 PACAO 9324174 Container Ship 2005 17-dez-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACAO" 14308 Worldwide 19 9 0 0


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




235 321 PACITA 9275103 Container Ship 2004 03-nov-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACITA" 14308 Worldwide 19 9 0 0

236 302 PACOBA 9236262 Container Ship 2001 07-ago-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACOBA" 10308 Worldwide 17 6 0 12

237 315 PACON 9275115 Container Ship 2005 14-out-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACON" 14308 Worldwide 16 7 0 16

238 300 PACUL 9236274 Container Ship 2001 28-jul-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACUL" 10308 Worldwide 16 6 0 3

239 180 PAGANINI 9422328 Bulk Carrier 2008 07-mar-14 MS "PAGANINI" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 40170 Worldwide 21 8 0 8

240 281 PAPENBURG 8500599 General Cargo Ship 1986 12-mai-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG MS "PAPENBURG" 4887 Worldwide 12 5 0 12

241 19 PATRICIA ESSBERGER 9212486 Chemical Tanker 2000 21-mai-15 KTR Karibik Tank - Reederei GmbH & Co. KG 3557 Worldwide 14 6 0 4

242 220 PATRICIA RICKMERS 9160396 Container Ship 1998 19-ago-14 MS "PATRICIA RICKMERS" Reederei Rickmers GmbH & Cie. KG 26131 Worldwide 20 8 0 3

243 PERRO NEGRO 2 8753902 Mobile Platform 1980 12-ago-98 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. 6377 Worldwide 3 0 0 3

244 PERRO NEGRO 3 8753914 Mobile Platform 1982 12-ago-98 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. 4891 Worldwide 3 0 0 3

245 PERRO NEGRO 4 8753926 Mobile Platform 1977 28-jan-97 SAIPEM MISR For PETROLEUM SERVICES (SAE) 2391 Worldwide 3 0 0 3

246 PERRO NEGRO 5 8753938 Mobile Platform 1981 12-ago-98 Snamprogetti Arábia Saudita Limitada 4991 Worldwide 1 1 0 0

247 10 PHILIPP ESSBERGER 9191163 Chemical Tanker 2003 04-jul-03 WTR - Weissmeer Tank-Reederei GmbH & Co. KG 3785 Oil Chemical Tanker 16 6 0 7

248 303 PHOENIX II 9186405 Container ship 1998 13-ago-15 Bovicom B.V. 5056 Worldwide 11 5 1 10

249 374 PORTO 6419057 Passenger Ship 2000 08-ago-01 Coral Cruises - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira) 5888 Worldwide 202 13 87 29

250 299 RANA 9693290 Bulk Carrier 2015 11-ago-15 MS "RANA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 25546 Worldwide 20 6 0 7

251 6A RED DOLPHIN 9319208 Tug 2005 04-dez-07 Remolcadores de Puerto y Altura S.A. 474 Worldwide 5 3 0 3

252 195 RENATE P 9144718 Container Ship 1997 17-abr-14 Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "RENATE P" 9962 Worldwide 13 5 0 10

253 RHONESTERN 9183831 Chemical Tanker 2000 21-mai-12 MT "Rhonestern" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG 14400 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

254 319 RICARDA 9693329 Bulk Carrier 2015 29-out-15 MS "RICARDA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 25546 Worldwide 19 8 0 9

255 337 RIVA 9693331 Bulk Carrier 2016 29-jan-16 MS "RIVA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 25546 Worldwide 19 8 0 9

256 33 ROAZ 8921963 Cement Carrier 1991 08-mar-02 Somera Trading Inc. 2169 Portuguese and Spanish Ports, North Europe and Mediterranean Sea11 6 10 0

257 186 RT DAGR 9176682 Container Ship 1998 18-fev-15 RT Dagr Limited 16211 Worldwide 18 6 0 0

258 S 44 8757867 Barge 1979 23-fev-01 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. 30707 Worldwide 0 0 0 0

259 S 45 8757879 Barge 1990 06-abr-04 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Maritimo Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. 24256 Worldwide 0 0 0 0

260 304 SANTA CLARA 9444716 Container Ship 2010 20-ago-15 Reederei Santa Containerschiffe GmbH & Co. KG 85676 Worldwide 21 7 0 7

261 272 SANTA CRUZ 9444742 Container Ship 2011 20-mar-15 Reederei Santa Containerschiffe GmbH & Co. KG 85676 Worldwide 20 7 0 6

262 208 SANTA URSULA 9430387 Container Ship 2012 27-mai-14 Containerschiffsreederei MS Santa Ursula GmbH & Co. KG 86601 worldwide 23 7 2 9

263 167 SAXONIA 9219393 Container Ship 2003 29-nov-13 MS "Saxonia" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG 35824 Worldwide 23 8 0 9

264 SCALI DEL PONTINO 9566306 Gas Carrier 2011 11-nov-11 G&H Shipping SRL 3430 Worldwide 13 6 0 4

265 SCALI DEL TEATRO 9566289 Gas Carrier 2014 27-fev-14 G&H Shipping SRL 3430 Worldwide 13 6 0 4

266 SCALI REALI 9566291 Gas Carrier 2010 03-ago-10 G&H Shipping SRL 3430 Sem restrições 13 6 0 4

267 SCALI SANLORENZO 9417361 Gas Carrier 2010 03-ago-10 G&H Shipping SRL 3430 Sem restrições 13 6 0 4

268 SCARABEO 3 8754956 Mobile Platform 1975 07-nov-96 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda. 12667 Worldwide 4 2 0 2

269 242 SCHUBERT 9456965 Container Ship 2010 22-out-14 MS "SCHUBERT" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 41331 Worldwide 23 10 0 8

270 17 SELINDA 9607459 Bulk Carrier 2012 19-abr-13 MS "Selinda" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 24341 Worldwide 22 7 0 4

271 SIRENA 9491824 General cargo ship 2006 25-mar-09 Société de Manutention de Materiaux Industriels 797 Worldwide 6 4 0 4

272 327 SONCHE TRADER 9437048 Container Ship 2009 13-nov-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG 52726 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

273 356 SOPHIE OLDENDORFF 9138109 Bulk Carrier 1997 28-mar-13 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 41428 Worldwide 31 7 0 3

274 148 SOUSELAS 9394234 Bulk Carrier 2007 22-fev-12 CIMPSHIP Transportes Marítimos S.A. 14116 Worldwide 19 7 0 10

275 SS DELPHINE 8971815 Passenger Ship 1998 27-set-99 Vintage Cruises, Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira) 1342 West Mediterranean - day trips less than 5 from coast5 0 0 1

276 362 STADT SEVILHA 9440306 Container Ship 2010 26-fev-16 MS STADT SEVILLA T + H Schiffahrts GmbH + Co. KG 35878 Worldwide 20 7 0 4

277 217 SVENDBORG STRAIT 9454230 Container Ship 2011 01-jul-14 Svendborg Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG. 12514 Hamburg - Sacndinavian - Antwerp range 17 6 0 7

278 16 SWAKOP 9607447 Bulk Carrier 2012 31-jan-13 MS "Swakop" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 24341 Worldwide 22 7 0 3

279 309 TABEA 9294812 Container Ship 2006 17-set-15 MS "TABEA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 66280 Worldwide 21 6 0 9

280 316 TALASSA 9290787 Container Ship 2005 20-out-15 MS "TABEA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 66280 Worldwide 21 7 0 6

281 233 TASMAN STRAIT 9351218 Container ship 2008 15-set-14 MS "TASMAN STRAIT" GmbH & Co. KG 18123 Wordwide 18 8 0 4

282 2A TEMARA 9333929 Bulk Carrier 2007 12-jul-11 CIMSHIP Transportes Marítimos, S.A. 32505 Worldwide 21 7 0 0


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




283 TENERIFE CAR 9249984 RO-RO cargo ship 2002 29-mai-15 NAVICAR S.A. 13112 Worldwide 15 7 0 15

284 THEMSESTERN 9183843 Chemical Tanker 2000 27-abr-12 MT "Themsestern" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG 14400 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

OFF THOMSON DREAM 8407735 Passenger Ship 1986 13-abr-10 Grand Cruise Shipping, Unipessoal, Lda. 54763 Worldwide

285 227 TOMMI RITSCHER 9656137 Container Ship 2014 17-set-14 Reederei M/S Tommi Ritscher GmbH & Co. KG 48338 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

286 234 TORRES STRAIT 9357523 Container Ship 2008 18-set-14 MS "TORRES STRAIT" GmbH & Co. KG 18123 worldwide 18 7 0 3

287 350 UBENA 9690078 Container Ship 2016 25-jan-16 Kommanditgesellschaft Neunundzwanzigste OCEANIA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co.24901 Worldwide 22 7 0 3

288 257 VANESSA OLDENDORFF 9700316 General Cargo Ship 2015 16-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG 23856 Worldwide 20 8 0 3

289 330 VARGAS TRADER 9437062 Container Ship 2010 19-nov-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG 52726 Worlwide 20 7 0 9

290 277 VERA 9570644 General Cargo Ship 2011 23-abr-15 HR "Vera" GmbH & Co. KG 7138 Worldwide 13 5 0 6

291 159 VERA D 9290177 Container Ship 2004 18-nov-13 ASPERA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 17188 Worldwide 18 7 0 7

292 VERONICA B 9348625 Container Ship 2006 16-abr-10 Confidence Trade S.L.U. 14016 Spanish Coastal Trade 17 6 0 11

293 160 VICTORIA 9290165 Container Ship 2004 11-nov-13 ASPERA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 17188 Worldwide 18 6 0 7

294 VICTORY 9593232 Tug 2011 17-mar-11 Agrileasing - Banca per il Leasing delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo/Casse Rurali ed Artigiane - S.P.A.495 Worldwide 9 4 0 0

295 161 VIONA 9333369 Container Ship 2006 14-nov-13 MS 'NB. 1270' Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co KG 17360 Worldwide 20 7 0 8

296 WEICHSELSTERN 9183829 Chemical Tanker 2000 20-abr-12 MT "Weichselstern" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG 14400 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

297 202 WIELAND 9654464 Container Ship 2014 29-abr-14 MS "WIELAND" REEDEREI TAMKE GMBH & CO. KG 48385 WORLDWIDE 23 7 0 8

298 WOLGASTERN 9183817 Chemical Tanker 2000 07-mai-12 MT "Wolgastern" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG 14400 Worldwide 20 8 0 11

299 20 ZAMBESI 9612246 Bulk Carrier 2013 23-mai-13 MS "Zambesi" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 24341 Worldwide 20 7 0 4

5734 1923 377 2013


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



ACCAMA DELTA 0 Charter Yacht 21-jun-12 Accama Yachting - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal, Lda.

298 ADIANTE 9360477 General Cargo Ship 20-jul-15 Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "Südersand" BRIESE CREW MANAG. IBF FESMAR 10-09-2015 09-09-2018 IN FORCE

276 AFRICAN RIVER 9425174 General Cargo Ship 24-abr-15 Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MS "Simon Braren" GmbH & Co. KG ROERD BRAREN IBF VER.DI 01-01-2016 30-04-2017 IN FORCE

166 AFRICAN WIND 9423633 Container Ship 12-dez-13 Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MS "Hermann Wulff" GmbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-01-2015 31-12-2016 IN FORCE

163 AKACIA 9315020 Container Ship 30-nov-13 Swan Container Line GmbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-03-2014 29-02-2016 IN FORCE

165 ALANA 9297589 Container Ship 03-dez-13 MS "Alana" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-09-2014 31-08-2016 IN FORCE

285 ALESIA 9433339 General Cargo Ship 29-mai-15 E. Strahlmann GmbH & Co. Reederei KG MS "ALESIA" REEDEREI ERWIN S. TCC VER.DI 26-06-2015 25-06-2017 IN FORCE

224 ALEXANDRIT 9519298 Bulk Carrier 11-ago-14 Conti 173. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. Bulker KG MS "CONTI ALEXANDRIT" BREMER BEREEDERUNG TCC VER.DI 08-09-2014 07-09-2016 IN FORCE

352 ALICE OLDENDORFF 9183776 Bulk Carrier 18-jun-12 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

325 ALIDA 9326940 Container Ship 06-nov-15 MS "ALIDA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-12-2014 30-11-2016 IN FORCE

310 ALIDRA 9202481 Container Ship 23-set-15 MS "CHARLOTTE" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

314 ALLEGORIA 9295945 Container Ship 20-out-15 MS "ALLEGORIA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 30-11-2015 EXPIRED

248 ALWINE OLDENDORFF 9692698 Bulk Carrier 09-dez-14 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

14 AMALIE ESSBERGER 9314777 Chemical Tanker 11-jan-13 Amalie Essberger Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR 10-01-2016 09-01-2017 IN FORCE

311 AMALTHEA 9397913 Container Ship 04-out-15 MS "SOPHIA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

AMANDA 9305362 Chemical Tanker 10-mai-05 Amanda Shipping Limited TRANSMARINE TANKERS TCC NMU 02-03-2015 01-03-2016 IN FORCE

297 AMANDA D 9217565 Container Ship 16-jul-15 MS "AMANDA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

AMARANT 9260407 Chemical Tanker 13-jun-03 Amber Shipping Limited TRANSMARINE TANKERS TCC NMU 01-07-2015 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

264 AMAZONIT 9519315 Bulk Carrier 02-mar-15 CONTI 175. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. Bulker KG MS "CONTI AMAZONIT" BREMER BEREEDERUNG TCC VER.DI 12-04-2015 11-04-2017 IN FORCE


185 ANALENA 9326990 Container Ship 14-mar-14 ASPERA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 31-10-2013 EXPIRED

ANASTASIA M 9609940 Charter Yacht 12-mai-15 ANASTASIA - Gestão de Serviços Marítimos, Lda.


307 ANNABELLA S 9354363 Container Ship 08-set-15 Reederei Jens-Peter Schlüter GmbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-05-2014 30-04-2016 IN FORCE

218 ANNAMARIE 9287687 Container Ship 11-ago-14 MS "AnnaMarie" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-03-2011 EXPIRED

APACHE II 9568433 Charter Yacht 04-ago-09 Apache Maritim Ship, Lda.

AQUARIUS BRASIL 9147306 RO-RO passenger ship 01-mar-12 Equinox Offshore ARV3 B.V. EQUINOX OFF. ACCOMOD. CRU FIT - CISL 07-08-2014 EXPIRED

328 ARAGONIT 9551686 Bulk carrier 20-nov-15 CONTI 183. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG Nr. 1 BREMER BEREEDERUNG TCC VER.DI 15-05-2014 19-05-2016 IN FORCE

ARROW 9128427 General Cargo Ship 02-out-96 Ison Maritime International, S.A. ISON MARITIME INTERN. NO AGR.

312 ATLANTIC WINTER 9467146 General Cargo Ship 11-out-15 KG Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS Atlantic Winter mbH & Co. MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF VER.DI 01-04-2014 31-03-2016 IN FORCE

361 ATLAS 9362815 General Cargo Ship 24-fev-16 ERB MPP GmbH & Co. KG HERMANN BUSS IBF VER.DI 08-08-2014 07-08-2016 IN FORCE

256 AUGUST OLDENDORFF 9692686 Bulk Carrier 06-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.


3 AUTOPRESTIGE 9190157 RO-RO cargo ship 22-fev-05 United European Car Carriers, Unipessoal, Lda. UECC PORTUGAL NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE





5 AUTOSUN 9227053 RO-RO cargo ship 01-abr-05 United European Car Carriers, Unipessoal, Lda. UECC PORTUGAL NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE



Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




222 AVENTURIN 9551698 Bulk Carrier 12-ago-14 CONTI 184. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG Nr. 1 BREMER BEREEDERUNG TCC VER.DI 09-08-2014 08-08-2016 IN FORCE

ASTORIA ( EX - AZORES ) 5383304 Passenger Ship 19-dez-08 Islands Cruises - Transp. Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. ISLAND CRUISES NATIONAL FESMAR EXPIRED

240 AZURIT 9551703 Bulk Carrier 30-out-14 Conti 185. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG Nr. 1 BREMER BEREEDERUNG TCC VER.DI 09-11-2014 08-11-2016 IN FORCE

305 BALTIC WINTER 9467134 General Cargo Ship 07-set-15 KG Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS "BALTIC WINTER" mbH & Co. THORCO SHIPPING A/S IBF VER.DI 01-11-2015 31-10-2017 IN FORCE

317 BARBARA 9437050 Container Ship 20-out-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF FESMAR 23-10-2015 24-10-2018 IN FORCE

193 BARBARA P 9144720 Container Ship 15-abr-14 Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "BARBARA P" MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF VER.DI 01-05-2014 30-04-2016 IN FORCE

BARON TRENCK 9636993 Charter Yacht 12-ago-11 PARNAS INVEST - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda.

219 BARRIER 9151917 Container Ship 18-ago-14 Rickmers Reederei GmbH & Cie. KG BARRIER NO AGR.

BEATRIZ B 9348637 Container Ship 27-abr-10 Confidence Trade SL BOLUDA CORPORATION M. NO AGR.

BELOMORSKIY 8305781 Dredger 11-ago-99 Northern Shipping Company

353 BERNHARD OLDENDORFF 8900529 Bulk Carrier 12-nov-12 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

155 BEZA 9184421 General Cargo Ship 03-out-00 Navinorte, S A JUNQUERA MARITIMA SA NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

270 BF CALOOSA 9347645 General Cargo Ship 17-mar-15 MS "BF Caloosa" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG BF SHIPMANAG. TCC NAUTILUS 14-05-2014 EXPIRED

177 BF PHILIPP 9123324 Container Ship 20-fev-14 MarFeeder Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG MARCONSULT SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 30-08-2011 EXPIRED

259 BF TIMARU 9346421 General Cargo Ship 19-jan-15 MS "BF Timaru" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG TEAM SHIPP. TCC VER.DI 09-01-2015 EXPIRED

182 BG ROTTERDAM 9395575 Container Ship 07-mar-14 MS "Ines Bolten" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG LYDIA MAR SHIP. IBF VER.DI 04-05-2014 03-05-2016 IN FORCE

BONUM 8744121 Charter Yacht 14-mai-14 Globalboat International, Unipessoal, Lda.

BRAVEHEART 9263461 Tug 15-abr-03 Barry Towage & Off-Shore - Serviço de Transporte Marítimo S.A.

156 BULNES 9184433 General Cargo Ship 02-mai-01 Navinorte, S.A JUNQUERA MARITIMA SA NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

269 BUXCLIFF 9221815 Container Ship 13-mar-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "BUXCLIFF" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 01-07-2014 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

268 BUXCOAST 9221827 Container Ship 21-fev-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "BUXCOAST" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. IBF VER.DI 01-02-2015 20-02-2017 IN FORCE

284 CAP CORTES 9670834 Container Ship 22-mai-15 MS "Osaka Strait" GmbH & Co. KG CARSTEN REHDER S. IBF VER.DI 01-06-2015 31-05-2017 IN FORCE

295 CAP SAN LORENZO 9622227 Container Ship 15-jun-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Cap San Lorenzo GmbH & Co. KG HAMBURG SUDAMERICA IBF VER.DI 26-07-2015 25-07-2017 IN FORCE

283 CAP SAN MARCO 9622215 Container Ship 18-mai-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Cap San Marco GmbH & Co. KG HAMBURG SUDAMERICA IBF ITF AGR. 01-07-2015 30-06-2017 IN FORCE

290 CAP SAN NICOLAS 9622203 Container Ship 28-mai-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Cap San Nicolas GmbH & Co. KG HAMBURG SUDAMERICA IBF ITF AGR. 31-05-2015 30-05-2017 IN FORCE


258 CARLOTA BOLTEN 9718442 Bulk Carrier 15-jan-15 MS "CARLOTA BOLTEN" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG LYDIA MAR SHIP. IBF FIT - CISL 14-01-2015 13-01-2017 IN FORCE

275 CAROLINA BOLTEN 9718454 Bulk Carrier 14-abr-15 MS "CAROLINA BOLTEN" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG AUG BOLTEN IBF FIT - CISL 15-04-2015 14-04-2018 IN FORCE

354 CAROLINE OLDENDORFF 8900517 Bulk Carrier 17-abr-13 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS TCC VER.DI 13-10-2011 EXPIRED

CASTELO DE ÓBIDOS 9356945 Tug 07-mar-06 Tinita - Transportes e Reboques Marítimos S.A.

CESKA 9261566 Gas Carrier 05-abr-06 Chelsea Bridge Limited LUMA SHIP. SRI TCC FIT - CISL 25-04-2015 24-04-2018 IN FORCE

CGM LEOPARD 8705943 Gas Carrier 02-nov-04 Olympus Navigation Limited GEMARSHIP LLP TCC FIT - CISL 31-01-2011 EXPIRED

CGM TIGER 8705955 Gas Carrier 25-out-04 CRYO GAS MED SRL SEASHORE SHIP. ENG. TCC FIT - CISL 31-01-2011 EXPIRED

CHAVES 9368417 General Cargo Ship 18-mai-09 Naveiro Transportes Maritimos (Madeira), Lda.

262 CHICAGO 9248162 Container Ship 04-fev-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "CHICAGO" KG NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 01-07-2014 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

324 CHOAPA TRADER 9407885 Container Ship 20-nov-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG HERMANN BUSS NO AGR.

278 CHOPIN 9005376 General Cargo Ship 24-abr-15 ROLAND Second Maritime GmbH & Co. KG REEDEREI ERWIN S. TCC VER.DI 30-10-2014 29-10-2016 IN FORCE

18 CHRISTIAN ESSBERGER 9212498 Chemical Tanker 08-mai-15 STR Südsee Tank - Reederei GmbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

CHRISTINA 9157143 General Cargo Ship 11-jan-16 MS "Christina" Interscan UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG INTERSCAN SCHIFF. IBF VER.DI 01-10-2015 30-09-2017 IN FORCE


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




171 CMA CGM WAGNER 9280665 Container Ship 15-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA FRANCIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI IBF FO FEDERATION 01-07-2011 19-01-2012 EXPIRED

271 CONTI BASEL 9248136 Container Ship 19-mar-15 CONTI 6. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI BASEL" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 01-07-2014 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

346 CONTI GOTHENBURG 9235103 Container Ship 12-jan-16 CONTI 10. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI GÖTEBORG" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. IBF VER.DI 01-07-2015 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

348 CONTI HELSINKI 9235098 Container Ship 14-jan-16 CONTI 3. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI HELSINKI" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. IBF VER.DI 01-04-2015 30-03-2017 IN FORCE

363 CONTI LYON 9222285 Container Ship 03-mar-16 CONTI 26. " CONTI LYON" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. IBF VER.DI 01-01-2015 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

261 CONTI MADRID 9248150 Container Ship 21-jan-15 CONTI 7. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS "CONTI MADRID" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 01-07-2014 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

236 CONTI SELENIT 9473315 Bulk Carrier 22-set-14 Conti 154. Schifffahrts-GmbH & Co. Bulker KG MS "CONTI SELENIT" BREMER BEREEDERUNG TCC VER.DI 09-11-2014 08-11-2016 IN FORCE

347 CONTI TAIPEI 9231755 Container Ship 13-jan-16 CONTI 2. Container Schiffahrts-GmbH & Co. KG MS “CONTI TAIPEH” NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. IBF VER.DI 01-01-2015 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

8A CORNIÓN 9360491 General Cargo Ship 28-nov-08 Navinorte, S.A. JUNQUERA MARITIMA SA NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

357 CORSICA LINEA DUI 9197533 Ro-Ro Cargo Ship 29-jan-16 MS "Caroline Russ" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG ERNEST RUSS TCC VER.DI 15-07-2014 15-01-2015 EXPIRED

250 COSCO GERMANY 9305477 Container Ship 07-jan-15 MS "E.R. TIANSHAN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG E.R. SCHIFFAHRTS IBF VER.DI 01-01-2015 31-12-2016 IN FORCE

251 COSCO NAPOLI 9305489 Container Ship 28-jan-15 MS "E.R. TIANPING" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG E.R. SCHIFFAHRTS IBF VER.DI 01-01-2014 31-12-2015 EXPIRED

COSTA MAGNA 1000851 Charter Yacht 25-mar-03 Mediterranean Shipping Limited

150 COVADONGA 9300489 Chemical Tanker 25-mai-09 Cecilia Maritime S.A. ERSHIP S.A.U. NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE


210 DEVON STRAIT 9406843 Container Ship 14-jul-14 Devon Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG CARSTEN REHDER S. NO AGR.

147 DOMINICA 9232204 General Cargo Ship 26-fev-10 Ership Internacional S.A. ERSHIP S.A.U. NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE


DOURO CRUISER 9329344 Passenger Ship 07-set-11 Douro Cruiser Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG DOURO AZUL SA NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

282 DRAGONERA 9191943 General Cargo Ship 13-mai-15 ROLAND Shipping & Trading GmbH & Co. KG REEDEREI ERWIN S. IBF VER.DI 01-10-2013 30-09-2015 EXPIRED

247 E.R. CAEN 9301433 Container Ship 20-nov-14 MS "BIZET" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG E.R. SCHIFFAHRTS IBF VER.DI 01-01-2013 31-12-2014 EXPIRED

266 E.R. CALAIS 9301445 Container Ship 16-fev-15 MS "WAGNER" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG E.R. SCHIFFAHRTS IBF VER.DI 01-01-2015 31-12-2016 IN FORCE

265 E.R. TIANAN 9305465 Container Ship 11-fev-15 MS "E.R. TIANAN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG E.R. SCHIFFAHRTS IBF VER.DI 31-12-2015 EXPIRED

13 EDUARD ESSBERGER 9114751 Chemical Tanker 10-mai-10 "Eduard Essberger" Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

ELBTANK GERMANY 9188764 Oil Tanker 06-ago-12 MT "Elbtank Germany" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG TB MARINE - HAMBURG IBF VER.DI 01-05-2015 30-04-2017 IN FORCE

206 ELISABETH RUSS 9186429 RO-RO cargo ship 22-mai-14 MS "ELISABETH RUSS" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG ERNEST RUSS IBF VER.DI 24-05-2015 23-05-2017 IN FORCE

ELIXIRE 0 Charter Yacht 26-jun-03 El Fire Yachting, Unipessoal, Lda.

23 ELLEN ESSBERGER 9272747 Chemical Tanker 30-nov-12 Ellen Essberger Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

21 ELSA ESSBERGER 9481001 Chemical Tanker 31-mai-13 Kommanditgesellschaft Fünfzehnte OCEANIA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

228 EMILIA 9197521 Container Ship 19-ago-14 MS "Emilia" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF VER.DI 19-08-2014 18-08-2016 IN FORCE

EMS PULL 7017909 Tug 05-jun-13 Ems Offshore Service

241 EMS TRADER 9213105 Container Ship 16-out-14 Hermann Buss GmbH & Co. KG MS "Ems Trader" HERMANN BUSS NO AGR.


279 FLORA DELMAS 9239862 Container Ship 27-abr-15 Oldenburg-Portugiesische Dampfschiffs-Rhederei GmbH PETER DOHLE IBF FO FEDERATION 01-01-2015 31-12-2015 EXPIRED

343 FRIEDRICH OLDENDORFF 9358838 Bulk Carrier 18-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

375 FUNCHAL 5124162 Passenger Ship 07-set-01 Pearl Cruises - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. PEARL CRUISES NATIONAL FESMAR EXPIRED

344 GEBE OLDENDORFF 9727596 Bulk Carrier 15-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

12 GEORG ESSBERGER 9191175 Chemical Tanker 03-mar-04 MTR - Mittelmeer Tank-Reederei GmbH & Co. K.G. NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

289 GEORG OLDENDORFF 9702596 Bulk Carrier 28-mai-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




237 GERDT OLDENDORFF 9681950 Bulk Carrier 30-set-14 Buchanan Maritime Corporation OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

358 GERTRUDE OLDENDORFF 9727601 Bulk Carrier 26-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

301 GISELA OLDENDORFF 9702601 Bulk Carrier 31-jul-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

GRAND CELEBRATION 8314134 Passenger Ship 05-mai-08 Grand Cruise Shipping Unipessoal, Lda.

GRENADINES III 0 Charter Yacht 13-jun-11 Grenadines - Transportes Marítimos, Lda.

255 GRETKE OLDENDORFF 9681962 Bulk Carrier 05-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS IBF VER.DI 01-01-2016 14-04-2017 IN FORCE


170 HAMMONIA CALABRIA 9477309 Container Ship 10-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA CALABRIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI NO AGR.

194 HAMMONIA GALICIA 9400186 Container Ship 13-abr-14 MS "HAMMONIA GALICIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI IBF VER.DI 09-12-2014 EXPIRED

174 HAMMONIA GRENADA 9477311 Container Ship 23-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA GRENADA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI IBF VER.DI 01-12-2013 31-11-2015 EXPIRED

239 HAMMONIA VENETIA 9400203 Container Ship 16-out-14 MS "HAMMONIA VENETIA" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NATIONAL FESMAR 15-12-2015 14-12-2018 IN FORCE

293 HANSA AUSTRALIA 9459436 Container Ship 22-jun-15 Schiffahrts-Gesellschaft "AUSTRALIA" mbH & Co. KG LEONHARDT & BLUMB. NO AGR.

292 HANSA DUBURG 9535096 Container Ship 08-jun-15 Schiffahrts-Gesellschaft "HANSA DUBURG" mbH & Co. KG LEONHARDT & BLUMB. TCC VER.DI 23-07-2015 22-07-2017 IN FORCE

HAPPY HOUR 0 Charter Yacht 22-set-06 HAPPY HOUR, Unipessoal , Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira)

HARBOUR FASHION 9473080 Chemical Tanker 06-jan-11 Fünfte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG TB MARINE - HAMBURG IBF VER.DI 07-01-2016 06-01-2018 IN FORCE

HARBOUR FEATURE 9473092 Chemical Tanker 24-jan-11 Sechste Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG NORDIC TANKERS A/S IBF VER.DI 24-01-2015 23-01-2017 IN FORCE

HARBOUR FIRST 9473119 Chemical Tanker 24-jun-11 Achte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG TB MARINE - HAMBURG IBF VER.DI 24-06-2015 23-06-2017 IN FORCE

HARBOUR FOUNTAIN 9473107 Chemical Tanker 14-mar-11 Siebte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG TB MARINE - HAMBURG IBF VER.DI 14-03-2015 13-03-2017 IN FORCE

HARBOUR PIONEER 9572757 Chemical Tanker 05-nov-10 Vierte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG TB MARINE - HAMBURG IBF VER.DI 10-11-2015 09-11-2017 IN FORCE

HARBOUR PROGRESS 9572745 Chemical Tanker 26-nov-10 Dritte Nordtank-Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG TB MARINE - HAMBURG IBF VER.DI 26-11-2015 25-11-2017 IN FORCE

355 HARMEN OLDENDORFF 9120334 Bulk Carrier 12-fev-13 Oldendorff Drybulk GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

235 HAYDN 9308429 Container Ship 24-set-14 MS "HAYDN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG BERNHARD SCHULTE IBF FESMAR 24-09-2014 23-09-2017 IN FORCE

359 HELGA OLDENDORFF 9713040 Bulk Carrier 28-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

HELIAD II 0 Charter Yacht 28-jun-13 Heliad - Transp. Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira)

342 HILLE OLDENDORFF 9731573 Bulk Carrier 18-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

IDA C 8618932 Tug 19-jun-00 Tagus River, Comp. Portuguesa de Transp. Marítimos, Unipessoal S.A

INDEPENDENCE 9485588 Tug 02-jun-08 Sedna Towage & Offshore, Lda.

345 INDRA OLDENDORFF 9722338 Bulk Carrier 11-jan-16 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

364 INDUSTRIAL CHARGER 9213959 General Cargo Ship 29-fev-16 PACIFIC - GULF MARINE PACIFIC - GULF MARINE IBF VER.DI 01-01-2016 31-12-2017 IN FORCE

178 IRIS BOLTEN 9369007 Container Ship 25-fev-14 MS "IRIS BOLTEN" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG LYDIA MAR SHIP. IBF VER.DI 19-04-2014 18-04-2016 IN FORCE

294 IRIS OLDENDORFF 9725744 Bulk Carrier 09-jun-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

377 IVAN 9112040 RO-RO cargo ship 20-mar-96 Adamastor - Sociedade de Navegação, Lda. FLOTA SUARDIAZ SL NO AGR.

212 JACOB RICKMERS 9300166 Container Ship 09-jun-14 JACOB RICKMERS Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Cie. KG RICKMERS REEDEREI NO AGR.

181 JADRANA 9619385 Container Ship 10-mar-14 MS "JADRANA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

313 JAN 9477335 Container Ship 10-out-15 MS "JAN" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

188 JOGELA 9619402 Container Ship 24-mar-14 MS "JOGELA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

9 JOHANN ESSBERGER 9480980 Chemical Tanker 17-mar-11 Kommanditgesellschaft Zwölfte OCEANIA Schiff. mbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

280 JOHANNA SCHEPERS 9436305 Container Ship 03-mai-15 Johanna Schepers Shipping Company Limited HS CHIFF. GMBH IBF NAUTILUS 18-04-2012 17-04-2015 EXPIRED

221 JONA 9337028 Container Ship 14-ago-14 MS JONA Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG MAERSK LINE A/S NO AGR.


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




274 JORK VALIANT 9216107 Container Ship 14-abr-15 MV "Jork Valiant" Bernd Becker GmbH & Co. KG BERND BECKER IBF VER.DI 01-05-2015 30-04-2017 IN FORCE

JOSEPHINE PRIMA 9306380 General Cargo Ship 11-dez-15 SUD SHIPPING S.R.L. NAVITECNO SERVICES TCC FIT - CISL 03-10-2015 02-10-2016 IN FORCE

209 JPO AQUARIUS 9220316 Container Ship 31-mai-14 Aquarius Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG OLTMANN SCHIFF NO AGR.

213 JPO ARIES 9220328 Container Ship 11-jun-14 Schiffahrtsgesellschaft MS "JPO ARIES" mbH & Co. KG OLTMANN SCHIFF NO AGR.

175 JPO TAURUS 9400174 Container Ship 14-jan-14 MS "JPO TAURUS" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG OLTMANN SCHIFF NO AGR.

162 JPO VIRGO 9430765 Container Ship 27-nov-13 MS "JPO VIRGO" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG OLTMANN SCHIFF NO AGR.

176 JPO VOLANS 9430777 Container Ship 05-fev-14 MS "JPO VOLANS" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG OLTMANN SCHIFF NO AGR.

331 JUDITH BORCHARD 9216365 Container Ship 25-nov-15 MS "KYBO" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG NORDDEUTSCHE REEDER. NO AGR.

339 JULIUS OLDENDORFF 9301146 Bulk Carrier 11-dez-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

211 KENO 9330537 Container Ship 04-jun-14 MS KENO Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG BERNHARD SCHULTE IBF VER.DI 18-12-2012 EXPIRED

267 KORNETT 9354428 Container Ship 18-fev-15 MS "Kornett" GmbH & Co. KG MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF VER.DI 01-11-2014 31-10-2016 IN FORCE

146 LA RABIDA 8520836 Bulk Carrier 09-fev-09 Ership International S.A. ERSHIP S.A.U. NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

LA SURPRISE 9198719 RO-RO Cargo Ship 17-abr-13 Ugland Castor Car Carrier I. AS CASTOR SHIPPING AS TCC FIT - CISL 01-07-2013 30-10-2015 EXPIRED

154 LAGAN 9441219 Oil Tanker 30-abr-08 J&L Shipping S.L. JUNQUERA MARITIMA SA NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

34 LAGOA 9150470 Container Ship 08-ago-07 Totta Crédito Especializado, Instituição Financeira de Crédito, S.A. VIEIRA & SILVEIRA NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

322 LAILA 9377559 Container Ship 30-out-15 ERB 2.700TEU GmbH & Co. KG HERMANN BUSS NO AGR.

216 LAS PALMAS 9216834 Container Ship 20-mai-15 Perses Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG BERNHARD SCHULTE IBF VER.DI 23-06-2014 22-06-2016 IN FORCE

LEONARDO 0 Charter Yacht 14-jun-07 Franctema - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal, Lda.

254 LEOPOLD OLDENDORFF 9691943 Bulk Carrier 05-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

LIBERTAS-H 9388388 General Cargo Ship 04-jun-13 UMS Schifffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HINSCH REEDEREI NO AGR.

22 LIESEL ESSBERGER 9272761 Chemical Tanker 31-ago-12 Liesel Essberger Tankreederei GmbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

238 LINDA OLDENDORFF 9691929 Bulk Carrier 30-set-14 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

260 LISBON 9248148 Container Ship 16-jan-15 Bereederungs- und Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. MS "LISBON" KG NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 01-07-2014 30-06-2016 IN FORCE

378 LOBO MARINHO 9267390 RO-RO passenger ship 09-mai-03 Porto Santo Line - Transportes Marítimos, Lda. PORTO SANTO LINE NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

263 LUDOLF OLDENDORFF 9691955 Bulk Carrier 04-fev-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

288 LUISE OLDENDORFF 9714240 Bulk Carrier 26-mai-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

LUKE 9356919 Gas Carrier 30-nov-07 Tower Bridge Limited LUMA SHIP. SRI TCC FIT - CISL 25-04-2015 24-04-2016 IN FORCE

336 LYDIA 9377573 Container Ship 07-dez-15 ERB 2.700TEU GmbH & Co. KG HERMANN BUSS NO AGR.

230 MACAO STRAIT 9362724 Container Ship 26-ago-14 MS "Macao Strait" GmbH & Co. KG INTERORIENT IBF VER.DI 01-01-2016 31-12-2017 IN FORCE

MADDY 9261578 Gas Carrier 05-abr-06 Westminster Bridge Limited LUMA SHIP. SRI TCC FIT - CISL 25-04-2015 24-04-2016 IN FORCE



15 MAERSK LAUNCESTON 9294408 Container Ship 06-fev-15 KG Vierte OCEANIA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

MAGELLAN 8217881 Passenger Ship 10-nov-09 Grand Cruise Shipping Unipessoal, Lda.

332 MAIN TRADER 9377561 Container Ship 08-dez-15 ERB 2.700TEU GmbH & Co. KG HERMANN BUSS NO AGR.

308 MALLECO 9395525 Container Ship 07-set-15 MS "MINERVA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG PETER DOHLE NATIONAL FESMAR 01-02-2016 31-01-2019 IN FORCE

MALMNES 8918631 General Cargo Ship 21-jun-12 Erik Thun AB ERIC THUN AB TCC SEKO 01-09-2015 31-08-2017 IN FORCE

5A MANIZALES 9567257 General Cargo Ship 01-jun-11 Maraesco, Lda. NAVESCO SA NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

246 MARBACAN 9415155 Bulk Carrier 17-nov-14 MarBacan Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG MARCONSULT SCHIFF. NO AGR.


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




252 MARBIOKO 9415167 Bulk Carrier 12-dez-14 MarBioko Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG MARCONSULT SCHIFF. NO AGR.

291 MARIA P 9164550 General Cargo Ship 03-jun-15 Reederei MS "Pioneer Bay" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG QUADRANT BEREEDER. NATIONAL S FINLANDIA 12-06-2015 11-06-2016 IN FORCE

335 MATAQUITO 9400095 Container Ship 03-dez-15 MS "ALBERTA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

MATSKO 8984056 Charter Yacht 18-jun-04 Seatrade Yacht - Transportes Marítimos Lda.

MATTHEW 9356921 Gas Carrier 30-nov-07 London Bridge Limited LUMA SHIP. SRI TCC FIT - CISL 25-04-2015 24-04-2016 IN FORCE

179 MCC KYOTO 9357547 Container Ship 21-fev-14 Quarterdeck Shipping III GmbH & Co. KG CARSTEN REHDER S. NO AGR.

173 MCC SEOUL 9357535 Container Ship 18-dez-13 Quarterdeck Shipping II GmbH & Co. KG CARSTEN REHDER S. NO AGR.

333 MEDAEGEAN 9437244 Container Ship 15-dez-15 ERB 990TEU GmbH & Co. KG MEDSTAR SHIP. NO AGR.

215 MEDONTARIO 9437115 Container Ship 05-ago-15 "AS Floriana" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF FESMAR 31-05-2014 EXPIRED

MELANYA 0 Charter Yacht 19-mai-08 Baku Yachting Services, Unipessoal, Lda.

326 MINNA 9246712 Container Ship 09-nov-15 Peter Döhle Schiffsbeteiligungs-KG (GmbH & Co.) PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

203 MOL GARLAND 9535151 Container Ship 02-mai-14 MS "HERTA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-08-2014 31-07-2016 IN FORCE

187 MOL GATEWAY 9535137 Container Ship 28-mar-14 MS "HELLA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-08-2014 31-07-2016 IN FORCE

184 MOL GENESIS 9535199 Container Ship 15-mar-14 MS "HENRIKA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-08-2014 31-07-2016 IN FORCE

MONTE ANAGA 9551399 Oil Tanker 09-jun-10 Ondimar Transportes Marítimos, Lda.

191 MONTE AZUL 9348053 Container Ship 12-abr-14 Containerschiffsreederei MS Monte Azul GmbH & Co. KG COLUMBUS SHIP. TCC VER.DI 12-04-2014 11-04-2016 IN FORCE


318 MONTE TAMARO 9357949 Container Ship 20-out-15 Containerschiffsreederei MS Monte Tamaro GmbH & Co. KG COLUMBUS SHIP. TCC VER.DI 01-01-2016 31-12-2017 IN FORCE



151 MONTESTENA 9585883 Oil Tanker 29-mar-12 Naviera Rio Stena S.L. IBAIZABAL TANKERS SL NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

172 MSC BILBAO 9301495 Container Ship 20-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA BREMEN" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI NO AGR.

226 MSC CAROUGE 9320441 Container Ship 25-ago-14 Beteiligungs-Kommanditgesellschaft MS "Buxwind" NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 26-08-2014 25-08-2016 IN FORCE

323 MSC FABIOLA 9447847 Container Ship 13-nov-15 MS "FABIOLA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 13-10-2011 12-10-2012 EXPIRED

373 MSC FAUSTINA 9447885 Container Ship 28-dez-15 MS "FAUSTINA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 31-10-2012 EXPIRED

320 MSC FILOMENA 9447861 Container Ship 29-out-15 MS "FILOMENA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 31-10-2012 EXPIRED

229 MSC GENEVA 9320427 Container Ship 25-ago-14 Beteiligungs-Kommanditgesellschaft MS "Buxwave" Verwaltungs NSB NIEDERELBE SCHIFF. TCC VER.DI 25-08-2014 24-08-2016 IN FORCE

164 MSC ISABELLE 9147215 Container Ship 11-jun-15 C.N.I. Compania Naviera Isabelle S.A. OSM SHIPMANAG IBF VER.DI 11-06-2015 31-12-2017 IN FORCE

306 MSC JENNY 9000742 Container Ship 31-ago-15 Wellington Marine Investments Corporation MSC SHIPMANAGEMENT TCC FIT - CISL 28-05-2015 31-12-2017 IN FORCE



168 MSC PARIS 9301483 Container Ship 16-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA HAMBURG" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI NO AGR.

169 MSC VALENCIA 9301471 Container Ship 10-dez-13 MS "HAMMONIA JORK" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI NO AGR.

4A MURUETA 9567269 General Cargo Ship 22-fev-12 Maraesco, Lda.

149 NARCEA 9344320 Chemical Tanker 06-mar-09 Asturias Maritime S.A. ERSHIP S.A.U. NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

245 NORTHERN JUPITER 9466984 Container Ship 27-nov-14 Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS "NORTHERN JUPITER" mbH & Co. KG UNITEAM MARINE IBF VER.DI 12-05-2014 11-05-2016 IN FORCE

249 NORTHERN PROMOTION 9467043 Container Ship 17-dez-14 Schifffahrtsgesellschaft MS "NORTHERN PROMOTION" mbH & Co. KG NORDDEUTSCHE REEDER. NO AGR.


204 NORTHERN VIGOUR 9304708 Container Ship 14-mai-14 Dritte KG "NRS" Norddeutsche Reederei H. Schuldt GmbH & Co. UNITEAM MARINE IBF VER.DI 20-05-2014 19-05-2016 IN FORCE


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




205 NORTHERN VIVACITY 9304966 Container Ship 16-mai-14 Vierte KG "NRS" Norddeutsche Reederei H. Schuldt GmbH & Co. UNITEAM MARINE IBF VER.DI 20-05-2014 19-05-2016 IN FORCE


OCEAN MAJESTY 6602898 Passenger Ship 10-abr-03 Majestic Marine Company MAJESTIC INTERNATIONAL CRU FIT - CISL 19-10-2014 18-10-2015 EXPIRED

OPDR CADIZ 9216858 Container Ship 29-mai-15 Perses Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG BERNHARD SCHULTE NO AGR.

334 PAAVA 9437220 Container Ship 26-nov-15 ERB 990TEU GmbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

341 PACAO 9324174 Container Ship 17-dez-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACAO" COLUMBIA SHIPMANAG. NATIONAL FESMAR 01-01-2016 31-12-2018 IN FORCE

321 PACITA 9275103 Container Ship 03-nov-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACITA" COLUMBIA SHIPMANAG. NO AGR.

302 PACOBA 9236262 Container Ship 07-ago-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACOBA" KALKAVAN SHIPMANAG. TCC DADER 01-12-2014 30-11-2015 EXPIRED

315 PACON 9275115 Container Ship 14-out-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACON" COLUMBIA SHIPMANAG. NATIONAL FESMAR 01-01-2016 31-12-2018 IN FORCE

300 PACUL 9236274 Container Ship 28-jul-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "PACUL" KALKAVAN SHIPMANAG. TCC DADER 01-12-2014 30-11-2015 EXPIRED

180 PAGANINI 9422328 Bulk Carrier 07-mar-14 MS "PAGANINI" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG REEDEREI F LAEISZ TCC VER.DI 01-10-2014 30-09-2016 IN FORCE

281 PAPENBURG 8500599 General Cargo Ship 12-mai-15 Harren & Partner Schiffahrts UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG MS "PAPENBURG" HARREN & PARTNER IBF VER.DI 04-01-2015 03-01-2017 IN FORCE

19 PATRICIA ESSBERGER 9212486 Chemical Tanker 21-mai-15 KTR Karibik Tank - Reederei GmbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

220 PATRICIA RICKMERS 9160396 Container Ship 19-ago-14 MS "PATRICIA RICKMERS" Reederei Rickmers GmbH & Cie. KG RICKMERS REEDEREI NO AGR.

PERRO NEGRO 2 8753902 Mobile Platform 12-ago-98 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.

PERRO NEGRO 3 8753914 Mobile Platform 12-ago-98 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.

PERRO NEGRO 4 8753926 Mobile Platform 28-jan-97 SAIPEM MISR For PETROLEUM SERVICES (SAE)

PERRO NEGRO 5 8753938 Mobile Platform 12-ago-98 Snamprogetti Arábia Saudita Limitada

10 PHILIPP ESSBERGER 9191163 Chemical Tanker 04-jul-03 WTR - Weissmeer Tank-Reederei GmbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

303 PHOENIX II 9186405 Container ship 13-ago-15 Bovicom B.V. BOVICOM BV TCC VER.DI 15-10-2013 14-10-2015 EXPIRED

374 PORTO 6419057 Passenger Ship 08-ago-01 Coral Cruises - Transportes Marítimos, Unipessoal Lda. CORAL CRUISES NATIONAL FESMAR EXPIRED

299 RANA 9693290 Bulk Carrier 11-ago-15 MS "RANA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NATIONAL FESMAR 01-12-2015 31-11-2018 IN FORCE

RED DOLPHIN 9319208 Tug 04-dez-07 Remolcadores de Puerto y Altura S.A. REPASA

195 RENATE P 9144718 Container Ship 17-abr-14 Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG MS "RENATE P" MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF VER.DI 01-05-2014 30-04-2016 IN FORCE

RHONESTERN 9183831 Chemical Tanker 21-mai-12 MT "Rhonestern" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG RICKMERS REEDEREI IBF VER.DI 16-04-2014 15-04-2016 IN FORCE

319 RICARDA 9693329 Bulk Carrier 29-out-15 MS "RICARDA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NATIONAL FESMAR 01-12-2015 31-11-2018 IN FORCE

337 RIVA 9693331 Bulk Carrier 29-jan-16 MS "RIVA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NATIONAL FESMAR 01-02-2016 31-01-2019 IN FORCE

33 ROAZ 8921963 Cement Carrier 08-mar-02 Somera Trading Inc. SEACARRIER NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

186 RT DAGR 9176682 Container Ship 18-fev-15 RT Dagr Limited OSM SHIPMANAG TCC VER.DI 01-06-2014 31-05-2016 IN FORCE

S 44 8757867 Barge 23-fev-01 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.

S 45 8757879 Barge 06-abr-04 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Maritimo Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.

304 SANTA CLARA 9444716 Container Ship 20-ago-15 Reederei Santa Containerschiffe GmbH & Co. KG RUDOLF COLUMBUS TCC VER.DI 12-10-2014 11-10-2016 IN FORCE

272 SANTA CRUZ 9444742 Container Ship 20-mar-15 Reederei Santa Containerschiffe GmbH & Co. KG RUDOLF A. OETK IBF NAUTILUS 07-05-2015 06-05-2017 IN FORCE

208 SANTA URSULA 9430387 Container Ship 27-mai-14 Containerschiffsreederei MS Santa Ursula GmbH & Co. KG COLUMBUS SHIP. TCC VER.DI 20-03-2014 19-03-2016 IN FORCE

167 SAXONIA 9219393 Container Ship 29-nov-13 MS "Saxonia" Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG HAMMONIA REEDEREI NO AGR.

SCALI DEL PONTINO 9566306 Gas Carrier 11-nov-11 G&H Shipping SRL G&HEAT SHIPPING IBF FAGLIGT F.F. 01-11-2014 30-10-2016 IN FORCE

SCALI DEL TEATRO 9566289 Gas Carrier 27-fev-14 G&H Shipping SRL G&HEAT SHIPPING IBF FAGLIGT F.F. 01-11-2014 30-10-2016 IN FORCE

SCALI REALI 9566291 Gas Carrier 03-ago-10 G&H Shipping SRL G&HEAT SHIPPING IBF FAGLIGT F.F. 01-11-2014 30-10-2016 IN FORCE

SCALI SANLORENZO 9417361 Gas Carrier 03-ago-10 G&H Shipping SRL G&HEAT SHIPPING IBF FAGLIGT F.F. 01-11-2014 30-10-2016 IN FORCE


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




SCARABEO 3 8754956 Mobile Platform 07-nov-96 Saipem (Portugal) Comércio Marítimo, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.

242 SCHUBERT 9456965 Container Ship 22-out-14 MS "SCHUBERT" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG BERNHARD SCHULTE IBF FESMAR 24-09-2014 23-09-2017 IN FORCE

17 SELINDA 9607459 Bulk Carrier 19-abr-13 MS "Selinda" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

SIRENA 9491824 General cargo ship 25-mar-09 Société de Manutention de Materiaux Industriels SOCIETE MANUTENTION NO AGR.

327 SONCHE TRADER 9437048 Container Ship 13-nov-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG HERMANN BUSS NO AGR.

356 SOPHIE OLDENDORFF 9138109 Bulk Carrier 28-mar-13 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

148 SOUSELAS 9394234 Bulk Carrier 22-fev-12 CIMPSHIP Transportes Marítimos S.A. ERSHIP S.A.U. NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

SS DELPHINE 8971815 Passenger Ship 27-set-99 Vintage Cruises, Lda. (Zona Franca da Madeira) VINTAGE CRUISES NO AGR.

362 STADT SEVILHA 9440306 Container Ship 26-fev-16 MS STADT SEVILLA T + H Schiffahrts GmbH + Co. KG THIEN & HEYENGA BEREED. NO AGR.

217 SVENDBORG STRAIT 9454230 Container Ship 01-jul-14 Svendborg Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG. MARLOW NAVIGATION IBF VER.DI 21-07-2014 20-07-2016 IN FORCE

16 SWAKOP 9607447 Bulk Carrier 31-jan-13 MS "Swakop" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

309 TABEA 9294812 Container Ship 17-set-15 MS "TABEA" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 22-07-2015 EXPIRED

316 TALASSA 9290787 Container Ship 20-out-15 Peter Döhle Schiffsbeteiligungs-KG (GmbH & Co.) PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

233 TASMAN STRAIT 9351218 Container ship 15-set-14 MS "TASMAN STRAIT" GmbH & Co. KG CARSTEN REHDER S. IBF VER.DI 28-09-2015 27-09-2017 IN FORCE

2A TEMARA 9333929 Bulk Carrier 12-jul-11 CIMSHIP Transportes Marítimos, S.A. ERSHIP S.A.U. NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

TENERIFE CAR 9249984 RO-RO cargo ship 29-mai-15 NAVICAR S.A. FLOTA SUARDIAZ SL IBF FO FEDERATION 01-06-2015 31-05-2016 IN FORCE

THEMSESTERN 9183843 Chemical Tanker 27-abr-12 MT "Themsestern" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG NORDIC TANKERS A/S IBF VER.DI 24-04-2014 23-04-2016 IN FORCE

THOMSON DREAM 8407735 Passenger Ship 13-abr-10 Grand Cruise Shipping, Unipessoal, Lda.

227 TOMMI RITSCHER 9656137 Container Ship 17-set-14 Reederei M/S Tommi Ritscher GmbH & Co. KG DOEHLE ( IOM ) IBF VER.DI 28-09-2014 27-09-2016 IN FORCE

234 TORRES STRAIT 9357523 Container Ship 18-set-14 MS "TORRES STRAIT" GmbH & Co. KG CARSTEN REHDER S. IBF VER.DI 23-09-2015 22-09-2017 IN FORCE

350 UBENA 9690078 Container Ship 25-jan-16 Kommanditgesellschaft Neunundzwanzigste OCEANIA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

257 VANESSA OLDENDORFF 9700316 General Cargo Ship 16-jan-15 Oldendorff Carriers GmbH & Co. KG OLDENDORFF CARRIERS NO AGR.

330 VARGAS TRADER 9437062 Container Ship 19-nov-15 ERB 5.300TEU GmbH & Co. KG HERMANN BUSS NO AGR.

277 VERA 9570644 General Cargo Ship 23-abr-15 HR "Vera" GmbH & Co. KG HARRY BROHAN TCC VER.DI 13-08-2015 12-08-2017 IN FORCE

159 VERA D 9290177 Container Ship 18-nov-13 ASPERA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

VERONICA B 9348625 Container Ship 16-abr-10 Confidence Trade S.L.U. BOLUDA CORPORATION M. NO AGR.

160 VICTORIA 9290165 Container Ship 11-nov-13 ASPERA Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG PETER DOHLE NO AGR.

VICTORY 9593232 Tug 17-mar-11 Agrileasing - Banca per il Leasing /Casse Rurali ed Artigiane - S.P.A.

161 VIONA 9333369 Container Ship 14-nov-13 MS 'NB. 1270' Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co KG PETER DOHLE IBF VER.DI 01-09-2013 31-08-2015 EXPIRED

WEICHSELSTERN 9183829 Chemical Tanker 20-abr-12 MT "Weichselstern" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG NORDIC TANKERS A/S IBF VER.DI 16-04-2014 15-04-2016 IN FORCE


WOLGASTERN 9183817 Chemical Tanker 07-mai-12 MT "Wolgastern" Schifffahrtsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG NORDIC TANKERS A/S IBF VER.DI 03-05-2014 02-05-2016 IN FORCE

20 ZAMBESI 9612246 Bulk Carrier 23-mai-13 MS "Zambesi" Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG NAVEGAR NATIONAL FESMAR IN FORCE

0 5411585 5915994


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



60 FESMAR 31,25% 22,06%

101 VERDI 52,60% 37,13%

2 NMU 1,04% 0,74%

3 NAUTILUS 1,56% 1,10%

2 ITF AGR. 1,04% 0,74%3 FO FEDERATION 1,56% 1,10%

13 FIT - CISL 6,77% 4,78%

1 SEKO 0,52% 0,37%

1 S FINLANDIA 0,52% 0,37%

2 DADER 1,04% 0,74%

4 FAGLIGT F.F. 2,08% 1,47%

192 SUB - TOTAL 100,00% 70,59%


80 SUB - TOTAL 29,41%

272 TOTAL 100,00%


Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


BARGE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CHARTER YACHT 12 48 21 27 0 39 39 9 81,25%

DREDGER 1 20 9 11 0 20 20 0 100,00%

MOBILE PLATFORM 5 14 3 11 0 11 11 3 78,57%

TUG 7 49 25 24 6 24 30 19 61,22%

SUB-TOTAL 27 131 58 73 6 94 100 31 76,34%

BULK CARRIER 44 936 317 619 0 229 229 707 24,47%

CEMENT CARRIER 1 11 6 5 10 0 10 1 90,91%

CHEMICAL TANKER 24 418 169 249 1 199 200 218 47,85%

CONTAINER SHIP 136 2659 950 1709 13 941 954 1705 35,88%

GAS CARRIER 10 136 64 72 0 100 100 36 73,53%

GENERAL CARGO 31 361 165 196 15 170 185 176 51,25%

OIL TANKER 5 79 37 42 0 34 34 45 43,04%

PASSANGER SHIP 7 693 56 637 214 131 345 348 49,78%

RO-RO CARGO 12 180 79 101 78 101 179 1 99,44%

RO-RO CARGO PASSENGER 2 130 22 108 40 14 54 76 41,54%

SUB-TOTAL 272 5603 1865 3738 371 1919 2290 3313 40,87%

TOTAIS 299 5734 1923 3811 377 2013 2390 3344 41,68%





















Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

IMO Vessel GT Ship Type Flag L? Beneficial Owner N of R N of C Signatory Signatory Owner Start Date End Date Type

Total Vessels: 261

9437115 MEDONTARIO 15,334Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Ahrenkiel Steamship GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9300489 COVADONGA 4,816Chemical/Products 

TankerPortugal (Mar) N Alvargonzalez SA  Spain Spain

9232204 DOMINICA 10,132 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N Alvargonzalez SA  Spain Spain

9394222 DON JUAN 14,116 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Alvargonzalez SA  Spain Spain

8520836 LA RABIDA 8,254 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Alvargonzalez SA  Spain Spain

9344320 NARCEA 2,995Chemical/Products 

TankerPortugal (Mar) N Alvargonzalez SA  Spain Spain

9394234 SOUSELAS 14,116 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Alvargonzalez SA  Spain Spain

9333929 TEMARA 32,505 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Alvargonzalez SA  Spain Spain

8618932 IDA C 351 Tug Portugal (Mar) N

Associazione Italiana Armatori di 

Rimorchiatori (Assorimorchiatori) Italian 

Tugowners Association 

Italy Italy

8984056 ATSKO 132 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8984082 CARDIGRAE VI 208 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

1000851 COSTA MAGNA 314 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8983997 EL BRAVO 161 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8984018 GLAMOUR 112 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

1001922 INEKE IV 348 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8984006 LADY LIBERTY 147 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8983973 NEGRESCA 130 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8983985 ROVAN 202 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8984044 SAUDADES 106 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8984068SPIRIT OF 

ASHANTI156 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

8984032 SY LOVE II 130 Yacht Portugal (Mar) N Atlantic Madeira Yacht Management Lda  Madeira Madeira

9395575 BG ROTTERDAM 8,273Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Aug Bolten Wm Miller's Nachfolger 

(GmbH & Co) KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lydia Mar Shipping Co SA  03/05/2014 02/05/2016 IBF

List of vessels according to ITF database


28/01/2016 10:10  Page 1 of 14

Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


BOLTEN24,198 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y

Aug Bolten Wm Miller's Nachfolger 

(GmbH & Co) KGGermany Germany

Federazione Italiana 

Trasporti ‐ CISLLydia Mar Shipping Co SA  15/01/2015 14/01/2018 IBF


BOLTEN24,198 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y

Aug Bolten Wm Miller's Nachfolger 

(GmbH & Co) KGGermany Germany

Federazione Italiana 

Trasporti ‐ CISLLydia Mar Shipping Co SA  14/04/2015 13/04/2018 IBF

9369007 IRIS BOLTEN 8,273Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Aug Bolten Wm Miller's Nachfolger 

(GmbH & Co) KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lydia Mar Shipping Co SA  18/04/2014 17/04/2016 IBF

9263461 BRAVEHEART 866 Tug Portugal (Mar) N Barry Towage & Offshore SA  Portugal Portugal

9287687 ANNAMARIE 7,519Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Baum & Co GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9216107 JORK VALIANT 14,241Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Bernd Becker KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Interorient Marine 

Services (Germany) 

GmbH & Co KG

30/04/2015 29/04/2017 IBF

9348637 BEATRIZ B 14,016Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Boluda Corporacion Maritima  Spain Spain

8519590 VB GLADIADOR 609Anchor Handling 

Tug SupplyPortugal (Mar) N Boluda Corporacion Maritima  Spain Spain

9348625 VERONICA B 14,016Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Boluda Corporacion Maritima  Spain Spain

9360477 ADIANTE 2,956 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

7533721 STORMAN ASIA 3,032 Heavy Load Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Cafiservice SpA  Italy Italy

5383304 AZORES 16,144 Passenger/Cruise Portugal (Mar) N Cale SGPS SA  Portugal Portugal

5124162 FUNCHAL 9,563 Passenger/Cruise Portugal (Mar) N Cale SGPS SA  Portugal Portugal

6419057 PORTO 5,888 Passenger/Cruise Portugal (Mar) N Cale SGPS SA  Portugal Portugal

9670834 CAP CORTES 42,690Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Interorient Marine 

Services (Germany) 

GmbH & Co KG

31/05/2015 30/05/2017 IBF

9406843 DEVON STRAIT 9,957Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany

9362724 MACAO STRAIT 21,018Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Interorient Crew Services 

(Germany) GmbH01/01/2016 31/12/2017 IBF

9357547 MCC KYOTO 18,123Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany

9357535 MCC SEOUL 18,123Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Marlow Navigation Co 

Ltd 20/07/2014 19/07/2016 IBF


28/01/2016 10:10  Page 2 of 14

Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9351218 TASMAN STRAIT 18,123Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Interorient Marine 

Services (Germany) 

GmbH & Co KG

27/09/2015 26/09/2017 IBF

9357523 TORRES STRAIT 18,123Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Carsten Rehder Schiffsmakler und 

Reederei GmbH & Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Interorient Marine 

Services (Germany) 

GmbH & Co KG

22/09/2015 21/09/2017 IBF

9198719 LA SURPRISE 15,224 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Castor Shipping AS  Norway Norway

9000742 MSC JENNY 28,397Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Chartworld Shipping Corp  Liberia Greece

Federazione Italiana 

Trasporti ‐ CISL

MSC Shipmanagement 

Ltd 27/05/2015 31/12/2017 IBF

9280665CMA CGM 


Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N CMA CGM Holding & Co SAS  France France

9239862 FLORA DELMAS 16,916Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N CMA CGM Holding & Co SAS  France France

9271573 MONTE TOLEDO 78,896 Crude Oil Tanker Portugal (Mar) N Compania de Remolcadores Ibaizabal SA  Spain Spain


ZA81,187 Crude Oil Tanker Portugal (Mar) N Compania de Remolcadores Ibaizabal SA  Spain Spain

9585883 MONTESTENA 81,187 Crude Oil Tanker Portugal (Mar) N Compania de Remolcadores Ibaizabal SA  Spain Spain

9519298 ALEXANDRIT 32,987 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)



mbH & Co KG

07/09/2014 06/09/2016 TCC

9519315 AMAZONIT 32,987 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)



mbH & Co KG

11/04/2015 10/04/2017 TCC

9551686 ARAGONIT 32,987 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)



mbH & Co KG

14/05/2014 13/05/2016 TCC

9551698 AVENTURIN 32,987 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)



mbH & Co KG

08/08/2014 07/08/2016 TCC

9551703 AZURIT 32,987 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)



mbH & Co KG

09/11/2014 08/11/2016 TCC

9235098 CONTI HELSINKI 65,131Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

31/03/2015 30/03/2017 IBF

9248150 CONTI MADRID 65,918Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

22/01/2015 21/01/2017 IBF

9473315 CONTI SELENIT 41,074 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)



mbH & Co KG

09/11/2014 08/11/2016 TCC

9231755 CONTI TAIPEI 65,131Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Conti Holding GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

01/01/2015 29/06/2016 IBF


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany




TankerPortugal (Mar) Y

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

John T Essberger GmbH 

& Co KG 31/03/2014 30/03/2016 TCC




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany




TankerPortugal (Mar) N

Deutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany

9607459 SELINDA 24,341 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) NDeutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany

9607447 SWAKOP 24,341 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) NDeutsche Afrika‐Linien/John T Essberger 

Group of CompaniesGermany Germany



Bulk Carrier, Self‐

dischargingPortugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF34,349 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF34,349 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Bulk Carrier, Self‐

dischargingPortugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Bulk Carrier, Self‐

dischargingPortugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF40,485 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF44,218 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF44,218 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF44,218 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


OLDENDORFF44,218 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lubeca Marine 

(Germany) GmbH & Co 


01/01/2016 30/07/2017 IBF


OLDENDORFF44,218 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lubeca Marine 

(Germany) GmbH & Co 


01/01/2016 13/04/2017 IBF



Bulk Carrier, Self‐

dischargingPortugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF107,735 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF36,294 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF36,426 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF31,144 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF107,413 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF107,413 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lubeca Marine 

(Germany) GmbH & Co 


01/01/2016 29/09/2016 IBF


OLDENDORFF107,413 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany


OLDENDORFF107,413 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Bulk Carrier, Self‐

dischargingPortugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Open Hatch Cargo 

ShipPortugal (Mar) N Egon Oldendorff GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

7017909 EMS PULL 140 Tug Portugal (Mar) N Ems Offshore Service GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

5067168 EMS TUG 159 Tug Portugal (Mar) N Ems Offshore Service GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Emstrans Scheepvaart Management BV  Netherlands Netherlands




ShipPortugal (Mar) N Equinox Offshore Accommodation Ltd  Singapore Singapore



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y ER Schiffahrt GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

E.R. Ship Management 01/01/2015 31/12/2016 IBF

9305489 COSCO NAPOLI 91,649Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N ER Schiffahrt GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany

9301433 E.R. CAEN 26,836Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N ER Schiffahrt GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9301445 E.R. CALAIS 26,836Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y ER Schiffahrt GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

E.R. Ship Management 01/01/2015 31/12/2016 IBF

9305465 E.R. TIANAN 91,649Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N ER Schiffahrt GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany

8918631 MALMNES 5,883

General Cargo 

Ship, Self‐


Portugal (Mar) YErik Thun AB (Thunship Management 

Holland)Sweden Sweden

Seko service och 

kommunikationsfacketAnders Kallsson 31/08/2015 30/08/2017 TCC

9186429 ELISABETH RUSS 10,471 Ro‐Ro Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) Y Ernst Russ GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  23/05/2015 22/05/2017 IBF

9226360 LOUISE RUSS 18,265 Ro‐Ro Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N Ernst Russ GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9422328 PAGANINI 40,170 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) YF Laeisz Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co 

KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Reederei F Laeisz GmbH  30/09/2014 29/09/2016 TCC

9567257 MANIZALES 4,951 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) NFlota Mercante Grancolombiana SA 

(FMG) Colombia Colombia

9567269 MURUETA 4,951 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) NFlota Mercante Grancolombiana SA 

(FMG) Colombia Colombia

9197521 EMILIA 6,363Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Foroohari Schiffahrts KG (Reederei 

Foroohari)Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Marlow Navigation Co 

Ltd 10/09/2015 09/09/2017 IBF

9320805 AMUESA 2,945 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N G Junquera Maritima SA  Spain Spain

9320635 ANGON 2,945 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N G Junquera Maritima SA  Spain Spain

9184421 BEZA 2,469 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N G Junquera Maritima SA  Spain Spain

9184433 BULNES 2,469 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N G Junquera Maritima SA  Spain Spain

9441219 LAGAN 4,474Asphalt/Bitumen 

TankerPortugal (Mar) N G Junquera Maritima SA  Spain Spain

9221815 BUXCLIFF 72,760Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y GEBAB Konzeptions‐und Emissions GmbH Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

14/03/2015 13/03/2017 IBF

9248162 CHICAGO 65,918Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y GEBAB Konzeptions‐und Emissions GmbH Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

04/02/2015 03/02/2017 IBF

9248148 LISBON 65,918Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y GEBAB Konzeptions‐und Emissions GmbH Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

16/01/2015 15/01/2017 IBF

9150470 LAGOA 3,981Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Group ETE  Portugal Portugal

9622227CAP SAN 


Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Hamburg Sudamerikanische 

Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft KGGermany Germany

Agreements Section (ITF 


DeltaMeco Crewing 

Services Ltd25/07/2015 24/07/2017 IBF


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9622215CAP SAN 


Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Hamburg Sudamerikanische 

Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft KGGermany Germany IMEC/IBF

DeltaMeco Crewing 

Services Ltd30/06/2015 29/06/2017 IBF

9622203CAP SAN 


Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Hamburg Sudamerikanische 

Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft KGGermany Germany

Agreements Section (ITF 


DeltaMeco Crewing 

Services Ltd30/05/2015 29/05/2017 IBF

9430387 SANTA URSULA 86,601Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Hamburg Sudamerikanische 

Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)


Shipmanagement GmbH 20/03/2014 19/03/2016 TCC



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9085534 MAERSK KOTKA 81,488Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9301495 MSC BILBAO 89,941Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9085546 MSC KLEVEN 81,488Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9301483 MSC PARIS 89,941Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hammonia Reederei GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany

9324174 PACAO 14,308Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Harren & Partner Reederei GmbH & Co 

KG HoldingGermany Germany

9275103 PACITA 14,308Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Harren & Partner Reederei GmbH & Co 

KG HoldingGermany Germany

9236262 PACOBA 10,308Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Harren & Partner Reederei GmbH & Co 

KG HoldingGermany Germany

9275115 PACON 14,308Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Harren & Partner Reederei GmbH & Co 

KG HoldingGermany Germany

9236274 PACUL 10,308Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Harren & Partner Reederei GmbH & Co 

KG HoldingGermany Germany

8500599 PAPENBURG 4,887 Heavy Load Carrier Portugal (Mar) YHarren & Partner Reederei GmbH & Co 

KG HoldingGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Harren & Partner Ship 

Management GmbH & Co 


04/01/2015 03/01/2017 IBF


KAROLINE7,138 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) Y Harry Brohan  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lydia Mar Shipping Co SA  12/08/2015 11/08/2017 TCC

9219393 SAXONIA 35,824Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N HCI Hammonia Shipping AG  Germany Germany

9213105 EMS TRADER 25,535Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Hermann Buss GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany

8305781 BELOMORSKIY 2,628 Suction Dredger Portugal (Mar) N

Joint Stock Northern Shipping Co (A/O 

'Severnoye Morskoye Parokhodstvo') 


Russia Russia


28/01/2016 10:10  Page 7 of 14

Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

8674338 SHANE 265 Yacht Portugal (Mar) NKarmala‐Transportes Maritimos 

Unipessoal LdaPortugal Portugal

9176682 RT DAGR 16,211Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Konig & Cie GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

OSM Ship Management 

GmbH & Cie KG31/05/2014 30/05/2016 TCC

5037644 CAPRI 900 Passenger/Cruise Portugal (Mar) N SpA  Italy Italy



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Leonhardt & Blumberg 

Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co KGGermany Germany

9535096 HANSA DUBURG 18,296Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Leonhardt & Blumberg 

Schiffahrtsgesellschaft mbH & Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Leonhardt & Blumberg 

Reederei GmbH & Co KG22/07/2015 21/07/2017 TCC

9261566 CESKA 2,708 LPG Tanker Portugal (Mar) Y Lumaship Srl  Italy ItalyFederazione Italiana 

Trasporti ‐ CISLLumaship Srl  24/04/2015 23/04/2016 TCC

9356919 LUKE 3,430 LPG Tanker Portugal (Mar) Y Lumaship Srl  Italy ItalyFederazione Italiana 

Trasporti ‐ CISLLumaship Srl  24/04/2015 23/04/2016 TCC

9261578 MADDY 2,708 LPG Tanker Portugal (Mar) Y Lumaship Srl  Italy ItalyFederazione Italiana 

Trasporti ‐ CISLLumaship Srl  24/04/2015 23/04/2016 TCC

9356921 MATTHEW 3,430 LPG Tanker Portugal (Mar) Y Lumaship Srl  Italy ItalyFederazione Italiana 

Trasporti ‐ CISLLumaship Srl  24/04/2015 23/04/2016 TCC

9144720 BARBARA P 9,991Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Magellan Chartering Services GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Marlow Navigation Inc        30/04/2014 29/04/2016 IBF

9144718 RENATE P 9,962Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Magellan Chartering Services GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Marlow Navigation Co 

Ltd 30/04/2014 29/04/2016 IBF


HOFFELL4,450 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N Magellan Chartering Services GmbH  Germany Germany


MAJESTY10,417 Passenger/Cruise Portugal (Mar) N Majestic International Cruises Inc 



9123324 BF PHILIPP 4,986Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N MarConsult Schiffahrt (GmbH & Co) KG  Germany Germany

9415155 MARBACAN 20,491 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N MarConsult Schiffahrt (GmbH & Co) KG  Germany Germany

9415167 MARBIOKO 20,491 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N MarConsult Schiffahrt (GmbH & Co) KG  Germany Germany

9360491 CORNION 2,956 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N NAVEIRO‐Transportes Maritimos SA  Portugal Portugal



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Norddeutsche Vermogen Holding GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Norddeutsche Vermogen Holding GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Uniteam Marine Ltd  11/05/2014 10/05/2016 IBF



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Norddeutsche Vermogen Holding GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany


28/01/2016 10:10  Page 8 of 14

Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Norddeutsche Vermogen Holding GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Uniteam Marine Ltd  14/05/2014 13/05/2016 IBF



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Norddeutsche Vermogen Holding GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Uniteam Marine Ltd  19/05/2014 18/05/2016 IBF



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Norddeutsche Vermogen Holding GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Uniteam Marine Ltd  19/05/2014 18/05/2016 IBF



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

Norddeutsche Vermogen Holding GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Uniteam Marine Ltd  14/05/2014 13/05/2016 IBF




TankerPortugal (Mar) Y Nordic Tankers A/S  Denmark Denmark



haft (ver.di)

TB Marine 

Shipmanagement GmbH 

& Co KG 

24/01/2015 23/01/2017 IBF

9221827 BUXCOAST 72,760Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrtsgesellschaft 

mbH & Co KG Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

21/02/2015 20/02/2017 IBF

9248136 CONTI BASEL 65,918Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrtsgesellschaft 

mbH & Co KG Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

19/03/2015 18/03/2017 IBF



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrtsgesellschaft 

mbH & Co KG Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

01/01/2015 29/06/2016 IBF

9320441 MSC CAROUGE 62,702Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrtsgesellschaft 

mbH & Co KG Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

01/01/2015 24/08/2016 IBF

9320427 MSC GENEVA 62,702Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y

NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrtsgesellschaft 

mbH & Co KG Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

NSB Niederelbe 


mbH & Co KG 

01/01/2015 23/08/2016 IBF

9319208 RED DOLPHIN 474 Tug Portugal (Mar) N P&O Maritime FZE United Arab 


United Arab 


9315020 AKACIA 11,662Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  01/03/2014 29/02/2016 IBF

9297589 ALANA 11,662Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  31/08/2014 30/08/2016 IBF

9326940 ALIDA 9,962Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9295945 ALLEGORIA 66,280Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9397913 AMALTHEA 42,609Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9217565 AMANDA D 16,803Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9326990 ANALENA 9,990Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9354363 ANNABELLA S 9,981Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  30/04/2014 29/04/2016 IBF

9437050 BARBARA 52,726Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

Federacao de Sindicatos 

dos Trabalhadores do 


Marlow Navigation Co 

Ltd 22/10/2015 21/10/2018 IBF



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9619385 JADRANA 48,338Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9477335 JAN 16,137Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9619402 JOGELA 48,338Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9377559 LAILA 28,048Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9377573 LYDIA 28,048Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9377561 MAIN TRADER 28,048Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9395525 MALLECO 75,752Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9400095 MATAQUITO 75,752Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9437244 MEDAEGEAN 9,946Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9246712 MINNA 35,881Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9535151 MOL GARLAND 59,307Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  31/07/2014 30/07/2016 IBF

9535137 MOL GATEWAY 59,307Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  31/07/2014 30/07/2016 IBF

9535199 MOL GENESIS 59,307Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  31/07/2014 30/07/2016 IBF

9447847 MSC FABIOLA 140,259Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9447861 MSC FILOMENA 140,259Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9437220 PAAVA 9,946Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9693290 RANA 25,546 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9693329 RICARDA 25,546 Bulk Carrier Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9294812 TABEA 66,280Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9290787 TALASSA 66,280Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9290177 VERA D 17,188Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9290165 VICTORIA 17,188Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9333369 VIONA 17,360Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Peter Doehle Schiffahrts‐KG  Germany Germany

9267390 LOBO MARINHO 8,072Passenger/Ro‐Ro 

Ship (Vehicles)Portugal (Mar) N

Porto Santo Line‐Transportes Maritimos 

LdaMadeira Madeira

9354428 KORNETT 9,962Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Reederei Eicke GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Marlow Navigation Co 

Ltd 01/11/2014 31/10/2016 IBF

9433339 ALESIA 4,723 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) Y Reederei Erwin Strahlmann eK  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Alster Marine Services 

Gmbh25/06/2015 24/06/2017 TCC

9005376 CHOPIN 4,071 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) Y Reederei Erwin Strahlmann eK  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Alster Marine Services 

Gmbh30/10/2014 28/10/2016 TCC

9191943 DRAGONERA 4,244 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N Reederei Erwin Strahlmann eK  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Reederei Gerd Ritscher GmbH & Co KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Doehle (IOM) Ltd  27/09/2014 26/09/2016 IBF

9388388 LIBERTAS‐H 7,532 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N Reederei Hinsch  Germany Germany


WINTER15,549 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) Y

Reedereiverwaltung Heino Winter GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Marlow Navigation Co 

Ltd 31/03/2014 30/03/2016 IBF

9467134 BALTIC WINTER 15,549 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) YReedereiverwaltung Heino Winter GmbH 

& Co KGGermany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Marlow Navigation Co 

Ltd 01/11/2015 31/10/2017 IBF

9151917 BARRIER 11,925Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Rickmers Reederei GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Rickmers Reederei GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany

9330537 KENO 28,616Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Rickmers Reederei GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Rickmers Reederei GmbH & Cie KG  Germany Germany

9425174 AFRICAN RIVER 20,973 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) YRoerd Braren Bereederungs GmbH & Co 

KG Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lubeca Marine 

Management (HK) Ltd        01/01/2016 29/04/2017 IBF

9423633 AFRICAN WIND 20,973 General Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) YRoerd Braren Bereederungs GmbH & Co 

KG Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

Lubeca Marine 

(Germany) GmbH & Co 


01/01/2016 31/12/2016 IBF

9348053 MONTE AZUL 69,132Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Rudolf A Oetker KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)


Shipmanagement GmbH 11/04/2014 10/04/2016 TCC



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Rudolf A Oetker KG  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)


Shipmanagement GmbH 17/04/2014 16/04/2016 TCC



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Rudolf A Oetker KG  Germany Germany

9444716 SANTA CLARA 85,676Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Rudolf A Oetker KG  Germany Germany IMEC/IBF

DeltaMeco Crewing 

Services Ltd05/10/2015 04/10/2017 IBF

9444742 SANTA CRUZ 85,676Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y Rudolf A Oetker KG  Germany Germany IMEC/IBF

DeltaMeco Crewing 

Services Ltd06/05/2015 05/05/2017 IBF

8753902 PERRO NEGRO 2 6,377 Drilling Rig, jack up Portugal (Mar) NSAIPEM SpA (Societa Azionaria Italiana 

Perforazioni e Montaggi SpA)Italy Italy

8753914 PERRO NEGRO 3 4,885 Drilling Rig, jack up Portugal (Mar) NSAIPEM SpA (Societa Azionaria Italiana 

Perforazioni e Montaggi SpA)Italy Italy

8753926 PERRO NEGRO 4 2,304 Drilling Rig, jack up Portugal (Mar) NSAIPEM SpA (Societa Azionaria Italiana 

Perforazioni e Montaggi SpA)Italy Italy

8753938 PERRO NEGRO 5 4,991 Drilling Rig, jack up Portugal (Mar) NSAIPEM SpA (Societa Azionaria Italiana 

Perforazioni e Montaggi SpA)Italy Italy

8754956 SCARABEO 3 12,667Drilling Rig, semi 

SubmersiblePortugal (Mar) N

SAIPEM SpA (Societa Azionaria Italiana 

Perforazioni e Montaggi SpA)Italy Italy

9220316 JPO AQUARIUS 25,361Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Schiffahrtsgesellschaft Oltmann mbH & 

Co KGGermany Germany

9220328 JPO ARIES 25,361Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Schiffahrtsgesellschaft Oltmann mbH & 

Co KGGermany Germany

9400174 JPO TAURUS 42,609Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Schiffahrtsgesellschaft Oltmann mbH & 

Co KGGermany Germany

9430765 JPO VIRGO 41,225Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Schiffahrtsgesellschaft Oltmann mbH & 

Co KGGermany Germany

9430777 JPO VOLANS 41,225Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N

Schiffahrtsgesellschaft Oltmann mbH & 

Co KGGermany Germany

9202481 ALIDRA 17,167Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N Schiffahrtskontor Rendsburg GmbH  Germany Germany


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

8921963 ROAZ 2,169 Cement Carrier Portugal (Mar) NSeaCarrier ‐ Sociedade de Navegacao e 

Transportes SAPortugal Portugal

9485588 INDEPENDENCE 499 Tug Portugal (Mar) N Sedna Towage & Offshore Lda  Madeira Portugal

9593232 VICTORY 495 Tug Portugal (Mar) N Sedna Towage & Offshore Lda  Madeira Portugal



Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) N SinOceanic Shipping ASA  Norway Norway


GERMANY22,848 Products Tanker Portugal (Mar) Y TB Marine‐Hamburg GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

TB Marine 

Shipmanagement GmbH 

& Co KG 

30/04/2015 29/04/2017 IBF




TankerPortugal (Mar) Y TB Marine‐Hamburg GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

TB Marine 

Shipmanagement GmbH 

& Co KG 

07/01/2016 06/01/2018 IBF

9473119 HARBOUR FIRST 11,971Chemical/Products 

TankerPortugal (Mar) Y TB Marine‐Hamburg GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

TB Marine 

Shipmanagement GmbH 

& Co KG 

23/06/2015 22/06/2017 IBF




TankerPortugal (Mar) Y TB Marine‐Hamburg GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

TB Marine 

Shipmanagement GmbH 

& Co KG 

14/03/2015 13/03/2017 IBF




TankerPortugal (Mar) Y TB Marine‐Hamburg GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

TB Marine 

Shipmanagement GmbH 

& Co KG 

10/11/2015 09/11/2017 IBF




TankerPortugal (Mar) Y TB Marine‐Hamburg GmbH  Germany Germany



haft (ver.di)

TB Marine 

Shipmanagement GmbH 

& Co KG 

26/11/2015 25/11/2017 IBF

9308429 HAYDN 27,786Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y The Schulte Group  Germany Germany

Federacao de Sindicatos 

dos Trabalhadores do 


Bernhard Schulte 


(Deutschland) GmbH & 


23/09/2014 22/09/2017 IBF

9456965 SCHUBERT 41,331Container Ship 

(Fully Cellular)Portugal (Mar) Y The Schulte Group  Germany Germany

Federacao de Sindicatos 

dos Trabalhadores do 


Bernhard Schulte 


(Deutschland) GmbH & 


22/10/2014 21/10/2017 IBF

9305362 AMANDA 4,811Chemical/Products 

TankerPortugal (Mar) Y Transmarine Tankers ApS  Denmark Denmark

Norwegian Maritime 

UnionsSaga Agency 02/03/2015 01/03/2016 TCC

9260407 AMARANT 4,814Chemical/Products 

TankerPortugal (Mar) Y Transmarine Tankers ApS  Denmark Denmark

Norwegian Maritime 

UnionsSaga Agency 30/06/2015 29/06/2016 TCC

9131943 AUTOPREMIER 11,591 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N United European Car Carriers AS  Norway Japan

9190157 AUTOPRESTIGE 11,596 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N United European Car Carriers AS  Norway Japan

9131955 AUTOPRIDE 11,591 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N United European Car Carriers AS  Norway Japan

9131967 AUTOPROGRESS 11,591 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N United European Car Carriers AS  Norway Japan

9206774 AUTOSKY 21,010 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N United European Car Carriers AS  Norway Japan

9206786 AUTOSTAR 21,010 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N United European Car Carriers AS  Norway Japan

9227053 AUTOSUN 21,094 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) N United European Car Carriers AS  Norway Japan


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

9112040 IVAN 8,191 Ro‐Ro Cargo Ship Portugal (Mar) N Vapores Suardiaz SA  Spain Spain

9249984 TENERIFE CAR 13,112 Vehicles Carrier Portugal (Mar) Y Vapores Suardiaz SA  Spain Spain

Federación de Servicios 

para la Movilidad y el 

Consumo (SMC UGT)

V Ships Group  31/05/2015 30/05/2016 IBF


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Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 6 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 7 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Memorandum of Agreement


Federation of Korean Seafarers’ Unions (FKSU),

Federation of Korean Maritime Seafarers’ Unions (KMSU)


International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)

1. The parties agree that there is need for a unification process in the Korean maritime trade union


2. The parties agree that a reconciliatory Congress of the FKSU shall take place in Korea no later than 1

May 2016. The aim of the Congress is to restore unity within the Korean maritime trade union

movement, within a single seafarers and fisheries Federation which shall incorporate the unions within

FKSU, KMSU and preferably FKFSU. The KMSU and the ITF shall be invited to the Congress, so also shall


3. FKSU President Yeom will resign from his position as President of FKSU before the Congress; at the

same time the KMSU shall de-register as a Federation

4. The Congress will elect the leadership and the appropriate governing bodies of FKSU. The parties agree

that there shall be a fair distribution of positions and responsibilities appropriate to the sectors of

FKSU. It is agreed that ITF should monitor that this takes place. It is further agreed that for 3 years

after the reconciliatory Congress, the ITF Secretariat should be monitoring the internal development

within FKSU and shall report to the FPC SG as a standing item on the agenda.

5. It is agreed that a full review of the structure, processes and practices of signing FOC agreements

within FKSU shall begin immediately after the successful completion of the reconciliatory Congress.

This review shall be led by the ITF Secretariat and reported to the FPC SG. Representatives from the

“KMSU part” of FKSU shall be guaranteed to take part in the review. This review may include, but not

be limited to;

a. At what level agreements are signed within the FKSU;

Page 2 of 2

b. what kind of agreements shall be signed;

c. conditions to be included in the agreements; and

d. distribution of fees and responsibilities.

6. The parties agree that one representative from “KMSU part” of the FKSU after the successful

completion of the reconciliatory Congress shall be invited to attend FPC in an observer status together

with the FKSU delegation and in any appropriate working group.

This memorandum is made in London on 27 January 2016.

Signed for the Federation of Korean Seafarers’ Unions (FKSU):

President Yeom, Kyeong Doo

Signed for the Federation of Korean Maritime Seafarers’ Unions (KMSU):

President Ha, Sung-Min

Signed for the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF):

Jacqueline Smith, Maritime Coordinator

Annex 8 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Proposed Composition of ITF IBF Negotiating Team 2016-2017 Negotiations

Region Country Officers & Regional

Chairs Seafarers Dockers

AFRICA / ARAB WORLD Ivory Coast Sylla Siaka Regional Chair (S)

Kenya Judith Abuka Regional Chair (D)

Madagascar Lucien Razafindraibe (SYGMMA)

ASIA / PACIFIC Australia Paddy Crumlin Section Chair (D)

India Abdulgani Serang (NUSI)

Indonesia Hanafi Rustandi (KPI)

Japan Yasumi Morita Regional Chair (S)

Korea Yong Soo, Chi Regional Chair (D)

Yeom, Kyeong-Doo (FKSU)

New Zealand Joe Fleetwood (MUNZ)

Philippines Conrado Oca 2nd Vice Chair (S)

Singapore Thomas Tay (SMOU)

Kam Soon Huat (SOS)

Taiwan Lu, Wang-Chun (NCSU)

EUROPE Belgium Monique Verbeeck Womens' Rep (D)

Croatia Dorotea Zec Young Workers' Rep (S)

Vladimir Svalina (SUC)

Cyprus Pantelis Stavrou (FTPAW)

Denmark Ole Philipsen (CO-Sea & DFC)


Germany Torben Seebold 2nd Vice Chair (D)

Klaus Schroeter (Ver.di)

Greece Agis Tselentis Regional Chair (S)

Italy Remo di Fiore (FIT-CISL)

Latvia Aleksejs Holodnuks (UTAF)

Netherlands Niek Stam (FNV)

Norway Terje Samuelsen Regional Chair (D)

Lena Dyring Women's Rep (S)

Russia Yuri Sukhorukov (SUR)

Sweden Tomas Abrahamsson 1st Vice Chair (S)

Ukraine Oleg Grigoryuk (MTTWU)

United Kingdom Mark Dickinson (NIUK)


Argentina Marcos Castro (CCUOMM)

Brazil Severino Almeida Regional Chair (S)

Mayo Uruguaio Regional Chair (D)

Panama Anthony Dailey Young Workers' Rep (D)

NORTH AMERICA Canada James Given Regional Chair (S)

USA Dave Heindel Section Chair (S)

Ray Familathe 1st Vice Chair (D)

John Baker Regional Chair (D)

To all Affiliates organising Seafarers and Dockers ITF E-Circular No: 278/S.90/D.78/SS.36 15 December 2015 Dear Friends RE: ITF Claim for the 2017 IBF Negotiations As you know, the latest IBF settlement in 2014 provided for a three (3) year agreement effective for the period 2015-2017. In order to agree the terms and conditions of the IBF Agreement for the next period starting from 01 January 2018, it has been decided that the ITF and the JNG will exchange respective lists of claims in late 2016 and the next IBF negotiations will be carried out:

at central level - from January 2017 to June 2017,

at national / local level – from July 2017 to December 2017. This should make it possible to reach a central settlement early enough in 2017, so that ITF affiliates have sufficient time to implement the new IBF outcome in negotiations with their local counterparts before the end of 2017. In this connection, at the recent FPC Steering Group (FPCSG) meeting in London on 19 November 2015, the FPCSG decided that the process of preparing an ITF claim for the next IBF round should start in early 2016. The FPCSG further authorised the Secretariat to gather contributions from ITF maritime affiliates proposing enhancements to current provisions of the IBF Agreement in the following identified areas:

1) Contractual Clauses (CBA); 2) Wages

We are therefore inviting you to send us your proposals which, in your belief, merit being considered for inclusion in our next claim. In sending your input, we kindly request you to be as specific as possible. Also, please consider that in addition to all technical work to be done by the Secretariat in collating and drafting the Claim, the process will also need to allow for sufficient time to discuss and prioritize the contents at various policy meetings, including an interim report to the FPCSG meeting in May 2016 and the adoption of the final text by the FPCSG meeting in November 2016.

Annex 9 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Therefore, please send us your contributions by 29 February 2016 to the following designated email address: In solidarity

Jacqueline Smith Maritime Coordinator

Annex 9 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




1. SIU-Canada IBF Coverage: (Cabotage)

Any Company vessel engaged in National Cabotage shall employ that nation’s Seafarers who are members of a National Union affiliated to the ITF. Terms and Conditions of employment shall be adjusted to the National level as stipulated in the National Union’s CBA and National Labor Standards. For periods of less than 15 days in any calendar year the Company and National Union shall meet to discuss specific details of the voyage.

At present the IBF Agreement does not apply to vessels ‘not in international trade’ or to those covered by the ITF Athens Policy (IBF Operational Agreement). Inviting the JNG to agree terms and conditions for vessels switching to cabotage trade would mean expanding the scope of the IBF, which may require a policy decision.

2. NAUTILUS Intl. IBF Coverage: (compliance with IBF system)

Condemn practices in breach of the IBF MOA where JNG member companies sign low agreements with yellow (company-created) unions.

From IBF MOA: Support for the IBF system “IBF members re-affirmed on behalf of their affiliates

and member companies their full and unequivocal

support for the IBF system and agreed to actively

promote the adoption of IBF agreements by the

maritime community.

Both the ITF and the JNG shall take every effort to

encourage their respective members to pursue the IBF

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


principles and negotiate in good faith with the view to

reaching acceptable agreements.”

3. NAUTILUS Intl. IBF Coverage: (compliance with IBF system)

Demand that JNG members use only IBF approved or ITF approved CBAs negotiated with ITF affiliates.

4. Ver.Di, Germany

Termination of the CBA for Company’s default

Establish a mechanism which would allow the ITF to

terminate CBAs in case of a breach by the Company

– similar to the existing provisions of the IBF Special


For reference, the present wording in the Special


“This Special Agreement may be terminated as follows:-

a) by the ITF following notification to the Company in the event of serious default by the Company of any of its undertakings herein and in the event that the serious default is not rectified by the Company. Upon termination, the Company shall forthwith return the ITF Green Certificate to or to the order of the ITF;”

However, as distinct from the Special Agreement, the

ITF normally is not a party to the CBA.

5. ACV-Transcom, Belgium


Ship inspections Delete in the IBF MOU: “Except in cases where ITF Inspectors are requested

to attend a vessel to deal with a specific seafarer

complaint, they should, where possible, provide a

minimum of 48 hours notice of an intended

This provision was introduced at the previous negotiations in 2014.

If alternatives to the deletion to be sought, consider adding extra words at the end of the existing para:

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


inspection to IBF covered vessels.”

Reason: This provision is being abused by operators to keep ITF Inspectors away.

‘However in any case the absence of such notice may not lead to a denial by the Company of the access by the Inspector.’

6. ACV-Transcom, Belgium


Ship inspections Offer to JNG free MLC2006 audits by ITF Inspectors, including on company’s request, with non binding advice as a result. Reason: use this as a back door to check CBA and ITF compliance.

Would this require additional training / qualification of ITF Inspectors? For the IBF MOA


Ship inspections (paperwork)

Review and improve the state of paperwork kept on board IBF ships.

For the IBF Minutes?

8 DFC, Denmark

Developed Economy Ratings An improved effort should be taken to employ developed economy ratings by use of SEPF funds.

To be reflected in the IBF MOA or IBF Minutes as a


Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing





Negotiations priorities For this round submit a much shorter list of demands, but focus on securing the best possible wages increase.

For internal consideration / discussion

10. NAUTILUS Intl.

Wages research Commission a research into wages and growth projections against market conditions.

11. DFC, Denmark MWUN, Nigeria

Period of settlement

The duration of the new settlement shall be 24 month.

To be reflected in: Operational Agreement; Special Agreements; CBAs

12. NUSI, India

Wages increase

The market is not good. In discussing an increase ground realities need to be kept in mind.

Claims 12 – 16:

For internal consideration / discussion

13. DFC, Denmark

Wages increase Wages to be raised by 3% starting from 1st January each year.

14. SYGMMA, Madagascar

Wages increase The decrease of oil and gas prices has led to considerable cuts in shipowners’ costs. Therefore: an increase of 6% of the total gross salary of every rank

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


15. NAUTILUS Intl.

Wages increase 7% increase for a 2-year agreement or 10% increase for a 3-year agreement

16. MWUN, Nigeria

Wages increase

30% increase of the ‘present salary’

17. NAUTILUS Intl.

Wages methodology Reiterate the outcome of the IBF Working Group on Officers Wages/Ratings minimum Cash.

IBF WG on Officers wages/Ratings minimum cash recommendations: Include in the IBF Operational Agreement: “The 2017 IBF local/national negotiations shall be carried out pursuant to the 2011 IBF Methodology (as outlined in the IBF MOA), however in distributing IBF central outcome the flexibility applied by the local partners shall result in relevant and real increases for the ratings and the partners shall confer on the parameters”. Amend CBA Art. 10.1 to say: The wages of each seafarer shall be calculated in accordance with this Agreement and as per the attached wage scale (APPENDIX 2) and the only deductions from such wages shall be proper statutory and other deductions as recorded in this Agreement and/or other deductions as authorised by the seafarer. The wage scale in Appendix 2 shall be deemed as a minimum requirement. Where a higher entitlement than in the wage scale may be agreed individually between the Company and for the Seafarer, such higher entitlement shall be guaranteed and may not be decreased for the duration of the tour of duty.

18. NAUTILUS Intl.

Wages methodology In case of a failure to adopt the outcome of the IBF Working Group on Officers Wages/Ratings minimum Cash:

negotiate only Ratings’ increase; or

negotiate Officers and Ratings separately

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


19. DFC, Denmark

Distribution of increase

The settlement must ensure an asymmetric increase in favour of ratings.

Check against the above IBF WG recommendations

For internal consideration / discussion 20. Ver.Di,

Germany Distribution of increase Increase all ranks in equal proportion.

21. Ver.Di, Germany

Distribution of increase The increase for all ranks should not be less than the increase negotiated for Officers in 2014 IBF negotiations.

Central 2014 negotiations did not define any specific

Officers’ part of the increase.

Local 2014 negotiations all agreed different increases for


22. NAUTILUS Intl.

Wages benchmarks Agree internally and apply through negotiations a new ‘discreet’ minimum benchmark figure for Officers at the level of 3rd Officer.

As long as this is an internal agreement re desirable negotiations goals – no contradiction to the existing IBF Methodology.

23. 23a 23b




Wage-scale (additional manning)

Add to the CBA wage-scale the following 4 positions:

1) Administration Officer (with wages at the 3rd Mate level) Reason: to alleviate excessive workload upon senior Officers in terms of 24/24 communication with the land office, paperwork, administration, visitors and etc.

2) Junior Officer (for the first officer contract with duration of maximum 4 months and with wages level between Bosun and 3rd Mate)

To clarify the applicable Methodology: From 2011 IBF central negotiations haven’t produced central model ships. Each local model ship may vary in wage figures, but all need to be increased by the centrally agreed %. Wage scales deriving from an approved local model ship may have more or less than 23 positions and may include additional ranks. At present any additional (to laws and instruments) manning is to be determined between the Company and the Union (CBA Article 15.2).

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


23c 23d

Reason: some vessels have this position for as long as 9 months, but without reference in the CBA. Hence non-compliance with the MLC.

3) Cadet (with wages at the OS level)

4) Trainee (with wages at the Boy level) Reason: Cadets and Trainees often work with seafarer employment (not training) agreement and are often used as cheap workforce. MLC non-compliant if not part of the CBA or a CBA addendum.

Re Cadets/Trainees: The IBF MOA identifies a trainee as any person

undergoing ship-board work experience as part of a

structured training program.

Further, the IBF MOA prioritises the promotion of an

increase in the numbers of trainees, additional to the

agreed manning scale, as well as cadet training


The IBF MOA also lists a number of CBA articles of which

“JNG members should take full consideration in

developing their training agreements” .

24. Ver.Di, Germany

Additional manning: Trainees/ Cadets

Add either to the CBA or an Addendum regulations and wage scale applicable for Trainees / Cadets.

An example of a currently applicable addendum to

Special Agreement laying out terms and conditions for

Trainees, Cadets and Junior Officers has been provided

by Ver.Di.

25. NAUTILUS Intl.

Manning scales Seek new wording in the IBF MOA which would restrict Company’s ability to unilaterally introduce new ranks undermining existing salary and manning structures.

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing




26. SUC, Croatia

Pre-employment (medical examination)

Amend CBA Article 2.2: The Company shall be entitled to require that any Seafarer shall have a satisfactory pre-employment medical examination, at Company expense, by a Company nominated doctor in the place of engagement, to meet the requirements of the applicable Flag State in compliance with MLC and relevant national requirements as appropriate, which may include tests to determine the use of drugs or medicines that may impair performance and adversely affect the safety of the crew and/or ship, and/or drug and/or alcohol abuse. The Seafarer should answer …

27. NUSI, India

Employment (post medical allowance)

CBA Article 2.2 (Pre-employment) The seafarers who have passed pre-employment medical examination and have been selected for work should receive an allowance until they are engaged.

This was considered in 2013 for the inclusion in the previous ITF list of claims.

28. SUC, Croatia

Pre-employment (seafarers employment agreement)

Amend CBA Article 2.4: Each Seafarer shall sign the seamen’s employment contract attached as Appendix 4 Seafarers’

Refer to ILO MLC A2.1.4. re contents?

Check if nominating a beneficiary and listing children is a


Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Employment Agreement that in all cases contain the particulars as in MLC Standard A2.1. In particular the Seafarer must provide full details of his nominated next of kin and his dependent children.

From CBA Article 26.1: “If the Seafarer shall leave no

nominated beneficiary, the aforementioned sum shall be

paid to the person or body empowered by law or

otherwise to administer the estate of the Seafarer”.

29. NUSI, India

Pre-employment (offer of job)

In selecting candidates for employment the Company should give preference to those whose parents are seafarers or ex-seafarers, especially if the parents are medically unfit.

This was considered in 2013 for the inclusion in the previous ITF list of claims. If agreed to be pursued for the IBF MOA

30. Ver.Di, Germany FNV, Netherlands

Non-seafarers work Add a penalty clause to CBA Article 4: In breach of Article 4, the Company shall pay a penalty of USD 10,000 plus the difference from saving by not ordering a lashing gang (local costs). Payment of penalty is due instantly.

Who to pay?

The parties to the CBA are normally the signatory Union

and the Company.

Consider putting this in the Special Agreement?

31. DFC, Denmark

Duration of employment CBA Article 5 Amend Appendix 1 of the CBA to provide: The maximum period of engagement shall be 6 months, which may be extended to 7 month or reduced to 5 month for operational convenience.

At present in CBA: 9 months +/- 1 month.

During previous negotiations the attempt to reduce to 8

months +/-1 failed.

32. MWUN, Nigeria

Duration of contract at sea CBA Article 5 The current tour length of 6 months to be reduced to minimum 2 and maximum 4 months.

33. Ver.Di, Germany

Hours of duty Amend CBA Article 6 and CBA Annex 1 to leave in only the 40-hours week option and to

This would affect some existing CBAs.

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


delete the 44-hours week option.

34. Ver.Di, Germany

Overtime Add to CBA Article 7: If no overtime records are kept as required or these records are not in accordance with the logbook, the Seafarer shall be paid a monthly lumpsum for overtime as mentioned in the footnote of the valid wagescale without prejudice to any further claim for payment for overtime hours worked in excess of these figures.

Not all wage-scales may have the same footnote.

Consider alternative / additional reference to specify the


35. NAUTILUS Intl.

Overtime Add a new CBA Article 7.5 providing for penalty if there’s no o/t records, similar to ITF TCC CBA

For reference, the TCC text: “If no overtime records are kept as required in 7.2 and 7.3 above, the seafarer shall be paid monthly a lump sum for overtime worked calculated at 160 hours at the hourly overtime rate without prejudice to any further claim for payment for overtime hours worked in excess of this figure”.

36. SUC, Croatia

Overtime Add to CBA Article 7.4: Whenever possible, a sufficient number of personnel on board ship shall be employed in performing overtime jobs in order to minimize the same to promote safety lives at sea.

ISM Code?

(distribution of duties)

37. Ver.Di, Germany

Holidays Add to CBA Article 8 and CBA Annex 1 the names and dates of all applicable holidays

38. Ver.Di, Germany

Subsistence allowance CBA Article13 (quality of food and accommodation if not provided on board) should be referenced to ILO

ILO MLC Title 3 is currently referenced to CBA Article 28

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


MLC Title 3 and to the CBA wage scale.

(food, accommodation, bedding, amenities)

39. DFC, Denmark

Watch keeping Add to CBA Article 14.2: The watch keeper shall not be moved from one watch pattern to another, or between sea watch and day work (more than one time) within the same calendar month.

Fatigue / period of rest issue

40. DFC, Denmark

Captivity period In CBA Article 17.5, after These continued entitlements shall, in particular, include the payment of full wages and other contractual benefits Add: even if the seafarer’s employment agreement is terminated or expires.

Complications with a similar claim at the ILO. Pursue as ‘clarification’, not to undermine the interpretation of existing benefits? (Presently the employment status and entitlements continue until the release from captivity and repatriation.)

41. NUSI, India

Termination of employment CBA Article 19.1: (relief upon expiration of contract)

If a Seafarer is not relieved upon expiration of the employment agreement he/she should be paid a compensation equaling to 200% of the basic rate – per each extra day of service. Reason: companies often wait for convenient ports to save costs

This claim was tabled and failed during previous negotiations.

42. DFC, Denmark SYGMMA, Madagascar

Termination of employment Add to CBA Article 19.3 b) and c):

illness of a child;

death of a close relative;

sailing into High Risk areas or

epidemic areas declared by the World Health Organisation

Possible new text (combined):

A seafarer to whom this Agreement applies may terminate employment: a)…;

b) when, during the course of a voyage it is confirmed

that the spouse, or a child, or in the case of a single

person, a parent, has fallen dangerously ill or died. This

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


ITF Secretariat

(as additional reasons for the termination by the Seafarer)

provision shall also be applied with regard to the partner

of a seafarer provided that this partner has been

nominated by the seafarer at the time of engagement as

the seafarers next of kin; c) if the ship is about to sail into or a Warlike Operations Area or a High Risk Area in accordance with Article 17 of this Agreement or an Epidemic area declared by the World Health OrganisationWHO).

43. SYGMMA, Madagascar

Termination of employment In the above CBA Article 19.3b, after the word ‘spouse’ also add ‘husband’. Reason: to avoid any abusive interpretation, if such case appears, mainly for women onboard cruise vessels.

The meanings of ‘spouse’ and ‘husband’ ?

44. NUSI, India

Repatriation destination CBA Article 20

Seafarers should be repatriated to their home town; not just the port of engagement.

This was considered for the inclusion in the previous ITF list of claims. The existing text in CBA Article 20.2: “final agreed repatriation destination” can be either a place of original engagement or home”.

45. MUI, India

Misconduct CBA Article 21

In case of dismissal on disciplinary grounds:

a notice and a log entry must be necessary;

grievance procedure to enable the seafarer to state his case;

any outstanding wages to be paid before signing off

The first two bullet points may be covered by the existing CBA Article 21.1 and 21.4:

21.1 “The Company may terminate the employment of a

seafarer following a serious default of the seafarers

employment obligations which gives rise to a lawful

entitlement to dismissal, provided that the Company

shall, where possible, prior to dismissal, give written

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


notice to the seafarer specifying the serious default

which has been the cause of the dismissal”.

21.4 “The company shall ensure that a fair, effective and expeditious on-board procedure is in place to deal with reports of breaches of employment obligations and with seafarers’ complaints or grievances. The procedures shall allow seafarers to be accompanied or represented during the procedure and provide safeguards against victimization for raising complaints that are not manifestly vexatious or malicious”.

46. DFC, Denmark

Misconduct Amend CBA Article 21.2: Use the MLC language to better specify subjects for dismissal and to refer to a norm or a process.

The proposed text:

In the event of the dismissal of a seafarer in accordance

with this clause who has been found to be in serious

default of employment obligations in accordance with

national laws or regulations or other measures or this

collective bargaining agreement, the Company shall be

entitled to recover from that seafarer’s balance of wages

the costs involved with repatriating the seafarer

together with such costs incurred by the Company as are

directly attributable to the seafarers proven misconduct.

Such costs do not, however, include the costs of

providing a replacement for the dismissed seafarer.

47. DFC, Denmark

Right to refuse sailing Amend CBA Article 21.3 d to include:

the right to refuse sailing into an epidemic area;

Proposed amendment:

For the purpose of this Agreement, refusal by any

seafarer to obey an order to sail the ship shall not

amount to a breach of the seafarers employment

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


ITF Secretariat

High Risk areas

obligations where:

d) the seafarer refuses to sail into a Warlike area or a

High Risk area as identified in Art.17, or into an

Epidemic area declared by the World Health

Organisation (WHO).

48. SUC, Croatia

On-board complaints procedure

Add a new CBA Art 21(A): Both parties agree that any complaint by the Seafarers, including by the Master, shall be settled in good faith without any victimization against seafarers in accordance of the On-board Compliant Procedures with whom Company has to inform the Seafarers and Master prior the signing of the Employment Agreement.

For reference: similar provisions already exist in CBA

Article 21.4:

“The company shall ensure that a fair, effective and

expeditious on-board procedure is in place to deal with

reports of breaches of employment obligations and with

seafarers’ complaints or grievances. The procedures shall

allow seafarers to be accompanied or represented

during the procedure and provide safeguards against

victimization for raising complaints that are not

manifestly vexatious or malicious”.

49. NUSI, India MUI, India

Signing off for medical reasons (CBA Articles 22, 23, 25)

Serious conditions like cancer, paralytic stroke, spondylitis and psoriasis occurring due to sickness whilst in the employment should give entitlements to:

Prolonged medical treatment and sick pay (for longer than 130 days upon repatriation)

Disability compensations

This claim was tabled and failed during previous negotiations.

50. MTWTU, Ukraine

Sick pay and Disability due to injury

Amend CBA Article 23.3 and 25.1 to replace ‘accident’ by ‘injury’ throughout the text.

Proposed amendment to CBA Article 23.3 and 25.2:

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


Reason: the IMO/ILO Guidelines on Shipowners’ responsibilities in respect of contractual claims for personal injury or death (Resolution A931(22) of 29.11.01) define ‘Personal injury as any disease or impairment of a seafarer’s physical or mental condition arising out of or in connection with employment of the seafarer’. This may give grounds to claim the entitlement to a prolonged sick pay and to disability compensations in case of some professional diseases.

23.3 However, in the event of incapacity due to an

accident injury the basic wages shall be paid until the

injured seafarer has been cured or until a medical

determination is made in accordance with clause 25.2

concerning permanent disability.

25.2 A seafarer who suffers permanent disability as a

result of an accident injury whilst in the employment of

the Company regardless of fault, including accidents

injuries occurring while travelling to or from the ship,

and whose ability to work as a seafarer is reduced as a

result thereof, but excluding permanent disability due to

wilful acts, shall in addition to sick pay, be entitled to

compensation according to the provisions of this


For info: CBA Article 22 (Medical Attention) already uses

“injury” in place of “accident”.

51. MUI, India

Disability CBA Article 25

For those found medically unfit for sea service the degree of disability should be determined by legally appointed medical officers, with the payment of permanent disability benefits.

The existing CBA text may already be covering this in CBA Articles 25.2 and 25.4: 25.2: The disability suffered by the seafarer shall be determined by a doctor appointed by the Company. If a doctor appointed by or on behalf of the seafarer disagrees with the assessment, a third doctor may be nominated jointly between the Company and the Union and the decision of this doctor shall be final and binding on both parties. 25.4: A seafarer whose disability, in accordance with

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


25.2 above is assessed at 50% or more shall, for the purpose of this paragraph, be regarded as permanently unfit for further sea service in any capacity and be entitled to 100% compensation. Furthermore, any seafarer assessed at less than 50 % disability but certified as permanently unfit for further sea service in any capacity by the Company-nominated doctor, shall also be entitled to 100 % compensation. Any disagreement as to the assessment or entitlement shall be resolved in accordance with clause 25.2 above.

52. Ver.Di, Germany

Company’s liabilities & term of employment

Add a new CBA Article referenced to Art. 25 (Disability) and Art. 26 (Death) saying that the Company’s liabilities as per these articles commence from the moment the Seafarer is engaged having passed a medical examination by the Company and these liabilities may not be reconsidered thereafter on medical grounds.

This may require the removal of the existing disclaimer

in CBA Article 2.2:

“The Company shall be entitled to require that any

seafarer shall have a satisfactory pre-employment

medical examination, at Company expense, by a

Company-nominated doctor and that the seafarer

answer faithfully any questionnaire on their state of

health, which may be required. Failure to do so may

effect the seafarer’s entitlement to compensation as

per Articles 22,23,24, 25 and 26”.

53. Ver.Di, Germany

Willful acts In CBA Article 25.1 (Disability) and 26.1 (Death in service) the burden to prove each alleged ‘willful act’ leading to an exclusion from entitlements should be on the Company: CBA 25.7 / 26.6: Should the Company have reason to believe that the permanent disability / death, as determined in

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


25.1 / 26.1, is due to a willful act, the Company is obliged to provide legal evidence.

54. SYGMMA, Madagascar

Loss of life In CBA Article 26.1 Limit the term for repatriating the body by 7 days following the arrival in port

CBA Article 26.1:

“The Company shall also transport at its own expense

the body to Seafarer’s home where practical and at the

families’ request and pay the cost of burial expenses.

Where the death occurs at sea the body shall be

repatriated within 7 days upon arrival in the nearest


55. MUI, India

Loss of life Amend CBA Article 26.5 to include disappearance in port due to kidnapping

Possible new text in CBA Article 26.5:

“‘If a Seafarer goes missing at sea, whilst in the employment of the Company, including missing by accident or as a result of marine or other similar peril or kidnapping, but excluding missing due to an act of suicide, or a willful disappearance in port, the Company shall pay the same amounts as specified for Loss of Life-Death in Service in the attached APPENDIX 3”

56. SUC, Croatia

Pensions and social security Add a new CBA Article 27(A): It is strongly recommended that all Seafarers ensure that they have made adequate arrangements for pension provision. Company shall participate in covering some of the costs for this purpose. Furthermore the Company and Union should identify the means by which additional social security protection will be provided to the Seafarer by Company.

In order to include in the CBA, consider making the

clause / clauses more specific.

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


57. NAUTILUS Intl.

Seafarers pensions and savings

Seek JNG’s commitment to introduce pensions or similar retirement saving initiatives for seafarers on IBF ships

For the MOA

58. A group of affiliates: ESU, Estonia; KPI, Indonesia; LSU, Lithuania; LSUMF, Latvia; MTWTU, Ukraine; RSU, Romania; SUR, Russia

Applicable union rules Amend CBA Article 31.2 to require the attachment of an extract from applicable terms (rules) of the relevant union, to which the present CBA text refers. Purpose: exclude misinterpretation of this Article by the Company in its own favor. As a result, the negotiation rights shall remain with the Union in the country of the beneficial owner and, at the same time, the company will also have to respect the rights and the rules of the labor supply union.

Proposed new text for CBA Article 31.2:

31.1 Subject to national legislation, in order to be covered by this agreement, all seafarers shall be members of an appropriate national trade union affiliated to the ITF.

31.2 The Company shall arrange to pay in respect of each Seafarer the Entrance/Membership fees in accordance with the terms of the relevant Union (as indicated in Annex 7)

59. NAUTILUS Intl.

Harassment and Bullying Add a new CBA Article 32.2 to provide reference to the latest H&B guidelines that have been jointly adopted between the ITF and ICS and to ensure their dissemination and availability on board.

This will also imply that the existing H&B policy in the IBF MOA needs to be replaced by the newer guidelines.

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


60. NUSI, India

Permanent employment The Company should employ seafarers on a permanent basis, similar to its shore staff. Alternatively, a re-joining allowance /loyalty bonus should be provided by the CBA.

This was tabled at the previous negotiations and found partly covered by the existing IBF MOA text: “The IBF agreed that regular employment on ships that

seafarers were familiar with was highly desirable to

promote harmony on board as well as safe ship

operations. It was also recognised that this was a

responsibility for both employers and workers


To this end it was agreed that employers should be

urged to adopt practices that would encourage stability

in the workforce, the promotion of training and

regularity of engagement within a retained pool of

seafarers. Wage structures that would promote such

policies should be encouraged.

Companies are encouraged to maintain an employer-

employee relationship for the period between voyages,

including the possibility of social and welfare benefits”.

61. NAUTILUS Intl.

Permanent employment

Consider further steps of enhancing the existing IBF MOA text re permanent employment

62. NUSI, India

Shore leave At anchorage points the Company should arrange for regular boat service, where practical.

This was considered for the inclusion in the previous ITF list of claims. For reference, the existing wording in the IBF MOA:

“The IBF are determined to work jointly in order to ensure that the seafarer’s basic right to shore leave is not unjustifiably denied due to whatever reasons. JNG members therefore agree to take every effort and,

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


whenever required, use best endeavours to facilitate shore leave for the crews in order to benefit their health and well-being. In particular, the Company concerned will assist in meeting the relevant ISPS Code and/or other national requirements by means of allocating, if necessary, resources and expertise, securing adequate representation of seafarers through respective agents, completing the formalities, arranging the necessary paperwork and permissions, communicating with the respective authorities, providing transportation to and from the vessel for the crew and etc…”

63. NUSI, India

Duties on board: (cleaning common areas)

The ranks who may be used to clean common places, like passages, washrooms and etc, need to be identified.

In ISM Code?

64. NUSI, India

Duties on board: (catering crew)

In normal operation catering crew should never be called for stations.

This was considered in 2013 for the inclusion in the previous ITF list of claims.

65. NUSI, India

Dangerous cargo On ships carrying dangerous cargo there should be:

compulsory medical checks, on company’s cost, after signing off an LNG, LPG or other dangerous cargo vessel;

extra allowance for service;

higher Death & Disability compensations.

This claim was tabled and failed during previous negotiations in 2014.

66. NUSI, India

Insurance between contracts Seafarers and their families to be insured by the Company during off-articles period against death and disability ashore. (Could be subject to re-employment with the same company)

This claim was tabled and failed during previous negotiations in 2014.

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


67. ITF Secretariat

Post traumatic stress following a captivity

Post traumatic stress disorders emanating from captivity should be covered as sickness under Company’s liabilities

CBA Article 17.5 to read: “In case a Seafarer may become captive or otherwise prevented from sailing as a result of an act of piracy or hijacking, irrespective whether such act takes place within or outside IBF designated areas referred to in this Article, the Seafarer’s employment status and entitlements under this Agreement shall continue until the Seafarer’s release and thereafter until the Seafarer is safely repatriated to his/her home or place of engagement or until all Company’s contractual liabilities end. These continued entitlements shall, in particular, include the payment of full wages and other contractual benefits. The Company shall also make every effort to provide captured Seafarers, with extra protection, food, welfare, medical and other assistance as necessary. Where following the repatriation a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may be determined which is attributive to the captivity, it should be viewed as a sickness, with the entitlements as outlined in Article 22 and 23 of this Agreement.”

68. ITF Secretariat

Financial security Demand that the text of the CBA shall include the MLC requirement (entering into force 18/01/2017) of a financial security system to cover cases of abandonment (MLC’s new A2.5.2) and contractual claims (MLC’s new A4.2.2)

CBA Article 27: Insurance Cover:

27.1 The Company shall conclude appropriate insurance

to cover themselves fully against the possible

contingencies arising from the Articles of this Agreement

Proposed additional text:

Further, the Company shall ensure that a financial

security system be provided on board to protect the

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


crew against abandonment and to guarantee

resolution of personal claims. The form of such system

shall be agreed with the Union and it shall enable

seafarers or their representatives to directly access the

financial security provider. The details of the applicable

financial security system shall be posted in a

conspicuous place on board where it is available to the


69. ITF Secretariat

A copy of applicable CBA Add to Special Agreement Article.1a: Article 1: The Company undertakes as follows:

a) to employ each Seafarer in accordance with the current terms of the ITF Approved Agreements stated in paragraph 3 above and in default thereof in accordance with the current terms of the ITF Standard Collective Agreement. The signed copy of the applicable CBA(s), including the wage scale, shall be available on board, in English.

This would be in line with similar requirements of the

CBA Article.1.4

70. ITF Secretariat

Dockers Clause (Special Agreement)

Amend the Special Agreement to enable the usage of health and safety grounds to support dockworkers affiliates being in dispute with stevedoring companies

In Special Agreement Art.1k break in 2 paras and add the second bullet point (below):

to ensure that where a vessel is in a port where an official trade dispute involving an ITF-affiliated dock workers’ union is taking place:

neither ship’s crew nor anyone else on board whether in permanent or temporary employment by the Company shall undertake

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing


cargo handling and other work, traditionally and historically done by members of that union which would affect the resolution of such a dispute;

the Company shall not use the stevedoring services which as a result of an ongoing trade union dispute may pose potential health and safety risks to the crew of the vessel and/or the dock workers ashore. For this purpose the Company will respect the advice of the local ITF-affiliated dockworkers’ union.

71. ITF Secretariat

Support to Dockworkers (MOA)

Amend the IBF MOA to add to Company’s responsibilities in supporting ITF dock workers.

“The IBF acknowledges the right of dockworkers to

participate in union activities and to be protected

against acts of anti-union discrimination, consistent with

protections provided by ILO Convention 87 (Freedom of

Association and Protection of the Right to Organize

Convention) and ILO Convention 98 (Right to Organize

and Collective Bargaining Convention).

Consistent with the understanding and intent agreed

between the parties, JNG members will recommend to

their principals that they should not use stevedoring

services which do not comply with the terms of the

aforementioned Conventions and of “ILO Safety of

Health in Ports” and “ILO Code of Practice” for their

employees. They should also recommend that the

stevedoring services only use trained professional

dockers who have the necessary qualifications and

experience to operate equipment and to handle cargo

Annex 10 to 16/FpcSgMay/Briefing



The Company shall ensure that measures are in place in

order to provide and maintain a safe working

environment and to minimize risks associated with cargo

work carried out on board. Any accidents occurring

during such work, whether involving dockworkers or

others, shall be reported to the Safety Officer of the ship

concerned. The Safety Officer shall ensure that such

accidents are investigated and that appropriate

recommendations are made to the Company so as to

prevent the recurrence of such accidents. The Company

undertakes to enter into discussions with the ITF to

ensure that measures are taken to prevent such

accidents in the future.”