Bricolage versus breakthrough: distributed and … 2003...

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Research Policy 32 (2003) 277–300

Bricolage versus breakthrough: distributed and embeddedagency in technology entrepreneurship

Raghu Garuda,∗, Peter Karnøeb,1

a Department of Management, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, Tisch, 40 W 4 St, 7-13, 10012 New York, NY, USAb Copenhagen Business School, Department of Organization and Industrial Sociology, 3 Solbjerg Plads, DK-2000, Denmark


We develop a perspective on technology entrepreneurship as involving agency that is distributed across different kinds ofactors. Each actor becomes involved with a technology, and, in the process, generates inputs that result in the transformationof an emerging technological path. The steady accumulation of inputs to a technological path generates a momentum thatenables and constrains the activities of distributed actors. In other words, agency is not only distributed, but it is embedded aswell. We explicate this perspective through a comparative study of processes underlying the emergence of wind turbines inDenmark and in United States. Through our comparative study, we flesh out “bricolage” and “breakthrough” as contrastingapproaches to the engagement of actors in shaping technological paths.© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bricolage; Breakthrough; Technology entrepreneurship; Networks; Learning; Knowledge

1. Introduction

Entrepreneurship involves the discovery, creationand exploitation of opportunities (Venkataraman,1997; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000). Traditionalentrepreneurship literature primarily attributes thesuccess and failure of such initiatives to specific indi-viduals (seeGartner, 1988for an extensive review).Some researchers have conceptualized entrepreneursas possessing certain traits that set them apart fromothers. Others have conceptualized entrepreneursas heroic individuals who are able to prevail byovercoming insurmountable odds. In either case,

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.:+1-212-998-0255;fax: +1-212-995-4235.E-mail addresses: (R. Garud), (P. Karnøe).

1 Tel.: +45-38-152808; fax:+45-38-152828.

entrepreneurial agency is located in a few individualswho have the full-blown ability to discover, createand exploit opportunities that lie beyond the reach ofmost.

Departing from a conceptualization that vestsagency with specific individuals, we suggest that tech-nology entrepreneurship is a larger process that buildsupon the efforts of many (Karnøe, 1991; Van de Ven,1993; Van de Ven et al., 1999; Mezias and Kuperman,2000; Garud and Karnøe, 2001). Skills and resourcesrequired to take an idea from its inception to com-mercial use have to be mobilized by drawing uponthe generative impulses of actors from multiple do-mains (Karnøe, 1996). In other words, entrepreneurialagency is distributed across actors (Garud and Kotha,1994; Tsoukas, 1996; Girard and Stark, 2001).

As Hayek (1945, p. 519)pointed out, each dis-tributed actor possesses “dispersed bits of incompleteand frequently contradictory knowledge.” In this

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Fig. 1. Global market shares for Danish and US firms, 1982–2000.

regard, Hayek asked how it might be possible to “ex-tend the span of our utilization of resources beyondthe span of the control of any one mind?” (Hayek,1945, p. 527). In this paper, we suggest that the ac-cumulation of inputs from multiple actors generatesa momentum (Hughes, 1983; Molina, 1999) that canharness the inputs of distributed actors. As it gainsmomentum, the emerging path2 begins enabling andconstraining the activities of involved actors (Garudand Jain, 1996; Kemp et al., 1988; Dosi, 1982). Ac-tors become embedded in paths that they try to shapein real time (Garud and Karnøe, 2001; Kreiner andTryggestad, 2002). In turn, these paths begin shapingactors over time.

As is apparent from our introduction, our perspec-tive on technology entrepreneurship adopts a social-ized view of actors, a view that is often missing inthe traditional entrepreneurship literature. Moreover,implicit in our description is an appreciation thattechnology entrepreneurship is not just about the dis-covery of pre-existing options by alert individuals orspeculation on the future (Knight, 1971; Mises, 1978;Kirzner, 1997; Casson, 1995; Harper, 1996; Shane,2000). Additionally, it involves the creation of newoptions through the recombination and transforma-

2 We use the term “paths” rather than “regimes” (Nelson andWinter, 1982; Kemp et al., 1988), or trajectories (Dosi, 1982).Paths, to us, connote a sense of “embedded agency” that wesuggest actors enjoy in their involvement with a technology.

tion of existing resources (Schumpeter, 1942; Usher,1954; Venkataraman, 1997; Garud et al., 1998).

These processes can unfold in several directionsdepending upon initial conditions and subsequent dy-namics (Dosi, 1982; Nelson and Winter, 1982; David,1985; Arthur, 1988). Eventually, one path may cometo prevail over the others (Utterback and Abernathy,1975; Tushman and Anderson, 1986; Pinch and Bijker,1987; Arthur, 1989). Such was the case with wind tur-bine technology. Despite deploying significant intel-lectual and financial resources, actors in the US wereunable to create a viable technological path (Davidson,1996b). In contrast, actors in Denmark pursued a pro-cess that deployed modest resources to progressivelybuild up a viable wind turbine path. Indeed, Danishfirms are currently world leaders in the market for windpower (for a comparison of market shares, seeFig. 1).The market leader, Vestas, is a Danish firm with 18%of the market and four of the six largest wind turbinefirms in the world are Danish (BTM Consult, 2001).

How is it possible for one group of actors deployingmodest resources to prevail over another deploying farsuperior resources? In addressing this question, ourcomparative study offers two contrasting approachesto technology entrepreneurship. Actors in Denmarkadopted an approach that we label as bricolage. Fol-lowing Levi-Strauss (1967), we use the term bricolageto connote resourcefulness and improvisation on thepart of involved actors (see alsoMiner et al., 2001).Bricolage was characterized by co-shaping of the

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emerging technological path as actors in Denmarksought modest yet steady gains. In contrast, actors inthe US pursued a path that we label as breakthrough.We use the term breakthrough to evoke an image of ac-tors attempting to generate dramatic outcomes. Ratherthan adaptiveness, an unyielding vision to leap-frogthe Danish initiative characterized the involvementof actors in the US. Contrasting these approaches,Stoddard, a US wind turbine pioneer, stated:

We trusted our engineering tools too much, and feltthat they could solve the hard problems, and wesimply didn’t believe that the engineering problemswere as hard as they were. We felt bright and able. . . to solve anything. We thought in a typical Amer-ican fashion that there would be inevitable break-throughs that would make the “pedestrian” Danishapproach obsolete overnight. (Stoddard, 1993)

2. Technology entrepreneurship

Our perspective on technology entrepreneurshipbuilds upon a body of knowledge that explicitly ad-dresses the role of human agency in shaping newtechnologies. Widely referred to as the social con-struction of technological systems (SCOT), this liter-ature offers detailed accounts of the micro-processes

Fig. 2. Distributed agents involved in the emergence of a technological path.

associated with technology emergence (Bijker et al.,1987). These accounts suggest that human agencyis distributed across actors who are embedded inemerging technological paths.

2.1. Distributed agency

A pervasive theme that runs through the SCOTliterature is that the emergence of a technologicalpath cannot be attributed to any one individual actor(Bijker et al., 1987; Bijker and Law, 1992; Latour,1991). The development of every technology involvesthe efforts of a multiplicity of actors (Braun and Mac-donald, 1982; Garud and Van de Ven, 1987; Karnøe,1993; Aldrich, 1999) (Fig. 2). These actors includenot just those who create and discover new ideas, butalso those who develop complementary assets (Teece,1987), those in institutional forums (Garud and Rappa,1994), and customers who offer critical inputs thatshape emerging paths (Rosenberg, 1982; Von Hippel,1986; Kline and Pinch, 1996; Tripsas, 2001).

All these actors become involved in different waysto shape an emerging technology. We use the term“involved” to connote actors’ active participationfrom a particular “frame of reference” (Bijker, 1987;Weick, 1979). For instance, designers and producers(producers in the rest of the document) become in-volved based on their beliefs and experiences on the

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design and production of technological artifacts. Usersbecome involved based on the meanings that they at-tach to products with respect to their forms, functionsand values in use (Pinch and Bijker, 1987). Evaluatorsbecome involved based on their understanding of thetests and standards required to compare and contrastdifferent products (Constant, 1980; Garud and Rappa,1994). Regulators enact laws based on their beliefson the efficacy of specific policy instruments to shapethe rate and direction of a technology’s development(Baumol, 1990; Dobbin, 1994; Jørgensen and Karnøe,1995).

The constitution of actors involved with any tech-nology is not necessarily stable. Some actors mayleave even as others become involved with a tech-nological path (Latour, 1991). Moreover, even thoseinvolved at any point in time may have varying “lev-els of inclusion” with the technology (Bijker, 1987).For instance, in the emergence of cochlear implants,actors making advances in basic science were associ-ated long before those who were involved in its com-mercial development and in developing a regulatoryframework (Van de Ven and Garud, 1993). Similarly,Karnøe and Garud (2001)document how lead usersoffered critical inputs that shaped the emergence ofthe wind turbine path in Denmark well before thelarger majority of users embraced them.

The presence of multiple actors with different lev-els of involvement implies that agency is distributedacross actors. Actors become involved with a tech-nology in different ways with different interpretiveframes. No amount of additional data can reduce the“interpretive asymmetry” that exists between actors(Van Looy et al., 2001; Garud and Rappa, 1994).Indeed, technological change occurs through a syn-thesis of the inputs of a number of actors (Usher,1954; Latour, 1991). From this perspective, it is notjust the discovery of new opportunities by alert indi-viduals (Kirzner, 1997) or speculation on the future(Knight, 1971). In addition, technology entrepreneur-ship involves the creation of new opportunities by acollective.

Observations on human agency being distributedare not particularly new (Hayek, 1945; Garud andKotha, 1994; Tsoukas, 1996; Girard and Stark, 2001).Hayek (1945), for instance, pointed out why centrallyplanned economies may not be able to harness themotivations and local knowledge of the “man on the

spot.” For Hayek, a key question was: What governsthe functioning of distributed actors?

In this regard, Hayek suggested “price” as a keymechanism that operates within an overall marketprocess. However, price, by itself, is not sufficient toharness the inputs of distributed actors involved in thedevelopment of new technologies. After all, marketprocesses come into play once user preferences havecongealed, institutional structures have emerged, andcapabilities for production have stabilized (Garudand Rappa, 1994; Dowd and Dobbin, 1997; Callon,1998; Porac et al., 2001; Karnøe, 2001). Indeed, aspreferences, institutional structures and capabilitiesco-evolve, there is every possibility of fragmentationas actors diverge rather than converge because of in-terpretive asymmetry (Garud et al., 2002). Thus, forlarge parts of the technology entrepreneurial process,there is ambiguity as to the specifics that may unfold.

2.2. Embedded involvement

We suggest that the momentum a technology gen-erates as it accumulates inputs from actors shapes theactivities of distributed actors. These inputs are gen-erated through learning and knowledge accumulationprocesses that are activated as actors become involvedwith an emerging path (Garud, 1997). From the sup-ply side, producers learn by doing and by experiment-ing (Arrow, 1962; Layton, 1971; Dutton and Thomas,1985; Argote and Epple, 1990). Through these pro-cesses, these actors generate capabilities that arecritical for the systematic design, production and dis-tribution of goods and services. Users generate feed-back when they use products and services that emergefrom the technology (Rosenberg, 1982; Von Hippel,1986; Karnøe, 1993; Kline and Pinch, 1996; Tripsas,2001). Such learning by using generates knowledge ofcustomers’ emerging preferences. Institutional playersgenerate other kinds of learning. For instance, thosein regulatory bodies develop institutional mechanismsand policies to “steer” the technology developmentprocess (Kemp et al., 1988). More proximally, testcenters generate inputs by a process of learning bytesting (Garud and Rappa, 1994). The testing criteriathat they codify and the results of comparative testsbecome valuable community level knowledge.

Thus, there are multiple opportunities for learningfrom the inputs of distributed actors. A technolog-

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ical “path” emerges from the intersection of theselearning processes as actors’ inputs result in a steadyaccumulation of artifacts, tools, practices, rules andknowledge (Latour, 1991). We use the term ‘path’ tosuggest that the accumulation of inputs at any pointin the development of a technology is as much a posi-tion that actors have reached as it is one that they maydepart from. Indeed, actors’ generative impulses areshaped by the very inputs that they offered. AsKempet al. (1988, pp. 181–182)pointed out, “. . . activitiesare embedded in larger technological regimes, whichconsist not only of a set of opportunities but also ofa structure of constrains in the form of establishedpractice, supplier–user relationships and consumptionpatterns.” In other words, actors exercise embeddedagency (Callon, 1991; Garud and Karnøe, 2001).

To summarize, actors become interwoven intoemerging technological paths that they shape in realtime. In turn, the accumulating artifacts, tools, prac-tices, rules and knowledge begin shaping actors overtime (Giddens, 1979). In being entrepreneurial, actorscannot do anything they please. As embedded actors,they can entertain certain possibilities and not others.If they deviate too much from existing approaches,they may trigger counter-reactions that could thwarttheir efforts. On the other hand, if they do not de-viate enough, they may not be able to galvanize acollective and generate momentum for their initiative.Entrepreneurship, from this perspective, is a processof mindful deviation (Choi, 1993; Garud and Karnøe,2001).

The social construction of technological systems lit-erature entertains the possibility that alternative tech-nological paths may unfold (Dosi, 1982; Bijker et al.,1987). For instance, there were two main paths in theemergence of cochlear implants (Garud and Rappa,1994). Each progressed along certain directions basedon starting assumptions of the actors involved and thelearning processes that unfolded. Differences betweenpaths were manifest in the kinds of designs (singleor multi-channel), evaluation routines (environmentalsound detection or open speech recognition), users’profiles (drawn from a broad spectrum or from amotivated group) and regulatory requirements (thedevice specific criteria that emerged to evaluate safetyand efficacy of cochlear implants by the US Food andDrug Administration). These path specific attributes,in turn, shaped the engagement of the actors involved.

The existence of multiple technological paths im-plies that micro-learning processes and therefore theinputs of actors involved can differ by paths. In otherwords, the nature of embedding of the actors involvedcan vary by technological paths. Consequently, to un-derstand the specific nature of embedding requires anappreciation of the dynamics that unfold within andacross alternative technological paths.

2.3. Summary

Technology entrepreneurship, in summary, hasseveral interrelated facets. First, it is not just aboutdiscovery or speculation, but involves creation aswell. Such creation occurs as different types of ac-tors become involved with an emerging technologicalpath. The multiplicity of actors involved with differ-ent frames suggests that this is a distributed processwith interpretive asymmetries generating opportuni-ties through a process of creative synthesis. Second,these actors are embedded in the very inputs thatthey have generated through their involvement with atechnological path. Actors become embedded in theseknowledge structures that then act as platforms fortheir departure. Thus, agency associated with techno-logical entrepreneurship is not only distributed, butis embedded as well. Third, the specific embeddingprocesses may vary for different technological paths,each prescribing a particular developmental logic de-pending upon starting assumptions and subsequentlearning processes that unfold. In sum, agency associ-ated with technology entrepreneurship is distributed,embedded and can vary by paths.

We explicate our perspective with accounts of theemergence of wind turbine paths in Denmark and inthe US. Of interest here are contrasting approachesthat actors in Denmark and in the US pursued. Actorsin Denmark pursued a low-tech approach that theysteadily improved. Those in the US pursued a sophis-ticated high-tech approach. Exploring how and whyactors in Denmark prevailed over those in the US canshed light on micro-processes that have the potentialto overcome advantages conferred by a sophisticatedhigh-tech approach backed by large-scale resources.As Pinch (2001, p. 397)pointed out:

by problemetizing the notion of a dominant pathand examining what the alternatives were, we areable to draw attention to the underlying dynamics

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even of dominant stable paths of technologicaldevelopment.

3. Distributed agency

Wind turbines comprise many interactive partsthat work together to convert kinetic wind energy toelectromagnetic energy. The design of wind turbinesrequires knowledge of electronics, mechanics, hy-draulics, advanced materials and aerodynamics. Mod-ern wind turbines are not based on any new dramaticinventions or recent scientific discoveries (Golding,1955; Shepard, 1990). Rather, modern wind turbinesembody the steady accretion of inputs from many ac-tors. This is true of the emergence of the wind turbinepaths in Denmark and in the US.

3.1. Wind turbine path in Denmark

One can trace the origins of the modern windturbine to a design developed by Juul in the 1950s.During the energy crisis of the early 1970s, it wasRiisager, a carpenter, who first recontextualized Juul’sdesign with materials such as wood and lorry gearsavailable to him. Many others were involved includ-ing Jorgensen, a skilled mechanic, who improvedupon Riisagers’s efforts to design an active yaw forwind turbines. Jorgensen was among the first to usefiber-glass blades produced by an engineering student,Nielsen. Vestas Wind Systems, currently the world’slargest wind turbine manufacturer, licensed the rightto use Jorgensen’s design in 1979.

By 1980, besides Vestas, there were nine otherDanish wind turbine firms, with the top three hold-ing 63% of the Danish market (Karnøe, 1991). In-stead of pursuing a design intensive R&D approach,these firms deployed prototypes designed with sim-ple engineering heuristics to engender a process oftrial-and-error learning. Firms also learnt from eachother at Windmeetings that began in 1976. Thesemeetings culminated in the formation of the Wind-mill Manufacturers Association in 1978. These firmsare leaders in the fast-growing world market for windpower with a market share of around 45–51% in 2001(BTM Consult, 2001).

The emergence of wind turbines involved not justthe discovery of pre-existing underutilized resources

by specific individuals, but also, a transformationof resources by many different actors. Owner-usersplayed a key role. Concerned about their investmentsin wind turbines, early owner-users mobilized to formthe Danish Wind Mill Owners’ Association in 1978to seek design features that would enhance the safetyand reliability of wind turbines (Tranæs, 2000). Basedon the association’s inputs, manufacturers incorpo-rated a double brake system that is still in use. Evenfor a seemingly straightforward technology such aswind turbines, one can see how dimensions of meritemerged through a synthesis of the inputs of severalactors.

Engineers at the Danish Wind Turbine Test Sta-tion (DWTS) were another group of actors to play animportant role. The DWTS was established in 1978to service the emerging wind turbine industry (Risø,1988). The test station comprised of four engineerswith diverse competencies and skills ranging fromaerodynamics, testing, measurement, and engine me-chanics. The mix of competencies at the DWTS madeit possible for the engineers to understand the com-plexities of wind turbine operations and to participatemeaningfully in the development of the industry.

Soon after the DWTS came into being, the Danishgovernment passed a law that required wind turbinesto be certified before owner-users could gain subsidiesfrom the Danish government. These government reg-ulators were yet another group of actors. They had be-come involved with the emerging path by earmarkingR&D money for wind power in response to the energycrisis of the early 1970s. By enacting policies that of-fered market subsidies, these regulatory actors playedimportant roles in “steering” the emerging path toconstruct “transition paths” (Kemp et al., 1988, 2001).

The law requiring certification led to increased in-teractions between engineers at production sites andthose at the DWTS. Recognizing that knowledge wasembedded in those who were designing and deploy-ing the first wind turbines, DWTS engineers beganlearning from those in industry and began positioningthe test station as a knowledge resource for industryparticipants (Risø, 1988). In collaboration with theindustry, the test center began establishing testingcriteria for gaining governmental subsidies.

This brief description highlights a few facets ofhuman agency in the development of the Danish windturbine path. Many actors were involved including

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producers, users, evaluators and regulators. Eachshaped the emerging path from a particular vantagepoint. These actors became involved at different pointsin time with certain events triggering greater involve-ment. For instance, the energy crisis of 1974 trig-gered the involvement of actors in the policy regimes.Potential investment losses triggered users’ involve-ment. A need to accumulate emerging knowledgeand then the need for certification triggered the in-volvement of the DWTS. All the while, designers andproducers continued developing and deploying windturbines.

A technological path emerged as each actor’sinputs progressively began enabling and constrain-ing the activities of others. Users’ inputs shapedproducers’ designs, producers’ ‘low-tech’ capabilitiesshaped approaches pursued by the test station, thetest station’s approval procedure shaped the minimumload paradigm for producers, regulators shaped policysuch as placing a restriction on investments by privateusers when wind installations began to grow too fast.In this way, the inputs of these many actors co-shapedthe accumulation of artifacts, tools, practices, rulesand knowledge that in turn began shaping the actionsand interactions of involved actors.

3.2. The US wind turbine path

Distributed agency apparent in the developmentof the Danish wind turbine path is to be found inthe emergence of the US wind turbine path as well.Early efforts can be traced to a design by Jacobs inthe late 1920s, whose small 2–5 kW stand-alone ma-chines equipped with storage batteries were bought byfarmers (Righter, 1996). At the other end of the spec-trum were Putnam’s 1.5 MW giant grid-connectedwind turbines that were deployed between 1934 and1945 (Putnam, 1948). Putnam’s design shaped US’slarge-scale wind turbine program that gained mo-mentum with the energy crisis of 1973.3 Facets ofthe approach adopted in this program, including itslinear top-down orientation and the quest for a break-through, spilt over to the small-scale entrepreneurialUS wind turbine path.

3 For more details on the large scale program, seeKarnøe (1993),Righter (1996), andGipe (1995).

Shaping the emergence of the nascent technologypath were pioneers such as Gipe and Stoddard. Gipebegan refurbishing and selling Jacobs’ windchargers(Righter, 1996, pp. 162–166). Around 1973, Stod-dard joined the University of Massachusetts where hetaught an engineering course on wind turbines fromwhich around 30–40 engineers graduated.Stoddard(1993) decided not to pursue Juul’s design rejectingit as being “too simplistic.” Instead, he and his col-leagues decided to pursue a design that had emergedfrom Batelle Laboratories, Canada. USWindPower,one of the first US firms, adopted the three-bladedlight-weight moderately sophisticated wind turbinethat Stoddard and his colleagues designed.

Besides USWindPower, about 20 other firms be-came active between 1974 and 1986. Amongst themwas Fayette that designed its wind turbines with thehelp of external consultants, including Stoddard. Inthe early 1970s, the Carters from Burkburnett, TX,placed their bets on a design more advanced thanthe one at USWindPower. Carter Jr. had workedwith the Bell Helicopters Design and DevelopmentGroup. Carter Sr. had worked on extruded fiber-glasscasing for Minutemen Missiles for many years. Theirhighly advanced turbine designs incorporated a two-bladed light-weight, flexible design with a teetering-hub.

As in Denmark, a test and research center forsmall-scale wind turbines was established in theUS. This center, originally called the Solar EnergyResearch Institute (SERI) and later the NationalRenewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), was formallya part of the solar energy research national windpower program (Divone, 1980). One of its objectiveswas to develop a knowledge base of fundamentalengineering science. Another was to develop and ap-ply standards to identify the “best” designs for R&Dcontracts. Based on the standards established and thetests carried out by this center, over US$ 14 million indevelopment contracts were deployed between 1978and 1982 (Karnøe, 1993; Nelson, 1983).

Collective action apparent in Denmark also emergedin the US. In 1974, a national trade association,the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA),was founded. The AWEA comprised a mix of ac-tors including wind power plant developers, windturbine manufacturers, utilities, consultants, insurers,financiers and researchers. A key purpose of this

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Table 1Embedding processes in the Danish and US technological paths

Actors Denmark US

Designers andproducers

Design heuristics based on experience withagricultural equipment; reliability of key concern

Engineering (science) based on aerospace framing;aerodynamic efficiency of key concern

Collaborative network between designers,producers and suppliers

Lack of collaborative network between designers,producers and suppliers

Several scale-up steps with product developmentefforts in-between scale-ups

Fewer scale-up steps with little productdevelopment effort in-between scale-ups

Users Direct learning points from multiple users Indirect learning points from limited set of usersIncentives to provide critical inputs Poor incentives to provide critical inputsMobilized to form an association that publishedcomparative performance of wind turbines

Mobilized to form an association with producersto lobby government

Evaluators Co-development approach Selection approachComparative tests of wind turbines offered critical inputs Lower emphasis on comparative testsTesting standards co-evolved with the technologybeing developed

Testing standards based on generic engineeringscience design knowledge that did not co-evolve

Regulators Strategically steered the activities of the various actors Created and abruptly closed huge opportunitiesPolicies engendered greater involvement of actorsin wind turbine path

Policies did little to increase involvement of actorsin wind turbine path

“Modulated” market processes “Episodic” quality to intervention

organization was to lobby actors in the US Congressto shape emerging wind and renewable energylegislation.

Indeed, actors in the US government, like theirDanish counterparts, played active roles in shapingthe emergence of wind turbine. Policy makers of-fered market subsidies and tax credits to users andproducers whose wind turbines were certified by theSERI/NERL. In combination, these policies generatedhuge incentives to install wind turbines in Californiain the early 1980s, a period that came to be known asthe “wind gold rush.”

This list of the actors involved in the two coun-tries, though brief, illustrates the distributed natureof agency. Actors from different domains became in-volved at different points in time. These actors werenot passive observers but were actively involved inmobilizing and shaping emerging technological paths.Whether it was through inputs to the design of bladesor through inputs to the rules governing approvals formarket subsidies, actors in both paths progressivelyshaped their respective wind turbine paths. In turn,these accumulating inputs began shaping the involve-ment of the different actors. However, the ways thatthe actors became involved with their emergent pathsdiffered across the two contexts.

4. Differences in embedding processes

We use overall contrasting labels “bricolage” and“breakthrough” to highlight the differences in theembedding processes associated with actor involve-ment in the two paths (seeTable 1for a summary ofthe differences). Bricolage, the label we use to de-scribe embedding processes in the Danish path, wascharacterized by emergent co-shaping. For instance,designers and producers steadily scaled up designsall the while incorporating the inputs of the many ac-tors involved. Users offered continual feedback whilethose in test centers developed evaluation routinesthat co-evolved with experiences in the field. All thewhile, policy makers “modulated” the emergence ofthe market to keep the technological path alive.

A different logic of distributed agency was apparentin the development of the US wind turbine path. De-signers and producers tried to “leap-frog” the Daneswith high-tech designs as developers hyped up futureperformance of wind turbines to reap greater prof-its. Researchers at the test center pursued a “linear”engineering science based technology-push model astheir basis for interactions with industry participants.Regulators enacted policies to jump-start the technol-ogy, spur the formation of a huge market, and then

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abruptly removed subsidies. These efforts were con-sistent with an approach that sought a breakthrough.

4.1. Design and production

There were key differences in the ways designand production engineers became involved in thetwo paths. Actors in the US started with a high-techdesign, took large steps in design scale-up, and didnot engage in much product development in-betweenstages. In contrast, actors in Denmark started with alow-tech design, took smaller steps in design scale-up,and engaged in product development in-betweenstages. Other differences were apparent in the col-laborative networks within which these turbines werebeing designed and produced. The Danish path wascharacterized by considerable interaction among thosein a network in contrast to the US path where suchcollaborative processes were muted.

4.1.1. Processes in DenmarkRosenberg (1982, p. 143)defined technology as

“knowledge of techniques, method, and designs thatwork, and that work in certain ways and with cer-tain consequences,even when one cannot explainexactly why.” Our ability to influence and shapeemergent outcomes in technological systems viaknowledge embedded in practices often surpasses ourability to analyze and model them explicitly (Garud,1997). This was the situation with early firms inDenmark.

Each firm possessed a core group of skilled work-ers, technicians and a few practical engineers. Such amix was representative of the “mechanical skill” basethat had emerged as a result of a “practical engineer”education typical of the Danish machine industry.These firms began developing wind turbines withoutan appreciation of the complexities involved. Thepeople involved saw the wind turbine as presenting aset of problems similar to those they had confrontedin the construction of agricultural machinery. Lackingexplicit theoretical knowledge on turbine aerodynam-ics, practical engineers initiated a learning processby deploying and redesigning components that of-ten failed but could be improved. Many a problemwas solved by “throwing metal” at the problem. Theheavy-weight low-speed design that emerged uninten-tionally reduced design risk by ensuring that internal

weight overshadowed aerodynamic loads (Stoddard,1986, p. 89).

Manufacturers initially confronted problems thathad to do with structural dynamics and operationalreliability. Only later did aerodynamic efficiency ofblade profiles emerge as key design challenges. Thetwo former boat manufactures that supplied the windturbine blades did not possess specific aerodynamicknowledge. Consequently, they sought technicalassistance from a Danish Technical Service Insti-tute. Only gradually did the blade designs evolveto embody specific aerodynamic properties (Karnøe,1991).

Other suppliers emerged to build hubs, high qualityshafts, mechanical brakes, electronic control systems,components for the yaw-system, and quality gears tosubstitute for the original lorry gears. Design and pro-duction of many components were undertaken in a col-laborative network setting that encouraged and createdan interactive learning network within an emerging in-dustrial cluster (Karnøe, 1991; Porter, 1990; Lundval,1992). In this sense, the wind turbine industryemerged using the traditional Danish collaborative“small and medium sized enterprise” (SME) industrystructure (Kristensen, 1992; Karnøe et al., 1999). Aspart of such a SME structure, Danish wind turbineproducers were able to benefit from the competenciesof firms distributed across a range of suppliers in anetwork.

Over time, there emerged a large amount of prac-tical and explicit knowledge which steadily improvedturbine specific competencies. This was manifest inthe number of steps involved in design scale-ups (seeFig. 3). Such a scale-up approach was ideally suitedfor fostering on-going learning, thereby allowing firmsto concentrate on solving and learning from a smallnumber of manageable problems between steps. A mo-mentum for learning was maintained through productdevelopment efforts in-between scaled up versions. Alower emphasis was placed on optimization of produc-tion processes as firms continued to experiment withnew wind turbine features.

4.1.2. Contrasting processes in the USReflections by Stoddard, a pioneer in the US wind

turbine industry, succinctly capture the differencesin the approaches pursued by the US designers andproducers in comparison to their Danish counterparts.

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Fig. 3. Design scale-up steps for two major firms.

I remember very distinctly in the 1970’s thinkingwhy we were not pursuing the ‘Danish design’features that were already successful. I felt theirapproach was ‘too easy’ or not challenging enough.(Stoddard, 1993, p. 1)

Practitioners in the US approached design froman engineering science knowledge base, conceptu-alizing problems in terms of the formal, theoreticallanguage of aerodynamics and structural dynamics.Following what is commonly labeled as a “linear”model of discovery, technical problems were to besolved by developing and applying engineering sci-ence knowledge. The goal of many engineers was tocreate a design that had radically changed featurescompared to existing technology (Stoddard, 1993).From the beginning, managers of the US Depart-ment of Energy (DOE) Wind Program and ResearchCenter believed that sophisticated light-weight, high-tech designs would “leap-frog” the simpler and stur-dier Danish designs and win the competitive race(Davidson, 1993). Indeed, US engineers did not

design for long-term reliability but for aerodynamicefficiency.

Most design engineers adopted an “aerospaceframing” with the governmental program reinforcingthis belief. This frame was inscribed in mental modelsand computer programs of airplane design codes fo-cused on aerodynamic efficiency and low weight, andincorporated representations of wind loads as if theywere in a steady flow (seeFig. 4; DOE, 1984; Garrad,1988). However, wind turbines were different enoughin their functioning and in their conditions of useto make much of the knowledge from the aerospacefield not only inapplicable but also misleading. Sucha misrepresentation directly contributed to the lowreliability and poor performance of many turbinesdesigned in the US (Stoddard, 1993, p. 2).

US wind turbine firms viewed design of turbinesas their primary task with operational reliability andproduction quality remaining of secondary concern.Indeed, firms’ design and production functions werepoorly integrated with little internal communicationand collaboration between the two activities. Such a

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Fig. 4. Changes in the representation of the wind flows by actors in the US.

de-coupling of design from production was consistentwith the then prevalent mass production ethos encour-aging workers with narrow skills to “do” and not to“think” about production problems (Noble, 1984).

Wind turbine design engineers became insulatedfrom the hands-on problems encountered in turbineconstruction and maintenance, making it very difficultfor this practical knowledge to feed back to informthe engineers’ more theoretical knowledge base. Inone communication, a field engineer pointed out “itwas a struggle to make them (design engineers) listento weaknesses we had encountered that might be im-portant for (the design of) other parts of the machine”(Karnøe, 1993). In USWindPower, members of thedesign team for a new groundbreaking design werenot allowed to talk to other engineers for fear thatinformation would leak out to rivals.

The nature and extent of interactions betweenproducers and suppliers was an additional area of dif-ference in the two cultures. In the US, most relation-ships were one-time, short-term contracts motivatedby profits at the expense of efforts to foster knowledgesharing and interactive learning (Lundval, 1992). En-gineers were discouraged from talking with peers inother firms for fear of disclosing trade secrets. An en-gineer from one firm was even fired for breaching thisnorm. It is not surprising that co-shaping processescharacteristic of the Danish path were muted in the US.

The desire to come up with something radically newmay be a deeply ingrained American value (Hughes,1989; Florida and Kenney, 1990). This tendency can

be seen in the strategies for design scale-ups (seeFig. 3). Three firms, whose largest turbines were in the25–100 kW range, all decided to ramp up by severalorders of magnitude to 300 kW for their next genera-tion of machines. The large number of major, novel,and complex problems that these firms encounteredwith such a scale-up approach made it difficult forthem to engage in systematic learning. Some constel-lations of problems proved to be simply intractable.

Exacerbating these issues was a lack of on-goingproduct development efforts in-between scale-ups.Managers in two of the dominant firms (USWind-Power and ESI) made it clear that they did not wantto invest much in on-going technology developmentin-between stages (Karnøe, 1993). The focus was onreducing the costs of existing designs, resulting in USWindpower’s case, in the production of 4000 of theirthen current turbine models. Moreover, there appearsto have been a lack of continuity in the compositionof teams involved in the design of each new genera-tion of turbines. For instance, a wind farm developerbought ESI in 1984 and promptly fired several designengineers while deploying others as field engineers.In USWindPower, new product development effortscame to a standstill between 1983 and 1987.

4.2. Owner-users

The literature on the social construction of tech-nological systems draws attention to the importantroles that users play in shaping the form, function

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and attributes of technological artifacts (Bijker et al.,1987; Von Hippel, 1986). Indeed, it is difficult toignore the inputs of owner-users in the developmentof the two paths. However, the specific nature of in-volvement of owner-users in the two paths differed,generating different dynamics.

4.2.1. Processes in DenmarkThe Danish industry began by selling its early, small

turbines to individual users and cooperatives. As inter-est in the newly emerging path grew, “do-it-yourself”owner-users began organizing “wind meetings” sev-eral times a year (Tranæs, 2000). These meetingshelped create a forum for sharing knowledge and anetwork whose participants felt they were part of alarger community (Jørgensen and Karnøe, 1995).

By the early 1980s, a few hundred wind tur-bines had been installed. The presence of manydispersed installations functioning under differentconditions of use created multiple learning opportuni-ties. Geographical proximity to wind turbines offeredproducers an opportunity to rapidly learn about prob-lems and to keep turbines in operation (Gipe, 1995).Learning by using that occurred with these smallwind turbines formed the basis for the gradual designscale-up to the larger turbines now being deployed byutilities.

We have already alluded to the critical role thatthe Wind Mill Owners’ Association played in obtain-ing a fail-safe braking system (Gipe, 1995, p. 59).Organized actions by the association were also in-strumental in finalizing an agreement with powerutilities to establish grid connections and in formal-izing a mechanism for consumers to pay for the useof wind power. In addition, the Wind Mill Owners’Association, in 1980, began publishing monthly reli-ability and performance data on most turbine models.These publications created market “transparency”that forced producers to compete on market-definedevaluation criteria (Karnøe, 1991; van Est, 1999).

Experiences in the Danish domestic market gener-ated confidence in Danish firms to venture overseas.An opportunity presented itself in the US in theearly 1980s. Federal and state tax credits as well asthe Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA)guaranteed a profitable market for wind power in Cal-ifornia. However, this sudden growth opportunity alsocreated tremendous technological and organizational

challenges. Wind patterns in California were turbu-lent, with high speeds and great variability, subjectingDanish turbines to greater stresses than they had en-countered before. Despite superior performance overthe US designs, there nevertheless arose around 1987an unexpected need for repairs on a sizable numberof Danish wind turbines.

Danish manufacturers soon began realizing themagnitude of the efforts required to service capitalequipment in a distant export market under muchdifferent conditions of use. Moreover, governmentmarket subsidies began expiring just as service obli-gations began mounting and export sales plummeted.Unprepared to cope with these problems, the indus-try experienced a major crisis. Two of the largestfirms declared bankruptcy. Others, despite hardships,kept key designers and technological competencies inplace. This continuity made it possible for them tolearn from their Californian experience. Supported bythe home market, these firms continued developingand scaling-up new generations of more powerful andmore efficient turbines (Karnøe, 1991).

Eventually, new global markets began emerging inresponse to increased environmental concerns. Indeed,global wind turbine markets have grown at a rate of31% per year during the period 1995–2000. Danishfirms could capitalize on this opportunity as they had aproven, robust technology and experience with foreignmarkets (seeFig. 1 for market share).

4.2.2. Contrasting processes in the USIn the US, producers did not perceive the dispersed

market to be all that promising and decided to focusinstead on the centralized “wind farm” concept thatemerged in California. This pattern of use limited thenumber of interaction points from which US produc-ers could learn. Moreover, wind turbine ownershipstructures were very different in the two countries(see alsoKemp et al., 2001). Unlike in Denmarkwhere owner-users had considerable financial expo-sure, those in the US were developers keen to exploitsubsidies and tax credits to generate profits that werenot dependent on how much power wind turbinesproduced. A separation of ownership from usage thatthe incentive structure created led to dampened anddelayed feedback from those operating turbines tofirms that designed and produced them (Gipe, 1995;Righter, 1996).

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This reduced feedback had a negative impact on theUS wind turbine path particularly during the Californiaboom and bust period of 1980s. New firms rushedinto the industry in an attempt to cash in on windfarms’ apparently limitless demand for an immature,untested technology. It appears that the speculativefever of wind farm development may have been tothe detriment of the nascent wind turbine industry. AsDavidson (1996a, p. 4)noted:

. . . generous public subsidies encouraged projectswhere money was made mostly in the financialwheeling and business dealing before anything wasin the ground, regardless of whether the turbinesactually worked.

American producers apparently learnt little fromthese failures. Their aerospace framing incorporatingassumptions of steady-state wind flows (seeFig. 4) incombination with a belief in the supremacy of theirhigh-tech designs rendered them “blind with respect toother technological possibilities” (Dosi, 1982, p. 153).To them, these early failures were merely start-up dif-ficulties, the normal growing pains experienced by anew industry. Moreover, several US companies hada 2-year backlog of turbine orders (van Est, 1999).While problems were expediently “solved” by replac-ing failed components, the time-consuming processof analyzing problems and redesigning wind turbineswas not undertaken.

Eventually, American turbines began failing inlarge numbers (Karnøe, 1993). Several factors createda serious backlash against wind power that resultedin long-lasting damage to the US wind turbine path.These included unrealistic expectations generated bymanufacturers’ hyped-up performance projectionsjuxtaposed against the technology’s subsequent poorperformance. Fueling this backlash were negative im-ages that the media portrayed of wind farms as taxscams (van Est, 1999) and publicized criminal fraudcases against “fly-by-night” developers. AsStoddard(1993) stated, “It seems. . . that the only feedbackwe really got was from the lawyers and lawsuits.”

In sum, early users offered little and poor feed-back to wind turbine producers. There also was littlepressure to develop independent mechanisms for in-formation disclosure and evaluation that could havemade the market more “transparent” and helped toprotect users from poor technology. Neither producers

nor government agencies made much effort to provideaccurate, reliable and timely performance data.

4.3. Test and research centers

In the development of many technologies, inde-pendent test and research centers play importantroles. These institutions generate community levelknowledge through research as well as industry widestandards employed to evaluate and compare dif-ferent product offerings. Products that conform tothese standards gain significant legitimacy over others(Constant, 1980; Garud and Rappa, 1994; Aldrich andFiol, 1994; Rao, 1998). The specific roles that thesetest and research centers play in serving as selectionmechanisms or as forums for collective sense mak-ing can have a key impact on paths. In this regard,test centers that were established in the two coun-tries served very different roles and had differentimpacts.

4.3.1. Processes in DenmarkThe DWTS was established in 1978 at the initiative

of a group of engineers with an interest in wind en-ergy. From the beginning, activities at the center hada strong practical orientation regarding how problemswere defined, prioritized, and addressed. Engineersfrom the turbine industry itself shaped the researchagenda. The first group of engineers at the DWTS didnot even include senior scientists (Andersen, 1993).Reflecting on the center’s humble beginnings, an ar-ticle contained in the DWTS’s monthly publicationspointed out:

In the 1970’s, when wind turbine used old lorryrear wheel-hangers as machine parts, the “re-search activities” of the DWTS involved visiting“scrap-dealers” to help find the most suitable lorryrear wheel hangers. Economic resources were few,but creative initiatives were a plenty. (Translatedfrom Risø, 1988, p. 3)

In 1979, the DWTS faced a major challenge indeveloping an adequate model of interaction with theemerging industry. A Danish government act installeda coercive mechanism, a compulsory approval systemfor wind turbines modeled after a Ministry of Hous-ing program and implemented through the DWTS.The government act established a market stimulation

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mechanism in the form of a market subsidy for 30%of the total cost of a wind turbine, payable to buyers.The approval system was included to ensure that sub-sidies would not be wasted on poor technological de-signs. The institution of this approval system impliedthat there was no choice for firms but to interact withthe DWTS to gain approvals.

Initially, engineers at the DWTS did not possessthe necessary knowledge required to create robustcriteria for the evaluation of wind turbines. Indeed, itwas not clear to anyone in the emerging technologicalpath as to what the criteria should be. AsLundsagerand Jensen (1982, p. 405)stated:

Rigorous criteria were unavailable and time wasneeded for the development of such criteria.Secondly, for the developing windmills it was con-sidered beneficial that the licensing procedure benot too restrictive at first. (Lundsager and Jensen,1982, p. 405)

To build up a knowledge base, DWTS engineersbegan interacting with early wind turbine producersand users, continually incorporating suggestions thatemerged into the DWTS’s research agenda (Lundsagerand Jensen, 1982). From these intense interactionsemerged a set of criteria. Some operationalized users’safety requirements. Others codified some of the Min-istry of Housing’s experience with the constructionand building industry regarding structural stress andfatigue. Overall, standards were on the conservativeside because of the uncertainties involved. A firmcould deviate significantly from target standards, butto do so, the firm had to convince the DWTS thatits wind turbine design would work. In the process,the standards themselves co-evolved (Rosenkopf andTushman, 1993; Van de Ven and Garud, 1993; Nelson,1994; Jain, 2001).

Along with the emergence of the DWTS, anothercomplementary institution emerged in the form of“contact-group-meetings.” The contact group com-prised of diverse stakeholders of the Danish wind tur-bine path including producers, the Wind Mill Owners’Association, The Organization for Renewable Energy,involved ministries, Electric Utilities, and the TestStation (Risø, 1988, p. 8). This initiative is reflectiveof a participative style that is used in Denmark whenpublic money is involved in technology development.This contact group served as an important forum for

co-shaping policies governing the emerging techno-logical path.

In sum, the DWTS played a critical role in help-ing the industry develop a knowledge base as theysystematically tested wind turbines of different vin-tages and vendors. The extensive interactions betweenturbine firms and DWTS personnel facilitated nu-merous iterations of design, construction, tests andproblem-solving prior to the approval of a new tur-bine. These dynamics contributed immensely to thecumulative building of a research agenda within theindustry (Andersen, 1993). The knowledge generatedas a result of reviewing and interpreting measurementdata from the DWTS ultimately became very impor-tant to turbine designers. Full-scale tests, measure-ments, and experiments on commercial wind turbinesgenerated the parameters for theoretical models thatserved as guidelines for practical design work. Inter-actions between the DWTS and industry contributedto a steady improvement of wind turbine performance.These improvements added up: for example, between1981 and 1984 the performance of 55 kW machinesimproved by more than 50%.

4.3.2. Contrasting processes in the USThe co-involved relationship that the DWTS had

with its industry participants was not to be found in therelationship between the NREL and wind turbine firmsthat were operating in the US. NREL was never ableto develop the kind of extensive, on-going, trusting re-lationship with the commercial wind turbine industrythat would have allowed industry participants to shapethe laboratory’s research agenda. In fact, distrust ofthe laboratory increased after one of its engineers whohad tested some early commercial turbines left in 1980to form his own turbine company, ESI (Karnøe, 1993).

NREL’s genesis can be traced to US government’ssupport of small-scale wind turbine R&D in 1977.Originally known as the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute, its name was later changed to the NationalRenewable Energy Laboratory, which more closely re-flected its institutional roots, the government-directedUS National Laboratories program (e.g. Los Alamos,Brookhaven, and Livermore). The first three re-searchers hired were academics, with backgroundsin aerodynamics and electrical engineering. Themanagers, meanwhile, came from the DOE. Thecenter’s organization and set of skills exemplified

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Fig. 5. An illustration of a “linear model” directing involvement of US test center.

its government-derived mission, to pursue basic en-gineering science research in order to establish thetheoretical basis for the design of an “ideal” windturbine (seeFig. 5 for the linear mission orientedapproach adopted by the SERI/NERL).

Given its institutional roots, it is no coincidence thatboth incarnations of the SERI/NREL had the word“research” in their titles but not the word “testing.”Although testing was its first assignment, SERI/NRELshied away from the systematic testing of commer-cial turbines under simulated and actual conditions ofuse that would have identified and measured progresson practical industry problems. Instead, perceivingthe pursuit of fundamental engineering science re-search as its primary mission, the SERI/NERL fo-cused on inducing those in the industry to generatea revolutionary design. In 1993, commenting on theAmerican wind turbine firms’ ability to “leap-frog”

the Danish firms, Robert Thresher, NREL’s headexclaimed:

We are betting on it! With time, the light-weight,cost-effective turbine will win the race. (Davidson,1993, p. 29)

By focusing efforts to find a high-tech turbine de-sign based on fundamental scientific principles, theSERI/NERL activities generated abstract models thatwere too theoretical to provide the kind of systematiccomparative testing and simulation feedback that theindustry most needed. This focus on developing ahigh-tech design may have led to critical delays inNREL’s inputs to the emerging path. It appears thatthose in industry were often ahead of the SERI/NERLas captured by this quotation from a book on windturbines by Gipe, one of the pioneers in the USpath:

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It took NREL two to three years to develop ad-vanced wind turbine blades. This is about the sameamount of time as the entire turbine developmentcycle in Denmark, where, through the 1980s and1990s, a new model was introduced every twoyears. ‘When we needed blades,’ said Zond’s KevinCousineau, ‘we built our own’ rather than waitfor NREL. ‘When NREL decided to build a straingauge test,’ continued Cousineau, ‘we’d had oursin operation for several years. (Gipe, 1995, p. 92)

The weak linkage between the SERI/NERL andindustry was especially noticeable in the lack of asystematic testing program for commercial turbines.There were tests conducted, but the first test reportswere delayed by several years. Nor were the reportsthemselves very informative. Tests, when conductedat all, tended to be done using small older machines,with no follow-up using full-scale newer ones. Forexample, in 1992, the largest turbine at the test sitewas a small 20 kW, 12-year-old machine (Summers,1992).

Eventually, even Thresher, the engineering scienceoriented head of SERI/NERL came to the realizationthat laboratory’s research activities were too theoret-ical and abstract to be of much practical use. Afterhis visit to the Danish DWTS in 1992, Threshercommented:

I looked out a picture window and saw six turbinesall in a row, and there was a 500-kW machineright outside the window. Our research and testingactivities at RockyFlats were becoming irrelevantbecause we were working at too small a scale.We’re going to focus our research and testing on thesame class and size machine that will be deployedin the field. We have to be relevant and it must bespeedy. (Thresher quoted inSummers, 1992)

In his reflection, Thresher was finally acknowledg-ing the key opportunities that the SERI/NERL had lostin gaining an appreciation of the parameters requiredto simulate designs by not establishing multiple pointsof contact with nature. In 1992, reflecting on outcomesof the differences in the approaches in Denmark andin the US, Stoddard, himself an author of an influen-tial book on wind turbines (Eggleston and Stoddard,1987), noted that the DWTS had contributed 12 of 25most important papers on the design of wind turbines

between 1977 and 1990 in contrast to the five thatemerged from the US SERI/NERL.

4.4. Regulatory involvement

Regulatory actors play critical roles in the designingrules that govern the functioning of markets (Kempet al., 1988, 2001). Well before new technologies be-come viable, these actors step in with subsidies andgrants to nurture and shape an emerging technology.They also enact laws that govern the interactions ofthose involved in the development of a new technol-ogy. Regulatory policies in Denmark served the roleof “steering” the Danish market from becoming toobig too fast or withering away in times of trouble. Incontrast, policies in the US first amplified and thenabruptly terminated the wind gold rush, thereby gen-erating considerable problems for US wind turbinefirms.

4.4.1. Processes in DenmarkLying dormant since the 1950s, wind turbine tech-

nology was neglected largely due to an earlier focus onoil and nuclear power. Galvanized by the energy cri-sis of 1974, a Wind Energy Committee by the DanishAcademy of Technical Sciences concluded that windpower was economically viable and earmarked R&Dmoney, primarily for the development of large-scalewind turbines (Karnøe, 1991; Lauritsen et al., 1996).4

A development contract was also awarded to a newlyformed consortia comprising utilities, the Techni-cal University and major industrial firms. Despitethese initiatives, no commercial technology emerged(Karnøe, 1991). In contrast, the modest 3-year grantto the test center (DWTS) established on an experi-mental basis emerged to play an important role in thedevelopment of modern wind power.

The second energy crisis of 1979 led to a substan-tial 30% investment subsidy for buyers of certifiedwind turbines. The energy crisis and the Three MileIsland nuclear accident offered political actors the

4 In the case of wind turbines,Gipe (1995, Table 3.1) estimatesthat total public R&D spending between 1974 and 1992 in theUS was around US$ 486 million (on large and small scale windturbines) compared to US$ 53 million in Denmark and that thetotal market subsidies in the US was around US$ 900 million ascompared to US$ 150 million in Denmark.

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much needed legitimacy for regulators to “interfere”with market forces (Karnøe, 1991, 1992). A new En-ergy Plan 1981, based on fossil fuels, nuclear power,and energy savings, projected possible installations of10,000 wind turbines by 2000. This plan gave credibil-ity to the actors associated with the emerging industry.

Despite these subsidies, wind power installations inthe Danish home market remained small. To stimulatethe home market, subsidies were raised to 50%. Be-sides, wind turbine owners were refunded a new fossilfuel energy tax for each kWh of electricity generatedby wind power. Moreover, buckling under politicalpressure, the utilities agreed to pay owner-users forwind power at a rate of 70–85% of the prices theycould command for power distributed through theirgrid. These initiatives resulted in enhancing turbineinstallations from 8 MW in 1984 to 25 MW in 1985.However, the special wind farm subsidy ended in 1986as those living in areas with wind farms began com-plaining about the profits being made by wind turbineowners who did not have to live near installations.

Despite a major government shift from socialdemocratic to neo-liberal in 1982, the new politicalcoalition behind the Energy Plan 1981 prevailed.Several events occurred that legitimized regulatoryinterventions. These included high unemployment,Danish exports to California, the 1986 Chernobylnuclear accident, and the 1987 Brundtland report onsustainability. In 1989, a new Energy Plan 2000 for-mally restated the ambitious goal of producing 10% ofDanish electricity through wind power by year 2000(Karnøe, 1992). However, a right-wing governmentstopped it, and it was not till a new government in1995 formally articulated carbon dioxide as a majorproblem that this goal was politically stabilized.

Not all positive outcomes were a result of foresight.In December 1985, the minister of energy managed topersuade utilities to make investments in wind power.They agreed to install 100 MW from 1986 to 1990 inreturn for a policy that restricted private investments inwind power. This regulation prevented a “Danish windrush” that would have cluttered sites with small andrelatively inefficient wind turbines when the Californiamarket collapsed.

In sum, building upon crisis, temporary victoriesand serendipitous events, a fragile yet persistent polit-ical coalition around wind energy was able to “steer”the Danish wind turbine path to its modern incarna-

tion. Regulators were able to “modulate” the growthof the industry with policies flexible enough to rec-tify temporary undesirable outcomes. For instance,adapting to the increased efficiency of wind turbines,direct investment subsidies were reduced graduallyfrom 30% in 1979 to 25% in 1983, 20% in 1985,15% in 1987, 10% in 1988 with no subsidy in 1989.

4.4.2. Contrasting processes in the USThe oil embargo of 1974 galvanized the US gov-

ernment to search for alternative energy sources.Representing a transition from the National ScienceFoundation (NSF, 1973), the SERI was empowered touse NASA’s expertise. Under this legislation, aroundUS$ 486 million was spent on wind power R&Dbetween 1974 and 1992 (Gipe, 1995). Seventy-fivepercent of this was set aside for contractors devel-oping large size wind turbines and the remaining forthose developing small-scale turbines (Karnøe, 1993;Gipe, 1995; Righter, 1996). Neither of these initiativesresulted in a viable wind turbine technology.

In contrast, policies to stimulate US markets hada greater impact on the emergence of modern windturbines (Karnøe, 1993; Righter, 1996; Gipe, 1995,pp. 30–36). Among the more important policies wasJimmy Carter’s National Energy Act of 1978. Thispolicy encouraged energy conservation, a market fornon-utility generators and a 15% tax credit to stimulatethe development of renewable energy. A particularlyimportant institutional innovation was the PURPA.PURPA required utilities to buy wind electricity ata price that reflected savings from reduced marginalproduction. However, it took strong political pressureto break the utility monopoly before PURPA had anyeffect (Righter, 1996).

In California, governor Jerry Brown built uponthe momentum set by these federal initiatives to cre-ate the Office of Appropriate Technology (OAT) topromote energy self-sufficiency and soft renewableenergy technologies (Righter, 1996, p. 196). HenryMello’s Act of 1978 targeted wind energy to cover1% of California’s electrical energy consumption by1987 and 10% by 2000. Among renewable energysources, wind power gained most of the combinedfederal and California tax credits.

In combination, the tax credits and the PURPA buyback program created the California wind gold rushof the early 1980s. About 12,000 wind turbines were

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installed in California between 1981 and 1986. The1100 MW that was installed represented 95% of totalwind power installations in the world. It is interestingto note that these incentive structures reduced possi-bilities of feedback that might have emerged from useinforming those designing and producing wind tur-bines. As Pouslen, the Managing Director of Vestaspointed out:

In Denmark, it was an investment subsidy and guar-anteed high power prices. In the U.S., a deprecia-tion and tax credit was used. It encouraged limitedpartnerships. Most American investors never saw awind turbine. They were doctors and dentists, andonce they got their tax credits, they were satisfied.By contrast, the Danish system required investorsto generate electricity. (Business Week Online,06/11/2001)

The California wind energy gold rush came to anabrupt end when the Reagan administration did not ex-tend tax credits beyond 1985. The weakened businessclimate dramatically reduced the momentum of theemerging path as developers and producers, experienc-ing financial difficulties, began declaring bankruptcy.Moreover, many installed wind turbines began con-fronting technical problems. Developers could notfulfill production schedules and producers had prob-lems financing guaranteed repairs. A long chain oflaw suits were initiated as “cities sued federal agen-cies, investors sued wind farm companies, wind farmcompanies sued manufacturers, and manufacturerssued insurance companies.” (Righter, 1996, p. 216).

In retrospect, there appears to have existed amisconceived belief in the 1980s that wind powertechnology was sufficiently developed for large-scaleeconomic use (van Est, 1999). This misconceptionresulted in the enactment of policies that fueled andthen abruptly stopped growth. This process was notconducive to the smooth development of a technologypath. The “on–off” policy did not provide the spaceand time for the technology and engineering skills tomature in a systematic fashion.

5. Bricolage versus breakthrough

We began this paper by highlighting the distributednature of human agency associated with technology

entrepreneurship. As our description illustrates, tech-nology entrepreneurship entails not just the discoveryof opportunities by alert individuals or speculation onthe future but also the creation of new opportunitiesby a collective. In the emergence of wind turbines, thecreative synthesis that occurred as users and produc-ers interacted with one another is apparent in the de-sign of the double brake system. It is also apparent inthe design of flexible fiber-glass wind turbine bladesthat emerged from the intersection of the knowledgebases of the two Carters. Yet, however visible theseoutcomes of synthesis might appear, the process ofemergence entailed a continual accretion of inputs thatprogressively shaped the emerging paths.

In our framing of technology entrepreneurship asbeing distributed, we had sought an understanding ofthe processes that could harness the inputs of dis-tributed actors. In this regard, we had suggested thatactors become embedded in accumulating artifacts,tools, practices, rules and knowledge. Our accounts il-lustrate such embedding processes. In both settings, asteady accretion of inputs generated a momentum thatoffered participants a way to “entrain” themselves intothe emerging technological path, making it possiblefor them to interact with one another.

It is possible for different paths to emerge depend-ing upon specific starting positions and subsequentdynamics that unfold. As our comparative descrip-tions illustrate, actors in the US pursued an approachthat attempted to generate a breakthrough. In contrast,those in Denmark pursued an approach that we labelas bricolage. These overall differences in orientationswere manifest in how producers, users, evaluators andregulators became involved with each of the paths.

For instance, producers in the US attempted to de-sign a high-tech, light-weight, high-speed turbine. Incontrast, producers in Denmark progressively scaledup from a heavy-weight low-speed simplistic design.An alignment of ownership and usage generated in-centives for owner-users in Denmark to be vigilant.In contrast, a separation of ownership from usagedampened and delayed critical feedback in the US. InDenmark, the test station emerged as a forum for mu-tual knowledge building and sharing between variousactors. In contrast, the research institute in the USserved as an “exogenous” selection mechanism. Reg-ulatory actors in Denmark were able to “modulate”conditions with policies “aimed at keeping the process

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of change going in desirable directions” (Kemp et al.,1988, p. 185). In contrast, the hands-off style of reg-ulatory actors in the US led to policies that werenot conducive to the continual development of windturbine technology.

These comparisons highlight differences in thepatterns of actor involvement between the two paths.Actors in Denmark appear to have had a more“hands-on” quality to their interactions, not only withthe technology-in-the-making, but also with one an-other. Their actions and interactions were markedby continual adjustment required for bricolage tooccur (Dorf and Sabel, 1998). In contrast, formaltheoretical models, more typical of a breakthroughapproach, appear to have mediated actions and inter-actions between actors and artifacts in the US setting.Because of the higher distance that such mediatedinteractions created, the involvement of actors withthe artifacts and with one another had more of a“hands-off” quality than what was to be found inDenmark.

These observations offer a deeper understanding ofbricolage and breakthrough processes that go beyonddifferences in the ways in which individual actors be-came involved. Specifically, they highlight how inputsof the actors either reinforced or stalled emergingpaths. In the Danish case, for instance, the couplingof different learning processes stimulated wind tur-bine improvements (Rosenbloom and Cusumano,1987). Learning from multiple installation sites, incombination with learning on the shop floor, becamethe bases for design scale-ups. Shaping this processwere results of comparative tests conducted by theDWTS that became the bases for a steady accumula-tion of valuable knowledge across wind turbine firms.Indeed, those crafting regulatory policies did so byenrolling the many actors involved, including utili-ties, wind mill owner-users and producers to developan energy policy that kept the network in motionas actors co-shaped the emerging path. There wereno grand plans shaping the emergence of the path.Rather, distributed actors offered inputs to generate avirtuous learning circle to forge a viable technologicalpath (see alsoStacey, 1993).

The confluence of these learning processes asso-ciated with the Danish path resulted in co-shapingof the actors and artifacts constituting the emergingtechnological path. Indeed, the continual melding

of inputs from actors in different domains resultedin the blurring of boundaries between design andproduction, planning and execution, rule makingand rule following (see alsoMintzberg et al., 1976;Bastien and Hostager, 1992; Weick, 1998; Hatch,1997; Baker et al., 2000; Miner et al., 2001). Therewas less emphasis on developing dramatic outcomes.Instead, actors in Denmark gradually built up compe-tencies (Karnøe, 1996). There was no overly rational,pre-planned approach driving the process (March,1994, 1999). Instead, the path was emergent withactors improvising and adapting to unfolding struc-tures as they gradually transformed the emerging pathto higher functionalities (see alsoBurgelman, 1983;Mintzberg et al., 1976; Brown and Eisenhardt, 1997).Overall, the Danish technological path emerged in away that was not entirely preordained and yet builtupon the inputs of the many actors involved.

In the US, there was a lower degree of mutualco-shaping that was characteristic of bricolage in theDanish setting. For instance, design engineers andthose on the shop floor did not provide each other withcritical feedback, early users offered little feedback toshape the technology, designers’ needs did not shapethe research agenda of the SERI/NERL, and the qual-ity of interactions between producers and researcherswas poor. Although these actors depended upon oneanother to generate a momentum for the emergingpath, they did not interact in ways that would allow formutual co-shaping. Indeed, the lack of interaction be-tween actors may have enhanced interpretive barriersbetween distributed actors, thereby reducing chancesof success (Dougherty, 1992). Moreover, there appearsto have been an “episodic” quality to the involve-ment of actors with the emerging path, an involvementdriven by an overall desire to seek dramatic outcomes.Eventually, these processes were not conducive to thecumulative build up of a stock of knowledge on windturbines to ensure their robust operations.

Florida and Kenney (1990, pp. 3–4)noted that“the legacy of America’s ability to develop and, moreimportantly, commercialize breakthroughs is indeedimpressive in the areas of mass-produced automo-biles, radio, and television, and more recently in hightechnology.” Yet, hinting at weaknesses associatedwith a breakthrough approach, Florida and Kenneyhighlight how foreign corporations caught up and,in some cases, overtook the US in high-technology

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sectors in the 1980s. In this regard, our study offersadditional insights on the potential weaknesses ofa breakthrough approach. We already know that at-tempts at coming up with breakthroughs risks alien-ating those with vested interests (Garud and Karnøe,2001). Our study suggests that efforts to accom-plish dramatic outcomes can result in dampening thelearning processes required for mutual co-shaping tooccur. Moreover, if a breakthrough approach fails, itbecomes difficult for firms to chart a recovery. Sys-tematic knowledge required to correct deficienciesmay not be available. Moreover, problems with oneset of actors can begin impacting others in a dominofashion (Venkataraman and Van de Ven, 1998).Resources, whether they are financial, intellectual orsymbolic, can diminish rather rapidly in a negativespiral.

This was the situation with the wind turbine path inthe US. Eventually, wind turbines designed in the USbegan failing in large numbers. The lack of a system-atic base of knowledge whereby a remedial coursecould be charted handicapped a recovery. Fresh re-sources were not readily available. There was one newinitiative—The Advanced Wind Power Program—launched “to design and build the ‘best’ wind turbineas well as to assist industry by supplying advancedcomponents” (Hock et al., 1991). Reproducing itsearlier recipe toward designing the “best” design, thisprogram too did not deliver. In this way, a vicious cir-cle (Masuch, 1985) unfolded as turbines designed inthe US continued to fail causing irreversible damageto the emerging technological path.

6. Conclusion

We have offered a perspective on technology en-trepreneurship that highlights the distributed natureof agency. Actors from the domains of production,use, evaluation and regulation become involved in thedevelopment of a technology as was the case in thedevelopment of wind turbines. The development oftechnologies entails not just an act of discovery byalert individuals or speculation on the future, but alsothe creation of a new path through the distributedefforts of many. As with the emergence of wind tur-bines, path creation results in a steady accumulationof artifacts, tools, practices, rules and knowledge that

begin shaping actors in the domains of design, pro-duction, use, evaluation and regulation. These accu-mulating inputs become the fabric within which andwith which actors interact with the artifact and withone another to forge a new technological path. Thatis, agency is not only distributed but is embeddedas well.

A key motivation for undertaking this study wasto understand how a bricolage approach that beginswith a low-tech design but ramps up progressivelyis able to prevail over a high-tech breakthrough ap-proach. Underlying this puzzle was a premise thatsophisticated high-tech breakthrough approachesconfer advantages over seemingly simpler brico-lage approaches. Our comparative study suggeststhat a high-tech breakthrough approach may pos-sess inherent disadvantages. Specifically, an approachthat attempts to generate a breakthrough can endup stifling micro-learning processes that allow forthe mutual co-shaping of emerging technologicalpaths to occur. That is, actors in the US may havefailed, not despite, butbecause of their pursuit of abreakthrough.

Bricolage preserves emergent properties. It is aprocess of moving ahead on the basis of inputs of ac-tors who possess local knowledge, but through theirinteractions, are able to gradually transform emerg-ing paths to higher degrees of functionality (see alsoGavetti and Levinthal, 2000; Lindblom, 1959; Quinn,1978; Garud and Karnøe, 2001). Co-shaping occurs atseveral interaction points, between designers and shopfloor workers, between producers and users, betweenexternal researchers and producers, and between pol-icy makers and the markets that they regulate.

Such processes may be particularly valuable in situ-ations characterized by complex non-linear dynamicsamong the actors, artifacts and rules that constitute atechnological path. This was certainly the case withwind turbines. Additionally, they may be valuable infast moving emerging environments where competen-cies, preferences, evaluation routines and institutionalrules are co-emerging. For such processes to unfold,it is important to have a diversity of linkages to fos-ter mutual involvement of actors (see alsoFlorida andKenney, 1990; Saxenian, 1996). Technological initia-tives that do not build upon the inputs of relevant actorsmay neither mobilize the required skills and resourcesnor ensure its acceptance in the wider community.

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This is a fully collaborative project. The researchwas made possible by a grant from the Center forInterdisciplinary Studies in Technology Management(CISTEMA), Denmark. The paper has benefited fromfeedback offered by those attendingField Studieson Organizational Complexity, INFORMS, Atlanta,1996, SCANCOR Conference onSamples of the Fu-ture, Stanford, 1998 and Conference onKnowledgeand Innovation, Helsinki, 2000. We are indebted toAndres Garcia for his considerable help with earlierdrafts of this paper. We thank Daniel Beunza, RogerDunbar, Michelle Gittelman, Sanjay Jain, KristianKreiner, Arun Kumaraswamy and Dara Szyliowiczfor their helpful comments. We thank Scott Shane, S.Venkataraman and anonymous reviewers forResearchPolicy whose key inputs have shaped this paper. Wethank many people from the Danish and Americanwind turbine paths, especially B.T. Madsen, PeterHjuler Jensen, Flemming Rasmussen, F.S. Stoddard,Paul Gipe and Per Dannemand Andersen.


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