Brendan Geoghegan Portfolio

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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Year 1 & 2

Transcript of Brendan Geoghegan Portfolio

Beat Magazine

Art Direction, Content

A university assignment to produce a niche publication for a specific target audience or subculture, my choice, the Beat movement. I produced all of the written and visual content as well as the art direction, that further enforced

the style of my chosen subculture.

As the Beat movement was founded in the 1950s, a lot of the photography references I found were taken on film and so in terms of photography for this magazine, I took inspiration from photographers such as Jeurgen Teller, Nan Goldin and Wolfgang Tillmans, where they mostly

shoot on film and have a strong feel of intimacy and almost off guard ‘random’ shots.

The humorous tone was portrayed through the style of writing, where I took myself to places of Beat interest, -for example, the Poetry Place and Harold Moore Records- wrote about the fashion and almost

reviewed the different venues, calling it ‘First Beat Experience’. Humour also comes through in the slight impressionistic view of the beats in the ‘wear me, be me’ section showcasing the stereotypical attributes

of the Beat’s, such as the beret and the turtleneck etc.

This project truly pushed me and increased my skills in terms of Art Direction, giving me the chance to experiment and try new things that may not have been possible if I had chosen a

different sub culture, or been given a really narrow brief asking for a specific outcome. I took the opportunity to make this my own and show what I can achieve.

Fashion Design


Visual Identiy, Art Direction

I was in charge of art directing this new project from UCA, a magazine that shows off the Fashion Design Course. I was given free reign to do what ever with the design and visual identity for this, so it was a great opportunity to

show off my professionalism and design skills that at the same time portray an exciting image of UCA. I also gained experience working with stylists and photographers and liaising with publishers the Newspaper Club. It gave me great insight into the actual role of art director and I feel this has helped in the preparation for my future career.

Here are a few of my favourite double page spreads from the magazine. The cover (top image) is rather plain, however, as asked, corresponds to the upcoming fashion design website. This also gave me an insight into the up-coming work from students form the course, which looks really impressive. Some of my favourite elements were

in-fact the illustrations.

GFW Invitation

Art Direction, Design

The theme for the show was the 70s British TV programme “Are You Being Severed?”. Looking into inspiration for the design, I researched the shows original visual aesthetic. They used a lot of white and colour stripe and so I wanted to do an interpretation of this, distorting it slightly for the main design on the back of the invite. For the text, I wanted to keep it simple, however I was pushed

more and more to try something a littler crazier and more colourful. Using the colour pallet (above left) from Ditto Press (the printers we used) I played around a little more creating some really off kilter designs (above).

Example tests of the stripe in progress, using a scanner to create strong visual patterns.

After the design kept developing and developing, getting pushed to the limits in terms of colour and text adaptation, the simpler designs

I’d previously done were preferred and so we ended up with the invite above. I would have loved the slightly wilder versions, however with the

striking pink, this still portrays both the theme and simplicity of UCA.

UCA Show Invitation & Poster

Art Direction

I was given a brief to design the invitation for the UCA Internal Graduate show, which was broad in terms of design, however was required to be in black and white and have a Fashion Textiles students print on the reverse side. I wanted the invitation to be clean yet with an essence of playfulness, and so after designing

the simple title and line structure, used the scanner to create distortions. Eventually the staff and I preferred this fade effect, it works without taking attention away from the information.

Along side the invitation and show I designed a promotional poster, that was also converted to an e-invite sent out into


Instagram: bgeog

Twitter: @geogheganjnr
