Breakthrough innovation lab November 2013

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InvitationBeyond CSR Breakthrough inspires a new wave of innovation and culture change. This interactive workshop will chart a path for new partnerships, business models and products.

Transcript of Breakthrough innovation lab November 2013

Breakthrough InnovatIon Lab 26th november 2013, 09:00–18:00, Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam

John elkington

Gerald Hüther is a professor of neurobiology at Göttingen University and one of the most renowned brain scientists in Germany. He is the pre-eminent advocate of a new cultural paradigm of developing people‘s and organisations‘ potential.

John Elkington is considered a world authority on sustainable development with a career spanning more than three decades. He is the Founding Partner & Executive Chairman of volans, Co-founder of Sustainability and of Environ-mental Data Services.

Prof. Dr. geralD hüther

BeyonD CSr brEaktHroUGH inspires a new wave of innovationand culture change. this interactive workshop will chart a path for new partnerships, business models and products.


Morning SeSSion: booSt yoUr knowLEDGE

the Breakthrough Manifesto: Input and dialogue-based deep-dive with John Elkington on the brEaktHroUGH agenda, its challenges, the mindset needed to take action, best practices forward, as well as the power of failure.

the Breakthrough Culture: Input and discussion with Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther on leadership that enables a system-focussed, risk-taking and creative brEaktHroUGH spirit among leadership and the culture of organisations.

afternoon SeSSion: booSt yoUr tooLS & mInD

in cross-sectoral teams you will work on real-life challenges and experience

- how to approach brEaktHroUGH business modelling- the innovative power of cross-sector, collaborative teamwork- what kind of new structures and cultural shifts are needed for an impactful interplay of corporates, social entrepre- neurs and nPos- bespoke design-thinking principles- enhanced leadership skills to drive innovation and unfold the potential of your team and partners- access to world-class expertise in sustainability and leader- ship

WorkShoP exeCution

tell Münzing & Dr. Shamim rafatmanaging Directors Impact Solutions

Johannes MeyerGeneral Program manager HPI academy

collaboration that transforms+

media partner:

keynoteS anD exPert inSightS

aBout Breakthrough is a manifesto developed by volans and put on the agenda by a new breed of business leaders, inclu-ding Peter bakker of the wbCSD, Sir richard branson of virgin and the b-team, Larry Page of Google, Paul Polman of Unilever and Jochen Zeitz of kering (previously PUma/PPr).

Volans drives innovation which has the potential to dramati-cally change markets and economies. working in partnership with entrepreneurs, companies, governments and investors and foundations, volans has developed the brEaktHroUGH framework.

Impact Solutions is an innovation consultancy, designing tailored and sustainable solutions within the whole spectrum from idea generation to business and product development. Impact Solutions is bringing the brEaktHroUGH concept to Germany and Continental Europe.

together with the hPI academy Impact Solutions is develop-ing targeted modules and interactive formats around break- through Innovation, Corporate Sustainability and transformation that leverage design-thinking methods for the development of sustainable solutions.

Breakthrough InnovatIon Lab 26th november 2013, 09:00–18:00 Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam

Breakthrough Change

Issues such as climate change, resource scarcity and po-pulation growth are growing challenges – current models of capitalism are failing economically, socially and environ-mentally. Endemic short-termism, lack of political leadership, and pub-lic demand for greater corporate accountability are putting untenable pressure on our institutions.

„extreme is the new normal“ as scientists put it. „We must and can do things differently“ – is how we put it.

above all, brEaktHroUGH needs change and action. thebrEaktHroUGH Innovation Lab is an interactive workshop for business and nPo leaders and executives to provoke

new thinking, conversations and action with the potential to dramatically reshape the systems they operate within.

achieveing system-level breakthroughs requires a deeper understanding of how we as individuals, our organisations and the systems themselves currently interact and operate, enabling us to create the right solutions and work on the right leverage points.

with two world-class experts, John Elkington and Gerald Hüther and other innovation experts, participants will work on real-life challenges, using design thinking and leadership elements, and get hands-on insights to take back into your organisations.

event DetailS

Workshop fee: 950 Euro (excl. vat) Limited number of participants. Early registration recommended. Deadline for submission: 15.11. 2013 application via E-mail to:

event location: Hasso Plattner Institute, august-bebel-Straße 88, 14482 Potsdam

collaboration that transforms+

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