
Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Brazil!




RORAIMAPOPULATION:  469 524 inhabitants

Capital: Boa Vista, where the majority of the population lives in.

Climate Only two season: Summer and Winter.

Economic activityThe economic activities in Boa Vista mainly consist of agricultural production, mining activities (gold and diamonds), and services. Agricultural products include rice (also for exports), beans, soya, and tropical fruits. Tourism, with the emphasis on eco-tourism, is emerging.

• We do border with British Guyana and Venezuela;

• There are 15 municipalities;• People born in Roraima are

informally named Macuxi, a indian ethnicity.


Cultural AspectsRoraima is a very pluralized state. There are influences from everywhere, caused, mainly, because of the discovery of gold in the 80’s, what made a lot of families go there, looking for a better life. Although there are many influences, the northeast and the indian are the strongest ones. Typical Dance :


Typical Dance: Boi-Bumbá

The indian is a symbol of the state.

Straw baskets: a typical handicraft.

MONTE RORAIMA – Mount Roraima

This place is one of the planet’s oldest sites, and is the second highest point in Brazil: 2.875 meters. The flat table-like top inspired British author Sir Conan Doyle to write ‘The Lost World’. To visit the mountain and the national park, is necessary to enter in Venezuela (250 km from Boa Vista) for access. It defines the landmark between three countries:Brasil, Venezuela and Guyana.

Pedra Pintada – Painted Rock

This rock is very popular among tourists, scientists and archeologists. On two sides and inside the cave, there are prehistoric paintings that are estimated to be a few thousand years old.


Vitória-Régia (Lilypad)

Arara (macaw, lory)


Tamanduá-Bandeira ( Giant Anteater)


The northeast region is composed by nine states: Maranhão, PIAUÍ, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia. All capitals of this region are at the coast, except Teresina.



• The northeast is famous because the weather is hot. Some days of the year, the temperature is about 100°F.

PiauíThe Gross Domestic Product of Teresina represents about 40% of GDP in the state of Piauí. In industry, there is the textile and garment industry, which exports to other regions and generates about ten thousand jobs. There are also manufacturers bicycles, drink industries, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, furniture and ceramics, among others.

Some places around TeresinaTeresina’s entrance

Stadium: Alberto Silva (Albertão) Poti River, and at the back , Estaiada bridge

Typical foods


• It’s the less populated region;• Its economy is based on agriculture and

livestock;• The capital of Brazil is located in this region:


Our “White House”

Welcome to the south part of Brazil:

Rio Grande do Sul

• Subtropical weather• Economics based on agriculture

(rice, soy, wheat, corn and tobacco), livestock and industry (textile, foods, chemistry, leather and metallurgical


• 10,5 million habitants • Territory predominantly

formed by plains • Borders with Argentina

and Uruguay• Hydrographic abundance

Culture • State colonized by Italians, Germans,

the Portuguese, Spanish and slave Africans

• Germany heritage: Oktoberfest• Italian heritage: Grape Party• Indigenous heritage: Foods and some

words• Spanish heritage: Dressing


• Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845)

Rio de Janeiro

“City of wonders,Full of a thousand charms”

• After Brazil got independent of Portugal, Rio was chosen as the Brazilian capital (1822).– It’s changed to Brasília specially due

to geographical/strategic aspects. • Nowadays, Rio is the second

greatest city of Brazil– São Paulo is the “number one”.

• Many important headquarters of Brazilian companies are set in Rio.

Historical aspects

Brazil’s biggest slum:


“City of wonders”

(SESC High School)


• Foundation:– The school was founded on 2008 and idealized by the

president of CNC (National Confederation of Business of Goods, Services and Tourism), Dr. Antonio Oliveira Santos.

• Headmaster:– Claudia Fadel

• Relation with SESC (National Business Service)– The school is maintained by SESC. This partnership

includes the scholarships received by the students.• The scholarships:

– Every year, the school receives students from each Brazilian state. They get a 100% three-years scholarship (which includes, by the way, the Exchange Program)


• The residential aspect:– When we usually first meet the annoying vacuum

toilet and the “shower neighbor” who likes listening to electro music at 6 o’clock in the morning.

– Anyway… The dorms.• The academic aspect:– The first lower grades… And that time when

someone tells you that you can teach other students.

First & second grades

• The residential aspect:– Freedom!!! (or something close to it);– The apartments;

• The exams for college:– ENEM (High School National Exam);– And other tests…

• The graduation:– We’d rather talk about it to you guys next year…


The pilotis

The school itself

The restaurant

The school itself

The sports complex

The gym

The school itself

The library

The theater