Brande, madrika, and crystal

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Brande, madrika, and crystal

The Poison Of Propaganda

By: Crystal Bethea

Brande Thompson

Madrika Davidson

The Man that looks like….

It shows that he doesn’t like people, that he doesn’t look like a friendly person.

He looks like he doesn’t want to be bothered with anyone, and when it comes down to it he will be ready to fight.

Heraus Zum

He’s Looking Like He’s Ready

To Fight.

He looks like he has

been prepared all

his life.

The Poisonous Mushroom

This is an image

of the German’s

children’s book The

Poisonous Mushroom

equated people with

good mushrooms and

bad mushrooms.

Trust No Fox in the Green

This is an cover of

Trau Keinem Fuchs…

(Trust No Fox in the

Green Meadow and

No Jew on his Oath.

A page in the book of Trust No..

This is a page out of

the book “ Trust No Fox

in the Green Meadow

and No Jew on his




It was a widely circulated Nazi weekly newspaper that addressed itself to the basest and most primitive instincts.

Julius Streicher

This is Julius Streicher.

He published the newspaper in the spring of 1923. Its initial targets were Streicher’s local party enemies in Nuremberg.

Questions- # 1

Comment on the effect such children’s literature had on the “ Aryan “ segment of society and on Jewish children who were targets of this propaganda campaign.