Brainstorm of genre and music magazines

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Brainstorm of genre and music magazines

Brainstorm of genre and music magazines

PopThe audience of a pop magazine would expect to see bright, neon colours

as soon as they open the content page. Magazines like, Top of the Pops and We heart Pop, both accentuate the feminine atmosphere by including these features on the front page. From the pop music video I have seen, I can confirm that each convention links to this genre through the use of common dress, speech and colour. Each member is dressed differently from one another but all have an item that links the group together, for example JLS are a trendy and inspire others to dress similar to them. They would be photographed in stances that make them appear on-trend and incorporate dance moves that appeal to young girls. Often enough the girls wear revealing clothing, get objectified and draw themselves around many males for attention, the strobe lights enhance the ‘club’ like atmosphere they are trying to portray and by using high pitch voices makes them appear sensitive.


Similarly to pop, rap uses young women as a status symbol within the industry, they use females to dance inappropriately on screen to gain views. The use of colour that is linked to rap in particular are grey tones, this is a visual for what you expect to see their location, dress and persona links. The harsh reality of ‘life on the streets’ makes them use profanities, explicit language and un-educated terminology.