Brains Zombies

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Brains Zombies

  • 8/13/2019 Brains Zombies



    +-Introduction:The game of Brains pits a handful of Humans against a horde of Zombies in a classicapocalyptic scenario. The rules are quick and simple to allow maximum replayabilitywith minimum complexity.

    +-The Map:The Map is the board where the action takes place. Normally its a few feet acrossand filled with !arious representations of buildings" streets" alleys" debris" etc.#hen players approach an edge of The Map" old terrain pieces are recycled fromfurther away and placed in front of the Humans. This creates the illusion ofmo!ement through a large city" without ha!ing to fill an entire table with terrain.

    +-Objectives:To keep the game interesting and different" $b%ecti!es are used. &or e!en more!ariety related $b%ecti!es can be linked 'eg( find a car battery" find a car" defendthe car).

    *xample $b%ecti!es

    &ind or retrie!e an item

    Hold out or defend a location or item +ill , number of Zombies

    -escue , number of sur!i!ors

    *scape or reach a certain location

    arry an item to a location

    /ather , amount of items 'ammo" health" guns" etc.)

    +ill a specific Zombie

    0estroy a certain building

    +-The Turn:The Human team always mo!es first in the game" followed by the Zombies.

    1!ailable Human 1ctions2. 3earch4. 5se 6tem's)7. -anged 1ttack8. Mo!ement9. Melee 1ttack

    1!ailable Zombie 1ctions

    2. Mo!ement 'mo!e as fast as possible towards the nearest li!ing Human)4. Melee 1ttack7. -aise Zombies8. leanup Zombies

    +-Setup:Humans are placed within 2:; of one edge of The Map" and may start in buildings.$b%ecti!es may ad%ust this setup" at the discrection of the players.

    The Humans ha!e 207 turns to act before the Zombies arri!e.

    1fter this initial period is o!er" place 20< Zombies per Human within 4; of The Mapedge furthest from the Humans" and begin turn rotation as normal.

  • 8/13/2019 Brains Zombies



    +-Movement:Zombies always mo!e 8; per turn.Humans either mo!e up to 40 3titches that turn

    ?ost ?ife last turn

    0anger@ while 3earching last turn

    Aou may mo!e through enemy and ally figurines.Humans may mo!e up or down ele!ation without penalty. Zombies must use their full 8;mo!ement to change ele!ation.

    +-Melee Attack:6f a Human and Zombie are in basetobase contact they are in close combat and willperform melee attacks. 1 maximum of < Zombies can attack one Human at a time.

    Melee -esolution

    2. Zombie rolls 40< and compares to the Melee 3kill of the Human( 6f greater than the Melee 3kill" the Human loses 2 ?ife.

    6f equal to the Melee 3kill" the attack is a tie and nothing happens.

    6f less than the Melee 3kill" the Zombie is killed.

    *!ery melee weapon a Human carries has a Melee 3kill !alue between 7 and C. &orexample Bare &ists ha!e a Melee 3kill of 7. 1 ranged weapon impro!ised as a club hasa Melee 3kill of 8.

    +-Ranged Attack:1 Human cannot initially measure the range to the target" they must estimate if theshot will reach or not. Measurement is performed once they decide they will attack.6f the target is not in range the 1mmo is wasted" otherwise resol!e the rangedattack as follows.

    -anged -esolution

    2. The attacking Human rolls 40

  • 8/13/2019 Brains Zombies



    +-Search:*quipment is critical to the sur!i!al of the Humans. 1s a result searching"sca!enging" and looting of buildings and property is necessary.

    1 Human can use their entire turn to perform a 3earch of a building or otherstandalone terrain piece they occupy at the beginning of their turn. 1 building canbe searched once by each Human" after that it is considered empty of anything!aluable.

    3earch =rocess

    2. 0etermine if something was found. -oll 40

  • 8/13/2019 Brains Zombies



    +-#eroic Moments:*!ery Human begins the game with 2 Heroic Moment token.*xtra Heroic Moment tokens are gi!en when a Human performs an outstanding act ordoes something bra!e. -ewarding Heroic Moment tokens should be done at thediscretion of all players in!ol!ed" but a maximum limit of 2 per 2: turns is a goodguideline.1t any time one Heroic Moment token can be exchanged for one of the followingeffects 'note that only one token can be used per Human per turn).

    Heroic Moment 5ses

    Make an additional =artial Mo!e

    1utomatic ritical on next ranged attack

    -eroll a ranged attack

    &orce a Zombie to reroll a melee attack

    &orce a Zombie to reroll a Headshot

    1dd F7 to one 3earch

    -estore 2 ?ife

    +-$%uipment:Humans cannot carry e!erything they want" and are limited to the following.*quipment" weapons" and ammo can be transferred between Humans that are within 8; ofeach other.

    Maximum *quipment

    2 Melee #eapon

    4 -anged #eapons

    7 1mmo types 'any amount of shots)

    8 Health 6tems

    3tarting *quipment

    Melee #eapon 'Melee 3kill 8)

    -anged #eapon 'lass 2) 20 3titches" and 1lcohol.

    Health 6tems

    2 ?ife per Morphine.

    4 ?ife per Bandage > 3titches. =artial Mo!e on the turn they are used.

    2 temporary ?ife per 1lcohol. 1fter 9 Human turns the temporary token isdiscarded. 1 Human can ha!e a maximum of 4 temporary ?ife.

    #hen a Human is reduced to : ?ife they die. 1ll of their equipment and weapons aredropped on the ground" and their figurine is remo!ed. They will rise on that spot asa standard Zombie during the next -aise Zombies action.

  • 8/13/2019 Brains Zombies


  • 8/13/2019 Brains Zombies



    +-Ranged )eapon Statistics:6 lo!e the smell of napalm in the morning.

    Name -ange ToHit Headshot lass 1mmo

    Thrown 0ebris < 2: < : rock > brickThrown +nife G C 9 2 knife

    Thrown a!elin < C < 2 %a!elin

    ?ongbow 2: D 9 2 arrow

    -ecur!e Bow 24 D 9 4 arrow

    omposite Bow 2: D 8 4 arrow

    rossbow 2: G 9 4 bolt

    -e!ol!er D G 8 2 .7D caliberHandgun 2: G 8 4 Cmm

    1uto =istol D < 8 7 Cmm

    Handcannon 2: D 7 8 .79G magnum

    =ump 3hotgun 2: < 7 7 buckshot shell

    3awed $ff 3hotgun < 9 4 8 buckshot shell

    0ouble Barreled 3hotgun 28 < 7 8 buckshot shell

    1uto 3hotgun 24 < auto 9 buckshot shell

    3ubmachinegun 24 G 7 7 9.9

  • 8/13/2019 Brains Zombies



    +-Melee )eapon Statistics:Taking care of business when Zombies get too close for comfort.

    Name Melee 3kill

    Bare &ists" #ooden =lank 7Brass +nuckles" Broken Bottle" hain" /olf lub" Hockey 3tick" 6ron=an" +itchen +nife" =itchfork" =ool ue" 3ho!el" #rench


    Baseball Bat" law Hammer" ricket Bat" Hatchet" ?ead =ipe" Tire6ron" 3witchblade


    Baton" rowbar" &ire 1xe" Hunting +nife" Nightstick