Brain Teaser

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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math brain teaser

Transcript of Brain Teaser

1.A person is driving in the slow lane at 50 mph, when a squad car stops him and gives him a ticket. Why did he receive a ticket?  

2.A man is carrying a camera, rifle and tripod. Suddenly he sees an eagle in the sky and shoots, but the eagle is not harmed. How is this possible?

3.Jason leaves his home. He makes three left turns, returns to find two masked men waiting for him. Who are the masked men?

4.A boxing match is scheduled to last 15 min. But only lasts 5 because one got knocked out, and no man threw a punch. What happened?

5.An old man took a walk every day at the same time. One day the old man left in the middle of the night for his walk, why?

6.A man and his son are driving to a ball game. Their car stalls and is hit by a train, killing the man and injuring the son. The son is sent to the emergency room when the surgeon says " I can't operate on the boy". Why?

7.How many common four letter English words can you make from the letters EANM using all the letters in each word?

8.A man puts $100 into the bank. The next day he pulls out $101 does he owe the bank money? 

6-9 th Grade

1.In 1990, Sara is 15 years old. In 1995 that same person is 10 years old. How is this possible?

2.Nick offered Anthony the following bet: she said she would toss 3 pennies in the air, and if they fell all heads or all tails she would give     him $1. If they fell any other way, he had to give her 50 cents. Should Anthony accept?

3.How much dirt is in a hole that is 3 ft deep, and 6 inches in diameter?

4.Brian comes up to his friends and claims that he can plant 10 plant in 5 rows with 4 plants in each row. How can he do this?

5.A man says that he can move three triangle boxes in a way to form 4 triangles. How is this possible?

6.Stack 1 block in the first column, 3 blocks in the second column. 5 blocks in the third column and so on for 8 columns. What is the fewest number of blocks that you could move to make all 8 columns have equal height? 

7.Ben, the mailman had to deliver a package to Mr. Smith. When he arrived he saw a pitbull at the front yard. The pitbull was fastened to a stake by a heavy 30 foot chain. Ben was standing 45 feet from the front door. He decided to leave and ask Ms. Johnson, the next door neighbor to give the package to Mr. Smith. Why did he decide to do this?

8.A man has recently escaped from prison and is making his way home on foot. He is walking along a straight rural country lane in bright daylight. He has walked about two miles from the prison, when he sees a police car coming toward him. Despite knowing that all squads would be out looking for him, he ran towards the car for a short while, and only when he was about ten feet away, did he turn and run into the woods to hide. Why did he run towards the police car?

9.On the island there are only two trees, A and B, and the remains of a gallows. Start at the gallows and count the steps required to walk in a straight line to tree A. At the tree turn 90 degrees to the left and then walk forward the same number of steps. At the point where you top drive a spike into the ground. Now return to the gallows and walk in a straight line, counting your steps, to tree B. When you reach the tree, turn 90 degrees to the right and take the same number of steps forward, placing another spike at the point where you stop. Dig at the point exactly halfway between the spikes and you will find the treasure. However, our hero when he gets to the island finds the gallows missing. Is there any way he can still get to the treasure?


1)Because he was driving in the slow lane.

2)He used the camera to shoot.

3)The umpire and the pitcher.

4)They were all women.

5)Midnight was the time for his daily walk.

6)The surgeon is the mother


8)He already had money in the bank.

1. 1)The dates are in BC

2)No. He would only have two chances to win because there are only 2 sides to a coin.

3)None. An empty hole has dirt in it.

4)Place them in the shape of a five-point star.

5)Place one box on top of the two.

6)16 blocks.

7)The dogs stake was 15 feet away from the door.

8)A simple experiment with a ruler and paper shows that any position for the gallows leads to the same point. However, it can be proven with a bit of vector algebra...Define a square grid with its origin at tree A (herein point A) tree B at  (0,1). Gallows G exist at arbitrary point (x,y). The walk from G -> A == (-x,-y) The walk from G -> B == (-x,-y+1) Let A* denote the position after turning left at tree A, and B* denote the position reached after turning right at tree B. The walk from A -> A* == (+y,-x)The walk from B -> B* == (-y+1,x) (not entirely obvious, but true!) The walk from G -> A* == (G -> A) + (A -> A*) == (-x+y , -x-y ) The walk from G -> B* == (G -> B) + (B -> B*) == (-x-y+1 , x-y+1) The walk from A* -> B* == (G -> B*) - (G -> A*) == (-x-y+1+x-y , x-y+1+x+y ) == (1-2y , 1+2x) Now, the walk to the treasure is (A->A*) + .5(A*->B*) since the treasure is half way from A* to B* == (+y,-x) + .5(1-2y , 1+2x) == (+y+.5-y , -x+.5+x) == (.5,.5) So stand at A, walk half way to B, turn RIGHT and walk the same distance straight ahead. Get digging.....