Brae Carpenter. An AK-47 is the type or gun used in the first war Howard was in with the militiamen.

Post on 06-Jan-2018

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Booger Eaters are what Howard and the BUD/S name for the enemy or bad guys in the war also a code name on the field of training.

Transcript of Brae Carpenter. An AK-47 is the type or gun used in the first war Howard was in with the militiamen.

Brae Carpenter

I am a Seal Team Six Warrior

An AK-47 is the type or gun used in the first war Howard was in with the militiamen.

A ~ A is for AK-47

Booger Eaters are what Howard and the BUD/S name for the enemy or bad guys in the war also a code name on the field of training.

B~ B is for Booger Eaters

Clendenin A.K.A Randy Clendenin was Howard assistant major for the terror week in BUD/S training and the 1 out of the three guys who didn’t ring the bell in training to be part of the SEALs

C~ C is for Clendenin

When they were in the K4 circle where Little man was shot Darwin yelled “down” but it was too late

D~ D is for Down

They had to go through Extreme training to become a BUD in order to be a SEAL it was over the Extreme.

E~ E is for Extreme

When they were in the barracks, getting ready Sgt Redd told how his brother was a frogman in desert storm and how he was killed.

F~ F is for Frogman

A gunner was a trainee in BUD/S for a sharpshooter.

G~G is for Gunner

Howard was the main character in the book, he showed how you don’t have to be the biggest and baddest, but you have to have the fight and will in you , and to never leave a man behind. If your fighting for our country, you have got to prove, that you really care.

H~ H is for Howard

Iraq is one of the settings in the story where they were in Desert Fox.

I~ I is for Iraq

While they were in Iraq, in a bunker they found Iraqi soldiers, Instead of taking them to a POW camp they gave them justice, they fed them and provided a drink, Howard saw that they had no fight and were there for a while. They surrendered without being told.

J~ J is for Justice

Kenya is where they stayed in Europe training for Desert Shield.

K~ K is for Kenya

In SAR training 15 trainees left because they couldn’t handle training so they were sent home, after they rang the bell.

L~L is for left

Mohamed controlled the population by controlling the food supply for the Somalia's.

M~ M is for Mohamed Farah Aidia

Nethan was one of the Black Hawk Pilots that drowned.

N~ N is for Nethan

Osamen was the war lord, also Abdias main financer, he killed hundreds of thousands of Somalis.

O~O is for Osamen Ali Aho

There was no peace after the war in Iraq killed 4 SEALs.

P~ P is for peace

While you were assigned in a bunker, you needed to be quiet and have close watch.

Q~Q is for Quiet

All Naval and military soldiers showed respect to each other for fighting for our country to them they were family.

R~ R is for Respect

Seal Team Six was the Navy's equivalent to Army's delta force. Its job is to fight terrorism and armed Rebellion, often secretly. SEAL stands for SEa Air and Land

S~ S is for Seal Team Six

The SEALs were a team they never let each other down and all worked together as if they were family.

T~T is for Team

SEALs are known to be the best of the best in the navy and therefore they are known as Unstoppable

U~U is for Unstoppable

When they were in training Howard and Randy were 2 of the very few who made it through the shock drill which was where they laid undressed in 2 degree weather in the ocean for hours they had great Victory in end.

V~V is for Victory

The SEALs went to war with Iraq while in Desert Fox.

W~W is for War

Howard was one of the top trainees in BUD/S camp his timing and effort was eXcellent.

X~ X is for eXcellent

Sir yes sir was the response of the SEALs to all Naval officers showing respect, or to not get in trouble.

Y~ Y is for Yes Sir

To be a SEAL orginaZation was important pants had to be pressed, clean bunks, and if you lost a part of uniform outside of battle then you'd be in real trouble.

Z~ Z is for orginiZed