BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing

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Transcript of BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing

  • 7/26/2019 BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing





    It is hereby declared a policy of the Government to promote and encourage the development of economic andsocialized housing projects, primarily by the private sector, in order to make available adequate economic andsocialized housing units for average and low-income earners in urban and rural areas.

    SECTION 2.

    s used in this ct, economic and socialized housing refers to housing units which are within the affordability levelof the average and low-income earners which is thirty percent !"#$% of the gross family income as determined bythe &ational 'conomic and (evelopment uthority from time to time. It shall also refer to the government-initiatedsites and services development and construction of economic and socialized housing projects in depressed areas.

    SECTION !.

    )o carry out the foregoing policy, the *inistry of +uman ettlements is authorized to establish and promulgatedifferent levels of standards and technical requirements for the development of economic and socialized housingprojects and economic and socialized housing units in urban and rural areas from those provided in residential(ecree &umbered &ine hundred fifty-seven, otherwise known as the ubdivision and /ondominium 0uyers1rotective (ecree, residential (ecree &umbered )welve hundred and si2teen, (efining 3pen pace in4esidential ubdivision5 residential (ecree &umbered )en +undred and ninety-si2, otherwise known as the&ational 0uilding /ode of the hilippines5 and residential (ecree &umbered 'leven hundred and eighty-five,otherwise known as the 6ire /ode of the hilippines and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, inconsultation with the *inistry of ublic 7orks and +ighways, the Integrated &ational olice, and other appropriategovernment units and instrumentalities and private associations.

    SECTION ".

    )he standards and technical requirements to be established under ection three hereof shall provide forenvironmental ecology, hygiene and cleanliness, physical, cultural and spiritual development and public safety andmay vary in each region, province or city depending on the availability of indigenous materials for buildingconstruction and other relevant factors.

    SECTION #.

    )he different levels of standards and technical requirements that shall be established and promulgated by the*inistry of +uman ettlements only after public hearing and shall be published in two newspapers of generalcirculation in the hilippines for at least once a week for two consecutive weeks and shall take effect thirty daysafter the last publication.

    SECTION $.)his ct shall take effect upon its approval.

    pproved, *arch 89, :;

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  • 7/26/2019 BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing


  • 7/26/2019 BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing




    SECTION ". C&1'*+%( +3 4/4 /(56+/(4.?

    (evelopment of economic and socialized housing project shall be in accordance with the minimum designstandards herein set forth.

    SECTION #. B+ 4 &78(%+9( &) 3( 1++161 4(+: 4/4. ?

    )he minimum design standards set forth herein are intended to provide minimum requirements within the generallyaccepted levels of safety, health and ecological considerations. ariations, however are also possible, as may bebased on some specific regional, cultural and economic setting, e.g., building materials, space requirements andusage. )he parameters used in formulating these (esign tandards areB

    . rotection and safety of life, limb, property and general public welfare.

    0. 0asic needs of human settlements, enumerated in descending order as followsB

    :% 7ater

    8% *ovement and /irculation

    "% torm drainage

    =% olid and @iquid 7aste (isposal

    9% ower

    >% arkElayground

    )he provision of these basic needs shall be based on the actual setting within which the project site is located.

    /. ffordability levels of target market

    (. @ocation

    )he ctual setting of project site shall determine the type and degree of development to be required in asubdivisionEhousing project regardless of political boundaries. 7ith respect to this, the degree on level ofdevelopment shall be defined as followsB

    :% Dnderdeveloped rea ? characterized by the predominant absence of utility systems or networks, especiallywater supply, roads and power.

    8% (eveloped rea ? characterized by the predominant presence of utility systems or network, especially watersupply, roads and power.

    SECTION $. T(%3+%* G6+4(*+(. ?

    In determining whether an economic and socialized housing shall be allowed, the following guidelines shall beconsidered.

    . uitability of ite

    :. hysical uitability

    potential site must have characteristics assuring healthful, safe and environmentally sound community life. It

    shall be stable enough to accommodate foundation load without e2cessive site works. /ritical areas !e.g., areassubject to flooding, lands slides and street% must be avoided.

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    above 889 8.#$

    /ommunity facilities shall be centrally located where they can serve ma2imum member of population, preferablynear or side by side the parkEplayground.

    =. rea allocated for arkElayground

    rovision for parkEplayground is required in all cases.

    llocation of areas for parks and playgrounds shall be e2clusive of those allocated for community facilities andshall vary according to the density of lots andEor living units in the subdivision, whichever is applicable, as shown in)able 8.


  • 7/26/2019 BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing


    /ouncil !&*4/% shall be obtained. tandards set by the 4egional 7ater 4esource /ouncil !474/% on watersource development shall be complied with. 'ach well shall be allocated appro2imately four !=% square meters areawhich shall form part of the area for community facilities !as defined in 4ule II% and shall not encroach on anysaleably lot or right of way.

    8. (eveloped rea

    7henever a public water supply system e2ists, connection to it by the subdivision is mandatory. 'ach lot andEor

    living unit shall be served with water connection !regardless of the type of distribution system%. 7ater supplyprovided by the local water district shall be complementedEsupplemented by other sources, when necessary, suchas communal well which may be located strategically for ease and convenience in fetching water by residents andat the same time not closer than "## meters from each other.

    If public water supply system is not available, the developer shall provide for an independent water supply systemwithin the subdivision project. *inimum quantity requirement shall be 9 liters per capita per day.@ikewise, required permits from the &74/ shall be obtained and standards of the @ocal 7ater Dtilitiesdministration shall be complied with.

    If ground reservoir is to be put up, and area shall be allocated for this purpose !part of allocation for communityfacilities%. )he size shall depend on volume of water intended to be stored. rovide for protection from pollutionnamely, buffer of at least 89 meters from sources of pollutionEcontamination.

    6or elevated reservoir, structural design shall comply with accepted structural standards.

    0. /irculation ystem

    :. /irculation system shall be the same in both Dnderdeveloped rea and a (eveloped rea projects e2cept fortype of pavement which is adopted on regional or locational peculiarities of the project site.

    TABLE !


    y!e of "ight-of "oad Ma#imum $ay Carriageway %ength






    :8# m. !dead end%, providefor turnaround space.. If 9#

    m.or less, turn aroundspace not required

    lley ".## ".##:9# m. !both ends

    /onnecting to a *inorroad%,9 m. !dead end%

    6ootpath 8.## 8.##:## m. !both ends

    connecting to an alley%,9# m. !dead end%


    Pro&ect Si'e "ange "oad Networ(

    above # ? 8.9# has *inor road, alley footpath

  • 7/26/2019 BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing


    above 8.9# ? :9.## has*ajor road, minor road alley,


    above :9.## ? "#.## has

    *odel 01s major road, thenmajor road to footpath as

    cited in )able ". !*odel 0 of

    ( ;9%

    above "#.##

    *odel 1s collector road,service road, then major road to

    footpath as cited in )able ".*odel of ( ;9%


    y!e of "oad )nderdevelo!ed Develo!ed

    6ootpathaggregates !stones, rocks, pebble,


    lley aggregates aggregates

    *inor road aggregates macadam

    *ajor road *acadam asphalt

    &oteB aving material for roads adopted from *odels and 0 !( ;9% shall have the same paving materials ascited herein, i.e., asphalt.

    8. lanning /onsiderations or /irculation @ayout

    a% 3bservance of the hierarchy of roads within the subdivision.

    b% /onformance to natural topography.

    c% /onsideration for access and safety e.g. adequate radius, minimum number of roads at intersections, moderate

    slopeEgrade, adequate sight distance, no blind corners, etc.

    d% 3ptimization as to number of lots to lessen area for roads, at the same time enhance community interaction.

    e% )here shall be no duplications of street names and such names shall not bear any similarity to e2isting streetnames in adjacent subdivision, e2cept when they are in continuation of e2isting ones. treet names shall berecognizable and readable.

    )he developer shall bear the cost of purchase and installation of street namesEsigns coincident with theconstruction of streets and utilities.

    f% idewalks shall not be required when drainage system is through open canals5 when drainage canals arecovered or underground, the space above the canals shall be utilized as sidewalk.

    /. (rainage ystem

    (rainage system shall be required in all projects.

    n open canal on each side of the circulation network shall be provided. aid canal shall have appropriate slope to

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    SECTION >. B6+*4+: D(+: S4/4 4 G6+4(*+(.?

    rojects incorporation housing components shall comply with the following design standards and guidelines.

    . ingle 6amily (welling

    :. +eight @imitation ? *a2imum number of stories is two !8%.

    8. Dnit lanning

    a. ccess to the roperty. ? (irect access to the single-family dwelling shall be provided by means of an abuttingpublic street, alley or pathway.

    b. ccess to the dwelling unit. ? n independent means of access to the dwelling unit shall be provided withouttrespassing adjoining properties. cceptable means of access to the rear yard of the dwelling unit shall be providedwithout passing through any other dwelling unit or any other yard.

    c. 3pen space requirements. ? 3pen spaces shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the lot in sucha manner as to provide ma2imum light and ventilation into the building.


    y!e of %ot Percent of *!en S!ace "esidential All *thers

    a. Interior lot !located in the interior of a blockmade accessible or alley by means of a privateaccess road%.

    9#$ 89$

    b. Inside lot !non-corner or single frontage lot% 8#$ :9$

    c. /orner andEor through lot :#$ :9$

    d. @ots bounded on three !"% or more sides bypublic open spaces such as streets, easement ofseashores, rivers, esteros, etc.

    9$ 9$

    d. izes and (imensions of /ourts and Aards. ? )he minimum horizontal dimension of courts and yards shall benot less than 8.# meters. ll inner courts shall be connected to a street of yard, either by a passageway with aminimum width of :.8# meters or by a door through a room or rooms.

    'very court shall have a width of not less than 8.# meters for one and two-storey buildings. +owever, this may bereduced to not less than :.9# meters in cluster living units such as quadruple2es, row-houses and the like one ortwo storeys in height with adjacent courts with an area of not less than ".## square meters. rovided, further, thatthe separation walls or fences, if any, shall be not higher than 8.## meters. Irregularly shaped lots such astriangular lots and the like whose courts may be also triangular in shape may be e2empted from having a minimumwidth of 8.# meters, provided that no side thereof shall be less than ".# meters.

    e. butments. ? butments may be permitted on all sides provided thatB

    a. fire wall starting from the ground level and e2tending at least #."# meters from the roof line is constructed.

    b. )here shall be no opening on the party fire wall.

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    c. )he fire wall shall have a minimum of one-hour fire resistive rating.

    ". 0uilding (esign tandards

    a. pace tandards. ?

    paces within the dwelling structure shall be distributed in an economical, efficient and practical manner so as to

    afford the ma2imum living comfort and convenience and to insure health and safety among the occupants. It shallprovide complete living facilities for one family including provisions for living, sleeping, laundry, cooking, eating,bathing and toilet facilities.

    b. 6loor rea 4equirement. ?

    )he minimum floor area requirement for single-family dwelling shall be 8#.## square meters.

    c. /eiling +eights

    :. *inimum ceiling height for habitable measured from the finished floor line to the ceiling line. 7here ceilings arenot provided, a minimum headroom clearance of 8.## meters shall be provided.

    8. *ezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height of not less than :.

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    ". +eadroom /learance. ? tairs shall have a minimum headroom clearance of 8.## meters. uch clearance shallbe established by measuring vertically from a place parallel and tangent to the stairway tread moving to the soffitabove all points.

    =. @andings. ? 'very landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction of travel equal to the width of thestairway. *a2imum height between landing shall be 8.># meters.

    9. +andrails. ? tairways shall have at least one handrail on one side provided there is a guard or wall on the

    other side. +owever, stairways have less than four !=% risers need not have handrails, and stairs with either a guardor wall on one end need not be provided with a handrail on that end.

    >. Guard and +andrail details. ? )he design of guards and handrails and hardware for attaching handrails toguards, balusters or masonry walls shall be such that these are made safe and convenient.

    a. +andrails on stairs shall not be less than #.

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    B. M6*+-F1+*? D(**+:

    :. P*& P*+:

    a. ccess to the property. ? (irect vehicular access to the property shall be provided by means of an abuttingimproved public street or alley.

    b. ccess to the dwelling. ? n independent means of access shall be provided to each dwelling, or group ofdwellings in a single plot, without trespassing adjoining properties. 'ach dwelling must be capable of maintenancewithout trespassing adjoining properties. Dtilities and service facilities must be independent for each dwelling unit.

    'ach dwelling unit shall be provided with a sanitary means for the removal of garbage and trash.

    c. ccess to living units. ? n independent means of access to each living units shall be provided without passingthrough any yard of a living unit or any other yard.

    d. &on-residential use. ? ortions of the property may be designed or used for non-residential use provided thetype of non- residential use is harmonious or compatible with the residential character of the property. omee2amples of allowable non-residential uses are garages, carports, cooperative store, and structures for thehomeowners1 association.

    ny non-residential use of any portion of the property shall be subordinate to the residential use and character ofthe property. )he floor area authorized for non-residential use, whether in the principal dwelling structure or in anyaccessory building, shall not e2ceed 89$ of the total residential area.

    )he computation of the non-residential area shall include hallways, corridors or similar spaces which serve bothresidential and non-residential areas.

    e. 3pen pace 4equirements. ? ortions of the property shall be devoted to open space to provide for adequatelight, ventilation and fire safety.

    :. etbacks from the property line shall be maintained, the minimum of which shall be the followingB

    Kinds of LotsTotal Oen !ace

    "e#uiredM+N+M)M S,AC ",)+",M,N P," S*",0

    Interior 9#$ : J 8 " = 9 > < ; :# :: :8

    Inside 8#$


    :#$ 8.# 8." 8.> 8.; ".8 ".9 ".< =.: =.= =. 9.#

    @ot abutting" or more

    streets, alleys,rivers, esteros


    8. (istance between building shall also be adequately maintained to ensure light and ventilation.

    In general, the minimum distance between 8 buildings in which the taller buildings has not more than two !8%storeys shall be =.## meter. nd the minimum horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves shall be :.9#meters.

    )he minimum distance between two buildings wherein the taller building has three !"% or four !=% storeys, shall be>.## meters. nd the minimum horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves shall be 8.## meters.

    )he minimum distance between buildings with more than four !=% storeys shall be :# meters. )he minimumhorizontal clearance shall be > meters.

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    9. ubmit certification of availability of water supply, if proponentEdeveloper intends to utilize e2isting water system5or permit from the &ational 7ater 4esources /ouncil, if he intends to put up a centralized deep well distributionsystem5 or certificate of water potability, if he intends to leave the establishment of individual wells to lotEunit ownersfrom the appropriate government agency.

    SECTION 20. N&+%( &) P67*+%+&. ?

    Dpon evaluation of the completeness and veracity of the documents submitted, this 3ffice shall cause thepublication at the e2pense of the applicant a &otice of ending pplication for 4egistration and @icense to ell inone newspaper of general circulation in 'nglish or in ilipino reciting therein that an application for registration and@icense to ell for the sale of subdivision lots and condominium units has been filed with the /ommission and thatthe aforesaid application papers as well as the documents attached thereto are open to inspection during businesshours by interested parties. In addition, a " 2 > billboard notice of the project shall be posted on the project site untilthe issuance of the @icense to ell.

    Dpon completion of the publication, the proponent shall submit roof of ublication e2ecuted by the ublisher andan affidavit attesting to the posting of the 0illboard &otice on the site.

    SECTION 2. R(:+/+& &) P/&8(%. ?

    )en days from the completion of the publication and submission of the proof of publication, the /ommission shall,in the absence of an opposition to the 4egistration of the roject, issue a /ertificate of 4egistration. &o oppositionshall be entertained after the above period.

    SECTION 22. O''&++& & R(:+/+&.?

    /omplaints and opposition to the registration shall be filed with the /ommission within ten !:#% days from the dateof publication. roceedings for registration and license to sell shall be, in the meantime, suspended upon an initialfinding that the same is meritorious.

    SECTION 2!. L+%(( & S(**. ?

    &o owner or developer shall sell any disposable subdivision lot or condominium unit in a registered propertywithout a license to sell issued by the /ommission.

    Dpon submission of a erformance 0ond in the forms of a urety 0ond to the amount of )en ercent !:#$% of thetotal estimated development cost of the project issued by a duly accredited bonding company and acceptable tothe /ommission, or a certificate of guarantee from any bank or financing institution of good standing addressed tothe /ommission for the total development cost, the /ommission shall cause the issuance of a @icense to ell forthe project.

    7henever it shall appear that the erformance 0ond is, or for any cause has become worthless, inadequate orinsufficient after the @icense to ell has been issued, the ownerEdeveloper shall, after due notice, be required togive an additional performance bond or replace the worthless bond within ten days from receipt of such notice.*eanwhile, the @icense to ell shall be deemed suspend or revoked.

    SECTION 2". M&+&/+: &) P/&8(%.?

    )he /ommission shall have the power to monitor projects granted Integrated pproval and @icense to ell underthese 4ules to ensure faithful compliance with the terms, standards and conditions thereof. It may e2ercisevisitatorial powers and in case of violation or non-compliance of the terms, standards and conditions set forth in theapproval and the license issued, it may institute revocation proceedings and impose appropriate fines andpenalties.

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  • 7/26/2019 BP 220_Standards for Economic and Socialized Housing


    SECTION !#. A63&/+? & I6( S6''*(1(* R6*(, D+/(%+9( 4 I(/'/(+9( M(1&/461 4C+/%6*/.?

    In the implementation of 0atas ambansa 0lg. 88# and these 4ules and tandards, the /ommission, through its/hief '2ecutive 3fficer, is hereby authorized to issue supplemental rules, directives and interpretativememorandum and circulars.

    SECTION !$. S('/7+*+? C*6(. ?

    )he provision of these 4ules are hereby declared separable, and in the event any of such provisions are declarednull and void, the validity of all other provisions shall not be affected thereby.

    SECTION !=. E))(%+9+?.?

    )hese 4ules shall take effect thirty days after its last publication in two newspapers of general circulation in thehilippines for at least once a week for two consecutive weeks.

    romulgated, :: Kune :;