BOTACON 0 - Emerging Open Hardware Ecosystems

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of BOTACON 0 - Emerging Open Hardware Ecosystems


Do you want to work in a system that is rooted in rivalry and the creation of artificial scarcity?


Do you want to contribute to a world of plenty, where access is not restricted, where there's continuity of your ideas, and which invites others to co-mingle their ideas to make it awesome?

Do you want to work in a system that is rooted in rivalry and the creation of artificial scarcity?OrDo you want to contribute to a world of plenty, where access is not restricted, where there's continuity of your ideas, and which invites others to co-mingle their ideas to make it awesome?

Open Hardware Ecosystems


This talk, as an exception will be from non-tech point of view.

For my master's I've done some research on a community that I really love, the RepRap project, and very closely related to that are the Makerbot and other bot-communities. So, I'm going to talk a little bit about my conclusions.

Thanking you for your time!

Thank you!

Start by thanking you for your time.

Lot's of RepRappers and Makerbotters have participated in the survey.

Cover sheetTo what extent is the open source development methodology also applicable to physical object design

To approach this, this requires is to understand the following...

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.

- Thomas Jefferson

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.This property of idea's, information and even software is much more important today than in the days of Thomas Jefferson

With today's internet

Information GOODS, information, software, and CAD files.

Who should society make responsible for producing idea's, knowledge and software? Private firms, or public institutions like this university?

State / private firms

A central question becomes:

How can we best provide society with goods?

If one wants to induce firms to undertake R&D one must accept the creation of monopolies as a necessary evil.

- Schumpeter

ONE answer was given Jospeph Schupeter:If one wants to induce firms to undertake R&D one must accept the creation of monopolies as a necessary evil.

Neccesary? Assumption that is challenged more and more evidence. vH and my own.

Producers and exclusion

If producers have the control to restrict the spreading of value to everyone,....

limiting other companies from offering, or limiting the spreading of information goods

Producers and exclusion


Producers and exclusion

...some people will pay for it, so they can keep developing other, profitable, products.

Kinds of products they develop most -> large & low-risk markets. For highly original idea's, market acceptance is uncertain.

How can we best provide society with goods?

Firm based producers

The reasoning is, in short: In order to develop idea's, a company needs to be able to make money through exclusion. society grants a temporary monopolyBut, are firms to only ones with good ideas? They look for large markets, certainty to sell products.Can they earn money if there is no legal protection? It appears, yes.

But is this for-profit, firm centric and market motivated the only source of idea's?

Alternative: Be Open

How can we best provide society with goods?

Global collaboration

Many people with idea's out there

How can we best provide society with goods?

Global collaboration

What would REALLY be perfect?If they could GIVE their idea's away for free, to everyone!What would be perfect?

How can we best provide society with goods?

And of course this is a many-to-many type of interaction

If they collaborated and could build on each other's ideasVary on: motives, knowledge, experience and live in diff. Environments

So, for participating in open source development, what do these motives look like?

Behavior = motives + means

Crime is committed.But the same logic applies to socially constructive behavior.How do they relate to open source development

So let's start with the motives...

Diverse Motives


Competence / Challenge

Relatedness / Community


Does the ability to profit have a role?If so, it's usually subordinate to other motive, like competence, relatedness and meaning.

And profit motives can significantly diminish creativity and innovation.

Diverse motives = robust

Community growth

4~5 x

Moore's Law

4~5 x

(log scale)

Moore's Law

Community growth

Comparing Mendel's Law ;) and Moore's Law might seem like comparing apples and oranges, or 3D printers and transistors. Still, we're talking about quantities with emergent characteristics.

Proliferation of OS Fab. Equip.

RepRap & derivativesIndustry Giant (Stratasys)

R&D manpower> 1000 people(145-182 FTE R&D)100 people~100 FTE R&D

R&D expenditure$ 384,000 478,000~ $ 7.5 mln.

Yearly growth2005-2010:400600%Yearly growth & decline2006-2009:-17%17%

The means

Endogenous to the community.


CommunityAccess to knowledge, spreading workload, etc.


Sharing platforms

A commons of physical designs

The means to do Open Design




Sharing platforms

A commons of physical designs

Online proposal for an open source standard construction kit

Extruded aluminum beam

Suitable for mass production:
high up-front costs

Crowdfunded by 132 people

> 17k in pledges received in months


Access to knowledge, access to collaborators allowing you to spread the workload, resources

Next: Infrastructure (repositories, wiki's thingiverse, etc.)

Open and affordable fabricators

These machines have allowed more than 10.000 of open source objects to materialize.

A commons of physical design

iPhone Dock?

A replacement buckle?

A tiny violin?

A whistle? (with pea inside)

Art, gifts?

Caps for LED-candles?

The means to do Open Design




Sharing platforms

A commons of physical designs





Modularity work independently, reuse, transparency

Granularity tasks that match the varying level of ambition of participants

Take aways

Participate in creating the future

...through a global, decentralized collaboration

...while gaining the skills of the 21st century




Contact me:


Do you want to work in a system that is rooted in rivalry and the creation of artificial scarcity?


Do you want to contribute to a world of plenty, where access is not restricted, where there's continuity of your ideas, and which invites others to co-mingle their ideas to make it awesome?

For individuals:Do you want to work in a system that is rooted in rivalry and the creation of artificial scarcity?OrDo you want to contribute to a world of plenty, where access is not restricted, where there's continuity of your ideas, and which invites others to co-mingle their ideas to make it awesome?


Do you want to work in a system that is rooted in rivalry and the creation of artificial scarcity?


Do you want to contribute to a world of plenty, where access is not restricted, where there's continuity of your ideas, and which invites others to co-mingle their ideas to make it awesome?

For individuals:Do you want to work in a system that is rooted in rivalry and the creation of artificial scarcity?OrDo you want to contribute to a world of plenty, where access is not restricted, where there's continuity of your ideas, and which invites others to co-mingle their ideas to make it awesome?