Boster police department presentation

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Boster police department presentation

We take pride in what we do

“Over the past few days, there has been a number of cases happening around our town of Boster. We are trying our best to inform the public of all that is happening and we require all citizens to stay calm and stay safe”

Velma WattSquad Leader and Head of department 2011

“As most of Boster residents know, on Tuesday 7th May 2011 an explosion erupted from the large building on church lane. We are still not certain of what caused the blast but we are hoping to get the experts to come and study the building when we get permission, from the owner who we are trying to locate.”

Daphne Fitzworren Substantiation Analyser

“Boster Police Force would be very grateful for any assistance on this matter. If you have seen a young girl around the town, who appears to be underprivileged and slightly mad we would be very thankful if you contacted us straight away so we can make Boster a safer place once more.”

Norville RogersDeputy Detective

“Our team and I have found certain finger prints on certain door ways and we have also found a few fibres on a sharp metal fence found by the town centre. However this could mean anything and it could be anyone’s DNA but we are going to the limits to solve this mystery. We would really appreciate it if you could assist us.”

We do not want to alarm you but a body of a man was found in one of the labs that we searched a few hours ago. It looks like it was attacked by a wild animal such as a large dog. We recommend that residents stay in their homes and only come out when they really have to.

This is probably a mere accident and it is unlikely to happen again.

Freddie Fitzworren Forensic Analyser

“We are trying our hardest to control the situation. The public needn’t be worried. There is nothing particularly important going on, simply a small explosion, in a disused lab, due to a gas leak. It’s nothing more I’m sure.”

David BrayChief Inspector

Contact is immediately if you see or hear anything out of the ordinary

happening around BosterCall us:03748 203847

Or email

Thank You for your assistance