BOŚ S.A. Presentation Warsaw, June 2012. (Bank for Environmental Protection) is a universal...

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Transcript of BOŚ S.A. Presentation Warsaw, June 2012. (Bank for Environmental Protection) is a universal...

BOŚ S.A. Presentation

Warsaw, June 2012

(Bank for Environmental Protection) is a universal commercial bank

supporting sustainable development specialising in financing

environmentally friendly projects

established in 1991

since 1997 listed at Warsaw Stock Exchange

19th position in terms of balance sheet and equity among Polish banks

Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A.

Ownership structure and overview of principal activities


Ownership structure as of June 2012 Business overview

68.2% of our shareholders are representatives of the State Treasury


State Forests National Forest



National Fund for Environmental Protection and

Water Management

39.1% Others

Public Finance

Retail business

Corporate business

32% 40% 28%

% of total loan portfolio

• Project finance

• Investment loans

• Factoring• Trade finance

• Project finance

• Financing of municipalities

• Innovative brokerage house• Leading position in the market of

forward contracts

• Capital investments• Business consulting

Our key focus across all three key business areas is environmentally friendly projects

• Mortgage loans• Deposit and current accounts• Credit cards

Organisational structure of BOŚ

By the end of 2011, 17 main branches, 83 operative branches and 11 corporate Centres were active.

In order to reach its clients in broader scope the Bank cooperated with financial intermediaries and partner advisors.



1. Consolidated data

Unique capabilities in eco-finance


• Undisputed leader on the eco-finance market (more than PLN10bn loans granted in 1991-2011; PLN37bn worth of investments co-financed); 50% market share in pro-ecological projects financing.

• Unique in the scale of the country, activity of group of experts, specialised in ecological project financing, offering financial and legal consultation in the field of environmental protection investment to corporate and individual clients.

Support of NFOŚ• Support of National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

(NFEP&WM) – assets related to the cooperation with NFOS and its local branches (VFEP&WM) amount to ca. PLN1bn (2011)¹

Environmental protection as the

image of the Bank

• Ecological image, supported by rich proecological offer for all the clients of the Bank.

• Promotion of the corporate governance initiative, through support of BOŚ Foundation activity, monitoring and compensation of greenhouse gas emission, proecological reports publishing and ecological waste management.

Our strenght – proecological projects financing

Growth drivers for pro-ecological projects


EU requirements and Poland’s commitments

• CO2 emissions reduction by 20% by 2020 from 1990 levels• 19%1 share of renewable energy sources by 2020 (from c. 7% in 2010)• 9% reduction in the national energy consumption by 2016 compared to 2001-2005 average• Reduction of biodegradable waste disposed of at landfills by 70% by 2020 (from 1995 levels)• 60% packaging reuse and 55% recycling level targets for 2014 (currently 53% and 35%


Increase of demand

• Growth in demand for electricity and heat by 4.5% and 9% respectively in 2010-2015• Increase in generated municipal waste volume by 18% in 2011-2022

Price increase • Renewable energy sources and cogeneration – alternatives to conventional energy sources

Source: Deloitte analysis; 1. According to the draft of Regulation of the Minister for the Economy

Co-financing from national and foreign sources

• EU support for pro-ecological initiatives – c. EUR18bn in 2011 - 2014• National programmes – c. PLN 4.5bn in 2010, may reach c. PLN38bn in 2011- 2014

Regulations• Ability to obtain and sell certificates, compulsory purchase of green certificates• Revolution on the municipal waste management market resulting from legal environment change

Technology development

• New eco-friendly technology solutions, increasing efficiency of pro-ecological projects

Increase in eco-consciousness

• Public support for pro-ecological initiatives• Popularisation of the concept of corporate social responsibility


The main growth drivers are EU regulations and standards

Estimated market size of pro-ecological projects



6 billion PLN6 billion PLNWaste management

Cogeneration 11 billion PLN5 billion PLN


Estimated expenditure for 2011-2020

Source: Deloitte analysis based on: GUS, Ochrona Środowiska 2010, Warszawa, 2010 r.; Krajowy plan gospodarki odpadami 2014, Warszawa, 2010 r.; Deloitte, Fortum, 4P Research Mix: Gospodarka odpadami w Polsce 2011, Warszawa, 2011 r.; Andrzej Reński: Perspektywy rozwoju skojarzonego wytwarzania ciepła i energii elektrycznej w Polsce, Rynek Energii, nr 6/2008; Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej: Atrakcyjność inwestycji w energetyce odnawialnej do 2020 r., 2010 r.; Ministerstwo Gospodarki: Krajowy plan działania w zakresie energii ze źródeł odnawialnych, Warszawa 2010 r.,

Expected volume of BOŚ pro-ecological loans in 2011-2020 is PLN 8bn, of which PLN 3.5bn by 2015

17 billion PLN20 billion PLNRenewable energy sources

Wastewater treatment and water protection

52 billion PLN



Our strength – other markets

Apart from financing of pro-environmental projects, the Group stands out with its experience in the public finance sector, recognised Brokerage House and longlasting cooperation with European financial institutions

Knowledge and experience

in financing public finance sector

• Well-established relationship with customer – a significant market share in financing local governmental units and municipal companies (around 10% at the end of 2010)¹

• High position in a growing market of municipal bonds (5th place in 2011 among the agents in terms of  the number of programs – 79 programs with a value of 628 mln PLN)²

Recognised Brokerage House

• Strong DM BOŚ position on the derivatives market (14.5% shares in 2011), NewConnect (3rd place and 11.3 % share in 2011)³ and IPO small and medium enterprises (during years 2009-2011 - 10 offers including 7 IPO)

• Innovative and coherent offer for the customers, confirmed by high rankings positions – for 5 years among top three in the ranking SII4 and Forbes5; first place in 2011

Cooperation with European financial


• Cooperation with European financial institutions (EIB, CEB, KfW, NIB – the cooperation concentrates on raising funds, that can be used to finance investment projects (value of assets accuired through cooperation with foreign commercial banks amounted to 85.3 mln EUR i 37.5 mln CHF6).

• Participation in the implementation of the JESSICA initiative – initiative resources: 371 mln PLN, - BOŚ S.A. resources: 575 mln PLN.

Sources: 1. BOŚ Group, 2. BOŚ, Rzeczpospolita; 3. GPW; 4. Individual Investors association 5. Brokerage Houses Ranking; 6. Financing resulting from contracts

Our business has grown significantly over the recent years





15,2 15,6







2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

billion PLNbillion PLN

Total Assets

5,7 5,8 6



11,0 11,4







2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


billion PLN

Total Deposits





9,2 9,4


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Source: BOS Bank’s IFRS financial statements

15,1% CHF

0,8% USD

Loan Portfolio Composition by Currency

11,5% EUR

72,6% PLN