BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH · As the Messi-ah's "Advent" (or "coming") draws nearer another candle is...

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Transcript of BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH · As the Messi-ah's "Advent" (or "coming") draws nearer another candle is...

Parish Priest Fr Thomas Varkey MCBS

Pastoral Ministry Co-ordinator & Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Donna Conway

Parish Secretary Mrs Cathy Peacock

Chairperson - Pastoral Council Mr Mike Wilkinson

Chairperson - Finance Board Mr Ben Sotiriadis

Liturgy Co-Ordinator Mrs Margaret Kane

School Principals Sacred Heart School - Mr Chris Thomas

St Peter Claver College – Mr Terry Finan

Outside School Hours Care Co-Ordinator Mrs Linda Caplin

Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8.30am-4.30pm

Ph: 3282 1888 Fax: 3282 5702 Email: Web:

Weekly Diary

Monday 9th December

9.00am Mass - Immaculate Conception

Tuesday 10th December

NO Mass

Wednesday 11th December

5.30pm Rosary 6.00pm Mass

Thursday 12th December

9.00am Mass

Friday 13th December

9.00am Mass 9.30am Exposition

Saturday 14th December

4.00pm-4.30pm - Reconciliation 5.00pm Vigil Mass - Booval

Sunday 15th December

Third Sunday of Advent

6.30am Rosary - Riverview 7.00am Mass - Riverview 9.00am Mass - Booval 5.00pm Mass - Booval

Marriages by appointment - at least six months notice is required.

Baptisms by appointment.

St Vincent de Paul Booval-Riverview Conference would like to thank St Peter Claver College for packaging and gift wrapping large cardboard boxes filled with their donations of Christmas hamper products for 41 needy families. Special thanks to Angela Ryan, Assistant Principal—Religious Education for supervising this wonderful project.

“Kind Deeds Change Lives” “Life is Good - Live to Give”


Monday 16th December at 7.00pm

Christmas Mass Times

CHRISTMAS EVE - Tuesday 24th December


5.00pm - Mass will be in the AMARE CENTRE (School Hall)

[4.30pm Carols & Children’s Nativity]


7.00pm - [6.45pm Carols]

CHRISTMAS DAY - Wednesday 25th December


8.00am - [Christmas Mass - Carols 15 mins before Mass]

BOOVAL CATHOLIC PARISH † Sacred Heart Church, Cothill Rd, Booval † Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview

Sacred Heart Primary School, 25 Cothill Rd, Booval St Peter Claver Secondary College, 10 Old Ipswich Rd, Riverview

SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 8th December, 2019

Coffee & Chat

CHOIR PRACTICE FOR ADVENT This Tuesday 10th December at 7.00pm

THE SACRED HEART CRAFT GROUP will be selling various craft items after the 9am Mass this Sunday and next Sunday 15th December. This is a great opportunity to do some Christmas shopping. Funds raised will go towards sending our youth to the Ignite Conference in the latter half of 2020.

CHRISTMAS CARDS are available in the foyer of the Church. Cards - pack of 8 for $3.00, Columban Calendars - $9.00 each, Church Art Calendars - $6.50 each. Please make pay-ment via the Poor Box. Thank you for your support.

GOD’S WORD 2020 with Daily Reflections - Copies of this book are available in the foyer of the Church for the discounted price of $10.00 each. Please place payment in the envelopes provided not in the Poor Box. During office hours you can make your payment at the office. Thank you.

Second Sunday of Advent - A

A VOCATION VIEW: Isaiah says: “The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.” Who taught you knowledge of the Lord, and who are you teach today?

ADVENT CANDLES readily demonstrate the strong contrast between darkness and light, which is an important biblical image. Jesus referred to himself as the "Light of the World" that dispels the darkness of sin: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Human history spanned long ages shrouded in the darkness of sin before our prophesied Saviour would finally make his ap-pearance to free us from its dominion. As the Messi-ah's "Advent" (or "coming") draws nearer another candle is lit, with each candle dispelling the darkness a little more. Thus, the Advent wreath helps us to spiritually contemplate the great drama of salvation history that surrounds the birth of God Incarnate, who comes to redeem the human race and make all things new (Rev. 21:5). It also reminds us that, as Christians, we're meant to shine the light of Christ in this world. As Jesus tells us, You are the light of the world ... let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16) CHILDREN’S AND YOUTH CHOIR FOR CHRISTMAS MASS & NATIVITY PLAY Each year our parish holds a Children's Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve and we usually precede this with a small nativity play performed by our primary school children. This Mass is held in the Amare Centre with the nativity starting at 4.30pm. If your children are interested in being part of the nativity and/or choir for the Children’s Christ-mas Mass we would love to have you attend our practices. Speaking and non-speaking parts available. Nativity & singing practice (Amare Centre): Thursday 12th December 10-11.30am Wednesday 18th December 10-11.30am Monday 23rd December 10-11.30am Set up Amare Centre for Christmas: Sunday 22nd December 10.30am-12.30pm Tuesday 24th December arrive about 4pm for Christmas Eve Nativity & Mass Please contact Donna at the Parish Centre 3282 1888 if you are interested or if you have any questions.

“Therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matthew 3:10) People who have had health issues or near-death experiences Do you bear good fruit for Christ? Or, do you spend your time, talent, and treasure constantly acquiring more toys, clutter, and junk. Our time, our talent, and our treasure are gifts that God has given us. What we do with them is our gift back to God. What gifts are you planning to give to the Lord during this upcoming Christmas season?


Tuesday 10 Dec 9.30am Craft Group

Friday 13 Dec 9.30am Christian Meditation

The Booval Catholic Parish acknowledge the Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul people, the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE RECENTLY DIED: Bryan Daly, Monica Barkley, Fred Hicks (Chris Hicks’ father).

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOM WE REMEMBER: William Bell, Francesco Di Rosa, Aleyamma Abraham, Emma Cruz, Brian Meara, Kirtley & Dolan families, Soundar Rajar, Bob Cole, Dorothy Walsh, George Bradley, Donna Gabriel, Tracie Files, Noela Shute, Rita Vanderbyl, Tom Brown, Roland Millington, Bernie Kinnane, Chris Garton, Ken Adkins, Frank Van Gestel, Lorraine Murphy, David Samson, Brian McCarthy, Jack & Eileen McMahon, Bob, John & Mark Skip-pington, Thomas Boyle, Margery Boyle, Ellie & Ossie Cody, Rob Kane, Mike Cody, Helen Cody, Roy Folan, Alfred & Stel-la Grech, Moira Murphy, Melinda & Arthur Murphy, Bernice & Clement Goan, Arthur, Brian & Dane Bracey, Grahame Coultas.

LET US PRAY for those who are sick or recovering from surgery: Desolie King, Joy Gallagher, Louise Armstrong, Marianne Steentsma, Rae Clark, Bryan, Elsa White, Marea Teakle, Phyllis Cook, Jill Wright, 2 Special Intentions, Mary Lloyd, Leesa Besgrove, Kath Cole, Ei-leen Adkins, Erin, Eileen Galligan, Benjamin Palmer (Chris Garton’s Grandson), Shannon Spencer, Thomas Manoj, Donna Brown, Ka-layanee Jitpakdee, Brian Morgan, Hannah Smith, Fran Johnson, Julia Telford, Graeme Peters, Lilian Morrison, Sophie Leonard, David Stewart, Anthony Eden, Concetta Tiberi, Bridgette Muller, Darcy Watt, Lisa Lynch, Madge McLennan, Karen Purdie.

We also include in our prayers all the aged and sick to whom we take Communion. We pray for the safety and good judgement of those serving in our defence forces overseas.

(Please contact us when you feel that it is appropriate to remove the name of your friend or loved one from our Parish Prayer List)


John Carroll, Hugh Daly, Frances Diete, Catherine Dunstan, Declan Fegan, Paolo Pitruzzello, Margaret Praug, Kathalene Deaves, Kath-leen McCormick, Essie O’Donoghue, Peter Vergotis, Hilda Casey, Margaret Leahy, Frank Diete, Herbie Shields, Glen Craike, Francis (Frank) Eddison, Edwin Wilkinson, Sebastiana Alderuccio, Rolf Grunenberg, Kathryn Ryan, Eileen Sutherland, Vera Vieth, Louisa Car-roll, Lennox Cockburn, Gerard Fick, Eric Tilley.

NEXT WEEK’S LITURGY - GROUP 3 YEAR A - Third Sunday of Advent

1st Reading: Is 35:1-6, 10 2nd Reading: James 5:7-10 Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11

14/15 December 5.00pm Vigil 7.00am - Riverview 9.00am 5.00pm


Leanne Cook Pepetua Toetau Phyllis Cook

Sydney Manutai —— ——

Peter Gabriel Marie-Claire Rwigema Anne Ryan

Veronica Forsyth Jane McEniery Adrian Wilkinson


Yvonne O’Reilly Dennis Dann —— —— ——

Mike Wilkinson —— —— —— ——

Leigh Cipa Esther Gabriel Martin Smith Gerry Carlyon ——

Francis Klein Irene Murgatroyd Errol O’Farrell —— ——

ALTAR SERVERS 5.00pm - Nicholas Everding 7.00am – 9.00am – Scott Andrews, Grace Pole, Hayley McArthur




Prepare a way for the Lord

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand;

Prepare a way for the Lord.

Hear a voice crying out in the wilderness,

“Make straight a path for the Lord,

A path for the Lord.

He carries a winnowing fan in his hand

In judgment over the earth.

He will gather the wheat and he’ll scatter

the chaff in a fire that will never go out,

Will never go out.

So listen again to the voice heard within,

To the challenging call of your God!

Turn away from sin and renew your lives,

Through the saving power of Christ,

The power of Christ.

By Michael Herry © 2008.


The Second Candle, which can be named the John the Baptist Candle. John the Baptist was the one who prepared the way for the Lord.

Come O Lord

O Root of Life, grow in my heart,

That I might be a branch upon Your vine,

And grow in love as You will grow in me;

And I will try to do my part,

To plant the seeds of love upon the earth,

And bring the fruits of love to one another.

Come, O Lord! Come to every heart and

waken all who sleep to Your joy;

O Emmanuel, come to my heart,

I still look for the joy

Your Christmas brings,

and I would be Your Presence

in the world.

By M. Haugen – © 1978. Pastoral Arts Associates of North America.



Come, O Lord, and set us free.

© Gerard O’Dempsey ofmcap.


Justice shall flourish in his time and fullness of peace forever.

© Gerard O’Dempsey ofmcap.


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

© M. Joncas – © 1988. GIA Publications

All rights reserved. Used with permission under

ONE LICENSE No. #A-640362


I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.


Come O Long Expected Jesus (Tune: Come Sing a Song of Joy)

Come, O long expected Jesus,

Born to set your people free,

From our fears and sins release us,

In your heart our rest shall be.

Israel’s strength and consolation,

Hope to all you shall impart;

Dear desire of ev’ry nation,

Joy of ev’ry longing heart.

Born, your people to deliver,

Born a child and yet a king,

Born to reign in us forever,

Now your gracious kingdom bring.

By your own eternal Spirit

Rule in all our hearts alone;

By your all sufficient merit

Raise us to your glorious throne.


© Gerard O’Dempsey ofmcap.


When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.

© Gerard O’Dempsey ofmcap.

AMEN [Sung]

© Gerard O’Dempsey ofmcap.


© Gerard O’Dempsey ofmcap.

Mass Parts: Excerpts from the Roman Missal © 2010 ICEL

COMMUNION Here At This Table

Come and be filled here at this table.

Food for all who hunger

and drink for all who thirst.

Drink of his love, wine of salvation.

You shall live forever

in Jesus Christ the Lord.

You who labor for justice,

You who labor for peace,

You who steady the plow

In the field … … of the Lord … … .

You with lives full of pain,

You who sorrow and weep,

You, beloved of Christ,

Come to him … … , come to him … … !

You, the aged among us,

Holy, faithful and wise,

May the wisdom you share

Form our lives … … and our world … … !

By J S Whitaker, M. Whitaker & J M Whitaker © 1996, 2000 – OCP Publications. RECESSIONAL Every Valley

Ev’ry valley shall be exalted

and ev’ry hill made low.

And all God’s people shall see together

the glory of the Lord.

A voice cries out in the wilderness:

“Prepare the way of the Lord.

Make straight in the desert a highway,

A highway for our God.”

Stand upon the mountain top.

O lift your voice to the world.

Sing joyfully, Jerusalem:

“Behold, behold your God.”