Bookwise presentation Rhys McLean 1148065

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Bookwise presentation Rhys McLean 1148065

Rhys McLean’sLogo Development

For Bookwise

Unfortunately, these two logos do not

really work well together. I really

like both ideas but they just don’t

work together, only the glasses link

the two but it doesn’t relate to the

rest of the logo so I have to try

developing it further.

I did like the other two logos but they did

not really work together, they both worked

well on there own but together they didn’t

really relate to one and other they only had

the glasses in similarity and that wasn’t

enough. Therefore, I had to adapt them to

try make one of them work and this is what

I’m came up with.

My final


Here is an already existent book that

I have just placed my logo on top of

to give an example of how book covers

may look with my logo on.

Logo in
