Book p.58 “There are lots of fantastic creatures around us!’’ exclaimed Andy. “The seahorse...

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Transcript of Book p.58 “There are lots of fantastic creatures around us!’’ exclaimed Andy. “The seahorse...

Book p.58Book p.58

“There are lots of fantastic creatures around us!’’ exclaimed Andy. “The seahorse is one them. I just found some interesting information about seahorses in this encyclopedia.”

Book p.58Book p.58

Book p.58Book p.58


Seahorses are strange-looking sea creatures with headsLike horses. They may look like horses but they are actually fish.

Fish With SnoutsJust like a fish, a seahorse has gills and fins. Unlike other fish, it does not have scales. When tiny sea animals swim by, the seahorse sucks them up with its long snout.

Hiding From EnemiesSeahorses are clever at hiding. They come in many colours. They can also change their colours very quickly. This makes it hard for enemies like birds and see them.

Book p.59Book p.59Fantastic FathersThe most unusual thing about seahorsesis that male seahorses give birth!The male keeps the eggs safe in hispouch until they become baby seahorses.

DangersIn many parts of the word seahorses face danger. Some people catch seahorses to make medicine.Others keep seahorses as pets, but pet seahorses often dieBecause it is not easy to care for them.

Seahorses are beautiful and creatures, but they will die out easily if we do not take care of them.

Jack spent afternoon in the the library reading about animals. Here are some things he learnt.

Birds make nests.Ducks find safe resting places.Monkeys pick fruits.Eagles catch food.

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Jack found more information about the animals.

Birds make nets for their mates.

Ducks find safe resting places for their ducklings.

Monkeys give fruits to their babies.

Eagles give food to their eaglets.

A few days later, Jack’s class went to the Atoll Reef, an aquarium in Ocean Park. This is jack’s account of the outing.

The Atoll Reef is an aquariumWith lots of unusual fishes. We saw angelfish in tanks with clear glass sides.The guide told us more aboutangelfish in a room with a film screen.

Before leaving, some of my classmatesbought souvenirs with angelfish picture on them.

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Besides going to Ocean Park, Jake’s class also Went to the Zoo and learnt many new things

about different animals.

“Cobras are poisonous snakes” said Jack.

“However, not all snakes are harmful. Some snakes are harmful.

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We add ‘-ous’ ‘-ful’ and ‘-less’ to the end of some words to make adjectives.

Book p.63Book p.63-ousPoison poisonous

Some snakes are filled with poison.

Some snakes are poisonous.

For some words that end with e, we drop the final e before adding—ous.

Fame famous

Giant pandas enjoy a lot of fame in China.

Giant pandas are famous in China.

Book p.63Book p.63Watch out for words ending in ge though. These

Words keep the final e before –ous

Courage courageous

Many people think that lions are full of courage.

Many people think that lions are courageous.

For words ending with f, we replace the final f with a V before adding -ous.

Mischief mischievous

Monkeys are full of mischief.

Monkey are mischievous.

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The ‘-ous’ at the end of the words means ‘filled with’ or ‘full of’.

Book p.64Book p.64-fulWatch watchful tear tearful

Power owerful grace graceful

Swans are full of grace.

Swans are graceful.

-lessFear fearless claw clawless

tooth toothless help helpless

The tiger does not fear anything.

The tiger is fearless.

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The ‘-ful’ at the end of the words means ‘filled with’ or ‘full of’. The ‘-less’ means ‘without’.

Book p.65Book p.65Jack and his friends are planning an information report provides facts and descriptions about a topic.

Since our information report is about hummingbirds, our title should be ‘hummingbirds’.

We should start with a general statement telling readers what the report is going to be about

Book p.65Book p.65

title----------- Hummingbirds ---- Hummingbirds are amazing birds. They can

fly left, right, up, down and backwards.

They can even fly upside down.

Let’s break our report into small paragraph tells

the reader about a special feature of hummingbirds.

let’s use subheading to tell the reader what each section is about. The topic sentence will say what the main idea of the paragraph is.

Subheading ----- Wing beats Hummingbirds’ wings beat very fast.

they can beat their wings from 50 to 200

times per second! Their wings beat so fast

that they make a humming sound. That was

how hummingbirds got their name.




Book p.66Book p.66Here are some beautiful photographs of hummingbirds

Great! Let’s include them in our information

report and label them with captions.

Needle—like Beaks

Hummingbirds have long breaks like

Needles to help them reach the nectar in flowers. About hummingbirds feed on nectar, insects and pollen.


Hummingbirds have needle –like breaks. caption

Book p.51Book p.51We should end our information report with another general statement on hummingbirds.

Large Appetites

Hummingbirds breathe very fast and have quick heartbeats. They use up so much energy that need to eat large amounts of food. They eat every 10 to 15 minutes. In fact, hummingbirds have one of the largest appetites in the world of birds!

Now our information report is complete!


Book p.53Book p.53Choose an animal to write about. Remember to do research and to organise your information before you write your report. Here are some question to help you in your research.

•Where does the animal live?•How does the animal move around?•What does the animal eat?•How does the animal look after and feed its young?•What special features or habits does the animal •have?•Who or what is a danger to the animal?

Then, think about where to find the information. Book p.67Book p.67

Where can we find

information about lions?

In encyclopaedias like the Encyclopae

dia Brittanica!

We can also find information on the Internet! National Geographic also h

as a website:


In newspaper and magazines! We can search in the National

Geographic Kids magazine.

Book p.70Book p.70Long Vowels

Listen to the sound of these words. Then, read words aloud. Do you notice a pattern in the way the vowels sound in the words?

ee been keep peel sleep weep

oo boot loop moon roof shoot