BOOK OF ACTS PART 2 -€¦ · Acts 20:24 (NKJV) Reading Assignment: Acts...

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Transcript of BOOK OF ACTS PART 2 -€¦ · Acts 20:24 (NKJV) Reading Assignment: Acts...






The purpose of this study is to teach you to

read the Word and to have God speak to you

personally. When that happens, your answers

will naturally come from your heart. TI1crefore,

do not use a commentary because it is what

God has spoken to someone else's heart. Use

the King James Version or the New King

James Version of the Bible to find your

answers. Other versions of the Bible will also

help you better understand what is being said,

especially the Amplified Version.

Lesson 1 Spirit Without Measure Review Acts 1–14


Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander.

And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior.- Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Lighthelm

Welcome back to our study of the book of Acts. We will continue in our study this year and pick up where we left off last year. But first, we’ll spend this lesson giving ourselves a quick review of some of the highlights from the first 14 chapters of Acts. The believers of the early church were powerful witnesses for Christ and were able to do extraordinary things. The Holy Spirit was overflowing from them and, as a result, the church grew and flourished. That’s our specific prayer for each of you in the year ahead—that you will grow and flourish in your Christian walk because God’s Spirit is flowing through you without measure! Begin this week’s lesson with a prayer asking the Lord to fill you afresh with His life-changing Spirit.

Memory Scripture

“But the Word of God grew and multiplied.”Acts 12:24

Reading Assignment: Acts 1:1-8

CommentaryThe early church turned the world upside down as they made a wonderful impact everywhere they went. What was the secret of their success? They were Spirit-filled and Spirit-led witnesses. Because they didn’t rely on their own strength to run the race set before them, the Word of God grew and multiplied. The power of the Holy Spirit in a woman is what gives her the strength to run and finish the Christian race, and be a witness for Jesus Christ all along the way. May you take to heart all that you learn from the book of Acts and go forth each week in Spirit-empowered service.

Group Questions

1. Group Member Introduction:

a. What is your name?

b. Are you new to the Women’s Bible Study or did you go through the first half of the Book of Acts lastyear with us?

c. If you are new, what is one thing you look forward to by joining this group?

d. If you are returning, share one highlight from last year’s study.

2. Share one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

3. The early believers were on the move and the gospel was rapidly expanding beyond the confines ofJerusalem. So much was happening that even their enemies referred to them as those who “turnedthe world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Read Acts 1:8 and share how they became such effectivewitnesses.

Lesson 2 Be of Good Cheer Overview Acts 15–28


You have made me glad. And I’ll say of The Lord, You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower; my very present help in time of need.

- Miriam Webster

After our review last week, we are ready to go forward in our study. For the remainder of the year, we will pour over Acts, chapters 15–28. In these chapters, the apostle Paul is now on the scene fulfilling Jesus’ commission to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. After all, Paul saw himself as a runner who wanted to finish his course in joyful victory. And, as far as he was concerned, nothing on earth was going to move him. Pause and pray. Specifically ask the Lord to place within your heart the same determination Paul had to press on and take courage against all odds.

Memory Scripture

“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself,so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received

from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24 (NKJV)

Reading Assignment: Acts 23:1–11

CommentaryThe first 12 chapters in Acts deal directly with the ministry of Peter, and then from Acts chapters 13–28, we get an up-close view of the ministry of the apostle Paul. The church had now moved outward to include the Gentiles, but spreading the gospel did not come without its challenges and problems. But as we will see, nothing was going to stop Paul from doing what the Lord had called him to do. He was determined to be of good cheer and courageously stand firm for Christ until his very last breath. What an example for us as we face our own challenges and problems each day.

Reflection QuestionShare one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

Homework Questions

1. Read Acts 17:10–11. When Paul arrived in the city of Berea, he went directly to the synagogue. There hefound a group of people keenly interested in the study of the Scriptures. In fact, they met daily to searchthe Scriptures to determine whether or not what Paul was saying was true. What can you learn from theirexample?

2. Paul’s life was full of ups and downs and it would have been easy for him to throw up his hands and quit.However, we never see Paul giving in to discouragement or the attacks of the enemy. Read Acts 23:11and share why Paul was able to press on.

3. Read Acts 26:15–18. Describe Paul’s calling.

4. The Lord’s message to Paul was one of courage. “Be of good cheer” simply means, “Take courage!”This was a message that Jesus spoke often during His earthly ministry. Look up the verses below, andshare how God’s people can take courage.

a. Matthew 9:20–22

b. Matthew 14:22–27

c. John 16:33

5. The apostle Paul was determined not only to finish his race, but to finish it with joy. That’s why, despite allthe personal trials and heartaches he faced, he didn’t quit. He boldly decided that nothing was goingto move him. Consider this week’s memory verse (Acts 20:24) and share how it encourages you in yourcircumstances today.

Lesson 3 Resolving Conflict Acts 15:1–12


Jesus, fill me with Your sweetness. Set my heart on fire with You.

Let my life now be a sweet fragrance of Thee that rises high before my King. - Pat Schorr

Conflict is one of the most difficult things we face. Thankfully, the Bible is not silent on this subject and shows us how to deal with our differences in a godly way. No one is exempt from troubles, disagreements, or disputes with people—not even the church. But we can definitely make matters worse if we do not handle ourselves in a way that pleases the Lord. Resolving conflict should be the goal of every Christian woman. Those that follow this principle will be blessed. Start your lesson with a prayer. Ask the Lord to help you to have a heart toward keeping the peace with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Memory Scripture

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”Matthew 5:9

Reading Assignment: Acts 15:1–12

CommentaryThe goal of every Christian woman should be to be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker. Some people bring joy wherever they go while others bring joy whenever they go! As Christians, we have the awesome privilege of bringing joy wherever we go because we carry with us the message of the gospel. We have the wonderful message of reconciliation! Our lesson this week is packed full of practical principles on how to resolve conflict and how to be a joyful peacemaker. May you listen well and set your heart and mind to live out this message in the world.

Reflection QuestionShare one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

Homework Questions

1. There are always those who make the way to Jesus difficult, and it was no different in the early church.There were those who were putting conditions on coming to Jesus and this was causing conflict withinthe church. Read Acts 15:1, 5. What was the dispute that had arisen in the church?

2. No matter what the source of the conflict, it must be resolved in a way that pleases the Lord. Paul and Barnabas made a very wise decision in regards to this conflict. Read Acts 15:2 and describe what they did.

3. Read Acts 15:3. In the midst of conflict, people have the choice of either being peacemakers or troublemakers. Paul and Barnabas were definitely peacemakers! Notice the response of the people as they passed through their city. What was it?

4. In Acts 15:6–11, Peter patiently explains to the legalistic Jews how salvation occurs. According to verse 11, how is everyone saved?

5. Conflict in the life of the church and believers is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be destructive. From the scriptures below, what do you learn that you can apply when conflicts arise in your life?

a. Genesis 13:5–9

b. James 4:1–7

c. Philippians 1:27–30

Lesson 4 Preserve the Unity Acts 15:13-41


Here we are gathered in Your Spirit, seeking You Lord as we pray. We'll have no fear for we know You're with us, trusting Your Word as we say,

we are standing on the promises of our God. - Kevin Click

We all have a tendency to put expectations, stipulations, obligations, and regulations upon our kids, our husbands and our friends. That’s what happened here in Acts 15. The Jews were demanding that the Gentiles follow the rules and regulations of the law, and this caused a conflict within the body of Christ. Eventually, they worked the situation out, and the great news is that they resolved the conflict in a way that pleased the Lord. Take a moment to pray before you begin your homework. Ask the Lord to empower you by His Spirit to make every effort to dwell with others in unity.

Memory Scripture

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”Psalm 133:1

Reading Assignment: Acts 15:13–41

CommentaryChapter 15 contains more than one conflict. Paul and Barnabas were two men dedicated to preserving the unity within the church, yet here, they could not settle their own disagreement regarding who should travel together as a team. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark along but Paul was adamant that he was not to go. John Mark had deserted them once on their first missionary journey, and Paul was not about to re-enlist someone who might prove to be unreliable. The solution? To preserve the unity, they agreed to disagree. Paul went one way with his helper Silas, while Barnabas and John Mark went another way. What Satan could have used to weaken the work of God actually turned out to further His work. Now there were two teams instead of one! Thank God He uses imperfect people to accomplish His work!

Reflection QuestionShare one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

Homework Questions

1. In the beginning of Acts 15, we discover there is a conflict going on in the church. After some discussionamong the elders, James acts as the spokesman and announces the decision on how the conflict willbe resolved. Read Acts 15:13–20. What was it that they asked the Gentiles to do in verses 19 and 20?

2. Once the decision was made, we learn that they not only inform the Gentiles by letter, but they alsosent along two witnesses to confirm the decision. In Acts 15:31, we see how they responded to thatdecision. What do we learn from this verse about conflict that can be resolved in the right way?

3. The chapter ends with yet another conflict. Two brothers in the Lord, Paul and Barnabas, have a heateddisagreement. Read Acts 15:36–41 and share in your own words the conflict that occurred.

4. Finally Paul and Barnabas came to the place of “agreeing to disagree.” From Acts 15:39–40, how didthey choose to deal with their disagreement?

5. In this chapter, it is beautiful to see how Christians worked together to resolve conflict and preserve theunity. If we are going to run our Christian race with joy, we must learn to work together with others. Fromthe scriptures below, share what you learn that will help you to live with others in love and harmony.

a. Philippians 2:1–5

b. Ephesians 4:1–6

Lesson 5 Sweet Holy Spirit Acts 16:1-15


Sweet Holy Spirit, come and fill Your temple,we desire Your presence with all of our heart.

- Jeff Stockford

The book of Acts is truly the “Acts of the Holy Spirit,” as we see the Spirit of God moving mightily amongst the men and women of the early church. God had some divine appointments set up for Paul. Getting him to these appointments was not easy, but the sweet Holy Spirit led him to each one. As Paul was sensitive to the Spirit and followed His direction, the results were amazing. When we obey and trust God, even when we don’t understand what He is doing, there is much fruit that comes from our obedience. Pause right now and pray for a greater sensitivity to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Memory Scripture

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance,

whatsoever I have said unto you.”John 14:26

Reading Assignment: Acts 16:1–15

CommentaryAfter visiting several churches, Paul tried to enter a new territory but the Lord closed the door. We don’t really know how God revealed His will in this matter, but we know that the Holy Spirit prevented Paul from going into the province of Asia. Up until this point, things had been going smoothly for Paul, so this apparent hindrance must have been a disappointment. Yet, despite any confusion or discouragement, Paul obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The result? Lydia and her whole household were saved! Oh how sweet the Holy Spirit is in both leading Paul and his team and in preparing Lydia’s heart to be open to receive the truth of the gospel. Never forget the Holy Spirit is at work as much today as in the days of the early church, and His desire is to direct your steps and use you in God’s holy work too.

Reflection QuestionShare one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

Homework Questions

1. Read Acts 16:1-5. In Lystra, Paul gets a new helper for the work of the ministry. Who is this helper andwhat do you learn about him?

2. The Lord gives us help and direction in many different ways. In Acts 16:6–8, who does the Lord use todirect Paul?

3. In Acts 16:9–10, the Lord continues to personally guide Paul. In what way does the Lord direct him thistime?

4. As we read Acts 16:12–15, we see a sweet move of the Holy Spirit before our very eyes. In your ownwords, describe what happened in these verses.

5. The Holy Spirit has many different characteristics which He possesses in fullness and perfection. Thegoal of every God-fearing woman is to be completely possessed and controlled by the Holy Spirit. So itwould be to our benefit to know who He is and what His characteristics are. What do you learn aboutHim from the following verses?

a. John 14:17

b. Romans 8:15

c. Isaiah 11:2

Lesson 6 True Conversion Acts 16:16–40


Thank You, Lord for saving my soul. Thank You, Lord for making me whole. Thank You, Lord for giving to me Thy great salvation so rich and free.

- Seth and Bessie Sykes

In spite of the obstacles and personal difficulties that arose in the early church, God was still at work. Men and women were being saved and the church was growing. The Holy Spirit had led Paul to the Macedonia area and He was working in the hearts of people to bring about true conversion. That’s what the gospel is all about—changed lives! Don’t head into this lesson without praying first. Pray for a sensitivity to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Why don’t you ask the Lord to lead you to a specific person and allow you to be a part of a true conversion?

Memory Scripture

“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”

Acts 16:31

Reading Assignment: Acts 16:16–40

CommentaryNo sooner are lost people converted then Satan begins to hinder the work. As a result of their witness in Philippi, Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison. From every appearance, it looked as though their ministry there was over, but God had other plans. Right there in prison was a jailer who desperately needed Jesus. So what did Paul and Silas do? Instead of complaining about their circumstances or about being wrongfully accused, the two of them prayed and sang praises to God. In the end, the very jailer who held them bound was saved. As a result of his conversion, he began to wash the wounds of Paul and Silas. That’s what a true conversion does—it changes us from the inside out! May the reading of this portion of scripture bring to remembrance the joy of your own true conversion.

Reflection QuestionShare one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

Homework Questions

1. In Acts 16:16–18, we come across another person that Paul greatly influences. A young demon- possessed girl follows Paul for many days trying to distract the work of the gospel. How does Paul handlethis annoying situation?

2. As Paul and Silas were making great strides for the kingdom of God, they were also doing muchdamage to Satan and his kingdom. It is possible to be doing a great work for God and yet find yourselfin less than perfect circumstances. From Acts 16:19–24, describe what happened to these servants ofGod as a result of preaching the gospel.

3. When we face difficult and even unfair circumstances, it is most natural for us to complain. But insteadof complaining or calling on God to judge their enemies, what did Paul and Silas do in Acts 16:25?

4. Read Acts 16:26–40. If a Roman jailer lost a prisoner it meant his own life would be taken. When thejailer realized that Paul and Silas did not take advantage of him or the open prison doors, hewholeheartedly cried out, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (v.30). From verse 31, how did Paul andSilas answer him?

5. True conversion brings about true change in a person. The jailer proved he had truly been convertedby washing the apostles’ wounds and feeding them. The godly woman who wants to run her race withjoy must be willing to grow and change too. Look up the scriptures below and share any insight yougain about how this “new woman” should look or act.

a. 2 Corinthians 5:17

b. Colossians 3:9–15

c. Ephesians 4:14–15

Lesson 7 The Gospel Knows No Boundaries Acts 17:1–14


Your love is deeper than any ocean, higher than the heavensreaches beyond the stars in the sky. Jesus, Your love has no bounds.

- Phil Wickham

As we continue our study of Paul’s missionary journeys this week, we’ll see how he ministered to different cities and cultures, and how they responded to the Word of God. No matter how they responded, Paul was faithful to be a witness of Jesus Christ and clearly testify of the gospel. The gospel is for the entire world, and it knows no boundaries. How people respond to it is not our responsibility. We are simply called to be a part of God’s plan and help spread the Word. Start today with a prayer, asking God to help you overcome any boundaries that are in the way of your sharing the gospel.

Memory Scripture

“Thy Words were found, and I did eat them: and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart…”

Jeremiah 15:16

Reading Assignment: Acts 17:1–14

CommentaryGod’s Word is powerful! As Christians, it is impossible to hear it and remain neutral. As the Word goes forth, it invokes a response. As we will clearly see from our chapter this week, people either resist it or receive it. How wonderfully refreshing it must have been for Paul and his company to see how the Bereans responded to the Word. We today, should follow the example that the Bereans set for us: (1) they received the Word; (2) they were of a ready mind, prepared for the Word; (3) they searched the Scriptures and tested what the preacher said; and (4) they studied the Word daily. God help us to have this same mentality!

Reflection QuestionShare one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

Homework Questions

1. Read Acts 17:1–5. As Paul’s ministry moved into the city of Thessalonica, he was led by the Spirit toshare the gospel with the people there. What was their response to what Paul shared?

2. Everyone responds differently to the gospel. There were those in Thessalonica who did not respond wellto what Paul and Silas were teaching. From Acts 17:6–9, what accusation was made against Paul andSilas?

3. From Thessalonica, Paul and Silas moved onward to Berea. As was his custom, Paul went immediatelyto the synagogue. Read Acts 17:10–12. What did Paul discover there that brought him great joy?

4. Once again the enemy was at work trying to put a stop to the work of God. Read Acts 17:13–14 anddescribe what was happening?

5. All of us should imitate the Bereans by faithfully reading, studying, testing, discussing, and doing God’sWord. From the scriptures below, what do you learn that convinces your heart to read God’s Worddaily?

a. Hebrews 4:11–13

b. 1 Thessalonians 2:12–13

c. Titus 2:1–5

Lesson 8 God Is Not Far Away Acts 17:15–34


I will serve no foreign god, nor any other treasure. You are my heart's desire, Spirit without measure. Unto Your name I will raise my sacrifice.

- Andre Kempen

This week, we will finish reading Acts 17, as we continue to follow the apostle Paul from city to city on his missionary journey. In the verses we will be studying, Paul arrives in the great city of Athens, not as a sightseer, but as a soul-winner. The people of Athens desperately needed the gospel because the city had been given over to paganism and idolatry. So, with open eyes and a broken heart, Paul once again reaches out with the gospel, convincing the people that God is not far away. Now would be a good time to pause and pray. Ask the Lord to help you to continue to share the Word, and the difference it has made, in your Christian race.

Memory Scripture

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

Reading Assignment: Acts 17:15–34

CommentaryAs Paul and his team went from city to city the reactions of the listeners were mixed: some mocked, some delayed and some believed. These same attitudes towards the gospel still exist today in the world. Some people openly oppose the Word, some mock it or postpone making a decision and some receive the Word and believe. Never forget that God is not far away and soon Jesus will be returning. Tell your children, your friends, your family, your co-workers or anyone you care about, not to wait to make their decision for Christ. Encourage them to turn from evil toward the true and living God. No matter how they respond, like Paul, keep right on going as a faithful witness, “for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)

Reflection QuestionShare one thing from the teaching that spoke to your heart and why.

Homework Questions

1. God led Paul from place to place. This time, Paul traveled 200 miles away to Athens. Remember, Paulwas not traveling as a sightseer, but as a soul-winner. From Acts 17:15–18, what was Paul’s responseupon entering the city?

2. Even though Paul approached people differently, we see throughout this chapter that there are someparts of his message that remained very consistent. From the verses below, identify the points he shareswith people.

a. Verse 18

b. Verse 24

c. Verses 30–31

3. God’s great passion for mankind is revealed in Acts 17:27, when we see that He created us with a deepdesire. What is this desire?

4. Read Acts 17:28–34. When the listeners heard Paul speak concerning the resurrection of Jesus, howdid they respond?

5. God is not some distant deity, far from us, to be ignored. He is near to us! Therefore, men ought to seekHim and turn from evil. The Word is very clear on how daughters of God should respond to evil. Look upthe references below, and share what your relationship to evil should be.

a. Romans 12:9–16

b. Romans 12:17–21

c. I Corinthians 15:33