BOLIN CREEK PROJECT By: Hunter Hagy Wednesday, April 29, 2015.

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Transcript of BOLIN CREEK PROJECT By: Hunter Hagy Wednesday, April 29, 2015.


By: Hunter HagyFriday, April 21, 2023


Background Information

Current Conditions Conceptual Planning Recommendations

Background Information


Primary Uses

Current Conditions

Erosion and Soil

Signs of erosion , such as exposed tree roots, can be seen where the creek encroaches on the trail.

Erosion and Soil

After heavy rains, streams created by runoff flow across the trail and into Bolin Creek.

Current Conditions

Conceptual Planning


1.) Surface Transportation Program-Direct Allocation (STF-DA) -The STF-DA funds will account for 80% of the funding needed.

2.) Town Funds-The remaining 20% will come from a citizen-approved bond referendum from 2003, which allocated funding for the Bolin Creek Project.

3.) Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) -will provide additional funding for updating cost estimates and refining trail designs.

Greenway Surfaces

What is the anticipated use of the trail?How important are aesthetics?How much money is available?How long should the surface last?

Potential Surfaces

These surfaces were chosen based on functionality. They all allow for walking as well as biking use. In addition, it is important to note that the majority of these surfaces also allow for wheelchair use.





Porous Concrete


Environmental Facts:

-concrete conserves resources by reducing the need for reconstruction. Its ingredients are cement and readily available natural materials: water, aggregate (sand and gravel or crushed stone).

-concrete absorbs CO2 throughout its lifetime through carbonation, helping reduce its carbon footprint.

Of the before mentioned surfaces, concrete and permeable concrete are the most durable.

Although more expensive at the outset, concrete will not break up like asphalt over time and will not have to be resurfaced, resulting in additional costs.

Bolin Creek Trail is located in a low area, where water will often run over it. So therefore it is important to chose a material that is not as susceptible to deterioration.

Concrete needs little maintenance Over time concrete will keep the same look

as the day it was poured. Concrete enables Bolin Creek Trail to

preserve its recreational use, as well as making it wheelchair friendly.
