Boiler Operation Regulations

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Transcript of Boiler Operation Regulations

SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

GGP Co-gen Power Plant

Boiler Operation Regulations

(Trial Implementation)

Shandong Machinery and Equipment

I/E Group Corporation



SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Part I. Running Management

Chapter I. Position Duty and Working Standard

Section I. Duty Regulations

Item 1. The duty operating workers shall be on duty according to the duty shift, nobody can change

or relay without permission. If necessary for off duty, the worker shall ask for a leave with

leave note to the monitor and shift manager one day in advance, after the monitor and the

shift manager shall sign the note, then ask the permission of the director, the director

shall decide relay according to the situation. If longer than one day’s private affair leave, it

should be permitted by the production manager. The sick leave shall be permitted by the

workshop leaders with signed certificate of diagnosis.

Item 2. The shift manager shall be the tiptop principal, the monitor shall be the boiler running

principal. The duty worker should follow all the orders of the upper leader. But for the

uncorrected operating order to be harmful to the personal safety and the equipments, it

must be refuse. The reasons shall be explained even bypass the immediate leaders. It the

ordering people insist on the order and the performer worker shall follow the order, while

the ordering person shall be responsible to the consequence.

Item 3. The operating worker shall follow the duty discipline strictly, follow the order and duty,

personal things are not allowed to do. No off duty and sleeping is allowed. The monitor

shall ask for leave from the shift manager and the workers shall ask for leave from the

monitor. Any kinds of off duty is forbidden.

Item 4. When on duty, any incidents and measures shall be considered, especially on raining days

and thunder storms. Before big actions the operation and safety measure shall be written

down and supervised by special person.

Item 5. When on duty, the operating workers shall keep in touch with each other and repeat what

each other said when communicate with each other in case of misunderstanding. No

personal chatting is allowed when on duty.

Item 6. Strengthen the running analyses; check the project according to the time schedule and

route. If something is wrong with the equipment report and record shall be done. If dealing

on duty is difficult, the report of maintenance shall be done to the shift manager and the

related leader.

Item 7. New coming workers shall be trained according to the training schedule, then dispatched to

each group and trained again by each leader. After the special training and testing, the

new comer can be signed work. Any duty workers without training and certificate are not


Item 8. When the not appointed trainees do practice, they should supervised by the on duty

workers, any mistakes made by the trainees shall be mainly responsible by their

supervisor. The trainees take less responsibility.

Item 9. After the duty workers been away from the duty for more than one month, they shall be

trained and tested again according to the Running Regulations and Safety Schedule


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

before go back to duty again.

Item 10. Any incidents caused by the disobedience or caused by personally reason shall be the full

responsibility of the person.

Item 11. For the people not related to the running at site, the duty workers shall ask them to leave

the site. Anyone not listen to the advice shall be reported to the security department.

Item 12. Important operations:

1. Startup and stopping of the F.D. fan and I.D fan,

2. The input on the electric static precipitator (need to contact the electric engineers)

3. Water feeding and pressure testing(including the over pressure testing)

4. Boiler cooling down and ignition, pressure increasing and running.

5. The normal operation of the boiler and emergency operation, combustion decreasing and


6. Some important testing occasion and routine works.

7. Kinds of emergencies handling.

Section 2. Monitor’s Position Duty

and Working Standard

Item 1. Duty of the monitor

1. The monitor shall follow the order of the workshop leaders on administration, supervised

by the specified engineers on technique, and follow the order of the shift manager on

duty operation.

2. The monitor shall have enough technical ability, and be familiar with the related special

site operation, thermal dynamic system, equipment and experienced in various kinds of

operating rules.

3. The main task of the monitor is to organize the whole group to keep the maintenance of

the equipment, take out the orders and carry out the regulation and rules, technical

standards and the instruction of the shift manager, take full responsibility of his duty.

4. The monitor shall correctly the whole workers to carry out the entire task.

5. The monitor shall organize kinds of competition to carry out the rule, to learn the

technology and training, in order to keep improving all the members’ technical level.

6. The monitor shall organize according to different kinds of situation, the loads, and coal, to

ensure all the equipment running properly.

7. The monitor shall take responsibility of leadership to make supervision on important

operation on person.

8. The monitor shall often look around and check the operation of the equipment and

supervise, even make punishment to the off duty and disobedience.

9. In the case of emergency, the monitor shall be at site immediately and investigate the

situation. According to the regulations he should give orders and assist/replace the duty

workers to deal with the problem and make the equipments to starts working normally.

Meanwhile he shall report the conditions to the shift manager and leader of the


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

workshop and then deal with the situation according to their order.

10. When discover the shortage of the equipment, the monitor shall make record in detailed.

The important shortage of the equipment shall be reported to the shift manager and

workshop leader. Proper measures and preparation shall be made before the problem is


11. The monitor shall carry out the working documents system of the duty, and follow the

rules of Safety First, Prevention Prior, until the safety works is done according to the

Regulations, the maintenance work then can be done. After the maintenance work, the

monitor shall organize to test the equipments and check the sanitation before the

equipments are put into operation or standby operation.

12. If the monitor is not at the working site he shall told the related person and leave the

contact information. When carrying out a assigned work with the whole team, the monitor

should be very earnest responsible and conduct the job strictly according to the

requirement with report in time.

13. The monitor shall make good record of his duty work and supervise the daily record of

each shift duty monitors to ensure the record is clean and clear.

Item 2. Authority of the monitor

1. The monitor is the main principal in the whole team in administration, production and

operation. All the team members shall follow the leadership and orders of the monitor

2. The monitor has the rights to deal with all the problems happened during the production

and report to the shift manager and workshop leaders. All his measure he takes shall

follow the Regulations, for the not described problems in the Regulations the monitor can

make decisions and measures if not hurt the person and the safety of the equipment.

3. The monitor shall follow the order of the shift manager . When the order of the shift

manager would damage the body and the safety of the equipment, the monitor has the

rights to disobey the orders and report to the workshop and company leaders.

4. The monitor have the rights to correct the mistakes of the shift workers, if necessary he

can reported to the shift manager and the workshop.

5. The monitor shall stop the workers who do not follow the documents rules to check the

equipment and standby equipments.

6. The monitor has the rights to criticize the workers who break the rules and educate them,

for those who refuse to mend his way, the monitor can reported to the workshop leaders

to deal with.

7. The monitor has the rights to order anybody in his group to accomplish the assigned


Item 3. Necessary knowledge of the monitor

1. The related knowledge of the electric industry safety regulations

2. The related knowledge of the electric technically management

3. The knowledge of the boiler running and emergency handling.

4. The structure of the boiler and the thermal dynamic system

5. Each duty responsibility of boiler workers and its steam-water quality standard.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

6. The related knowledge of steam turbines, electrics, thermal control and combustion

specialty, etc.

Section 3. Stoker’s Position Duty

And Working Standard

Item 1. Duty of the stoker

1. The stoker shall follow the order of the monitor diminutively, all the operations on duty

shall obey the monitor and carry out the orders of the monitor.

2. The stoker shall ensure his boiler and the accessory equipment working under good

conditions, and the same with the standby equipments.

3. The stoker shall be strict with him and follow the regulations, encourage the other on duty

operators to ensure the normal operation.

4. The stoker shall supervise the equipments and make record with good and clear writing.

He cannot read books or newspapers that have nothing to do with the boiler and


5. The stoker shall take all the responsibilities of his mistakes, accidents and abnormal

conditions. And the same with the accidents caused by this boiler or other duty workers.

6. The stoker shall check the working conditions of the related working equipments and

standby equipments. Deal with the abnormal accidents or report to the upper leaders.

7. Under conditions of accidents, the stoker shall report to the monitor immediately and take

measures with the group workers, following the order of the monitor.

8. The stoker shall record the boiler working conditions correctly and be responsible for its


9. When the stoker is on duty, he shall report to the monitor about the problems of the

equipments and record it accordingly.

10. The maintenance of the equipments shall obey the regulation of the maintenance,

otherwise report to the monitor.

11. If the stoker wants to be off duty, he shall ask for the permission of the monitor, and must

be replaced by a qualified person.

12. In addition to the normal inspect of the equipment, the stoker shall send more person to

check the machine when some equipment cannot work steadily, and reported to the shift

manager or workshop.

Item 2. Authority of the stoker.

1. The stoker is the principal of the boiler operation. The other operators shall follow the

order of the stoker when on operation; the other operation can offer different opinions.

But he should obey the stokers when his opinion is not accepted. All the responsibilities

shall be taken by the orderor.

2. When something is wrong with the boiler, the stocker has the rights to handle the

accidents with his team, and report the results to the monitor.

3. When the monitor gives wrong orders, the stoker has the rights to correct. If the monitor

insists on his order, the stoker has to obey and the monitor shall be responsible for the

result. If the monitor’s order is harmful to the personal safety and equipments protection, 5

SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

the stoker can report to the shift manager and the workshop.

4. The stoker has the rights to stop the operations that break the regulations.

5. The stoker has the rights to stop anybody’s staying or hanging around the boiler house

who has no permission from the upper leader.

Item 3. Necessary knowledge of the stoker

1. The related knowledge of the safety in the electric industry.

2. The knowledge of boiler operation and everyday handling.

3. The structure of boiler, its working philosophy, thermal system and its accessory

equipments, as well as the steam and water quality.

4. The boiler related knowledge with steam turbine, electric, thermal dynamic, chemical,

combustion system.

5. The knowledge of maintenance, locksmith, able to deal with the simple problems with

equipments and analyze the working conditions of the boiler and its feasibilities.

Section 4. Assistant Stoker’ Position Duty

And Working Standard

Item 1. Duty of the assistant stoker

1. The assistant stoker shall obey the leadership of the monitor and stoker, and carry out

their orders correctly and quickly.

2. The assistant stoker shall cooperate with the stoker to ensure the steam temperature,

pressure, water level in the drum under control, ensure the stable combustion, and keep

the standby equipment in good conditions.

3. The assistant stoker shall take out various kinds of regulations; carefully study the

working conditions of equipment. Anything that has nothing to do with the boiler operation

is prohibited.

4. The assistant stoker shall check the equipment working conditions, the conditions of coal

feeding, fluidizing conditions, cyclone coal feeding, etc. Any problems shall be reported

in the books and stoker’s daily reports.

5. All the operations and actions of the assistant stoker shall be reported to the stoker, and

finish all the tasks from the stoker.

6. When receiving the orders from the stoker and the monitor, the assistant stoker shall

carry out quickly and report to the order once the task is finished.

7. The assistant stoker is responsible for the hygienic of the six meters operating level, keep

the ground and equipment clean.

8. The assistant stoker shouldn’t be off duty without permission of the stoker and monitor. If

necessary should be replaced by a qualified person.

Item 2. Authority of the assistant stoker

1 When something is wrong with the equipment, the assistant stoker has the rights to give

advice on improvement.

2 When something is wrong with the accessory equipments, the assistant stoker has the

rights to handle the problem (but must inform the stoker),and report to the stoker and 6

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monitor about the problem and way of handling in detail.

3 When the stoker gives wrong orders, the assistant stoker has the rights to speak out his

opinion. If the stoker insists on his opinion, the assistant stoker must obey and the stoker

must take the responsibility of the results. If the order is harmful to the personal body

safety and the equipment protection, the assistant can refuse and report to the monitor.

4 The assistant stoker has the rights to give opinion on ensuring the safe operation and

efficiency improvement.

5 The assistant stoker has the rights to keep away the person who travel or inspect the

equipments without got the permission of the upper leaders.

Item 3. Knowledge of the assistant stoker

1. The related knowledge of the safety in the electric industry.

2. The knowledge of boiler operation and everyday handling.

3. The structure of boiler, its working philosophy, thermal system and its accessory

equipments, as well as the oil system and philosophy.

4. The boiler related knowledge with steam turbine, electric, thermal dynamic,

chemical, combustion system.

5. The knowledge of maintenance, locksmith, able to deal with the simple problems

with equipments.

Section 4. Other Operators’ Duty

And Working Standard

Item 1. Duty of the operators

1. The operators shall be working under the leadership of the monitor and stoker.

2. when on duty, the operator shall take out the work quickly and correctly.

3. keep watching the water level and the cleanness of the working area in charge.

4. when on duty, check the working conditions of the equipment s, anything that has nothing

to do with the work is prohibited.

5. all the operations shall be reported to the stoker, and carry out all the tasks given by the

stoker and monitor, obey the regulations of the report.

6. no off duty without the permission of the monitor and the stoker.

7. when on duty, the operator shall learn carefully and keep the equipment in his charge

working normally, and keep the equipments clean.

Item 2. Authorities of the operators

When something is wrong with the equipments, the operator shall report to the stoker and the

monitor. With their permission the operator can handle the problem independently. When the

stoker gives wrong orders, the operator has the rights to give opinion. If the stoker insists on,

the order must be carried out and the stoker shall take responsibility. If the order is harmful to

the personal safety and the equipment protection, the operator can refuse but must be

allowed by the monitor.

Item 3. Knowledge of the operator

1. The related knowledge of the safety in the electric industry.7

SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

2. The knowledge of boiler operation and everyday handling.

3. The working philosophy of steam and water system, drainage system and combustion


4. The boiler related knowledge with steam turbine, electric, thermal dynamic, chemical,

combustion system and processing system.

Chapter II System of “two bills” and “three systems”

Section 1 Operating Bill system

Item 1. In order to ensure the personal safety and equipment protection, as well as the normal

operation of startup and stopping of the boiler units, all the operations must be carried out.

If something wrong in the big operation, the operator can take measures according to the


Item 2. the operating bill shall be filled by the monitor. The bill of system operation shall be filled by

the shift manager, and the bill of ignition shall be filled by the production department.

Item 3. When using the operating bill, the supervisor must be on site and supervising. If necessary

he can assist the operation.

Item 4. If something occurred during the operation and need stopping, this should be reported to

the shift manager. The shift manager shall make decisions according to the conditions.

New shift must adopt new operating bill.

Item 5. when finish all the operating items listed in the bill, the operator shall record the operation

time duration with his signature.

Item 6. The operating bill is used in the following operations:

1. Boiler ignition. Operator: stoker; supervisor: monitor.

2. Boiler stopping. Operator: stoker; supervisor: monitor.

3. Boiler start-up water feeding, water pressure tests.

4. Boiler safety valve and water level alarm testing.

5. Standby boiler’s ignition, pressure improving and its related operations.

Section 2 Maintenance Bill system

Item 1. The maintenance bill is the important measure to ensure the personal and equipment

safety during the maintenance time. The operator on shift must carried out the system and

supervise the maintenance workers to obey.

Item 2. For the following works shall have the maintenance bill.

1.The cleanness and maintenance of boiler proper, superheater, economizer and air

preheater as well as air and fuel supply.

2. Maintenance of steam and water, oil pipeline and valve, and the cyclone coal feeding.

3.Maintenance of the boil accessory machines.

Item 3. The maintenance bill of thermal system shall be filled by the maintenance principal, and got

from the bill keeper, and with the permission of the monitor and shift manager.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Item 4. When the operating monitor got the bill, he should check the whether the working is correct

and what influence of the safety measure to the machinery, and the maintenance schedule

is suitable or not. If any problem, he shall ask the working person, and also fill in the

request for the worker. If the time schedule does not meet the requirement, the bill shall be


Item 5. Once the working scope and the safety measurement are related to the public utilities, it

should be reported to the shift manager and the related specialist. The safety measure and

protective measure shall be taken and the important equipments shall be locked.

Item 6. After receiving the effective maintenance bill, the maintenance worker must read the

requirement and the additional advice on the measures and check it completely, especially

before the maintenance of the running machines, must check whether the power is turned

off. With one more time starting up, the maintenance work can be carried out.

Item 7. For the thermal dynamic system maintenance, the special supervisor and the special

safety measures shall be taken in case of emergency.

Item 8. If find new problem when doing maintenance and it shall takes more time, this shall be

reported to the shift manager and give reasons to apply for schedule extension. Only one

extension is allowed for one single bill.

Item 9. If something is wrong with the running equipment and the equipment under is still

maintenance but still not harmful to the personnel and equipment safety, with the

permission of the production vice manager and confirmation of the specialist, the

maintenance bill can be turned back and terminated, and the equipment can be put into use


Item 10. After the maintenance the workers must clean the site and cover all the wells for

equipment protection.

Item 11. after the maintenance the running supervisor and the maintenance principal shall check

the maintenance results together with the shift manager and the leaders in the workshop. If

all are qualified and the protection measures (such as water pressure testing, vibration

test , etc) can be removed and the bill can be terminated with signature.

Item 12. After the signature of the bill, the equipments shall be turned to the running team to

management and the bills shall be kept in the workshop, and prepared for monthly

checking by the production department.

Section 3 Shift Handover System

Item 1. Before handover of the shift, on duty person shall check the equipments thoroughly and

clean the working area in order to keep the machine clean and good environment. For the

unqualified area the duty person cannot hand over to the next shift unless the equipment

and the area are clean enough.

Item 2. Before handover of the shift, the duty person shall check the equipment and record the

detailed running conditions of the equipment, everything happened during his shift time.

Both the daily record and report forms shall be filled in clean writing and keep clean. The


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

handover of the shift shall be fully prepared.

Item 3. The next shift person shall enter into the site 20 minutes earlier and check the equipment

working conditions under his charge, check the cleaning of the equipment and environment

as well as the working conditions of last shift, so as to prepare for the handover of the shift.

Item 4. The next shift person shall check the equipment working report and record, the successor

shall understand the running conditions completely from the former shift person. If found

the successor is drunk or in poor mood, the shift person can not hand over the shift to him

and must report to the shift manager for someone to replace.

Item 5. Each position worker shall attend the meeting hold by the monitor before the shift. The

stocker and the shift worker shall report to the monitor in detail about the equipment and

cleaning ass well as the equipment problems. The monitor shall arrange the work of the

next shift and equipment running method and make anticipation of the next shift.

Item 6. Under following conditions can not make shift handover:

1. When the main equipments of boiler has problem and not running normally;

2. If emergency happened during the handover time, the former shift team shall continue the

work and the successor shall assist to solve the problem under the leadership of the

monitor, no shift handover is allowed before proper resolution.

3. When big operation will be undertaken;

4. When the operating parameter is not meet the Regulations and the hygiene or tools not


Item 7. All the works above is finished and under normal working conditions, the monitor can

order to make handover of the shift after both shifts sign the daily record. If the successor is

sick or not available, the former shift worker can continue work until the monitor has

another person the replace. No duty off is allowed and the overtime working cannot be

more than 4 hours.

Item 8. The monitor shall report to the shift manager about the working conditions of the

equipments five minutes earlier than the handover time. And convey the orders of the shift

manager to the stoker, assistant stoker and the other duty workers.

Item 9. The former work can not be off duty before the signature of the handover, and the

successor can only conduct operation after the handover procedure.

Item 10. After the shift the monitor shall hold a meeting to conclude the results of the shift, and

figure out the shortage or advantages of each worker to give praise or comments

respectively to ensure the next time shift work.

Section 4 Circuit Checking System

Item 1. The on duty person shall make circuit checking according to the scheduled time, item and

route, solve the problem in time. For the problems unable to solve, it should be reported to

the stoker or the monitor. Under circumstances of bad weather or after the solving of big

problems and big operations, or equipments working abnormally, more checking time

should be made and special person shall be dispatched to watch.

Item 2. When doing circuit checking, the worker should be carefully and adopt method of


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

“listening, touching, watching and smelling” to check the working conditions. But must

follow the rules from the Electricity Safety Regulations, and record the checking result in the

daily report of the stoker and monitor.

Item 3. If accidents happened due to the poor circuit checking, the related person shall take

the responsibility of the consequence.

(The checking contents and times shall be followed according to the checking form):

No. Position Circuit Checking Content Times

1 monitorAll equipments for the boiler and its


Once before the shift

handover, twice during

the shift time

2 stoker

Boiler proper, water level, all valves and

flanges , fluidized bed combustion, cyclone

fuel feeding, slag discharging and F.D fan

and I.D fan, ESP ,etc.

Once before the shift

handover, twice during

the shift time



Boiler proper, fluidized bed combustion,

cyclone fuel feeding, coal bunker, coal

feeder, steam and water, drainage system,

valves and flanges system.

Once before the shift

handover, once every

other hour during the

shift time

4 operators

Boiler proper, water level meter, feed water,

steam, drainage system, valves and

flanges system, fluidized bed combustion,

cyclone fuel feeding, F.D fan and I.D fan,

flue gas and air baffle, manhole, ash and

slag handling system, etc.

Once before the shift

handover, once every

other hour during the

shift time

Section 5 Regular Working System

Item 1. In order to keep the hygiene of the site, each duty workers shall clean timely and made a

thorough cleaning before the handover of the shift. No handover is permitted if the hygiene

of the area is not qualified.

Item 2. In order to keep the safety running, the regular testing of the safety accessories and

alarming system shall be done during the normal running.

Item 3. The interlock and emergency button of the mobile machinery shall be tested before each

start up. For the equipments requires regular testing, shall inform the related department to

cooperate testing. For the broken down equipments shall take reparation, if not able to

solve, must be reported to the shift manager and workshop with record.

Regular working schedule:

1. Water level alarm: every Wednesday and Friday, 8-16, Day shift principal: monitor, stoker



SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

2. Safety valve action testing: after overhaul, once a month, principal: Monitor stoker assist


3. Electric emergency water outlet, exhausted steam discharger: once a month, principal: monitor,

stoker and assistant stoker. When testing, the emergency water outlet and exhausted steam

discharger can be closed.

4. Testing of the thermal control instrument signal and sound: twice a week. Principal: stoker,

thermal control expert assist.

5. Induced air fan, ignition oil pump: if stop for half a month, the induced fan shall do running test

for half an hour and same with the oil pump.

The hygiene of the controlled area: cleaning in time and a thorough cleaning before handover of

shift, arranged by the monitor.

Part 2. Boiler Equipment Regulations

Chapter 1. Equipment and Fule Charateristic

Item 1. General Introduction of boiler

This is a new type boiler with the advantages of high efficiency and low pollution. The boiler adopts circulating fluidized bed combustion technology which is adaptable to variety of fuels such as every kind of bituminous coal, lignite and other fuels with lower calorific value, and its high combustion efficiency Especially when burning higher sulfur-content fuels, by adding limestone into the furnace, the emission of SO2. And NOx can be obviously reduced stage-combustion, thus lowering the erosion of the equipment and air pollution. The slag of the boiler has good activity and can be used as the mixture of construction materials such as cement.This boiler is a kind of natural circulating water tube boiler, adopting steam-cooled cyclone separators and water-cooled membrane wall furnace. The superheater is divided into two stages, with a water spray attemperator between high and low temperature superheaters. Two stages of economizers, the primary and secondary air preheaters are arranged in the back-end of the boiler.

Item 2. Boiler Introduction

1. Boiler type: YG-45/3.82-M, CFB boiler

2. Manufacture: Jinan Boiler Group

Item 3. Boiler parameters and dimension

1. Main parameters (technical index and data)

Item Unit Value

Rated evaporation capacity t/h 45

Rated pressure Mpa 4.2

Rated steam temperature ℃ 450

Feed water temperature ℃ 150

Primary air temperature ℃ 150

Secondary air temperature ℃ 150

Flue gas temperature ℃ 150

Designed fuel KJ/kg 18860

Thermal efficiency % 88.36

Desulfure efficency % 85


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Fuel comsumption (design) Kg/h 7304.3

Oxygen content % 3-5

Calcium and sulfur rate 1.5-2

Size of the fuel mm 0-13

Size of the limestone mm 0-2

Boiler dimension

Item Unit Value

Width Including platform mm 10000

Depth Including platform mm 19380

Drum central elevation mm 29550

Proper top elevation mm 34440


2. Water-cooled System

Both the furnace and boiler roof are composed of membrane walls, which are suspended on the top steel structure through the hangers on the upper headers of the water-cooled walls. The section dimension of the furnace is 27604220 mm. The membrane walls are made of 605 tube and 645 flat by welding. Pins are welded in the membrane wall of boiler roof to fix the refractory material.The upper combustion chamber is connected with furnace membrane walls and the lower part is connected with water- cooled air chamber and water-cooled air distribution plate. The water-cooled air chamber is composed of 605 tubes and pins welded inside to fix refractory materials. The water-cooled air distribution plate is composed of 605 tubes and 645 flats welded together, and there are small holes on the flats to fit the air nozzles.The boiler furnace is divided into four water-circulating circuits as the left, the right, the front and the rear. The steam guide tubes are 133 4 and 108 5 tubes. The drainage discharge valves are arranged for periodical water drain. A cyclone separator is equipped with water cooled pipes by 32 3.5 tubes fixed with plate, all the plates and pipes made the main part of the refractory materials. The following pipes are made up of 3 tubes of 133 6 and same with the steam inlet lines. In the water cooled pipes box there are drainage valve.All of the above tube material is 20G except screens.

3. SuperheatersThis boiler has two grades of superheaters including low temperature superheater and high temperature. The saturated steam from the drum is introduced to the suspended inlet header of low temperature superheater by 4 tubes of 108 5, then introduced by 54 tubes of 108 5 into the suspended outlet header of low low temperature superheater, passing through the spray water desuperheater, then through four tubes into high temperature superheater., and finally into the steam turbine through main steam valve. Low temperature is composed of tubes arranged unbalanced. To prevent them from erosion, all the

Item Unit Value

Inner diameter mm 1500

Wall thickness mm 46

length mm 8063

material 20g

Cyclone separator pcs 16

Wave type separator pcs 12


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

tubes are parallel arranged. For safety operation, 20G, seamless steel is used for the lower temperature superheater, and 15Gr2MoWVTiB low alloy seamless steel is used for high temperature superheater. The spray water system is adopted for the superheater system, which located between the two superheaters. Thus ensure both steam quality requirement of turbine and proper working condition of superheater.

4. Evaportor

To protect the economizer and control the temperature, there are one group of natural cycled evaporators are arranged at the end of the flue channel. They are made of 109 pieces of tubes of 38 5. they are vertical to the front wall of the boiler . from the outlet there are two tubes of 133 6 to separate, and at the lower load can adjust automatically. All the above tubes are made of 20G, seamless steel(GB3087-1999)

5. Economizer

The economizer is two-stage arranged and made of 20G 32 3.5 seamless tube coils. The feed water comes in at the bottom and out at the top in the reverse direction of flue gas.The economizer has 39 lines with distance of 90mm and 50mm each direction supported by the supporting steel.

6.Air Preheater

The tubular air preheater is two-stage arranged. The upper stage is for the secondary air and the lower for the primary air. The air is separately introduced by primary air fan and secondary air fan. Both stages of air preheaters are made of 50 2 welded tubes. The gas flows inside the tubes from top to bottom, and the air flows in the transverse direction of the heater. Passing through two strokes, the secondary air gets into the secondary air duct. For exchange and maintenance, the primary air through three strokes is arranged with two groups. The upper group is two strokes, and the lower group is one stroke. The two stage preheated air temperature can reach 120C and 142C. To ensure the heater box can expand freely at hot conditions, the top of the box is fitted with expansion joints.

7. Combustion System The combustion system consists of combustion chamber, furnace, cyclone separator and flying ash re-injection system. The lower part of the furnace is density fuel layer and at the bottom is water-cooled distributing plate with air nozzles on it. The primary air coming from the air preheater goes through those nozzles evenly into the furnace. The coal and limestone is pre-mixed then fed into the furnace by two units of coal feeders. At the coal inlet of the furnace, air for coal spreading is arranged. The secondary air is introduced into the furnace through 18 air nozzles, which are arranged on two layers to prompt combustion and make the temperature easy to control. The combustion is underway at the condition of high velocity fluidized air and the temperature is controlled at 850-950 C. The secondary air takes half of the air blowing. And the refuse burning device is arranged on the left and right side of furnace (9310mm). The refuse is sent to furnace for burning through conveyor. The dense ash flue gas is divided into two routes left and right to the two cyclone separators. The separated fine particles are re-injected into furnace for circulating burning. The gas flue leaving the separators is passing by the superheater into the rear gas duct, and the particles are collected by the precipitator on the boiler back. The gas is introduced in a tangential direction to the separator. The separator ensures enough ash content in the circulating, and at the same time reducing the ash content of flue gas, which is beneficial to the anti-erosion of heating furnace.To assure the safety operation of flying ash re-injection system, lower the temperature of re-injecting content, lower the weight of refractory materials, shorten the time of start-up, and to increase the sealing and reliability of operation, two water-cooled columns are arranged covering the legs of separators to lower the temperature of the circulating ash.. A portion of bigger particle ash can be discharged through two 108 slag discharge tubes at the bottom of boiler and the fine portion of ash is discharged through a fine ash discharge tube at the bottom of return system. The boiler adopts under-bed ignition methods, at the rear wall of the bottom air chamber, igniters are arranged for the start-up of the boiler. The igniting fuel is 0# light diesel with pressure of 1.96 MPa.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

8. Steel Structure, Platforms, Stairs and Handrails

The frame of the boiler is total steel structure, which can ensure the boiler’s safety operation when the earthquake intensity is 7 degrees. Those steel structures are bulk packaged and should be installed on site.At the top of boiler, the layers where the headers, manholes and inspection doors are located, platforms are arranged for the convenience of inspection, operation and maintenance and connected to each other by stairs and handrails.

9. Lagging

Because of the use of membrane wall, the light type lagging is adopted for the furnace. The combustion chamber, corner gas duct of inertial separator, cyclone separator, declined gas duct, boiler top and back gas ducts are lined with refractory bricks, refractory concrete and temperature protection layers, and those weights are loaded on the steel structure and then to the base.For the consideration of heat expansion, at the joints of those bigger area walls, expansion chinks are designed, and the temperature increase and decrease of the wall should be limited within 100-150C/h.

10.Piping within Boiler range

Water is fed in though one single main piping, from the operating platform comes into the inlet

header of water-cooled column, after heating by the water-cooled column, the water is

concentrated into the outlet header of water-cooled column; then from two sides the water is

introduced into the inlet header of economizer; and then from the outlet header of economizer into

the drum.

Between the drum and economizer there are re-circulating tubes which are not heated. To ensure

the flow of water in the economizer while the boiler stares-up or stops, in the progress of start-up or

stop, the valves in the re-circulating tubes should be opened, then the water temperature in the

economizer is higher, a natural circulation is produced and the economizer cooled.

11. Boiler Safety Auxiliaries

There is a local water level gauges and one electric connected joint water gauge on the drum for its water level supervision, and the alarm signal can also be shown on the secondary electric instrument systemThere are two spring safety valves on the drum and one spring safety valve on the outlet header of superheater and pressure meters besides the superheater.

12. Boiler Desulfuration

When burning high sulfur content coal, the coal and 0-2mm limestone is pre-mixed and introduced into the hopper and then put into the spiral coal feeder by its gravity. The mixed coal and limestone is fed into the boiler bed by the spiral coal feeder. The burning system of the boiler adopts low temperature combustion which is most advantageous to desulphuration. The fine limestone particles with high velocity circulating air are fully mixed with gas and circularly used through separator and return system, thus realizing high desulphuration rate and high limestone availability. By this way, the sulfur content in coal is solidified out and discharged as slag.

13. Sand adding systemFor the ash content is quite low, there is a sanding adding device set on the top of the coal feeder. The size of the sand is required as follows:

Sand size 0.13-0.6mm

Sand density 1.3-1.6t/m3


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Heat resistance ≥1100℃

Boiler Auxiliary equipment

Primary air fan

Item Value

type AF10-18-13

Machine No. NO.15

Driving type Rolling bearing box

Rotate speed R/min 1450

Air pressure Pa 15000

Air quantity NM3/h 29620

Required power KW 155

motor YVP315L2-4

voltage V 380

power KW 185

Protective grade IP54

Induced draft fan

Item Value

type AFY5-52

Machine No. NO.14

Driving type Rolling bearing box

Rotate speed R/min 150~2970

Air pressure Pa 4231

Air quantity M3/h 105500

Required power KW 148-180

motor YVP315L2-4

voltage V 380

power W 185

Protective grade IP54

Secondary air draft fan

Item Value

type AF9-20-13

Machine No. NO.14

Driving type Rolling bearing box

Rotate speed R/min 1450

Air pressure Pa 10424

Air quantity M3/h 29620

Required power KW 132


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

motor YVP315M-4

voltage V 380

power KW 132

Protective grade IP54

Chapter 2. Examinee and Test after Boiler Turbo-unit Overhaul

2.1.Check and accept process after boiler turbo-unit overhaul

(1)Boiler turbo-unit must undergo check and accept after overhaul.

(2)The relevant principal, approver and specified boiler operator should take part in check and accept

work after heavy and small-scale repair.

(3)Besides the participation of the relevant principal, approver and specified boiler operator for check

and accept work, the approval of chief engineer or vice production director (or the authorized) is needed.

(4)The provisional check and acceptance should be done by the relevant approver and principal;

specific boiler operator and specific boiler overhauler should participate if necessary.

(5)Check and accept word should carry out previous to overhaul fulfillment and overhaul ticket

termination. The relevant person should confirm overhaul work accomplishment, safety precautions

resumption and overhaul ticket withdrawal totally according to regulations.

(6)During check and acceptance, comprehensive and particular examine, necessary running and test

are necessary.

(7)As for problems and defectives found in check and acceptance, they should be informed to

overhaul principal for elimination in time. Then organize another team for check and acceptance.

(8)If overhauler changes the system, the overhaul principal should fill out equipment alteration notice

to inform operating staff and report to production office for records.

2.2.Check and Acceptance of Boiler Combustion System

2.2.1. Specific examine is needed for boiler wall and heat insulation condition. The boiler wall

should be integrated, rigour, no apparent leakage, good heat insulation condition and without broken. The

outer shield board should be integrated, without leakage, door handle should be sufficient, platform, stairs,

armrest should be integrated, fixed, clean and without any rubbish and sundries, namely remained tools

and materials.

2.2.2. Examine furnace and clean suspend auris and upholding etc. inside it, boiler wall should be

integrated and without break off, leakage and heave. Examine abrasion and expansion condition of fire

resistance material; examine dropping coal jaw and material return jaw coal feeder

2.2.3. Examine integrity of wind casting board, make sure flawless; examine integrity, non-

oxidation and over heating trace, prevent blocking of jelab, keep surface clean of flowing bed and without

iron, coal, burned masses etc.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

2.2.4. Examine the integrity of thermoelectric couple inside the furnace; examine wind pressure

examinee spot under good condition.

2.2.5. Examine cyclone separators installed on each side, examine separator fire-resistance

materials integrity, without falling off and leakage; examine passage of feeding-return device under good

condition, examine the integrity of feeding-return lingua box and without defective; examine integrity,

cleanness, non-oxidation and over heat symptom of feeding-return jelab and jelab hole ventilation, confirm

the cleanness and dust-free of feeding-back wind room, ensure the completeness and flexible of wind-

control valve for feeding-return device, ensure integrity and tight close of hole doors in feeding-return


2.2.6 Check anti-explosion door, ensure the integrity of heat insulation fibre felt, ensure anti-explosion

flake integrity, leakage-free and explosion free;

2.2.7. Examine under bed ignition start-combustioner, ensure the integrity, leakage free and falling down

free of inside anti-fire materials;Examine combustioner cooling wind door, ensure tightness and flexible of

combustion-assistance wind door, ensure the accordance of actual switch position with outside mark,

ensure ignition gun under good condition.

2.2.8 Examine second & first wind air pre-heater pipeline system, ensure erosion, block and leakage

free of all grades heater pipeline system, ensure heater surface cleanness without dust, ensure the

tightness and flexible of heater gas flute door.

2.3. Check and acceptance of ID fan, first blower and second blower:

2.3.1. Ensure blower protection cover integrity, backrest wheel connecting tightly;

2.3.2. Ensure blower foundation firmness, ensure ground screws firmness;

2.3.3. Ensure bearing grease cleanness, ensure inspecting lens clearness, possessing

lowest/highest oil level scale line, and oil level is between 1/3 and 2/3 of inspecting lens.

2.3.4. Ensure no oil leakage of bearing cover, oil surface lens and oil seal;

2.3.5. Ensure bearing thermometer alright and with clear scale and good line of sight;

2.3.6. Ensure bearing cooling water expedite and sufficient, ensure cooling water control valve

integrity and flexible;

2.3.7 Ensure engine insulation eligibility;ensure grounding line and junction-box integrity.

2.3.8 Ensure engine breakdown button alright and with integrate protecting device;

2.3.9 Ensure cleanness around engine and blower, ensure site sundries free;

2.3.10 Ensure lightening status around engine and blower meeting the requirements.

2.4. Check and acceptance of boiler coal feeder

2.4.1. Ensure exterior normal of coal feeder and engine exterior, without apparent defective.

2.4.2. Ensure coal feeder decelerater grease nice and clean;

2.4.3. Ensure coal feeder driven belt without abrasion and normal loose/tight degree;

2.4.4. Start up coal feeder, examine and ensure screw coal feeder sound normal by listening gear,


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

ensure no lubrication between screw coal feeder and coal feeding cylinder;

2.4.5. Drew coal feeding flashboard, test coal feeder with load, ensure coal feeder under good

condition ;

2.4.6. Stop coal feeder after carrying out check and getting satisfied conclusion.

2.5.Check and acceptance of ignition oil system:

2.5.1. Examine pipeline and valve comprehensively, ensure no apparent disfigurement;

2.5.2. Ensure normal oil level of oil storage tank ;

2.5.3. Open oil pipeline re-cycling door;

2.5.4. Ensure ignition oil pump under good condition;

2.5.5. Start up ignition oil pump, ensure pump vibration and voice under normal condition;

2.5.6. Close oil pipeline return valve gradually to examine oil pressure increasing status. Oil

pressure normally reaches 2.0Mpa.

2.5.7. Start up other oil pumps for checking in order;

2.5.8. Stop pumps and resume system normal stand-by status after drawing satisfied conclusion

from examine.。

2.6. Check and acceptance of water supply system:

2.6.1. Ensure completeness, leakage/seeping-free of pipeline and valve;

2.6.2. Ensure heat insulation and leakage free of water supply pipe, ensure color-loop integrant

and with standard arrow (indicating material flowing direction) and pipe names;

2.6.3. Carry out switch experiments for main water supply regulating valve and main bypass

regulating valve, ensure the accordance of actual journey with mark, ensure expedite flow without block;

2.6.4. Ensure water pressure meter completeness and disfigurement along water supply pipeline,

ensure correct pointing direction.

2.6.5. Ensure integrity of water supply flux bore board and temperature reducing flux bore board,

ensure first door is opened.

2.7.Check and acceptance of economizer :

2.7.1. Ensure the exterior integrity of all grades of economizer, ensure without disfigurement;

2.7.2. Ensure surface cleanness and dust-free of all grades of economizer;

2.7.3. Check all grades of economizer elbow, ensure wall-penetrating pipe without abrasion and

completeness of elbow protecting board;

2.7.4. Ensure the flexibility and tightness of economizer gas flute entrance hole;

2.7.5. Examine water cooling system, ensure without leakage and distortion.

2.8.Check and acceptance of water cooling system:

2.8.1. Check water cooling wall, ensure the smoothness and integrity of heated surface, ensure


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

without apparent hollow and abrasion;

2.8.2. Examine water cooling wall fins, ensure without lifting and pothook etc. hind baffling ash


2.8.3. Ensure up/down joint tank heat insulation integrity and without falling off.

2.8.4. Ensure the integrity of cooling wall down joint box periodic sewage discharge pipeline/tank,

ensure nice heat insulation function and without valve drop and leakage.

2.8.5. Ensure the integrity and without falling down of cyclone cylinder and prick, ensure no

bareness of heated surface inside pouring material :。

2.9.Check and acceptance of over-heater system

2.9.1. Ensure the exterior integrity of high/low temperature over-heater pipeline teams and without

apparent abrasion, ensure anti-abrasion cover without weld opening and apparent abrasion.

2.9.2. Ensure over-heater surface without dust, ensure the space between high and low

temperature over-heater.

2.9.3. Ensure the integrity of over-heater wall, ensure without hollow/protruding symptom ;

2.9.4. Ensure the flexibility and tightness of over-heater gas flute entrance hole;

2.10.Check and acceptance of steam drum and accessories:

2.10.1. Entering steam drum and examine, ensure its interior wall cleanness and without rust;ensure the fixing tightness of cyclone separator and wave-board separator, examine hydraulic level meter,

continuous sewage discharge pipe and dosing pipe, ensure no sundries inside steam drum.

2.10.2. Ensure steam drum hydraulic level meter integrity, ensure no sundries and dust-free inside

glass tube, keep glass board clean and the apparent water level scale, ensure joint point tightness and

integrity, ensure clear meter showing of double-color hydraulic level meter, ensure sufficient lightening;

2.10.3. Ensure the integrity of steam drum ground pressure meter low-reading pressure meter,

long-sending pressure meter, ensure the existence of apparent red line indicating limits.

2.10.4. Ensure integrant steam drum heat insulation

2.11.Check and acceptance of temperature reducing system:

2.11.1. Ensure the completeness of temperature reducing pipeline and color loop, ensure clear

material flowing direction;

2.11.2. Ensure the integrity of front/back temperature reducing collection box, ensure the tightness

of two end covers;

2.11.3. Ensure front/back temperature reducing implementer foundation fastness and flexible

complete open/close, ensure the accordance of adjusting rod breadth with instrument;

2.12.Check and acceptance of boiler valve:

2.12.1. Ensure good connection of valves and pipeline;

2.12.2. Ensure the completeness of all valve symbol card, ensure the rightness of name, number


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

and switch direction;

2.12.3. Ensure valve handwheel completeness and fastness, ensure valve rod cleanness and

without bending and rust;

2.12.4. Ensure all valves flexibility;

2.12.5. Ensure the compressed clearance of valve filling, ensure nice valve heat-insulation;

2.12.6. Ensure the integrity of joint pole and tie-in for electric-driven door and regulating door,

ensure pins fixup and fastness;

2.12.7. Ensure the integrity and fineness of engine, gear-box and implementer in

electric-driven/regulating door, ensure manual switch flexibility and adjust to close station;

2.12.8. Ensure the integrity and fastness of all safety-valve/exhaust pipe, ensure drainage pipeline

unblocked ;

2.13.Check and acceptance of thermal instrument :

2.13.1. Ensure pressure meter integrity, ensure clear meter disc and clear red line indicating

pressure limit;

2.13.2. Ensure “0” position of all instruments, ensure lead seal untouched and once door opened;

2.13.3. Ensure the integrity of thermocouple and suitable inserting depth;

2.13.4. Ensure the completeness and fineness of wind pressure/quantity inspecting spot without

block and leakage;

2.14.Check and acceptance of expansion indicator:

2.14.1. Ensure the completeness of boiler expansion indicator, without imperfect;

2.14.2. Ensure indicating panel welded to steel girder/vertical pole tightly, and pointer welded to

expansion parts vertically and tightly;

2.14.3. Ensure indicating panel scale preciseness and clearness and red mark make in panel

central datum mark;

2.14.4. Ensure the uprightness of pointer and indicating board, ensure 3~5 cm space between

pinpoint and panel;

2.14.5. Pointer should aim to datum mark under cool condition;

2.15. Check and acceptance of operating panel:

2.15.1. Ensure the integrity/completeness and excellent performance of instruments, signals,

interlock, operating switches, changing switches and manual operating devices;

2.15.2 Ensure the accordance of DCS system with actuality.

2.16.Check and acceptance of other parts:

2.16.1. Ensure sufficient lightening within boiler scope;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

2.16.2. Ensure the integrity/completeness of platform, stair, enclosure, cover, door and window;

bore, hole, pit etc. caused by overhauling should be remedied for integrity.

2.16.3. Ensure the cleanness of machinery and passage; sundries, seeper, accumulated dust/oil

are prohibited.

2.16.4. Ensure the cleanness of overhauling site, ensure site sanitation accords with the


2.16.5. Ensure the backout of all the overhauling scaffold ;

2.16.6. Ensure the integrity of fire fighting equipments; make sure that they can be put into work

whenever needed.

2.17.Running test of boiler IDF, first blower and second blower

2.17.1.Running test process of boiler IDF, first blower and second blower:

(1)Comprehensive examination for IDF, first blower and second blower, conforming to the above 2 and

3 provisions;

(2)Ensure normal power supply to all blowers, thermal and DCS operating system;

(3)Start up IDF, first blower and second blower in turn, record blower current right time; regulate

frequency of transducer, keep total wind volume at 10000 m3/h and furnace outlet pressure at –30Pa or so.

(4)A comprehensive examination should be carried out to IDF, first blower and second blower;

(5)After 30 minutes normal running, shut off them by breakdown button in second blower, first blower

and IDF order;

(6)During running test, specific staff should be arranged for every engine, the staff must stop blower

when violent vibration, abnormal noises and smoking happening;

(7)All the participating staff should stand at blower axes direction position.

2.17.2.Running test eligible standard of boiler IDF, first blower and second blower:

(1)Ensure blower impeller correct turning direction, make sure no collision or attrition between impeller

and blower shell;

(2)Ensure normal bearing running without noises by listen gear;

(3)Ensure no oil leaking/swinging, and bearing temperature is no more than 80 .℃

(4)Examine and measure blower vibrating status;

(5)Ensure blower axes is between 2mm and 4mm.

(6)Ensure blower engine current no more than rating.

2.18.Feeding quantity test process of boiler coal feeder

(1)Before the quantity test, status should accord to the above 2 and 4 provision;

(2)Start up one coal feeder, ensure normal current;

(3)Draw coal feeder flashboard, after feeder full filling, start to time and enter furnace for coal


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations


(4)Regulate coal feeder revolution to 300rpm, collect feeding coal for 5 minutes, and measure the

actual revolution;

(5)Regulate coal feeder revolution to 900rpm, collect feeding coal for 3 minutes, and measure the

actual revolution

(6)Regulate coal feeder revolution to 1200, collect feeding coal for 1 minute, and measure the actual


(7)Scale the collected feeding coal, compute coal feeder capacity.

2.19.Boiler air leaking test process:

(1)Close bores and valves tightly;

(2)Start up IDF, first blower and second blower, control wind volume, keep furnace outlet pressure at


(3)Add white power at first and second blower entrance, carry out comprehensive examine to boiler,

tail gas flute, feeding return device and blower, inspect if there are white power transgressed and mark the

transgressed place;

(4)Keep furnace pressure above –500Pa, use lighted candle close furnace wall and mark the place

where blaze deflected;

(5)Stop blower and examine all leaking place, contact for overhaul.

2.20.Test process of boiler electric-driven door and regulating door :

(1)Chang the “manual/electric-driven switch on electric/regulating door to manual status, manual

switch should be flexible;

(2)Change “manual/electric” switch on electric/regulating door service machine to electric place, start

up electric door, green indicating light should flash, electric door should open totally when red light


(3)Close electric door, red indicating light should flash, electric door should be fully closed when green

light flash;

(4)Open regulating door from 0% to 100%,;

2.21 Test process of boiler ignition gun and blaze examiner :

(1)Manual push and exit is smooth and without block;

(2)Transit power to ignition local control disc ;

(3)Press “ignition gun enter” button on two sides, ensure ignition gun entrance;

(4)Press “electric lightening” buttons on both sides, check ignition status, blaze should be strong, blue

color, and the sound should be silvery.

(5)Press “ignition gun retreat” button on both side, ensure the exit;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(6)Cut off the power for ignition local control disc and setup it under stand-by condition;

(7)Ensure the integrity of two sides blaze inspector, ensure tight seal;

(8)Ensure the completeness, turnoff-free and disrepair-free of blaze inspector signal connecting


2.22.Test process of circumgyrating mechanical breakdown button:

(1)Comprehensive examination for IDF, first blower and second blower;

(2)After power supplied to IDF, first blower and second blower, start up DCS in order.

(3)Local examination for equipments normal running;

(4)Press “breakdown” button in first blower, second blower and IDF turn, ensure the ceasing of


(5)Restoration in DCS system。

2.23.Boiler hydrostatic test:

2.23.1.General regulation of boiler hydrostatic test:

(1)After boiler heavy/small or heated surface repair, over pressure hydrostatic test is carried out to

those conforming to text provisions;

(2)Hydrostatic test should be approved by manufacture leader and office, commanded by dean or

deputy dean on the site operation, operated by boiler operator on duty, and examined/treated by overhaul

dean or principal;

(3)During boiler hydrostatic test, safety supervisor, overhaul and operating technical personnel should

be at site for supervision and technique instruction;

(4)Before hydrostatic test, ensure all the boiler overhaul tickets reclaimed;

(5)Boiler hydrostatic test refers to ground steam drum pressure meter;

(6)During boiler hydrostatic test, if temperature under 5 , reliable anti-freezing project should be℃


(7)Boiler hydrostatic test should apply “boiler hydrostatic test” ticket

2.23.2.Pressure in boiler hydrostatic test:

The pressure for boiler hydrostatic test is P=4.2MPs, and pressure for over pressure test is


2.23.3.Examine and preparation before boiler hydrostatic test:

(1)Relevant personnel should report it to duty manager, communicate with turbine and chemical

relevant staff for corresponding preparation before hydrostatic test.

(2)Relevant personnel should inform overhaul dean for preventing safety valve action measurement

before boiler hydrostatic test;

(3)Before boiler hydrostatic test, the following measurements should be carried out: 1. prevent water


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

entering turbine, 2. ensure boiler electric main steam valve and other valve rigor and manual tightened, 3.

close corresponding cut-steam valve and sideway valve tightly; start up water-guide valve before steam-cut


(4)Contact duty manager for sufficient water supply with temperature between 30 and 70 .℃ ℃

(5)Ensure tight close of steam drum entrance valve, ensure the integrity and reliability of hydro-level


(6)Ensure nobody working in wind chamber, furnace, inertia chamber, material returning device and

tail gas chute;

(7)Ensure the integrity and fineness of boiler water supply system, temperature reducing water

system, steam system, sewage discharge system, drainage system, drainage pump water inlet system

pipeline, valve and branch/suspend rack;

(8)Ensure the completeness and eligibility of steam drum ground pressure meter, super heater ground

pressure meter, steam drum/super heater low-read pressure meter and before/after water supply valve

pressure meter, ;

2.23.4.Water supply process of boiler hydrostatic test:

(1)Carry out comprehensive examination for confirming that valve unseal status conforms to the

above requirement;

(2)Contact turbo-unit duty staff to close cut-off valve between water drainage pump and deaerator;

(3)Close boiler periodic drainage chief valve, open all collecting-tank first and second sewage

discharge valve, open cooling wall reverse washing valve, economizer re-cycling valve and boiler top air


(4)Contact turbo-unit duty staff, start up drainage pump;

(5)When steam drum hydraulic level reach -30mm, stop drainage pump, close periodic discharge

system second valve;

(6)Check the boiler comprehensively, ensure system no dropping and leaking, ensure steam drum

water level no apparent changing, and ensure the accordance of actual level with meter scale;

(7)After checking, start up drainage pump and periodic discharge system second valve for supplying

water continually.

(8)After complete air exhaust, close all the air valves in turn;

(9)Stop drainage pump operation, close periodic discharge system second valve, water supply


(10) Water supply speed should be controlled, the whole process no less than 2 hours in Summer,

no less than 3 hours in Spring and Autumn, no less than 4 hours in Winter starting from filling water to

reach steam drum-30mm level.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

2.23.5.Fill pressure to boiler water supply pipeline:

(1)Open boiler main water supply front/back cut valve and adjust valve, open boiler main branch water

supply front/back cut valve and adjust valve, open boiler diminutive branch water supply valve;

(2)Open water supply platform discharge valve;

(3)Open chief water supply valve slowly, fill pressure to water supply platform pipeline, pay attention to

pressure changes in chief water supply valve and economizer entrance;

(4)When pressure before economizer entrance stable and balanced with the pressure before main

water supply valve, close water supply platform discharge valve, close boiler general water supply valve.

2.23.6.Boiler hydrostatic test pressure increasing:

(1)Before pressure increasing process, close boiler main water supply front/back cut valve and adjust

valve, close boiler main branch water supply front/back cut valve and regulate valve, close boiler diminutive

branch water supply valve, open boiler main water supply valve and economizer entrance valve;

(2)When site hydrostatic test supervisor gives “boiler pressure increasing” order, the staff should be

ready for wording at steam drum ground pressure meter, water supply panel, staff in controlling room;

(3)Open boiler water supply diminutive valve for pressure increasing, ensure increasing speed

between 0.2 and 0.4MPa/min;

(4)When steam drum pressure increase to 2.0MPs, close boiler water supply diminutive branch valve,

inform overhaul staff for boiler comprehensive examination.

(5)After examination, if machinery under good condition and all relevant staff withdrawing, open water

supply diminutive valve to continue pressure increasing operation;

(6)When steam drum pressure increases to 4.2Mpa, close water supply diminutive valve and record

the time, inform overhaul staff for boiler comprehensive inspection;

(7)After checking, overhaul staff collect inspecting records, and make a judge to hydrostatic test.

2.23.7.Eligibility standard of Boiler hydrostatic test:

(1)After closing diminutive valve, steam drum pressure decreases no more than 0.2MPs within 5


(2)Ensure no leakage to boiler pressure bearing parts and welding parts.

(3)Ensure boiler pressure bearing parts without distortion.

2.23.8.Boiler super pressure hydrostatic test process:

(1)Carry out boiler normal pressure hydrostatic tests;

(2)After boiler normal pressure hydrostatic test accomplished, inform overhaul principal explain and

list all water level meters and steam-water balance device in steam drum to prevent safety valve action;

(3)Open water supply diminutive valve for pressure increasing, control the speed no more than



SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(4)When steam drum pressure increase to 5.25Mpa, close diminutive branch valve for 5 minutes;

(5)Open economizer entrance joint tank discharge valve slightly for pressure reducing operation,

control speed at no more than 0.5MPa/min, decrease steam drum pressure to 3.82Mpa, then stopped,

inform for overhaul.

2.23.9.Eligible standard of boiler super pressure hydrostatic test:

(1)No bead or mist leakage trace on boiler pressure bearing parts mineral wall and welding line.

(2)After comprehensive inspecting, ensure pressure-bearing parts without distortion.

2.24.Boiler cooled air driven field test:

2.24.1.Cooled air driven field test should be carried out to those conforming to one of the followings:

(1)New installed or shifted boiler;

(2)Boiler after heavy or diminutive repair ;

(3)Machinery safety and reliability are not reliable according to operation status,

2.24.2.Boiler cooled wind cast board resistance test process:

(1)Ensure the normal running of boiler IDF and blower;

(2)Start up IDF and blower in order;

(3)Ensure blast pipeline rapid wind valve is opened;

(4)Adjust IDF baffle or frequency converter open degree, keep furnace exit pressure at -30Pa.

(5)Adjust blower baffle or frequency converter open degree at

0%、10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、100% respectively,and keep furnace exit

pressure stable, record wind delivery volume, wind chamber pressure, blower exit pressure, blower current

and IDF current correspondingly;

(6)Adjust blower baffle or frequency convector open degree at

100%、90%、80%、70%、60%、50%、40%、30%、20%、10%、0% individually, keep furnace exit pressure

stable, and record wind delivery volume, wind chamber pressure, fluid bed upper pressure, blower exit

pressure, blower current, corresponding IDF current respectively;

(7)Stop IDF and blower operating;

(8)Pick out same corresponding open degree upwards and downwards wind volume and pressure

parameters. Draw boiler cooled wind cast baffle resistance specialty curve.

2.25.Boiler feed returner resistance specialty text process:

(1)Close boiler blast pipeline speedy valve;

(2)Open feed returner returning valve and flow wind valve;

(3)Start up IDF and blower;

(4)Open blower baffle or frequency convertor gradually to 100% at 5% velocity, adjust and keep

furnace exit pressure at –30Pa, record returning wind column and pressure at different open degree;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(5)Close blower baffle or frequency convertor gradually to 0% at 5% velocity, adjust and keep furnace

exit pressure at –30Pa, record returning wind column and pressure at different open degree;

(6)Open feed returner returning wind valve and fluidized wind vale.

(7)Open blower baffle or frequency convertor gradually to 100% at 5% velocity, adjust and keep

furnace exit pressure at –30Pa, record returning wind column and pressure at different open degree;

(8)Close blower baffle or frequency convertor gradually to 0% at 5% velocity, adjust and keep furnace

exit pressure at –30Pa, record returning wind column and pressure at different open degree;

(9)Stop the operation of IDF and blower;

(10) Draw corresponding returning wind volume and pressure relation graph on the basis of different

blower open degree.

2.26.Boiler feed returner returning test process:

(1)Store lots of dried fine ash (dried fine sand as substitute is permitted), with granularity no more than


(2)Open feed returner square case entrance door, add fine ash through it, spread the whole returning

diminutive fluidized bed, whose suitable height is appreciably over feed returning wind resistance tongue;

(3)Use firebrick for laying wall of returner square case entrance door, reserve 100mm space for

observing hole in upper section.

(4)Close blast pipe speedy wind valve, open right side feeding returner returing wind valve and

fluidized valve.

(5)Start up IDF and blower;

(6)Open blower baffle or frequency converter gradually to 100% at 5% velocity, adjust and keep

furnace exit pressure at –30Pa, observe returner working status, record blast column, wind chamber

pressure and corresponding fine ash fluidization status at different open degree, record the building sites

fluidized fine ash completely.

(7)Stop the operation of IDF and blower;

(8)Draw a graph reflecting the corresponding relationship among feeding returner wind pressure, wind

volume, returning ash status at different open degree of blower.

2.27.Boiler cooled status fluidized test:

(1)Store lots of dried bed fuel with granularity less than 10mm and carbon content less than 2%.

(2)Add bed fuel to furnace and spread it, the required thickness is 500mm.

(3)Open two sides blast pipe speedy valve;

(4)Start up IDF and blower;

(5)Open blower baffle or frequency converter gradually to 100% at 5% velocity, adjust blast volume,

keep furnace exit pressure at –30Pa, record the corresponding parameters of blast column, blower exit

pressure, wind chamber pressure, fluidized bed upper pressure and blower current; record construction


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

sites fluidized bed fuel completely.

(6)Close blower baffle or frequency converter gradually to 0% at 5% velocity, adjust blast volume,

keep furnace exit pressure at –30Pa, record the corresponding parameters of blast column, blower exit

pressure, wind chamber pressure, fluidized bed upper pressure, blower current, record construction sites

fluidized bed fuel completely into tiny fluidized.

(7)Stop the operation of IDF and blower;

(8)Draw 500mm thickness fuel layer specialty graph on the basis of parameters average numerical

value at different open degree.

2.28.Boiler Fluidized quality test process:

(1)Start up IDF and blower;

(2)Increase blower baffle or transducer frequency to fluidize bed fuel completely, adjust blast volume,

control furnace exit pressure at -30Pa;

(3)Stop the operation of blower and IDF quickly after 3 minutes;

(4)Enter furnace to ensure bed fuel flat and regular, overhaul staff should be contact if there are

apparent hollow, prominency and bed fuel incline status.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Chapter 3. Boiler startup Note: This chapter shall be learned with more attention by the operator.

3.1.Checking of the boiler equipments

3.1.1.The valves in the steam water system open / shut position before boiler start up shall

be as follows:

System No. NamePositi


Steam System

*001 Electric driven main steam valve shut

*002 Electric driven main steam valve bypass primary valve shut

*003 Electric driven main steam valve bypass secondary valve shut

*004 HP superheated outlet local pressure meter primary valve open

*005 HP superheater outlet lower value pressure meter primary valve open

*006 HP superheater outlet safety valve norma


*007 Steam exhaust outlet manual valve open

*008 Steam exhaust outlet electric valve open

*009 Main steam stop valve shut

*010 Main steam stop valve bypass primary valve shut

*011 Main steam stop valve bypass secondary valve shut

*101 Drum local pressure meter primary valve open

*102 Drum low value pressure meter primary valve open

*103 Drum operation safety valvenorma


*104 Drum control safety valvenorma


*105 Drum electric connection water meter water bypass valve open

*106 Drum electric connection water meter steam bypass valve open

*107 Drum electric connection water meter water discharge valve shut

*108 Drum local water meter water side primary valve open

*109 Drum local water meter water side secondary valve open

*110 Drum local water meter stem side primary valve open

*111 Drum local water meter steam side secondary valve open

*112 Drum local water meter water discharge valve Shut

*113 Drum double color water meter water discharge valve shut

*114 Drum double color water meter water side primary valve open

*115 Drum double color water meter water side secondary valve open

*116 Drum double color water meter steam side primary valve open

*117 Drum double color water meter steam side secondary valve open

*118 Steam and water balance device water side valve open

*119 Steam and water balance device steam side valve open



*126 South side saturated steam sample primary valve open

*127 North side saturated steam sample primary valve open

Feed water


*201 Main feeding water valve shut

*202 Main feeding water pipe connection valve open

*203 Main feeding water front check valve open

*204 Main feeding water back check valve open

*205 Bypass feed water front check valve open

*206 Bypass feed water back check valve open


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

*207 Main feed water pipe control valve shut

*208 Big bypass feed water pipe control valve shut

*209 Small bypass feed water pipe control valve shut

*210 Pressure meter ‘s primary valve in front of Economizer inlet open

*212 Economizer inlet valve open

*215 Feed water platform outlet primary valve shut

*216 Feed water platform outlet secondary valve shut



*219 Left side temperature reducer inlet primary valve shut

*220 Left side temperature reducer inlet secondary valve shut

*221 Left side temperature reducer cold water control valve shut

*222 Right side temperature reducer inlet primary valve shut

*223 Right side temperature reducer inlet secondary valve shut

*224 Right side temperature reducer cold water control valve shut

*225 Economizer recycle primary valve open

*226 Economizer recycle secondary valve open

*228 drum dosing valve open

*229 Superheater back washing valve shut

*230 Water cooling membrane back washing valve shut

*231 South side boiler water sampling primary valve open

*232 North side boiler water sampling primary valve open

*233 Main feed water pressure meter primary valve open

*234 Water flow meter (+) side primary valve open

*235 Water flow meter (-) side primary valve open

*236 Temperature reducing water meter(+)side primary valve open

*237 temperature reducing water meter(-)side primary valve open




*301 Economizer water discharge primary valve shut

*302 Economizer water discharge secondary valve shut

*303 Top tube inlet head left side drainage water primary valve open

*304 Top tube inlet head left side drainage water secondary valve open

*305 Top tube inlet head right side drainage water primary valve open

*306 Top tube inlet head right side drainage water secondary valve open

*307 Upper temperature reducing device drainage primary valve open

*308 Upper temperature reducing device drainage secondary valve open

*309 Lower temperature reducing device drainage primary valve open

*310 lower temperature reducing device drainage secondary valve open

*311 HP superheater inlet head left side drainage primary valve open

*312 HP superheater inlet head left side drainage secondary valve open

*313 HP superheater inlet head right side drainage primary valve open

*314 HP superheater inlet head right side drainage secondary valve open

*315 HP superheater inlet head drainage primary valve open

*316 HP superheater inlet head drainage secondary valve open

添加 Top tube outlet head drainage water primary valve open

添加 Top tube outlet head drainage water secondary valve open

*317 Water discharge valve before #2 steam gate open

*318 Drainage water head main valve shut

*319 Super header steam and water drainage valve open

*320 Emergency water drainage primary valve shut

*321 Emergency water drainage electric valve shut

*322 Steam and water discharge primary valve before steam check valve open

*323 Steam and water discharge secondary valve before steam check valve open


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Air control


*401 Air control valve of economizer inducing pipe open

*402 Drum left side air control valve open

*403 Saturated steam inducing pipe primary valve open

*404 Drum right side air control valve open

*405 Temperature reducer outlet pipe primary air control valve open

*406 Steam discharging to air control valve open






*504 Continuous drainage primary valve open

*505 Continuous drainage secondary valve open


*507 Connecting valve of continuous drainage to periodical drainage shut

*508 continuous drainage inlet check valve shut

*510Periodical drainage water head main valve to periodical drainage vessel main


*511 Periodical drainage head valve to sewer shut

*512 Front water cooling membrane’s lower head left periodical primary valve open

*513 Front water cooling membrane’s lower head left periodical secondary valve shut

*514 Front water cooling membrane’s lower head right periodical primary valve open

*515 Front water cooling membrane’s lower head right periodical secondary valve shut

*516 back water cooling membrane’s lower head left periodical primary valve open

*517 Back water cooling membrane’s lower head left periodical secondary valve shut

*518 Back water cooling membrane’s lower head right periodical primary valve open

*519 back water cooling membrane’s lower head right periodical secondary valve shut

*520 open

*521 Right water cooling membrane’s lower head periodical secondary valve shut

*522 Right water cooling membrane’s lower head periodical primary valve open

*523 Left water cooling membrane’s head periodical secondary valve shut

*524 Left cooling water jacket drainage primary valve shut

*525 right cooling water jacket drainage primary valve shut

*526 right cooling water jacket drainage primary valve shut


*528 evaporator drainage primary valve open

*529 evaporator drainage secondary valve shut


3.1.2 The air and fuel supply system valve open/ shut position before boiler startup

(1) The block plate of the air fan is shut after the testing.

(2) The coal supply air shall be closed and open 1/3 while coal is supplying. The air quantity

shall be adjusted according to the feeding coal quantity and temperature of the bed.

(3) The ignition air gate is open and the left and right air chamber air supplying is shut.

3.1.3 Check the combustion furnace and the slag discharging tube. Keep the manhole,

checking gate and emergency gate works normally. The slag discharging tube gate and the ash

discharging gate is closed and works normally.

3.1.4 Before boiler startup, all the dynamic machinery shall be under conditions and the bearing

have lubricating oil, prepare the cooling water and keep normal water flow. Each local bolt

and safety cover is prepared.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

3.1.5 Check the ignition oil before start up. The stop valve for the oil is tested and open, main

oil gate and steam blowing gate and each oil gun gate is shut. The oil gun is tested normally

for oil spray.

3.1.6 Check the steam and water system; the testing result shall be accord with item 3.1.1.

3.1.7 Check the lighting, road, hygiene conditions of the boiler proper before starting up.

3.2 Feed water operation before boiler startup

1. Before feeding water, record the value of each expansion indicator.

2. Connect with the shift manager; inform the turbine operator tot close the stop valve between

the drainage pump and deaerator.

3. Close the periodical water drainage valve, and the valve to drainage. Open all economizer

recycle value, and each top air control valve.

4. Connect with the shift manager and the turbine operator to start up the drainage pump.

5. When the water level in the drum reaches -30mm, stop the drainage pump, shut the primary

and secondary valve in the drainage system and open the periodical drainage main valve.

6. During feeding water, the temperature of water shall be controlled under 70℃

7. When feeding water, the feeding speed shall be controlled. It shall take not less than 2 hours

from the beginning to the water level -30mm in summer, and not less than 4 hours in winter.

And control the temperature difference of drum wall not more than 50℃.

8. Check the boiler thouroughly, check whether the system has leaking or broken, check the

water level in the drum and correct the water meter.

9. After finishing water feeding, the indication of expansion of each part shall be recorded.

3.3. Preparation to boiler startup

3.3.1 the preparation shall be testing of the boiler and preparation of the working bill.

3.3.2 Connect with the electric operator, check the insulation of the motor, and collect the

power line of the motor to right place.

3.3.3 check the coal storage and coal quality, tell the fuel shift person to supply coal.

3.3.4 Inform the thermal control person to open all the electric value, control value, instrument

and operating device, the automatic power transition and prepare running.

3.3.5 Two hours ahead of the startup, should start the ignition oil pump for oil cycle, check the

pump working conditions and oil system strictness. The spray condition of the oil gun,

keep good spray condition and no leaking record the lowest oil spray pressure.

3.3.6 Four hours ahead of the startup, should check the ESP system and keep the manhole

closed, enable ESP proper no leakage, heat tubes and beating device is put into use.

3.3.7 Inform the chemical water engineers to check the water quality.

3.3.8 Keep the fluidized bed bottom material is added with thickness of 450-500mm,the even

size is not bigger than 10mm. Have the main air fluidize testing, keep record of the air

quantity, pressure and air valve, do the ignite air fluidizing experiment.

3. 4 Ignition under fluidized bed

Keep the furnace under negative pressure, open the ignition air gate, push in the electric


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

ignition gun, and keep the oil pressure at 1.5 MPa and light the oil gun, light up the oil gun

on the other side in the same way. Keep the oil gun burning in good conditions and spray

well, adjust the rotation speed of induced draft fan, keep the outlet of the furnace

pressure at around -50Pa.

3.4.1 Keep the temperature of the burning material on the bed improving evenly, keep the air

temperature under 700℃, control the material temperature improving speed around

5℃/min, when the speed is lower than 3℃/min, the primary air quantity shall be lower

and improve the oil pressure in the oil gun to keep good combustion, if the speed is

higher than 7℃/min, the primary air quantity shall be higher and lower the oil pressure, to

lower down the combustion.

3.4.2 when the oil gun has been put in for more than 90 minutes, and the combustion material

temperature reaches 450 , then shall start up the coal feeder and keep the feeder℃

rotation speed not more than 50rpm. At the same time check the coal quality in the coal

storage,(according to the coal analyses at site ), if the blind coal content are more than

50%, should adopts the better coal with more than 30% volatilization for ignition. During

this period, should add more primary air to avoid the accumulation of fuel in the furnace.

3.4.3 Start up the secondary air fan, open all the coal feeders’ outlet, and improve the

secondary air at 10000 m3/h, and adjust the induced draft fan rotation speed, keep the

furnace outlet pressure at around -50Pa.

3.4.4 When the oil gun has been put in for more than 120 minutes, and the combustion

material temperature reaches 600℃, then can supply more coal step by step, control the

feeder rotation speed not more than 100rpm. During this period, should add more primary

air and keep watching the combustion conditions of the furnace and the oxygen content

variety in the flue gas.

3.4.5 When the oil gun has been put in for more than 150 minutes, and the combustion

material temperature reaches 750℃, shall adjust the oil gun pressure and the coal feeder

rotation speed. If the oxygen content in the flue gas reducing rate exceeding 1.0%/min,

shall reduce the pressure of the oil gun and add more primary air, slow down the coal

feeder’s rotation speed. If the oxygen content in the flue gas reducing rate exceeding

0.3%/min, the oil pressure of the oil gun shall be improved and reduce the primary air,

and improve the coal feeder’s rotation speed.

3.4.6 Check the fuel recycling device working conditions and discharge the ash of it properly.

3.4.7 When the oil gun has been put in for more than 180 minutes, and the combustion

material temperature reaches more than 850℃, the oxygen content in the flue gas

reducing rate under 10%/min and running steadily, shall increase the coal feeding and

stop the oil gun, ask the shift worker to stop the oil pump.

3.4.8 According to the fuel temperature and oxygen content in the flue gas, adjust the coal

feeding quantity, primary and secondary air quantity; keep stable temperature of the fuel.

3.4.9 At the beginning of the ignition, keep watching the coal feeder‘s working and avoid coal

block up and putting off the fire.

3.5 After stopping the oil gun, keep close watch at the furnace and combustion conditions.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

3.5.1 after stopping the oil gun, the air gates for the ignition shall be closed and change to use

the main air gate.

3.5.2 Once the combustion is stable, shall check the equipments thoroughly and keep detailed

record the operating conditions.

3.6 Pressure improvement of the boiler

3.6.1 When the boiler is under pressure increasing, should pay attention to control the

combustion, avoid the big temperature change of the furnace and deflagrate. Keep the

furnace temperatures improving evenly.

3.6.2 When the boiler is under pressure increasing, keep checking the temperature difference

of the drum wall, and con3trol the difference under 50 .℃

3.6.3 To improve the pressure by close or turn down the superheater outlet drainage head

valve and steam discharging valve is prohibited.

3.6.4 During pressure increasing, the economizer recycle valve kept open. And while feeding

water, the valve should be closed.

3.6.5 Keep regular check of each expansion part, if something is wrong, should stop improving

the pressure and solve the problems.

3.6.6 During pressure increasing, keep close watch of the water level in the drum, and keep

normal level.

3.7.1 During pressure increasing, control the speed strictly. The duration time from the ignition

to practice shouldn’t be less than 210 minutes. The boiler pressure increasing speed shall

be like this:

(1)0 MPa——0.5MPa,50~60 min;





3.7.2 When the drum pressure reached 0.05~0.1MPa, shall close the air discharging gate,

close the low temperature superheater inlet head valve and the temperature reducer

head drainage valve.

3.7.3 When the drum pressure reached 0.05~0.1MPa, according to the water meter do the

cleaning of the water meter as follows:

(1) Cleaning procedure of local water meter and electric connecting water meter:

a. Open the water meter discharging valve, clean by steam and water;

b. Close the steam side gate, clean by water;

c. Open the steam valve, shut the water valve, clean by steam;

d. Open the water valve, close water discharging valve, the checked water level

shall be shown in the meter and undulate a little. If no undulation, then

cleaning shall be undertaken again.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(2) The washing procedure of double color water meter is same as local water meter.

3.7.4 When the drum pressure reaches 0.25-0.35MPa, shall conduct the drainage of water

cooling membrane head. And check the strictness of the drainage system, after water

discharging, shall inform the chemical water supervisor to check the boiler water and

steam quality.

3.7.5 When the drum pressure reaches 0.3-0.40 MPa, keep the pressure steady, inform the

maintenance person to tight the screw, and open the electric main steam valve to warm

up the pipeline.

3.7.6 When the drum pressure reaches 1MPa, tell the thermal control worker to operate the

water meter.

3.7.7 When the drum pressure reaches 2.00 MPa, keep the pressure steady, check the boiler

thoroughly. If something is wrong, should stop the pressure increasing and resolve the

problem before increasing the pressure again.

3.7.8. When the drum pressure reaches 2.4 MPa, conduct the periodical drainage one time.

3.7.9 When the drum pressure reaches 3~3.4 MPa, clean the drum water meter and checking

the steam and water quality, conduct the thorough equipment checking. After each

equipment is running normally, increase the pressure and report the shift manager and

inform the related department for the preparation of boiler juxtaposition.

3.8 Safety valve setting data:

Drum safety valve working pressure::4.54Mpa, back seat pressure: 4.05Mpa

Drum safety valve control pressure:4.41Mpa, back seat pressure:4.05Mpa

Superheater safety valve control pressure:4.04Mpa, back seat pressure:3.78Mpa.

3.9.Boiler juxtaposition:

3.9.1 Before boiler juxtaposition, the main steam pipeline shall be fully warmed up. From the

electric main steam bypass valve to the drainage valves shall be open.

3.9.2 Before boiler juxtaposition, shall communicate with the neighbor stoker to make the main

steam temperature and pressure stable with permission.

3.9.3 Before boiler juxtaposition, shall inform the turbine generator to pay attention to the

variation of the steam temperature and pressure.

3.9.4 Before boiler juxtaposition, shall check the correctness of drum water meter and pressure


3.9.5 Boiler juxtaposition shall only be taken under the following conditions:

(1) The boiler equipments shall be running normally under steady combustion.

(2) The drum pressure is 0.05Mpa to 0.1Mpa lower than the steam head pressure.

(3) The temperature is main steam is above 400℃;

(4) The water level of drum is-100mm;

(5) The steam quality from the boiler is qualified.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

3.9.6 The procedure of boiler juxtaposition:

(1) Under the conditions of boiler juxtaposition, and with the order of the shift manager ,

then open the boiler steam stop valve bypass primary valve, then slowly open the

secondary valve, confirm the steam pass through the pipeline.

(2) Slowly open the check valve, time takes shall be not less than 10 minutes.

(3) Close the steam check valve bypass primary valve, close the steam check valve

bypass secondary valve.

3.9.7 During boiler juxtaposition, shall strengthen the watching of the steam temperature,

pressure, and water level.

3.9.8 When the steam temperature reached 300℃ after the temperature reducing device,

then shall use the temperature reducer.

3.9.9 During boiler juxtaposition, shall connect more with the steam turbine shift operator. If

the turbines bypass steam temperature lower down quickly or the main steam pipe is

under water concussion, then shall stop the juxtaposition at once, lower down the

combustion and take more water drainage. Until the system is operating normally then

can take the juxtaposition again.

3.9.10 when the main steam temperature reaches 435℃, close all the water drainage valve

and the steam discharge gate.

3.9.11 After boiler juxtaposition, shall check clean boiler drum water level again, and fully

check the total system, record the value of each the expansion indicator.

3.9.12 The boiler evaporation capacity shall reach more than 50% of the rated capacity after

3 hours of boiler juxtaposition. During the pressure improvement, shall improve the

boiler evaporation according to the site conditions.

3.9.13 After boiler juxtaposition, all the problems occurred during the boiler startup shall be

recorded in the related note book.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Chapter 4 Boiler Operation Monitoring and Adjustment

4.1.The main task of adjustment for boiler operation:

4.1.1 To keep the evaporation amount at the range of rated evaporation so as to meet the requirement

for turbine and heat user.

4.1.2 To keep the normal steam temperature and steam pressure;

4.1.3 To feed water regularly to keep the water level at the normal range of wave;

4.1.4 To ensure the quality of saturated steam and superheated steam;

4.1.5 To keep fine combustion and improve boiler efficiency;

4.1.6 To keep the boiler run safely;

4.1.7 To control the output of boiler so as to meet the environmental standard

4.2.Main adjusting parameters:

Item Unit Rated Max Min Remarks

Drum water level mm -30~+30 +75 -75

Main steam pressure MP


3.82 3.92 3.62 Refer to turbine


Evaporation t/h 45 45

Main steam temperature ℃ 445 450 435 Refer to turbine


Pressure of furnace outlet Pa -30~+30 +100 -100

Fuel temperature ℃ 900 950 850

Recycled solid


℃ 900 1000 850

Oxygen content of flue


% 5.5 6 4

Flue gas temperature of

furnace outlet

℃ 900 950 850

Feed water temperature ℃ 150 150 140

Feed water pressure MP



Exhaust temperature ℃ 150


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Bearing temperature of


℃ 50 80

4.3.Boiler water level adjustment:

4.3.1 The water level is kept at the normal range of wave through the opening of the main water

feeding adjusting valve during the normal running of the boiler. The interrupt of the water feeding

during normal running is strongly prohibited.

4.3.2 The water level of drum is kept at the range of ±30mm during the normal running and the max is

not more than +75mm, -50mm;

4.3.3 The water level of the drum also needs to be monitored while the automatic water feeding

adjuster is adopted and it also needs to check whether the water feeding amount and the main

steam amount are in concordance with each other. If automatic water feed adjuster is broken, it

must switch into manual water feed adjuster in time and let the related people to deal with it;

4.3.4 The feed water temperature and pressure should be monitored frequently during the normal

running. When the feed water pressure is lower than 6.0Mpa or the feed water temperature is less

than 104 , it should let the turbine watch deal with it℃ ;

4.3.5 It should assure the local water gauge complete, with correct direction, easy to see and with

sufficiency of illumination. It should wash the water gauge according to the procedure required in

the “The regulation for boiler operation”.

4.3.6 It should compare the direction of the local water gauge and drum local water gauge periodically.

No less than three times for each shift and the spacing interval should be well-distributed; if the

direction deviation of the two set of water gauge is over 30mm, it should wash the water gauge

immediately and look for the problem and then resolve it.

4.3.7 Pay much attention to the drum water level in case of the following condition:

(1) Boiler load change;

(2) The automatic water feeding device failure;

(3) Boiler drainage;

(4) Breakdown of boiler feed water pipe and valves or overhaul;

(5) Boiler safety valve movement;

(6) Boiler to-air exhaust valve open;

(7) Leakage of boiler bearing parts;

(8) Extinguish of furnace;

(9) Boiler deflagration;

(10) Pressure of feed water changes;

(11) The pressure of boiler drum changes;

(12) Washing water gauge

4.4.Adjustment of superheated steam pressure:

4.4.1 The boiler load should be adjusted properly according to the turbine and outside heat load during


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

operation and the boiler evaporation amount should be adjusted according to it;

4.4.2 Each shift should indicate the pressure difference of the superheated steam between boiler and


4.4.3 The superheated steam pressure should be maintained at the range of 3.62~3.82MPa and the

upper limit is better for operation and thus can improve the efficiency of the unit;

4.4.4 Monitor and pay great attention to the pressure of superheated steam in the following cases:

(1) Increase or decrease the turbine load;

(2) Load loss of outside power network or heat network;

(3) Feed water temperature changes greatly;

(4) The load of nearby boiler changes;

(5) Adjustment of boiler combustion;

(6) Coal feeding break or jam of coal feeder;

(7) Recycled solid stop working;

(8) Coal quality changes;

(9) Leakage of boiler bearing parts;

(10) Extinguish of furnace;

(11) Boiler deflagration;

(12) Mmovement of boiler safety valve

4.4.5 The following measures should be taken so as to maintain the stability of superheated steam

pressure for the boiler parallel operation:

(1) Shift supervisor should distribute each boiler load properly according to the equipment and the load;

(2) When the fireman finds the superheated steam nears the upper limit or lower limits, the fireman

should analysis in advance and look for the problem and solution and adjust the equipment so as to

maintain the superheated steam at certain range;

(3) The electric and turbine attendant should maintain the load changes smoothly.

4.4.6 Through the throw-away exhaust valve adjust the superheated steam pressure is prohibited

during normal operation.

4.5.Adjustment of superheated steam temperature:

4.5.1 The superheated steam temperature can be controlled stably through adjusting the temperature

reducing water according to the boiler evaporation and flue gas temperature before superheater;

4.5.2 Each shift should compare the superheater steam temperature indirection between boiler and


4.5.3 The superheated steam temperature should be controlled between 435~450 during the boiler

normal operation and the upper limit are better for operation and thus can improve the economical

efficiency of the unit;

4.5.4 Monitor and pay great attention to the temperature of superheated steam in the following cases:

(1) Temperature reducing water changes;

(2) Boiler evaporation amount increase or decrease;

(3) Superheated steam pressure increase or decrease;

(4) Boiler feed water temperature changes;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(5) Boiler feed water pipe, valve breakdown or overhaul;

(6) Coal feeding break or jam of coal feeder;

(7) Recycled solid stop working;

(8) Coal quality changes;

(9) Serious lack of water or full water of drum;

(10) Extinguish of furnace;

(11) Boiler deflagration;

(12) Mmovement of boiler safety valve

4.5.5 When the temperature reducing water increases to the max point and the superheated steam

temperature remains higher than the upper limit, it can take the following measures:

(1) Adjust the boiler combustion condition and decrease the central position of emulsion zone;

(2) Reduce the excess air number properly at the allowable range but it should maintain the excess air

number be no less than 1.2;

(3) Reduce the boiler evaporation amount properly;

(4) To contact the turbine attendant to improve the feed water temperature under the allowable


(5) To adjust coal and to choose the coal with high volatility

4.5.6 When the temperature reducing water reaches minimum and the superheated steam temperature

still be lower than the lower limit, it can adopt the following measures:

(1) Close the master valve of temperature reducing water;

(2) Adjust the boiler combustion condition and improve the emulsion zone central situation;

(3) To improve the coefficient of excess steam under the allowable condition, but the coefficient of

excess steam should be no less than 1.4;

(4) Soot blowing for the superheater heated area;

(5) To contact the turbine attendant to reduce the feed water temperature under the allowable


(6) To adjust coal and to choose the coal with low volatility.

4.6.Adjustment for boiler combustion:

4.6.1 To adjust the coal amount according to the boiler load during operation; normally, to adjust the

coal amount and wind amount according to the principle of “slight adjustment, more times for

adjustment” and it should try to avoid the vast scale fluctuate of temperature of bed material;

4.6.2 After receiving commend from shift supervisor or monitor about increasing boiler evaporation,

people should first confirm whether the boiler can increase load or not, then increase the primary air

properly, and then increase coal amount and check the boiler combustion condition should be

without abnormity.

4.6.3 After receiving the commend from shift supervisor or monitor about reducing boiler evaporation,

people should first confirm whether the boiler can reduce load or not, then reduce the primary air

properly, and then reduce coal amount and check the boiler combustion condition should be without


4.6.4 It should control the temperature of material bed stably. The temperature should controlled at the

range of 850~950 during operation; The material bed temperature should be adjusted through the℃


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

primary air amount and adjusting coal amount;

4.6.5 Pay great attention to watch over the temperature of each part for combustion system during

normal operation. If the temperature difference between two sides is over 30 or there is obvious℃

abnormity for the temperature indicating, it should contact the thermal engineering staff to check the

meter. And the high temperature side should be adopted for combustion adjustment before or during

the above problem solved;

4.6.6 Adjust the primary air amount according to the boiler load. To adjust the primary air amount is for

adjusting the fluidization and control the temperature of material bed. The case of primary air

amount reduced to the critical fluidization air is prohibited;

4.6.7 Adjust the secondary air according to the boiler load. To adjust the secondary air is for helping

combustion and control total air amount. Normally, the secondary air takes 50% of the total air


4.6.8 Adjust the induced air amount according to the boiler load. Normally, to control the sub pressure

of the furnace outlet at the range of -30~-50Pa according to the primary air amount;

4.6.9 To control the oxygen content after low temperature superheater to 5~7% through the proper

distribution of primary air and secondary air during operation;

4.6.10 To check coal feeding frequently during normal operation; the coal feeding should happen

smoothly without stopping and jam and the coal size and moisture content should meet the


4.6.11 To check the recycled solid device frequently during boiler operation; to flush off the ash for

recycled solid device when the furnace pressure difference is over 1000Pa;

4.6.12 To ensure the pressure difference of the material bed between 7000~9000Pa during normal

operation; to increase the rotational speed to ensure enough air and air pressure accompanied by

the increasing of the material bed pressure difference;

4.6.13 To water over the changes of the temperature and flue gas resistance; if the flue gas

temperature and resistance changes abnormally, it should check the reason and take the related

measures to resolve it.

4.7.The Automatic Device Operation:

4.7.1 The automatic device should take into operation for normal operation. But it should meet the

following conditions:

(1) The automatic device should be complete, reliable and qualified after checkout;

(2) Boiler operates stably with normal parameters;

(3) The boiler evaporation amount should be over 50% of the rated load.

4.7.2 The automatic device can take into operation after getting the approval from the thermal


4.7.3 It also need to water over the boiler operating parameters after the automatic device taking into

operation. And if abnormity is found, it should try to find some solutions in time;

4.7.4 To stop the automatic device operation and change to manual operation in the following


(1) Load fluctuates obviously and thus influences the fluctuation of the main steam pressure;

(2) Main steam temperature fluctuates obviously;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(3) Combustion abnormity and the vast scale fluctuation of the material bed temperature;

(4) Obvious fluctuation of boiler feed water pressure;

(5) Obvious fluctuation of boiler drum water level;

(6) The automatics device is wrong.

4.8.Boiler Drainage

4.8.1 Boiler continuous blowdown;

4.8.2 The continuous blowdown goes to continuous blowdown flash vessel normally. And the procedure

is as follows:

(1) Open the water drainage valve at the bottom of the continuous blowdown flash vessel slightly;

(2) Open overflow pipe valve for the continuous blowdown flash vessel slightly;

(3) Open the shutoff gate from continuous blowdown flash vessel slightly to deaerator to warm the flash


4.8.3 Open the primary and secondary gate for continuous blowdown and open the entrance for

continuous blowdown flash vessel slightly and adjust the open degree according to the steam-water

quality standard inspected by chemical water attendant.

4.8.4 To check the water level and drainage of the continuous blowdown flash vessel during operation;

4.8.5 Pay attention to watching over the drum water level when the continuous blowdown reaches max;

4.8.6 When the continuous blowdown flash vessel is wrong, it should switch to periodical blowdown

flash vessel;

4.8.7 The boiler periodical drainage is the addition for boiler continuous blowdown which drain the

deposit from the lower header so as to improve the water quality;

4.8.8 The boiler periodical drainage should be done at 13 o’clock to 14 o’clock at day and during the

boiler stable operation;

4.8.9 To let the stoker adjust the drum water level at the upper limit of the allowable range of the

operation before periodical drainage; To inform the stoker maintain the water level stable;

4.8.10 The stoker should pay attention to water over the feed water pressure and the changes of drum

water level during the periodical drainage;

4.8.11 The procedure of periodical drainage is as follows:

(1) To open the periodical drainage door;

(2) During drainage, to open the entire primary door first, then open the secondary door (open the

entire primary door, control the secondary door) and the time is 30 seconds.

(3) For stop, to close the secondary door first then close the primary door and then open the secondary

door and close the secondary door.

(4) After the periodical drainage finished, close the drainage main door and give a report to the stoker

about the drainage result and inform the nearby boiler and make a record.

(5) If the some abnormity or incident about boiler happened during drainage, stop drainage when

receiving the information from stoker about stopping drainage.

4.8.12 To do the periodical drainage slowly and pause drainage if serious shake happened for the

pipes and start drainage after the problem solved.

4.8.13 There should be chemical water attendant to supervise the periodical drainage;

4.8.14 Open two loops or more loops drainage door at the same time during periodical is prohibited.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

The drainage time is more than 15 seconds and less than 30 seconds during primary and

secondary door opening for drainage;

4.8.15 Drainage for two or more sets of boilers at the same time is prohibited;

4.8.16 Stop drainage immediately if the incident happened for boiler during drainage, but the

emergency of drum full water and priming is with exception.

4.9.Boiler slag overflows:

4.9.1 To do the slag overflow when the boiler pressure difference of material bed is over 9000Pa; to

control the pressure difference by using rotate speed of slag cooler.

4.9.2 To do the slag overflows according to the requirement of “more times, less amount and slow

overflow” so that to avoid the influence to furnace combustion condition by fast speed or large

amount slag overflow;

4.9.3 The stoker should water over the pressure difference and temperature parameter changes of the

material bed carefully during slag overflow and water over the loop seal carefully. Reduce the

number of speeds of the primary air properly according to the decrease of the pressure difference of

the material bed so as to maintain the furnace stable combustion;

4.9.4 Stop slag overflow when the pressure difference of material bed is lower than 8500Pa

4.10.Boiler rotation machine operation:

4.10.1 Check the entire rotation machine completely according to the requirement of the boiler

periodical work schedule during boiler operation. In special case, add the checking time or leave

special people for watching over;

4.10.2 Make sample of the air fan lubricating oil during air fan operation and change it if the oil quality

is not qualified.

4.11.Boiler bank

4.11.1 Check the boiler completely after receiving the order of boiler bank and record the founded

defect and abnormity carefully;

4.11.2 Carry out the issued boiler bank operate sheet during boiler bank;

4.11.3 Maintain the pressure difference of material bed at 8500~9000Pa and material bed temperature

at 900~950 before boiler bank so as to maintain boiler load stable;℃

4.11.4 Increase coal amount of coal feeder and the increased coal amount should be 10% of the former

coal feeding and water over the temperature changes of material bed carefully;

4.11.5 Insert the plug board of all the coal feeders when the material bed temperature increase to 5℃

higher than the original temperature and stop coal feeder after the coal finished in drum;

4.11.6 When the material bed temperature stop increasing and keep stable and begin to go down, stop

the secondary air, primary air and induced fan in order immediately and close the baffle plate of air

chamber entrance;

4.11.7 Exhaust the circulating ash in cyclone loop seal device;

4.11.8 The boiler bank time depends on the temperature going down speed of static material bed and if

the material bed is thick and the temperature is high before boiler bank, the boiler bank time will be

longer. If the temperature of static material bed is no less than 600 , it will be restart up easily. The℃

boiler bank time will last 8 hours normally and if it needs to prolong the boiler bank time, it can be


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

done by starting up the air fan for blow the fire before the furnace temperature is no less than 600℃

so that the material bed temperature will increase and then bank the fire.

4.11.9 It can take the following measures if it needs to restart up after the boiler bank: Open the fire

door to observe the condition of static material bed and whether there is slag building before start

up. Then add a small quantity of bituminous coal to stir evenly. After that start up induced fan and

draft fan to adjust to the ignition wind point. Then start up coal feeder and increase coal feeding

amount gradually and control bed temperature by adjusting coal and primary air amount when the

bed temperature reaches 800 . Then put the loop seal device into operation and operate for a time℃

during 20-30% load. Then fix the load pickup speed according to the specific condition. If the time

for boiler bank is very long, it can start up 4 to 5 hours once and rebank the fire once 10 to 15

operations mins and the banking fire procedure is the same as above.

4.12. Check the boiler completely after boilers paralleling and record the founded detects.

4.13.Boiler operation periodical works:

No Iten Operator Keeper Time Remarks

1 Operation record attendant

30 mins before

hand over to the

next shift

2 Safety valve tensile test firemanShift


Boiler stop before

minor overhaul

and overhaul

3 Water gauge proof Vice fireman Once 2 hours

4 Water gauge blowing Vice fireman One time for a shift

5 Periodical drainage Vice firemanDay shift of each


6 Proper complete checkFireman, vice

firemanOnce 2 hours

7 Rotation machine checkFireman, vice

firemanOnce 2 hours

8 Water gauge alarm test firemanShift


One day shift of

once month





9 Rotation machine fueling Vice firemanDay shift of once


10 Electric door test firemanShift


The day shift of

every 15th of

each month





11Thermal signal test

firemanAfter hand over to

the next shift


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Chapter V. Stop of Boiler

5.1.The inspect and preparation before boiler stop

5.1.1 After receiving the command from the monitor, people should check all the equipment for boiler

completely and write down the defect and abnormity carefully.

5.1.2 Stopping of the boiler should be according to the boiler stopping operation regulation;

5.1.3 Before stopping the boiler, it should inform the people on duty in chare of electricity, turbine,

chemical water and fuel system.;

5.1.4 The coal stored in coal bunker, coal hopper and coal feeder should be burned before boiler stop.

In special case, some coal can be left but it should get the permit from the Office in charge of


5.2.Boiler stop procedure

5.2.1 Stopout the automatic and linkage device

5.2.2 Shut off the baffle below the coal hopper. Several minutes later stop the coal feeding.

5.2.3 Shut off the secondary air door gradually to reduce the combustion but it should maintain the

stability of bed temperature and the steam pressure and temperature..

5.2.4 Stop the secondary air according to the reducing of load. Dropt the circulating return ash.

5. 2. 5 Reduce the pressure difference of charge bank properly and turn down the primary air

adjustment door gradually.

5.2.6 Stop primary air after five minutes of ventilation for combustion chamber. Stop the primary,

secondary air baffle of flue gas duct and other related air door baffle completely.

5.2.7 Close the main throttle valve and disconnected door after boiler stop providing steam ( the

steam flow meter points to zero). Open the superheater drainage door for thirty to fifty minutes so as

to cool the superheater.

5.2.8 After the boiler step out, the boiler water level should be a little higher than normal water level.

While the boiler has the steam pressure, special person should monitor it. Open the economizer

recirculating door while stopping water feeding.

5.2.9 Close the cooling water for IDF and primary air fan after stopping the boiler.

5.3. Normal cooling after boiler stopping:

5.3.1 The boiler water should maintain the normal water level after the boiler stopping. If the water level

down to -100mm, it should feed water to boiler and shut off the economizer recirculating door. While

stopping water feeding, it should open the economizer recirculating door. The temperature

difference of drum wall should be controlled in no less than 50 ;℃

5.3.2 Close manhole door tightly after boiler stopping 4 to 6 hours;

5.3.3 Open baffle for inlet and outlet of IDF for ventilation cooling after 6 hours of boiler stopping and

feed water for boiler and drain water through header for one time.

5.3.4 Drain water one time after 8 to 10 hours of boiler stopping and open the manhole door and

inspection door. If it needs accelerated cooling, the IDF can be started and the drainage and water

feeding can the increased.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

5.3.5 Open the blow down door of lower header to drain out the water when the drum pressure less

than 0.2MPa and boiler water temperature less than 80 . Before water drainage, it should connect℃

with the people on duty of chemical water to test the water. If the water is qualified, then drain water

to blow tank and if the water is not qualified, then drain to periodical blowdown flash vessel.

5.3.6 Open the purge door of drum when the pressure of drum down to 0.2MPa.

5.3.7 When the stored water in boiler is finished draining, it should drain the stored water in pipe of

feed water platform out;

5.3.8 It should strengthen the boiler monitoring and inspection when it has pressure in drum or the

electricity of motor is not cut off.

5.3.9 It should write down the main operation and the founded problem during boiler stopping or


PART II Boiler Incident Treatment

Boiler Incident Treatment Procedure and Principle

6.1 Boiler incident treatment procedure:

6.1.1 When the incident happened, the attendants of each post should keep on his duty and

concentrate on the treatment of incident;

6.1.2 To check and test the equipment according to the site and equipment condition and try to find the

reason and the related range soon;

6.1.3 To settle the incident on time according to the regulation of “Regulations on Boiler Operating” on

his duty scope.

6.1.4 Report to the shift supervisor or direct to the leader about the incident in time and try to settle it

according to the instruction of the leaders;

6.1.5 While settling the incident, the shift supervisor on duty should be regarded as the core and each

duty attendants should do the job under the command of the shift supervisor and do it in order;

6.1.6 Normally, the the operating attendant should report to the shift supervisor when he finds the

abnormity or incidents and settle the incident according to the shift supervisor’s command but the

cases which will influence the people’s safety or equipment safety is expectation;

6.1.7 The operator should find the problem and take active measures to deal with it according to his

operation experience when he meets the incidents which are undecided in the “Regulations on

Boiler Operating”.

6.1.8 Take a detailed record about the time, appearance, reason, treatment and the unsolved problem

of the incident after the incident is settled.

6.2 Principle of the boiler incident treatment:

6.2.1 Defuse personal dangerous at the first time if the incident threatens the people’s life;

6.2.2 Defuse the possible dangerous for the equipment;

6.2.3 Eliminate the fault quickly;

6.2.4 Take possible measures to ensure the power supply for power plant self and the continuous

steam supply;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

6.2.5 Try to maintain the equipment running which will not have dangerous influence for people and

other equipment.

6.3. Stop the boiler running immediately in the following cases:

6.3.1 Boiler lack of water and there is no water level display in drum water gauge;

6.3.2 Boiler full of water and the water level exceeds the visible water level in upper part of water level

in drum;

6.3.3 Boiler water wall tube explodes and it will not maintain the normal boiler water level;

6.3.4 Boiler economizer tube explodes and it will not maintain the normal boiler water level;

6.3.5 All the water gauge fail and they can’t water over the water level;

6.3.6 Boiler steam-water tube explodes and it will threaten people’s life;

6.3.7 The superheated steam pressure exceeds the operating pressure of superheater safety valve but

the safety valve refuse to move and the surface-air valve can not open;

6.3.8 The boiler fuel oil system ignites and it threatens people’s life and the safety of equipment;

6.3.9 The refractory material of boiler furnace, loop seal device and cyclone separator extensively

drops off and can not maintain running;

6.3.10 The fuel returns at the flue gas duct and the temperature keeps rising although some measures

are taken;

6.3.11Furnace burst and it will collapse;

6.3.12The extensive slag building happened in boiler furnace and it will not maintain the normal


6.3.13The serious error happened for induced draft fan and it is extremely dangerous;

6.3.14The serious error happened for primary air fan and it is extremely dangerous;

6.3.15When the boiler slag overflow pipe drops off, breakdown or the fan-shaped gate drops off.

6.3.16The explosion door and explosion rupture disk of air chamber blow up.

6.4 The boiler emergency shut down procedure:

6.4.1 It should ask for instructions from shift monitor and shift supervisor and then carry out after

getting the permit except under extreme emergency case without enough time;

6.4.2 Stop supplying coal to boiler immediately;

6.4.3 With qualified condition, it should maintain the induced fan and primary air fan run and stop the

running when the material bed temperature reduced below 600 ; Without qualified conditions, it℃

should stop induced fan and primary air fan run immediately;

6.4.4 When the parallel operation boilers are qualified for off-line, it should report to the shift supervisor

for off-line. If due to the reasons in Item 6.3.2 for boiler stop, it should close the electric main throttle

valve immediately; The unit operation boiler can not make the off-line and it should close the

surface-to- air exhaust steam valve and drainage valve for maintain the pressure and the specific

off-line time should carry out according to the shift surpervisor’s order;

6.4.5 It should cool according to the regulation after boiler emergency stop. It should exhaust the CFB

initial material if the boiler stop happened due to the reasons in Item 6.3.

6.4.6 It should ensure the normal drum water level after boiler emergency stop; adding water to boiler

is strictly prohibited when the boiler stop happened due to the reasons in Item 6.3.1 and it confirms

serious lack of water.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

6.5. Stop the boiler running in the following conditions and the specific time can be decided by

produce deputy manager and the normal boiler stop procedure should be carried out:

6.5.1 Leakage of water cooling wall, economizer, superheater, evaporator, temperature reducer or feed

water pipes;

6.5.2 Refractory material drop off in furnace, cyclone separator and inertia loop seal device but it can

still maintain to work;

6.5.3 There is crevice on chamber wall with the danger of collapse;

6.5.4 Excess temperature to glow of hanging bracket, girder and frame cover;

6.5.5 The boiler main steam temperature excess the allowable value and can’t recover although many

measures are taken;

6.5.6 The temperature difference of the drum upper and lower wall excesses the allowable value and

can’t recover although many measures are taken;

6.5.7 The boiler feed water, boiler water; boiler sutured steam and superheated steam is not qualified

and can’t recover although many measures are taken;

6.5.8 Slight slag building in inner part of CFB boiler but it can still maintain to work;

6.5.9 The boiler loop seal device is clogging but it can still maintain to work;

6.5.10 The case as air fan ventilation value excess the standard, the abnormal increase of the bearing

temperature and the abnormal sound etc can not be solved although many measures are taken;

6.5.11 Serious leakage of steam-generating circuit pipes and the flange and it can not be settled during


6.5.12 No blowdown of superheator safety valve after movement and can not be settled although many

measures are taken.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Chapter I Boiler full water and lack of water

7.1.Boiler full water

7.2.1 Appearance of boiler full water:

(1) The drum water level directs to positive value;

(2) The drum water level I High Alarm will give an alarm when the drum water level excess +50mm,

and the drum water level II High Alarm will give an alarm when the drum water level excess


(3) The superheated steam temperature decreases;

(4) The salt content in steam increases;

(5) The feedwater flow is more than the steam flow which is abnormal;

(6) Water slug is happened in steam pipe and the steam goes out from flange when the water is

seriously full.

7.2.2 The reasons for boiler full water:

(1) Automatic water feeding device fails;

(2) The water gauge, steam flow or feedwater flow indicating fail so that it influents the operators

judgment to make correct operation;

(3) Load rise rapidly;

(4) Boiler water feeding pressure rise suddenly;

(5) The operator watches over the water level not well enough and the adjustment is not proper.

7.2.3 Treatment for boiler full water:

(1) Wash and proofread the distance water gauge and the local water gauge.

(2) Make the automatic water feeding device off line and change to manual adjustment and turn down

the opening of water feeding adjustment valve and reduce the water feeding flow when the water

level is higher than +50mm.

(3) Open the boiler incident emptying conduit and reduce the boiler feed water flow when the water

level is higher than +100mm;

(4) Stop the boiler immediately, close the eclectic main steam valve, stop water feeding, open

economizer recirculating door, open all the incident emptying conduits, open drainage door for high

temperature superheater outlet head and the front drainage door of air disk and inform the nearby

boiler fireman and turbine attendant to pay attention to the changes of main steam temperature

when the water level is higher than visible water level of +250mm in upper part of water gauge;

(5) Adopt the following operation procedures to check the condition of full water after boiler is stopped:

a. Open the water gauge emptying conduit and watch over the water level in water gauge. If there is

water level in water gauge and the bubble appears, it is the slight full water;

b. If no water level in water gauge appears, it is serious full water;

c. After that close the water gauge emptying conduit and recover the water gauge running.

(6) Check the reason for boiler full water and settle it and then pay great attention to the changes of

drum water level;

(7) Start the boiler according to the start procedure of boiler bank when the water level gets right.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

7.2.Boiler lack of water

7.2.1 Appearance of boiler lack of water:

(1) The drum water level directs to negative value;

(2) The drum water level I Low Alarm will give an alarm when the drum water level under -50mm, and

the drum water level II Low Alarm will give an alarm when the drum water level under -150mm;

(3) The superheated steam temperature increases;

(4) The feedwater flow is less than the steam flow which is abnormal (expect when the boiler pipes

blow up);

7.2.2 The reasons for boiler lack of water:

(1) Automatic water feeding device fails;

(2) The water gauge, steam flow or feedwater flow indicating fail so that it influents the operators

judgment to make correct operation;

(3) Water feeding pressure decreases;

(4) Drainage pipe or valve leakage;

(5) With large amount of drainage;

(6) Economizer pipe or water cooling pipe blow up and leak;

(7) Load reduces rapidly;

(8) The operator watchs over the water level not well enough and the adjustment is not proper.

7.2.3 Treatment for boiler lack of water:

(1) Wash and proofread the distance water gauge and the local water gauge.

(2) Make the automatic water feeding device off line and change to manual adjustment and turn up the

opening of water feeding adjustment valve and increase the water feeding flow when the water level

is under -50mm.

(3)Continue feeding water, stop periodical drainage and , close the continuous blowdown valve ,

weaken combustion and reduce the evaporation when the water level is under -100mm;

(4) Stop the boiler immediately, close the eclectic main steam valve and close the main water feeding

valve when the drum water level keep on dropping and the water level disappears in the drum water


(5) After stopping boiler, taking the following measures to distinguish the condition of boiler lack of


a. Open the water gauge emptying conduit;

b. Close the water gauge steam side door;

c. Close the water gauge emptying conduit gradually and watch over the water level in water gauge

and if the water level appears in water gauge it is the slight boiler lack of water;

d. If no water level appears in water gauge, it is serious lack of water;

e. After that, open the water gauge steam side door and close the water gauge emptying conduit to

renew the water gauge running.

(6) When it is the slight lack of water, it should open the main water feeding door to feed water and pay

attention to water over the water level in water gauge. Start the boiler according to the start

procedure of boiler bank when the water level appears in water gauge and the problem of lack


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

water is settled;

(7) When it is serious lack of water, it is prohibited to feed water and to open the economizer

recirculation door. Cool it according to the Boiler Stop and Cooling Procedure.

(8) When the water feeding flow is less than the steam flow, it is prohibited to increase evaporation to

improve drum water level.

7.3.Unclear boiler water level:

7.3.1 Appearance of unclear water level:

(1) It can’t observe the water level in local water gauge;

(2) It can’t distinguish the water level through both remote water level indicator and electric contact

water gauge.

7.3.2 Reasons for unclear water level:

(1) Automatic water feeding device fails;

(2) The water gauge, steam flow or feed water flow indicating fail so that it influents the operators

judgment to make correct operation;

(3) Water gauge jam or broken

(4) The operation waters over the water level not well enough.

7.3.3 The treatment for unclear water level:

(1) Stop the boiler immediately;

(2) Close the boiler electric main steam valve and close the boiler main water feeding valve to stop

water feeding;

(3) Using the local reliable drum water gauge to distinguish the water level in drum according to the

following water checking procedures after boiler is stopped. The water checking procedure is as


a. Open the water gauge emptying conduit gradually and pay attention to watching over the water level

in water gauge, if the water level appears in water gauge, it is slight full water;

b. If no water level appears in water gauge, then close the steam side door of the water gauge and

wash the water part.

c. Close the emptying conduit and watch over the water level in water gauge if the water level rises in

water gauge, it is slight lack of water;

d. If no water level appears in water gauge, then close the water gauge water side door and open the

water gauge emptying conduit, then water over the water level in water gauge. If the water level

goes down in water gauge, it is serious full water;

e. If still no water level appears in water gauge, it is serious lack of water;

f. Open the water gauge steam side wall, water side wall and close the water gauge emptying conduit

and then resume water gauge running.

(4) After the water checking, to take measures are according to the procedures above about boiler lack

of water and full water in accordance with the water checking result.

7.4.Water gauge damage:

7.4.1 Appearance of water gauge damage:

(1) The local water gauge can not correctly observe the water level in drum;

(2) The remote water level indicator and electric contact water gauge can not distinguish the water level


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

in drum.

7.4.2 The reasons for water gauge damage:

(1) Quality problem of water gauge;

(2) Without periodical wash for water gauge according to the regulation so that the water gauge valve

or the glass tube has been jammed.

(3) Electrode is broken for electric contact water gauge.

7.4.3 The treatment for drum water gauge damage:

(1) If the electric contact water gauge fails, it should wash it and contact the thermal engineering

people to deal with it;

(2) If the drum local water gauge is broken, it should make the damaged water gauge off-line

immediately and open the emptying conduit;

(3) If the drum local water gauge is broken, contact the repair people to repair it soon.

(4) It can allow the boiler keep on running for 2 hours when the boiler local water gauge is broken:

a. The automatic water feeding adjustment device can be operated reliably;

b. Boiler water level High and Low Alarm are reliable;

c. Both DCS system water record and electric contact water gauge can direct correctly and compare

with the drum water gauge within 4 hours and the direction is normal;

d. Boiler load stable.

(5) If it is not qualified with the above a, b and d, it can only allow run 20 minute referring to the electric

contact water gauge and dial plate DCS water level record;

(6) Stop the boiler immediately and close the electric main steam valve when the drum local water

gauge is broken and the electric contact water gauge is not reliable. If there is water in drum, then

keep on feeding water after boiler is stopped. For feeding water, the principle of “no low water even

the water level is high” should be adopted. But if it can not confirm whether there is water or not,

please regard it as serious lack of water and settle it according to the boiler serious lack of water

and report that the related leaders and technical people at the first time.


7.5.1 Appearance of priming:

(1) Salt content increases in steam and boiler water from the chemical analysis;

(2) Water level in drum fluctuates rapidly and in serious cases it even can’t observe the water level;

(3) The superheated steam temperature falls down rapidly;

(4) Water slug happened in steam pipes in serious cases.

7.5.2 Reasons for priming:

(1) The boiler water or feed water is not qualified and the suspended substance or salt content are very high;

(2) The drum water level keeps on high level in running for a long time so that the continuous

blowdown is out of function;

(3) Periodical drainage isn’t taken for a long time which should be done according to the regulation or

the occasional drainage pipes jam;

(4) Long time overload for running.

7.5.3 Treatment for priming:

(1) Reduce the boiler output properly and maintain the boiler evaporation stable;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(2) Open the all the continuous blowdown doors and check whether there is pipe jamming;

(3) Periodical blowdown one time;

(4) Inform chemical attendant to stop dosing;

(5) Maintain the drum water level at -50mm;

(6) Open the drainage door of high temperature superheater and main steam pipe and inform the

turbine attendant to open the drainage door at the side of turbine;

(7) inform the chemical attendant to strengthen the supervision for boiler quality test;

(8) It mustn’t increase the boiler output before the boiler water quality hasn’t been improved;

(9) Compare and wash the water gauge after the problem is settled.

Chapter II Damage of Boiler Pressure-containing Member

8.1.Water cooling wall pipe damage:

8.1.1. Appearance of water cooling wall pipes leakage:

(1) There is abnormal sound from leakage place and there is obvious blowing up sound when the

pipe blow up;

(2) Furnace negative pressure fluctuates and the furnace negative pressure changes to positive

pressure when pipe blow up;

(3) Current of induced draft fan increase;

(4) The feed water flow is more than the steam flow which is abnormal and the drum water level

falls down in serious cases;

(5) Leakage side material bed temperature and temperature for loop seal device decline;

(6) Boiler exhaust smoke temperature decline;

(7) The steam goes out from proper of leakage place and it drops water from the low part of slag

pipe when the leakage is very serious.

(8) The boiler loads, main steam pressure and main steam temperature falls down.

8.1.2. Reasons for water cooling wall pipes leakage:

(1) Boiler feed water is not qualified and the chemical water is not qualified. The periodical blowdown

isn’t taken according to the regulations so that the deposit and corrosion appears in the pipe wall;

(2) There are sundries in pipes during installation or inspection so that cooling wall pipe is overheating

due to bad recirculating;

(3) There is defect during cooling wall pipe manufacturing or the material is not qualified or the welding

quality is not fine;

(4) The pipe design is not reasonable so that it destroys the water circulating;

(5) Long time of running in low load therefore the water circulating is not so well;

(6) Serious concentrated wear, without adopting preventive measures during inspection;

(7) Wear resistant material drops off;

(8) Without proper running adjustment, long time of high wind speed running;

(9) Ignition operation is not proper and the time is very short therefore the expansion is uneven;

(10) Feeding water with huge amounts which is wrong when boiler serious lack of water;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

8.1.3. Treatment for water cooling wall pipe leakage:

(1) To take the following measures when through some measures the drum can maintain normal water

level and the combustion is stable after the cooling wall leakage;

a. To adopt enlarging the water feeding amount or reducing the boiler load to maintain the drum water

level at the normal range for running according to the practical condition;

b. To keep the combustion stable when adopting measures to reduce the wind amount or using oil

squirt to help combustion;

c. Report to the shift supervisor to ask for stop boiler and prepare for stopping boiler

(2) Stop boiler immediately when through some measures the drum can not maintain the normal water

level or the combustion is not stable after cooling wall leakage. To stop the boiler according to the

following procedures:

a. Stop coal feeding;

b. Exhaust the CFB bed charge and the ash when the material bed temperature drops to 600 ;℃

c. After exhausting the bed charge, stop secondary and primary air fan;

d. Strengthen feeding water to maintain the drum water level. Stop feeding water and close the

economizer recirculating door when the feeding water flow over the boiler rated evaporation amount

and the drum water level can not maintained;

e. Stop induced draft fan after 10 minutes from stopping the primary air fan..

8.2.Damage of economizer pipe:

8.2.1 Appearance of economizer leakage:

(1) Water feeding flow is more than the steam evaporation flow which is abnormal. The drum water

level falls down when serious leakage;

(2) There is abnormal sound in economizer leakage place. In serious cases, the imprecise place of tail

flue gas duct and the bottom drop water;

(3) The temperature of flue gas after economizer reduces and the temperature difference in two sides


(4) Exhaust smoke temperature reduces;

(5) The flue gas resistance increases;

(6) Induced draft fan current increases;

8.2.2 Reasons for economizer pipe leakage:

(1) The feed water is not qualified for a long period therefore the deposition and corrosion appears in


(2) The economizer pipes material is not qualified;

(3) Welding work is not good during installation;

(4) There is a sundry jammed in pipes which causes the water flow blocks;

(5) Don’t take the correct measures for the economizer recirculation during start and stop boiler;

(6) Adjustment is not proper and the wind speed is too heavy during running which causes serious

abrasion of the pipes;

(7) The cyclone separator fails and the separating efficiency is low thus causes the fly ash content in

flue gas increases and the abrasion is serious.

8.2.3 Treatment for economizer leakage:


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(1) Increase the feeding water flow, reduce the boiler load and maintain the drum water level running at

the normal range;

(2) Report to the shift supervisor and ask for stopping the boiler and prepare for stopping boiler;

(3) Stop boiler immediately when the feeding water flow is over the rated evaporation amount and it

can not maintain the normal drum water level. To stop the boiler according to the following


a. Stop feeding coal;

b. Stop secondary and primary air fan and exhaust the circulating ash when the material bed

temperature reduces to 600 ;℃

c. Maintain the normal drum. Stop feeding water and close the economizer recirculating door when the

feeding water flow is over rated evaporation amount;

d. Stop induced draft fan after 10 minutes from stopping the primary air fan.

8.3.Damage of superheated pipes:

8.3.1 Appearance of superheater pipe leakage:

(1) Feeding water flow is more than steam flow which is abnormal;

(2) There is abnormal sound at the leakage place;

(3) Induced draft fan current increases;

(4) The furnace negative pressure fluctuates and the furnace negative pressure changes positive

pressure in serious case;

(5) Smoking or ash going to outside in the imprecise place of the leakage proper;

(6) The temperature of flue gas after superheater reduces and the temperature difference in two sides


8.3.2 Reasons for superheater pipe leakage:

(1) The chemical supervision is not strict or there is defect in the steam water separation which causes

the superheated steam is not qualified and the deposition in pipes causing bad heat transferring;

(2) The running adjustment is not proper therefore the superheater runs at excess temperature

condition for a long period;

(3) The material is not qualified or there is defect during manufacturing or installation;

(4) The pipe stagger arrangement is uneven which causes the concentrated wear;

(5) The separating efficiency of cyclone separator reduces, which causes the fly ash in flue gas duct

concentration is very high therefore getting abrasion;

(6) The running adjustment is not proper and the wind speed is very high, which cause serious pipe


8.3.3 Treatment for superheator pipe leakage:

(1) Reduce the load , maintain boiler running , report to the shift supervisor to ask for stopping

boiler and prepare for stopping boiler when the superheater is found slight leakage but it can

maintain the steam pressure and temperature;

(2) Stop boiler immediately when the superheater leakage is serious and it can’t maintain steam

pressure and temperature. Stopping boiler immediately according to the regulation in Item 6.5.

8.4.Water feeding pipe leaks:


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

8.4.1 Appearance of water feeding pipe leakage:

(1) The pipe insulating layer is humid and drops water when the water feeding pipe leaks slightly;

(2) There is obvious sound and the abundant water flows out when the water feeding pipe cracks;

(3) Boiler drum water level goes down;

(4) Water feeding pressure goes down;

8.4.2 Reasons for water feeding pipes leakage:

(1) Pipe material is not good;

(2) Installation process is not good;

(3)Water feeding pressure and temperature changes frequently, which cause the metal tired and the

intensity, reduce;

(4) The pipe design is not reasonable, which causes expansion is interrupted;

(5) The feeding water quality is not qualified for a long period, which causes the pipe abrosion;

(6) The heating coil is not sufficient when the pipe is for commission.

8.4.3 Treatment for water feeding pipe leakage:

(1) When the water feeding pipe leakage is slight and it may not influence water feeding, it should

register the equipment defect and prepare for predicting defect enlarging;

(2) Reduce the boiler load, maintain the drum water leve, ask for stopping boiler and prepare for boiler

stopping when the water feeding pipe leakage is serious and it influences the normal water feeding;

(3) Stop boiler immediately when the water feeding pipe cracks or bursts. Stopping boiler procedure

should be done according to the boiler serious lack of water.

8.5.Water slag of water feeding pipe:

8.5.1. Appearance of water slag of feeding pipe:

(1) Strong vibration and impact of water feeding pipe;

(2) Violent fluctuation of water feeding flow and water feeding pressure.

8.5.2. Reasons for water slag of water feeding pipe:

(1) The air in pipes isn’t completely discharged when the water feeding pipes is for commission;

(2) The heating coil isn’t sufficient when the water feeding pipe is for commission;

(3) The water feeding pump runs abnormally or the feeding water amount is unstable, thus causing the

frequent wave of the water feeding pressure;

(4) The water feeding temperature fluctuates frequently in vast scale;

(5) The front and back pressure difference of water feeding door is too huge;

(6)The water feeding pump stop suddenly or the water feeding door is suddenly interceptted, thus

causing the violent fluctuate of pipes.

8.5.3. Treatment for wash slag of water pipes:

(1) Stop pipe commission and strengthen warming pipe and discharging and then start commission

gradually after the water slug disappears if the pipe commission causes water slug;

(2) If due to the water feeding pumps , feeding water temperature or pressure ect causes the water

slug, it should contact the turbine attendant to ensure the water feeding pump operate , ensure the

water feeding parameter and reduce the boiler load properly;

(3) If due to the water feeding, it should reduce the water feeding flow and ensure the even feeding


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

water to boiler.

8.6.Water slug of steam pipe:

8.6.1 Water slug of steam pipe appearance:

(1) Steam pipe violent vibration or swing and huge sound are accompanied;

(2) The steam pressure and temperature fluctuate violently;

(3) The water slug happened in turbine.

8.6.2 Reasons for water slug of steam pipe:

(1) The design of steam pipe is not proper and there is there is theoretical dead corner therefore it can’t

drain water;

(2) It doesn’t drain the water according to the requirement when the steam pipe is for commission;

(3) Warming pipes is not sufficient when the steam pipe is for commission;

(4) The temperature reducing water is too much, which causes the steam temperature reduces rapidly

or the steam is accompanied with water;

(5) The drum is full of water or the steam water separating work is abnormal, which causes the steam

is accompanied with water.

8.6.3 Treatment for water slug of steam pipe:

(1) Stop the boiler air disk and electric main steam valve immediately when the water slug of steam

pipe is happened;

(2) Open all the drainage doors in steam pipes and inform the turbine attendant to open all the

drainage doors of the steam pipes;

(3) Report to the shift supervisor and find the reason of the water slug of steam pipe and then settle the


(4) Restart the parallel operation after the reason is found and the problem is settled. The parallel

operation condition and the process should be in accordance with Item 3.9;

(5) After the problem is settled, it should check the bracket and try to settle the problem in time.

Chapter III Boiler combustion fault

9.1.Flue gas duct re-combustion:

9.1.1 Flue is burned at the bottom:

(1) The smoke exhaust temperature increases rapidly;

(2) Outlet temperature of primary air and secondary air increase;

(3) Main steam temperature increases;

(4) Negative pressure of tail flue gas duct changes violently. And exhaust ash from the imprecise place

of the flue gas duct;

(5) Oxygen content in flue gas reduces;

(6) The flue gas is black observing from the chimney.

9.1.2 Reasons for flue gas duct re-combustion:

(1) The wind and coal distribution ratio is imbalance due to improper combustion adjustment;

(2) The negative pressure of furnace is very high and the fluidizing speed is very fast, thus causing the

combustible matter deposits at the flue gas duct for a long time;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(3) Cyclone loop seal device fails, thus causing the separating efficiency goes down;

(4) Without sufficient ventilation when the boiler starts up;

(5) Oil gun atomization is not good when the boiler starts up or it runs for a long time with oil adding.

9.1.3 Treatment for flue gas duct re-combustion:

(1) To adopt the following measures when the flue gas temperature rises abnormally but it hasn’t

reached to 250 :℃

a. To check the wind and coal distribution ratio and adjust the combustion reasonably;

b. To adjust the furnace negative pressure and reduce the fluidizing speed;

c. To check the loop seal device working condition and discharge the ash immediately when the ash

jammed is found.

(2) When the flue gas temperature reaches 250 , adopting the following measures:℃

a. Stop boiler at once;

b. Close the baffle of each air fan and the manhole strictly after boiler is stopped, and the ventilation is


c. Open the manhole of flue gas duct to check it 6 hours after boiler is stopped. To confirm whether the

combustion in flue gas duct is extinguished and start induced fan and make forced draft ventilation

for 30 minutes, then start it according to the banking fire procedure.

9.2.Coal feeder stops feeding coal:

9.2.1. Appearance of coal feeder stop feeding coal:

(1) Check the coal feeder and the coal moving stops or the coal hopper is empty;

(2) Material bed temperature and the back part temperature goes down;

(3) Boiler evaporation goes down;

(4) Main steam temperature and the main steam pressure falls down;

(5) Oxygen content in flue gas rises.

9.2.2. Reasons for coal feeder stop feeding coal:

(1) Coal bunker is empty;

(2) Coal size is too fine or the humidity is too heavy , which causes the coal moving stopped;

(3) Coal feeder or screw conveyor fail;

(4) There are iron panal or wood panal jammed in raw coal;

(5) Coal in coal chute of coal feeder adheres, thus causing the coal falling area reduces.

9.2.3. Treatment for coal feed stopping feeding coal:

(1) The fireman should do according to the following procedure when it is confirmed the coal is


a. Add the other two coal feeder rotational frequency immediately when one coal feeder stops feeding

coal. The increased rotational frequency should be about 120% of the stopped coal feeder’s

rotational frequency , reduce the primary air fan air amount slightly according to the material bed

temperature reducing condition and adjust the furnace’s negative pressure ;

b. When all the coal feeders are stopped at the same time, it should increase the rotational frequency

to max, reduce the primary air amount greatly according to the material bed temperature reducing


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

condition and adjust the negative pressure of furnace;

c. Recover the air amount to the air amount before coal feeding is stopped and the coal amount to the

coal feeder is stopped when the material bed temperature stop decreasing and begin to increase

and the oxygen content in flue gas stop rising;

d. Recover the parameters gradually.

(2) The deputy fireman should go to the coal feeder site immediately when the coal feeding is stopped

and it should do according to the following procedures:

a. If the coal blockage is caused by the small and fine size of raw coal or moisture, it can adopt poking

or knocking way, which will make the coal conveying smoothly;

b. If the coal bunker is empty, it can adopt knocking or smashing way, which will make the non flowing

coal falls through coal bunker and contact the coal conveying attendant to feed coal;

c. If the coal feeder or screw conveyor fails, it should report to the shift supervisor and contact the

maintainer to settle it;

d. If the through flow area reduces, thus causes coal feeding is stopped, it should check clean the coal

chute after the combustion is stable.

9.3.Boiler fire-extinguishing:

9.3.1 Appearance of boiler fire extinguishing:

(1) The furnace is black and can’t see the flame combusting from the observation door;

(2) Furnace negative pressure increases;

(3) The material bed temperature and the temperature of succeeding parts reduce rapidly;

(4) Boiler evaporation reduces rapidly;

(5) Main steam pressure and main steam temperature reduce rapidly;

(6) The oxygen content in flue gas rises rapidly;

(7) The drum water level falls down at first and then rises.

9.3.2 Reasons for boiler fire-extinguishing:

(1) The boiler coal feeder fails or the coal feeding is stopped for a long time;

(2) Boiler runs at the very low load and therefore the material bed temperature is lower than the

coal ignition point;

(3) Coal is very poor and therefore the material bed temperature is very low;

(4) The coal volatile content is too low and the ignition point is too high;

(5) The furnace cooling wall leaks seriously;

(6) There is a lot of dust stratification in loop seal chamber and it returns to furnace suddenly, thus

makes the material bed temperature reduces rapidly and the pressure difference of material bed

increases rapidly;

(7) Slag overflow is too much, thus causing the material bed is too thin;

(8) The furnace concrete area drops off.

9.3.3 Treatment for boiler fire-extinguishing:


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(1) To check the coal feeding is normal or not and then start and ignite it according to the Ignition

and Start Up Procedure if the fire extinguishing is caused by coal feeding is stopped;

(2) To change coal if fire extinguishing is caused by coal quality and then start and ignite it

according to the Ignition and Start Up Procedure;

(3) If the fire extinguishing is caused by cooling wall leakage , to settle it according to Item 8.1.3;

(4) Stop boiler immediately if the fire extinguishing is caused by the ash clogging in loop seal

chamber enters into furnace. After the boiler is stopped and the material bed is put in the normal

place, start and ignite boiler according to the Ignition and Start Up Procedure;

(5) Stop boiler immediately and add bed charge to furnace and then start and ignite boiler

according to the Ignition and Start Up Procedure if the fire extinguishing is caused by slag overflow

is too much;

(6) If the fire extinguishing is caused by huge concrete area of furnace drops, to start and ignite

boiler according to the Ignition and Start up Procedure.

9.4.Boiler slag building:

9.4.1. Appearance of boiler slag building:

(1) Part or the whole CFB material bed temperature increases rapidly;

(2) The loop seal temperature increases first and then decreases;

(3) The fluidizing condition becomes bad and brilliant white spark splashes to outside observing

from the manhole;

(4) Boiler evaporation amount decreases;

(5) Boiler main steam pressure and temperature decreases;

(6) Air pressure of boiler air chamber increases and the pressure difference of material bed

increases but without fluctuation;

(7) Furnace negative pressure increases continuous;

(8) Difficult for slag overflow and coke button is found at the overflowed slag or the slag chute.

9.4.2. Reasons for boiler slag building:

(1) Huge coal amount and the low ash fusion point causes that the material bed temperature

exceeds the fuel melting temperature, therefore the bed charge is melt down;

(2) The primary air flow is below the fluidizing limit during running, therefore the sectional area

temperature is too high which causes the bed charge melting;

(3) The wind cap jamming or damaged causes sectional area fluidizing badly and the temperature

too high and the bed charge melting;

(4) There is a lot of sundries on CFB bed , which causes the sectional fluidizing badly ,

temperature very high and the bed charge melting;

(5) Material bed is too thin, thus causing the sectional temperature is too high and bed charge



SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(6) Material bed is too thick and it surpasses the primary air output, thus causing fluidizing bad and

temperature too high and the bed charge melting;

(7) Long time for oxygen poor combustion, thus causing the stored heat in bed charge too much

and the bed charge melting after deflagrate;

(8) The material bed temperature indication is wrong, therefore it causes the operator makes

wrong judgment as feeding coal too much and the bed charge melting;

(9) The air enters into furnace during banking fire so that the martial bed surface burns and the

material bed surface is excess temperature and melting;

(10) The wind, coal and oil distribution is not proper during ignition and start up, which causes the

sectional part excess temperature and the bed charge melting.

9.4.3. Treatment for boiler slag building:

(1) If the sectional part of furnace is confirmed as slag building, but it can maintain running, it should

strengthen combustion adjustment and improve fluidizing speed and keep on running while

reducing the boiler load properly;

(2) If it is serious slag building and can not keep on running, it should stop the boiler immediately

according to the Boiler Stop Procedure.

9.5.Loop seal device clogging:

9.5.1 Appearance of loop seal device clogging:

(1) Material bed of the clogging side temperature is very high and the loop seal temperature is very


(2) Circulating ash concentration of cyclone loop seal device in clogging side is very high;

(3) Boiler evaporation reduces;

(4) Main steam pressure and temperature goes down;

(5) The ash circulating in loop seal chamber bogs down when observing from the manhole of loop seal


(6) The temperature of loop seal at clogging side is low.

9.5.2 Reasons for loop seal device clogging:

(1) The design of recycled solid ash outlet is unreasonable and the through flow area is too small;

(2) The boiler load is too high; therefore the recycled solid ash amount is too huge;

(3) The refractory material in loop seal chamber drops off, thus causing the loop seal device jammed;

(4) The foreign material drops in loop seal device during inspection period;

(5) The water cooled jacket of cooling wall leaks, which causes the recycled solid ash moist and ash


(6) The loop seal wind cap or the loop seal wind pipe jammed, which causing the loop seal wind


9.5.3 Treatment for loop seal device clogging:

(1) It should weaken combustion and reduce boiler load after the loop seal device is confirmed


(2) Inform the shift supervisor and ask for stopping boiler and prepare for stopping boiler.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

9.6.Cyclone separator clogging:

9.6.1 Appearance of cyclone separator clogging:

(1) The furnace pressure difference directs zero;

(2) The material bed temperature is high and the loop seal temperature reduces while clogging;

(3) The loop seal temperature increases while no clogging;

(4) Boiler evaporation amount goes down;

(5) Oxygen content in flue gas increases;

(6) Main steam pressure and temperature reduces;

(7) The circulating ash flow blogs down observing from observing hole;

(8) Material bed pressure difference reduces slightly;

(9) The negative pressure of furnace outlet diminishes.

9.6.2 Reason for cyclone separator clogging:

(1) The refractory material in cyclone separator drops off, which causes the loop seal channel is


(2) The ash content during recycled solid is too much, which is excess the recycled capacity;

(3) The recycled solid temperature is too high and excess the recycled ash deformation

temperature, therefore the recycled ash in recycled channel is cohesive and jamming and the

recycled through flow area recedes;

(4) The recycled wind cap for loop seal device or the recycled wind pipe are jammed, which

causes the recycled wind unsmooth;

(5) The water jacket leaks, which causes the recycled ash is moist;

(6) Slag overflow speed is too fast or the slag overflow amount is too much, which causes the loop

seal wind pressure fluctuates violently;

9.6.3 Treatment for cyclone loop seal device clogging:

(1) The fireman should operate as the following procedures after it confirms that the cyclone loop seal

device is clogging:

a. To control the material bed temperature stop rising through vast scale of weakening combustion;

b. When the material bed temperature stop rising, to adjust the coal feeding amount and control the

boiler to run at about 80% of the former load;

c. To reduce the primary air amount according to the material bed temperature;

d. When the furnace pressure difference direction changes from zero to positive, and the loop seal

temperature of clogging begins to rise and the loop seal temperature tends to balance and when the

loop seal device is confirmed smoothness, it should strengthen combustion gradually and recover to

the formal load.

(2) When the loop seal device is confirmed as clogging, the deputy fireman should operate according

to the following procedures:

a. Go to the site immediately, open the slag chute and slag door of the loop seal device to discharge


b. If some foreign matter is found in loop seal device which influence the ash discharging, it should

adopt poke and knock methods until the ash discharging smooth;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(3) If the ash discharging still unsmooth although many methods are adopted, it should report to the

monitor and ask for fire banking and prepare for fire banking;

(4) Bank the fire according to the fire banking procedure after getting the permit of the shift supervisor.

Contact the maintainer to deal with the clogging of the loop seal device after fire banking;

(5) To check the equipment completely after the clogging is settled. If it is qualified for start up, it should

start up according to the fire banking procedure; If it is not qualified for running, it should start the

induced draft fan, primary air fan again to cool the bed charge to 600 , and operate according to℃

the normal boiler stopping and cooling procedure.

9.7.Slag pipe damage:

9.7.1 Appearance of slag pipe damage:

(1) The slag pipe drops off or break off or the fan-shaped gate of slag pipe drops off from the site


(2) A lot of hot bed charge sprays from the damaged slag pipe;

(3) Material bed pressure difference and air chamber air pressure reduces rapidly;

(4) Material bed temperature rises rapidly;

(5) Primary air increases rapidly and furnace negative pressure changes into positive;

(6) Loop seal device clogging.

9.7.2 Reasons for slag pipe damage:

(1) Welding work is not good and the weld crater seal off and drop off;

(2) The slag pipe is knocked by foreign matter and break off;

(3) The fan-shaped gate drops off because of the fixed bolt out of button or abrasion.

9.7.3 Treatment for slag pipe damage:

(1) Stop induced fan, primary air, coal feeder and secondary air running when the slag pipe drops

off, break s off or the fan-shaped gate drops off;

(2) To deal with it according to the normal boiler stopping or cooling regulation when the slag pipe

drops off or the air chamber breaks off ;

(3) If the slag pipe is found outside the air chamber breaks off or the fan-shaped gate drops off, it

should deal with it according to the fire banking procedure and contact the maintainer to check it;

(4) When the maintainer finishes the slag pipe treatment, it should check the bed charge in

furnace. If the bed charge’s thickness is no less than 300mm, it should start up according to the fire

banking procedure; If the bed charge’s thickness is less than 300mm, it should add bed charge to

400mm, then start up according to the fire banking procedure.

9.8.Refractory material damage:

9.8.1. Appearance of refractory material damage:

(1) The temperature of steel girder or guard sheet in damaged place is high and even the sectional

part glowed;

(2) The ask leaks or smokes from the imprecision place;


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(3) Slag pipe is jamming when the refractory material in combustion chamber is damaged;

(4) The loop seal device is jamming and wind pressure increases when the refractory material in

cyclone separator is damaged;

(5) Boiler evaporation amount goes down;

(6) Main steam pressure and main steam temperature falls down.

9.8.2. Reasons for boiler refractory material damaged:

(1) The refractory curing is not proper after the refractory material checking and the temperature

increases very fast;

(2) The refractory material expand unevenly if the ignition and boiler stop operation isn’t according

to the required procedure;

(3) The refractory material quality is not good;

(4) It doesn’t do the installation work for refractory material according to the requirement;

(5) Long time for operation but without on time repair.

9.8.3. Treatment for boiler refractory material damage:

(1) If the refractory material in combustion chamber is damaged, it should reduce the combustion

and fall down the boiler evaporation and check the slag pipe;

(2) If the slag pipe is jammed completely due to the refractory material damage, it should use the

special tool to unplug and maintain running; If the unplugging is without effect, it should report to the

shift supervisor when the material bed pressure difference reaches 11000Pa and ask for stopping

boiler and prepare for stopping boiler;

(3) If the loop seal is stopped by refractory material in loop seal device is damaged, it should deal

with it according to the Item 9.5.3;

(4) If the loop seal is stopped by the refractory material in cyclone separator is damaged, it should

deal with it according to Item 9.6.3;

(5) If the refractory material in other parts is damaged but it doesn’t cause the expansion of the

incident, it should pay attention to checking and report to the shift supervisor and ask for stopping

boiler and prepare for boiler stopping.

Chapter IV Electric System Fault

10.1.Load reduces rapidly:

10.1.1. Appearance of rapid load reducing:

(1) Main steam flow reduces rapidly;

(2) Main steam pressure and main steam temperature increases rapidly;

(3) Drum water level firstly falls down and then rises;

(4) Superheater safety valve moves.

10.1.2. Reasons for rapid load reducing:


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

(1) Some problem happened in eclectic network

(2) Some problem happened in electric system or turbine system;

(3) Electric or turbine attendant operates wrongly.

10.1.3. Treatment for rapid load reducing:

(1) Stop the entire automatic device and change to manual operation;

(2) Open the to-air exhaust valve immediately;

(3) If the main steam pressure rises to the the pressure when the superheator safety valve moves but

the superheater safety valve refuses to moving, it should move the safety valve manually;

(4) To reduce the coal feeding amount and reduce the primary air , but the primary air amount must be

higher than the min fluidizing air amount and maintain the material bed temperature is no less than

850 ;℃

(5) Maintain the main steam temperature and drum water level stable;

(6) It should discharge the ash and slag when the load can not recover in short time;

(7) After the problem is settled, it should run with load gradually according to the shift supervisor’s


10.4.1 Appearance of power plant self power breaks off:

(1) The rotating equipment stops and the electric current meter and the heat engineering meter are

without indication.

(2) Boiler evaporation, steam pressure, steam temperature and water level go down at the same time.

(3) The head lamp extinguish, incident loudspeaker hoots and the incident lamp is light.

10.4.2Treatment for power plant self power break off:

(1)Stop the power of each motor and contact the shift supervisor to check when the power will recover

and prepare for the restart up. If the power can not recover in short time, it should do according to the

normal fire banking.

(2)Open the superheater blow down valve after the power breaks off and if the steam pressure rises.

(3)Send special people to water over the water level and maintain the drum water level. Close the drain

valve and incident water discharging door (to check whether there is leakage or not) precisely.

(4)Close loop seal air door and inform the slag removing people to discharge loop seal ash.

(5)Close the air door baffle and prepare for the starting up.

(6)Close the boiler filling valve and open the economizer recirculation valve.

( 7) Recover the power and fill water after the feed water pump start up (close the economizer

recirculation valve).

(8)Start up air fan set by set under the monitor’s command and prevent starting up the air fans at same

time, which will make the pressure decreases and current increases so that the motor is destroyed.

(9)Start up air fan and open furnace door then check whether there is slag building. Stop boiler, clean

the slag building and report the shift supervisor if the slag building make it difficult for fluidizing.

(10)Make a record about the treatment process.


SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

Chapter V Auxiliary Equipment Fault

11.1 Air fan fault:

11.1.1. Appearance of air fan fault:

(1) The electric current meter indication waves too much;

(2) Air fan outlet pressure changes;

(3) There is abnormal sound such as impact or frication in air fan;

(4) The bearing temperature is too high;

(5) The air fan vibration is over the prescribed value;

(6) The air fan tandem is over the prescribed value;

(7) The motor temperature is too high or it smokes.

11.1.2. Reasons for air fan fault:

(1) The rotor impeller wears for a long time, which causes the rotor out of balance;

(2) The flue gas with moisture causes the rotor corrosion and deposition, which causes the rotor

out of balance;

(3) The foundation bolt of air fan or motor becomes flexible;

(4) The bearing lubricating oil is bad or the lubricating oil is not enough , which causes the bearing

is too hot;

(5) The cooling water is interrupted or the cooling water is not enough, which causes the bearing is

too hot;

(6) The manufacturing or inspecting of bearing or rotor is bad and there is defect;

(7) The air fan and motor are misalignment, due to the bad installation.

11.1.3. Principle for the air fan fault treatment:

(1) When the air fan temperature increases:

a. Check the lubricating oil quality and quantity, and change lubricating oil if quality is bad and add

lubricating oil if the oil is not enough;

b. Check the cooling water, if the cooling water is unsmooth or stops, it should report to the shift

supervisor and check the cooling water system so that recover the cooling water smooth;

c. Reduce the air fan output and try to find out the reason and settle it if the bearing temperature is over

60 ;℃

d. If the bearing temperature is over 70 , it should cool the bearing using cooling water and then℃

reduce the air fan output, then find out the reason and settle it;

e. Stop the air fan running when the bearing temperature is over 80 .℃

(2) Air fan vibration is very huge:

a. If the air fan vibration does not influence the damage of the equipment, it should reduce the air fan

output and try to find out the reasons; then report to the shift supervisor and the related leaders;

b. Fasten the air fan foundation bolt under the condition of safety running during air fan running



SDMECO GGP Cogen Power Plant Boiler Operation Regulations

c. If the air fan trends to vibrate, it should let special people to water over it;

d. Stop air fan when the air fan vibration is over the allowable value;

(3) When the tripping happened for induced fan or the primary air fan, but there is without obvious

defect for the air fan or the obvious current wave, it can allow switching on.

(4) If the tripping happened for the secondary air, it should report to the shift supervisor and the

eletric attendant, it can allow switching on.

(5) Stop air fan in the following cases:

a. The air fan vibrates violently or impacts or rubs;

b. The temperature of bearing for air fan or the motor increases abnormally, and the temperature

is over ultimate value although some measures are adopted;

c. Current increases rapidly and is over the rated current during motor running;

d.Motor smokes or the fire fighting is happened;

e. The human injury is happened, only by stopping air fan, can settle it.

11.1.4. Treatment for air fan fault: It should operate according to boiler stop procedure when the

induced air fan is stopped due to the induced air fan fault.

11.1.5. Treatment for primary air fan fault: It should operate according to the boiler stop

procedure when the primary air fan is stopped by primary air fan fault.

11.1.6. Treatment for secondary air fan stopping due to the fault:

(1) It should weaken the combustion and reduce the boiler load to about 50% of the rated load and

maintain running when the secondary air fan is stopped due to the fault;

(2) If the secondary air fan still can not put into running after over two hours, it should report to the

shift supervisor and ask for boiler stopping and prepare for boiler stopping;

(3) It should operate according to the normal boiler stop procedure after getting the command from

the shift supervisor.

11.2.Primary air fan surges:

11.2.1. Appearance of primary air fan surging:

(1) Current of FDF waves violently;

(2) Outlet pressure of FDF and air pressure of air chamber changes violently, and the strong

noise is accompanied by air fan proper;

(3) Pressure difference of material bed waves violently;

(4) Material bed temperature rises;

(5) Boiler evaporation goes down.

11.2.2. Reasons for primary air surging:

(6) Slag pipe is jammed or the slag discharging is not on time, which causes the material bed

is too high;

(7) The air chamber leaks slag seriously, which causes the ventilation area in air chamber is 68

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very small;

(8) Section of material bed is slag building;

(9) Wind pressure of primary air fan goes down.

11.2.3. Treatment for primary air fan surging:

(1) Discharge slag immediately and reduce the material bed thickness;

(2) Improve opening of the primary air fan input damper or the frequency transformator, to improve the primary

air pressure;

(3) Reduce the coal feeding amount;

(4) Discharge slag from the air chamber;

(5) It should ask the shift supervisor to operate according to the normal boiler stop procedure if the

primary air surgeing is happened due to the slag pipe jammed although some measures are

adopted but without effect.

(6) It should ask the shift supervisor to operate according to the normal boiler stop procedure if the

sectional material bed slag building is happened although some measures are adopted but it

still can not run normally.