Post on 12-Sep-2020

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Key-Note Address - Who We Be: The Urgency of Equity NowJeff Chang, Stanford University: Institute for Diversity in the Arts (

Ferguson, Charleston, Chapel Hill. Across the country, against the backdrop of a polarized election season, global migration, and an epidemic of police shootings, we are living through a historic moment. How can we intervene in this moment and use our voices to advance cultural equity and racial equality? What role can the arts play in moving us forward?

High Impact Arts: Changing ConversationsYosi Sargent, Task Force PRJeff Chang, Stanford University: Institute for Diversity in the Arts (

Description: Art and Culture are the tip of the spear of social change. It is through our cultural lens that we make sense of the world around us. Cultural organizing is the strategic practice of cultural engage-ment designed to challenge norms, inspire radical dreaming, speak truth to power and open hearts and minds. Expanding upon Jeff Chang’s key-note address, Yosi Sergant will explore how we can utilize the tools of marketing and communications, specifically, to create platforms for our artists and culture shapers to help them reach wider audiences, earn the attention of other cultural influencers and build momentum for our movements towards justice.

Is Salesforce Right for Your Organization?Carsten Fichte, Salesforce (

Description: A good database is essential for effective fundraising, and increasingly for other functions such as evaluation. Salesforce dominates the private sector field of CRM service providers, and is used by many nonprofit organizations, too. This nuts-and-bolts session will help you to better understand the platform and assess whether it could be a good fit for your organization, now or in the future.

Budgeting: Advice for Building Your Organizational BudgetPaula Smith Arrigoni, Youth Speaks

Description: A tour-de-force overview touching upon the most important things to consider when build-ing the budget for your organization, including identifying sources of income, representing direct verses indirect expenses, allowing for administrative overhead, including in-kind expenses and making it all balance out in the end – or come as close as possible!




Content Management Geek-Out with Box.comBryan Breckenridge,

Description: So you’re generating all this great content, writing up curriculum, setting up partnerships, putting together grant proposals and vendor contracts – but how are you managing it all? offers a great solution for file storage, sharing and management. Geek out with these Bay Area techies over lunch and learn more about how can help you create systems to streamline your content management and make your life a little easier.

Fundraising from the HeartLynne Twist, The Soul of Money Institute (

Description: As leaders in the fields of arts education and youth development, we share a commitment and unique talent for building relationships that transform the lives of youth in our communities. This is no easy feat, and yet it is often our relationships built around money that seem the most difficult to transform. By becoming grounded in effective fundraising principles, you can develop a new under-standing and experience of prosperity. Learn how to channel your passion for your work into designing compelling, irresistible conversations about your organization’s vision and mission that inspire others to contribute and help you sustain and transform relationships with donors.

Crowdfunding: Is It For You?Shannon David, McSweeney’s ( Pearl, Camp Reel Stories ( Alousi, InsideOut Literary Arts Project (

Description: Crowdfunding is becoming a popular fundraising strategy across various sectors and di-verse art forms. Like any strategy, it has its own complexities and presents its own unique challenges, all of which are important to consider before launching a campaign of your own. Using three successful Crowdfunding campaigns as case studies, this session aims to demystify the process of running viral campaigns. Learn if this is a fundraising strategy that can serve your organization, and how you can get the most bang for your buck – no matter what stage of development you are at.



Strengthening Your Influence by Building and Elevating Your BoardNínive Calegari, Paperclip Consultants (

Description: To build an engaged Board that will help serve your organization on various levels requires cultivating members from an array of backgrounds and experiences. Often times, this means branching out from those founding members to include other individuals with a fresh perspective, a passion for the work, and a belief in the direction the organization is heading. How do you find the right people to help your Board evolve, and integrate them while still honoring the people who helped you get started?

Going Digital: What, Why, When and HowJose Vadí, Adobe Youth Voices ( Reagler, Writers in the Schools ( Ikeda, Civic IP (

Description: The spectrum is wide for integrating digital media components into your work, and your capacity to do so might be greater than you think! This session explores the opportunities available to you to go digital, ranging from using media to document and promote existing programs to creating an all-digital experience for an expanded audience of youth participants.

Building & Investing in Your Organization’s Teaching Artists PipelineNanya-Akuki Goodrich, The DreamYard Project ( Cuban Hernandez, Get Lit - Words Ignite ( Lee, Youth Speaks

Description: Teaching artists are the heart and soul of our organizations, and the larger arts education movement. This panel aims to highlight some of the most effective strategies and the thought process adapted by various organizations around recruiting, investing in, and retaining exceptional teaching artists. In addition, participants will explore, as a group, what a professional pipeline for teaching artists could look like, and what steps we can take as a field to make that dream a reality.



Strategic Alignment: What Is It and Why Should I Care?Angela Johnson Peters, ALJ Consulting (

Description: For many organizations, “strategies” and “planning” are often synonymous with business or management practices that seem counter-intuitive to “grassroots”, ”community-based” or “communi-ty arts practice”. Yet as leaders of youth/arts/community-orientated organizations, it is important that we consider the degree to which we are being “strategic” in our practices. This workshop will help us realize the ways that Strategic Alignment can be a key element of building organizational capacity and achieving mission objectives.

Teaching Youth to Thrive through Social TraumaPatrick Camangian, University of San Francisco (

Description: By examining interpretive case studies from his work in California schools, Patrick will illustrate a pedagogical lens for how we, as a field, can adequately teach the sensibilities needed to deal with the traumatic stress of everyday, urban life and create learning conditions that foster radical healing and critical hope. This discussion will provide the opportunity for us as leaders and educators to explore the relevance of these approaches to our own practice with the youth in our communities.

The Intersection of Social Justice and HealingDavid Inocencio, The Beat Within ( Galvis, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice ( Lee, Urban Peace Movement (ás Alvarez III, founder of Beats, Rhymes & Life (

Description: Our work with youth often targets the oppressive policies and systems being enacted toward them, which result in actual, compounded trauma. If healing, then, is not one of our priorities, our work ultimately reaches a short ceiling. Yet holding an intentional space for healing, for both par-ticipants and providers, is challenging – especially since there are not specific structures in place for healing in the arts education and youth development fields. How can we strategically engage in healing practices so we can create consistent containers for self-care and transformation for our participants, our partners in this work, and ourselves?




The Art of Adaptation: Maintaining a Pedagogy That Is Relevant and Culturally-sensitive to Specific Youth Populations

Paul Flores, The Unity Council – Latino Men & Boy’s Program ( Brandie Macdonald, First Peoples Fund ( Morrison, Dew More Baltimore (

Description: Engaging specific, often marginalized, youth populations requires a malleable pedagogy that can resonate across a range of programs. How can we best adapt our work to align with and reflect the cultural, ethnic, and generational norms and histories influencing the communities we are serving?

Deep Dive: Curriculum DesignSusie Lundy and James Kass, Youth Speaks

Description: Within the Brave New Voices Network, we are working with youth spanning an incredibly vast range of populations, and many of these populations continue to expand and evolve. Working in small groups with your colleagues from across the Network, you will have the opportunity to draft up ideas for different curriculum models in response to hypothetical situations presented by Susie and James. These hypotheticals will reflect various populations served through the BNV Network, and are ones you may already encounter in your own work or could potentially face through partnerships with others in your community or across the field.