BlueEHS Calendar - Slide5 - Calendar settings

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of BlueEHS Calendar - Slide5 - Calendar settings

Calendar SettingsDescription

From the calendar, the user can create and edit visit categories. This can be done by first clicking the “Blue Gear “icon that appears on the top of the calendar.

Once the “Blue Gear” icon is clicked, the user will be prompted with a pop-up window about categories. Here, a new category can be added by clicking “New.”

Once “New” is clicked, the user can enter the category information as well as choose a color for the new category. Clicking “Save” will save the category, in this case “Surgery,” in the list of categories.

The new category has appeared and can now be edited along with the other categories by clicking on the “pencil” icon.

To access the calendar settings, click on the submenu button located at the top right corner. From there, click on “Module Installer.”

Once at the “Module Installer” screen click on the blue gear under “Settings” for the desired module. In this case, that is “Calendar,” the 7th module on the list.

Once the Calendar module is opened up, click on “Settings” to access the settings.

From the settings scene, the user can change the display style from showing exclusively the Event or the Facility as well as both, in the preferred order. Additionally, the user can change the appointment display style so that it shows as little or as much information as the user wants. Finally, the user can change the

provider event display style from lines to slots.

The user can further customize the calendar’s start day, start time, and end time. In this case, the first day that will apepar on the calendar is Sunday and the calendar will be displayed for the hours of 8:00 AM and

18:00 or 6:00 PM.

From the Module Installer page, the user can also manipulate the visit categories by clicking on “Advanced Settings.”