Blossom Damania - Helmholtz Zentrum München€¦ · period of latency in their host,with...

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Transcript of Blossom Damania - Helmholtz Zentrum München€¦ · period of latency in their host,with...

656 | JANUARY 2004 | VOLUME 2


Herpesviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses that areprevalent throughout the animal kingdom. Most animalspecies can be infected by at least one herpesvirus, andmore than 130 herpesviruses have been identified so far.In humans, eight herpesviruses have been identified:herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2 orhuman herpesvirus (HHV)-1 and HHV-2); varicella–zoster virus (VZV or HHV-3); Epstein–Barr virus(EBV or HHV-4); human cytomegalovirus (HCMV orHHV-5); human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV-6 andHHV-7); and Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus(KSHV or HHV-8). All herpesviruses share a commonevolutionary origin, as evidenced by the high aminoacid sequence similarity that is observed among manyof their viral gene products.

The herpesviruses are classified into three subfami-lies, α, β and γ, on the basis of their genome sequenceand organization, and biological characteristics. The γ-subfamily of herpesviruses is lymphotropic and someare capable of undergoing lytic replication in epithelialand/or fibroblast cells. These viruses establish a lifelongperiod of latency in their host, with intermittent periodsof lytic replication. The γ-herpesvirinae have been iden-tified in many different animal species1. There are twosubfamilies of γ-herpesviruses: the lymphocrypto-viruses (γ-1) and the rhadinoviruses (γ-2). EBV2 is a lymphocryptovirus, whereas herpesvirus saimiri

(HVS)3, which infects monkeys, and KSHV4 are rhadi-noviruses. The γ-herpesviruses share more genes witheach other than with members of either the α- or β-subfamilies of herpesviruses (FIG. 1), and their genomesare organized in a relatively similar fashion (FIG. 2).

A striking property that is shared by many membersof the γ-herpesvirus family, including EBV, KSHV andHVS, is their ability to induce NEOPLASIA in natural orexperimental hosts (TABLE 1). All three viruses are asso-ciated with different types of malignancies in eithertheir natural host (EBV and KSHV) or a foreign host(HVS). All three viruses have also been associatedwith lymphoproliferative diseases of B and/or T cells.Additionally, EBV is associated with epithelial cancerssuch as nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and KSHVis linked to vascular endotheliosarcomas such asKaposi’s sarcoma (KS) (TABLE 1). Current evidence indi-cates that both the latent and lytic genes of these her-pesviruses contribute to viral oncogenesis through atransforming and/or PARACRINE mechanism, causingnormal cells to proliferate in an uncontrolled manner.HVS is non-pathogenic in its natural host, the squirrelmonkey, and can establish a lifelong period of persis-tence, primarily in T lymphocytes3. Cross-species trans-mission of HVS into another New World primate, suchas the common marmoset, fosters the development ofLYMPHOMAS, LYMPHOSARCOMAS and LEUKAEMIAS5. Similar to


Herpesviruses are present in most species throughout the animal kingdom and are classified intothree subfamilies, α, β and γ, on the basis of their biological properties and genome sequences. A striking feature that is shared by many of the γ-herpesviruses is their ability to induce neoplasticdisease in the host. This review focuses on three γ-herpesviruses: Epstein–Barr virus (EBV),Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and herpesvirus saimiri (HVS), and discussesthe diverse array of EBV, KSHV and HVS viral genes that are involved in transformation, cellsignalling, episomal maintenance and cell proliferation.


Abnormal new growth of cells in the process of tumourformation.


A substance that is secreted by acell and which acts onneighbouring cells


A general term for cancers thatdevelop in the lymphatic system.


A malignant lymphoma.


Cancer of white blood cells.

Lineberger ComprehensiveCancer Center, Departmentof Microbiology &Immunology, CB #7295,University of NorthCarolina, Chapel Hill,North Carolina 27599, USA.e-mail:damania@med.unc.edudoi:10.1038/nrmicro958




Virally infected lymphocytespropagated in tissue culturebecome enlarged, appearactivated, and continuouslydivide.

(TABLE 2). So, the complex nature of the biological prop-erties and associated malignancies of the γ-herpesvirinaerequires study of viral gene expression in the context ofboth the cell type and the cell environment. This intri-cate complexity is not surprising as these viruses encodea plethora of proteins that enable the virus to survivesuccessfully in the host environment. In the case of EBV,the expression patterns of viral latent genes in EBV-associated malignancies have been well documented,and these characteristic profiles are classified as Type I, IIor III latency (BOX 1). Although viral genes that are tran-scribed during latency are generally considered to beessential for the transformation process and for thedevelopment of viral-induced neoplasia, it has recentlybecome apparent that a subset of lytic genes can alsocontribute to the development of viral-induced cancersthrough a paracrine mechanism.

Given the oncogenic disease manifestations shownby these γ-herpesviruses in their natural and experi-mental hosts, it seems likely that they use commonstrategies to induce cell proliferation, transformationand tumorigenesis, and to evade the antiviral hostresponse. This review describes several important trans-forming and signalling proteins of EBV, KSHV andHVS that might contribute to cellular transformation.Viral cytokines that can augment the neoplastic processare also discussed.

Viral transforming and signalling proteinsThe γ-herpesviruses encode a plethora of viral trans-forming and signalling proteins that are capable ofmodulating host cell signalling pathways to protect andpreserve the virus-infected cell. These viral modulatorsinclude unique viral proteins that have no discernableamino acid sequence similarity to cellular proteins, aswell as homologues of cellular proteins that havesequence similarity to their cellular counterparts. Manyof these viral transforming and signalling proteins aredescribed below in further detail.

A remarkable property shared by the three γ-herpes-viruses EBV, KSHV and HVS is that they all contain aunique open reading frame (ORF) at the 5′ end of theirrespective genomes, each of which possesses transform-ing potential (FIG. 3, TABLE 3). Although these genes havehighly divergent sequences, the functions of the geneproducts seem to be conserved and they can activateB- and/or T-cell signalling pathways, leading to cellularproliferation (FIG. 3).

EBV LMP1. The first EBV ORF encodes the viral onco-protein LMP1. EBV LMP1 can transform rodentfibroblasts, which, when injected into nude mice, cangenerate multiple tumours6. LMP1 has been shown toinhibit terminal differentiation in epithelial cells and isalso essential for the immortalization of primaryhuman B lymphocytes in which LMP1 is expressed toLYMPHOBLASTOID CELL LINES (LCLs, which exhibit a Type IIIlatency profile; BOX 1)7,8. Furthermore, transgenic miceexpressing LMP1 under the control of the immuno-globulin promoter have an increased frequency ofB-cell lymphomas9. Expression of LMP1 induces several

the human viruses EBV and KSHV, the primate γ-herpesvirus HVS is also lymphotropic and capable ofinducing T-cell neoplasia.

In common with other herpesviruses, the γ-herpes-viruses remain latent in their natural host, where theviral genome exists as a closed circular molecule, andonly a fraction of the viral genes are expressed. A subsetof these latent viruses can reactivate and enter the lyticcycle. During the lytic phase of the herpesvirus life cyclethere is a temporal order of viral gene expression, andthe viral genome is replicated many times, which leadsto the production of infectious virion progeny and thedeath of the infected cell. Although differentiating the expression profiles of viral genes into lytic versuslatent genes is useful for classification purposes, many γ-herpesvirus genes are transcribed in both phases ofthe viral life cycle — for example, EBV latent membraneprotein 1 (LMP1) and KSHV Kaposin are expressedduring latency as well as during the lytic cycle of EBVand KSHV, respectively. In addition, depending on thetype of viral malignancy, most infected cells in thetumour can express one subset of genes, whereas a frac-tion of the tumour cells express a different set of viralgenes. For example, most cells in a KS lesion express thelatency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) but a smallpercentage of cells express the viral G-protein coupledreceptor (vGPCR), which is encoded by a lytic gene

Figure 1 | A phylogenetic tree representing the γγ-herpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi’ssarcoma-associated virus (KSHV) and herpesvirussaimiri (HVS). The tree was constructed using full-length DNApolymerase gene sequences of the indicated herpesviruses.KSHV and HVS (rhadinoviruses) and EBV (lymphocryptovirus)are members of the γ-herpesvirus subfamily, whereas herpessimplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is an α-herpesvirus andcytomegalovirus (CMV) is a β-herpesvirus. Sequences werealigned using the ClustalW program, and the Phylodendronprogram was used to construct the phenogram. NCBIGenBank accession numbers for DNA polymerase genes used in the construction of the tree were: KSHV (U75698), EBV-B95.8 (V01555), HVS (M31122), HSV-1 (X14112) andCMV (BK000394).












658 | AUGUST 2004 | VOLUME 2


factors (TRAFs), with TNF-receptor-associated deathdomains (TRADDs) and with receptor-interacting pro-tein (RIP)16–20 (FIG. 3). The interactions of LMP1 withTRAFs and TRADDs are essential for the activation ofthe NF-κB pathway and for EBV-induced immortaliza-tion of B lymphocytes, which indicates that activation of the NF-κB pathway by LMP1 might be required forsustained proliferation of EBV-infected cells15,21.Additionally, LMP1 has also been shown to activate thephosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and Jun kinase(JNK) pathways22,23. Although activation of PI3K byLMP1 can help suppress apoptosis and promote cellsurvival, the activation of the JNK pathway can induceexpression of proteins that are involved in cell prolifera-tion and transformation. The interaction of LMP1 withTRAF3 results in the localization of LMP1 with lipidrafts, and the transmembrane domain of LMP1 has alsorecently been shown to be crucial for raft localizationand LMP1 signalling24,25. Interestingly, despite constitu-tive association with TRADDs and RIP, LMP1 does notinduce apoptosis in epithelial or B cells18. So, it seemsthat LMP1 contributes to EBV-induced transformationof primary B lymphocytes by mimicking the activationfunction of the CD40 receptor.

In epithelial cells, LMP1 has been shown to inducethe expression of the pro-angiogenic factors vascularendothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblastgrowth factor (bFGF) together with cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9)26–28.All these proteins are thought to have a role in angio-genesis, a process that involves the formation of newblood vessels. Many tumour cells express high concen-trations of these angiogenic factors to attract blood ves-sels that can feed the tumour itself. Hence, by inducing

pleiotropic effects, including the upregulation of adhesionmolecules, anti-apoptotic proteins and cytokines.

EBV LMP1 has six transmembrane-spanningdomains, a short amino terminus and a 199-amino-acidcytoplasmic tail. Functionally, LMP1 mimics the CD40receptor, which is a marker of B-lymphocyte activationand is involved in the regulation of antibody production,isotype switching and clonal expansion of B cells10–12.However, unlike CD40, signalling by LMP1 is constitu-tive so the transduction of signals occurs in the absenceof extracellular ligands. The carboxyl terminus of LMP1can be divided into two regions — C-terminal activa-tion regions 1 and 2 (CTAR1 and CTAR2) — both ofwhich are necessary for nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) acti-vation13–15 (FIG. 3). NF-κB belongs to a family of tran-scription factors that regulate a wide range of cellularpathways, including cell proliferation, immunity andapoptosis. The LMP1 C-terminal domain can interactwith tumour-necrosis factor (TNF)-receptor-associated

Figure 2 | Alignment of the genomes of three γγ-herpesviruses: Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi’s sarcoma-associatedherpesvirus (KSHV) and herpesvirus saimiri (HVS). The alignment is shown with respect to the genes discussed in thisreview. The first (LMP1, K1 and STP) and last (LMP2A/B and K15) open-reading frames abutting the terminal repeats areindicated. Other viral genes involved in transformation and modulation of signalling and maintenance of latency are also indicated,together with the viral cytokines. EBNA, EBV nuclear antigen; GPCR, G-protein-coupled receptor; IL, interleukin; LANA, latency-associated nuclear antigen; LMP, latent membrane protein; STP, saimiri transformation protein; TIP, tyrosine-kinase-interactingprotein; TR, terminal repeats.









vIL-6 vCCL3K1 Kaposin






TR vIL-17









5′ 3′

5′ 3′

5′ 3′

Table 1 | Primate γγ-herpesviruses linked to neoplastic disease

γγ-herpesvirus Natural host Associated malignancies

Epstein–Barr virus Human Burkitt’s lymphomaHodgkins’ lymphomaPost-transplant lymphomaX-linked lymphoproliferative syndromeT-cell lymphomasNasopharyngeal carcinomaGastric carcinoma

Kaposi’s sarcoma- Human Kaposi’s sarcomaassociated herpesvirus Primary effusion lymphomas

Multicentric Castleman’s disease

Herpesvirus saimiri Squirrel monkey T-cell leukaemia in non-natural hostT-cell lymphomas in non-natural host



ITAM-based signal-transduction events, which requirea ligand–receptor interaction, K1 signalling, similar toEBV LMP1 signalling, is constitutive31,34,35.

In B lymphocytes, the K1 protein induces phospho-rylation of several cellular signal-transduction proteins,including VAV, p85, SYK and AKT kinase34–36. In addi-tion to activating B cells, K1 can also protect these cellsfrom Fas-induced apoptosis by preventing the induc-tion of Fas ligand expression36. K1 is expressed in KSlesions37,38, as well as in MULTICENTRIC CASTLEMAN’S DISEASE

(MCD) and PRIMARY EFFUSION LYMPHOMAS (PELs)39. K1mRNA has been detected in whole-tumour samples ofKS lesions38 and expression of K1 in endothelial andepithelial cells results in the upregulation and secretionof VEGF and MMP-9, which is similar to the situationseen with EBV LMP1 (REF. 40). Thus, K1 seems function-ally similar to EBV LMP1 in B lymphocytes, where itcan activate B-cell signalling pathways, whereas inendothelial cells, K1 might contribute to KSHV patho-genesis through a paracrine mechanism that promotestumour progression and growth.

HVS STP. There are three different HVS subgroups (A, Band C), which differ in oncogenic potential. Subgroups Aand C can immortalize common marmoset T lympho-cytes to IL-2-independent growth, whereas subgroup B isnon-oncogenic. In all three subgroups, the first ORF ofthe HVS genome codes for the STP protein41 and thetransforming ability of STP directly correlates with the oncogenic potential of the different viral subgroups.Deletion of the STP gene from the genomes of subgroupsA and C renders these viruses capable of replication butunable to induce lymphomas in common marmosets ortransform T lymphocytes in vitro42,43. Similar to LMP1and K1, STP from HVS subgroup C (STP-C) can trans-form Rat-1 cells, resulting in foci formation and induc-tion of invasive tumours in nude mice43,44. In addition,transgenic mice expressing STP-C developed extensiveepithelial cell tumours and lymphomas43,44.

Both the STP-A and STP-C proteins comprise anacidic N-terminus, collagen-like repeats in the centralregion and a hydrophobic C-terminus (FIG 3). The col-lagen-like repeats seem to be important for the induc-tion of NF-κB activity and for the transformationpotential of STP-C. Indeed, when substituted into thenon-transforming stp gene from subgroup B, theserepeats can render it transforming45. STP-C can associ-ate with cellular RAS46 and this interaction is crucialfor its transforming activity in cell culture. Analogousto EBV LMP1, STP-C has also been shown to activateNF-κB transcriptional activity by interacting withTRAF1, -2, and -3 (REF. 47) (FIG. 3).

these secreted angiogenic factors, LMP1 functions in aparacrine manner in epithelial cells to augment trans-formation. As in B cells, LMP1 also stimulates the NF-κB pathway in epithelial cells and in doing so mightcontribute to the development of NPC14,29,30.

KSHV K1. The first ORF of the KSHV genome encodesa gene product known as K1. Like EBV LMP1, KSHV K1can transform rodent fibroblasts, and these transformedcells can form tumours in nude mice31. K1 can also func-tionally substitute for HVS saimiri transformation pro-tein (STP) in the immortalization of common marmosetT lymphocytes to interleukin (IL)-2-independentgrowth31 and in the induction of lymphomas in theseanimals31.As normal primary T cells require IL-2 to grow,this indicates that both STP and K1 can activate path-ways that promote primary T-cell growth by a mecha-nism that is not dependent on the addition of exogenouscytokines.A small percentage of transgenic mice express-ing K1 under the control of the simian virus 40 pro-moter developed spindle-cell sarcomas and malignantPLASMABLASTIC LYMPHOMAS after 14 months32. B lymphocytesfrom these K1-transgenic mice showed constitutive acti-vation of the NF-κB and octamer-binding factor 2 (Oct-2) transcription factors, and showed increased activityand phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase LYN, indi-cating that K1-induced superactivation of these cellulartranscription factors and kinases directly contributes tothe development of B-cell lymphomas32.

K1 is a transmembrane glycoprotein that containsan N-terminal extracellular domain, a transmembraneregion and a short cytoplasmic tail at the C-terminus31,33

(FIG. 3). The cytoplasmic domain contains a functionalimmunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif(ITAM)34,35, which can transduce signals to induce cal-cium mobilization, tyrosine phosphorylation of cellu-lar kinases and activation of NF-κB and nuclear factorof activated T cells (NFAT), all of which are indicativeof lymphocyte activation. However, unlike other


A form of malignant B-celllymphoma in which the cellsresemble antibody-secretingplasma cells.



A rare B-celllymphoproliferative disorder.



A subset of malignant B-celllymphomas that localize to bodycavities such as the pleura,peritoneum or pericardium.

Table 2 | A subset of viral proteins expressed in KSHV-associated tumour samples

Malignancy Proteins expressed in most tumour biopsies Proteins expressed in few tumour biopsies

Kaposi’s sarcoma LANA, vCyclin, vFLIP, vIRF-1, Kaposin vIL-6, K1, vGPCR

Primary effusion lymphomas LANA, vCyclin, vFLIP, vIRF-3/LANA-2, Kaposin, vIL-6 (~40%) K1, vGPCR

Multicentric Castleman’s disease LANA, vCyclin, vFLIP, vIL-6 (~40%) K1, vGPCR

FLIP, FLICE inhibitory protein; GPCR, G-protein-coupled receptor; IL, interleukin; IRF, interferon regulatory factor; KSHV, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus; LANA,latency-associated nuclear antigen.

Box 1 | Viral latent genes expressed in EBV-associated malignancies

Burkitt’s lymphoma (Type I latency)EBNA1 | EBERs | BARTs

Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Type II latency)EBNA1 | LMP1, -2 | EBERs | BARTs

Post-transplant lymphoma (Type III latency)EBNA1, -2, -3A, -B, -C, -LP | LMP1, -2 | EBERs | BARTs

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Type II latency)EBNA1 | LMP1, -2 | EBERs | BARTs

660 | AUGUST 2004 | VOLUME 2


Signal modulators of the B- and T-cell receptors Antibody cross-linking of the B-cell antigen receptor(BCR), and major histocompatibility complex(MHC)-mediated stimulation of the T-cell antigenreceptor (TCR), initiates a signal-transduction cascadethat results in lymphocyte activation. It is currentlybelieved that cellular activation of virus-infected lymphocytes often triggers viral reactivation. EBVLMP2A, KSHV K15 and HVS tyrosine-kinase-interacting protein (TIP) have all been shown todampen or abrogate the BCR and TCR signallingpathways and, by doing so, might help to prevent viralreactivation from latently infected lymphocytes at aninopportune moment. The LMP2A, K15 and TIP pro-teins are all capable of associating with the major B- or T-cell-receptor-associated kinases and antago-nizing their signalling activities (FIG. 4, TABLE 3). It ispostulated that these proteins help to maintain virallatency in the host.

EBV LMP2A. The gene that encodes LMP2A is locatedat the 3′ end of the linear EBV genome (FIG. 2). LMP2Ais a 12-transmembrane-spanning-domain proteinwith short N- and C-terminal tails (FIG. 4) and isexpressed in EBV-infected epithelial and B cells, whereit aggregates in the plasma membrane48,49. Like KSHVK1, the N-terminal cytoplasmic region of LMP2Acontains several tyrosine-based SRC homology 2(SH2)-domain-binding sites, two of which form afunctional ITAM50. However unlike K1, LMP2Ainhibits normal BCR signalling51 in EBV-negative B cells by preventing the BCR from entering lipidrafts and interacting with LYN kinase50–53. In addi-tion, studies using EBV-positive B lymphocytes haveshown that this LMP2A-induced signalling blockprevents the reactivation of lytic replication, indi-cating that EBV LMP2A might have an importantrole in the establishment and maintenance of virallatency in vivo53. LMP2A has also been shown toblock apoptotic signals in B lymphocytes through its activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway, resulting inthe promotion of a cell-survival signal54. Transgenicmice that express LMP2A have retarded B-cell devel-opment, causing immunoglobulin-negative B cells tolocate to peripheral lymphoid organs55. This indicatesthat LMP2A probably mediates survival of immatureEBV-infected B cells in the absence of functional BCRsignalling, thereby bypassing host-cell control.

Although LMP2A is dispensable for EBV-immortalization of B lymphocytes56, it induces ahyperproliferative response and prevents differentia-tion in epithelial cells57. LMP2A-expressing epithelialcells can form colonies in soft agar and induceaggressive tumours in nude mice57. In keratinocytes,LMP2A activates both the PI3K and β-catenin signalling pathways58. As these pathways have been linked to cell survival and cell proliferation,respectively, LMP2A probably contributes to EBVtumorigenicity in epithelial cells by promoting trans-formation and preventing apoptosis of the infectedepithelial cell58.

Figure 3 | Transforming proteins encoded by the first open reading frames of the γγ-herpesviruses EBV, KSHV and HVS. These proteins — EBV LMP1, KSHV K1 and HVSSTP — are involved in activating B- or T-cell signalling pathways and contain domains thatcan interact with cellular factors as indicated. a | EBV LMP1 can interact with multiple TRAFsand TRADDs leading to B-cell activation through the induction of the cellular transcriptionfactors AP-1 and NF-κB. The PI3K and JNK pathways are also activated. b | KSHV K1 canmobilize calcium and activate SYK, VAV, p85 and AKT kinase leading to B-cell activationthrough the induction of the cellular transcription factors NFAT and NF-κB. K1 can alsoprotect cells from Fas-induced apoptosis by preventing the induction of expression of theFas ligand. c | HVS-C STP can activate RAS and associate with TRAFs to activate T cellsthrough the induction of the cellular transcription factor NF-κB. EBV, Epstein–Barr virus;HVS, herpesvirus saimiri; JNK, Jun N-terminal kinase; KSHV, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associatedherpesvirus; LMP, latent membrane protein; NFAT, nuclear factor of activated T cells; NF-κB,nuclear factor κB; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; STP, saimiri transformation protein;TRADD, tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated death domain; TRAF, tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated factor.

Nucleus NF-κB/AP-1

B-cell activation









PI3K pathway

JNK pathway

Cell survival



Nucleus Nucleus


B-cell activation


T-cell activation












Ca2+ Ca2+









b c


ITAM Collagenrepeats


Lipid raft



(CSKH) motif and its SH3-binding motif 64,65. Althoughsome reports have suggested that interaction of TIP withLCK leads to its activation in vitro and in vivo 66, otherreports suggest that stable and low expression levels ofTIP downregulate the TCR-mediated signal-transductionpathway65,67,68. Therefore, the exact role of TIP in themodulation of the TCR signalling pathway remainscontroversial. TIP-mediated activation of LCK was alsoshown to lead to the activation of signal transducers andactivators of transcription (STATs), which are thought tohave an important role in the transformation process69.So, paralleling the case of EBV LMP2A and KSHV K15with the BCR signalling pathway, HVS TIP seems tomodulate TCR signalling pathways and its role in thetransformation process might depend on its expressionlevel and, therefore, its ability to activate LCK. However,as the deletion of the tip gene in the genome of HVS sub-group C renders the mutant virus incapable of immor-talizing primary T cells42 and HVS TIP-transgenic animals develop T-cell lymphomas70, it is generallyaccepted that TIP is required for HVS-induced trans-formation. The two transforming proteins of HVS sub-group C, STP and TIP, probably function together totransform HVS-infected cells.

Other transforming proteins of γγ-herpesviruses In addition to the first and last ORFs of EBV and KSHV,many other genes of these γ-herpesviruses modulate cellsignalling and could therefore be involved in the neo-plastic disease process. These include additional viralsignalling proteins as well as transcription factors thatare encoded by the virus.

EBV EBNA2. Many of the latent EBV proteins haveimportant roles in cellular transformation. EBV nuclearantigen 2 (EBNA2) contains a polyproline stretch, an18-residue Arg–Gly repeat, and an acidic C-terminus. Itis a promiscuous transcriptional activator, activating the

KSHV K15. Similar to the situation in EBV, the geneencoding the KSHV K15 viral signal modulatory pro-tein is positioned at the 3′ end of the KSHV genome,and is located in an isologous genomic position to theEBV LMP2A gene59,60 (FIG. 2). K15 isolates have a com-plex splicing pattern with all isoforms containing4–12 transmembrane-spanning domains and a shortcytoplasmic tail. The functions of the various K15 iso-forms are currently under investigation59–61. K15 isweakly expressed in latently infected PELs and thelevel of its expression is markedly increased on lyticreactivation with phorbol esters59,60. The K15 cyto-plasmic tail contains SH2- and SH3-binding motifsand a YASIL (Tyr–Ala–Ser–Iso–Leu) sequence thatseem to be necessary for activation of the NF-κB andmitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways;however, the effects of activation of these pathways byK15 are not yet fully understood59,60,62. The K15 cyto-plasmic tail is constitutively tyrosine phosphorylatedand can interact with cellular tyrosine kinases andTRAFs59,60,62 (FIG. 4). In common with EBV LMP2A,the cytoplasmic domain of KSHV K15 can inhibitBCR signal transduction60 (FIG. 4). The ability of K15to antagonize BCR signalling events might preserveviral latency, as activation of the B cell through BCRsignalling is one possible mechanism for viral reacti-vation. Finally, similar to EBV LMP1 and LMP2A, theK15 protein can localize to lipid rafts62 and might usea mechanism that is similar to EBV LMP2A to inhibitBCR signal transduction.

HVS TIP. The ORF that encodes TIP is only present inthe genome of HVS subgroup C. The TIP protein con-tains an N-terminal glutamate-rich region, a serine-richregion, a kinase-interacting domain and a C-terminalhydrophobic tail. TIP can associate with the major T-cell tyrosine kinase LCK63 (FIG. 4). TIP interacts withLCK through the C-termini of its SRC-family kinase

Table 3 | Common and unique functions of proteins encoded by EBV, KSHV and HVS

Viral protein Function


LMP1 K1 STP (of A and C subgroups) Transforming and signalling protein

LMP2A K15 TIP (only in subgroup C) Signal modulator

EBNA1 LANA ORF73 Episomal maintenance

EBNA2 – – Nuclear protein, transcription factor

EBNA3A – – Nuclear protein, transcription factor

EBNA3B – – Nuclear protein, transcription factor

EBNA3C – – Nuclear protein, transcription factor

– Kaposin – Transforming protein

BCRF1 – – IL-10 homologue

– K2 – IL-6 homologue

– – ORF13 IL-17 homologue

– ORF74 ORF74 GPCR homologue

– ORF72 ORF72 Cyclin homologue

BCRF, BamH1 C fragment rightward reading frame 1; EBNA, EBV nuclear antigen; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; GPCR, G-protein-coupledreceptor; HVS, herpesvirus saimiri; IL, interleukin; KSHV, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus; LANA, latency-associated nuclearantigen; LMP, latent membrane protein; TIP, tyrosine-kinase interacting protein.

662 | AUGUST 2004 | VOLUME 2


transactivation82–84. EBNA3C has been shown to cooper-ate with the proto-oncogene RAS to immortalize andtransform rodent fibroblasts85 and can directly interactwith the retinoblastoma (Rb) tumour-suppressor pro-tein, rendering it inactive and promoting tumour progression85. So, EBNA3C can promote cellular pro-liferation and override the G1–S-phase cell-cyclecheckpoint, and can cooperate with EBNA2 and -3A tomodulate cellular gene expression in EBV-infectedlymphocytes.

KSHV Kaposin. Kaposin is expressed as a latent tran-script in KS and PEL cells86 and is also induced dur-ing the lytic cycle. There are several protein isoformsof Kaposin — designated as A, B and C87. The small-est isoform (Kaposin A) has a molecular mass of6 kDa, and has transforming potential in nude miceand in a fibroblast-transformation assay88–90. Theactivity of Kaposin A seems to be mediated throughits direct interaction with cytohesin-1, a guanine

promoters of both viral and cellular genes71–73 throughits interaction with a range of cellular transcription fac-tors72,74,75. EBNA2 seems to be essential for B-cell trans-formation as deletion of the gene encoding EBNA2from wild-type EBV renders the mutant virus inca-pable of immortalizing B lymphocytes76–78. Therefore,the ability of EBNA2 to upregulate the transcription ofboth cellular and viral genes is likely to contribute tothe transforming mechanism of EBV.

EBV EBNA3s. The genes that encode EBNA3A, -3Band -3C are located in a tandem array in the EBV viralgenome (FIG. 2). EBNA3A and -3C are essential for B-cell transformation79,80, whereas -3B has been shownto be dispensable81. The three EBNA3 nuclear proteinsare hydrophilic and share a common N-terminaldomain but have different C-termini. All three EBNA3proteins can interfere with EBNA2 activation by disrupting its interaction with the DNA-binding pro-tein RBP-Jk, thereby suppressing EBNA2-mediated

Figure 4 | Cellular effects of the signal modulatory proteins EBV LMP2A, KSHV K15 and HVS TIP. These proteins inhibitBCR and TCR signal transduction and help to maintain viral latency. a | EBV LMP2A contains multiple tyrosine residues (Y) whichcan interact with SYK and LYN. The latter interaction sequesters LYN from the BCR complex, resulting in inhibition of B-cellsignalling pathways. The PI3K and AKT pathways are also activated, leading to cell survival. b | KSHV K15 can activate SRC andMAPK and associate with TRAFs. These interactions appear to dampen BCR signalling. c | HVS TIP, which is only encoded bysubgroup C viruses, can interact with LCK and inhibit T-cell signalling. BCR, B-cell receptor; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; HVS,herpesvirus saimiri; KSHV, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated virus; LMP, latent membrane protein; MAPK, mitogen-activated proteinkinase; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; STAT, signal transducers and activators of transcription; TCR, T-cell receptor; TIP,tyrosine-kinase-interacting protein; TRAF, tumour-necrosis-factor-receptor-associated factor.


PI3K/AKT pathwayCell survival


Sequestrationof LYN kinaseand inhibitionof B-cellsignalling


















Lipid raft


NF-κB/MAPK pathway
















TCR signalling

LCKInhibitionof B-cellsignalling

Lipid raft Lipid raft



EBNA1-deleted virus was reduced in its ability toimmortalize B cells108; and expression of EBNA1 canenhance the tumorigenicity of EBV-negative NPCepithelial cells109. This property of EBNA1 might belinked to its ability to induce expression of Bcl-x


However, it should be noted that other research groupshave reported that epithelial expression of EBNA1results in cell cytotoxicity111.

EBNA1 also functions as an immunomodulatoryprotein. It contains a Gly–Ala repeat region, the size ofwhich varies among different viral isolates. This repeatregion hinders antigen processing by the ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal pathway and thereby inhibitsMHC class I antigen presentation112,113. The end result isthe inhibition of the cytotoxic T cell (CTL)-mediatedresponse against EBV-infected B cells (FIG. 5). So, notonly is EBNA1 crucial for EBV latency and latent repli-cation, but it also helps the virus evade host immunedetection.

KSHV LANA. Similar to EBNA1, KSHV LANA is anuclear phosphoprotein that is essential for episomemaintenance and segregation. LANA is expressed dur-ing latency in KS, MCD and PEL cells114–116 (TABLE 2),binds the KSHV terminal-repeat (TR) regions and teth-ers the viral episome to the host chromosome117–120.Similar to EBNA1, LANA contains a central repeatregion, which is also variable in length but is composedof acidic amino acids. Like many other cellular pro-teins, LANA has been shown to bind and inactivate the tumour-suppressor functions of the Rb and p53proteins121,122. Furthermore, LANA can upregulateexpression of β-catenin, and stabilize its expression bysequestering its inhibitor, glycogen synthase kinase 3β(GSK-3β)123. The ability to target GSK-3β is necessaryfor LANA to stimulate entry into S-phase, a function thatmight contribute to KSHV-associated neoplasia. So, inaddition to being the guardian of KSHV latency, LANAseems to also modulate several cell-cycle pathways.

HVS ORF73. Analogous to EBV EBNA1 and KSHVLANA, the HVS ORF73 protein is a nuclear protein andcan bind to both host chromosomes and the HVS termi-nal-repeat region124–127. ORF73 from HVS subgroup A11can synergize with the transcription factor p32 to activatethe ORF73 promoter element but not the HVS ORF50gene promoter128. By contrast, the HVS C488 ORF73 pro-tein can downregulate the HVS ORF50 promoter andinhibit viral replication of HVS in owl-monkey kidneycells125. The HVS orf50 gene (also called rta) codes for animportant viral transcription factor that is essential forHVS replication. So, similar to KSHV LANA, the ORF73protein of HVS subgroup C preserves viral latency in thehost by inhibiting lytic replication125,129.

Viral cytokinesThe genomes of EBV, KSHV and HVS encode one ormore viral cytokines (TABLE 3), the genes of which havebeen obtained through molecular piracy of the hostgenome. These viral cytokines have distinct homologyto their cellular counterparts and can modulate cell

nucleotide-exchange factor for ARF GTPases that regulates integrin-mediated cell adhesion88.

KSHV vGPCR. KSHV vGPCR is a potent signallingprotein, which has greatest sequence similarity to thecellular IL-8 receptor91,92 and is expressed in some KS,MCD and PEL tumour cells93. vGPCR is a seven-trans-membrane receptor protein that is constitutively active,similar to EBV LMP1 and KSHV K1 (REF. 94). Althoughit does not require ligand binding for activation, it bindsboth the CXC and CC families of chemokines94,95.vGPCR signalling is positively enhanced by binding toCXC chemokines such as GRO-α and IL-8 (REF. 95), butis inhibited by binding to the CXC chemokines inter-feron (IFN)-γ-inducible 10-kDa protein (IP-10) andstromal cell-derived factor 1α (SDF-1α)96,97. Other CCchemokines, such as RANTES and macrophage inflam-matory protein 1α (MIP-1α), are able to bind vGPCR,but do not affect its signalling potential. KSHV vGPCRcan activate both the MAPK and PI3K pathways, lead-ing to the activation of many cell-signalling networks98,99.The pleiotropic effects of KSHV vGPCR on cell-sig-nalling pathways in epithelial, fibroblast, endothelial andB cells contributes to the increased transcription of cel-lular genes and paracrine factors that are involved in cellproliferation, immortalization and transformation99–103.Indeed, expression of the KSHV vGPCR gene in rat kid-ney cells and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts induced morphologi-cal changes and foci formation94,102. vGPCR has beenshown to immortalize endothelial cells and promotetumour formation in cells expressing KSHV latentgenes, indicating that the KSHV latent and lytic viralgenes function cooperatively in the promotion ofKaposi’s sarcomagenesis101,104. Induction of transforma-tion by vGPCR is associated with an increased secretionof VEGF and VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) that leads tothe induction of an angiogenic response in vitro and in vivo 98,102,101. Furthermore, transgenic mice expressingvGPCR have morphological features that are similar to KS104–106. So, the EBV LMP1, KSHV K1 and KSHVvGPCR transforming proteins seem to promote tumourprogression and angiogenesis through a paracrinemechanism that involves the upregulation and secretionof angiogenic factors.

Proteins essential for episomal maintenanceThe latent viral proteins EBV EBNA1, KSHV LANA andHVS ORF73 are essential for episomal maintenance ofthe viral genome (TABLE 3). These three proteins eithercontribute indirectly to the immortalization process bymaintaining the viral latent state, or directly contributeto tumorigenesis by a more active mechanism.

EBV EBNA1. The EBNA1 protein is a sequence-specificDNA-binding protein that binds to the EBV origin ofreplication (oriP) and is essential for the maintenance ofthe viral episome, as well as for the initiation of latentviral replication. Several observations indicate thatEBNA1 might also contribute to EBV transformation:transgenic mice expressing EBNA1 in the B-lymphocytecompartment develop B-cell lymphomas107; an

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vIL-6 seems to require only gp130 (REF. 144) (FIG. 5),demonstrating that the viral protein has successfullysubverted host-cell control. In the context of KSHVdisease, vIL-6 is expressed in PELs and is also highlyexpressed in MCD, where it seems to contribute toprogression of this disease145–147 (TABLE 2). By contrast,vIL-6 is expressed at low levels in a small fraction of KScells86. So, vIL-6 is a multifunctional cytokine thatcontributes to KSHV-associated disease progressionby continuously stimulating the IL-6-receptor sig-nalling pathway and rescuing virus-infected cells fromprogrammed cell death

KSHV vMIPs/vCCLs. KSHV encodes several viral geneproducts that are homologous to MIPs and are alsoknown as vCCLs. KSHV ORFs K6 (vMIP-1/vMIP-1a/vCCL-1), K4 (vMIP-II/vMIP-1b/vCCL-2) and K4.1 (v-MIP-III/vBCK/vCCL3) encode chemokines withhomology to cellular CC chemokines such as MIP-1αand RANTES. Unlike cellular MIP-1α, vMIPs I and II bind efficiently to the chemokine receptor CCR8(REFS 148,149) as agonists, whereas the receptor activatedby vMIP III is CCR4 (REF. 150). These viral MIPs havealso been shown to induce signal transduction andchemotaxis in monocytes151 and, in contrast to cellularMIP-1α and RANTES, these proteins are highly angio-genic in a chorioallantoic assay, a technique that useschick embryo membranes to measure vascularizationby exogenous factors148. An immunomodulatory rolefor vMIP-II and vMIP-III has also been proposed indirecting inflammatory cell recruitment away from aT

H1-type response towards a T

H2-type response, thereby

facilitating evasion from host cytotoxic T cells148,152

(FIG. 5). So, these multiple viral MIPs could contribute toKS pathogenesis by inducing inflammatory infiltrationand angiohyperplasia.

pathways to promote survival of the infected cell andescape from host immune surveillance.

EBV IL-10. The EBV BCRF1 gene codes for a viral IL-10 (vIL-10) cytokine that is homologous to humanIL-10, and is expressed after the initial primary infec-tion of B cells, as well as late in the lytic cycle130. EBVvIL-10 has been shown to downregulate the expressionof transporter protein 1 associated with MHC class Iantigen presentation131 and to prevent monocytes andmacrophages from activating T cells132,133. Other studieshave reported that EBV vIL-10 is necessary for EBV-mediated B-cell transformation130,134,135 and canenhance survival of EBV-infected B cells by blockingthe IFN-γ response136,137 (FIG. 5). EBV vIL-10 seems toblock IFN synthesis during primary or reactivated EBVinfection, and might contribute indirectly to transfor-mation by allowing the EBV-infected cell to survive thehost response.

KSHV vIL-6. KSHV also encodes a viral interleukin,vIL-6, which shows homology to cellular IL-6. KSHVvIL-6 is secreted from KSHV-positive B cells and cansupport proliferation of B lymphocytes and IL-6-dependent mouse myeloma cell lines138–140. vIL-6 hasalso been shown to induce secretion of human IL-6and to support the growth of PEL cells141,142. In con-trast to cellular IL-6, vIL-6 protects KSHV-infectedPEL cells from the antiviral affects of IFN-α143. Inaddition, IFN-α can activate expression of vIL-6through the IFN-stimulated response elements(ISREs) in the vIL-6 promoter143, thereby enhancingvirus survival. Despite their similarity in sequenceand function, cellular IL-6 and vIL-6 display differ-ences in receptor dependence. Although cellular IL-6requires both IL-6 receptor-α and the gp130 subunits,

Figure 5 | Viral cytokines and chemokines encoded by EBV, KSHV and HVS. a | The EBV vIL-10 cytokine can support B-cell proliferation and inhibit MHC class I antigen presentation. b | The KSHV vIL-6 cytokine promotes B-cell proliferation bydirectly interacting with gp130 and the KSHV vCCLs seem to direct inflammatory cell recruitment towards a TH2-type response. c | The HVS vIL-17 cytokine can promote T-cell proliferation. EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; KSHV, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associatedherpesvirus; HVS, herpesvirus saimiri; IL, interleukin; MHC, major histocompatibility complex.

Inhibition of IFN-γ

Inhibition of MHC class I antigen presentation

Signal transduction and chemotaxis

TH2-type response

B-cell proliferation B-cell proliferation




a bKSHVvIL-6

T-cell proliferation



T cell



T cell



T cell




Many tumour viruses stimulate proliferation of theinfected cell, and the analysis of viral genes associatedwith transformation has revealed many different strate-gies by which viruses can deregulate cell growth. Incommon with other DNA tumour viruses such as poly-omaviruses and papillomaviruses, the γ-herpesvirusesEBV, KSHV and HVS are associated with several differ-ent malignancies in the natural or experimental host.One conundrum is that, although EBV and KSHVencode a large number of transforming genes, EBV-and KSHV-associated malignancies are often (but notalways) seen in the context of immune suppression, suchas HIV co-infection or iatrogenic immune-suppression.This suggests that the normal host immune surveillancemechanisms in healthy individuals are generally able tokeep these viruses in check. Furthermore, as tumorigen-esis is a multi-step process, infection with EBV and/orKSHV is probably one of many events that leads to theonset of human cancer.

As described above, KSHV, EBV and HVS encode adiverse array of viral genes that contribute to the neo-plastic process. By encoding unique viral proteins, viralhomologues of cellular proteins or proteins involved inimmune evasion, or by activating a plethora of cellulargenes, these viruses have evolved strategies for deregulat-ing and perturbing normal cellular pathways that wouldotherwise lead to apoptosis, activation of the hostimmune system and an arrest in cell growth. Althoughsome of these viral genes do not possess oncogenicpotential by themselves, they might have an ancilliaryrole in tumorigenesis by augmenting the function ofanother viral gene, or they might have tumorigenicpotential in the context of a mutant cytogenetic back-ground. Furthermore, as the γ-herpesviruses have multi-ple tropisms for different cell types, certain subsets ofviral genes might help support virus survival in differentcellular environments, ensuring a lifelong persistence inthe host. So, although the individual genes of these γ-herpesviruses may or may not appear congruent, thestrategies that are used to subvert cell pathways and over-ride host cell-cycle checkpoints are often concordant,and support the maintenance of viral latency with inter-mittent periods of productive viral replication in thehost. In conclusion, it can be surmised that the sum ofthe functions of all these γ-herpesvirus proteins probablycontributes to the progression and development ofneoplastic disease in the infected host at opportune times.

HVS vIL-17. HVS also encodes a viral interleukin, vIL-17,which has been shown to support T-cell proliferation153.Recombinant vIL-17 was shown to activate NF-κBand promote IL-6 secretion in fibroblasts153 (FIG. 5).Interestingly, it was the discovery of vIL-17 that led to theidentification of cellular IL-17 and the IL-17 receptor153,154.

Viral cyclinsAlthough EBV seems to upregulate the expression of the cellular cyclins E and D2 100-fold155, ORFs 72 ofboth KSHV and HVS encode a homologue of cellularcyclin D91,156. Surprisingly, neither of these viral cyclinsalone have been found to possess transforming poten-tial. Additionally, expression of the KSHV viral cyclininduced cellular apoptosis157, indicating that highexpression levels of this protein are toxic to the cell.Interestingly, the KSHV vCyclin, which is expressedduring viral latency, can induce B-cell lymphomas inp53-deficient transgenic mice158 and therefore might beoncogenic in the absence of the apoptosis-inducingtumour-suppressor protein p53. In HVS, ORF72 isexpressed in HVS-immortalized common marmoset T lymphocytes159. However, deletion of ORF72 did notimpair the ability of the mutant virus to replicate or toinduce T-cell immortalization and disease in commonmarmosets160. The evidence indicates that the viralcyclins are likely to have an auxiliary or accessory rolein viral tumorigenesis.

In addition to the viral genes listed above, the γ-herpesviruses genomes also contain genes that areinvolved in immune evasion and the prevention ofapoptosis, which are not discussed here due to spacerestrictions. These immune evasion and anti-apoptoticγ-herpesvirus proteins are thought to promote virussurvival and ensure a lifelong period of viral persistencein the host.

SummaryHistorically, research on the tumour virology of bothRNA and DNA viruses has given rise to important con-cepts in cell biology, including the discovery of cellularproto-oncogenes and tumour suppressors. These find-ings paved the way for the current elucidation of mech-anisms by which non-viral cancers arise. So, the study oftumour viruses has been instrumental to our presentknowledge of the neoplastic process, be it virus-relatedor not.

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Acknowledgements The author would like to thank D. P. Dittmer for critical reading ofthe manuscript. The author is supported by grants from theAmerican Association for Cancer Research (Gertrude B. ElionResearch Award), American Heart Association and NIH/NCI.

Competing interests statementThe author declares that she has no competing financial interests.

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DATABASESThe following terms in this article are linked online to:Entrez: | HCMv | HHV-6 | HHV-7 | HSV-1 | HSV-2 | KSHV | MMP-9 |NF-κB | PI3K | VZV SwissProt: | LANA | LMP1 | LYN

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