BLOGGING Shasta Cole AmeriCorps Member Sept. 2007-Sept. 2008.

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Transcript of BLOGGING Shasta Cole AmeriCorps Member Sept. 2007-Sept. 2008.


Shasta Cole

AmeriCorps Member Sept. 2007-Sept. 2008

Our Problem• Our reading and language arts software was too juvenile for our young teens (6th-8th grade).

• The students became quickly bored and distracted with the material, therefore they were not learning.

• We also wanted to do something using computer technology…



What is a Weblog?

A blog is “an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a web page.” ( was our site of choice because of

its easy access and manageability.

Why Blogging?

• The youth like it more than the other software used in the past

• Easy to use

• Learn correct grammar and proper writing skills

• Learning basic and advanced computer skills and web development

• Freedom to express themselves/gives them a voice

• Gives them a sense of ownership

• Gives them an outlet (self-reflection)

• More applicable (lesson plans and topics can be more designed for their age and preferences/style than other lesson plans)

• Blogs require thought and creativity…critical thinking

• Easy access for feedback(adults and peer)

Why Blogging cont.

Check this out!

Why is Feedback so Important?

Students get timely and positive feedback.

Peer feedback allows not only the student to know how their peers feel about the topic but also challenges their peers to improve their ability to read critically and to word their responses constructively.

The feedback refers to specific skills.

Can access blogs anywhere…school, homes, center, etc…therefore ability to read feedback and give feedback at anytime.

Digital Divide What is it?

The gap between those with regular, effective access to digital and informational technology, and those without this access. Most often minorities and those in poverty are less likely to have regular access to digital and informational technology. (

How does “blogging” address this issue?Over 80% of our students’ families fall below

the poverty line and over 95% of our students are minorities. With blogging, they are learning basic computer and web skills as well as having regular access to this technology 5 days a week.

Sample Lesson Plan 1

Transition WordsA word that creates a bridge between sequences of events.

It helps papers read more smoothly.

Transition Words are… First, second, third, next, and, then, finally, also,

however… There is always a comma after you use a transition


How do you use a transition word in a sentence?

Example: Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: First, we get the bread out. Next, we get out the pb and

jelly. Then, we spread the pb and jelly on the bread. Finally, we put the pieces of bread together and eat it!

Lesson Plan 1 cont.

Assignment: You are a world famous chef giving instructions

to chef trainees. Give them instructions on how to make your favorite dish.

Instructions: Use four adjectives Use four adverbs Use four transition words

Make sure to proofread your blog before publishing!!!

Also, you MUST comment on at least one person’s blog!

Example Blog:

Home-made Pizza First, I will get a pan and I will rinse it out. Next, I will get some flour and dough and I will roll it on the pan. Then, I will softly put tomato sauce on the dough until there is no dough showing. Also, I would carefully put cheese and bacon or beef or sausage on the pizza. Again, I would put some extra topping on the pizza like hot sauce, or chicken. Finally, I would put the pizza in the oven. But later, I would take the good looking pizza out of the oven after about ten or 20 minutes. Last but not least, I would softly cut the pizza until the warm cheese is hanging off the hot pizza.

Posted by Jazmon at 3:04 PM

Sample Lesson Plan 2

Since we have ISAT’s coming up in a few weeks, we are going to talk about 3 different essays. Expository, narrative, and persuasive are the three different types.

• This week we are going to talk about Expository essays.

• Expository essays are essays that give information, discuss ideas, or explain a process. They usually explore emotion or ideas.

Lesson Plan 2 cont.

Assignment: Pick one topic from these three prompts:

• What is your favorite thing to do, and why?• If you could have three wishes, what would

you wish for, and why?• The world would be a better place if…

• Must have introductory paragraph, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.

• Don’t forget to use descriptive words, proper grammar, and proofread before publishing.

• After finishing, you must comment on at least one other person’s blog.

Example Blog: Wednesday, January 30, 2008The world would be a better place if..........

The world would be a better place if all weapons were burned and the ashes were thrown in a river. All perverts should be sent to another planet, if killers were brain-washed and taught how to love ,and if we had more leaders to make America, Africa, Canada, China, Indonesia etc a better place to live.The world would be a better place if all weapons were burned and the ashes were thrown into a river. I want this because with weapons on the earth the world's population get smaller every day. If only police had weapons the world would be better in some cases. I say that because some officers does not when to shoot and when not to shoot. Everyday on the news a police officer shot someone dead. It doesn't make sense to me. As long as I am on this earth I think guns should be only used when there is a emergency. I would teach my family to never turn to violence as their first decision. One day I hope guns would be history.

The world would be a better place if all perverts, sick, disgusting people were sent to another planet. You know I am just kidding. I really wish they were put behind bars and off the streets. I want this because as long as I am a teenager my mom would not want me to go outside because of these people. All parents trust their kids but they do not trust the people surrounding us. That makes me mad and upset because of those people who make our parents want to keep us safe. AS long as I am safe I am okay. I know for a fact that one day those people would be taken care of even if I have to do it.

Ex. Blog cont:The world would be a better place if all killers were brain-washed and taught how to love. The more you kill the more you set an example for our young people around us. If parents would spend more time teaching kids how to love more than hate this world would be even better. You can not teach everyone how to love but if you set an example everyone would notice and try to follow. We all now that there are more followers than leaders, but if we lead something good all of those followers would be transformed into a kind-hearted person. As I said before if it takes me to be a leader and a role model just to make others change I would do it.

The world would also be a better place if we had more white, black, Chinese, Mexicans etc leaders. It seems to me that after MLK died the world is scared to stand up and make a change in the world. The world would continue to go down in the gutter if no one steps up. I thank Barak Obama, Maya Angelou, Michael Jordan, Oprah etc for being a role model . The all have proved that all races can make a difference. I am thinking about becoming an activist. I am unsure but I know that before I grow up I would have made that decision. I hope more leaders would not be afraid and stand up for what they believe in.In conclusion, I think the world would be a better place if we had more leaders, no guns, no sick people, and no more killers. One day if we pray the world would become better. MLK, Tubman, ETC would be happy and crying tears of joy if the world follow the examples they set.

Posted by Ashley at 2:51 PM

Community Unit

One of the goals of Breakthrough’s Youth and Family Services is that our children will someday be positive contributors in their communities. Because of this, we had a 6 week “Community Unit.”

Community Unit

The Community Unit concentrated on helping the students to become more focused on others instead of themselves. Our main goal was for the students to see the positives and negatives of their neighborhood and want to use their strengths and creativity to better their community-changing the negatives to positives.

Empty Lot beside Breakthrough Breakthrough’s ‘Courtyard’

Community Unit

Lesson 1: Acrostic Poem (Street Name)

Lesson 2: Neighborhood Drive/Positives and Negatives

Lesson 3: Research “Other” Youth Impacts

Lesson 4: Strengths Survey

Lesson 5: Using Your Strengths

Lesson 6: Your Ideal Community

Example Blog (Acrostic Poem)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fighting to be the cleanest block in Chicago

Using each other to help the community

Learning with each other about pollution

Talking about how the world should be

Opening up new buildings for work on the Fulton street

Now people look at what we are accomplishing

Posted by Jarell at 3:21 PM

Results seen from Blogging

63% of students went up on grammar skills after 1 semester. (Orchard Test)

52% of students went up in grade equivalency after 1 semester (Stars Test)

76% of students went up on grammar skills at end of year.

59% of students went up in grade equivalency at

end of year.

Long Term Goals?

Life-long readers

Desire to write on their own (why is writing so important?)

Students know how to easily maneuver through

the internet and know more than the simple basics of computer technology.


Check out these websites for more information on starting your own blog or helping others start one: