Blog task 5

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Blog task 5

BLOG TASK 5Audiences and Reviews

Review Links

reviews :: :: Reviews http://

Likes and Dislikes

Likes Cute touching Moments Try's something new (silence for a lot of the film) Good Story Has robot great animation Fun Humour Good combination of Sci-fi and Romance Subtlety

Dislikes (But how you can dislike Wall-e god knows)

To preachy Boring To childish Over-hyped Lack of Dialog Predictable

Who reviewed and comments made

Reviewers include, Roger Ebert, users of IMDB, Olly Richards (Empire Magazine), Dave Calhoun (Timeout), Claudia Puig (USA Today)

Most praised the films attempt to try something new, and praised the animation and story and loved the characters .

Others however (some IMDB users only) criticized the story as preachy, and stated the lack of dialog made the film boring, and did not like the characters .

The reviews. The reviews from the professionals, are

more Formal. They do not spoil the plot but only mention that they are twists and turn, without pointing out what the twists are. It also keeps things rather brief.

I’m here.

My Reviews

Rotten Tomatoes Here's a film that has every sweet sentiment you would

expect in a short. Its cute, its sad, it ends with a wonderful bittersweet moment. It’s a film that teaches us all that love knows no boundary's. Absolutely worth it, if you have 30 minuets to spear I would defiantly spend them on this.

Empire Magazine A sweet love story that hits all the right notes. It tells the

tale of two love-bots and explores the never ending boundary's of true love. It’s everything you’d want from a short film. So give it a shot, you could do a lot worse.

How important is online reviewing compared to more conventional channels such as TV, magazines and newspapers?

Its easy to find what you want, there are many formats of reviews online, be it a Video, or in text, or even a podcast. There are many ways to get about, to find what you want. And If you do not agree with a review, you can usually add your comments stating your opinion. And unlike TV, or a magazine or newspaper, if you disagree with one review, you can just simply find another review. So really its more important, because you can get the reviews faster than waiting for a magazine or news paper, you can add your thoughts, and even make your own reviews.

Which would you personally trust more?

Neither, the way I see it is that if I like the look of the film, I will most likely enjoy the film, of cores there have been exceptions. But really I tend to avoid reviews, as I just see it as my own opinion is what counts…but that said I would possibly trust reviews I found on the internet more as there just easier to access and I can research further into points about a film made as apposed to just taking someone's word for it.

Can you think of an example of where your opinion of a film was influenced by reviews either online or elsewhere?

Well one time I was going to see snow whit and the huntsman with my friend, but I knew NOTHING about the film, so a quick look at Wikipedia I found out that the film had mixed reviews, therefore I knew not to be expecting to much. And It influenced me, as I did enjoy the film, but points about Kristin Stewarts acting letting the side down were spot on.