Blog Compilations

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Video Creations:

Product Release, Wrote Script:

I wrote and directed this commercial

Directed this nonsense

Wrote and directed this EDUTAINMENT

Wrote Script:




Instagram and Facebook accounts Handled:AvisaeTrinitiTekMucusandcheesedoylethesloth

Writing Samples:

The Blame GameBlog“Blame is the lie by which we convince ourselves that we are victims. It is the lie that robs us of our serenity, our generosity, our confidence, and our delight in life. For it is the act of blaming that can’t co-exist with self-responsibility — or with freedom from inner agitation and strained relationships. Abandon the practice of blaming, and we see the fear melt away that we have associated with being honest about ourselves and taking the full measure of responsibility for our emotional and spiritual condition.” Terry WarnerMany things become clear when you decide to take responsibility for your own life. Among these revelatory changes is coming to the understanding that we are masters of our own destiny. In our hands is held the capacity to control our mood, outlook, happiness, financials, progression, lifestyle, health, income and most anything we can imagine.

As willing actors in life, we have the opportunity to keep rolling the dice, advancing and challenging everything we know. At times, the roll of the dice seemingly takes us back to square one, but that’s part of playing the game. A game, that much like RISK or Monopoly, doesn’t end.Distributing blame however, isn’t part of the game.It is YOU, it is ME who move, react, bob and weave to get where we want to go. Being constantly bombarded with decision making, where half the time either decision comes with a host of more difficult decisions, takes us down intended and unintended paths.Acting, overreacting, inaction are all decisions we make. To blame is to shrug responsibility and deny the fact that only we have the ability to make our mindset and ultimately our future- our own.Act. React. Decide. Move. Create. Try. Fail. Succeed- But always take responsibility and be proud of each and every outcome.

Thinking About Skin CareIndependent Business Opportunity, Personal Health, Skin CareThe great philosopher Rene Descartes wrote “Je pense, donc, je suis.” Or “I think, therefore, I am.”At first glance it reads like an incomplete sentence that appears to have been fat-fingered while texting a friend and was accidently sent.But, it isn’t.It was actually a culmination of years of introspection, study, mediation and deep philosophical logic that lead Rene to this conclusion. Like his progenitors, he sat around and read and thought and wrote about these thoughts and ideas. If Descartes was alive today, he’d have a blog with millions of followers and he’d be rich from all the sponsorship.We aren’t asking you to quit your jobs and take up full time thinking. Au contraire, we’re asking you to leverage our thinking so that you don’t have to. Rejuvenate Skin Purification Peel! Strong minds of this generation compiled an ingredient deck in REJUVENATE that gave us a facial cleanser that is refreshingly delightful! You literally see layers of old, drab skin sluff off! Kind of gross if you think about it too much, but genius if you really think about it.Try it every other day for a week and you’ll be astonished at the glow of your countenance!DIRECTIONS: Wash your face with Cleanse. Pat dry. Apply a thin, even layer of rejuvenate to forehead, nose, chin, cheeks and neck individually. Avoid the delicate area around the eyes and direct eye contact. Let the pink gel settle for one to two minutes. With your finger, gently begin rubbing with small, circular motions. The gel will begin to ball up and peel off. After you’ve gently rubbed away most all of the gel, rinse away remaining residue with warm water. Use two to three times per week. Use every other month in rotation with regenerate.

The Rise of the FENIX (Protein Drink)What often begins as a gloomy story of loss, heartache and suffering, the debut of many tales outline the chaos and trials that beset even the greatest of heroes.Perhaps less documented, but often equally tragic, are the trials and hardships that plague you, plague me and plague those we care about most. And we don’t have super powers to fall back on. Or do we? Perhaps it’d be wise to begin this conversation with a thought provoking notion that the problem with failures and difficulties is that we believe we shouldn’t have them.In times of desperation, we can find ourselves falling short, contrary to our best efforts. Even in times of greatest need, we’ve failed not only ourselves, but others. Reduced on many levels to shells of who we believed ourselves to be, we stare into a mirror with our fiercest critic.

Mere mortals struggling, failing, giving in, giving up. If you were told that it’s in these harrowing hours of defeat and self-doubt that you’d be forging a powerful, unstoppable, competent, confident YOU, capable of anything, would you see these times of trouble as anything less than a blessing? Trouble is a gift. Problems unlock your super power.Being tested beyond your capability and being pushed passed your comfort zone into unknown adventures is the universe’s design that tears off the cocoon only to reveal a new, more glorious creature entirely. Only after being tried and pulverized into dust can you be remade. If not for adversity or change, what would be the necessity of growth and development?There is a PHOENIX that lives within each and every one of us that demands of us to experience misfortune, to fight back and to lose. We must feel that anguish that comes with loss, to have walked with our heads held low so we’ll do all in our power to prepare to never feel this way again. Disappointed, disheartened, we have two choices. Quit. Remain low and face the next challenge in weakness and ineptitude. The unresolved issues will mount and new ones will seek you out. Or you can, like the unconquerable PHOENIX arise from the dust, an improved and dedicated warrior- recommitted to learning and growing, determined to RISE against all odds and finding ways to keep moving forward regardless of the struggles that will assuredly come. The Rise of the Fenix, the new you, is a lifetime of innumerable beginnings. You’re the super hero in your own tale; today, tomorrow and until you breath your last, YOU WILL RISE.

(Ghostwriter Sample) A Review on Lululemons new Tight Fit PantsThe #Fitspo community has become a keenly dressed cult, clad almost entirely in Lululemon attire, reminiscent of the unmatched loyalty that captured the souls and wallets of the other ever popular fruit, APPLE.You can’t help but shudder at consumer’s blatant obedience to buy their costly goodies then straightway join the salivating groupies.So when LuluLemon came out with 4 new, uniquely inspired pants, I got all giddy.I knew they only create forward thinking, beautiful and cozy threads and I couldn’t wait to mortgage all that I had to get my hands on it.Then, a call came from Fashion Place Lululemon to test them for myself and pick my favorite 2 for review!!!I about died. Life can demanding and rough, I know.I’ve come to terms that when left to mine own devices; DNA, eating habits and gymnasium interaction, I will never enjoy thigh gap and the ensuing prestige, however, “Tight” brought me a smooth posterior, completely bereft of cottage cheese and smooth sailing from naval to knees.I essentially went from a size 4 to a size 2 and all I could think was how amazing they looked and how comfortable I felt.The Tight, streamlined, firm compression made me locked and loaded and ready to get busy. First things first. They look adorable.And the functionality is wonderful. I wore them to cross fit and was seriously impressed with how they made me feel. They kept everything from jostling about like a gelatin dish at a funeral as I did burpees, strict pull-ups, squats and ran.

I was stuffed into them cozily like a can of sardines, but if that wasn’t enough, they left me feeling like a champion with the bronze, gold and silver stars that adorn the trim as though I had won all 3 medals for being a BAD A!Of the many things that I heart about Lululemon, is their uncanny attention to details. From the scalloped ankles, the gold logo and the back zipper locker key pocket. They don’t overlook the smallest methods of beauty and convenience, then they go above and beyond in quality and comfort. Sexy, fitting, comfortable and comforting.LuluLemon, you have my heart/wallet/buttcheeks in your capable hands.Rose Gold Nike’s (Ghostwriting Sample)It was a brisk Saturday afternoon like many others I have known, as I found myself walking through Nordstrom’s to get to Lululemon…As you know from this post.. I have an obsession.I was on a hunt for treasure; the kind of treasure that only a $42.69 Lululemon Gift Card from a return could offer… which did pay for part of the beautiful green shirt pictured here.I sauntered through the bright and spacious paths of Nordstrom’s carefully, beset on all sides by majestic apparel of all variety, tempting me, luring me in, when a sparkle in the distance caught my eye. A golden shimmer softly compelled me hither. As I approached the shoe department, I knew I had found what I was looking for. With a flick of the wrist, I unabashedly absconded with the LAST pair of rose gold Nike’s. With three clicks of my heels, well, tennies, I giggled and made a mad dash for the car. I knew the world must know of these pearls, these gems! The gems I very quickly posted on Snapchat The camera was in the back seat, battery charged. The camera man was semi poised and frankly stuck, but always ready and willing to do whatever I tell him to do. My hair wasn’t going crazy and my makeup was on point! The stars had aligned! Oh this was going to be a great night!To avoid a pitchfork and burning scenario, I waited until today to post since the Golden Kicks are now again available!Don’t wait tho! These cute little fiery dime pieces will be gonzo before you can say Trick or Treat!

Anti-Leadership is NutsBlogA good leader is someone you don’t soon forget. Leaders possess subtle, yet powerful skills that are often overlooked because their implementation is what makes a great leader, well, great.When you find yourself in meetings that flow well, where everyone safely contributes and upon leaving, each member feels empowered and free to get after their responsibilities with some extra vigor, you’ve been lead.If you leave a meeting somewhat deflated, anxious and a not entirely sure what you’re supposed to do, you’ve probably just been managed.Leaders aren’t necessarily just born that way, which suggests regular reflection lends itself to anyone who wants to lead and influence others positively. If you’re not brutally honest with how you deal with others, self-reflection is worthless. Here’s a little food for thought:If you do the following, you’re certainly not a leader and you need to think seriously about fixing your behavior:Acting superior and high-handedEnforcing rules rigidlyFavoring a small core of people over everyone elseMeasuring your success and others’ by how much you earnUsing money as a primary reward, leaving out praise, respect, and appreciationHolding on to your own fixed opinions while excluding new inputSeeming to look out only for yourself

Criticizing team members or employees in publicFailing to show respect to everyoneAssuming that you always know bestComing to snap judgments and pigeon-holing othersManaging through fear and intimidationThe skill of leadership requires certain specific abilities, so ask yourself if you can:Inspire loyaltyMake others feel safeListen to all points of viewSee past your own needs to fulfill the needs of othersMake others feel accepted and respectedMotivate others to succeedOpen up a space for creativityFoster harmony in a teamIt’s important to be vigilant and ever self-aware so you can listen and implement these positive qualities. People love working with others who embrace these abilities and bring others up to draw out their best. You will find others giving their best and excited to be part of a team.

Non-Final DestinationBlogDo you remember being told that an airplane whose pilot has miscalculated the flight pattern by 1 or 2 degrees can take you hundreds of miles from the intended destination? Or worse, into the broad side of a mountain! A miscalculation so small can have huge ramifications.If you’re a glass-half-full kind-of-guy like me, then the same principle applies the other way too. For those who actually want to find themselves somewhere other than where they’re currently going, you can change your pattern just 1 or 2 degrees and you’ll find yourself somewhere entirely unforeseen.Your current flight plan is sure and steady and unless you make some alterations, you can probably guess where you’ll be in 5 years. That all fluctuates however when you make a specific effort to gum up the works of your own leisurely ride through life.The real beauty is, that course deviations don’t have to be massive. Change 1 degree. See where that takes you. Chances are you ended up in Los Angeles instead of San Diego. Change 2 degrees. It takes a while longer, but you end up in Hawaii instead. Change three degrees and you end up somewhere between New Zealand and Australia.In everyday terms, the tiniest changes to your daily routine/diet/hobbies could mean lower cholesterol, no headaches, more energy, more free time, more money, more experiences, traveling, reading more, getting to bed on time, waking up early, feeling healthier, less stress, time for hobbies etc. Whatever your destination is now, what can it be with just a little deviation? Don’t end up where your ticket currently dictates. Make a small course “incorrection” and see where you find yourself!Succulent Lips and Bouncy HousesUncategorizedSometime in the late 80s, there was a huge discovery in the lip care arena of ideas. I forget what it was. But what I do know is that 30 plus years later, developments in the lip plumping industry have exceeded even the highest hopes of lip connoisseurs around the globe.Over time, what many consider to be an important feature on the face, lips eventually become sad, limp, wrinkled messes. Fortunately for mankind, Avisae introduced lushLips back in May of 2014. Since then, the world has been a better, plumper, smoother and firmer place.Imagine, if you will, an inflatable bouncy house for kids/adults. It starts off as a lifeless pile of durable blue plastic. It’s of no real value. The potential is tremendous however. With a little structural

reinforcement, the bouncy house will be crushing your grass flat and your kids will be bonking heads in no time.A deflated bouncy house quickly transforms from a worthless blob into an inflated, firm, dangerous contraption that frees up the neighborhood parents for an afternoon; likewise, lushLips can transform your disgusting, wrinkled lips into soft, smooth, plump, full, tempting butterfly-like, expressions of hope.lushLIPS Anti-Aging Lip PlumperPerfect Your PoutlushLIPS is the freshest, newest and healthiest way to get the dreamiest, most coveted pouty lips possible! lushLIPS contains unique collagen and plant proteins that naturally plump up your lips that provide real, long-term results. lushLIPS holds powerful hyaluronic filling spheres that drench your lips with rich, high-performing serum that will leave them feeling plumper, smoother and deeply moisturized! Best of all, your lips will be full, hydrated and sexy!Exclusive Micro Sphere Technology moisturizes and plumps lipsCollagen production restores lips to a fuller, more refined lookWrinkles reduced by 29%Lip volume increased by 40% in just 30 days

11 Essential Steps of Ego-Crushing InadequacyBlog“Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way- Turn.” Charles De Mar, Better Off Dead.Some choice advice dispelled in the 1980’s.It’s as true today as it was then. Someone else described this process in terms of business “Fail as fast as you can, so you can succeed faster.”Bygone are the days of careful and strategic navigation through life and business the way our parents did.Rough and tumble, fast and loose and roller coaster often defined the ups and downs of a familial experience over a duration spanning the course of several decades. Today, we use these terms depicting a life of uncertainty and adversity following the first 5 years after high school graduation.Technological advances, economic upheavals and ever changing demographical wants force the hand of every business hoping to succeed in today’s occupational climate. Changing, adapting and learning on the fly are commonplace; while consistency and secure predictability are often in short supply. But, that’s just how it is. This is the norm. Tumultuous swings in job descriptions often leave employees feeling out of sorts, out of their league or out of their mind.There isn’t time to stew in your inadequacies however. You need to delve right in, go fast and if you find you’re doing it wrong, alternate you course immediately! Part of the adventure is making mistakes, fouling things up and dealing with the consequences. That’s just how things go.Here is a rough description of what to expect:Accept responsibility for project way outside your professional wheelhouseGet to workDo it absolutely incorrectGet called out in team meeting and embarrassedTry again but do it differentlyMake fewer mistakesFeel wildly incompetentAttempt to do it betterMostly succeedDo it againBlow everyone’s mind and accept praise for your successful act of genius

Don’t know what you’re doing? Chances are others don’t know either. The only way you’ll find out is only after a series of temporarily painful misfires that will eventually steer you towards the right path.Just know that the only way to get better is to try. Try hard, do your best, lose the ego and go fast! If things aren’t go according to what you had envisioned, TURN!

Difficult times, I don’t want you, but I need you.BlogI know difficult times.This line at face value may appear a somber and non-heartwarming intro. But it’s all in one’s perspective.Have you found yourself on the losing end of a series of unfortunate events? Anything from tragedy to unemployment to heartache? With your world crashing down around you and painful reminders of your plight at every turn, one thing seems to remain consistent; the world keeps on keepin’ on. And it does so with or without your consent. Though you’re undergoing what very well may be the most trying time of your life, others seem to be going about their lives, cheery, hopeful and seemingly unaware that hard times abound.Through my own difficult times it became clear that they are a mainstay for everyone; a necessary evil that show up at your doorstep uninvited but curiously- welcomed.It’s in these times of overwhelming distress, change and disaster that we are compelled to see life, friendships, meaning, family, self and relationships in entirely new lighting. Time doesn’t stop for mourning; others don’t wait for you to heal before they continue living their lives. No, the hardships that befall us all force us to grow, adapt, develop and continue to live life- all while the chips are down.I, like you, like those before us and those to follow, will know difficult times. The tears, the sorrow, the uncertainty, the hurt all play to our advantage if we allow it. If we focus on the lessons that are dealt like a basket of eye watering lemons and turn them into a tasty, refreshing drink; then knowing difficult times is to have known times when sorrow meant growth, despair became hope and loss became new life.Difficult times will make you strong. Difficult times can make you unbreakable.Become more by overcoming the seemingly impossible.

REDUCE is the Only Certainty in LifeWeight LossOne cool March day when I was in the 4th grade, the intercom came on unexpectedly and after what sounded like a slight altercation, a voice filled our rooms declaring “It’s all lies! You’ll never use math in real life! Subtract math from your lives!” The intercom then screeched to a cold silence as a classroom of children quietly eyed one another in shock and delight.Well, we all know how the story ends. The unknown assailant was correct and math probably isn’t even taught anymore.Whether you know your ABCs or arithmetic or have discarded them as gypsy nonsense, one thing is clear; we all need to lose weight or could use a little firming up.Stage right enters REDUCE.Though not tested on extra-terrestrials, this stuff is out of this world.Let the following facts wash over you:

ENVAI Shampoo and Conditioner

I took a census and found that many people have hair on their heads.

Not surprisingly, this fact and many more facts just like it were backed up by the Bureau of Internet Facts (Google) which was rife with hairy things to know.Facts include, but are not limited to:The only thing that CAN’T be identified by hair, is genderAll of the hair follicles you’ll ever have, were formed when you were a fetus (at 5 months)Not all hair facts are this insightful and applicable. But now I know why I’m mostly bald. I burned through my follicles in High School. It was the 90’s and there was a lot of coloring and soft perming etc.Nevertheless, hair has become a staple in most of our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Almost incalculable amounts of time, energy and money have gone into the upkeep and protection of these delicate and fussy follicles. “A good hair day” can determine the inner happiness of a human being for the better part of a day. Imagine that.Hair plays a role in our lives that can’t be overstated.It was this line of thinking that compelled our team to fight the good fight for months as we perfected a shampoo and conditioner that wasn’t just good- We wanted, nay, demanded magnificence!Guess what? We’ve arrived!Tears rolled down our collective cheeks as the final formulation tendered a brilliant product that even the stingiest hairdo, the pickiest salon owner and the most demanding head of hair could experience.But don’t take my word for it. Well, do. Then try it. Then rejoice as the sweet, sweet Envai Shampoo and Conditioner wash over you like a warm Amazonian waterfall.

Give a Kiss and Wink for the Holidays!Corporate News, Events, Independent Business Opportunity, Personal Health, Skin CareMy mother always told me it was better to give than to receive. I’ll never forgive her for that.Nevertheless, contrary to what I think, this maternal wisdom seems to be prevalent this time of year. So, in dramatic fashion, I slammed my hands on the conference table and I fought tooth and nail to bring the masses an offer that my sage mother would endorse. Buy 2 Holiday Combo Gift Packs and Get 1 atLASH! FREE!!I’ve always said that the greatest gift is not bought in a store. It’s not found in the highest mountains or in the deepest seas. It’s found online at For the holiday season, give your loved ones the gift that keeps on giving: Full eyelashes and soft, juicy, plump lips! Everyone wins!For a limited and glorious time, you can splurge on a couple gifts for loved ones and get atLASH! Eyelash serum….. Absolutely FREE!!!Few things are as gratifying as giving a gift to those you hold near and dear to your heart and then holding your generosity over their heads as leverage for years to come.“Do you remember last Christmas when I got you’re a Holiday Combo Gift Pack? Well, anyway, I’m installing sod this weekend….” (Sprinkler installation, moving, ride to/from the airport etc.). You’ll find they will gladly help!“What can I do with a FREE atLASH?” You might ask. Well, I consulted with the professionals and GOOGLE came back with the following.Use atLASH! yourself.Use atLASH! as a tool to spread the good news about atLASH!Give atLASH! to a loved one.Sell it to someone you love.Give it to someone that you want to have fall in love with you.Have a loved one apply atLASH! for you.Have someone you love apply atLASH! on themselves and then on you.

I think there is a trend here. I don’t know what it is, but I believe that when you are in the gentle embrace of an overwhelmed Gift Pack recipient, your once cold, black heart will rejoice and you too will remember the priceless, timeless, patent pending, insight of my sweet mother.

Renew has your eye sockets covered.Corporate News, Independent Business Opportunity, Skin Care, UncategorizedDo you have eyes, or do eyes have you?We’ve all seen them. Located 1/2 the way down the face; they come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Some require glasses; some need contacts, some see straight, while others wander independently. Still other eyes work poorly and squint; some are sharp and can spot whales several leagues in the distance. The variety and vast dynamics of the eyes splendor cannot be overstated.So what have you done for your eyes lately? They come encased in a delicate, thin skin what many describe as “the area around the eyeball.” Anyway, not to get overly scientific, the point here is that the eyes in their shiftiness and squinting make the skin that surrounds them wrinkly and aged. To add to the mayhem, all too often, we tragically get dark circles and puffiness under our eyes as well.In turn, these dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles hurt our self-esteem and make us feel old and unattractive. If they didn’t before, after reading this, they will.Which brings me to my next point: Your newly devastated self-esteem can be reestablished and better than before thanks to REFINE Advanced Eye Treatment Cream!!!Don’t give up on your eyes! They just need a little Tender Loving Care!!! Refine is specially formulated to entice the eye sockets to shine, rehydrate, strengthen and smooth!

Daily Indulge Meal ReplacementFitness, Personal Health, Weight LossScience tells us that people consistently do the same few things when they awake. Without going into gruesome, offensive detail, one of the to-dos is eating breakfast. Later, most will then eat lunch, and later still; dinner.Unfortunately for human beings there are foods like sugary cereal or lunch foods that have been violently condensed into patty or sausage form. Now, I’m not a rocket scientist (though the nutritional insights of a rocket scientist might be worthless) but these delicious patties and breakfast foods compiled of whatnot with a side of whathaveyou generally lack the nutritional values necessary to keep you healthy. Au contraire, many contain ingredients that are BAD for you! Admittedly, they can be delicious by Goerge!Well, imagine a world, a world that has a healthy AND delicious option for breakfast! Also, a world where the author of this blog is 6’2. What a world!

Imagine no more. Daily Indulge meal replacement was delivered by a stork and left on the doorstep of Avisae to be kept in good keeping. In turn, we wanted to give to the world the greatest gift that one person can bestow upon another- love. How? By making Daily Indulge available to the masses. We all enjoy our Trix, Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. But what do these all have in common? Yes, they’re all delicious. More depressingly however, they offer our delicate and needy bodies almost nothing nutritionally. We send off our loved ones to school and work ill prepared to faces the wiles of the day. Starving their muscles, joints and brain of important and vital essentials! For the love of humanity, drink Daily Indulge! It’s delicious! But more importantly, it’s chalked full of life giving nutritional components that the body needs!

Mind, Blown.

BlogHonestly, this is real. But it’s actually your brain being depleted of a diminishing resource called “mental energy.”Did you know we have a daily allotment of energy devoted to the brain and decision making that we can burn right through? Mental fortitude is a rich commodity that some have in excess while others seemingly lack greatly.It’s for this purpose that the choices with which we bombard ourselves should be limited and/or outsourced to tools and devices specifically created to occupy their time remembering and deciding menial things on our behalf.Little decisions like breakfast, lunch and dinner, what to wear, TV shows to watch, bill paying, anniversaries, birthdays, movie times, future vacations, work projects etc are all little things that take up valuable gray matter energies if we allow them.At the end of a day, most of us are almost bereft entirely of mental energy and want to veg out in front of the TV. We cherish the moments where we can wind down and harvest what’s left of our mental strength. Heaven forbid the evening further demands of us a major decision making energies like car buying or imagine this; energy to help your kids with math homework! Yikes. You’ll find yourself struggling to make coherent and cohesive thought processes that you’d normally breeze right through.Let your calculators do your math! Let your calendar remind you of important dates and your to-do lists! Delegate the bill paying responsibilities to an accurate budget and autopay billing tools with your bank! Write cool stuff down that you don’t want to forget in your daily journal! Record a few of your favorite shows and have a day that you want to watch them! Pre-plan your meals, buy accordingly and even prepare some in advance!The point is, your mental capacity and ability to perform on fuel not fumes is something you can work around. Being wiped out at the end of a day could simply mean you have many, many things- TOO many things going through the back of your head all day, every day.Treat your mental energy like a gas tank; take your foot off the pedal at times and take it out of turbo until required. Harvest it, care for it and prepare for the moments you actually want to unload it and go into super drive!

Get Comfortable Being UncomfortableBlogWhat I know finally, is the seed of comfort and habit in people’s hearts.For better or worse, we, like water, attempt to flow free, trying to get into an uninhibited path of motion. The path of least resistance doesn’t mean taking lazy short cuts necessarily, but the simplest, most comfortable method to get somewhere or doing something while also using the least amount of energy possible.If I offered you $1,000,000 to do whatever you wanted i.e. Travel, workout, hang out with family, sleep in, go to school for the next year- whatever you wanted- or $1,000,000 to work for me for a year, 40+ hours a week, which would you choose?Don’t be discouraged if you wisely picked the life of personal freedom and self-governing. It’s just to display the concept that we are creatures of comfort and habit. We are wired to save energy, save precious time and reduce effort, especially when none is required.But therein lies the dilemma and the dichotomy. A life of greatness and meaningful change seems to run in direct opposition to comfort and habit. Because it does. Personal growth, change, development and significant goal achievement isn’t accomplished by resourcing and saving energy. Getting what we want above and beyond what we currently have requires frequent self-examination and the removal and addition of so called habits. Habits that lead to complacency and coasting need to be shaken. Habits that disrupt and never seem to get easier, are to be embraced- because you’re forcing yourself to grow!

Discomfort, anxiety, stress and nerves are your friends.I was terrified when I went into the 1st grade. There were new challenges, new faces, expectations, early mornings, long days and no naps! I was undone! However, what I actually ending up getting were new friends, exciting and interesting subjects to learn about, recess, cute girls and sporting activities! Oh the adventure that rocked my young world and took me from the comforts of home and television were innumerable.Waking up never got easier, taking tests and meeting new people was always nerve wracking. The ever-increasingly difficult subject matter became the new terrifying norm and remained so for another 15 years. And yet, despite the seemingly endless array of challenges, I became better in every way; always varying and expanding my horizons.Ask yourself “What have I become in the last 5 years?”Have you settled into the mud? Have you found your path of least resistance? Are you hopeful that with time, your fortune will suddenly change for the better? Are you progressing? Do you feel accomplished? Are you tired at the end of the day and therefore growing?Fatigue is often a sign of stagnancy. Do you work, occasionally play, sleep, eat then repeat?It’s time to throw a monkey wrench into your own cogs. Shake it up. Disrupt your flow. Follow a long silenced passion. Push yourself and come alive! It’ll be stressful, awkward, painful and uncomfortable at times; and that’s how you know you’re doing it right.

Getting Out of My Own WayBlogThe things we DO every day are the things that either enable us or prevent us from achieving what we WANT. Sneaky little things make all the difference. A thorough examination of one’s activities, comforts and habits will tell a story about what path we are on. If that path resembles mediocrity and status quo, it might be time to jettison some of your pastimes for more fulfilling pastures.After a few simple changes, we may be shocked to find ourselves living a little more, experiencing more and rediscovering ourselves. The very things we look forward to every day, may very well be our greatest obstacles to success.Here’s a list of things I once LOVED, but after saying goodbye to them for 60 days, I look at them entirely different. Their once overwhelming allure has subsided; often into sentiments of gratitude that they are no longer in my life. Not long ago, I couldn’t imagine life without them. Now, It’s as though they never were.Nightly Television WatchingSleeping InSugary Breakfast CerealBread at Every MealStaying Up LateAvoiding Physical/Strenuous ActivitySnacking on CandyPost Meal SweetsSodaRelying on Energy DrinksConstant Communication with Family/Friends/Social MediaOnly Working Out When “I feel like it”Sleeping with My Covers Over My FeetI asked my friends what they have done “new” this year or “what they have given up” and this question befuddled most all of them. Most simply shrugged and lamented their lack of diversity in life’s

adventure. Experimenting and switching things up simply doesn’t appeal to everyone. But I contest that it should!Do you find yourself being a creature of habit? Have you found a level of homeostasis, at which level you hope to coast and glide with ease for as long as you can? Have you considered adding to your already busy life a few more experiences while doing away with others?Avisae encourages you to find yourself at the cutting edge of life. See what is compelling you to be the best version of you. Uncover what habits are impeding your growth and kick them to the curb and we promise you, you’ll be happy you did!What can you change today?BECOME MORE

It’s Time to Bloom… Again.BlogSpringtime means sunshine and new beginnings are in the air. There is no better time to take advantage of the good vibes and fresh energy than when each day offers a new ray of sun and everything is in bloom. Become part of the same Spring process and make every day a little brighter and more colorful.Here are a few ideas on how to maximize each day by adding simple variety and small but meaningful changes. Pick a couple and see how easy or how hard they are to implement.Give ComplimentsSay ThanksSmile a LotSay You’re SorryAdd Healthy Foods to DietTurn Off Phone a Full Hour Before BedWalk Outside Every DaySet Your Alarm 45 Minutes Before BedRead Every DayLearn to Use a Food and Calorie AppLearn to Use a Finance Tracking AppTake a Reusable Water Bottle with You Everywhere You GoFind the Good/Uniqueness In EveryoneDo 15 Push Ups and Sit Ups First Thing in the MorningMake Your Bed Right After You AwakeEat a Nutritious BreakfastListen to Motivational Talks on YoutubeWrite in Your JournalTake Time to Cook a Great MealHave Friends Over for Game NightWrite a Letter to Your Parents/FamilySometimes we need a suggestion or a shove in the right direction; something to help us think just a little differently and put us down a new, happier and more fulfilling path.What alterations will you implement?

The Outside In- Supplements & Skin CareBlog, Fitness, Health, Skin Care, Weight LossIf you haven’t figured out how to successfully complete a Rubik’s Cube. You’re not alone.

I have offered exactly 6 minutes of mental energy toward said feat before collapsing with exhaustion. I did however manage to get one side of the cube completely white. The remaining 5 sides however, were a discombobulated mess of colors. Fortunately, there was nothing on the line.Unlike the Rubik’s Cube, our body’s ability to function smooth, our skin’s texture and durability, our mind’s ability to operate at a high level, our stomach’s capacity to break down food and for the sake of general well-being, each of the 6 sides of our life’s metaphorical Rubik’s Cube must be one solid color!Beauty from the Inside Out and the Outside In.“Beauty” is subjective, and Avisae uses the term “Beauty“ simply as a measuring stick really, on just how resilient and capable our bodies react to the knots and twists we subject it to daily. When things are running as intended, it’s a beautiful thing. Our diets affect how we feel on the inside and on the outside. Overeating greasy foods will affect your stomach and your skin’s appearance tremendously. Feeling bloated, tired and sick- looking greasy or breaking out doesn’t make us feel beautiful- inside or out.Getting every side of your well-being aligned can be quite the undertaking. It’s been Avisae’s aim to push and pull each IBO into being the best version of themselves; to enable everyone with the products to get you started, give you the edge and keep you going.Don’t you give up on this Rubik’s Cube. It’s not easy-it’s hard! It requires thought, effort and support. But there is something on the line now- This is your life. This is your health. This is about longevity, vitality, confidence, strength of mind and body. It’s about being “beautiful” on the inside and the outside.Fathers Do More Than Eat LeftoversFitness, Personal Health, Weight LossSomewhere, there is a man lying on a couch relaxing and thereby, igniting the ire of his wife. There is something about a man relaxing that drives women bananas. For this purpose, a man, high up the ladder in Washington, created “Father’s Day.”One time a year, no more, no less, Fathers are entitled to an inexpensive tie, a pair of ill-fitting khakis, a nap and a few extra hugs and kisses.This year, make Father’s Day a little extra special. Throw some Activate or Torch his way for a little energy. Maybe put some Reduce and Relieve under his pillow because his body is chubby and aches all over for unknown reasons. Perhaps some Balance and some Sustain because you want him to be healthier. Whatever you do don’t forget, because he’s not only a hard- working, loving father, but when it’s not Father’s Day, he’s also a human ATM.Love em. Hug em. Give em some OptimALL and they’ll know you really care.

Encyclopedias Aren’t Impressed by Star Dust

According to Pinterest, we are made of stardust. However, I am unsure if this a fact or it’s being passed around as motivational propaganda. My Encyclopedia Britannica from 1994 doesn’t even bother to attempt to make a connection between humans and stardust, so we’ll never know if this is true. But what we do know about dust, is that is doesn’t taste good.Somewhere in the annals of history, someone said, I’m going to create a dust that tastes good. They straightway went out and created powder. Delicious powders of all variety.As an ongoing celebration of this fascinating, healthy and rich discovery/invention; we present PEACH MANGO ACTIVATE!

Renew is a Winter Time Face GarageIndependent Business Opportunity, Personal Health, Skin Care“Spring showers bring May flowers,” as the old Siberian adage goes. It’s a season of new beginnings, fresh starts, bizarre temperature shifts, renewed life and untimely car washes.

But more important than rain, vegetation and drinking water is the necessity for vibrant, soft, younger looking skin.Not unlike the end of a long, cold and cruel winter, our skin can become downtrodden, unsightly and depressing. But becoming hideous isn’t a foregone conclusion. The fate of skin depends on how it is treated and nurtured. Not all is lost! Our skin’s plight can’t all be blamed on our parents and our DNA. We can park our cars in the garage, wash them and wax them. Likewise, we can protect our skin with moisturizers, sun block, serums and clean it gently daily. Dehidifying takes time, but you can actually reverse damage that you’ve been doing to your skin for decades. Regular upkeep and tlc can be the difference between becoming a withered old dill weed, or a splendid rose, freshly blooming daily.Renew is perhaps our most potent ally against aging, reversing damage and protecting us. The serum has the highest % of Cellvinity and Dermanox and can tout astronomical percentages of wrinkle and line reduction.If your skin makes you feel old and decrepit, Avisae would encourage you to take 4 minutes and read the two links here that will undoubtedly restore hope in your skin’s future anew:

Mind the Company that You KeepHere are just a few examples of when you’re expected to interact with your fellow Avisae family members and learn/talk shop.Every couple of weeks it seems like there is something going on, something you should be doing, someplace you should be… Why!?Our time is very precious. The slipperiest and most valuable of commodities and we’re asking you to spend it with us. While we do benefit greatly, we ask you to share your time because your Avisae family wants you to go more places, do more things and experience more!We ask of you your time and energy because we know in the long run, you’ll exceed even your own wildest expectations. It’ll happen so gradually, so seamlessly, that you’ll be living a life that many consider to be a dream and you won’t even remember how exactly, or when exactly it all started to change.Being in the right place, surrounded by the right people and doing the right sort of things isn’t a life that chooses you. You must go after it.Imagine if you had told your friends in high school that you wanted to be retired at the age of 30; so imaginary, so preposterous, so crazy! They’d tell you sarcastically “Good luck.” You’d be instantly discouraged and eventually, you’d probably even doubt it yourself. “Dream Killers” we call them.Where can I go to find support, tools, ideas and like-minded people? Who believes in me? Who will encourage me? Who will help me instead of mocking me? Who will show me what to do? Where to go? What to read? Who?! Who?!Read the first sentence again.Do extraordinary things. Spend time with people who want to help you. Read a bit, listen to those who have been where you are and spend time with individuals who not only want to become more, but want those around them to join them for the ride!

REDUCE is a 6 Letter WordFitness, Personal Health, Weight LossWhen you hear someone say REDUCE, science tells us you automatically think of one of the following:Alice in Wonderland “Drink Me”Car EmissionsYour “Honey-Do” ListNuclear ProliferationTaxes

If you thought outside of these 5 suggestions, than you are above average in intelligence and should be sitting on a porch somewhere, sipping lemonade in a rocking chair and thanklessly imparting snippets of wisdom to impressionable youths who simply think you’re just a has-been and a grump.The alternative to is to take your special brain and look over the contents of REDUCE by OptimAll Nutrition.Like most people, you’ll read the tagline first “Optimal Weight Loss Formula.”That’s a good start. Get your gray matter warm so as to not overheat it when you delve into the Supplement Facts which include, but are not limited to: MetaBIOlize and Thermosaf.These 2 proprietary formulas contain metabolism friendly formulations aimed at REDUCING unwanted lbs. and help you achieve related wellness goals. What are your health goals? Have you thought about them? Well if you haven’t, now is the time. Consult someone in the know as you set such goals.In the meantime, as you look over the ingredient deck, you might be intrigued, even flabbergasted to find these 7 wondrous inclusions:Green Coffee Bean ExtractGarcinia CambogiaHydroxycitric AcidRaspberry KetonesL-theanineTheobrominePotato Protein Extract