Blog 5

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Fifth Blog

Transcript of Blog 5

Blog 5

So just to be clear I hate writing, and that is the reason English is not my major. Having said

that, if I did write there are many possibilities for what I would write about. As some of my

fellow students have also mention, I too would like to write lyrics to song. Music is a beautiful

thing and to be able to not only put your feelings and thoughts in a song but also to possibly

make someone else feel better after a hard day would be one of the better feelings that we can

possess. Also the fact that being able to write good lyrics can also lead to a profession and this

profession can lead to some serious change. I would probably want to write for lyrics for some

rock song since I feel that is the only type of music which is not fake anymore, meaning auto

tunes and what not. This genre also allows you to go out of the comfort zone since to me rock

pushes the boundaries of music. Another form of writing that I would not mind doing is to write

legitimate articles for big papers. I wish I could do this because this people are able to express

their opinions to a big group and you know I like to voice my opinion there Joe. Especially

when it comes to politics I would love to write how Democrats sucks and how all liberals are

wrong about pretty about everything. I would find the ability to do that quite enjoyable. And to

be able to do that at a national level where all the people of the United States can read what I

write and have people either love me or hate me for it would be incredible. Sorry if you are a

Democrat, Joe, its nothing personal.