Blog 5 28 March 2008 to 11May 2008

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Transcript of Blog 5 28 March 2008 to 11May 2008

8/14/2019 Blog 5 28 March 2008 to 11May 2008 1/11

Blog 5 28 March 2008 to 11May 2008

Frank C

Sunday 11 May 2008

As I start today I've chosen an interchange between Moses

and Pharaoh as the theme. These were two very differentmen. One seems to be able to listen to God and another whoseems not to be able to and is even convinced that he is thepower and authority above others. For all of Pharaoh's powerover people and in spite of having so called learn-ed menaround him it strikes me that Pharaoh's main difficulty was hisstubbornness which led him to depend on his own belief systems and an attempt to maintain the status quo. Moses onthe other hand was being taught to adjust and learn. Frombirth he had to leave home being placed in the river to floatinto an adopted mothers arms. Later as a young prince with

all the benefits that brings he is taken from that and sent intothe desert to survive. He's given a new home and family and

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is doing well only to be called into the presence of God andtold he is again to leave comfort and security. It is interestingthat his first reaction shows that he is not all that unlikePharaoh who was at one time like a brother to him. He tellsGod Why me? Can't someone else go? In other words he's

tempted not to listen. He does ultimately surrender thoughand God recognises that Moses needs help so his real brotheris to be enlisted as that support. So Moses heads back to aland where he might be punished because of thecircumstances in which he left. The land is Egypt. I don't knowabout you but I can certainly relate to the fear he must havefelt. Still for all his other life changing experiences he didlearn, survive and prosper each time so he must of called onthat experience to muster the faith and trust to collect Aaronand proceed to make audience with Pharaoh. OK so now weget to Pharaoh and what's the message Moses carries. Prettymuch the same one that Moses had been moving towards allhis life and that was Listen to Me. Love me, Love my people.How could Pharaoh Love God's People? Give them freedom. AllPharaoh had to do was listen. Now Moses' whole life had beenlearning to listen to God. Pharaoh on the other hand hadn'treally learned anything but getting what he wanted so He hadto learn how to listen and God sent Plagues. Moses gotchanges in life direction and the Plagues Egypt received wasPharaoh's life direction changes. Each plague that was sentwas just a bit worse than the one before until Pharaoh was

ready to listen. It took Pharaoh great grief in order to listenand still even after granting freedom he began to listen to thelouder insistent voices of others that said hey you’re the boss. You are god and king and in charge go back and control thepeople. So listening to them he sends his army to bring thepeople back and guess what? Your right if you said more loss. The army is wiped out. Pharaoh loses out again. So Mosestakes the people out into the desert just as he had done manyyears before. Moses listens and the people’s needs are metas he tries to teach the people to listen to God's voice so as tohave a relationship with God, that they could find the

Promised Land. God gave them some guidelines whichsounded like rules but were pretty much the same things Godgave Adam and Eve. God all along is saying have arelationship with me. Through that relationship learn to listento me. I will teach you to love as I love. If you learn love goodthings happen. Don't listen it affects your living. I want youfree to live, grow prosper all you have to do is learn to listen.In listening you will love and respect yourself and my creationespecially others of your kind. The people learned for a whileand eventually moved into the Promised Land.

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Here we are today. Really the message hasn't really changed.God's trying to get us to listen. He wants us to be free and livein His kingdom. It is where Adam and Eve were before theystopped listening and learned the knowledge of Good and Evil.So the people lost their freedom. Moses gave them the

opportunity to move towards getting that freedom back bysetting up a covenant. The People started to listen andprofited for awhile but fell back to not listening. God hasn'tgiven up; He sends others with the same basic message.Always in slightly different forms because as individuals we allhear God differently depending upon our experiences of Godbut at its Core is Jesus' version. Love God, Love others as youwould have love done to you. Some get it and find freedomeven prosper because they are open to life and see God's lovefor them as it has always been there. When we listen we areblessed and find life to be good. When we stop listening ourlives are affected till we get back on track. So we come to thepresent and we are faced with the same choices and samemessage only fashioned specifically to our experience. Wecan listen to God's voice within us and have a relationship thathelps us love one another and give freedom to others or wecan be like Pharaoh and listen to that louder ego that deceivesus and brings us fear. It locks us up takes away our freedomand can bring a living death (just look at the pain of individuals on this earth). Still hope resides. Individuals dolearn and there are those of us finding life and freedom in

Love even among that which appears to be lack of life formost. The key is perception. Be awake and have life inrelationship with God or fall asleep. Be reactive habitualpeople, whose lives living in fear and doubt believing only inones power and control without a relationship with God. Weare zombies (living dead) without a relationship with “RealLove” (God).

Well that's the clearest I've understood the message so far inmy life just writing this. I’m feeling warm and fuzzy and lovedand I feel like I've been doing some listening. My sharing this

is my attempt to love you and perhaps lead you to freedom. You can choose to turn inward and listen to God's voice withinyou. You do not need to control and lock others up or yourself for that is the deceiver. I suspect that when we try to bendothers to us and to get love from others or manipulate loveout of others the result will always fail us. When we lie, cheat,steal and hurt others to get what we think others have onlygets us focused on the externals and we become like Pharaohthinking we are the power. Going with the flow is nothing morethan living in relationship with God. I end now by passing my

thoughts over to you as I wish you God's love.

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Entry for 25 April 2008

Today I'd like to talk a bit more about attachment. I have a bit of a hoarding

issue that I'm working on I give the excuse that as an artist these things I

collect may be useful in my work someday. Over my life time I have found

that I can find uses for many things. Since I've been becoming more aware of 

the energy factor in this hanging on to things I'm beginning to see patterns and

ego's involvement in a lot of the holding on. Perhaps the biggest issue is that

as more and more gathers the less and less room I have to move. It is as if the

hanging on eventually chokes one.

Having things is only a limited part of this pattern of not letting go. I do the

same with old emails and people from my life. Even when they have moved

on there is still a clinging that affects my energy at times. I'm learning though

that my happiness doesn't really come from hanging on to others. Those

moments of my greatest inner peace are found when I am quiet and alone with

myself in the presence of God. It's that moment that I actually feel the most

connected with everyone and yet also complete freedom because there is no

urge to hang on to anyone or anything specific. This knowledge/experience is

what has helped me not actively seek someone to be in my life as a life partner 

anymore. I kind of smile inwardly each time I receive a message fromsomeone that says they have to have me or be with me because it reminds me

of my own neediness that I used to put out there in relationships. It is

interesting how that very neediness pushes people away rather than bringing

them into your life. Perhaps if there is a secret to my blog success here is that

it was about the time I really stopped seeking to connect that this blog got

recognized. I've enjoyed meeting people when I get time and reading about

various peoples lives but the need to hold on to anyone really is gone because

I'm aware there already is a connection that can't be broken, that connection is

God's love.

Sadly I don't think that I really have a way of providing that awareness to anyof my readers here. Don't think you'd find it even if you lived with me. One of 

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the things I hope you all notice is I try not to tell anyone to do it this way or 

that way. I sense God works in each of us individually from where we are. If 

there is any real clue that I can give it is that you take time to turn on your 

inner watcher and notice yourself. As Eckhart Tolle was saying on one of the

Oprah interviews: Notice your breathing, notice you talking to yourself in your 

 brain thoughts; then ask the question is this thought really what I want? A lotof that self talk is history and fear based in some form or another. When you

recognize that you have control over all that thinking talk you will start to ban

what you don't want and replace it with real thinking based on the experience

of the present moment. Here is where the blessings are found it is the joy of 

living now.

Entry for 12 April 2008

Today’s picture is another version of Abraham.

There are so many different synchronicities that seem to be going on inmy life it is hard to know sometimes what I want to take time for herein this blog.

To start with it seems that someone or two people may have left my friend list and I am being inundated with peoples invitations to be afriend. In all honesty I don't think I make a very good 360 friend just

 because of the sheer numbers that are already there. I really give moretime to people using quick comments friend or not and comments.That's because these people show a willingness to communicate in theopen about things; nothing hidden. I don't think many people whoaren't being visited by thousands of people every week have muchconcept of all the contact one receives mainly by strangers. Most people

 with requests for me to IM or phone or something. In the few days that

someone dropped their friendship I've had 30 odd requests to be theirreplacements. It used to be that I just went first come first served to

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keep from having to process requests. That was egos way out for me.Then I started questioning why I was taking the easy way out on this;easy way for me. I've tried a few different ways to pick replacementsand still not satisfied. I do know that one of the things I try to look for isto pick from people that keep turning up on either my quick comments

and comments because it shows they are regular readers. One doesn'tneed friendship to find my page over and over. Most computers havesome form of favorites which is often what I use to go visit places I wantto return to. I even find that if I'm working on some strange computerand want to come here all I do is Google (the competition) Frank C

 Yahoo 360 as the key words and can find my blog(Now defunct and nolonger turns up in search engines). It is amazing what search enginescan find. I know I'm not the only Frank C on yahoo but for some reasonit is mine that comes up the most for me. I'm going off the track here a

 bit because I do wonder at times what happens when other Frank C'sdo searches for their 360 blogs. Perhaps one will tell me sometime.

(Looking back as I edit this the search engine stuff is probably my egoat work too. Shows I still have much to learn)

Ok back to the topic. If you’re trying to get on a friend list of someone who has lots of readers keep in mind that it is probably like jobhunting. Just using the yahoo friendship wizard with the presetmessage is what 90 % (my guesstimate) of people do. Another about8% of people will give me some form of flattery in a message and someof those add how much I have meant to them which is a bit morepersonal and preferable to plain old flattery. It at least makes them a bitmore real and gives them some substance. These if they have blogs are

the ones I try to give a bit of time to in order to ascertain if there will besome kind of on going interchange or not and if they will be patient

 with my long absences. In the top 2% of invites that catch my attentionthese days are those that establish contact first in quick comments andcomments which arouses my curiosity. I go back and see what they areposting on their own blogs. Of those some are actually giving back tome in their writings. They stimulate my own growth and learning. So if they then send an invite who do you think I'm most prone to say yestoo? There is another small group and they are small; couldn't put apercent to. These try to use control dramas like bullying, manipulation,poor me I need you, guilt to get me to sign them on as friends.

Generally these types actually push me away. I'm glad they are rare.Just don't like the energy around them. I should clarify something hereon these control dramas. We all use or have used them at times in ourlives so when I point them out here I'm not talking about the generaluse of them. The energy in the invite just comes across strongly as acontrol of me approach. Again they are rare.

Hopefully sharing this may help those new to blogging find moresuccess with their friend invites in general. No guarantees with me

 because if I get inundated with excellent invites now I'll have to againlook deeper still. Keep in mind because I have so many friends it endsup that the only ones I still manage to keep up with are those thatcontinue to keep posting here more than just their icon. As for

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expecting me to be a good friend once you've captured that spot doknow there are many there that I haven't visited for a very long time. Ionly hope they are there because they are getting something out of my posts here when needed, what I call a synchronicity thing.

I recall my days when I first joined Newman club at University. First Ihung around and just absorbed the nature of the place. When peoplethere got used to me they started to say hi and I also started to reachout and start conversations if I felt the timing was right. Over time I

 became a regular and even a leader there. The point is to take time with your invitations and use your senses and wisdom to determine asensible approach. Help the person you want to connect to seesomething mutual of benefit.

Finally I hope this is seen as humorous but I also get a number of  women and some men in their late teens and twenties that assume all

males will connect if they offer some hint of sexual favors. Most of theseI assume as spam and just delete especially if they expect me to gooutside of the yahoo blogs to interact. There is far more than enoughfree sexual images within the various blogs of some members and to meit is mostly my imagination anyhow so why give much time to it. It has

 been so long since I’ve had sex that it strikes me anyone in the cyber world that would want me that way are not visualizing the real me. If I were really sexy I’d have plenty of girls in the real world wanting me. What I have is lots of women platonic friends because that is what Igive off. Hopefully this may at least cause someone in the next week notto send one of those approaches. The humor by the way to me is in the

numbers of these I seem to get that I can’t really take any of themseriously.

Entry for 29 March 2008

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Well this is my second attempt at sharing this. Hopefully the glitches won't

loose it. It's not that I'd lost what I wrote last time since most of it I had on

word already. For me it is more to do with fitting in the time to get it posted

with the few odd bits of thought I add that seem relevant at the time. I've

learned that often when something doesn't work the first time it is because

there's something more I have to learn so will try to get this up from where Iam.

First I'm providing a link and perhaps a video if it embeds of a Specialist brain

scientist talking about her stroke. Understand what I write it is necessary to

watch the video so if the video doesn't embed then follow the link and then

come back and read.

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This video for me has helped me make some new connections to past

teachings I've shared here in past blogs. What I share here is some of those


First connection: Many years ago I read Drawing on the Right side

of the brain which got me interested in the whole topic. The

 brightest most creative individuals seem to have the most balanced

right and left brains and seem to call on that ability to link 

unrelated information into new relationships. Most of our 

education systems are geared towards training the left side of the

 brain and for most people it is the left side of the brain that tends to

control us. It is the right side of the brain that connects to the

 present. The here and now hence there is no judgment. We are able

to see things in new ways and this is where we get those ha-ha


Second Connection: A Course in Miracles often talks about ego.

The inner voice we listen to that we can liken to inner self talk.

Tolle mentions describes it (ego) as many voices because it isreally just the left brain using our experiences of the past and

telling us that because such and such happened then it is likely that

similar things happening now will also result in such and such. A

kind of judgment takes place. So although this is useful for us

when coming from habit; to do many routine things it in fact gets

in the way when working with everyday relationships. We are

constantly making judgments based on experiences that have

happened and weren't resolved in childhood and bring them back 

up when certain things remind us of those unhealed situations. Wereally aren't being present when listening to ego. When we are

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coming from the present which is connected to right brain

functioning we are more open and connected to everything around

us and lose that sense of me that Eckhart Tolle is talking about in

his second session with Oprah.

Third Connection: Links to the Movie "Down the Rabbit Hole"

Here they have the wedding scene where they show people with

these animated abstract characters reacting to the people’s

emotions and explain the brain function related to habit and how it

sets off stimulus response in us. It contrasts that with

 breakthroughs in quantum physics and how we actually have many

more potentialities provided we find ways to open up and believe

we can have new ways of doing things. Tapping the right brain is a

clue to this.

Fourth Connection: When I was doing some dyslexia training I

found out that those with dyslexia when psychologically tested

show that their brain isn't connecting with parts of the brain noted

for left brain functioning. Dyslexia's are generally high IQ

individuals with low scores in these areas (word and number 

associations) seeing or recognizing letters or numbers. That habit

link that the left brain does seems not to function when the dyslexic

sees letters. Hence the ways to help dyslexics learn to recognize

letter and number symbols one builds connections by making thoseabstract symbols more concrete. (Use of letters that are 3D and can

 be picked up, touched, played with and can be associated with

things like alphabet books with pictures “A” is for apple

association (best if the learner picks their own symbols to associate

with. Association with phonics is also important. Phonics links the

sense of hearing. Indeed the more senses that can be brought into

 play the better chance associations with the letter and number 

symbols will stick. In a way one is building brain connections to

help the dyslexic overcome these missing links.

Fifth Connection for me: The first time I ever experienced that

sense of oneness and unity and loss of self happened in meditative

 prayer and I get to that place from time to time since then. It is a

wonderful place of loss of self. Energy work has helped me learn

how to notice the present more so in a way left brain is probably

interacting with right brain for me these days and it takes

awareness not to slip into judgment and expectancy and stay open.

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Ok that about covers what that film brought up for me. The feed

 back I'm getting from others that have sent this to me is the awe

aspect that I suspect is right brain bringing people into the moment.

I find it interesting the timing since it is being passed around now

 just as Oprah is Broadcasting Eckhart Tolle to perhaps millionsaround the world. We are one step closer to that critical mass place

where the world shifts its perception on a grand scale. It is exciting


My final insight is this. We are created with both right and left brains for a

reason. Most of our education is focused on improving only one side which

I've already mentioned. It is obvious that to function in this world we aren't

likely to do very well here if coming from strictly right brain since it is in away a whole different dimension or dimensions that are connected with.

Finding that balance though seems important. If one looks at the most creative

yet useful people to our planet that one becomes aware they seem to use both

sides of the brain. At least that's what I get from reading biographies.

As always open to your thoughts

Entry for 28 March 2008

There have been times in my life when I've seriously asked this question of 

God. Some may think this is being too strong yet I know many who have

come to this point. I've grown since then. Learned about how much my own

ego when threatened tends to want to blame others including God. In

recognizing this and seeing through egos game perception can shift and

healing can begin acceptance is the key for it just surrendering ones control

love can break through.

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I wrote a longer blog earlier today and somehow it disappeared into the nether 

so decided to do this shorter one in hopes by posting it the other may surface.

For me the loss of that effort is perhaps an opportunity for me to see how I

have progressed. Once I may have found the loss a source of temptation to feel

like I’ve wasted my time and energy. Now I actually sense that there is an

opportunity for blessing in this.

May Love fill all of you who read in a new ever more fullfilling way.