Blind Form Creation with Eloqua

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Blind Form Creation with Eloqua

Blind Form Submission

Use a Blind Form Submit to track which individual links in an Email are clicked on

Process submits an Eloqua Form automatically “behind the scenes”. Contact is completely unaware so the User Experience is unchanged.

Allows you to leverage the Form Processing Steps in Eloqua, e.g. Add to Shared List, Send specific Email to Contact, Notify somebody, Update the Contact record, etc

Defining Blind Submission

1. Create a new Form, or Copy an existing Form. Navigate to Assets > Forms and click Create a Form

2. Create a Contact Field called "Link Clicked" to allow Blind Form Submits to function correctly. Create a new Form with 2 fields: Email Address, and Link Clicked

3. Specify an HTML Name that is short, unique, and ideally relevant to the web page/link you wish to track

How to – Blind Form creation

4. The rest of the Form field settings can be left as is for a simple Blind Form Submit. Click on the Processing button.

5. Click on the Redirect to Web Page step, and specify the “final” destination (Web page or Eloqua Landing Page) that needs to be opened when the Contact clicks on the link in the Email

6. Add any additional Form Processing Steps that are needed, e.g. Add to Shared Contact List (recommended), Send Notification Email, Send Submitter an Email

7. Save your Form.

How to – Blind Form creation

8. Now you need to add a URL to automatically submit the Form you just created, in place of the URL link in the Email. Create/Open the Email.

9. Find the URL/link, and replace it with the following URL/hyperlink:

https://s[siteID][siteID]&emailAddress=<span class=eloquaemail>EmailAddress</span>&linkClicked1=Y

*’ClickedOnXYZ’ is the HTML Name of the Form you created. Change this accordingly.

10. Repeat these steps for any links you wish to track in this way (create a Form for each)

How to – Blind Form creation