Bleeding Servers – How Hackers are Exploiting Known Vulnerabilities

Post on 06-May-2015

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Today’s hackers ruthlessly target Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) to launch multi-site attacks that take control of Web servers and allow their perpetrators to flee with valuable data assets. HeartBleed stands as the most notorious example of a known vulnerability attack, but with a CVE database running in the thousands, attackers have ample opportunity to profit from unsecure Web applications. This presentation will: - Discuss the latest data breach stats to identify where the most dangerous attacks are coming from - Explore the attack perpetrators and reveal how they’re being successful - Present the anatomy of a HeartBleed attack - Provide mitigation techniques to protect against known vulnerabilities

Transcript of Bleeding Servers – How Hackers are Exploiting Known Vulnerabilities

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Bleeding Servers – How Hackers Are Exploiting Known Vulnerabilities

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Terry Ray, VP of Global Security Engineering, Imperva

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§  Latest Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) Stats

§ Examining Vulnerabilities and Exploits § HeartBleed Deep-Dive § Understanding Data Theft § Mitigating HeartBleed and CVEs

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Terry Ray, VP of Global Security Engineering

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§  Speaker at Industry Events •  ISSA, IANS, ISACA, Gartner, RSA

§  Designed and deployed data security solutions for hundreds of customers in various verticals including: •  Healthcare

•  Oil and gas

•  Financial services •  Government

•  eCommerce

§  Lectured on various network and data security topics and taught numerous security courses in over 35 countries globally

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Latest Breach Statistics

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Yay! A New Verizon DBIR to Talk About

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The Big Winners

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The Big Winners

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The Big Winners

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The Big Winners

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Actual Data Loss – Breach vs Incident

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Who’s Attacking – Hactivists vs Criminals

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§  “Greed takes a back seat to ideology when it comes to web app attacks in the 2013 dataset”

§  “74% [of ideology motivated attacks] focus on tried and true exploits” •  Adobe PDF with embedded exe – 4 years old •  Microsoft server stack corruption – 6 years old •  Microsoft RPC DCOM bug—or MS03-026 – a staggering 10 years

old—you might remember it as Blaster •  All still in the wild

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How You Find Out That You’ve Been Hacked

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§  Financially motivated – discovered by customers § Hactivists – discovered by external sources

•  “uhh, hey guys, did you know that your webserver is attacking us”

§ But we’re getting better at detecting breaches ourselves •  9%

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CVEs Explored

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Stay On Top of Vulnerabilities

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§  The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system provides a reference-method for publicly known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures.


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Classic Web Site Hacking

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Hacking 1.  Identify Target 2.  Find Vulnerability 3.  Exploit

Single Site Attack

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Classic Web Site Hacking

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1.  Identify Target 2.  Find Vulnerability 3.  Exploit


1.  Identify Target 2.  Find Vulnerability 3.  Exploit


1.  Identify Target 2.  Find Vulnerability 3.  Exploit


1.  Identify Target 2.  Find Vulnerability 3.  Exploit


1.  Identify Target 2.  Find Vulnerability 3.  Exploit

Multiple Site Attacks

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Exploit Hacking

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1.  Identify CVE 2.  Weaponize Vulnerability 3.  Exploit

Vulnerability Targeting Attack

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The Attacker’s Focus

Server Takeover

Direct Data Theft




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What Is It and Why Do We Care?

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§  The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library.

§ When it is exploited it leads to the leak of memory contents from the server to the client and from the client to the server.

§ According to Netcraft's April 2014 Web Server Survey of 958,919,789 websites, the combined market share of Apache and nginx products on the Internet was over 66%.

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But There’s a Patch, Right?

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§  This vulnerability was first included in OpenSSL release 1.0.1 on 14th of March 2012. OpenSSL 1.0.1g released on 7th of April 2014 fixes the issue

§ Affected Systems: OpenSSL versions 1.0.1 to 1.0.1f

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Isn’t It Hard to Exploit?

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Metasploit: Easy as pulling a trigger.


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Here, We Have a Secure Website

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Fire Up a VM of Kali Linux and Try It Out

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And We Have Leaked Data

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So How Bad Is It?

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How Bad Can It Really Get?

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Retrieved Private Key

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What Can We Do With This?

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§ Steal session details and spoof users § Steal username and passwords § Steal cryptographic keys

•  Man-in-the-middle attacks •  Spoofed website with valid SSL keys •  Spear Phishing Attack

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Data Theft

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An Overlooked Data Security Risk

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Databases and file servers, both repositories of so much valuable information, are targeted regularly…

Admins unknowingly make unsupported database changes.

Malware-compromised insiders access the

database. Unpatched vulnerabilities

allow exploit vectors.

2014 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

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Protecting Your Data

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§  “the high number of incidents still offers some insight … where the victim’s anti-virus (AV) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) shields could not repel firepower of that magnitude”

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Enterprise Security Is Evolving

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1st pillar: Endpoint Security Blocks threats targeting devices

2nd pillar: Network Security Blocks threats trying to access the network

3rd pillar: Data Center Security Protects high-value targets, keeping them both secure and accessible

Imperva provides the third pillar of enterprise security

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Protecting Your Data From Known Vulnerabilities

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Heartbleed Specific

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§  Test all servers for vulnerability § Patch all affected servers § Reissue new certificates § Revoke all old certificates


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Locate and Assess Servers and Apps

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§  Scan your network to identify all assets (cloud and local) •  Classify assets by information and brand sensitivity to identify

high risk landscapes

•  Prioritize efforts based on risk levels

§  Secure Database Access •  Scan DBs for vulnerabilities or configuration flaws

•  Remove any default or unnecessary user accounts

•  Disable unneeded services

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Perform Vulnerability Assessments

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§  Perform Vulnerability Assessments •  Scan both Network and Application Layers

•  Scan all known Web Assets

•  Scan Concurrently and Continuously

•  Analyze application functionality for DDoS attack potential and Business Logic based exploits

•  Implement assessment practice across the entire SDLC

Design" Development" QA" Production"

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Block Web Attacks and Attack Sources

Web attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, directory traversal, and CSRF

HTTP protocol violations like extremely long URLs and malformed Apache URI messages

Malicious sources that have attacked other sites

Known desktop scanners and hacker tools like Nikto and Paros based on user agent or the frequency of security violations


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