Black Hat vs Grey Hat vs White Hat SEO

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Black Hat vs Grey Hat vs White Hat SEO

Black Hat vs Grey Hat vs White Hat SEO

SEO techniques are classified under three categories. Black Hat SEO, Grey Hat SEO and White Hat SEO. SEO is categorized under these heads by the techniques that search engines recommend as part of good design and techniques that search engines do not approve of and attempt to minimize the effect off.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO refers to the use of uncompromising SEO strategies, methods and plans that concentrate only on search engine and not a human audience and usually violates all the search engine rules. Black Hat SEO is most often used by those who are looking for a quick financial return on their web site.

Black Hat SEO techniques

Hidden Text – Texts that won’t be visible by the visitors but still readable by search engines.

Keyword Stuffing – Keyword stuffing occurs when a web page is loaded with keywords in the content.

Link Farms – A link farm is a form of spamming the index of a search engine.

Blog Spam – It is done by automatically posting random comments or promoting commercial services to blog, wikis, guestbook or other online discussion boards.

Scrapping – Copying contents from other websites to put these contents that’s popular in search engine on own site.

Paid Links – Purchasing links on websites for increasing in link-popularity and rankings.

Black Hat SEO techniques

As the name suggests, it's somewhere in the middle of black and white SEO practice. This can be quite effective. Grey Hat SEO sounds like a label for the middle ground.

Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO techniques

Purchase old domains

Duplicate content

Link buying

Social media automation and purchase followers

White Hat SEO uses techniques and tactics which are done by following the rules and algorithms Google has issued. White Hat techniques are associated with ethical SEO. Even though websites following White Hat techniques may not pop up quickly to the top of search engine results, they will get long lasting results when they finally do.

White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO techniques

Guest Blogging – Writing blog post for someone else’s blog is called guest blogging. This is done to increase backlinks.

Link Baiting – Creating content that allows people to link your page from another webiste.

Quality Content – Creating quality content to impress the visitors and also the search engine.

Advantages of White Hat SEO

Long term Strategy

Best user experience

No risk involved

Affordable SEO never compromises the quality factor and also keeping the costs down, provides you with professional and quality SEO services. Affordable SEO follows White Hat techniques and achieve superior results for its clients. Hire SEO service to take your venture to the top.