Black Belt Focus Kit -

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Transcript of Black Belt Focus Kit -

© Samurai Innovation 2013

Black Belt

Focus Kit

Samurai Innovation

This eBook is Copyright © 2013 Shane Fielder (the “Author”). All Rights Reserved. Published in Canada. The legal notices, disclosures, and disclaimers in the front and back of this eBook are Copyright © 2009-2013 Law Office of Michael E. Young PLLC, and licensed for use by the Author. All rights reserved.

No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system -- except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, blog, or website -- without permission in writing from the Author. For information, please contact the Author by e-mail at or by mail at: #89, 918 - 16th Ave. NW, Calgary, Alberta T2M 0K3 Canada

For more information, please read the “Disclosures and Disclaimers” section at the end of this eBook.

First PDF Edition, March 2013Published by Samurai Innovation Limited (the “Publisher”).© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

What’s in it for you?

Welcome to Samurai Innovation where we blend the secrets of the Samurai with cutting-edge strategies to sharpen you and your business results! We only believe in sharing strategies that are battle tested in the real world. No fluff or half-brain theories here. In martial arts we have a saying: “There’s truth on the mat”. This means that every technique we learn needs to be able to defend us in a conflict. You either can do the technique or you can’t. This causes us to train with precise focus. For you this means that we only bring you concepts and techniques that can add massive value to your life and business. Your focus will sharpen and after going through this Black Belt Focus Kit, you will have a few new ways to go after what you want with more confidence, less stress, while seeing faster results.

Here’s what you get:

The Meaning of Samurai - You may be shocked to quickly learn what the true meaning of Samurai is. How do your core values compare to the Samurai? Top 10 Black Belt Focus Tips - Ready to try an experiment? Employ one new tip each week for the next 10 weeks. People will soon ask you what you’re doing differently because you will be making big changes towards the success that you seek. Defeating the Enemy of Average - Better focus equals better and faster results until this Enemy of Average shows up in your life or the people in your life. This is a fast way to recognize and deal with this foe in order to move closer towards achieving the results you seek. Focus on Your Weekly Plan - Stronger weekly planning and execution will help you cut through all the chaos, diversions and clutter in your life. Check out our one page process that will craft a strong plan that will make hitting your targets twice as fast with half the effort. 5 Minute Clarity - 5 Minute Clarity worksheets are designed to help you focus on one specific focus point. This tool will help sharpen your focus. It will reach inside to find the answers that already exist within you. Samurai Resources - More areas we can help you increase your focus and get going in the right direction. The Ultimate Information Manager - Find out what Microsoft has that Apple doesn’t! We will expose this best-kept secret and how you can take advantage of it to become the most productive person you know!© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

Dear Reader: It is always interesting to ask people what Samurai means to them. What does Samurai mean to you? Often one person may associate Samurai with war and violence and another may think of strength, code of honour and valour. Did you know that “Samurai” is basically translated as meaning “those who Serve” or “to Serve and Attend”? Yes, the Samurai trained and dedicated their lives to serving the nobility or their master. David Lay wrote a great article titled, Origins of the Samurai ( in which he references a poem that was “written by warriors about service as border guards”: From today Without regard for myself I set out A shield strong but humble For our Sovereign Lord. The values of a Samurai include: Integrity, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Sincerity, Honour, Loyalty and Self-Control. No matter what business I have been involved in, all of these principles have served me well in creating innovative results and more profitable ventures. At Samurai Innovation, we want to help you employ these principles in an innovative way to assist you in creating new and powerful results in your business and life. Please contact us at to let us know how we may best serve you. Domo Arigato,

Shane FielderThe Innovative Samurai

What Exactly is a samurai?© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

top 10 black belt focus tips:1. Work from a clean workspace

Ensure that the 2-3 feet before your eyes is clear of clutter and things that will distract you from focusing your best. Turn off the gadgets, ignore the phone, clear the top of your desk. Only focus on what is now in this 2-3 feet of focus space.

2. Never start with a blank sheet -> Always use a template

Very rarely are you the first person to be doing something that someone else has not attempted or succeeded at. Find a template that can springboard your ideas and creativity. This is a world-class shortcut that can save you hours of painful and wasted time each week. Ask around. Look online. Search and you will find a template that can enhance your available time that can be spent creating value and solutions.

3. All your stuff in one place

It’s really simple, but for a lot of people it might not be easy to do initially. You have to get all of your stuff in one place. Your stuff is the things that roll around in your head, the stack of paper, the 1,000 plus e-mails that’s in your inbox, and everything that’s falling out of your pockets. All that stuff is part of what I call 3D clutter. When you capture it into one place, you can capture, manage, and organize it without really worrying about it. If your stuff is in ten places, you worry about all those ten places. This dilutes your focus. One place equals strong focus. There are great tools out there like the Ultimate Information Manager that will help you achieve this goal.

4. Find Your Sensei

Everyone needs a Sensei. Sensei means teacher or mentor. Your Sensei is someone who has gone before you along the path that you want to follow. Your Sensei will be able to collaborate to help you determine your goals and how you can reach them faster together than you can on your own. Your Sensei will help strengthen your assets and help you minimize your weakness and train for both. Your Sensei can be found in someone you know or from a prominent author in your field of interest.

5. Know your Fundamental Success Indicators™

At Samurai Innovation, we define Fundamental Success Indicators as a system that will help you reach your Essential Priorities twice as fast with half the effort. Essential Priorities are the top 3-5 goals, dreams or desires that will transform your life. By realizing these essential priorities you will make huge leaps towards what is truly most important in achieving in your life. We then add the key metrics that you will focus on move the needle forward.© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

6. Get to the next Practice

All success comes from a result of showing up on a consistent basis. To earn your Black Belt takes approxi-mately 767 successive practices attended. You can substitute the word practice for whatever unit of measure-ment applies to your essential priorities. Some examples of a practice may be a workout, sales call, report completed, class attended, years of service, etc.

7. Choose the Best Weapons (tools)

Focus starts by choosing the best weapon for the task. Samurai carry 3 weapons that allows them to be prepared for long range (Katana/Sword), medium range (Wakizashi/ Short Sword) and close range (Tanto/Knife) battle. You need your tools to support you and be your slave versus being your master. Don’t struggle with a slow lap-top, hard to use smart phone or an uncomfortable pen. Having great tools that work will allow you to focus on the result of completing the task versus struggling to complete the task.

8. Be Successful Before the World Wakes Up

Do something each day first thing that will contribute to realizing one of your essential priorities. Often, this can be done in the first hour or two after you have got out of bed. You will feel an immense sense of strength and confidence going into your day by having been successful in one key area of your life.

9. Work When Everyone Else Isn’t

People often are rated amongst the biggest distractions and obstacles to getting the things that you want done accomplished. Work on important tasks and projects when everyone else is on a coffee break or eating lunch. Drive to work earlier or later than everyone else and use that same time period for higher productivity. You will find that the coffee shop, restaurant and highway will be less busy when you get there because everyone else is not there. Plus, you will have had uninterrupted focus time to move closer towards achieving your essential priorities One day, everyone else will wonder how you became successful faster than them!

10. Celebrate, Don’t Denigrate

Often times, we are harder on ourselves than anyone else can be. You need a formal written place to capture and record your wins. Big wins, small wins, they all count. Read this list whenever you feel frustrated by the twists and turns that life often brings. It will help you get back on track quicker and remind you of the strength and power you have.


11. Never quit on a bad day

A wise Sensei once told me to never quit on a bad day. Always quit on a good day when your mind is clear and your focus is sharp. Let persistence and perseverance build your power of focus. Your focus will get better and you will have more good days than bad. Leaving, stopping or quitting on a good day is the result of careful planning which sets you in a position of strength with greater choices and options to work from.© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

defeating the enemy of averageThe only thing standing in the way of you achieving your most essential priorities in life and your business is the Enemy of Average. Who is this foe that we need to understand and defeat in order to accomplish all the worthwhile things we are here on this planet to do?

Your Toughest Decision I feel that your hardest decision is that of deciding what is critically important for you or your business and why. Once you have identified what it is that you want to do, only then can you go down the path to find the people and resources that can help leverage your talents and gifts in order to make it happen. When was the last time that you spent time contemplating what is critically important that you want to accomplish?

Recognizing the Enemy of Average For the samurai, the ninja were enemies. Ninja were highly trained mercenary-like clans. Looking up “Ninja” on Wikipedia offers a history lesson on the ninja if you are so inclined to further research their culture through the ages. Some salient traits of the ninja that you may find interesting follow: • Masked face to hide their identity • Hide their sword behind their back for easy carrying and to trick someone into thinking they are unarmed • Sneak around in the dark • Masters of discipline • Wrong motives tied to the next job or retainer - short term focus

How does the ninja relate to the Enemy of Average? The Enemy of Average seeks out intentional ways to stop you from accomplishing your most essential priori-ties. This enemy causes you to hide your excellence and dull your natural born brilliance. When you fall prey to this attack you tend to hide your talents and capabilities so as to not stand out from the crowd. You begin living average instead of living from a mindset of excellence.

How does a Samurai overcome the Enemy of Average? Samurai are a special class of military nobility who through the generations and through thousands of years adhered to and transmuted a code called Bushido. Bushido is the “Way of the Warrior”. Each samurai had this personal code that they lived by. The code or bushido guided their commitment to community, family, and self through a strong set of values that they fought for and never compromised. The meaning of samurai is also translated as “to serve”. The samurai lived to serve others and they walked boldly and courageously in the face of each day. The samurai lived from a large and clearly defined mission and vision statement.© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

You have an Enemy of Average lurking around you each day that would love for you to not live a life of excel-lence. Your job is to defeat these mental tricks that fake you out from accomplishing your essential priorities. You will recognize the Enemy of Average whenever you may hear yourself or others say things such as: • Everyone else does it • It doesn’t hurt anyone but me • I know that already • Next time I will ___________ • Tomorrow I will ___________ • I can wait until later to ____________ • Someday I will _____________ These are all diversions that are put in your path to keep you from being great each day. How you overcome these diversions is by establishing your own Code of Behaviour that will enable you to defend against these diversions as you forge ahead down your path of achievement.

Your Map to Excellence Defeating the Enemy of Average requires a very simple map that can help you create black belt level clarity, focus and discipline in order to help you define and live a life of excellence. Quite simply, you start with defining your vision and mission. This follows up by developing your own Code of Behaviour to help guide your choices and actions each moment of every day. You then assess the various rituals that govern and shape your life, assessing what works, what doesn’t and what you want to improve. Rituals then build habits which are a necessary foundation to accomplishing more than you ever imagine! Once you have strong habits installed, you begin to create consistency. Consistency alone could be a whole day workshop to explore. When you have consistency working for you, you are able to create “predictable success” called results.


vision / mission

code of behaviour


build habits


results© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

focus on your weekly planMany of my members, and you, have asked me recently how do I set up a weekly plan? How do I achieve the goals that I want to achieve? You’ve said things like: “I know that I have several goals that I want to achieve, and I know what I want. I have a hard time finishing. I have a hard time accomplishing those goals.”

Well, very simply, it all comes down to the strength and the process of your weekly plan. I want to walk you through what I do each week so that you can create your own weekly plan.

Concise & One Page You should be able to fold it up, put it in your pocket, and away you go; you’ve got your plan with you. This is what we call under the Kimono. So you can pull out your plan, look at it, reference it and know whether you’re on or off track. Your plan has to be flexibleEach week you’re going to have things that are going to come at you, and you’re going to have new opportunities. I think a lot of people miss that fact. A lot of people think about the drudgery of life or the challenges and the stresses of life, but do you think about the new opportunities that come into play? You may have set up a stellar weekly plan, and guess what?

By Tuesday afternoon, you get that phone call and it’s an opportunity.

Opportunity could mean somebody’s got tickets to a concert, or it could mean your business development, sales call, or something you’ve been working on for a long time has finally materialized. Somebody has called you and they’ve said, “Yes,” and they’ve made the decision to go with you or to help you. That could be a game changer, it could be a week changer, it could be a life changer, depending on what the situation is. Elements of a strong weekly plan

1. Did you celebrate all your past wins this week? It’s really critical that you have a process in place to celebrate your wins, to celebrate all the great things that you do. I talk about “celebrate, don’t denigrate”. A lot of times we denigrate ourselves and denigrate the actions that we take, but we don’t put enough time into gratitude and celebration of all the good things that we did.

2. Did you live out your mission and vision statement for the week? I know this might be a challenging one for you. You may have never sat down and created a compelling mission or vision statement for you, for your life, your business, the company you work with; for your career. But it’s important to connect to that aspect of your vision.

3. Which rituals worked well for you this past week? We talk about rituals, and how having good strong rituals is a foundation of success. It’s a foundation of being productive and being your best. So which ones worked well for you this week?© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

4. Which values did you practice well this week? Again, we have a set of values that we use each week and we work off of those values. It’s the guiding compass, it’s what steers us directly.

At the beginning, at the head of every Dojo that I train in, there’s something in Japanese called The Kamiza. The Kamiza is a focal point of the Dojo.

Every Dojo has The Kamiza and everybody knows when they walk in that that’s the North point. That’s the central focus point and everybody trains around that. So what’s the central focus point in your life? Those are your values. What is truly important to you? What will you defend to the teeth? What will you support? What will you not do?

5. What code of behavior did you follow well this week? We talk about a code of behavior being actions that you will be. These are the things that you will be. Will you be early? Will you be late? Will you be caring? Will you be compassionate? Will you be a person of quality this week? Will you be diligent? Will you do your investigative work? Will you contribute?

All of those things fall into your code of behavior.

Then we go through the same process and we say what rituals do I want to improve upon this week? What values do I want to improve upon this week? And what code of behavior do I want to exemplify this week? Code of behaviors are important. You should have no more than 3 to 5 of them. So for me, one of my code of behaviors is being early. So if maybe last week I was running a little late because of traffic and up here in Canada where I live, there’s lots of snow. It’s cold out. The roads are icy. What takes 15 or 20 minutes to get somewhere in the summertime, takes an hour in the wintertime.

It’s a fact of life. We have to plan for it.

6. What’s your fundamental success indicators? Basically, it’s a really important way of tracking your essential priorities.

You have an essential priority of something meaningful to you; a goal, an action, a dream you’re working towards, and then you track it. What are the key metrics that you’re using to track your actions?

You cannot control success. Success is this big nebulous thing that everybody talks about. No, you can’t control being successful, meaning either hitting a weight goal or reaching a certain dollar value in your bank account, your wallet, or any other ways that you feel you may be successful.

What you can control are the actions that you take. You can control how many times a week you go to the Dojo, or how many times a week you go to the gym. You can control how many loving conversations you have this week. You can control the number of sales calls you make. You can control the number of times you encourage your team, your employees or your colleagues. You can control all of those actions; you just can’t control the final results of how it all kind of comes together.

So that’s our plan that can become your weekly plan.

I’m heading off to the Dojo to train now. I hope you’re going to head off today and do something spectacular to move your fundamental success indicators ahead and move your life ahead to the target you want to reach.© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

The best of 5 minute clarity

Our Samurai Innovation Dojo Members like you have rated these issues as amongst the most helpful to them.© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

Copyright ©2011-2012 - Samurai Innovation Limited & Shane Fielder

YOUR TOP 3 WORK CHALLENGES Our research at Samurai Innovation clearly concludes that business owners and leaders of all types of organizations share the same top 3 challenges:

1. Lack of Focus 2. Activity & Resource Management 3. Getting Prospects Attention

Lack of focus comes from wavering in the continuous stream of diversion and distraction present in business today. Business owners and leaders need to take time to think through your best area of opportunity to exploit that will give you the greatest return on focus.

Too many people today complain about the lack of time to complete projects and tasks. The real challenge is that we struggle from a proper focus on key activities and which key resources need to be deployed to garner us the greatest return on focus.

Whether you work in a business or an organization such as a non-profit, you need to constantly be in front of the right prospect who is able to say yes to make the sale or back your cause. Getting this attention has become more challenging today versus 10 years ago given the fact that these people face all the same diversions and distractions as you do

In 5 minutes you can: Identify where your focus can be sharpened. You can pin point the activities that keep you from performing at peak production. Think about the top 3-5 people you most need to see this week to advance your cause.

Volume 1, Issue 7

“We’ve got too many things to do. We look busy. We seem to be moving. But in reality, we get very little done.” - Peter Bregman, author of 18 Minutes

5 Minute Clarity


What 3 people, issues or things distracted you the most last week? __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ What 3 activities will move you closer to operating at your peak performance this week? (Think fitness, meditation, rest, nutrition, selling, nurturing relationships, planning & execution) __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Who are the top 5 people you would like to see or meet most this month? ___________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________

___________________ Who do you know that could link you or introduce you to these people? ___________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________



Copyright ©2011-2012 - Samurai Innovation Limited & Shane Fielder

Starting Your Year Over In the martial arts, every student I have ever trained with or trained reaches a point of ultimate frustration. This frustration is born when the student feels they are not progressing fast enough or in a competent manner towards their next grade promotion.

The same thing happens in life and in business. We all reach points where we feel like giving up or changing course. If you are at this point… STOP and PAUSE.

This is the optimal time to reassess your mission, vision, goals, dreams and desires along with… yes, even those New Year’s Resolutions. Did you set any of those New Year’s Resolutions for yourself this year?

I recall Tony Robbins saying that when you feel like quitting or giving up on a goal, this simply means you are on the verge of achieving it. Your goal achievement often waits for you a step or two past where you presently are today.

I want to encourage you to think upon this. You most likely need a change of perspective.

You are tougher than you think. You have within you the capacity to reach the goal you set for yourself.

I personally have no inclination towards being a medical doctor because it is not part of my path. Just as you might not have an inclination to be a Samurai like I am. The reason is that we have individual talents and abilities to help us along our unique paths.

Today is a good day to start your year over!

Volume 1, Issue 11

“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” - Buddha

5 Minute Clarity


Do you need to give yourself permission to start over today? (circle one)

Yes / No Are you setting the right goals for where you are today? (circle one)

Yes / No When you reach those goals, how will you feel? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Who do you need to become in order to reach the goals you set for yourself? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Establish a new set of goals for your year or commit to strengthening your resolve to forge ahead along the path you set for yourself earlier this year.


Copyright ©2011-2012 - Samurai Innovation Limited & Shane Fielder

Is Mastery Hours or Reps? Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book titled Outliers. The basic premise of the book is that to achieve mastery or the highest level of proficiency may require around 10,000 hours of practice or experience. I believe a stronger focus is developed when we focus on the number of repetitions (reps) in order to achieve mastery of a skill. In the dojo, we focus on reps in order to build confidence, muscle memory and rhythm in the student’s technique. We don’t have hours to spend; only a finite number of reps. My Sensei wrote an essay in the mid 80’s discussing this subject and he stated that you can say a martial technique is yours after you have done it approximately 10,000 times. The same holds true for you. I suggest changing your focus from hours to reps. Two salespeople can start working in the same company on the same day. Both focus on mastering the skill of making telephone calls. One paces himself based on the 10,000 hour rule. This equates to 1,250 eight-hour work days, or 5 working years. The other focuses and strives to get through the first 10,000 calls in one year. This is approximately 41 calls per working day.

Which salesperson do you want on your team?

Volume 1, Issue 10

“A baseball swing is a very finely tuned instrument. It is repetition, and more repetition, then a little more after that.” - Reggie Jackson

5 Minute Clarity


What is the ONE skill you want to most improve in your life or career this year? _________________________________________ What is the ONE activity that if done more frequently and consistently would produce amazing results for you? _________________________________________ How many reps per day or per week do you perform this activity?


How many reps per day or per week would it take to double your current results?


What is the next step(s) you need to take to get started today? _________________________________________ _________________________________________


Copyright ©2011-2012 - Samurai Innovation Limited & Shane Fielder

How to Kick Your Inbox Habit This is a deadly habit unless managed effectively. What you don’t realize is that this inbox habit left uncontrolled will steal your energy second by second. It's like death by a 1000 cuts versus one big cut. 76% of Samurai Innovation clients report to us that they have over 100 emails or more sitting in their inbox. How many emails are in your inbox right now? What happens is that you constantly peek into your inbox and scan away. You begin scanning for fun subject lines that entice you to open your email. But as you scan, you also see the subject lines that often represent work and further tasks that require your attention. Within minutes you are looking at 100's of emails. Now you have a decision… which one do you tackle first? What's worse is that a growing majority of people read email first on a mobile device. This makes it easy to do nothing with the email and put it back in your pocket or bag until later. Later generally comes when you view the email for a second or third time on a desktop or laptop where you ultimately need to take action on those emails.

Newspaper Insanity The way you manage your inbox is akin to picking up a newspaper, reading the headline and putting down the newspaper. 45 minutes later, you pick up the newspaper, read the headline and scan the article. Later that day, you grab the paper and now read the full article before you toss out the paper into the recycle bin. This is newspaper insanity. You may be laughing right now, but you do this with your inbox.

How do you kick the habit of the Inbox?

Volume 1, Issue 15

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.” - Brian Tracy

5 Minute Clarity



Copyright ©2011-2012 - Samurai Innovation Limited & Shane Fielder

Start From Where You Are Have you recently been overwhelmed by looking at a messy stack of papers, magazines or books on your desk or corner table? Start from where you are is an easy way to effortlessly clear the clutter in minutes vs hours. Let's start by recognizing that you have 3 real barriers to your productivity. Meet the Clutter Ninja. The Clutter Ninja's sole purpose is to overwhelm you by stealthily stacking up clutter in the physical, mental & digital realms of your life. You can break free of these areas by being willing to start from where you are versus trying to manage your need to hoard information. Give yourself permission to recycle & move forward. Treat those stacks of information, magazines, publications and other stuff as a cheap sunk cost. The expensive cost is that these items block you from being clear and focused. What's more expensive is not achieving your goals because you allow the Clutter Ninja to invade your life. Take a pile of magazines or publications. Research proves that the content in those publications is often outdated within 3-6 months. Take the pile and immediately put it into a recycle bin. This will free up the physical space while clearing your mind. Resolve that the next time the publication arrives, you'll read it in 7 days or less, otherwise it too goes into a recycle bin. If you're recycling more than reading, this is a clue that your interest or passion has changed and perhaps it's time to cancel the subscription and reinvest the funds into something more worthy of your dollars, time and attention.

Volume 1, Issue 17

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” - Arthur Robert Ashe, Jr. (Pro Tennis Player)

5 Minute Clarity

POINTS TO CLARITY What has to happen for me to work and live in a clutter free environment? ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have an Anti-Clutter partner?

Yes / No Who is the most organized person that you know who you can enlist to help you clear the clutter and be your Anti-Clutter partner? ________________________________________ What 3 actions can you take from this point forward to be clutter free? 1.______________________________________________________________________________2.______________________________________________________________________________3.______________________________________________________________________________


Copyright ©2011-2012 - Samurai Innovation Limited & Shane Fielder

Business Focus Simplified It’s easy to get caught off guard or being busy doing unproductive activities in your business. Members of our Samurai Innovation Dojo rate being more focused as their number one challenge. Don't worry you are not alone. I too feel this way often, but the time I take to step off the line and breath helps me simplify my business focus. You may feel this way which is good in one sense. This is good because it means that you have choices and most likely too many ideas or opportunities to take advantage here in the present now. The business owners we work with concur and ask us: How do you sharpen your focus each day? How do you select the right things to focus your attention on? The answer might surprise you, but it is very simple… One action, one focus with a twist. The twist comes by making a list of everything you want to work on today. Ask yourself the millionaire maker question brought to you by Dan Kennedy:

Where is the profit in this? My recommendation is to spend the first 2 hours each day working on moving the most profitable items forward before you deal with the Enemy of Average throughout the rest of your day.

Volume 1, Issue 16

“I don't want to do business with those who don't make a profit, because they can't give the best service.” - Richard Bach



5 Minute Clarity

POINTS TO CLARITY What are the top 10 opportunities or tasks that you need to work on today?

1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________ 7. __________________________________ 8. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10. __________________________________

From above identify where the profit is in working on that task today.

1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________ 7. __________________________________ 8. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10. __________________________________


samurai resources

1. The Meaning of SamuraiWhat do you think the word Samurai means? Many people incorrectly associate this word with characteristics that are not in line with the true meaning of Samurai. Find out how this definition and the values of the Samurai will help you sharpen your focus and live a greater life.

2. Under the Kimono

Great businesses and organizations have systems and drivers that determine their highest value actions. For many of these, it has taken years to develop these standards that guide their performance. We’ll show you how you can implement personal drivers in your business and life.

3. Is Mastery Hours or Reps?Find out why we disagree with Malcolm Gladwell’s book titled Outliers. We invite you to consider our view on success and achievement that will help give you more clarity as to the desired outcomes for your business or personal mastery.

4. Focus on Your Weekly Plan

Great lives are built one day at a time. Planning and executing 7 days in a row will significantly propel you forward faster than an F16 fighter jet soars through the sky. Watch the Innovative Samurai explain this one page, easy to follow approach to improving your weekly planning and achieving.

5. Black Belt Code of Behaviour

The Samurai live by a code called Bushido. What is your personal Code of Behaviour? Don’t have one? We will help you set one up quickly that will be everlasting just like the Samurai. By the way… so will your results be better and longer lasting.

6. Defeating the Enemy of Average

Find out how you can spot and eliminate your enemy that is a main obstacle between your goals, dreams and desires. The Enemy of Average seeks out intentional ways to stop you from accomplishing your most essential priorities. This enemy causes you to hide your excellence and dull your natural born brilliance. When you fall prey to this attack you tend to hide your talents and capabilities so as to not stand out from the crowd. You begin living average instead of living from a mindset of excellence.

7. 5 Minute Clarity Resources5 Minute Clarity will help you gain greater clarity on various topics within 5 minutes or less. Our complimentary 5 Minute Clarity Worksheets offer you a one page thought provoking tool to inspire and boost your productivity, faster than ever before.© 2013 Samurai Innovation Limited

8. Your Owner’s Manual for Being ProductiveAre you drowning in paperwork and lost productivity? I certainly know the feeling to be lost and overwhelmed with too much to do and it doesn’t help when people you work with keep dropping piles of paperwork on your desk. Where is the owner’s manual for productivity? Why didn’t anyone teach us that in college or high school? Here is the manual you have been looking for!

9. One Core Metric Will Change Everything

When was the last time you set out to make a significant change in one area of your life or business, only to fall flat? Most likely you have one problem and it is a lack of focus. We will help you choose one core metric to focus on and see improved results by the end of the week.

10. How to Kick Your Inbox Habit

76% of Samurai Innovation clients report to us that they have over 100 emails or more sitting in their inbox. How many emails are in your inbox right now? Use this simple method to break free of the inbox straight jacket that limits your focus and creative ability today.

11. Crazy Shoe Innovation – Vibram

5 Principles of Innovation that will help you assess where you are going and how to make your business and products better and more appealing for the customer. Let Vibram Shoes show you how - it’s a great advertisement worth checking out.

12. Ignore New Year’s Resolutions

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