BizLibrary Performance Management Solution

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of BizLibrary Performance Management Solution


BizLibrary Performance Management automates, simplifies, streamlines,

and improves the entire employee performance management process.

The cloud-based performance solution helps your employees align their

individual goals to the overall organization, identifies skill gaps that hinder

performance, and receive the regular feedback and recognition they need to

stay engaged.

• Creates a more evidence-based review process.

• Eliminates the need to track performance records by hand

or on spreadsheets.

• Increase the frequency of feedback and documentation.

• Compare individual employee performance across the

team and organization.

• Integrated messaging and notifications.

• Align individual, team and organizational goals.

• Measure progress towards goals in real time.

• Adjust performance based upon real time data, making the

achievement of annual goals easier and more realistic for

individuals, teams and the organization.

• Create job standards and identify individual and group

skill gaps.

• Close skill gaps and address areas of opportunities with

training and development resources.

• Track and measure performance to goals on a weekly,

monthly and quarterly basis.

• Incorporate peer-to-peer recognition into the performance

review process.

• Increase the engagement level of your entire workforce.

• Increase employee and manager satisfaction with the

performance review process.

• Utilize the best features of web 2.0 and social media by

allowing managers to create journal entries and share

user-generated content.

According to Bersin & Associates,

organizations that manage goals are 26% more

profitable than their peers who do not manage

goals. Companies which revisit their goals

quarterly generate nearly 3X the return of

companies that implement top-down goal

management annually.

You can improve the overall performance

management process by taking three steps:

Automate the process

Focus on goals and performance results

And apply crowd wisdom

BizLibrary’s Performance Solution does more than just put your

Performance Reviews online. Performance links evaluation of

employee performance to data, information and key competencies.

BizLibrary’s Performance Solution provides clear indicators in real time

about progress towards goals. Automation makes it possible for

organizations to take a longer, broader and more realistic view of

employee performance and improvement.

Effective goal management requires organizations to incorporate

goals into the day-to-day work flow and culture of the entire

organization. BizLibrary’s Performance Solution provides a systematic

way of evaluating performance based upon goals supported by data

and aligned across the organization.

As managers and employees are working together on goals,

employees can get the development they need when gaps arise or

managers can add resources to ensure teams hit targets. This sort of

real-time access to data and information creates agility and forms the

basis of goal management and achievement in this fast-paced market..

Multi-rater reviews and assessments can include self-evaluation, peers,

direct reports, direct managers and indirect managers. 360˚ reviews

allows each employee to understand how their performance and

behaviors are viewed by others and helps the employee gain a better

understanding of their skills, strengths and gaps. By including data and

feedback from a broad network you’re able to see a more complete

picture of performance. The results from the 360˚ assessment can be

used to make specific learning plans and identify development


Sally Sales

Chris Osborn

Successful organizations in this marketplace are agile, collaborative,

and innovative, and share information quickly and broadly. BizLibrary’s

Performance Solution allows manager and employee generated

content to be incorporated into the review process. The two-way

exchange of information in real time offers a valuable opportunity for

manager and employee to align both their expectations and actual

assessments of performance during the course of the year rather than

waiting for the annual review.

Peer-to-peer recognition and continuous feedback allow you to more accurately measure the performance of your

employees and the contribution each employee makes to the overall organization's success. Numerous studies show

that recognition is a very important factor impacting employee performance, motivation and engagement. By including

peer recognition in the performance review process, organizations can gather a more complete perspective, increase

engagement and improve performance.

The two-way exchange of information in

real time offers a valuable opportunity for

manager and employee to align both their

expectations and actual assessments of

performance during the course of the year

rather than waiting for the

annual review.

A key aspect to generating performance reviews that are goal driven

and objective is the ability to link them directly to the key competencies

associated with each employee’s job role. By including competencies

and job standards, employees are accountable for performance of

competencies that will promote the goals against which success is

measured. Skill gaps and development activities can be identified both

individually and as a group.

Sally Sales


Performance Management System

Import / export user data

Access to the branded site wizard

User and user group administration

(Assignment, Reports, and Custom Grouping)

Create and manage goals, alignment and weight scales

Import existing training materials and documentation as resources

(PDF, PPT, DOC…more)

Individual and group gap analysis

Customized performance reviews

180, 360 degree and multi-rater reviews

Peer-to-peer recognition

Track learning history and development activities

Email messages and notifications


Cloud hosting

Dedicated account manager & quarterly program reviews

Technical support for users

Administrative training and support

Dedicated administrative support line