BIU 3013 General English

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Transcript of BIU 3013 General English

BIU 3013






UPSI 18(A141PJJ)



MOHD NOOR AZAM BIN AYUB D20112055134 016-5426462


SUBMIT DATE : 24 November 2014





My School

Last month I pay a visit to my old, almost forgotten hometown, Taiping. It

has been decades I think since last time I came here. It is not that I have forgot who I

am and where I was raised but with such compact, tight schedule with my work I do

not have the opportunity to find a suitable time. Anyway, during my visit , I managed

to set my foot into my precious, beloved and most treasured school , S.M.K King

Edward V11. If there is one thing that I will never forget about my hometown, it will

be this school. There were just too many irreplaceable memories here. As I walked

through the school, I realized that things were not the same as it was 22 years ago.

Although there were still some that remain unchanged but most of it has gone eaten

by age.

First thing that I found similar to what I remember during my time is the fact

that this school still exist knowing that this school was established in 1883, that was

long way before I was born. Other major facilities also remain unchanged such as

futsal, tennis and badminton courts. I was taken aback when I saw my Economy

teacher during form 6, Madam Ummi Kalsom was still there teaching and still full of


There was also a gigantic tree that we called “The Big Tree” and thankfully it

was still there standing proudly as a symbolic of our school. As our school is a

boarding school, we have our main dormitory and we called it ‘The Big School”, it

was still there during my visit but some renovation were done to avoid it from

collapse. To put thing simple, I would say that the similarities between now and then,

its a lot.


Now I will tell the differences between what I remember and what I saw now.

The first difference when I first step my feet inside the school, it was the ‘GATE’. To

be specific, the front gate at the entrance. This gate hold a sweet memories as I recall

during my time here, I used to rushed myself to school and arrived at the assembly

site just before the prefect on duty closed that gate. But now, that gate is no more

there. Not even a single trace remain as its being replaced with a huge, fancy brand

new gate that looked less attractive to me. Other difference is of course the

technology used now. Back then we studied on a blackboard and what is given by the

teacher thats the only information that we had but now not only the blackboard had

been replaced by whiteboard but also the usage of internet that influence the way of

education in this school.

There used to be a long, old corridor that we called “haunted corridor” because

whenever we passed by, a fresh scent followed by a some melancholic tune will be

heard especially when we walked alone in the night. Me myself had several time

experience this kind of situation. There was one night when I passed near the

gargantuan stone built near the corridor by the Japanese Army, a ghostly figure lifted

a scrawny arm and pointed right at me followed by a lugubrious whisper telling me

she was cold and lonely. Now the corridor and the gargantuan stone had been

removed and replaced with a large and luxurios swimming pool. But I think this kind

of improvement is necessary for the benifit of the students.

As time passed, there are lots of improvement and changes being made and

some of it maybe seem ordinary or usual changes to others but truthfully it hold a


great significant to me. Although there were some aspect and matter that remain

unchanged but deep in my heart I hope that things were kept the same all the time

without any changes because for me, memories are very important and memories

cannot be replaced easily.