Bitfusion Saltconf16 - Seamless Docker Orchestration with SaltStack

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Bitfusion Saltconf16 - Seamless Docker Orchestration with SaltStack

Seamless Docker Orchestration with SaltStack

Joel Crisp -- Director of Cloud Technology Maciej Bajkowski -- COO

Agenda •  Bitfusion Overview •  SaltStack & Container Orchestration •  Demos •  Q&A



Seamless Orchestration of VMs and Docker ….beyond installing Docker Engine via SaltStack

Why not other solutions? •  Single Toolchain to manage both – mix Docker and VMs •  Tight integration with existing environment •  Docker tools don’t manage VMs well or at all (Swarm, Compose, Kubernates etc.) •  VM tools aren’t good at very large pools of volatile containers

•  Puppet - IP address keyed •  Chef - too complex •  Ansible - too simple

The Problem

SaltStack does it all!

•  Deep integration with VMs (salt-cloud) and Docker (docker-ng)

•  Good at highly volatile environments

•  Intelligent Datacenter Management with Reactor

The Solution

Docker has an event (SSE) stream SaltStack has Event Reactors

Publish Docker events on SaltStack event bus! React to Docker events with Salt States! Autoconfigure environments! Publish notifications! … do other cool stuff!

The Saltstack Event System




Docker backends •  Has multiple “graph driver” backends •  Use OverlayFS, fast, efficient but needs lots of iNodes

What we use: •  Saltstack Master + Minion: 2015.8.8.2 •  Docker: 1.10.1+ •  Ubuntu: 14.04LTS •  Build AMIs with Packer and Saltstack Provisioner

Getting setup…

Salt Event Reactor

Making it work: Docker Events




•  GPU-less client container(s) •  GPU-enabled server container •  Bitfusion Boost! •  Automated wiring with Saltstack!

Enabling GPU Accelerated Docker Containers with and SaltStack

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