BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:V … _1_News letter... · Web viewhad won IInd prize in...

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Department of CSE/ITBharathidasan Institute of Technology

[A Constituent College of Anna University Chennai] Tiruchirappalli-620 024

About The DepartmentDepartment of CSE/IT (Computer Science and

Engineering/Information Technology) established in the year 1999 offers B.E (Computer Science &Egg), B.Tech (Information Technology), M.E (Computer Science & Egg), M.E (Software Engg),(Pervasive Computing) courses. The Department has dedicated and qualified faculty besides good infrastructure for computing. Research at this Department is nurtured through various sponsored programms funded by national organizations such as AICTE, UGC and Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

Department NewsletterVolume: VII Issue: I

January-March, 2016

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Editorial.........2

Department Activities....3

Faculty Achievements. . .8

Student Activities.........9

Student Forum….........10

Forth Coming Events….12

EDITORS:Mr.D.Venkatesan, HOD/CSE Mr.J.B.Shriram M.E.


Envisaging Quality Education.S.tShurroeungdhraHn.ard Work…… There is no substitute for Hard Work………

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

Phone No: 0431-2407990

From the Editorial…

Greetings to all!

The department is cheerful to present the latest edition of the Department of CSE/IT Newsletter, Volume: VII Issue: I. It motivates, enlightens and enables the Student & Staff community to focus on their goals and achieve more. This issue explores the hidden talents, commitment, involvement and achievements of the Department Students and Staff Community in their Extra and Co-Curricular activities to the world.

The quarterly newsletter of the Department of CSE/IT covers the information about the TEQIP sponsored Faculty Development Programme, faculty achievement, student activities and fourth coming events.

We look forward to your continued contribution and participation in this Newsletter. Your good ideas, comments or valuable suggestions about this Newsletter are welcome. This may lead to enhance the quality and professionalism of this newsletter in forth coming editions. Thank you for choosing and spending time with this newsletter. We hope, this Newsletter encourage you to conquer more in your field.



BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

Department Activities

Department of IT/CSE organized an expert lecture on “Advanced Java

Technologies”The Department of IT/CSE organized an Expert lecture on “Advanced Java Technologies” held on 4th February

2016 under SoftPro association. The students around 60 from the Department of IT/CSE participated in this

programme at Hall No. C210. Mr. K. Saravana Kumar, Teaching Fellow, Department of CSE/IT, BIT, AUT,

Trichy, served as resource person and handled the technical session. This session explored the concepts of

Advanced Java Technologies.

Department of IT/CSE organized expert lecture on “Ubiquitous

Computing Technology”

The Department of IT/CSE organized an Expert lecture on “Ubiquitous Computing Technology” held on 29th

February 2016 under SoftPro association. The students around 39 from the Department of IT/CSE participated in

this programme at Hall No.B216. Mr. R. Kiruba Buri, Teaching Fellow, Department of CSE/IT, BIT, AUT,

Trichy, served as resource person and handled the technical session. This session explored the concepts of

Ubiquitous Computing Technology.

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

Department of IT/CSE organized an Expert lecture on “Internet of Things

The Department of IT/CSE organized an Expert lecture on “Internet of Things (IoT)”

held on 11th February 2016 under SoftPro association. The students around 43 from

the Department of IT/CSE participated in this programme at Hall No. C209. Ms.

Muthumari, IoT Design Engineer, SFIT systems, 30/6, Aruna Nagar, Bishop Heber

College, Bus Stop, Puthur, Trichy- 620 017 served as resource person and handled

the technical session. This session explored the concepts of Internet of things.

Phone No: 0431-2407990

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

PRAYUDDHA’16The inaugural function of National

Level Technical Symposium on

“PRAYUDDHA’16” was conducted at

Bharadhidasan Institute of Technology(BIT

Campus), Anna university Regional Centre,

Trichy on 10/03/2016 at 10.30. a.m. The

TEQIP-II Co-coordinator Mr.P. Suresh

kumar inaugurated the function. The idea of

symposium is to motivate the students to

change their mindset and improve their

programming skills.

Mr. D. Venkatesan, Head of the Department, Anna university regional center (BIT Campus),

Tiruchirappalli presided over the function. He congratulated the organizers for conducting a National

Level Technical Symposium which once was a Herculean task. He encouraged the participants.He

insisted the students that they should participate such events to improve their technical skills,

programming knowledge, etc.,

Dr.R.Krishnamoorthy, The Professor of Information Technology, Anna University Regional

Center (BIT Campus), Tiruchirappalli. The students and staff of Information Technology Department,

Anna university regional center (BIT Campus), Tiruchirappalli, have made elaborate arrangement for

the symposium.

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

Phone No: 0431-2407990

FEINIX’16 . The Department of IT & CSE of

Bharathidasan Institute of Technology

campus, Anna University Trichy has

organized “FENIX’16”, National level

Technical symposium in our college campus

on March 3rd 2016 . In this program

Dr.Krishna Moorthy has been invited as a

guest of honour,Dean has been invited as a

chief guest. Mr.D.Venkatesh, HOD CSE/IT,

students from our college and students from

50 colleges were participated.

Mr. D. Venkatesan, Head of the Departement, Anna university regional center (BIT

Campus), Tiruchirappalli presided over the function. . He welcomes the gathering and

highlighted the theme of the symposium. The events like Ghost code, Connections, Treasure

hunt, Rubix cube, Webway surfer, Towers of Hanoi, Spellbee, Puzzle cracking, Techie code,

Dexture’s laboratory had been conducted. The students and staff of Information Technology and

Computer Science and Engineering Department, Anna university regional center (BIT Campus),

Tiruchirappalli, have made elaborate arrangement for the symposium.

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

Phone No: 0431-2407990

Two days workshop on”Mobile Application Development” On 17.02.2016 and 18.02.2016

Two days workshop on “Mobile and Web Services on 12.02.2016 and 13.02.2016

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

Phone No: 0431-2407990

International Journals: R. Krishnamoorthy and S. Sreedharkumar, “An Improved Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm for Outlier Detection”, An International journal of Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences”, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1125-1138, Mar. 2016. (DOI:] R.Krishnamoorthy and J. Kalpana, “Color Image Retrieval technique with local features based on Orthogonal Polynomials model and SIFT”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 49-69, 2016. R.S.RAMPRIYA/TF/CSE, "Survey on Object Detection and Tracking Using Fusion Approach", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2016.


Dr. R. Krishnamoorthy, Professor, Department of IT attended as the Sessionchair in “International Conference on Communication and Security”-ICCS 2016 from 17.3.2016 to 19.3.2016 at Pondicherry Engineering College,puducherry.CONFERENCE /SEMINARS/SYMPOSIA/ WORKSHOPS:

Mr.D.Venkatesan and Ms.R.Rengu Devi, Two days workshop on “Mobile and Web Services, 12.02.2016 and 13.02.2016, BIT Campus ,Tiruchirappalli - 24. Dr.R.Krishnamoorthy and I.Shahanazbegum, Two days workshop on”Mobile Application Development”, 03.03.2016 and 04.03.2016, BIT Campus ,Tiruchirappalli - 24 Mrs.C.P.Indumathi Asst.Prof, FDP on “Learning Improvement Techniques”, 25.02.2016 to 27.02.2016, BIT Campus,Triuuchirappalli - 24.

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

Phone No: 0431-2407990

K.Umamaheswari and Ms.V.M.priyadharshini, Two days Symposium on FENIX’16, 10.03.2016 and 11.03.2016, BIT Campus,Triuchirappalli - 24. Dr.R.Krishnamoorthy, Talk on “Data Compression” at PICT, 6.2.2016, Pune. Dr.R.Krishnamoorthy, Gave a guest lecture on “Machine Learning”, 6.2.2016, Pune.

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BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)


M.JAYAPRIYA has attended TEQIP-II sponsored two days workshop mobile and web service organized by department of Information Technology during 12.02.2016-13.02.2016.

MATHIYARASU had won IInd prize in the event of Kho-Kho in “Intramural Sports and Tournaments” held on 11th March 2016 conducted by Anna University, BIT campus, Trichy.

R.MURUGAN has attended TEQIP-II sponsored two days workshop mobile and web service organized by department of Information Technology during 12.02.2016-13.02.2016.

S.ANITHA has been participated in poetry writing in march 2016 conducted by Anna University BIT campus.

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BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)



 what is a bot exactly?Imagine texting a number to order pizza and having it delivered without ever talking to a real human -- that's what bots are all about. Specifically, a bot is an application that performs an automated task, such as setting an alarm, telling you the weather or searching online.

What can bots do? Today's bots can help us order food,

shop for clothes, save money and find

restaurants. For example, Digit helps you

manage your money by showing your bank

balance, upcoming bills and helping you save

money through text messages. The Hi Poncho

chatbot available in Facebook Messenger tells

you the weather around you.

Many bots are programmed to act like

humans when you talk to them so it feels like

asking a person for help instead of just typing

in a search engine.

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BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)




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BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

B.Tech –IT (Third Year)

BIT- CSE/IT Department Newsletter Volume:VII Issue:I (January-March,2016)

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