Bipolar Disorder

Post on 07-May-2015

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This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher, Laura Astorian:

Transcript of Bipolar Disorder

Diary of A Teenage BipolarJane Bryantz

What is bipolar disorder?

Previously known as manic-depressive disorder.This disorder consists of mood swings.

Generally consists of two poles of emotions that are opposite of one another.

What causes this disorder?

● Genetics● Childhood experiences● Other life events ● Neural processing● Melatonin activity

What are the symptoms?

Most common symptoms include…

● depression● excessive happiness● anxiety ● inability to make decisions● suicidal thoughts

What are a few warning signs?

● In some cases patients do not follow regular bipolar disorder symptoms or they go unnoticed.

● Commonly overpowering negative emotions result in self injury, or cutting.

● In manic or depressive episodes some people may attempt suicide.

What are the risk factors?

Genetic factors - Most individuals have relatives that suffer from depression or bipolar disorder.

Neurological diseases & thyroid disease - these carry similar symptoms that may be mistaken for bipolar disorder

What are typical “phases” of a bipolar individual ?

1. Mania - elevated mood and increased self-esteem

2. Depression- may also consider suicide

3. A Mixed Episode- mania and depression can be experienced at the same time

4. Rapid Cycling - 4 or more different types of episodes in one year

5. Seasonal patterns - moods triggered by a certain time of year

What are the treatment options?

Mood Stabilizers - such as lithium or antipsychotic drugs

Atypical Antipsychotics - provide greater symptoms relief

Psychotherapy - Seeing a therapist to help stabilize oneself and prevent relapse or excessive episodes

How does a person cope ?

Firsthand, many individuals deny diagnosis. But with the help of psychotherapy and the correct medical treatments anyone with this disorder can be pretty normal.

What are the demographics?

About 5.7 million adults, 18 and older, have bipolar disorder in America.

That is 3 in every 100 adults.

70% of people with bipolar disorder will be misdiagnosed at least once.

Interesting Facts

3 times or more a day a bipolar individual experiences symptoms of depression.

Suicide rates are higher for those with bipolar disorder.

The average set of onset for bipolar disorder is 25.

When I am feeling angry ...

I want to lash out at everyone.

When I am going through a manic episode ...

Life is GREAT.

When I feel depressed ...

When I am suffering from sleep deprivation ...

“Why me ?”

When I forget to take my medicine ...

or I think I won’t need it.

When I feel the need to escape ..

I choose alternate methods that do not help in the long run.

But ... I have learned

Walking can help me positively find relief.

and keeping a journal helps me feel in control of my thoughts.

Talk therapy helps me ...

recognize my triggers

My therapist has helped me learn meditation techniques.

This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having psychological ailment.