Bionic Google Ads

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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How to write better copy for Adwords and Facebook ads

Transcript of Bionic Google Ads

BIONIC GOOGLE ADS:The “Swiss Army Knife” Method

for Creating Ultra-Emotional, High-CTR Ads

“Most people think they’ve tested 20 Google ads

but they really just tested 2 ads 10 different times.”

–Dr. Glenn Livingston


Most people find one decent formula that “works” and just refine it. But you can do much, much better. Today I’m going to show you 2 of 10 powerful ways to rocket your CTR with EMOTIONAL POWER.

EXAMPLE: 6 Different Versions of 1 Ad

That’s what happened with this example below. 6 different versions of a “How to Write a Book” ad. But same formula for each one.

You test adjectives, verbs, URL’s, commas (ad #1 is the “little comma that could,” which got an 8% CTR boost) and that’s great.

But 99% of people miss dozens of completely different, superb HOOKS they could use. You can approach your customers from a completely different, surprising direction.

And as your campaigns develop, you become more and more afraid to boldly experiment because you don’t want to hurt your overall CTR and drop in the rankings. So you stay stuck.

This is a very successful ad campaign but it’s stuck in a rut:


How to Write a Book, Fast 14 Days from Start to Finish Unique, Step By Step Program

How to Write a Book Fast 14 Days from Start to Finish Unique, Step By Step Program

How to Write a Book, Fast Get The Job Done in 14 Days or Less Unique, Step By Step Aff. Program

How to Write a Book, Fast Finish Your Manuscript in 14 Days Unique, Step By Step Program

How to Write a Book, Fast 14 Days from Start to Finish Unique, Step By Step Aff. Program

How to Write a Book, Fast Get The Job Done in 14 Days or Less Unique, Step By Step Aff. Program


For several months I’ve been developing a reliable formula that breaks you out of that rut and consistently gets high CTR’s. Here’s an example of 4 ads that used the Swiss Army Knife Formula. Each ad is completely different from the others (#2 had been my control for 2 months) and each commands a very high CTR:

The 2nd ad was my control. The other ads are hot off the press, all completely different, all with double-digit CTR’s. PROBLEM: “There’s only a few things I can think of to say and it’s really hard to not sound like everyone else in my market.”

SOLUTION: There are literally THOUSANDS of things you can say, even in a tiny Google ad, which means there’s NO SUCH THING as a market you can’t break into, or do better in. Even if you’ve been stuck with the same Control Ad for 3 years.

This report contains 15 sets of “blades” for generating fresh new ideas for…

•GoogleAds •Headlines •NewLandingPagestoTest •Completelynewwaystotellyourstory

This makes testing new ads simple and formulaic. No more combing through huge swipe fileslookingforsomethingyoumightbeabletouse.Thesearesimpleformulasyoucanapply instantly.



Relationships | Knife Blade #1

All the different relationships that exist between your customers and 5 other types of people and things:



You (the advertiser)

Your Customer’s Best Friend

Your Customer’s

Worst Enemy

A thing that Your

Customer Loves

A thing that Your

Customer Hates


This picture shows 15 different relationships: Your customer and the thing she loves; your customer and the thing she hates; your customer and you… the thing your customer loves and its relationship to her worst enemy, and so on.

Most ads are about something the vendor sells or some really obvious problem related to the key-word. If we’re writing an ad for the keyword “bad marriage,” the ads you see on the right are VERY predictable. Pretty typical of most markets.

The Swiss Army Knife gives us all kinds of NEW ad hooks:

The #1 thing the prospect hates may be constant fighting:

Bad Marriage=Constant FightsDon’t Go To Bed Angry14 Minute Video will Calm Your

Your best friend (at one time anyway) was your husband, and the #1 enemy is his lover:

Who is your husband with?Is he sleeping with “her” right now?Get revenge & a smile on your


How about an ad that’s about the wife’s worst enemy (the other woman), and the thing your customer hates the most (constant fighting):

Nasty Fight: The Other WomanSick of being compared with “her”?Change the Game. Free

How about an ad that’s about the wife’s worst enemy and her best friend (in this case her children):

The Other Woman: Step MomHow will you feel whenYour children call her “mommy”?

See how much emotion you elicit when you focus on the relationships between key play-ers in your customer’s drama? This is P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L.


Enhanced Blade #1



You (the advertiser)

Your Customer’s Best Friend

Your Customer’s

Worst Enemy

A thing that Your

Customer Loves

A thing that Your

Customer Hates

Your Customer’s


Your Service

Your Customer’s

Victim Icon

A Negative

Force Or Belief

APositive Force

Or Belief

Your Product

Number of relationships: 66



Imagery | Knife Blade #2

•Visual •Auditory •Kinesthetic

You rewrite your ads around pictures, sounds, or physical sensations in your prospect’s body. Most people process information one of these ways more than the others.


Other Woman PhotographsWill you see her with your ChildrenIn Family Portraits?


“I Hate My Other Mommy”What will your little boy sayThe day she moves in?


When He Caresses HerDo you feel sick on the inside?Hope and healing

Emotions | Knife Blade #3


•Anger •Sadness•Joy •Surprise•Disgust •Ecstasy•Terror •Despair•Anticipation


•Sloth •Envy•Gluttony •Avarice•Greed •Lust•Selfishness •Revenge


•Love •Compassion•Ambition •Courage•Justice •Cleanliness•Generosity •Creativity•Defiance •Determination•Excellence •Honesty•Modesty •Reliability•Superiority •Simplicity•Elegance •Thrift•Forgiveness •Resolution



Types of Statements | Knife Blade #4

•Question •Statement (declaration) •Command (imperative) •Condition (if/then) • Quotation (he said, “…”)

Time | Knife Blade #5

• Past • Present • Future

Towards / Away From | Knife Blade #6

• Fear • Desire •Both

Future | Knife Blade #7

• Prediction • Warning • Promise • Threat • Story of Change

Capability | Knife Blade #8

•Can • Can’t • Will • Won’t • Does • Doesn’t • Do • Don’t • Is • Isn’t • True • False

Levels of Identity | Knife Blade #9 (These apply to anyone in Blade #1):

• Identity – who they are • Beliefs – what they think • Skills – what they’re capable of • Behavior – what they do • Environment – where they are



Proof | Knife Blade #10 Courtesy of Rich Schefren

Credibility •The Powerful Demonstration • Results In Advance • High Profile Clients • Track Record • Powerful Associations • Celebrity • Unique Mechanism

Believability • Displays Of Knowledge • Personal Endorsement • Case Histories • The Sinatra Test (“if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere”)

Facts • Case Studies • Research • Self-Evident

SocialProof • Media Mentions • Number of Followers • Innovation • Specialization

Numbers | Knife Blade #11

•Price •Money •Savings •Losses •Earnings •ROI •Statistics •Percentages •Fractions •Dates •Periods of Time •Quantities •Symbolic / Talismanic (7, 8, 12, 666)

Language Devices | Knife Blade #12

•Bullets •Rhythm •Rhyme •Onomatopoeia •Alliteration •Consonance •Haiku •Simile •Metaphor •Personification •Metonymy •Synecdoche •Famous Quotes •Lyrics •Popular Clichés •Humor •Irony •Tragedy •Sarcasm •Slang •Colloquialisms


Names | Knife Blade #13

•Movies •TV Shows •Radio Programs •Songs •Actors & Actresses •Authors •Politicians •World Leaders •Icons •Spirit Beings •Master Teachers •Trademarks •Brand Names •Product Names •Part Numbers •Artists •Musicians •Captains of Industry

Locations | Knife Blade #14 •Landmark •Neighborhood •City •County •Region •Fictional (“The Shire”) •Country •Conceptual (“Cyberspace”) •Historical •Imaginary (“Wonderland”) •State •Metaphysical (Heaven / Hell / Nirvana) •Continent


Direct Marketing Offers | Knife Blade #15 •Guarantee •Trial Offer •Free Sample •% Discount •No Obligation •Accompanying Offer •Free with Sign-up •Reports White Papers, Audio, Video •Software •Membership •Consultation •Results in Time Frame •Deadline •% to Charity •Disqualification

Ad Structure | Knife Blade #16

•Transposition •Verb Swapping •Noun Swapping •Adjective Swapping •Capitalization •Punctuation •Line Breaks •Repetition •Quotes, dashes, parentheses, slashes •Commas, semicolons, question marks, exclamation marks •Extra spaces •Symbols •ASCII characters



The Swiss Army Knife of Shame! | Knife Blade #17

Name Question to Ask About Your Customer1• Legitimate Moral Guilt What shameful act have they committed due to bad moral

character?2• False Moral Guilt What act do they or others falsely believe to be shameful?3• Blame What disasters can they get blamed for?4• Physical Nakedness What part of their physical appearance do they want kept

secret?5• Emotional Nakedness What beliefs, feelings or aspirations do they want kept

secret?6• Opposite Sex Rejection How many mates or lovers rejected them, and why?7• Social/Business Rejection What family, friends or business contacts reject them, and

why?8• Failure What failures are they ashamed of?9• Stupidity What dumb decisions have they made?1• Telling of Secrets Whatdarksecretsdotheynotwantanyonetofindout

about, ever?1• Defeat Who or what have they lost battles with?1• Inadequacy What are they secretly afraid they’re unable to do?1• Inferiority Who or what do they feel inferior to?1• Vulnerability Who or what is a weak spot and potential threat?1• Ignorance What do they not know, that they’re ashamed of not know-

ing?1• Defilement Who or what could drag them into even more shameful

behavior?1• Shamelessness What would a criminal or madman who’s lost all sense of

shame do?

What’s The True Mark of Ad-Writing Mastery?Squeezing MANY blades into ONE tiny ad.

Example: this ad contains 15 of the 17 blades. And 28 distinct blade elements. This is accomplished with only 20 words. World War 3: Other Woman Did he say “She’s more beautiful” ? 84% Failure Unless You Act Now Relationships | Knife Blade #1 Between your customer & her worst enemy Between your customer’s husband & his lover

Visual/Auditory/Kinesthetic | Knife Blade #2 Kinesthetic (World War 3) Auditory (What he said) Core Emotions | Knife Blade #3 Anger Envy Defiance Disgust

Types of Statements | Knife Blade #4 Quotation Condition Time | Knife Blade #5 Past Present Future



Towards / Away From | Knife Blade #6 Fear

Future | Knife Blade #7 Warning

Capability | Knife Blade #8 Won’t change

Levels of Identity | Knife Blade #9 What they’re capable of (other woman) What they say (husband)

Proof | Knife Blade #10 Case Study Self Evident truth

Numbers | Knife Blade #11 Percentage Language Devices | Knife Blade #12 Slang (WW3) Tragedy

Direct Marketing Offers | Knife Blade #13 Free report Act now

Ad Structure | Knife Blade #16 Question mark Extra spaces

Shame | Knife Blade #17 Defeat is also part of the ad


Appendix AImagery Verbs

Visual VerbsAdmire, Announce, Appear, Behold, Brighten, Clarify, Clear, Color, Conceal, Darken, Dim, Disguise, Elucidate, Espy, Examine, Expose, Eye, Face, Gawk, Gaze, Glance, Glare, Glimpse, Glow, Goggle, Hallucinate, Illustrate, Ink, Inspect, Leer, Lighten, Look, Narrow, Notice, Observe, Ogle, Paint, Pale, Peek, Peer, Picture, Quiver, Recognize, Redden, Refocus, Regard, Scan, Scowl, Scribble, Scrutinize, Search, See, Shine, Show, Showcase, Sketch, Smile, Spy, Squint, Stare, Streak, Tidy, Twinkle, View, Visualize, Watch, Witness,

Auditory VerbsApplaud, Argue, Ask, Babble, Badmouth, Banter, Bark, Bawl, Bay, Belch, Bellow, Be-moan, Blare, Blat, Blather, Bleat, Blubber, Blurt, Boo, Boom, Bray, Burble, Burp, Buzz, Cackle, Cajole, Call, Carol, Catcall, Caterwaul, Caw, Chant, Chat, Chatter, Cheer, Chime, Chirp, Chirr, Chitter, Chortle, Chuckle, Clamor, Clang, Clap, Clash, Click, Clink, Clip, Clop, Cluck, Coo, Cough, Crash, Croak, Crow, Crunch, Cry, Cuss, Declare, Decree, Decry, Denounce, Dictate, Drone, Drum, Eavesdrop, Echo, Exclaim, Fiddle, Flicker, Flute, Foresee, Fuss, Gabble, Gag, Gargle, Gasp, Gibber, Giggle, Gobble, Groan, Grouch, Growl, Grumble, Grunt, Guffaw, Gulp, Gurgle, Harmonize, Hear, Heckle, Herald, Hic-cup, Hiss, Holler, Honk, Hoot, Howl, Huff, Hum, Hurrah, Hush, Implore, Interject, Interrupt,Intone,Jabber,Jangle,Jeer,Jingle,Lament,Laud,Laugh,Lecture,Lisp,Listen,Lull,Moan,Nag,Neigh,Overhear,Plead,Plonk,Pray,Praise,Prattle,Preach,Proclaim,Pronounce,Purr,Putter,Quack,Quiet,Ramble,Rant,Rap,Rattle,Recite,Regale,Re-phrase, Restate, Retell, Retort, Reword, Rhapsodize, Rhyme, Ring, Roar, Rumble, Rustle, Say, Scoff, Scold, Scream, Screech, Serenade, Shout, Sheik, Shush, Sigh, Silence, Sim-mer,Sing,Slander,Slur,Slurp,Smack,Snap,Snarl,Sneeze,Snicker,Sniffle,Snitch,Snivel, Snore, Snort, Sob, Sound, Speak, Sputter, Squawk, Squeak, Squeal, Stammer, Strum, Stutter, Swear, Talk, Tell, Testify, Thump, Tinkle, Toot, Trumpet, Tune, Ululate, Utter, Verbalize, Vocalize, Wail, Warble, Weep, Wheeze, Whimper, Whine, Whinny, Whisper, Whistle, Whoop, Yap, Yawn, Yawp, Yell, Yelp, Yodel, Yowl,


Kinesthetic VerbsAccelerate, Act, Adhere, Adorn, Advance, Align, Alter, Amble, Anoint, Approach, Arc, Arrange, Attach,Attack, Backhand, Backpedal, Backtrack, Bang, Barge, Bash, Bat, Bathe, Beat, Beckon, Beg, Bend, Beseech, Bind, Bite, Blink, Blot, Blow, Bludgeon, Bolt, Bonk, Bounce, Brace, Brandish, Break, Browbeat, Brush, Buck, Buckle, Build, Bumble, Bump, Burrow, Burst, Butcher, Button, Caress, Carry, Cartwheel, Carve, Catapult, Catch, Chase, Chew, Chill, Chisel, Chomp, Chop, Chuck, Cinch, Clamber, Clamp, Clasp, Claw, Cleave, Clench, Climb, Cling, Club, Clutch, Coil, Collapse, Collect, Collide, Comb, Compress, Connect, Constrict, Contend, Contort, Counteract, Cover, Cower, Crack, Cradle, Cram, Crawl, Crease, Creep, Crimp, Cringe, Crinkle, Crop, Crouch, Crumble, Crumple, Crush, Cuddle, Cuff, Curl, Curtsy, Cut, Dab, Dance, Dampen, Dangle,Dart,Dash,Deflate,Deflect,Demonstrate,Descend,Detach,Devour,Dig,Dilate,Dimple,Dip,Disentangle, Dislodge, Dismount, Displace, Dive, Divert, Divide, Dodge, Doodle, Drag, Drain, Drape, Draw, Drift, Drill, Drink, Drip, Droop, Drop, Duck, Dump, Dunk, Elbow, Elevate, Embrace, Empower, Encircle, Enclose, Enfold, Engage,Engrave, Engulf, Enshroud, Ensnare, Entangle, Envelop, Etch, Excavate, Exchange, Exclude, Exhale, Expand,Extend, Extract, Extricate, Fabricate, Faint, Fall, Fan, Fasten, Fence, Fend, Fetch, Fidget, Finger, Fish, Flail, Flank, Flap, Flatten, Flee, Flex, Flick, Flinch, Fling, Flip, Flit, Float, Flop, Flounder, Flutter, Fold, Fondle, Force, Forge, Form, Fortify, Frame, Freeze, Frisk, Frolic, Fumble, Furl, Gallop, Gather, Gesture, Glide, Gnash, Gnaw, Go, Gouge, Grab, Grapple, Grasp, Graze, Grind, Grip, Grope, Grovel, Guard, Gulp, Gyrate, Hack,Hammer, Handle, Harden, Harvest, Hasten, Haul, Head-butt, Heal, Heave, Hem, Hew, Hike, Hit, Hitch, Hobble, Hold, Hook, Hop, Hug, Hunch, Hurl, Hustle, Immerse, Impale, Implant, Impress, Imprint, Inflame, Inflect, Interact, Intersect, Interfere, Interlace, Interlock, Jab,Jam, Jerk, Jiggle, Jog, Jolt, Jostle, Juggle, Jump, Kick, Kiss, Knead, Knee, Kneel, Knit, Knock, Kowtow, Lace,Land,Lash,Latch,Lather,Launch,Lay,Lean,Leap,Lengthen,Lick,Lift,Limp,Load,Loaf,Lob,Lock,Loiter,Lounge,Lug,Lunge,Lurch,Lurk,Nip,Nuzzle,Ooze,Palpitate,Paw,Peck,Pelt,Perspire,Pet,Pick,Pierce,Pinch,Play,Plod,Plump,Poke,Pop,Pounce,Pound,Pour,Press,Prick,Prod,Promenade,Propel,Prowl,Pry,Pull,Pummel,Punch,Puncture,Push,Quake,Quicken,Quiver,Race,Raise,Ram,Reach,Rearrange,Relax,Repack,Rest,Retch,Retrieve,Rip,Rock,Roll,Rotate,Rub,Ruffle,Salivate,Saunter,Scamper, Scatter, Scoop, Scoot, Scour, Scramble, Scrape, Scratch, Scrub, Scuff, Scuttle, Seize, Sever, Shake, Shape, Shave, Shear, Shield, Shiver, Shock, Shove, Shower, Shred, Shrug, Sidestep, Sidle, Sip, Sit, Skewer, Skip, Slam, Slash, Slather, Slice, Slide, Slumber, Slump, Smack, Smash, Smear, Smile, Smush, Snatch, Sneak, Snuggle, Soak, Somersault, Soothe, Spank, Spasm, Spin, Spit, Splash, Spread, Sprint, Spur, Squash, Squeeze, Squirm, Squish, Stab, Stalk, Stamp, Stand, Startle, Step, Stiffen, Stimulate, Stomp, Stoop, Stran-gle, Stretch, Strike, Stroke, Stroll, Struggle, Strut, Stumble, Suck, Surround, Swab, Swallow, Swat, Sweat, Sweep, Swerve, Swoon, Swim, Swing, Swipe, Swirl, Swish, Swivel, Tackle, Tap, Tear, Tease, Tense, Throw, Thrust, Thwack, Tickle, Tiptoe, Toil, Topple, Toss, Tote, Touch, Toughen, Tousle, Traipse, Tread, Tremble, Trip, Trot, Trounce, Trudge, Tuck, Tug, Tumble, Tweak, Tweeze, Twirl, Twist, Twitch, Unbend, Unbind, Unbutton, Unbuckle, Unclasp, Unclench, Uncoil, Uncover, Undulate, Unfasten, Unfold, Unfurl, Unhook, Unravel, Unroll, Untangle, Untie, Untwist, Unveil, Unwind, Unwrap, Vault, Veer, Vibrate, Vomit, Waddle, Wade, Wag, Waggle, Walk, Wallop, Waltz, Wander, Wave, Weave, Wedge, Whack, Whip, Wiggle, Wince, Wink, Wipe, Wobble, Worship, Wrestle, Writhe, Yang,

Perry S. Marshall & Associates ©2013