BiomassGasification:DocumentedInformationfor Adoption...

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International Scholarly Research NetworkISRN Renewable EnergyVolume 2012, Article ID 536417, 8 pagesdoi:10.5402/2012/536417

Review Article

Biomass Gasification: Documented Information forAdoption/Adaptation and Further Improvements towardSustainable Utilisation of Renewable Natural Resources

Andrew Agbontalor Erakhrumen

Department of Forestry and Wildlife, University of Uyo, Uyo 520001, Nigeria

Correspondence should be addressed to Andrew Agbontalor Erakhrumen,

Received 13 April 2012; Accepted 8 July 2012

Academic Editors: R. S. Adhikari and D. C. Martins

Copyright © 2012 Andrew Agbontalor Erakhrumen. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

In many developing countries, biomass use as a means of generating energy is still relevant with the developed countriesalso gradually increasing this source of energy in their energy-mix. Furthermore, increased research and developmental effortsconcerning bioenergy are more in these developed countries compared to many of the developing ones. This might havecontributed to the present level of biomass conversion technologies, most of which are observed to be outdated, in developingcountries such as those in sub-Sahara Africa. Improving on the available old bioenergy conversion technologies may not only beadequate for sustainable utilisation of renewable natural resources; there may be the need for adoption/adaptation of other recentresearch outputs geared toward optimal resource utilisation in this regard. Contributing to and application of improvements inbiomass conversion technologies, such as gasification techniques, might assist in achieving this aim. This article was thereforeconceived at highlighting information concerning biomass gasification in such a way as to sensitise the different stakeholdersin research and developmental issues in developing countries where there are still challenges facing this sector. The language andpresentation of the article was aimed at specifics avoiding too many technical details for the benefit of experts and non-experts alike.

1. Introduction

History has it that the series of mankind’s developmentalstages, cultures, and technologies were strongly linked withenergy and associated systems [1–3]. Right from when firewas accidentally “discovered” to the period of IndustrialRevolution and the recent “jet age” including the presentperiod of high-technological innovations/inventions, thefundamental driving force for these developments, apartfrom the human mind, has been the generation and use ofenergy in a continuously increasing manner, a developmentthat has particularly accelerated upwards in intensity andscale approximately in the last two hundred years orthereabout, after the discovery and start of large-scale use offossil-derived fuels [2].

Prior to the discovery of fossil-derived fuels such ascoal, crude oil, and natural gas, the main source of energywas from biomass, most especially lignocellulosic materials[1, 3–5]. However, the world is presently heavily reliant

on fossil fuels, most especially crude oil and naturalgas, as source of energy with the bulk of this usagebeing in the advanced/developed countries while the lessadvanced/developing countries still have most of their inhab-itants largely dependent on biomass energy, particularly athousehold levels [6, 7], although, this is not to ignore thefact that many of these advanced/developed countries aregradually increasing bioenergy utilisation in their energy-mix [3, 7, 8].

In addition, irrespective of the fact that the advancedcountries are presently heavily reliant on fossil fuels,researchers in these countries are also optimising effortsin bioenergy-related researches (e.g., [2, 9]), as biomassis estimated to be contributing in order of 10–14% ofthe world’s power supply [10, 11], with a likelihood ofan increase in this contribution in the near future. Theincreasing research in and utilisation of bioenergy is partlyin preparation for future unpredictability in supply, demand,and price of fossil fuels and associated products as a result

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of current increasing usage of these types of fuels and theirsupposed expected future finiteness [1, 9, 12].

Furthermore, these researches concerning the sustainableapplication of bioenergy are also increasing owing to thepotential for carbon neutrality expected from bioenergyutilisation when issues concerning mitigation of the cur-rently experienced global climate change are considered[13] as biomass, when grown and converted in a closed-loop feedstock production scheme, is expected to claim aneutral position in the build-up of atmospheric greenhousegases as the carbon dioxide generated during biomasscombustion is absorbed by the new biomass being grown[1, 14]. Thus, the observed persistence in the application ofbiomass, particularly lignocellulose, as energy source, callsfor concerted efforts from stakeholders toward its sustainablesourcing for this purpose.

These efforts are expected in order not to underestimatethe various types of influences and/or impacts of localpeculiarities on this use [3, 6, 7, 15–20]. However, sustainablesourcing of bioenergy may be hampered by poor/inefficientconversion of biomass to biofuel and bioenergy, mostespecially in the developing countries. These countries arestill faced with challenges concerning the level and rateof technological advancement [1, 3] perhaps owing to theobserved inadequate research capacities [21]. Thus, there isthe need for continuous improvement in biofuel conversionmethods/processes bearing in mind the likely usefulness ofvarious developmental outcomes from studies and researchesworldwide for the benefit of less technologically advancedcountries [1].

This paper written in simple language and presented tohighlight specifics is therefore focused on a brief overviewof gasification technologies with particular emphasis ongasification of lignocellulosic materials. Gasification tech-nology, whose advantage has been known for nearly twohundred years [22], is noted to be an attractive route forthe production of fuel gases from biomass, as any biomassmaterial can undergo gasification, in comparison to ethanolproduction or biogas where only selected biomass materialscan produce the fuel [23]. In addition, this write-up isnecessary because most of the equipment designed to burnoil or gas is not generally capable of directly burning solidlignocellulosic materials.

Furthermore, the use of producer gas to power diesel(dual-fuel) and petrol engines is an old technology thatis continuously been improved upon. For instance, duringWorld War II, there were close to 1 million engines runningon producer gas all over the world [24] most of whichwere in occupied territories in Europe. However, the useof gas in small (3–5 kW) engines is of recent origin [25]because of increased small-scale power requirements in somedeveloping countries. Apart from this, fuels are efficientlycombusted at gaseous phase under proper condition coupledwith the fact that the bulk of biomass used as fuel indeveloping countries is still comprised mainly of solidlignocellulosic materials [3, 4, 6–8, 26].

Improving the efficiency of use and wastage reduc-tion as a result of using biofuel from lignocellulosicmaterials is, therefore, dependent on factors such as

improvement/advancement in technology [1]. Therefore,current information regarding systems capable of convertingbiomass to combustible gas(es) is necessary while increasingresearch efforts toward systems compatible with currentoil/gas-designed equipment. Documenting the advances inbiomass gasification is expected to assist in stimulatingnecessary improvements in the different methods of biomassconversion to energy and its utilisation most especially inmost developing countries where there are still challengesconcerning level and rate of technological advancement.

2. Brief Overview of Biomass GasificationTechnologies and Types of Gasifiers

Biomass, in the context of thispaper, is an organic materialfrom recently living things, including plant matter fromtrees and other woody species, grasses, and agriculturalcrops. Biomass is composed primarily of carbon, oxygen, andmoisture including impurities, such as sulphur, ash, amongothers. Green plants combine water and carbon dioxide toform sugar building blocks and oxygen gas as depicted in (1).The required energy for this process is obtained from light(sunlight in most cases) via photosynthesis that is facilitatedby chlorophyll. These sugar building blocks are the startingpoint for the building up of plant biomass into which part ofthe absorbed energy is stored:

n ·H2O + n · CO2 + LightChlorophyll−−−−−−→ (CH2O)n + n ·O2


Biomass gasification is a type of thermochemical routeresulting from the process of heating biomass, such aslignocellulosic materials in an oxygen-starved environmentat elevated temperatures, 500–1400◦C, or at about 800–1700 K, and at atmospheric or elevated pressures up to 33bar (480 psi) until volatile pyrolysis gases such as carbonmonoxide, hydrogen, among others, are released from suchbiomass. The aim of gasification is the almost completetransformation of the constituents of biomass into gaseousform so that only the ashes and inert materials remain [27].

This type of gasification, under the described tem-perature and pressure condition, is the conversion of anorganically derived, carbonaceous feedstock or solid biomassby partial oxidation into a gaseous product, synthesis gas, or“syngas,” which stands for nitrogen-free gases from oxygen,steam or hydrogen gasification with negligible hydrocarboncontent or combustible gas mixture normally called “pro-ducer gas,” a nitrogen diluted gas mixture which mostlycontains hydrocarbons obtained with air as gasificationagent.

Gasification process involves conversion of biomass tocombustible gas mixtures in the absence of air or with lessair than the stoichiometric requirement of air for completecombustion. In a sense, gasification is a form of incompletecombustion; heat from solid biomass creates gases which areunable to burn completely, due to insufficient amounts ofoxygen from the available supply of air [27].

The gaseous products of biomass gasification consistprimarily of hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO),

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with lesser amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O),methane (CH4), higher hydrocarbons (CxHy), nitrogen(N2), and particulates [10, 14] noting that the composi-tion/quality of the producer gases varies widely with theproperties of the biomass, employed gasification reactortype, the gasifying agent, and the operating conditions of thegasification process [2, 28].

Examples of treatment conditions that the quality ofproducer gas may depend on are temperature, pressure, holdtime, heating rate (which is associated with the nature ofbiomass, particle size of the feed and temperature, etc.),pyrolysis atmosphere, among others [14]. The oxidant used,in the case where this is needed, can be air, pure oxygen,steam, or a mixture of these gases. Partial combustionproduces CO as well as H2 which are both combustiblegases. Air-based gasifiers typically produce a product gascontaining a relatively high concentration of nitrogen witha low heating value when compared to oxygen and steam-based gasifiers that produce a product gas containing arelatively higher concentration of hydrogen and CO with ahigher heating value [10, 14].

The producer gas can be burned directly to produce heator used as a fuel, after the removal of tar and particulates,to run internal combustion engines (both compression andspark ignition), for gas engines and gas turbines to generateelectricity, and can be used as a substitute for furnaceoil in direct heat applications. It can also be used as afeedstock (syngas) in the synthesis of chemicals such asmethanol and fuel production [2, 9, 14, 23], although it isnoteworthy at this stage that there is no standard gasifier thatis able to handle a wide range of biomass types, as a resultof nonhomogeneous character of most biomass resources,which pose difficulties in maintaining constant feed ratesto gasification units; therefore, there is the need for properequipment design for the gasification process.

In gasifying the different types of biomass, there willbe the need for appropriate equipment designed for thispurpose, as stated earlier. The equipment, a variety ofwhich have been developed, collectively known as gasifiers,can be simply grouped into the following major classifica-tions/differentiations [11, 14, 29–33] based on the means ofsupporting the biomass in the reactor vessel, the direction offlow of both the biomass and oxidant, and the way heat issupplied to the reactor [10, 14]. These differentiations can bebriefly categorised into fixed-bed (updraft and downdraft),fluidized-bed (bubbling and circulating), and entrained flowgasifiers (Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). The units can operate atatmospheric or higher pressure. The gasification medium isgenerally air (air-blown), oxygen (oxygen-blown), steam, orcombinations of these [33].

2.1. Fixed-Bed Updraft or Counter Current Gasifier. This typeof configuration is the oldest and simplest form of gasifier;it is still used for coal gasification [10] and is noted tohave relatively low cost owing to the simple reactor concept.Biomass feedstock is introduced at the top of the reactor, anda grate at the bottom of the reactor supports the reactingbed. Air or oxygen and/or steam are introduced below andthrough the grate and diffuse up through the bed of biomass




Figure 1: Schematic illustrative diagram of a fixed-bed updraftgasifier. Source: Warnecke [35].

Fuel Air

Unreached fuel


Downdraft gasifier

Producer gas

Reduction zone


Drying pyrolysis

Oxidation zone


Figure 2: Schematic illustrative diagram of a fixed-bed downdraftgasifier. Source: Williams et al. [33].

and char. A complete combustion of char takes place atthe bottom of the bed, liberating CO2 and H2O. These hotgases (∼1000◦C) pass through the bed above, where they arereduced to H2 and CO and cooled to about 750◦C.

Continuing up the reactor, the reducing gases (H2 andCO) pyrolyse the descending dry biomass and finally drythe incoming wet biomass, leaving the reactor at a lowtemperature (∼500◦C) [10, 29, 30, 34]. The large internaldrying zone allows the conversion of biomass with up to50% humidity [2]. The producer gas is extracted at the top

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Product gas


Fluid bedBiomass


Figure 3: Schematic illustrative diagram of a bubbling fluidized-bed gasifier. Source: Williams et al. [33].

Product gas


Fluidizing air, O2, or steam

Figure 4: Schematic illustrative diagram of a circulating fluidized-bed gasifier. Source: Williams et al. [33].

of the gasifier after passing through the biomass materialpresent in the gasifier. Updraft gasification producer gases arerelatively cold with outlet temperatures typically between 200and 300◦C [2]. Owing to the use of air as gasification agent,the heating value of updraft gasification producer gases is lowwhile the tar loads may be very high as tars formed in thedevolatilization zone only pass the colder drying zone beforeexiting the updraft gasifier with cracking not likely to occur.

2.2. Fixed-Bed Downdraft or Cocurrent Gasifier. This typeof gasifier, which is the second common type of fixedbed reactors, has the same mechanical configuration as theupdraft gasifier except that the oxidant and product gasesflow down the reactor, in the same direction as the biomassfeedstock with the producer gas exiting the gasifier at thebottom. In contrast to the updraft gasification, the heat

Fuel Oxygen, steam


Pressure wateroutlet

Cooling screen

Pressure waterintletQuench



Granulated slag

Cooling jacket

Gas outlet

Figure 5: Schematic illustrative diagram of an entrained flowgasifier. Source: Williams et al. [33].

required to dry and decompose biomass feedstock does notdirectly come from the producer gas but is introduced tothese zones via gasification air preheating and/or heating ofthe reactor walls. This gasification process can combust up to99.9% of the tars formed.

Low moisture biomass (<20%) and air or oxygen areignited in the reaction zone at the top of the reactor. Theflame generates pyrolysis gas/vapour, which burns intenselyleaving 5 to 15% char and hot combustion gas. These gasesflow downward and react with the char at 800 to 1200◦C,generating more CO and H2 while being cooled to below800◦C. Similar to the updraft gasification, the heating valueof downdraft producer gases is low, however, with a low tarloads, resulting from the reactor internal tar cracking. Finally,unconverted char and ash pass through the bottom of thegrate and are sent to disposal [2, 10, 29, 30].

The updraft and downdraft gasifiers are usually smallbatch operated devices in which the fuel bed is heldstationary while the reaction front passes through it, or thebed can move through reaction or mechanical displacement.Often, they are suction-type gasifiers attached to an engine.These gasifier types would not likely be the preferred choicefor hydrogen or liquid fuels production from biomass,although parallel trains of such gasifiers have been used withcoal for this purpose [33].

2.2.1. Fluidized-Bed Gasifiers. Fluidized-bed gasifiers arecategorised based on their fluid dynamics and heat transfer.

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Generally, the biomass is introduced near the bottom of thegasifier where it is immediately mixed with a bed materialsuch as sand. The portion of bed material in the reactorvolume is typically over 90% [36]. The gasification agent isusually introduced through a nozzle floor or a frit. Owing tothe mixing of the biomass feedstock with the bed material,the subprocesses of gasification do not take place in a definedzone of the reactor but throughout the whole reactor volume,which yields almost isothermal conditions. The temperaturein the gasification reactors is usually kept below 950◦C toprevent slagging of the bed material [36]. The producer gasis extracted via a cyclone at the top of the gasifier.

2.3. Bubbling Fluidized-Bed. A bubbling fluidized bed con-sists of fine, inert particles of sand or alumina, which havebeen selected for size, density, and thermal characteristics.As gas (oxygen, air or steam) is forced through the inertparticles, a point is reached when the frictional force betweenthe particles and the gas counterbalances the weight of thesolids. At this gas velocity (minimum fluidization), bubblingand channeling of gas through the media occur, such that theparticles remain in the reactor and appear to be in a “boilingstate.” The fluidized particles tend to break up the biomassfed to the bed and ensure good heat transfer throughout thereactor [10].

2.4. Circulating Fluidized Bed. Circulating fluidized bedgasifiers operate at gas velocities higher than the minimumfluidization point, resulting in entrainment of the particlesin the gas stream. The entrained particles in the gas exit thetop of the reactor, are separated in a cyclone, and returned tothe reactor [10]. This type of gasifier offers higher conversionrates and efficiencies. The bed material flows up with thefluidizing gas and is carried over into a cyclone that separatesmost of the particles from the gas stream, which are re-injected (recirculate) into the lower part of the bed. Ideally,the fuel particles are small enough to completely react beforecarried over into the cyclone, but in practice large fuelparticles recirculate with bed media until small and lightenough to be carried out with the product gas exiting thecyclone or other separation device [33].

2.5. Entrained Flow. These types of gasifiers are used exten-sively to convert petroleum residues (e.g., petroleum coke)to useful products and energy. Most coal gasification isdone with entrained flow systems. Entrained flow gasifiershave high gas velocities and high material throughput.Consequently, time for reaction (residence time), is shortwhich requires the feedstock to be of very small particlesize, a liquid or liquid slurry. The systems are generallyoxygen blown and can be pressurised or atmospheric. Hightemperature (>1250◦C) is generated from combustion inoxygen which melts the ash (sometimes called slagginggasifier) and requires reactor cooling. Little to no tar isformed as the feedstock is essentially completely convertedto H2, CO, CO2, and H2O [33].

3. Simplified Process Flow during Gasification

Studies have shown that the chemistry of biomass gasifica-tion, just like that for combustion, is complex and variable,although the same chemical laws which govern combustionprocesses also apply to gasification [27]. However, thistype of gasification can be simply described to proceedprimarily via a two-step process, that is, pyrolysis followedby gasification as simply depicted in Figure 6.

Basically, irrespective of the type of gasifier, the processesoccurring in any gasifier include drying, pyrolysis, reduc-tion, and oxidation, noting that these processes may occursimultaneously or sequentially depending on the reactordesign. Pyrolysis is the decomposition of the dried biomassfeedstock by heat. This step, also known as devolatilisation,is endothermic and produces 75 to 90% volatile materialsin the form of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons. Duringpyrolysis, thermally unstable components such as lignine inbiomass are broken down and evaporate with other volatilecomponents.

In satisfying the requirements of the endothermic reac-tions, heat may be supplied directly or indirectly to thebiomass feedstock. The gasification is autothermal if therequired heat is produced via partial combustion of the feedwithin the same reactor or allothermal if the heat is producedin a spatially separated second reactor and introduced to thegasification reactor by means of a bed material, heat pipes,among others [2].

The hydrocarbon fraction may consist of methane, poly-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and tar mix consistingof oxygenated species such as phenols and acids as wellas light aromatics, heavy tars (C1–C36 components), forexample, pyrene and anthracene. The tar formed duringpyrolysis can be sticky like asphalt and is known to be highlycarcinogenic and represent a great challenge to machinerywhen the producer gas is transported, stored, and used.Reducing the production of tar and particulates in thegasification demands a thorough knowledge of the chemicalkinetics of the gasification process.

The composition of the products of pyrolysis can beinfluenced by many parameters, such as particle size of thebiomass, temperature, pressure, heating rate, residence time,and catalysts [28]. The remaining nonvolatile material thatcontains high carbon content is referred to as char [29]. Themajor unbalanced chemical reaction is depicted in (2):

Biomassheat−−→CxHy + CxHyOz + H2O + CO2 + CO

+ H2 + and so forth(2)

The volatile hydrocarbons and char are subsequentlyconverted to syngas or producer gas in the second step thatis, gasification [10]. Depending on the nature of the rawsolid feedstock and the process conditions, the char formedfrom pyrolysis contains 20–60% of the energy input [37].Therefore, the gasification of char is an important step forthe complete conversion of the solid biomass into gaseousproducts and for an efficient utilisation of the energy in thebiomass [14].

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Liquids Syngas orproducer



Step 1Pyrolysis

Step 2Gasification

∼500◦C ∼1000◦C+

Figure 6: Basic steps in biomass gasification. Source: Adapted from Ciferno and Marano [10].

In addition, the efficiency of a gasification process is givenby the cold gas efficiency, which relates the chemical energycontent of the produced gas to that of the biomass beforeconversion [2]. Depending on the process conditions, thecold gas efficiencies of today’s biomass gasification processesrange from 50 to over 90% [36]. A few of the major reactionsinvolved during pyrolysis and gasification are listed as (3) to(9) [29, 30].

Exothermic Reactions


(biomass volatiles/char) + O2 −→ CO2 (3)

Partial Oxidation

(biomass volatiles/char) + O2 −→ CO (4)


(biomass volatiles/char) + H2 −→ CH4 (5)

Water-Gas Shift

CO + H2O −→ CO2 + H2 (6)

CO Methanation

CO + 3H2 −→ CH4 + H2O (7)

Endothermic Reactions

Steam-Carbon reaction

(biomassvolatiles/char) + H2O −→ CO + H2 (8)

Boudouard reaction

(biomassvolatiles/char) + CO2 −→ 2CO (9)

4. Some Challenges Limiting the Benefits fromGasification Technologies

Gasification technologies are increasingly seen as viablemeans of converting series of biomass feedstock into com-bustible gases that can be utilised in clean ways most

especially in the developing countries where bioenergy isstill very important, particularly at domestic/householdlevel. However, gasifiers require high temperatures and heattransfer into cold biomass, thus, making them small isdifficult. This is a challenge to making biomass gasificationsuitable for domestic cooking. In addition, there presentlyexists no standard gasifier that can be used to gasify a widerange of biomass types. This can be a challenge if and whenbiomass feedstock for a particular gasifier is either scarce orunavailable to users.

Furthermore, the variable tar load formed during pyrol-ysis stage of gasification of biomass feedstock is knownto be highly carcinogenic and can reduce the efficiency ofmachinery parts, thereby, requiring special efforts towardreducing its quantity. This will particularly be an addedburden on the user of such gasifier configuration. There isalso the need for adequate ventilation for the gasificationunit. In addition, there is the challenge of gaining controlover the pyrolysis, gasification, and combustion in a smallenough space to be used by individual households even ascommercially available models of gasifiers are still scarce inthe market in this part of the world.

5. Concluding Remarks

The application of biomass in generating energy has notbeen outmoded in those parts of the world that are stillconsidered to be less advanced or developing. In similarmanner, this application is also being intensified in theadvanced/developed countries, and this usage in both climeshas been observed to be increasing both in quantity andintensity. This, therefore, means that sustainable strategiesfor sourcing biomass for this purpose should be put in place.Efforts toward this may not be enough as underutilisation ofand/or poor conversion technologies for biomass to energy,as presently experienced in many developing regions, likesub-Sahara Africa, may negatively affect sustainability ofresource sourcing.

Improving the available technologies for convertingbiomass to energy and developing new ones that are intandem with reality are expected to assist in this regard. Forinstance, biomass gasification has long been known to be a

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useful technology in converting different types of biomassfeedstock into gaseous products, which can be combustedto generate energy or used in the synthesis of chemicals.However, as old as this technology is, it does not presentlyappear to be popular in many developing countries whencompared to direct burning of solid biomass using inefficientdevises that are characterised by unnecessary leakage ofenergy and subsequent wastage of biofuel.

It is, however, expected that if the abundance of doc-umented information concerning biomass gasification isexploited in this part of the world, more biomass feedstockare likely to be efficiently used for generating energy andthis will also very much likely reduce the pressure on theresource base. As also highlighted in this paper, biomassgasification technologies also require improvement efforts inorder to maximise benefits from the available ones and alsoto develop new ones compatible with the different biomassfeedstock and climes. The available technologies, particularlythe recently improved versions, documented in the literaturemay serve as a good starting point in achieving these aims.


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